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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Click chemistry for the preparation of advanced macromolecular architectures

Akeroyd, Niels 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Different click chemistry methods have been used together with Reversible Addition- Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) mediated polymerization to synthesize macromolecular architectures. A new leaving group for RAFT was introduced. This triazole leaving group allows for easy conjugation of the RAFT agent to various substrates via the copperI catalyzed Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. Subsequently monomer can be polymerized onto the substrate using the RAFT agent. This connects the polymer to the substrate via a hydrolytically stable 1,2,3-triazole. The Mitsunobu reaction was used to chain-end functionalize polymers. The Mitsunobu reaction allows for the substitution of primary and secondary alcohols with a nucleophile. The modification of polymer chain-ends was done in two ways. Firstly, thiol-functional chain-ends were used as the nucleophile in the Mitsunobu reaction using propargyl alcohol as the alcohol. This yielded alkyne-functional polymers. Thiol chain-end functional polymers were obtained by the aminolysis of polymers synthesized via RAFT. Secondly, alcohol-functional polymers were modified. In the case of poly(vinylpyrrolidone), the RAFT group was hydrolyzed and alcohols were obtained. Hydroxyl functional PEG was obtained commercially. The hydroxyl functionality was reacted in the Mitsunobu reaction using hydrazoic acid (HN3) as the nucleophile. Azide chain end functional polymers were obtained. These alkyne and azide chain end functional polymers were subsequently used in the copperI catalyzed Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. Ultra Fast Hetero Diels-Alder click chemistry (UFHDA) was used to synthesizes norbornenelike structures (substituted 2-thiabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene moieties). Norbornene-like structures can be polymerized via Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP). Monomers were synthesized using phenethyl(diethoxyphosphoryl)dithioformate and cyclopentadiene. Macromonomers were obtained from the UFHDA of Polystyrene (PSTY) synthesized via RAFT, using phenethyl(diethoxyphosphoryl) dithioformate as the RAFT agent, and cyclopentadiene or cyclopentadienyl-terminated PEG as the dienes. The obtained (macro) monomers were homo- and copolymerized using Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP). For the ROMP, four different Grubbs type catalysts were tested.The ring-strain promoted Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction uses cyclooctynes as the alkyne. The ring-strain in this molecule allows for a fast reaction at room temperature. This reaction is potentially very interesting for biological applications because it doesn’t require the toxic copper catalyst. In this work three routes towards cyclooctynes are investigated. PEG was chain end functionalized with the obtained cyclooctyne derivatives. Overall, click chemistry methodologies were applied to synthesize different macromolecular architectures. Results include a new type of RAFT agent that allows for easy conjugation to substrates, reaction methods for chain end modification of polymers, and the synthesis of new monomers and polymers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskillende kliek chemie metodes, tesame met Omkeerbare Addisie Fragmentasie ketting Oordrag beheerde polimerisasie (OAFO), is gebruik vir die sintese van makromolekulêre argitekture. ʼn Nuwe verlatende groep vir OAFO was bekend gestel. Die triazool verlatende groep bied die moontlikheid vir gemaklike koppeling van die OAFO agente met ‘n verskeidenheid van substrate via die koperI gekataliseerde Huisgen 1,3-dipolêre siklo-addisie reaksie. Gevolglik kan monomere gepolimeriseer word op die substraat deur middel van die OAFO agent. Dit laat toe vir die koppeling van die polimeer op die substraat via a hidrolitiese stabiele 1,2,3-triazool. Die Mitsunobu reaksie was gebruik vir die funksionaliseering van die end groepe van die polimeer ketting. Die Mitsunobu reaksie laat toe vir die substitusie van primêre en sekondêre alkohole met ‘n nukleofiel. Die verandering van die polimeer ketting end groepe was uitgevoer op twee verskillende maniere. Eerstens is ketting end groepe met ‘n tiol funktionaliteit gebruik as a nukleofiel in die Mitsunobu reaksie deur gebruik te maak van propargiel alkohol as die alkohol. Dit het alkyn funktionele polimere opgelewer. Tiol ketting end funktionele polimere was verkry deur middel van aminolise van die polimere gesintetiseer via OAFA. Tweedens is alkohol funktionele polimere gemodifiseer. In die geval van poli(N-vinielpirolidoon) is die OAFA grope gehidroliseer en gevolglik is alkohole verkry op hierdie manier. Kommersiële funksionele PEG was gebruik. Die hidroksie funksionele groep was gereageer in die Mitsunobu reaksie deur gebruik te maak van waterstof asied (HN3) as die nukleofiel. Dit het asied funksionele ketting eindes opgelewer. Die alkyne en asied ketting end funksionele polimere was gevolglik gebruik in die koperI gekataliseerde Huisgen 1,3- dipolêre siklo-addisie reaksie. Ultra Vinnige Hetero Diels-Alder kliek chemie (UVHDA) was gebruik vir die sintese van norborneen agtige strukture (gesubstitueerde 2-tiabisiklo[2.2.1]hept-5-een groepe). Monomere was gesintetiseer deur gebruik te maak van fenieletiel(di-etoksifosforiel)di-tioformaat en siklopentadiëen of siklopentadiëen-getermineerde PEG. Die sintese van makromonomere is verkry via UVHDA deur gebruik te maak van polistireen, gesintetiseer deur middel van OAFO (waar fenieletiel(dietoksifosforiel) di-tioformaat gebruik is as OAFO agent), en siklopentadiëen of siklopentadiëengetermineerde PEG. Die makromonomere wat verkry is, is verder gebruik vir homo- en kopolimerisasie deur middel van Ring Opening Metatesis Polimerisasie, ROMP. Vir die ROMP is vier verskillende Grubbs tipe kataliste gebruik. Die ring-spanning bevorderde die Huisgen 1,3,-dipolêre siklo-addissie reaksie waar siklooketyne gebruik is as die alkyne. Die ring-spanning in die molekule laat toe vir vinninge reaksies by kamer temperatuur. Die reaksie het die potensiaal vir interessante biologiese toepassings aangesien dit nie ’n kopper katalis vereis nie wat toksies van aard is. In die studie word drie roetes ten einde to siko-oktyn ondersoek. PEG was geketting end gefunksionaliseerd met die gevolgde siko-oktyne afgeleides. Verskillende kliek chemie metodologiëe was toegepas vir die sintese van verskillende makromolekulêre argitekture. Resultate sluit in een nuwe tipe OAFO agent wat maklike konjugasie met substrate bewerkstellig, ketting einde modifikasie van polimere, nuwe monomere en polimere wat gesintetiseer is.

