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Krize eurozóny a její paralela s japonskou ztracenou dekádou / Eurozone crisis and its parallel with japanese lost decadeDraisaitl, Michael January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses problems of eurozone after the beginning of financial crisis in 2008, which continuously changed into economic and debt crisis. The thesis considers eurozone in aggregate and closer focuses on so called GIIPS (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain) countries. Recent eurozone economic situation is compared to Japanese "lost decade" during 1990s, I seek for parallels and differences. Theoretical part shows approaches by economic schools to causes of cycle and to role of policymakers. Main challenges of fiscal and monetary policy are considered, specifically fiscal policy in time of high public indebtedness, monetary policy in liquidity trap etc. Applicative part considers causes of the economic situation at the beginning, more specifically devoted to balance sheets recession. Key part of the practical part it is analysis of applied fiscal and monetary policy, including helping efforts to financial system. Concluding remarks summarizes key understanding from the thesis, proposals are included and it is considered whether eurozone is going to follow Japanese path since 90's or not. It seems highly probable that eurozone is going to follow Japanese in terms of sluggish economic growth, parallels can be seen in weak impact of monetary policy in liquidity trap, but recommendations to fiscal policy from Japanese experience should be taken into account in very cautious way because of both specifics of eurozone and Japanese economy.
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Inter-county Migration in the United States Before, During and After the Great Recession: Exploring County Migration Patterns between 2001 and 2010Yamoah, Owusua January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Vad driver arbetslösheten för män och kvinnor? : Ett genusperspektiv på den regionala arbetsmarknadenLinde, Maja, Carlzzon, Clara January 2021 (has links)
During recessions, the male unemployment rate tends to rise more than the female unemployment rate. Researchers agree that segregated labor markets account for most of the unemployment gap between genders. The Swedish labor market is largely divided into male- and female dominated sectors, and during the financial crisis in 2008, male workers had a higher inflow into unemployment than female ones. The male-dominated industries are often described as more reactive to cyclical fluctuations and economic growth. Differences in unemployment rates between high and low educated workers as well as natives and immigrants have also been an issue at stake, whereas low skilled and/or immigrant workers tend to have higher unemployment rates. In order to reveal which factors that drive male versus female unemployment, the regional unemployment rates of men and women are examined through a panel data analysis using the years 2005 to 2019. The findings of the study are the following: male unemployment seems to be more responsive to the industry composition and segregated labor markets, whereas female unemployment is more affected by the share of immigrants. Furthermore, when the share of college graduates is higher, the total unemployment rate is lower. Lastly, the growth in gross regional product has a positive effect on the regional unemployment rate amongst men. / Under lågkonjunkturer tenderar män att förlora arbetet i större utsträckning, vilket forskningen förklarar som en produkt av könssegregerade arbetsmarknader. Den svenska arbetsmarknaden är kraftigt könsuppdelad och under finanskrisen 2008 förlorade fler män än kvinnor sina arbeten. De mansdominerade yrkena beskrivs i många fall som känsliga för konjunkturförändringar och att arbetslösheten bland män svarar mer till förändringar i den ekonomiska tillväxten. Forskningen har också pekat på skillnader i arbetslöshet mellan hög- och lågutbildade såväl som för inrikes- och utrikes födda individer. För att utreda vad som påverkar män och kvinnors arbetslöshet studeras arbetslöshetsnivåerna uppdelat på kön i Sveriges samtliga 21 regioner under tidsspannet 2005 – 2019 i en paneldataanalys. Studien visar på skilda effekter för arbetslösheten bland män respektive kvinnor utifrån regioners branschstruktur och andel utrikes födda: arbetslösheten bland män svarar mer till branschstrukturen och den ojämna könsfördelningen än för kvinnor, medan arbetslösheten bland kvinnor tenderar att öka mer när andelen utrikes födda ökar. Andelen med högre utbildning har en minskande effekt på den totala arbetslösheten, men visar inte på några statistiskt säkerställda samband vad gäller män och kvinnors arbetslöshet separat. Bruttoregionalproduktens tillväxt ger ökande effekter på arbetslösheten bland män, men visar inte på något signifikant samband på arbetslösheten bland kvinnor.
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Vývojová typologie nejrychleji rostoucí části metropolitních USA v desetiletí mezi roky 2000 a 2010 / The Developmental Typology of the Fastest Growing Portion of the Metropolitan USA in the Decade from 2000 to 2010Kohl, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This text was written as a diploma thesis of master's degree study course "Regional and political geography." It focuses on the development between the last two censuses, of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States. The economic crisis of the late 2000s has been a major turning point of the decade. The goal of the research was to create a developmental typology of the fastest growing metros. The text analyzes "classifiers" data in order to decide what developmental types have been among the metros. A major factor contributing to high population gains in the fastest growing metros was the migration induced by the housing bubble.
