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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of the Quasi-biennial Oscillation on Interannual Variability in the Northern Hemisphere Winter Stratosphere

Anstey, James Alexander 23 September 2009 (has links)
Observations show that the interannual variability of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropical winter stratosphere is strongly correlated with the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of tropical stratospheric winds, particularly during early winter. Most current general circulation models (GCMs) do not exhibit a QBO and therefore do not represent this important mode of tropical-extratropical interaction. In this study we examine the QBO-extratropical correlation using a 150-year GCM simulation in which a QBO occurs. Since no external forcings or interannual variations in sea surface temperatures are imposed, the modelled tropical-extratropical interactions represent an internal mode of atmospheric variability. The QBO itself is spontaneously forced by a combination of resolved and parameterized waves. The effects of this QBO on the climatological mean state and its interannual variability are considered, both by comparison with a control simulation (also 150 years in length, but with no QBO) and by compositing winters according to the phase of the QBO. Careful attention is given to the definition of QBO phase. Comparisons of the model results with observations (reanalysis data) are also made. QBO-induced changes in the climatological state of the model are found to have high statistical significance above the tropopause. In the extratropical winter stratosphere, these mean-state changes arise predominantly from the influence of the QBO on the propagation and dissipation of planetary-scale waves. This behaviour is shown to depend on the seasonal cycle, which argues for the usefulness of considering tropical-extratropical interactions in a GCM context. QBO influence on the interannual variability of the extratropical winter stratosphere is also seasonal, and the tropical-extratropical interaction is sensitive to the phase alignment of the QBO with respect to the annual cycle. This phase alignment is strongly affected by the seasonality of QBO phase transitions, which - due to the QBO being spontaneously generated, rather than having an imposed period - is somewhat realistic in the model. This leads to fluctuations in the strength of the modelled tropical-extratropical interaction occurring on a decadal timescale as an internal mode of atmospheric variability.

Influence of the Quasi-biennial Oscillation on Interannual Variability in the Northern Hemisphere Winter Stratosphere

Anstey, James Alexander 23 September 2009 (has links)
Observations show that the interannual variability of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropical winter stratosphere is strongly correlated with the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of tropical stratospheric winds, particularly during early winter. Most current general circulation models (GCMs) do not exhibit a QBO and therefore do not represent this important mode of tropical-extratropical interaction. In this study we examine the QBO-extratropical correlation using a 150-year GCM simulation in which a QBO occurs. Since no external forcings or interannual variations in sea surface temperatures are imposed, the modelled tropical-extratropical interactions represent an internal mode of atmospheric variability. The QBO itself is spontaneously forced by a combination of resolved and parameterized waves. The effects of this QBO on the climatological mean state and its interannual variability are considered, both by comparison with a control simulation (also 150 years in length, but with no QBO) and by compositing winters according to the phase of the QBO. Careful attention is given to the definition of QBO phase. Comparisons of the model results with observations (reanalysis data) are also made. QBO-induced changes in the climatological state of the model are found to have high statistical significance above the tropopause. In the extratropical winter stratosphere, these mean-state changes arise predominantly from the influence of the QBO on the propagation and dissipation of planetary-scale waves. This behaviour is shown to depend on the seasonal cycle, which argues for the usefulness of considering tropical-extratropical interactions in a GCM context. QBO influence on the interannual variability of the extratropical winter stratosphere is also seasonal, and the tropical-extratropical interaction is sensitive to the phase alignment of the QBO with respect to the annual cycle. This phase alignment is strongly affected by the seasonality of QBO phase transitions, which - due to the QBO being spontaneously generated, rather than having an imposed period - is somewhat realistic in the model. This leads to fluctuations in the strength of the modelled tropical-extratropical interaction occurring on a decadal timescale as an internal mode of atmospheric variability.