Superparamagnetic nanoparticles for synthesis and purification of polymers prepared via controlled/"living" radical polymerization (CLRP)

Saoud, Fozi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Living chains prepared by RAFT polymerization and NMP reactions using Z-carboxylate and Z-phosphate RAFT agents, and X-phosphate NMP initiators, were efficiently attached to the surface of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and used for the separation of dead chains formed in these polymerization reactions prior to the attachment of the RAFT agents and NMP initiators to the surface of MNPs. All the living chains that attach selectively to the surface of MNPs contained RAFT or NMP functionalities, had a low polydispersity index (PDI), and could be reactivated to form new polymer extensions or block copolymers with no detectable deviation from 100% efficiency. RAFT chains prepared by RAFT polymerization using the Z-carboxylate RAFT agent and an excess of free radical initiator were also attached to the surface of MNPs and separated in the presence of an external magnetic field. Separated RAFT-functional chains contained no dead chains formed by combination or disproportionation reactions, but a substantial amount of cross-terminated by-product with a low UV absorbance at 320 nm. The cross-termination of the intermediate radical formed in the RAFT polymerization reactions was also investigated in the monomer-excluded free radical reaction model of polystyryl benzyl-(4-carboxyl dithiobenzoate) and polystyryl ethyl-2-bromoisobutyrate. The Z-carboxylate 3- and 4-arm star polymers (formed by cross-termination reactions) were then efficiently attached to the surface of MNPs and separated from the remainder of the polymer solution. They were separated from MNPs and characterized by 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, and MALDI-ToF-MS. Living chains prepared by a RAFT miniemulsion polymerization reaction using Z-carboxylate RAFT agent were attached to the surface of MNPs and used for the separation of all dead chains and uncontrolled high molecular weight polymer of secondary particle formations occur during a miniemulsion polymerization reaction prior to the attachment. Separated dead chains had high PDI values and contained a significant fraction of uncontrolled high molecular weight polymer that lacked RAFT functionality. Initiator-derived chains formed in RAFT polymerization reactions of styrene (St) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) using phosphate free radical (PFR) initiator were selectively attached to the surface of MNPs and separated from R-group-derived polymer chains in the presence of an external magnetic field. All separated initiator-derived chains contained large fractions of dead chains with weak UV absorbance, and which lacked RAFT functionality, and small fractions of RAFT polymer chains. The separated initiator-derived chains had higher PDI values than the as-prepared polymer in the polymerization of St, but lower PDI values than the as-prepared polymer in the polymerization of MMA. RAFT agents attached to the surface of MNPs by the Z group were used as mediating agents for the synthesis of polymers grafted to the surface of MNPs. The polymers grafted to the surface of MNPs were separated from the solution of the free polymer by applying an external magnetic field. The amounts of the polymers grafted to the surface of MNPs greatly increased as the number of RAFT agents attached to the surface of MNPs decreased. When ethyl acetate was used as solvent, it reached 65% by weight and 50% by number of chains. Separated polymers grafted to the surface of MNPs had high PDI values and contained RAFT functionality. Investigations into the kinetics of the RAFT-mediated polymerization reaction on the surface of MNPs revealed that the polymerization reaction mediated using a RAFT agent attached by its Z group to the surface of MNPs had a faster polymerization rate than that mediated using a free Z group RAFT agent. The molecular weight of the grafted polymer increased linearly with conversion, and the reaction rate was pseudo-first-order. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lewende polimeerkettings, berei deur middel van RAFT-beheerde polimerisasie en NMP reaksies waarin Z-karboksilaat en Z-fosfaat RAFT-verbindings en 'n X-fosfaat NMP afsetter gebruik is, is geheg aan die oppervlaktes van magnetisenanopartikels (MNPs), en gebruik vir die skeiding van dooie kettings wat tydens die RAFT en NMP reaksies gevorm is. Alle lewende kettings wat aan die oppervlakte van die MNPs geheg is, is geskei van die oorblywende polimeeroplossing deur die aanwending van ‗n eksterne magnetise veld. Alle kettings wat selektief aan die oppervlaktes van die MNPs gekoppel is met RAFT of NMP funksionaliteit, het ‗n laë poliverspreidingswaarde (PDI) gehad en kon heraktiveer word om ‗n nuwe polimeerverlengings of blokkopolimere te vorm met geen merkbare afwyking van 100% doeltreffendheid nie. RAFT-kettings wat gedurende RAFT-polimerisasie met 'n Z-karboksilaat RAFT-agent en oormaat vrye-radikaalafsetter berei is, is ook geheg aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs en geskei in die teenwoordigheid van 'n eksterne magnetiese veld. Die geskeide RAFT-funksionele kettings het geen dooie kettings bevat nie (gevorm deur kombinasie reaksies), maar 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid ongekontroleerde hoë molekulêremassa polimeer (met lae UV absorpsie by 320 nm). Die kruis-beëindiging van die intermediêre radikaal wat gevorm is tydens die RAFT-proses is ondersoek in die monomeer-uitsluitende vrye-radikaalreaksiemodel van polistirielbensiel-4-karboksielditiobensoaat en polistirieletiel-2-bromoisobutiraat. Die Z-karboksilaat 3- en 4-arm sterpolimere (gevorm a.g.v. kruis-terminasiereaksies) is effektief geheg aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs en geskei van die res van die polimeeroplossing, en daarna gekarakteriseer met behulp van 1H en 13C KMR, en MALDI-ToF-MS. Lewende kettings, berei m.b.v. RAFT miniemulsiepolimerisasies met 'n Z-karboksilaat RAFT-agent, is geheg aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs en gebruik vir die skeiding van alle dooie kettings en sekondêre partikels wat tydens die reaksie voor die aanhegting gevorm het. Die geskeide dooie kettings wat agtergebly het, het 'n wye PDI getoon en het 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid ongekontroleerde hoë molekulêremassa polimeer, met geen RAFT-funksionaliteit nie, bevat. Afsetterafkomstigekettings wat gevorm is tydens die RAFT polimerisasiereaksies van stireen (St) en metielmetakrilaat (MMA) met 'n fosfaat-vrye vrye-radikaalafsetter is selektief geheg aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs en geskei van R-groep-afkomstige polimeerkettings in die teenwoordigheid van 'n eksterne magnetise veld. Alle geskeide afsetter-afkomstige kettings het 'n groot hoeveelheid dooie kettings gehad (met swak UV absorpsie) en met geen RAFT-funksionalilteit nie, en klein fraksies van RAFT-polimeerkettings. Die geskeide afsetter-afkomstige kettings het hoër PDI waardes gehad as die ('as-prepared') polimeer in die polimerisasie van St, maar laer PDI waardes as die ('as-prepared') polimeer in die polimerisasie van MMA. RAFT-verbindings wat aan die oppervlaktes van die MNPs geheg is deur middel van die Z-groep is as bemiddellingsagente (Eng: mediating agents) gebruik vir die sintese van polimere wat geënt is aan die oppervlakte aan MNPs. Die polimere wat aan die oppervlakte van die MNPs geënt is is geskei van die res van die polimeeroplossing deur die aanwending van ‗n eksterne magnetise veld. Die hoeveelhede van die polimere wat aan die oppervlaktes van die MNPs geënt is het sterk toegeneem namate die aantal RAFT-agente wat aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs geheg is afgeneem het. Wanneer etielasetaat as oplosmiddel gebruik is, was die waardes 55% m.b.t. gewig en 45% m.b.t. die aantal kettings. Die geskeide polimere wat aan die oppervlaktes van MNPs geënt is het hoë PDI getoon en het RAFT-funksionaliteit bevat. Die kinetika van die RAFT-beheerde polimerisasiereaksies van St, wat gebruik maak van ‗n RAFT-agent wat aan die oppervlakte van die MNPs geheg is deur middel van die Z-groep, is ook ondersoek. Die tempo van polimerisasie was vinniger in die geval waarin die RAFT-agent geheg is deur sy Z-groep aan die oppervlakte van die MNPs as die reaksie met 'n RAFT agent met 'n vrye Z-groep. Die molekulêremassas van die entpolimere het liniêr toegeneem met omsetting, en die reaksie was pseudo-eerste-orde.

