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Annual Report 2009 - Institute of Safety ResearchWeiß, F.-P. January 2010 (has links)
The Institute of Safety Research (ISR) is one of the six Research Institutes of Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. (FZD), which is a member institution of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Leibnizgemeinschaft). Together with the Institutes of Radiochemistry and Radiation Physics, ISR implements the research programme „Nuclear Safety Research“, which is one of the three scientific programmes of FZD. The programme includes two main topics, i. e. “Safety Research for Radioactive Waste Disposal” and “Safety Research for Nuclear Reactors”.
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International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy (ATAS 2012) - Abstract BookFoerstendorf, H., Steudtner, R. January 2012 (has links)
Modern Societies have to consider diverse tasks strongly related to geochemistry sciences. Examples intensively discussed in the public are restoration measures for contaminated industrial fallow grounds, the safe storage of chemical-toxic and radioactive waste, carbon dioxide sequestration to reduce green-house gas emissions, the construction and operation of deep geothermal power plants, the geochemical exploration of natural resources or water and waste water treatments, including desalination efforts. Direct and urgent aspects to be dealt with are analytical and geochemical consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. All these cases have one in common – they require reliable thermodynamic data in order to forecast the fate of chemicals in the respective environment.
Whereas a variety of standard methods, such as potentiometry, solubility studies, liquid-liquid extraction or electrochemical titrations, are in widespread use to generate thermodynamic data, it is far less straightforward to assign correct reaction pathways and structural patterns to the underlying chemical transformations. This especially holds for systems with strong tendencies to complexation and oligomerization. Here, it is essential to have proof of evidence for all involved species, which cannot be provided by the aforementioned methods, and is still lacking for various metal-containing systems.
Spectroscopic techniques in combination with approaches from quantum chemistry can be of great benefit for such tasks. However, their application ranges are often restricted with respect to the type of element (and redox state) that can be probed. Further handicaps are imposed by detection limits or other parameters such as pH or salinity. Moreover, the spectroscopic results are often difficult to interpret in an unambiguous way.
To overcome these complications at least partially, this workshop has been initiated. It shall significantly extend the application areas of spectroscopic tools important for lanthanide and actinide chemistry. Emphasis shall be placed on the development of spectroscopic methods towards more challenging environmental conditions – such as very basic pH values, elevated temperatures, pressures, or salinities – extending the range of covered elements and redox states. Furthermore, the exploration of options for lowering detection limits and increasing spatial resolution at sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios will support future investigations on more complex systems. An approach combining the extension of spectroscopic tools with respect to elements and parameters, improvements of experimental setups, and applications of quantum chemical methods in predictive as well as interpretative ways certainly can be very beneficial.
The workshop hopefully will bundle and strengthen respective research activities and ideally act as a nucleus for an international network, closely collaborating with international partners. I am confident that the workshop will deliver many exciting ideas, promote scientific discussions, stimulate new developments and in such a way be successful.
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Auswahl eines Standortes für ein Endlager für hoch radioaktive Abfallstoffe - geowissenschaftliche Kriterien und VorgehensweiseKudla, Wolfram 16 July 2019 (has links)
Im Mai 2017 wurde das „Gesetz zur Suche und Auswahl eines Standortes für ein Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle“ (Standortauswahlgesetz -StandAG) vom Bundestag und Bundesrat neu verabschiedet. In diesem Gesetz sind sämtliche Kriterien (geowissenschaftliche Kriterien, planungswissenschaftliche Kriterien, Kriterien für Sicherheitsuntersuchungen) erstmals gesetzlich festgelegt, die für die zukünftige Auswahl eines Standortes für ein Endlager für hoch radioaktive Wärme entwickelnde Abfälle (ausgediente Brennelemente und Abfälle aus der Wiederaufarbeitung bestrahlter Brennelemente) in Deutschland gelten. Die Kriterien sind vorab durch die „Kommission Lagerung hochradioaktiver Abfallstoffe“ (Endlagerkommission) in zweijähriger Arbeit von 2014 bis 2016 in kontroverser Diskussion festgelegt worden. In diesem Beitrag werden die geowissenschaftlichen Kriterien und die Phasen im Standortauswahlverfahrens kurz vorgestellt. Der Autor war Mitglied der Endlagerkommission. / In May 2017, the 'Act on the Search for and Selection of a Site for a Repository for Highly Radioactive Waste' (Site Selection Act - StandAG) was passed by the German “Bundestag” and “Bundesrat”. This Act for the first time defines by law all the criteria (geoscientific criteria, planning criteria, criteria for safety investigations) that apply to the future selection of a site for a repository for high-level radioactive, heat-generating waste (spent fuel elements and waste from the reprocessing of spent fuel elements) in Germany. The criteria have been defined in advance by the 'Commission on the Storage of Highly Radioactive Waste Materials' (Final Storage Commission; “Endlagerkommission”) in a controversial discussion during two years of work from 2014 to 2016. In this article, the geoscientific criteria and the phases in the site selection process are briefly presented. The author was member of the Repository Commission.