Quasi-Biennial Oscillation och dess påverkan på klimatet i troposfären / The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and its Effects on the Tropospheric Climate

Oliver, Nordvall January 2018 (has links)
The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) is the strongest phenomena influencing the stratopheric (~15-50 km height) circulation over the equator. QBO has two phases of downward propagating easterly and westerly winds, which has a total period of approximately 28 months and the phase is defined by the wind direction between the airpressure 25-50 hPa, which is roughly at a height of 30 km. QBO is induced by atmospheric gravity waves originating from the troposphere (~0-15 km height) and are generated by a plethora of sources, such as tropical convection and wind shear. The winds propagate downward at about 1 km per month through the stratosphere until reaching the tropopause (~15 km height) where they dissipate. The wind speed is at its maximum in the middle of the phase, where the wind shear is at its lowest, and the easterly winds can grow up to 30 m/s whilst the westerly winds reach roughly 15 m/s. Although the QBO is an equatorial phenomena it has a poleward component radiating its signal from the tropics to the higher latitudes where it affects other circulations such as the stratospheric polar vortex on the northern hemisphere (NH). The polar vortex consists of westerly winds around the polar region and is a major influence on the winter climate on the NH and thereby allows the QBO to indirectly affect the tropospheric climate through it. The easterly QBO disturbs and weakens the polar vortex, which results in warm subtropical air penetrating the vortex and warming the Arctic region whereas the polar air is released southward creating a colder winter on the NH. The westerly QBO on the other hand enhances the polar vortex and contains the cool polar air over the Arctic, which results in a milder winter. The correlation between QBO and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) as well as the tropical cyclones (TC) has either changed (ENSO) or completely disappeared (TC). The ENSO-QBO correlation depends on which phase of ENSO coincide with which phase of QBO, where El Niño coinciding with easterly QBO and La Niña coinciding with westerly QBO results in wind anomalies in the NH stratosphere. If the opposite combination takes place the wind anomalies will instead be situated in the subtropical troposphere, displacing the subtropical jet poleward. To what extent these stratospheric winds exert their influence is to some degree still uncertain, but that they have an effect on the tropospheric climate is unbeknownst to no one. / Cirkulationen i den ekvatoriella stratosfären (ca 15-50 km höjd) domineras av Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), ett zonalt (parallellt ekvatorn) vindfenomen med två faser bestående av östliga respektive västliga vindar och en period på ca 28 månader. Fasen definieras mellan lufttrycken 25-50 hPa, vilket representerar en höjd på ca 30 km. Drivkraften bakom QBO är ett brett spektrum av atmosfäriska gravitationsvågor som skapas genom bland annat den tropiska konvektionen, vindskjuvning och frontsystem. Vindarna propagerar vertikalt nedåt genom stratosfären med ungefär 1 km per månad tills de når tropopausen (ca 15 km) där vindarna försvagas kraftigt till ett zonalt medelvärde på 0 m/s. Vindhastigheten under östlig QBO uppgår i ca 30 m/s medan västlig QBO uppgår i ca 15 m/s, och är maximal i höga stratosfären samt i mitten av faserna där vindskjuvningen är minimal. QBO sprider sig meridionalt (nord-syd) från tropikerna till högre breddgrader genom stratosfären där andra fenomen som den stratosfäriska polarvirveln kan påverkas på norra halvklotet (NH). Polarvirveln består av västliga vindar i stratosfären runt polarregionen och är en stor influens på vinterklimatet i framförallt Europa och Nordamerika. Genom polarvirveln kan QBO indirekt påverka klimatet i troposfären (ca 0-15 km), där den östliga fasen av QBO försvagar medan den västliga fasen av QBO förstärker polarvirveln. En försvagad polarvirvel innebär en varmare medeltemperatur på Arktis och att kallare polarluft söker sig söderut och orsakar kalla vintertemperaturer. Troposfäriska klimatfenomen som El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) och tropiska cykloner (TC) har uppvisat ett samband till QBO, men sedan förändrats (ENSO) eller helt försvunnit (TC). ENSO-QBO korrelationen förändras beroende på vilken fas QBO respektive ENSO är i relativt varandra. Då El Niño sammanfaller med östliga QBO samt La Niña sammanfaller med västliga QBO uppstår vindanomalier vid höga latituder i NH:s stratosfär, medan vid omvända sambandet förflyttar sig vindanomalierna till subtropikerna i troposfären och kan där förskjuta den subtropiska jetströmmen norrut. Att de stratosfäriska vindarna påverkar troposfären är känt, men hur och till vilken grad är ännu inte uppenbart. På grund av den korta tidsperiod med kontinuerliga och tillförlitliga vindmätningar i stratosfären uppkommer flera hypotetiska effekter av QBO och dess påverkan på klimatet i troposfären.