Synthèse de copolymères diblocs par le procédé RAFT : Application pour revêtements anti-salissures marines hybrides FRC/SPC / Synthesis of diblock copolymers by the RAFT process : Application for FRC/SPC hybrid marine antifouling coatings

Lejars, Marlène 22 October 2012 (has links)
Actuellement, il existe deux types de peintures anti-salissures marines sur le marché : - Les Self-Polishing Coatings (SPC), revêtements auto-polissants à base de liants polymères hydrolysables, efficaces par relargage de biocides dans le milieu marin mais toxiques pour l’environnement ; - Les Fouling Release Coatings (FRC), revêtements hydrophobes à base de silicone, sans biocides, qui limitent la force d’adhésion des salissures mais ne sont pas efficaces en mode statique.L’objectif de cette étude est d’élaborer des peintures anti-salissures marines hybrides FRC/SPC. Pour ce faire, des polymères diblocs à la fois hydrolysables et présentant une faible énergie de surface ont été synthétisés et caractérisés puis utilisés en tant que liants dans la formulation de peintures anti-salissures marines.Le procédé de polymérisation RAFT a été employé afin de synthétiser des polymères avec une architecture et une masse molaire contrôlée. Deux approches ont été abordées :- Des polymères ont été synthétisés à base de monomères de faible énergie de surface et hydrolysables (le méthacrylate de (heptaméthyl-trisiloxy)diméthylsilyle et le méthacrylate de bis(triméthylsilyloxy)méthylsilyle) avec un co-monomère méthacrylate de méthyle ou méthacrylate de butyle. Il a notamment pu être montré que les copolymères de structure dibloc présentent une énergie de surface plus faible que les copolymères statistiques.- Des polymères ont été synthétisés à partir de monomères hydrolysables tel que le méthacrylate de tert-butyldiméthylsilyle et de monomères de faible énergie de surface tel que le méthacrylate de poly(diméthyl-siloxane).Les propriétés d’érosion (type SPC) et d’énergie de surface (type FRC) ont été étudiées pour les liants seuls et les peintures formulées, avant et pendant leur immersion en eau de mer artificielle. L’efficacité anti-salissures marines des peintures formulées a été évaluée lors de leur immersion in-situ en Mer Méditerranée. / Two main types of antifouling coatings are present on the market: - The Self-Polishing Coatings (SPC): they are based on hydrolysable polymer binders and their antifouling efficiency relies on the release of biocides in the marine surrounding. Unfortunately, they are toxic for the marine environment- The Fouling Release Coatings (FRC): these hydrophobic silicone-based coatings limit the adhesion strength of fouling organisms and are biocide-free. Nevertheless, they are not efficient during idle periods.The aim of this study is to develop FRC/SPC hybrid antifouling coatings. Thus, diblock polymers both hydrolysable and with a low surface energy have been synthesized and characterized, then used as binders for the formulation of antifouling coatings.Polymerization by the RAFT process has been used to synthesize well-architectured polymers with controlled molecular weights. Two different approaches have been considered:- Polymers have been synthesized from low surface energy and hydrolysable monomers ((heptamethyl-trisiloxy)dimethylsilyl methacrylate and bis(trimethylsilyloxy)methylsilyl methacrylate) and a co-monomer of methyl or butyl methacrylate. It has been demonstrated that the diblock copolymers exhibit a lower surface energy than the statistical copolymers.- Polymers have been synthesized from hydrolysable monomers (tert-butyldimethylsilyl methacrylate) and low surface energy monomers (poly(dimethylsiloxane) methacrylate).The erosion properties (SPC-type) and the hydrophobicity (FRC-type) have been studied for both the binders and the formulated coatings, before and during their immersion in artificial seawater. The antifouling efficiency of the formulated coatings has been evaluated during their in-situ immersion in the Mediterranean Sea.