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Geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of Vaalputs palaeosols : inference of paleoclimatesMajodina, Thando Olwethu 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Vaalputs radioactive waste disposal facility is situated in an arid region of Bushmanland currently with evapotranspiration potential that far exceeds precipitation. Dominant soil features in Vaalputs are palimpsests of climates under which they formed. Particle sizes vary drastically between horizons which suggest different modes of sediment transport. Petrographic analyses revealed euhedral habits of primary mineral feldspar within the soils of Vaalputs. This suggests a proximal source of sediments and minimal primary mineral weathering under an arid climate where euhedral grains of feldspar are maintained.
The surface horizon of the soils is covered by an equigranular coarse sand of residual aeolian origin. The transition from the surface horizon to the subsurface horizons is widely marked by a pebble sized stone-line. The pebble sized material of the stone-line suggests residual accumulation during the weathering of a previously surface exposed horizon.
Since deposition of subsurface sediments (15 Ma) pedogenic alteration has been active in Vaalputs. This has resulted to a complex soil system which displays varied forms of thick dorbank horizons including massive polygonal peds and platy horizons. The polygonal peds are defined by desiccation cracks where vertical and horizontal laminations are hosted. Slaking tests as well as bulk chemistry confirmed that the laminations are composed largely of secondary calcite, however elemental mapping revealed numerous illite bands alternating with calcite layers. It is proposed that calcite layers represent solution features rather than cutanic features.
Signs of hydromorphy are commonly observed within the dorbank horizons, since an arid climate currently prevails in Vaalputs such hydromorphic features may indicate formation under past climates. The occurrences of palygorskite, sepiolite and dorbank horizons in Vaalputs require high soil pH (generated by high concentrations of Na) for their formation. Vaalputs soils, however, measured circumneutral pH and relatively low Na concentrations which suggests that palygorskite, sepiolite and dorbank horizons are relic features.
Salt casts of lenticular texture occur between polygonal peds of massive dorbank horizons and their enveloping vertical and horizontal laminations. Scanning Electron Microscope analyses indicate high concentrations of Mg, Al, Si and O which suggests sepiolite and palygorskite accumulation through a replacement of gypsum. Elemental maps in conjunction with x-ray tomography and bulk chemical analyses revealed that high concentrations of secondary barite occur along the contact surfaces between dorbank horizons and the laminations. The solution chemistry of all horizons show supersaturation with respect to barite suggesting that the Ba accumulation adjacent to the laminations is likely to have taken place at lower sulphate conditions than those present in the soils today.
Evidence shows that Vaalputs soils have experienced at least one climate shift. The preserved soil mottles are indicative of soil environments that remain wet for an extended period. A fine textured platy dorbank horizon is an extensive feature in Vaalputs. The presence of this horizon indicates that the sediments were deposited from a low energy fluvial system. The large polygonal ped units in the lower dorbank units as well as the barite enrichments in pore spaces suggests a climate shift from wet to dry began after the sediments were deposited. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vaalputs radioaktiewe afval fasiliteit is geleë in 'n ariede streek van Namakwaland met evapotranspirasie potensiaal wat neerslag tans ver oorskry. Dominante grond funksies in Vaalputs sluit in 'palimpsests‘ klimaat kondisies waaronder dit gevorm het. Deeltjies groottes wissel drasties tussen horisonne wat op verskillende vorme van sediment vervoer dui. Die oppervlak in Vaalputs word gedek deur 'n gelyke korrelagtige growwe sand van residuele eoliese oorsprong. Die oorgang vanaf die oppervlak horison na die ondergrondse horisonne word algemeen gekenmerk deur 'n spoelsteen grootte kliplyn. Die spoelsteen grootte materiaal van die kliplyn dui op residuele opbou gedurende die verwering van 'n voormalige oppervlak blootgestelde horison.