QBO/solar modulation of the boreal winter Madden-Julian oscillation: A prediction for the coming solar minimum

Hood, Lon L. 28 April 2017 (has links)
The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO), also known as the 30-60day oscillation, is the strongest of the intraseasonal climate oscillations in the tropics and has significant derivative effects on extratropical circulation and intraseasonal climate. It has recently been shown that the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) modulates the amplitude of the boreal winter MJO such that MJO amplitudes are larger on average during the easterly phase (QBOE) than during the westerly phase (QBOW). A major possible mechanism is the decrease in static stability in the lowermost stratosphere under QBOE conditions resulting from relative upwelling associated with the QBO-induced meridional circulation. Here evidence is presented that tropical upwelling changes related to the 11year solar cycle also modulate the boreal winter MJO. Based on 37.3years of MJO amplitude data, the largest amplitudes and occurrence rates, and the weakest static stabilities in the tropical lower stratosphere, occur during the QBOE phase under solar minimum (SMIN) conditions while the smallest amplitudes and strongest static stabilities occur during the QBOW phase under solar maximum (SMAX) conditions. Conversely, when the QBO and solar forcings are opposed (QBOW/SMIN and QBOE/SMAX), the difference in occurrence rates becomes statistically insignificant. During the coming solar minimum, at least one additional winter in the QBOE/SMIN category should occur (possibly as early as 2017/2018) during which especially large MJO amplitudes are expected and an initial test of these results will be possible. Plain Language Summary An ongoing issue in climate science is the extent to which upper atmospheric processes, including solar forcing, can influence tropospheric climate. It has recently been shown that an internal oscillation of the stratosphere, the quasi-biennial oscillation, can modulate the amplitude and occurrence rate of intraseasonal climate oscillations in the tropical Pacific during northern winter. These intraseasonal oscillations, the most important of which is the 30-60day Madden-Julian oscillation, have significant derivative effects on climate outside of the tropics, including impacts on rainfall events over the continental United States. Here evidence is presented that the amplitude of the Madden-Julian oscillation during northern winter is also modulated by the 11year solar cycle. The modulation is such that amplitudes and occurrence rates are largest under solar minimum conditions when the quasi-biennial oscillation is in its easterly phase and smallest under solar maximum conditions when the quasi-biennial oscillation is in its westerly phase. However, the available time record (37.3years of satellite measurements) is limited. During the coming solar minimum, at least one additional winter in the solar minimum/easterly category should occur (possibly as early as 2017/2018) during which larger-than-average amplitudes are expected and an initial test of the proposed relationship will be possible.

Spring Precipitation in Intermountain West Influenced by Quasi-Biennial Oscillation

Phelps, Jason A. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Unusually wet spring seasons in the Intermountain West (IW) have been linked to a wind fluctuation in higher levels of the atmosphere near the equator. Strong westerly winds during October-January often result in unusually wet conditions in the following spring. Average winds near the equator at 75,000 feet above the earth’s surface can be split into different categories according to wind direction: westerly (positive), easterly (negative), and transitional. Composites of winter and spring precipitation anomalies based on these different categories show that strong westerly winds occur in October-January prior to most extreme spring precipitation events. Drier springs tend to occur after easterly winds the preceding fall. Analysis of the atmospheric processes causing this wind pattern suggests that the intensity of spring precipitation in the IW may be forecast, based on winds in the upper atmosphere months in advance. These findings are useful for the IW because extreme wet springs could lead to floods, such as those in spring 1983 and 2011, and affect the amount of water available from spring runoff.

The influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation on the stratospheric polar vortices

Watson, Peter Alan Gazzi January 2013 (has links)
The mean strengths of the wintertime stratospheric polar vortices are known to be related to the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the tropical stratosphere from circulation statistics - the "Holton-Tan relationship". The principal topic of this thesis is improving understanding of the mechanism behind the QBO's influence. Following the example of previous studies, the QBO influence on the Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropics on monthly time scales in an observational reanalysis is examined, and is shown to closely resemble the stratospheric Northern annular mode (NAM). It is argued that this may not be informative about the mechanism, as the response could be NAM-like for many different mechanisms. It is suggested that examining the transient response of the NH extratropics to forcing by the QBO would be much more informative, particularly on time scales of a few days. In a primitive equation model of the middle atmosphere, the long-term stratospheric NH response to imposed zonal torques is often found to be NAM-like under perpetual January conditions, with wave feedbacks making a very important contribution. However, the response in runs with a seasonal cycle is not NAM-like. Investigation of the transient responses indicates the wave feedbacks are qualitatively similar in each case but only strong enough under perpetual January conditions to make the long-term response NAM-like. This supports the hypothesis that feedbacks from large-scale dynamics tend to make the stratospheric response to arbitrary forcings NAM-like, and therefore indicates that the long-term response is not generally useful for understanding forcing mechanisms. Examining the short-term transient response to known torques is found to be more successful at inferring information about the torques than several other previously proposed methods. Finally, the short-term transient response of the NH extratropics to forcing by the easterly QBO phase in a general circulation model is found to be consistent with the proposed mechanism of Holton and Tan (1980), indicating that this mechanism plays a role in the Holton-Tan relationship.

Atmospheric transport and critical layer mixing in the troposphere and stratosphere

Smy, Louise Ann January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to improve the understanding of transport and critical layer mixing in the troposphere and stratosphere. A dynamical approach is taken based on potential vorticity which has long been recognised as the essential field inducing the flow and thermodynamic structure of the atmosphere. Within the dynamical framework of critical layer mixing of potential vorticity, three main topics are addressed. First, an idealised model of critical layer mixing in the stratospheric surf zone is examined. The effect of the shear across the critical layer on the critical layer evolution itself is investigated. In particular it is found that at small shear barotropic instability occurs and the mixing efficiency of the critical layer increases due to the instability. The effect of finite deformation length is also considered which extends previous work. Secondly, the dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere is examined by considering the effect of direct perturbations to stratospheric potential vorticity on the evolution of midlatitude baroclinic instability. Both zonally symmetric and asymmetric perturbations to the stratospheric potential vorticity are considered, the former representative of a strong polar vortex, the latter representative of the stratospheric state following a major sudden warming. A comparison of these perturbations gives some insight into the possible influence of pre or post-sudden warming conditions on the tropospheric evolution. Finally, the influence of the stratospheric potential vorticity distribution on lateral mixing and transport into and out of the tropical pipe, the low latitude ascending branch of the Brewer-Dobson circulation, is investigated. The stratospheric potential vorticity distribution in the tropical stratosphere is found to have a clear pattern according to the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). The extent of the QBO influence is quantified, by analysing trajectories of Lagrangian particles using an online trajectory code recently implemented in the Met Office's Unified Model.

Biennial Oscillation Of Indian Summer Monsoon And Global Surface Climate In The Present Decade