Synthesis and mechanical properties of elastomers made by sequential-IPNs / Synthèses et propriétés mécaniques d'élastomères produites par séquence-IPNS

Limpanichpakdee, Thitima 14 November 2017 (has links)
Récemment, une nouvelle technique pour renforcer les élastomères acryliques non chargés a été développée. L'élastomère a été préparé par séquences de gonflement par du monomère acrylique et polymérisation radicalaire en faisant des réseaux interpénétrés. Le prétirement des chaines du premier réseau créent des liaisons sacrificielles qui améliorent de manière significative les propriétés mécaniques de l’élastomère sans modifier sa Tg. Il est donc intéressant d’étendre cette méthode à d’autres familles d’élastomères. Ainsi, dans cette étude, la stratégie des réseaux interpénétrés a été appliquée à deux matériaux intéressants. Premièrement, un élastomère silicone a été synthétisé en utilisant une polymérisation par polycondensation par réaction d'hydrosilylation qui est significativement différente de la polymérisation utilisée pour les réseaux acryliques. Les réseaux multiples ont été ensuite synthétisés en gonflant ce réseau avec des précurseurs de petite masse et un faible pourcentage de réticulant D4H. Ces réseaux multiples en silicone ont les propriétés d’un élastomère classique, avec une énergie de rupture améliorée d’environ 100%. Deuxièmement, des particules coeur-ecorce formés de copolymères dibloc amphiphiles de poly(acide acrylique)-b-poly(acrylate de n-butyle) ou PAA-b-PBA ont été synthétisés par auto-assemblage simultané par polymérisation RAFT et préparés sous la forme de films. Ensuite, les films ont été utilisés comme des charges polymères en poly (acrylate de butyle) en utilisant une technique de réseau interpénétrés multiples. Nous avons réussi pour la première fois à renforcer l'élastomère par des particules de latex. Grâce à cette stratégie d'interpénétration qui distribue des particules de latex de manière très homogène dans l’élastomère, les films interpénétrés montrent de bonnes caractéristiques mécaniques, une résistance à la fracture et une ténacité extrêmement élevées en utilisant moins de 1% de PAA vitreux et pas de réticulant ajouté dans la particule renforçante. / Recently, a new technique to reinforce unfilled acrylic elastomers has been established. The elastomer was prepared by sequential free radical polymerization and swelling of acrylic monomers making interpenetrated networks. By introducing sacrificial bonds, the elastomer had significantly enhanced mechanical properties without changing the Tg of the material. We extended this method to two different elastomeric system to probe its generality. First, a silicone elastomer was synthesized by using polycondensation polymerization via a hydrosilylation reaction which is significantly different from the free radical polymerization used for acrylic networks. The multiple networks were synthesized by sequential swelling and polymerization steps with low molecular weight preducrosrs and a small amount of D4H crosslinker. The resulting silicone multiple networks were fully elastic elastomer with a mechanical toughness improved by about 100%. Second, core-shell latexes made of amphiphilic diblock copolymers Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) or PAA-b-PBA were synthesized by RAFT polymerization induced self-assembly and prepared into thin films. Different types of core-shell latexes and crosslinked latexes were synthesized and characterized both in the aqueous state and in the dry film state. The films were then used as a polymeric filler to a poly(butyl acrylate) by using the interpenetrated network technique. We succeeded for the first time to reinforce elastomers by latex particles. Thanks to interpenetrated networks strategy which distributed homogenously latex particles though the entire material, the interpenetrated films show extremely enhanced mechanical characteristics, fracture energy and toughness by using less than 1 % of glassy PAA content and no crosslinker in the reinforcing particles.