Sedert afsetting van die ondergrondse sedimente (15 Mj) is pedogenetiese veranderinge reeds aktief in Vaalputs. Dit het gelei tot 'n komplekse grond stelsel wat verskillende vorme van dik dorbank horisonne insluitend massiewe veelhoekige pedons en plaatagtige horisonne vertoon. Die veelhoekige pedons word gedefinieer deur uitgedroogde krake waar die vertikale en horisontale lamellering aangetref word. Ontbindingstoetse sowel as heelrots chemiese analiese bevestig dat die lamellering grootliks bestaan uit 'n sekondêre kalsiet. Elementele kartering het egter talle illiet bande afgewissel met kalsiet lae openbaar. Daar word voorgestel dat kalsiet lae verteenwoordigend van oplossingskenmerke is eerder as kuntanise kenmerke. Tekens van hidromorfie word algemeen binne die dorbank horisonne waargeneem, aangesien droë klimaat tans in Vaalputs heers kan sulke hidromorfiese kenmerke dui op die vorming onder vorige klimate. Die groot voorkomste van paligorskiet, sepioliet en dorbank horisonne in Vaalputs vereis hoë grond pH (wat gegenereer word deur hoë konsentrasies van Na) vir hul vorming. Vaalputs grond het egter relatief neutrale pH gemeet en relatief lae Na konsentrasies wat daarop dui dat paligorskiet, sepioliet en dorbank horisonne oorblyfsel kenmerke is.
Sout gietforme met lentikulare texture kom voor tussen veelhoekige pedons van massieve dorbank horisonne en hul omhullende vertikale en horisontale lamellerings. SEM analiese toon hoe konsentrasies Mg, Al, Si en O aan wat opbou van sepioliet en paligorskiet deur verplasing van gips voorstel. Petrografiese analiese het euhedraal geaardheid van primere veldspaat mineraal getoon binne die grond van Vaalputs. Dit stel 'n bron van sediment voor en minimale pedogenese in dorre klimaat waar euhedraal korrels veldspate bewaar bly.
Elementele kartering tesame met x-straal tomografie en heelrots chemiese analiese het getoon dat hoe konsetrasies sekondere bariet langs die kontak oppervlakke tussen dorbank horisonne en lamellerings voorkom. Die oplossingschemie van alle horisonne toon superversadiging met betrekking tot bariet wat voorstel dat die opbou van Ba langs die lamellerings waarskynlik plaasgevind het by laer sulfaat kondisies eerder as die kondisies wat heedendaags in grond voorkom.
Bewyse toon dat Vaalputs grond ten minste een klimaatsverandering ondergaan het. Die gepreserveerde grond vlekke is kenmerkend aan grond omgewings wat vogtig gebly het vir 'n geruime tyd. 'n Fyn getekstuurde plaatagtige dorbank horison is 'n uitgebreide verskynsel in Vaalputs. Die teenwoordiheid van hierdie dorbank toon aan dat sedimente vanuit 'n lae energie fluviale sisteem afgeset het. Die groot veelhoekige pedon eenhede in die laer dorbank eenhede sowel as die bariet verryking in porie spasies stel voor dat 'n klimaatsverandering vanaf vogtig na droog begin het nadat die sediment afgeset het.
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Legitimacy and international public authority : the evolution of IAEA safeguardsRoydan, Alexa January 2010 (has links)
Using the IAEA as a case for focused study, this thesis argues that the construction and reconstruction of the Secretariat’s legitimacy has been dependant upon several different legitimating influences at different stages in the IAEA’s evolution. In brief, it will be demonstrated that early on, in the absence of clear non-proliferation norms, power wielded by critical and self-interested actors functioned as the primary legitimator – promoting early development and insulating the organization from outside pressures. However, based upon this particular case, I will also argue that state power alone is insufficient to guarantee legitimacy and the exercise of international public authority, especially in light of the degree to which these institutions are increasingly expected to challenge the territorial sovereignty of member states. In order for an organization to acquire adequate legitimacy to exercise public authority over the long term, it must develop beyond the point at which state power is instrumental, and assume a degree of organizational autonomy. This happened with the evolution of organizational expertise recognizing the IAEA’s bureaucracy as an authority, development of specific nonproliferation rules and norms that placed the IAEA in authority, and “right” processes within the bureaucracy that reinforced these and other substantive norms, positioning the Secretariat as a trusted agent within international society. Thus, the development of a professional identity, successful norms and rules, and the elaboration of a “right” process were key to the creation of legitimacy, and as a consequence, the Secretariat’s exercise of public authority in support of the safeguards regime.