Menon, Arathy 07 1900 (has links)
The ENSO-monsoon system is known to have a biennial component. Here we show using high resolution satellite data, mainly daily rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST) from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), and daily scatterometer surface winds from QuickSCAT, that there is a clear biennial oscillation (TBO) in summer monsoon rainfall over Central India – Bay of Bengal (Cl-BoB) and the far west Pacific in the period 1999-2005. Summer (JJAS) mean rainfall oscillates between high and low values in alternate years; the rainfall is high in the odd years 1999, 2001, 2003, and 2005, and low in even years 2000, 2002 and 2004. The amplitude of the oscillation is significant, as measured against the long term standard deviation of seasonal rain based on 1979-2005 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) data. We find that the TBO in rainfall is associated with TBO of SST over the tropical Indian, west Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in different seasons. There is no TBO in east Pacific SST, and no strong El Nino in this period. The TBO of SST is related to change in evaporation due to TBO of surface wind speed. A TBO of the surface branch of the Walker circulation in the eastern Indian and western Pacific basins is clearest in the autumn season during 1999-2005. There is a clear relation between a large-amplitude TBO of winter surface air temperature over north Asia associated with TBO of the Arctic oscillation (AO), and the TBO of summer monsoon rainfall. High rainfall over CI-BoB lin summer is followed by a relatively high value of the AO Index, and warm air termperature over north Asia in the succeeding winter. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) over the central Pacific and Atlantic Oceans shift north by about two degrees when the northern hemisphere is warm, reminiscent of the behaviour of the climate system of ENSO, decadal and palaeoclimate time scales. In this thesis we document the biennial oscillation of monsoon rain and its spatial structure in the recent period, and its relation with biennial oscillation of surface climate over the global tropics and extratropical regions. The existence of TBO in the tropical Atlantic, and its relation with the monsoon, is a new finding. We demonstrate that the interannual variability of the summer monsoon during 1999-2005, including the drought of 2002, is part of a pervasive TBO of global surface climate.

Observations of solar wind related climate effects in the Northern Hemisphere winter

Maliniemi, V. (Ville) 21 December 2016 (has links)
Abstract This thesis studies the long-term relation between the solar wind driven energetic particle forcing into the atmosphere and the tropospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere winter. The work covers the period of more than one hundred years since the turn of the 20th century to present. The thesis makes a statistical analysis of satellite measurements of precipitating energetic electrons, sunspot number data and geomagnetic activity, and compares them with temperature and pressure measurements made at the Earth's surface. Recent results, both observational and from chemistry climate models, have indicated significant effects in the Earth's middle atmosphere due to the energetic electrons precipitating from the magnetosphere. These effects include the formation of reactive hydrogen and nitrogen oxides in the high latitude mesosphere and the depletion of ozone caused by them. Ozone is a radiatively active and important gas, which affects the thermal structure and dynamics of the middle atmosphere. Accordingly, the depletion of ozone can intensify the large scale stratospheric circulation pattern called the polar vortex. Winter weather conditions on the surface have been shown to be dependent on the polar vortex strength. This thesis shows that there is a significant relation between the average fluxes of medium energy (ten to hundred keVs) precipitating electrons and surface temperatures in parts of the Northern Hemisphere in winter time. Temperatures are positively correlated with electron fluxes in North Eurasia and negatively correlated in Greenland during the period 1980-2010 which is covered by direct satellite observations of precipitating particles. This difference is especially notable when major sudden stratospheric warmings and the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), which both are known to affect the polar vortex strength, are taken into account. When extended to the late 19th century, the analysis shows that a similar temperature pattern is predominated during the declining phase of the sunspot cycle. The high speed solar wind streams and energetic particle precipitation typically maximize also at the declining phase of the solar cycle. This specific temperature pattern is related to the variability of the northern annular mode (NAM), which is the most significant circulation pattern in the Northern Hemisphere winter. Before the space era, geomagnetic activity measured by ground observations can be used as a proxy for energetic particle precipitation. Earlier studies have found a significant positive correlation between geomagnetic activity and NAM since the 1960s. We find that, when the QBO measured at 30 hPa height is in the easterly phase, a positive correlation is extended to the beginning of 1900s. We also show that high geomagnetic activity causes a stronger effect in the Northern Hemisphere winter than high sunspot activity, especially in the Atlantic and Eurasia. A comprehensive knowledge of the Earth's climate system and all its drivers is crucial for the future projection of climate. Solar variability effects have been estimated to produce only a small factor to the global climate change. However, there is increasing evidence, including the results presented in this thesis, that the different forms of solar variability can have a substantial effect to regional and seasonal climate variability. With this new evidence, the solar wind related particle effects in the atmosphere are now gaining increasing attention. These effects will soon be included in the next coupled model inter comparison project (CMIP6) as an additional solar related climate effect. This emphasizes the relevance of this thesis.

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