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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of youth offenders' subjective experiences of the rehabilitation programme at a South African reform school

Southgate, Benita January 1997 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / The institution in which the study was conducted is a closed, residential, single sex reform school in Cape Town. Male youths between the ages of 13 and 21 are committed via the judicial system for offenses which range from persistent behavioural problems at Schools of Industry to criminal offenses. Academic and technical education is provided with the emphasis on equipping them with trade skills to enable them to more easily enter the job market after release. The period of institionalisation is 1Y2 to 2 years. After this period, the youth is "released on licence", pending a favourable social worker's report on his home circumstances. This is technically a probationary period, during which there is supposed to be a social work follow-up service in the community. Apart from a bi-annual holiday which is conditionally based on favourable home circumstances, the only form of interaction with the community consists of the youth working for members of the public which is a reward for good behaviour whereby youths are allowed to work on a Saturday at a nominal fee. Punishment involves caning, isolation of up to a month in isolation cells and the removal of privileges such as holidays or watching television. The aim of the rehabilitation programme is to facilitate the youths' successful reintegration into society. The study, therefore, explores the youthful offenders' subjective experiences of the rehabilitation programme to determine aspects of the programme which could be modified or stabilized to improve its outcome. It is assumed that the analysis of the experiences of the youthful offenders is located within a broader interpretation of what may be described as the two sides of the juvenile justice and education system - its policy and practice. The study, therefore, includes a conceptual and historical analysis of the organising principles of the reform school. It is also argued that while adherence to law-abiding behaviour is an important goal of correctional treatment, assessment should provide information about other capabilities and aspects of adjustment. Although the call has been away from institutional provision toward community treatment, it is asserted that the only notable shift has been in the rhetoric, despite the restructuring and reorganising of the juvenile justice and education system. The present author advocates for the co-existence of institutional and community-based programmes. Recommendations are made to inform an intervention strategy that would assist with the youths' reintegration into society because the current system only served to create a pervasive atmosphere of disillusionment and frustration as opposed to pro-social behaviour.

To evaluate and make recommendations for improvement to the MBChB Rehabilitation Programme of the University of Stellenbosch