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Numerical analysis of thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in the clay based materialWang, Xuerui 27 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Clay formations are investigated worldwide as potential host rock for the deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). Usually bentonite is preferred as the buffer and backfill material in the disposal system. In the disposal of HLW, heat emission is one of the most important issues as it can generate a series of complex thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in the surrounding materials and thus change the material properties. In the context of safety assessment, it is important to understand the thermally induced THM interactions and the associated change in material properties. In this work, the thermally induced coupled THM behaviours in the clay host rock and in the bentonite buffer as well as the corresponding coupling effects among the relevant material properties are numerically analysed.
A coupled non-isothermal Richards flow mechanical model and a non-isothermal multiphase flow model were developed based on the scientific computer codes OpenGeoSys (OGS). Heat transfer in the porous media is governed by thermal conduction and advective flow of the pore fluids. Within the hydraulic processes, evaporation, vapour diffusion, and the unsaturated flow field are considered. Darcy’s law is used to describe the advective flux of gas and liquid phases. The relative permeability of each phase is considered. The elastic deformation process is modelled by the generalized Hooke’s law complemented with additional strain caused by swelling/shrinkage behaviour and by temperature change. In this study, special attention has been paid to the analysis of the thermally induced changes in material properties. The strong mechanical and hydraulic anisotropic properties of clay rock are described by a transversely isotropic mechanical model and by a transversely isotropic permeability tensor, respectively. The thermal anisotropy is described by adoption of the bedding-orientation-dependent thermal conductivity. The dependency of the thermal conductivity on the degree of water saturation, the dependency of the thermal effects on the water retention behaviour, and the dependency of the effects of the pore pressure variation on the permeability and the anisotropic swelling/shrinkage behaviour have been intensively analysed and the corresponding numerical models to consider those coupling effects have been developed.
The developed numerical model has been applied to simulate the laboratory and in situ heating experiments on the bentonite and clay rock at different scales. Firstly the laboratory heating experiment on Callovo-Oxfordian Clay (COX) and the laboratory long-term heating and hydration experiment on MX80 pellets were simulated. Based on the knowledge from the numerical analysis of the laboratory experiments, a 1:2 scale in situ heating experiment of an integrated system of the bentonite engineered barrier system (EBS) in the Opalinus Clay host rock was simulated. All the relevant operation phases were considered in the modelling. Besides, the modelling was extended to 50 years after the heat shut-down with the aim of predicting the long-term behaviours. Additionally, variation calculations were carried out to investigate the effects of the storage capacity of the Opalinus Clay on the thermally induced hydraulic response. In the long-term modelling, the effects of different saturated water permeabilities of buffer material on the resaturation process were analysed.
Based on the current researches and model developments, the observed THM behaviours of the bentonite buffer and the clay rock, that is, the measured evolution of temperature, pore pressure, humidity, swelling pressure, and so on in the laboratory and in situ experiments can be reproduced and interpreted well. It is proved that by using both a non-isothermal multiphase flow model and a non-isothermal Richards flow model combined with the corresponding thermal and mechanical models, the major THM behaviours can be captured. It is validated that the developed model is able to simulate the relevant coupled THM behaviours of clayey material under the well-defined laboratory conditions as well as under the complex natural disposal conditions.
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České atomové právo / Czech nuclear lawKünzel, Karel January 2012 (has links)
89 Abstract The topic of the thesis concerns Czech nuclear law. Nuclear law can be defined as a set of special legal norms adjusting the terms of the nuclear energy and ionizing radiation usage, protection of population and environment against ionizing radiation, radiation accidents solving and treatment of radioactive waste. As such, nuclear law fully adjust the behaviour of all the natural and legal persons who are concerned with activities connected to the nuclear materials, ionizing radiation and natural resources of ionizing radiation. The field of nuclear law is closely connected to the branches of science dealing with the nuclear energy and ionizing radiation usage; therefore, the factual issues of which at least the fundamental knowledge is necessary for the understanding of nuclear law are given space at the beginning of the thesis. In its provisions, Czech nuclear law adjustment also reflect a number of international treaties and European Union regulations. On account of this, the next part of the thesis deals briefly with the international and European nuclear law adjustment. Important international organizations of the field are mentioned as well. The core of the paper consists in the part concerning the outline and analysis of the present adjustment of Czech nuclear law. The taxonomy of this...