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Ekonomická krize: mediální obraz a veřejné mínění / Economic Crisis: Media Representation and Public OpinionPicková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current global recession, its presentation in the media, and the public opinion on the economic situation in the Czech Republic. It is based on the theory of agenda-setting. Content analysis is used to examinate the intensity of attention of two different journals paid to the subject of the recession in the observed period September 2007 - December 2011, with a special focus on December 2008. The objects of the current study are two Czech nation-wide journals: the economic newspaper Hospodářské noviny and the tabloid newspaper Blesk. The study shows that the economic journal presents the recession more intensively, from a more general point of view, and questions the causes of the recession. The tabloid concentrates on the Czech Republic, writes about the recession primarily in the context of non-economical news (especially sport), and does not use the mechanisms typical for tabloids as much as expected. A secondary analysis of the outcomes of public opinion surveys examines the readerships of these journals separately. The economic expectations of the readers of the economic journal correspond with the intensity of attention paid by this journal to the recession, but only in the first half of the analysed period. The expectations of the tabloid readers correspond with...
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Essays on Macroeconomics and Fiscal PolicyGonzález García, Concepción 28 January 2022 (has links)
Esta tesis esta compuesta por tres capítulos. Los dos primeros capítulos estudian los efectos macroeconómicos de una consolidación fiscal y estímulos fiscales cuando la deuda privada es elevada. El tercer capítulo, estudia proyecciones de deuda púbica para el caso español bajo diferentes escenarios macroeconómicos. En el primer capítulo se analiza los efectos macroeconómicos de diferentes planes de consolidación fiscal en los que el gobierno reduce de forma gradual la ratio deuda pública-PIB y el sector privado está altamente endeudado. Lo resultados muestran que en el largo plazo, la consolidación fiscal genera beneficios en términos de output que son mayores en el caso en el que el sector público este altamente endeudado. En el corto plazo, la efectividad de la política fiscal en un escenario de deuda alta, depende del instrumento fiscal utilizado. Finalmente se analiza el bienestar social, encontrando que la política de consolidación fiscal produce una ganancia en términos de bienestar cuando el gasto público o el impuesto al consumo se utilizan como instrumento y este bienestar es mayor en el caso de endeudamiento privado alto. Sin embargo, cuando el instrumento fiscal son los impuestos al trabajo o al capital, se produce una pérdida de bienestar que es amplificada en un escenario de endeudamiento alto. En el segundo capítulo, se estudia como el tamaño de los multiplicadores fiscales depende del nivel de endeudamiento privado. Este artículo contribuye al debate de los efectos de los estímulos fiscales demostrando que el impacto de las políticas fiscales depende del nivel de endeudamiento, considerando el endeudamiento de los hogares y empresas. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se examina las proyecciones de deuda para la economía española bajo diferentes escenarios macroeconómicos. Se encuentra que la deuda aumentará hasta un 174% en 2035 si se cumple el escenario macroeconómico que predice la Comisión Europea. En el caso de considerar una subida de impuestos, la deuda disminuye pero lejos de llegar a los niveles pre-COVID.
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Benefits and Barriers of HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program As Perceived by StakeholdersBennett, L. Diane 01 January 2015 (has links)
Devalued homes and weakened economic conditions of 2008 led to lost property tax revenues, more vacant and abandoned properties, and destabilized neighborhoods. The first Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP1) was a federal intervention designed to mitigate the damage of the recession, but there is scant evidence of program effectiveness. A phenomenological study, using a method outlined by Moustakas,
answered questions on the benefits and barriers of NSP1 as perceived by stakeholders in a Mid-Atlantic city. Stakeholders included nonprofit housing advocates, residents, business partners, and government officials. Theories of collaborative governance and community stakeholders were used to guide the investigation of NSP1 processes and stakeholders' perceptions. Ten stakeholders responded to 9 compound interview questions derived from the research question and 4 subquestions in semi-structured interviews. Responses were transcribed, verified for accuracy, and then coded and
analyzed for recurring themes. Five prominent themes emerged: (1) challenges with NSP1 guidelines, (2) importance of partner capacity, (3) positive results in targeted neighborhoods, (4) city's approach to community development, and (5) sustaining positive results. Findings were that NSP1's benefits for residents outweighed procedural barriers and NSP1's short duration still yielded positive results in neighborhoods. This study has policy and social change implications for all stakeholders involved. Recommendations include continuous city involvement to stabilize neighborhoods during future recessions and better entrepreneurial strategies to integrate private and non-profit stakeholders in all phases of collaborative governance.
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The Great Recession and Nonprofit Endurance: Framing the Mission-Defensive ParadoxRoche, Kathleen January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Morality's Alpha: A Case Study Determining Whether Morality Must Be the Basis of CapitalismStroud, Ian Cecil January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Rational Generosity: The Indianapolis Foundation and the Community Foundation Response to the Great DepressionKienker, James Robert 19 July 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A historical analysis of the philanthropic response to the Great Depression by community foundations; the thesis uses the individual story of the Indianapolis Foundation as a case study to provide detailed examples of how community foundations modified their grant-making behavior in response to the Great Depression’s economic effects.
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