Sammons, Helen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Faculty Health Sciences, University of ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch, South Africa, delivers a rehabilitation training programme to its MBChB students. The aim of this programme is to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage persons with disabilities in the community which aligns with both the faculty mission and the National Department of Health’s 2010 Plan. In line with rehabilitation philosophies a generic approach using the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health is used in this programme. Feedback has been received from the students at the end of each of the rehabilitation modules and the programme has been reviewed annually by the Module Chair Persons and Rehabilitation Programme Co-ordinator. It had however never been formally evaluated and hence the need for this study. In this study a cross-sectional description of the programme was made using the framework of the World Health Organisation approved World Federation for Medical Education’s Global Standards for basic medical education. Sixty five themes were arranged according to the original nine areas of the standards. Interviews and questionnaires were designed and documentation was reviewed to obtain quantitative and qualitative data from direct and indirect stakeholders from nine population samples. Participants included faculty staff, students as well as rehabilitation experts and persons with disabilities. The analysis of the results of the data collected between March and September 2011 showed that the programme was compliant against 40 of the 65 indicators. The programme was compliant regarding the area pertaining to the mission and objectives and largely compliant regarding the content and delivery of the programme. Where there was non compliance or room for improvement regarding the content, delivery and assessment of the students, recommendations were made, reviewed by the programme committee in November 2011 and implementation was planned for January 2012. Shortcomings identified in the training and support of teaching staff, availability of training resources and in the administrative support of the programme were referred to the Head of the Centre for Rehabilitation Studies. Non-compliance regarding electives and enrolment of medical students with disabilities was considered beyond the immediate control of the programme and were to be referred to the Faculty Health Sciences management. The results showed non-compliance of monitoring and evaluation of the programme, supporting the original need for this study. The indicators were deemed comprehensive and relevant for this evaluation of the rehabilitation programme. It was recommended that four indicators be refined according to the results of this study and that the lists of heath conditions and bio psychosocial problems that persons with disability experience be further validated. Three changes to the tools were recommended should they be used for repeat evaluations of the programme. It was recommended that the methods used to monitor the programme be reviewed allowing for more specific feedback against selected indicators, with wider stakeholder input including lecturers. A final recommendation was that the post of the Rehabilitation Programme Co-ordinator be evaluated in order to effect these recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sentrum vir Rehabilitasie Studies, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika, lewer 'n rehabilitasie-opleidingsprogram aan sy MBChB-studente. Die doel van hierdie program is om gegradueerdes met die nodige kennis, vaardighede en gesindhede toe te rus om persone met gestremdhede in die gemeenskap te kan behandel wat in lyn is met die fakulteit se missie en die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid se 2010 Plan. In ooreenstemming met rehabilitasie filosofieë word 'n generiese benadering volgens die Internasionale Klassifikasie van Funksie, Gestremdheid en Gesondheid in hierdie program gebruik. Terugvoer is van die studente aan die einde van elk van die rehabilitasie modules ontvang en die program is jaarliks deur die Module voorsitter en Rehabilitasie Program-koördineerder hersien. Dit was egter nooit formeel geëvalueer nie en daarom die behoefte vir hierdie studie. In hierdie studie is 'n deursnee beskrywing van die program gemaak deur gebruik te maak van die raamwerk van die Wêreld-Gesondheidsorganisasie goedgekeurde Wêreld Federasie van Mediese Onderwys se globale standaarde vir basiese mediese opleiding. Vyf-en-sestig temas is volgens die oorspronklike nege gebiede van die standaarde gerangskik. Onderhoude en vraelyste is ontwerp en dokumentasie is hersien om kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data te verkry van direkte en indirekte belanghebbendes uit nege bevolking monsters. Deelnemers het fakulteit personeel, studente, sowel as rehabilitasie kundiges en persone met gestremdhede ingesluit. Die ontleding van die resultate van die data wat ingesamel is tussen Maart en September 2011 het getoon dat die program aan 40 van die 65 aanwysers voldoen. Die program voldoen met betrekking tot die gebied van die missie en doelwitte en is grootliks in ooreenstemming met betrekking tot die inhoud en aflewering van die program. Waar daar nie-nakoming was of ruimte vir verbetering ten opsigte van die inhoud, lewering en beoordeling van die student was, is aanbevelings gemaak in November 2011, deur die program komitee hersien en implementering was vir Januarie 2012 beplan. Leemtes geïdentifiseer in die opleiding en ondersteuning van die doserende personeel, die beskikbaarheid van opleiding hulpbronne en in die administratiewe ondersteuning van die program is verwys na die Hoof van die Sentrum vir Rehabilitasiestudies. Nie-nakoming ten opsigte van elektiwe en die inskrywing van mediese studente met gestremdhede was buite die onmiddellike beheer van die program oorweeg en sou na die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe verwys word. Die resultate het nie-nakoming van monitering en evaluering van die program getoon, wat die oorspronklike behoefte vir hierdie studie ondersteun het. Die aanwysers was omvattend geag en relevant vir die evaluering van die rehabilitasieprogram. Dit was aanbeveel dat vier van die aanwysers volgens die resultate van hierdie studie verfyn moet word en dat die lyste van die Gesondheids kondisies en bio-psigososiale probleme wat persone met gestremdhede ervaar verder valideer moet word. Drie veranderinge is aan die instrumente aanbeveel sou hulle vir herevaluering van die program gebruik word. Dit is aanbeveel dat die metodes wat gebruik word om die program te monitor, hersien moet word, met voorsiening vir meer spesifieke terugvoer teen gekose aanwysers, met wyer belanghebbendes se insette insluitend dosente. 'n Finale aanbeveling was dat die pos van die rehabilitasie-program-koördineerder geëvalueer moet word ten einde hierdie aanbevelings aan te bring.