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Monitoração de Rn-222 nos galpões de armazenamento de rejeitos radioativos do IPEN / 222Rn monitoring in the radioactive storage IPENManocchi, Fábio Henrique 04 August 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a dose efetiva recebida pelos trabalhadores da Gerência de Rejeitos Radioativos do IPEN devido à inalação de 222Rn nos galpões de armazenamento de rejeitos radioativos tratados e não tratados. As concentrações de 222Rn no interior dos galpões foram determinadas por meio da técnica de detecção passiva com detectores de traços nucleares do estado sólido (SSNTD). O detector utilizado foi o CR-39 inserido em uma câmara de difusão do tipo NRPB. Foram monitorados um total de 12 pontos internos e 1 ponto externo no galpão de rejeitos radioativos tratados G4 e 13 pontos no galpão de rejeitos radioativos não tratados G3, durante um período de 11 meses, entre junho de 2012 e maio de 2013. As concentrações variaram de 0,73 ± 0,08 e 4,55 ± 0,16 kBqm-3 entre os períodos de monitoramento no galpão G4 e entre 0,61 ± 0,07 e 2,94 ± 0,12 kBqm-3 no galpão G3. A dose efetiva devido à inalação de 222Rn no interior dos galpões de rejeitos radioativos foi calculada de acordo com os procedimentos da Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) a partir de um fator de conversão de dose, da concentração média do 222Rn no ar e do tempo de exposição dos indivíduos. Os valores de doses apresentados são uma média das concentrações entre os períodos de monitoramento que variam 15,70 mSva-1 no G4 e de 9,27 mSva-1 no G3, sendo que em um dos períodos obteve-se valores superiores ao estabelecidos pelo órgão regulador (CNEN) e recomendados pela Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) de 20 mSva-1 para indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos, indicando a necessidade de medidas mitigadoras. Cabe, contudo, informar que foi considerada uma hipótese bastante conservativa de 2000 horas de trabalho no local. / Some radionuclides that make up the radioactive series are noted for their contribution to the total exposure to which individuals are subjected, an important example is known as radon 222Rn and their descendants, responsible for more than half of the radiation dose received by the population due to natural sources. In this work the effective dose received by the workers of the Management of Radioactive Waste in IPEN due to inhalation of 222Rn in storage sheds from treated and untreated radioactive waste was evaluated. Concentrations of 222Rn inside the sheds of treated and untreated radioactive waste G3 and G4 were determined by the technique of passive detection with solid state nuclear track (SSNTD) detectors. The detector used was CR-39 inserted in a diffusion chamber type NRPB. A total of 12 internal points and 1 external point were monitored in the shed radioactive waste treated G4 and 13 points in the shed radioactive waste untreated G3, for a period of 11 months between June 2012 and May 2013. Concentrations ranged 0.73 ± 0.08 to 4.55 ± 0.16 kBqm-3 among the monitoring periods in the shed G4 and between 0.61 ± 0.07 and 2.94 ± 0.12 kBqm-3 in the shed G3. The effective dose due to inhalation of 222Rn inside the sheds radioactive waste was calculated according to the procedures of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) from a conversion factor of dose, the mean concentration of 222Rn in the air and time of exposure of individuals. The dose values for G4 and G3 are 15.70 and 9.27 mSva-1 respectively, this being greater than the value established by the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) and recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 20 mSv / a for occupationally exposed individuals, thus indicating the need for mitigation measures. It should, however, report that was considered a very conservative assumption of 2,000 hours of work on site.
