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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Příprava a využití kyselých proteáz pro štěpení proteinů v experimentech H/D výměny. / Preparation and use of acid proteases for digestion in H/D exchange.

Kukla, Jan January 2014 (has links)
- 5 - Abstract Hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HX-MS) utilizes the spontaneous exchange of protein backbone amide hydrogens for deuterium atoms from solution to gain information about changes in protein structure. To localize these changes to specific areas of the protein, enzymatic digestion by aspartate proteases is used. The proteases' ability to produce small overlapping peptides and to provide full sequence coverage of the studied protein is essential for pinpointing the protein regions of interest. In this study recombinant proteases nepenthesin I (Nepenthes gracilis) and rhizopuspepsin (Rhizopus chinensis) were prepared and compared to commercially available proteases porcine pepsin A and aspergillopepsin (Aspergillus saitoi). The comparison was performed using various activity assays, where the effects of pH, temperature and denaturing and reducing agents on the activity of the proteases were studied. All four proteases were also immobilized on a polymeric resin POROS and their activity in an online HX-MS digestion setup was tested using myoglobin as a model substrate.

Nitroaromatic pro-drug activation and resistance in the African trypanosome

Sokolova, Antoaneta Y. January 2011 (has links)
Sleeping sickness, caused by Trypanosoma brucei, is a deadly disease that affects some of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Although the disease prevalence is declining, strengthening of the current control efforts, including introduction of more adequate chemotherapeutic options, is needed to prevent the re-emergence of yet another epidemic. Nitroaromatic compounds, such as nifurtimox (in combination with eflornithine) and fexinidazole (in clinical trials), have been recently introduced for the treatment of the second stage of sleeping sickness. These compounds are believed to act as pro-drugs that require intracellular enzymatic activation for antimicrobial activity. Here, the role of the bacterial-like nitroreductase TbNTR as a nitrodrug activating enzyme is examined through overexpression and knock-out studies in T. brucei. Multiple attempts to purify soluble recombinant TbNTR from E. coli were unsuccessful, because the recombinant protein was found to be membrane associated. In keeping with the role of TbNTR in nitrodrug activation, loss of an NTR gene copy in T. brucei was found to be one, but not the only, mechanism that may lead to nitrodrug resistance. Furthermore, in the bloodstream form of T. brucei, resistance was relatively easy to select for nifurtimox, with no concurrent loss of virulence and at clinically relevant levels. More worryingly, nifurtimox resistance led to a decreased sensitivity of these parasites to other nitroaromatic compounds, including a high level of cross-resistance to fexinidazole. Conversely, generation of fexinidazole resistance resulted in cross-resistance to nifurtimox. Should these findings translate to the field, emerging nitrodrug resistance could reverse all recent advances in the treatment of sleeping sickness, made since the introduction of eflornithine 20 years ago. Therefore, all efforts should be made to ensure nitroaromatic drugs are used only in drug combination therapies against sleeping sickness, in order to protect them from emerging resistance.

Biochemical Characterization of a Cp-3-O-GT Mutant P145T and Study of the Tag Effect on GT Activity

Kandel, Sangam, Shivakumar, Devaiah P., McIntosh, Cecelia A. 07 April 2016 (has links)
Flavonoids are a class of secondary metabolites, the majority of which are present in glucosylated form. Glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosylation by transferring glucose from UDP-activated sugar donor to the acceptor substrates. This research is focused on the study of the effect of a single point mutation on enzyme activity, characterization of a flavonol specific 3-O-glucosyltransferase (Cp-3-O-GT) mutant- P145T, and further modification of the clone to cleave off tags from recombinant wild type and P145T mutant proteins in order to crystallize the proteins. Multiple sequence alignment and homology modeling was done to identify candidate residues for mutation. Cp-3-O-GT was modeled with a flavonoid 3-O-GT from Vitis vinifera (VvGT) that can glucosylate both flavonols and anthocyanidins. We identified a proline residue at position 145 of Cp-3-O-GT that corresponded to a threonine residue in VvGT and designed a Cp-3-O-GTP145T mutant to test the hypothesis that that mutation of proline by threonine in Cp-3-O-GT could alter substrate or regiospecificity of Cp-3-O-GT. While the mutant P145T enzyme did not glucosylate anthocyanidins, it did glucosylate flavanones and flavones in addition to flavonols. This is significant because flavanones and flavones do not contain a 3-OH group. HPLC was performed to identify the reaction products. Early results indicated that the mutant protein glucosylates naringenin at the 7-OH position forming prunin. Results are being used to revisit and refine the structure model. In other related work, a thrombin cleavage site was inserted into wild type and recombinant P145Tenzyme and we are currently working on transformation into yeast for recombinant protein expression. Cleaving off tags is a pre-requisite to future efforts to crystallize the proteins. Solving the crustal structures will make a significant contribution to the structural and functional study of plant flavonoid GTs in general and Cp-3- O-GT in particular.