Lučunas, Albertas 03 January 2011 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama priklausomų nuo psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų asmenų gyvenimo kokybė: psichologinė gerovė (pozityvios gerovės pojūtis, savikontrolė, bendrasis sveikatingumas, gyvybingumas, nerimas, depresiška nuotaika), kasdienio gyvenimo fizinė sveikata, psichologinis kūno įvaizdis ir išvaizda, socialiniai ir asmeniniai santykiai, aplinka ir materialiniai ištekliai. Tyrimo tikslas - atlikti priklausomų nuo psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų asmenų, baigusių Lietuvos priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos centrų ilgalaikes programas, gyvenimo kokybės analizę. Naudotos metodikos: Psichologinės gerovės klausimynas, Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos Gyvenimo kokybės klausimynas (WHOQOL-BREF). Tyrime dalyvavo 86 ilgalaikę PRP (priklausomybių reabilitacinę programą) baigę asmenys: 68 vyrai ir 17 moterų bei 1 nenurodęs savo lyties asmuo, kurių amžius yra nuo nuo 19 iki 51 metų. Duomenų analizė parodė, kad PRP programą baigusių asmenų, palyginus su reabilitacijos bendruomenėje besigydančiais asmenimis, gyvenimo kokybė yra labiau pozityvi: a) jų geresnė psichologinė gerovė – jie jaučia mažiau nerimo, depresiškos nuotaikos; jaučia turintys daugiau savikontrolės, gyvybingumo; jų yra didesnis pozityvios gerovės pojūtis bei bendrasis sveikatingumas; b) jie savo gyvenimo kokybės visumą bei sveikatos būklę suvokia kaip geresnes; c) jie geriau vertina kasdieninio gyvenimo fizinę sveikatą, socialinius ir asmeninius santykius, aplinką ir materialinius išteklius. PRP programą baigusių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis analyses the quality of life of the people with addictive disorders. The quality of life includes their psychological well-being (positive sensation of well-being, self-control, general health, viability, anxiety, and depressed mood), everyday physical health, psychological body image and appearance, social and personal relationships, physical environment and financial resources. The goal of this study was to perform the analysis of the quality of life of the people who have finished long-term addiction rehabilitation programmes in Lithuanian therapeutic communities. The following instruments were used: Psychological General Well-being Schedule, WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). 86 residents of therapeutic communities who have finished a long term ARP (the Addiction Rehabilitation Programme), i.e. 68 men and 17 women and 1 person of an unidentified gender with age ranging from 19 to 51 participated in this study. The data analysis showed that the quality of life of the people who have finished the ARP programme compared to the patients in the same rehabilitation is more positive: a) their psychological well-being is better - they feel less anxiety, depressed mood; they feel more self-control, vitality; they have a greater sensation of positive well-being and general health; b) they perceive their whole quality of life and health status as better; c) they have a better assessment of their everyday physical health, social and personal relationships... [to full text]

Intervention strategies for improving vocational rehabilitation programme for young adult offenders : a case study

Ngobeni, Sandlana Clemance January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Limpopo, 2015 / The majority of the young adult offenders have a low level of education and are without the proper skills desired by employers. Vocational rehabilitation programme offered to young adult offenders seem ineffective in preparing young adult offenders for better lives after release. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible intervention strategies for improving vocational rehabilitation programme offered to young adult offenders at Polokwane Correctional Services Centre. Focus was also on the challenges faced by young adult offenders during the implementation of vocational rehabilitation programmes for the young adult offenders. Qualitative research approach was applied using case study design. Semi-structured interviews, focus group and documents analysis were employed to gather data. The major research findings indicated that:  Young adult offenders receive insufficient and inadequate vocational rehabilitation training due to lack of qualified trainers for specific field.  Young adult offenders often skip classes due to shortage of prison officers who can escort them to their classes.  There is lack of resources such as textbooks, apparatus to conduct practicals for engineering studies and skills development programmes.  There is insufficient support and motivation to the young adult offenders from the management and educational staff. It was recommended that:  Enough qualified trainers and section heads should be appointed to conduct vocational rehabilitation training to the young adult offenders.  Enough prison officers should be appointed to escort young adult offenders from cells to classroom to avoid the issue of skipping lessons.  Sufficient resources such as textbooks and apparatus to conduct practicals must be provided to centre should be made in order to provide support and motivation to young adult offenders.