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Modelagem descritiva do comportamento do cimento Portland em ambiente de repositório para rejeitos radioativos / Descriptive modeling of Portland cement behavior in a repository environment for radioactive wasteFerreira, Eduardo Gurzoni Alvares 29 September 2017 (has links)
A deposição de rejeitos radioativos em repositórios geológicos profundos vem sendo estudada nos últimos anos em diversos países. Materiais à base de cimento são utilizados nesses repositórios como material estrutural, matriz de imobilização de rejeitos ou material de preenchimento. Compreender o desempenho desse material é essencial para garantir a segurança da instalação durante o seu tempo de vida útil (de milhares a centenas de milhares de anos, dependendo do tipo de rejeito). Este trabalho objetiva modelar o comportamento em longo prazo do cimento Portland e estudar a influência de diversos fatores na hidratação e na evolução desse material. A modelagem descritiva abordou a hidratação do cimento nas condições ambientais esperadas no repositório e os efeitos desses fatores em propriedades mecânicas, mineralógicas e morfológicas do cimento. Os fatores ambientais considerados relevantes neste trabalho foram: alta temperatura e pressão, penetração de água subterrânea contendo íons quimicamente agressivos ao cimento e a presença do campo de radiação proveniente dos rejeitos. Ensaios acelerados de degradação também foram realizados para corroborar com o modelo descrito. Observou-se uma sinergia entre diversos fatores na degradação do cimento, como a influência da temperatura e da radiação em reações deletérias ao material. O resultado da modelagem apontou três principais possíveis causas de falha nas barreiras artificiais: a) a formação de um caminho preferencial; b) a perda de resistência e coesão do material; e c) o aumento na corrosão das estruturas metálicas. A descrição do modelo apresentada é a base para a modelagem matemática e a análise de segurança dos repositórios estudados no Brasil. / The radioactive waste disposal in deep geological repositories has been studied for many countries in the last years. Cementitious materials are used in these repositories as structural material, immobilization matrix and as backfill material. The understanding of the performance of these materials is essential to ensure the safety of the installation during its life time (from thousand to hundreds of thousands of years, depending on the type of waste). This works aims at modeling the long-term performance of Portland cement and study the influence of many environmental factors in the hydration and evolution of this material. The modeling approached the cement hydration in the conditions expected in the repository and the effects of these factors on cement mechanical, mineralogical and morphological properties. The environmental factors considered relevant was: high temperature and pressure, the penetration of groundwater containing aggressive chemical ions, and a radiation field from the waste. Degradation accelerated tests were done to corroborate with the descriptive model. It was observed a synergism between some factors on the cement degradation, as the influence of temperature and radiation field in some deleterious reactions in the material. The results of modeling pointed to three main causes of engineered barrier failure: a) the formation of a preferential pathway; b) loss of resistance and cohesion in the material; and c) the increase in the metallic structures corrosion process. The descriptive model is the basis for a mathematical modeling and to perform the safety assessment of the repositories studied in Brazil.
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Avaliação do perfil dos resíduos de serviços de saúde de Belo Horizonte quanto à presença de rejeitos radioativos na destinação final / Evaluation of the waste profile from (medical) health services of Belo Horizonte concerned to the presence of radioactive wastes in the disposal systemAdirson Monteiro de Castro 15 March 2005 (has links)
Nenhuma / Os procedimentos médicos de diagnóstico e tratamento que utilizam radiofármacos geram rejeitos radioativos que, após decaírem até o limite de eliminação, podem ser destinados pelas vias convencionais de coleta e disposição final de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos RSU. O objetivo da pesquisa foi detectar radiometricamente a presença de rejeitos radioativos nos resíduos de serviços de saúde destinados à disposição final. Ressalta-se que o limite legal de eliminação para
rejeitos sólidos estabelecido pela Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear CNEN é de 7,5 x 104 Bq/kg (2 Ci/kg).
As medições foram feitas no conteúdo de 25 caminhões da coleta especial de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS), no aterro sanitário de Belo Horizonte, utilizando-se um cintilômetro de iodeto de sódio. Em 60% dos casos foram encontrados valores acima do limite estabelecido. A
análise espectral de 6 amostras revelou a presença do radionuclídeo tecnécio-99m (99mTc), em 5 delas, e de eodo-131 (131I), em um caso. Estes elementos, tecnécio-99m (99mTc) e iodo-131 (131I), são os mais utilizados em procedimentos de Medicina Nuclear.
Conclui-se que está havendo liberação de rejeito radioativo com os de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS), devido a inobservância do tempo de decaimento até obtenção dos níveis legalmente permitidos para liberação. / The medical procedures of diagnosis and treatment that use radiopharmaceuticals generate radioactive wastes that can, after reaching the release limit, follow the conventional ways of collection and disposal of the urban solid wastes. This research aims to detect radiometrically the presence of radioactive wastes in the health-care wastes at the final disposal. It is pointed out that the legal limit for the release of solid wastes established by Brazilian National Commission of
Nuclear Energy (CNEN) is 7,5x104 Bq/kg (2 Ci/kg).
Measurements in the material of the garbage trucks that make the special collect from Health Service installations are performed, at Belo Horizonte sanitary landfill, using a NaI scintillation counter. Values above the established limit were found in 60% of the cases. The spectral analysis
of 6 samples showed the presence of 99mTc in 5 of them and 131I in one. These radionuclides are the most common radionuclides used in Nuclear Medicine.
In conclusion there are radioactive wastes released together with the health service wastes, due to the disregard of the decay time until the legal limit is achieved.
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