Putative Glucosyltransferase 11 from Citrus paradisi: Cloning, Recombinant Expression in Yeast, and Substrate Screening

Williams, Bruce E., McIntosh, Cecelia A. 04 April 2013 (has links)
Plant secondary products, which include the flavonoids, have a variety of roles in plant systems. Their roles include biosignalling, UV protection, antifeedant activity, pollinator attraction, stress response, and many others. Glucosylation is an important modification of many flavonoids and other plant secondary products. In grapefruit, glucosylation is important in the synthesis of the bitter compound naringin. Glucosyltransferases catalyze glucosylation reactions. Putative plant secondary product glucosyltransferases may be identified by the loosely conserved “PSPG box” amino acid sequence; however, with current knowledge, biochemical characterization is the only way to determine with certainty the function of these enzymes. The hypothesis tested here is that PGT11 is a plant secondary product glucosyltransferase. Recombinant PGT11 has been expressed in yeast using the pPICZ A vector. To investigate the hypothesis, the enzyme will be screened for glucosylation activity with various flavonoid and phenolic substrates.

Identifizierung von Chitinasen mit fungizider Wirkung / Identification of chitinases with antifungal properties

Hoster, Frank 04 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Les gènes et protéines BSP chez la souris et l’humain : clonage, caractérisation, expression sous forme recombinante et étude des fonctions biologiques

