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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude et simulation numérique d’un procédé de cuisson rapide pour l’élaboration de matériaux composites à matrice thermodurcissable

Xu, Chan 19 December 2013 (has links)
L’élaboration de composites en cuisson autoclave est un procédé bien maîtrisé maisles cycles de cuisson peuvent être très longs, en particulier dans le cas de préimprégnésaéronautiques. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier la possibilité de diminuer letemps des cycles de polymérisation pour la fabrication de composites stratifiés minces àl’aide d’un procédé de cuisson rapide. Des essais de caractérisation ont permis de définirles grandeurs thermodynamiques du préimprégné carbone/époxy qui a servi de base ànotre étude ainsi que les paramètres du modèle cinétique de la résine. Une simulationnumérique du procédé de cuisson, basée sur une modélisation des couplages desphénomènes chimiques (polymérisation de la résine), thermiques (transferts de chaleuravec prise en compte de l’exothermie de la réaction) et mécaniques (formation decontraintes et déformations résiduelles) induits par le procédé, a été développée dans lebut d’optimiser les cycles de polymérisation. La caractérisation mécanique des matériauxélaborés à partir d’un dispositif de cuisson rapide mis au point au Laboratoire a permis dedémontrer que nous n’avions pas de pertes de caractéristiques par rapport aux piècesélaborées en autoclave. / The autoclave polymerization is the bottleneck of the production flux for largepublic parts, hence the speedy polymerization process emerges to improve the productionratio. The objective is to study the possibility of reducing the cycle time of polymerizationfor the production of thin composite laminates using a fast cure process out-of-autoclave.Specific or standard chemical and mechanical characterization tests had been designed inorder to capture the expected characteristics for the model simulation and validate thesimulation results. According to the values obtained, an analysis based on the finiteelement technique is developed to simulate the speedy curing process of epoxy resincomposite. The analysis relates the cure temperature to the thermal, chemical and physicalprocesses occurring in the thin composite part during cure. Included in the analysis are theeffects such as the heat generation due to exothermic chemical reactions. For a specifiedcure cycle, the model could be used to calculate the temperature distribution, the degree ofcure of the resin inside the composite part as well as predict the residual curing stressesand the strains of the cured composite parts.Keywords :

Hodnocení finančního zdraví vybraného podniku a návrhy na jeho zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Health of the Selected Company and Improvement Suggestions

Marková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with evaluation of financial situation of the concerned subject. There are used the tools of analysis of internal and external environment of the company and financial analysis. To create financial analysis are used the two basic techniques, which are the ration analysis and percentage analysis. However, this two analysis are not able to cover the whole problem area, their results are supplemented by other indicators, which are Altman’s Z-score, Kralicek Quick Test and index IN.

Erfarenheter av forcerad materielförsörjning av Vapensystem 01

Pettersson, Mikael January 2012 (has links)
This Thesis in Military Technology deals with experiences drawn from the forced introduction of Weapons Station 01, 2009. The work aims to identify the experiences regarding the forced procurement of military equipment to see how they can develop normal and fast procurement of equipment. The main conclusions of  this work, is to achieve greater capability and increase the military utility, are:   -          Common objectives and priorities of stakeholders -          Response and joint types shall determine requirements for system -          Ensure an integrated project team also at lower levels -          Engage the integrated logistic support early in the materiel process -          Include Armed Forces staff as early as possible in the testing and validation -          Prioritize work to facilitate the rapid development of decision on use (BOA) -          Provide back up for increased redundancy in the mission area

Analýza vybraného podnikatelského subjektu pomocí vybraných metod / Analysis of the Selected Company by Using the Selective Methods

Vaníčková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on the analysis of the AUTOMARKET TRUCKS s.r.o. company with the suitable methods. Based on them there are suggestions to improve the current situation of the AUTOMARKET TRUCKS s.r.o. which was found from the analysis results.

Analýza vybraného podnikatelského subjektu pomocí vybraných metod / Analysis of the Selected Company by Using the Selective Methods

Mačto, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na analýzu vybraného podnikatelského subjektu. Na základě zkoumaných analytických metod vnějšího a vnitřního prostředí podniku je zhodnocena celková situace podniku. V závěru práce jsou uvedeny návrhy a doporučení na zlepšení stávající situace.

Zpracování dat z měření na obráběcích strojích / Data processing from measurement on machine tools

Pokorný, Zdeněk January 2018 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the precision of machine tools, especially with the three-axis vertical milling machine. It is structurally divided into a theoretical and practical part. While the theoretical part focuses on problems of geometric errors and measuring devices, the practical one is devoted to the machine tool being tested. In this case, the data processing and the proposed statistical analysis are essential, and at the end of the thesis another possible way of developing the data processing is outlined.

Generátor herní mapy galaxie / Galaxy Generator for Games

Březina, Karel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on design and implementation of procedural generator of galaxy for games or simulations. Second goal is implementation of demonstration application which is showing possible usage of generator. Generator is able to create galaxy by predefined types or by user created map.

Optimalizace výrobního procesu ve společnosti ADC Czech Republic s.r.o / Optimization of production process at ADC Czech Republic s.r.o

Cháma, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the optimization of production process at ADC Czech Republic s.r.o. Primarily, the method of Lean Six Sigma is used. The first part has a form of the literary study where individual methods used within the company are described. These are further applied in the practical part. The second part presents a brief introduction of the company including the production portfolio. The last part focuses on the practical solution of particular problems of two packaging lines aiming to increase the utilization. In the thesis, the DMAIC improvement cycle is employed.

Analýza vybrané firmy / Analysis of the Selected Firm

Trtílková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce je komplexní analýza firmy AKP spol. s r. o. Analýzou externího a interního okolí spolu se základní analýzou finančních ukazatelů je zjištěna současná situace společnosti. Na základě provedených analýz jsou navržena doporučení, která vedou ke zlepšení současné pozice firmy na trhu.

Reporting vybrané firmy / Reporting in the Selected Firm

Lerchová Jonasová, Zdeňka January 2011 (has links)
The master´s thesis delas with reporting. In the first part – theoretic one – the thesis explains the conception of reporting as the one of contolling basic functions, SLEPTE analysis and Porter´s model of competitive environment, Kralickuv Quick and SWOT analysis. The practical part deals with charts creation. From these points of view there are presented propsals facilitate improving the firm possition.

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