Controlled polymerization for drug delivery to the eye

Prosperi-Porta, Graeme January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT Effective drug delivery to ocular tissues is an unmet challenge that has significant potential to improve the treatment of ocular diseases. Whether the intended drug delivery target is the anterior or posterior segment, the eye’s efficient natural protection mechanisms prevent effective and sustained drug delivery. Anatomical and physiological barriers including the rapid tear turnover that effectively washes away topically applied drugs, the impermeable characteristics of the cornea, conjunctiva, and sclera, and the tight junctions in the blood-ocular barriers make conventional drug delivery methods ineffective. New materials that are able to overcome these barriers are essential to improving the sustained delivery of ophthalmic therapeutics to the intended targets within the eye. This thesis will explore two polymeric drug delivery systems that have the potential to improve therapeutic delivery to ocular tissues. Chapter 1 will discuss the anatomical and physiological barriers to ophthalmic drug delivery and overview current research in this area. Chapter 2 will discuss the synthesis of N-isopropylacrylamide-based copolymers with adjustable gelation temperatures based on composition and molecular weight. Chapter 3 will discuss further development of these copolymers into an injectable, thermoresponsive, and resorbable polymeric drug delivery system intended for the treatment of diseases in the posterior segment. Chapter 4 will discuss the development of mucoadhesive polymeric micelle nanoparticles based on phenylboronic acid intended for topical administration of ophthalmic therapeutics. Finally, Chapter 5 will provide an overview of potential future work on these materials that could further develop and broaden their therapeutic use. / Thesis / Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Synthèse de copolymères thermosensibles par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée RAFT : caractérisation et étude de leur interaction avec des protéines / Synthesis of thermoresponsive copolymers by RAFT polymerization : characterization and study of their interaction with proteins

Ho, The Hien 19 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la synthèse de (co)polymères thermosensibles présentant une fonctionnalité azlactone par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée RAFT pour l’ancrage de biomolécules. Trois stratégies différentes ont été étudiées. La première stratégie a consisté en la synthèse d’un nouvel agent de transfert permettant d’obtenir des polymères thermosensibles à fonctionnalité azlactone en position . La seconde approche a permis d’introduire la fonctionnalité azlactone en position ω de copolymères thermosensibles via la combinaison de la polymérisation RAFT et de l’addition de Michaël « thiol-ène ». La dernière stratégie a conduit à des copolymères thermosensibles à fonctionnalité azlactone en position latérale par copolymérisation RAFT de la 2-vinyl-4,4-diméthylazlactone avec d’autres monomères. Enfin, la réactivité de ces copolymères thermosensibles pour l’ancrage d’une protéine modèle (lysozyme) a été mise en évidence. / The synthesis of well-defined azlactone-functionalized thermoresponsive copolymers was performed using the RAFT polymerization and their interaction with primary amines and proteins was studied. Three different strategies have been developed. The first strategy was based on the synthesis of a novel azlactone-functionalized chain transfer agent which was used to target well defined  azlactone-functionalized thermoresponsive polymers. In the second approach, ω-azlactone-terminated thermoresponsive copolymers were prepared by a combination of RAFT polymerization and “thiol ene” Michaël’s addition. In the last strategy, RAFT copolymerization of 2-vinyl-4,4 dimethylazlactone with other monomers has been performed to target well-defined azlactone functionalized copolymers. Finally, the reactivity of such reactive thermoresponsive copolymers was successfully demonstrated by bioconjugation with a model protein (lysozyme).

Synthesis of -dye-labelled thermoresponsive block copolymers by raft polymerization : behaviour at the air-water interface and in aqueous solutions / Synthèse de copolymères à bloc thermosensibles-fonctionnalisés par un chromophore par polymérisation raft : comportement à l’interface air-eau et en solution aqueuse