Lefebvre, Jasmine 08 1900 (has links)
L’infertilité affecte environ 15% des couples en âge de se reproduire. Dans près de la moitié des cas, des facteurs masculins sont à la base de l’infertilité, quoique les causes exactes demeurent souvent inconnues. Les spermatozoïdes de mammifères subissent une série d’étapes de maturation avant d’acquérir la capacité de féconder un ovocyte. Les premiers changements ont lieu à l’intérieur de l’épididyme, où les spermatozoïdes gagnent la capacité de se mouvoir ainsi que de reconnaître et d’interagir avec l’ovocyte. Suite à l’éjaculation, ils doivent subir une seconde série de modifications à l’intérieur du tractus génital femelle, nommée capacitation. Nous avons préalablement démontré que chez le bovin, la famille de protéines BSP (Binder of SPerm) est essentielle à la capacitation. Des homologues des BSP ont aussi été isolés du fluide séminal de porc, de bouc, de bélier, de bison et d’étalon. Malgré la détection d’antigènes apparentés aux BSP dans le fluide séminal de souris et d’humain, les homologues des BSP n’ont jamais été caractérisés chez ces espèces. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des homologues des BSP seraient exprimés chez la souris et l’humain et joueraient un rôle dans la maturation des spermatozoïdes. Nous avons démontré que des séquences homologues aux BSP sont présentes dans les génomes murin et humain. Le génome murin contient trois séquences; Bsph1, Bsph2a et Bsph2b, tandis qu’une seule séquence (BSPH1) a été identifée chez l’humain. Les séquences d’ADNc de Bsph1, Bsph2a et BSPH1 ont été clonées, tandis que Bsph2b serait probablement un pseudogène. Les trois gènes sont exprimés uniquement dans l’épididyme et font partie d’une sous-famille distincte à l’intérieur de la famille des BSP. Chez les ongulés, les BSP sont exprimées par les vésicules séminales, sont ajoutées aux spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et représentent une proportion significative des protéines du plasma séminal. Au contraire, les BSP épididymaires ne sont retrouvées qu’en faibles quantités dans le fluide séminal. L’étude de leur rôle dans les fonctions spermatiques était donc plus difficile que chez les ongulés, où l’isolement des protéines natives du plasma séminal à l’aide de techniques de chromatographie était possible. Afin d’étudier sa fonction, nous avons exprimé BSPH1 recombinante dans E. coli. Les ponts disulfure des domaines de type-II caractéristiques de ces protéines ont fait en sorte que l’expression de BSPH1 fusionnée à une étiquette hexahistidine ou glutathion-S-transférase a donné lieu à des protéines insolubles dans les corps d’inclusion. La production de BSPH1 soluble a été possible grâce à l’ajout d’une étiquette thiorédoxine et l’expression dans une souche au cytoplasme oxidatif. BSPH1 a été purifiée par affinité et sa liaison aux partenaires connus des BSP, la phosphatidylcholine, les lipoprotéines de faible densité et la membrane des spermatozoïdes, suggérait que la protéine recombinante possédait sa conformation native et pouvait être utilisée pour des essais fonctionnels. La forme native de BSPH1 a été détectée dans le plasma séminal humain suite au fractionnement par gel filtration. La liaison de BSPH1 native à une colonne d’affinité à l’héparine a indiqué qu’elle partage aussi cette propriété de liaison avec la famille des BSP, et pourrait lier les GAGs semblables à l’héparine du tractus génital féminin. Une colonne d’immunoaffinité anti-BSPH1 a été préparée à l’aide d’anticorps générés contre des protéines recombinantes, et a permis d’isoler BSPH1 native à partir d’extraits de spermatozoïdes humains. Nos résultats montrent que BSPH1 native serait localisée dans les microdomaines « rafts » de la membrane. Sa masse moléculaire apparente était de 32 kDa, ce qui est supérieur à la masse prédite selon sa séquence en acides aminés, indiquant la présence probable de modifications post-traductionnelles, ou d’une migration anormale. L’effet de BSPH1 recombinante et des anticorps anti-BSPH1 sur la motilité, la viabilité et la capacitation a aussi été étudié. Les deux dernières variables ont été mesurées par un essai de cytométrie en flux, optimisé dans cette étude. Aucun effet des protéines recombinantes ou des anticorps sur la motilité et la viabilité des spermatozoïdes n’a été noté. Quoiqu’une stimulation modeste, quoique significative, de la capacitation ait été observée à la plus faible concentration de BSPH1, les concentrations plus élevées n’ont pas montré d’effet. De la même manière, les anticorps anti-BSPH1 n’ont pas eu d’effet significatif sur la capacitation. Ces résultats suggèrent que BSPH1 produite dans E. coli n’affecte pas la capacitation de façon marquée. Cependant, puisque BSPH1 native possède probablement des modifications post-traductionnelles, une protéine recombinante produite dans des cellules de mammifères pourrait affecter les fonctions spermatiques. De manière alternative, les BSP épididymaires remplissent peut-être un rôle différent dans les fonctions spermatiques que celles sécrétées par les vésicules séminales des ongulés. Les résultats décrits dans cette thèse pourraient contribuer à améliorer le diagnostic de l’infertilité masculine, ainsi que les techniques de reproduction assistée et éventuellement, pourraient mener au développement de contraceptifs masculins. / Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples of reproductive age. In nearly half the cases, male factors are responsible, although causes underlying male infertility often remain unknown. Mammalian sperm undergo a series of maturational steps before acquiring the capacity to fertilize an oocyte. The first changes take place inside the epididymis, where sperm gain motility and the ability to recognize and interact with the oocyte. After ejaculation, sperm go through a second maturation event named capacitation, taking place inside the female reproductive tract. We previously showed that in the bovine species, proteins of the BSP (Binder of SPerm) family are essential for capacitation. Homologs of these proteins have also been isolated from boar, ram, goat, bison and stallion seminal fluid. Although BSP-related antigens have been detected in mouse and human seminal fluid, BSP homologs have never been characterized in these species. We hypothesized that BSPs would indeed be expressed in mice and humans and could be involved in sperm maturation. Our studies demonstrated that BSP-homologous sequences are present in the mouse and human genomes. The mouse genome contains three BSP-like sequences, Bsph1, Bsph2a and Bsph2b, whereas only one sequence (BSPH1) was identified in the human genome. The complete cDNA sequences of Bsph1, Bsph2a and BSPH1 were cloned, whereas Bsph2b is probably a pseudogene. The two murine and sole human genes are expressed uniquely in the epididymis, and are part of a distinct sub-family within the BSP superfamily. The BSPs of ungulates are expressed in the seminal vesicles, are added to sperm upon ejaculation and represent a significant proportion of seminal plasma proteins. In contrast, BSP proteins expressed in the mouse and human epididymides are found in very small quantities in seminal fluid. The study of their role in sperm functions was therefore less straightforward than for ungulate species, where direct isolation of the native proteins from seminal plasma was feasible using various chromatography techniques. In order to investigate the role of the human BSP protein, BSPH1, we expressed the recombinant protein in E. coli. Probably due to the multiple disulfide bonds within the fibronectin type-II domains characteristic of these proteins, expression of BSPH1 with a hexahistidine or glutathione-S-tranferase tag gave rise to insoluble protein trapped inside bacterial inclusion bodies. Successful expression of soluble BSPH1 was achieved when the protein was fused to a thioredoxin tag and expressed in a bacterial strain that possesses an oxidizing cytoplasm. This protein was purified using affinity chromatography techniques and tested for binding to known ligands of BSP proteins: phosphatidylcholine, low-density lipoproteins and the human sperm membrane. Since recombinant BSPH1 displayed all three binding properties, we concluded that it had assumed its native conformation and could be used in subsequent functional assays to determine its role in sperm functions. The native form of BSPH1 was detected in human seminal plasma after fractionation on a gel filtration column. Native BSPH1 also bound to a heparin-affinity column, indicating that it shares this binding property with the BSP family and may also bind heparin-like GAGs of the female reproductive tract. An anti-BSPH1 immunoaffinity column was prepared using antibodies generated with bacterially expressed recombinant proteins and was used to isolate native BSPH1 from human sperm extracts. In addition, our results show that BSPH1 probably localizes to detergent-resistant microdomains of the human sperm membrane. Its apparent molecular weight was 32 kDa, which is superior to that predicted by its amino acid sequence. Therefore, BSPH1 probably undergoes post-translational modifications or migrates abnormally during electrophoresis. The effect of recombinant BSPH1 protein and anti-BSPH1 antibodies on human sperm motility, viability and capacitation were also investigated. The latter two sperm functions were assayed using a flow cytometry technique optimized in this study. No effect of recombinant BSPH1 or antibodies on sperm motility or viability was noted. Although a modest yet significant stimulation of capacitation was observed at lower BSPH1 protein concentrations, higher concentrations showed no effect. In the same fashion, anti-BSPH1 antibodies showed no significant effect on capacitation. These results suggest that recombinant BSPH1 produced in E. coli does not appreciably affect capacitation. However, since native BSPH1 may be subject to post-translational modifications, it is possible that BSPH1 expressed in a mammalian system would affect sperm capacitation. Alternatively, epididymally expressed BSPs may play a somewhat different role in sperm functions than those secreted by the seminal vesicles of ungulates. The results described in this thesis could aid in better diagnosing male infertility, improving assisted reproduction and eventually, developing male contraceptives.