Beija, Mariana 20 July 2009 (has links)
Les copolymères à blocs di-hydrophiles contenant un bloc thermosensible reçoivent une attention croissante grâce à leur capacité d’auto-organisation en micelles induite par une variation de température. Néanmoins, peu de travaux ont été consacrés à l’étude de leur conformation par fluorescence et de leur dynamique à l’interface air-eau et en solution aqueuse. Dans ce travail, des copolymères à blocs composés d’un bloc thermosensible deN,N-diéthylacrylamide (DEA) et d’un bloc hydrophile de N,N-diméthylacrylamide (DMA) ou d’un bloc réactif [copolymère statistique de DMA et de N-acryloxysuccinimide (NAS)] ont été synthétisés par polymérisation RAFT. Ces copolymères à blocs ont été fonctionnalisés à leur extrémité hydrophile par un chromophore, Rhodamine B ou Vert de Malachite, via une stratégie de pré- ou de postpolymérisation. Dans le premier cas, des dérivés aminés de Rhodamine B et Vert de Malachite ont été synthétisés pour l’élaboration d’agents de transfert de chaîne (ATC) marqués, ce qui permet directement l’obtention de copolymères à blocs alpha-fonctionnalisés par un chromophore. En parallèle, des copolymères à blocs ont été préparés via l’utilisation d’un ATC précurseur puis fonctionnalisés ultérieurement par les dérivés aminés des chromophores. Le comportement thermosensible de ces polymères et d’un copolymère à blocs amphiphile de DEA et de N-décylacrylamide a été étudié à l’interface air-eau et en films de Langmuir-Blodgett par AFM et microscopie confocale de fluorescence. Des études d’émission et d’anisotropie de fluorescence, de diffusion de lumière et de RMN 1H ont été réalisées pour étudier leur comportement en solution aqueuse / Double hydrophilic diblock copolymers comprising a thermoresponsive block have gained increasing attention due to their capability of self-assembling in micelles by a temperature change. However, very few fluorescence studies were devoted to investigate their conformation and dynamics both at the air-water interface and in aqueous solutions. In this work, block copolymers composed of a thermoresponsive block of N,N- iethylacrylamide (DEA) and a hydrophilic block of N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA) or a reactive block [statistical copolymer of DMA and N-acryloxysuccinimide (NAS)] were prepared by RAFT polymerization. These block copolymers were functionalized at the hydrophilic chain-end by a Rhodamine B or Malachite Green dye using either a pre- or a post-polymerization strategy. In the first case, Rhodamine B and Malachite Green amino derivatives were synthesized for the preparation of dyelabelled chain transfer agent (CTA), which led directly the alpha-dye-labelled block copolymers. Alternatively, the block copolymers were prepared using a precursor CTA and further functionalized with the dye amino derivative. The thermoresponsive behaviour of these polymers and of amphiphilic block copolymers of DEA and N-decylacrylamide was studied at the air-water interface and in Langmuir-Blodgett films using AFM and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence emission and anisotropy, light scattering and 1H NMR studies were performed to investigate their behaviour in aqueous solutions.

PEGylated cationic polyacrylates for transfection : synthesis, characterization, DNA complexation and cytotoxicity / Polyacrylate cationiques PEGylés pour la transfection : synthèse, caractérisation, complexation avec l'ADN et cytotoxicité

Le Bohec, Maël 30 October 2017 (has links)
Le développement de la thérapie génique dépend des systèmes utilisés pour le transport de gènes vers les cellules eucaryotes. Les systèmes à base de virus sont les plus efficaces. Cependant, il est urgent de trouver une alternative à de tels systèmes viraux pathogènes et oncogènes. Les polymères cationiques sont des vecteurs synthétiques prometteurs ; toutefois, une question cruciale reste en suspens : quelle structure de polymère cationique visée pour une efficacité de transfection élevée et une faible cytotoxicité ? Face à ce questionnement scientifique, de nouveaux polymères cationiques offrant une grande flexibilité en termes de structure et de fonctionnalité sont développés dans cette thèse. Les différents paramètres structuraux pertinents étudiés sont : (i) des entités amines primaire et tertiaire pH-sensibles pour la complexation de l'ADN et pour la libération des polyplexes ADN/polymère, (ii) un groupe alcyne destiné à l’ancragepar chimie click de ligands capables de viser des récepteurs spécifiques de membrane cellulaire pour une reconnaissance efficace des cellules, (iii) des entités polyacrylates à « charge modulable » pour libérer l'ADN et diminuer la cytotoxicité du polymère et (iv) un poly (oxyde d'éthylène) (PEGylation) pour une meilleure stabilité en milieu physiologique et une meilleure biocompatibilté. / The clinical success of gene therapy is really dependent on the development of new efficient gene transfer systems. Viral-based gene transfer systems are remarkably efficient in transfecting body cells. However, viral-based systems raised some concerns in terms of immunogenicity, pathogenicity, and oncogenicity. Cationic polymers are promising candidates as they show low host immunogenicity, are cheaper and easier to produce in a large scale than viral ones. However, a crucial question is still pending: which cationic polymer structures and functionalities give the highest transfection efficiency and the lowest cytotoxicity? In dealing with this scientific issue, new cationic polymers with key structural parameters and functionalities were developped during this PhD thesis. The key structural features studied are : (i) pH sensitive primary and tertiary amine entities for DNA complexation and to ensure the endosomal escape, (ii) an alkyne group to attach ligands capable to target specific cell membrane receptors for an efficient cell recognition and receptor-mediated cellularuptake, (iii) “charge-shifting” amino-based polyacrylates for DNA release and to decrease cytotoxicity and (iv) PEG chains (PEGylation) to achieve high stability, longer circulation in physiological conditions and a better biocompatibility. The synthesis of such multi-structural cationic polymers has been achieved through the combination of RAFT polymerization and thiol-yne click coupling reaction. The structure/complexation and the structure/cells viability relationships have been investigated during this work.

Two-photon chromophore-polymer conjugates grafted onto gold nanoparticles as fluorescent probes for bioimaging and photodynamic therapy applications

Cepraga, Cristina 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an alternative treatment of cancer requiring the use of chromophore molecules (photosensitizers), which can induce cell death after light excitation. Gold nanoparticles (AuNP), exhibiting localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, can enhance the photophysical response of chromophores located in their vicinity, and thus improve their therapeutic action. Moreover, the use of highly localized two-photon chromophores (photosensitizers and fluorophores), capable to undergo a localized excitation by light in the Near InfraRed region, should increase the penetration depth into tissues, thus improve the treatment efficiency (by PDT) and the imaging (by fluorescence microscopy) of cancer tissues.In this work, we describe the elaboration of water-soluble hybrid nano-objects for PDT and fluorescence bioimaging applications, composed of two-photon chromophore-polymer conjugates grafted onto gold nanoparticles. In order to obtain these nano-objects we follow a multistep strategy: i) the synthesis of a well-defined water-soluble chromophore-polymer conjugates; ii) the end-group oriented grafting of chromophore-polymer conjugates onto 20 nm AuNP. The coupling of hydrophobic two-photon chromophores on linear water-soluble copolymer chains (poly(N-acryloylmorpholine-co-N-acryloxysuccinimide)), obtained by controlled/living RAFT polymerization, resulted in well-defined water-soluble chromophore-polymer conjugates, with different polymer lengths (2 000 g.mol-1 < Mn < 37 000 g.mol-1) and architectures (random or block), and a controlled number of chromophores per chain (varying between 1 and 21). Their grafting onto 20 nm AuNP gave water-soluble hybrid nano-objects with high grafting densities (~0.5 chains/nm²). The role of the polymer chain being to tune the distance between chromophores and AuNP surface, we have evidenced the increase in the polymer corona thickness of grafted AuNP (estimated by TEM) with the increasing polymer Mn, corroborating with the corresponding distance-dependent fluorescence properties of those. Finally, the in cellulo biological properties of two-photon chromophore-polymer conjugates, before and after grafting onto AuNP, have been investigated, highlighting their potential for two-photon bioimaging and PDT applications.

Study on RAFT polymerization and nano-structured hybrid system of POSS macromers

Deng, Yuanming 08 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work is generally aimed to synthesize POSS based BCPs via RAFT polymerization, to study their self-assembly behaviors, to research on the effect of POSS self-assembly structure on the bulk properties and to prepare nanostructured hybrid epoxy via self-assembly of POSS based copolymer. In Chapter1, We studied the RAFT polymerization of POSS macromers and capable to synthesize well defined POSS based BCPs with high POSS fraction and different topology such as AB,BAB and (BA)3. The vertex group and the morphology effect on thermo-mechanical properties of POSS based BCPs as well as the structure-property relationship was investigated. Dispersion RAFT polymerization in apolar solvent was applied and various aggregates with different morphology in Chapter2. Cooling induced reversible micelle formation and transition was found and the pathway selection in vesicle formation was investigated. Nano-construction of O/I hybrid epoxy materials based on POSS based copolymers was investigated in Chapter4. The effect of functional group content on miscibility of POSS based statistic copolymer and epoxy was investigated. A novel method to nanostructure epoxy hybrid involving self-assembly of POSS based BCPs in epoxy was presented. High homogeneity and well size/morphology control of core-corona structure containing rigid POSS core and soluble PMMA corona in networks were obtained.

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