Příprava a studium lidského lymfocytárního receptoru LLT1 / Preparation and study of human lymphocyte receptor LLT1

Bláha, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Natural killer (NK) cells are an intensively studied part of immune system, possessing unique ability to recognize and induce death of tumor and virus-infected cells without prior antigen sensitization. Their function is regulated by a fine balance of signals induced by multiple activating and inhibitory cell surface receptors and their interaction with the ligands present on the target cell. Recent research in their C-type lectin-like receptors repertoire has shown that ligands of some of these previously orphan receptors lie within their own family, describing a lectin-lectin interaction. This is the case of human inhibitory receptor NKRP1 (gene KLRB1) and its ligand LLT1 (gene CLEC2D). Previous studies have shown that overproduction of LLT1 in cancer cells or lower production of NKRP1 in NK cells is connected to cancerous manifestations. This master's thesis shows a successful production of the extracellular part of LLT1 utilizing a mammalian expression system based on transient transfection of modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) cell lines. It was found that the five cystein residues contained within the lectin domain of LLT1 tend to cause misfolding and formation of aggregates. Stabilization of the domain was achieved by restoration of the sixth cystein residue at the evolutionary conserved...

Heterologní exprese genu pro esterasu alfa-aminokyselin z kmene Achromobacter sp. CCM 4824 v Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). / A heterologous expression of alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase from the strain Achromobacter sp. CCM 4824 in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)

Schneiderová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
On the chromosomal DNA of the microorganism Achromobacter sp. CCM 4824, which was gained in the Laboratory of enzyme technology MBU AVCR v.v.i., there was identified a gene coding an enzyme capable of hydrolyzation of semi-synthetic β-lactam antibiotics ampicillin and cephalosporin with a D-phenylglycine as a side chain. This enzyme belongs to a group of α-amino acid esterases, which are interesting because of a potential use in kinetically controled synthesis of β-lactam antibiotics. In several aspects α-amino acid esterases might be better than actually used penicillin acylases and that is why these enzymes are subjects of a big interest. The gene for α-amino acid esterase coded by chromosomal DNA was cloned, characterized and heterologously expressed in constructed highly-producing bacterial system Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)JM5. Produced enzyme was purified and its properties important for possible use in the production of semi-synthetic β-lactam antibiotics were determined. Key words: alpha-amino acid ester hydrolase, Achromobacter sp., recombinant expression system, β-lactam antibiotics

Příprava a biochemická charakterizace proteasového inhibitoru equistatinu / Preparation and biochemical characterization of protease inhibitor equistatin

Polatová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
Equistatin from the sea anemone Actinia equina contains a protein domain Eqd2 which inhibits aspartic peptidases and has not been characterized in detail. Recombinant Eqd2 was produced in the yeast expression system, and a protocol for its chromatographic purification was designed. The inhibitory specificity of Eqd2 was determined using a fluorescence inhibition assay, showing that Eqd2 is a highly selective inhibitor of cathepsin D-like and pepsin-like aspartic peptidases of family A1. Furthermore, size exclusion chromatography was used to analyze the Eqd2-peptidase complex and Eqd2 oligomerization in solution. Initial screening of crystallization conditions for Eqd2 was performed towards its structural analysis. This work provides important new information about Eqd2 as a unique type of natural inhibitors of aspartic peptidases. Its interaction mechanism can be exploited in the development of synthetic mimetics for regulation of medically important peptidases. (In Czech) Key words: peptidase inhibitors, proteolytic enzymes, activity and inhibition of enzymes, recombinant expression, protein purification, protein crystallization, equistatin

Inženýrství mikrobiálních glykosidáz pro změnu syntetického potenciálu / Engineering of microbial glycosidases for modifying synthetic potential

Hovorková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
Glycosidases (EC 3.2.1.) alias glycoside hydrolases are enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of a glycosidic bond between two carbohydrates or between a carbohydrate and an aglycone. Under suitable conditions (especially reduction of water activity in the reaction mixture), these enzymes are also able to synthesize a glycosidic bond. By targeted mutagenesis of the catalytic centre of the enzymes, it is possible to suppress or completely abolish their hydrolytic activity. Enzyme synthesis using glycosidases makes it possible to prepare bioactive galactosides, for example galectin ligands. The present work deals mainly with β-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans, its recombinant expression and mutagenesis. In the first part of the work, the commercially prepared plasmid of -galactosidase from B. circulans isoform A that I designed was used for recombinant expression in E. coli. It was necessary to optimize the conditions of the enzyme production. As it is a large protein (189 kDa), the expression vector pCOLD II and cold production at 15 ř C were used. The enzyme is specific for the formation of the β-1,4 glycosidic bond and has been used to synthesize complex tri- and tetrasaccharide ligands that cannot be prepared with a crude commercial preparation containing undesirable enzyme activities....

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