Developing a model of quality of life for people with coronary heart disease

Lin, Zin-Rong January 2001 (has links)
Quality of life (QOL) is an extremely important concept in the promotion of appropriate and successful health care programmes. However, there is a need for conceptual clarity to unravel the complexities of terminology in different medical conditions and the underlying factors that have a direct influence on the quality of life for people with coronary heart disease. The primary objective of this thesis is to propose a theoretical model which specifies the domains of QOL and the interrelationships among these domains. The objectives of the study are four-fold: (1) To examine whether a cardiac rehabilitation programme has a beneficial effect on cardiac heart disease patients; (2) To evaluate the primary components of generic health-related quality of life assessment tools for people with coronary heart disease; (3) To identify the main factors governing disease-specific health-related quality of life assessment tools amongst patients with coronary heart disease; (4) To examine a variety of conceptual models of QOL and to determine their relevance to cardiac patients. First, in order to provide conceptual clarity, a comprehensive review of QOL measures was undertaken. Second, data was collected on a cardiac rehabilitation programme in a county hospital using Short Form-36 (SF-36) and Quality of Life for Myocardial Infarction (QLMI) instruments. This data was analysed using a number of techniques including (l)meta-analysis; (2)discriminant analysis; (3)factor analysis and (4)structural equation modelling. Analysing the data in this way enabled the development and clarification of the specific domains of the quality of life model. Meta-analysis involved pooling the results of several studies, these were then analysed to provide a systematic, quantitative review of the data. The results found that the related studies did not have consistent outcomes to support the positive effects of a cardiac exercise rehabilitation programme on quality of life in coronary patients. Findings from the SF-36 indicate that older people with coronary heart disease gain more pain relief than their younger counterparts. After a cardiac exercise rehabilitation progranune, statistically significant improvements occurred in physical function, social function, role limitation/physical, energy/vitality, body pain, and change in health-related dimensions of quality of life. The first-order five domains model includes the symptom domain, the restriction domain, the confidence domain, the self-esteem domain and the emotion domain. This model represents an appropriate model of quality of life for people with coronary heart disease compared to the three-domain model and the four-domain model. In terms of the second-order QOL model, the five-domain model also has an adequate fit to the data. According to the result of structural equation modelling, three models, including the null model, the alternative model I and the alternative model n, did not fit the data perfectly. However, the construct of full latent variable model gradually increased the fit statistics from the null model to the alternative model I and from the null model to alternative model n. Therefore, it can be concluded that the paths and indicators of the three models need to be further adjusted in order to provide a more appropriate model. Nevertheless, this is a first trial to examine a full model of quality of life for people with coronary heart disease using the structural equation analyses. As such, this study provides a new approach to examining the difference between empirical studies and theoretical approaches.

Self-regulation and quality of life after a heart attack : a cross-cultural study

Nayoan, Johana January 2010 (has links)
Objective. Coronary heart disease has been on the rise in poorer countries and decreasing in developed countries over the last twenty years. However, the cardiac-related health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in poorer countries has not been studied. This study aimed to compare HRQOL following heart attack in a developing country in the East with that of a developed country in the West. Using the self-regulation of health and illness behaviour, the relationships between illness beliefs, coping cognitions and HRQOL are studied. Design. This study was a cross-sectional correlational survey and data were collected shortly before myocardial infarction patients were discharged from hospital. Methods. A sample of 243 individuals from the UK and Indonesia were recruited. Illness beliefs were assessed with the B-IPQ, along with coping cognitions (Brief-COPE) and health-related quality of life (MacNew questionnaire). Results. Illness beliefs and coping cognitions predicted HRQOL in the combined sample. Some aspects of socio-demographic and clinical variables were concurrently associated with HRQOL. Conclusion. The results demonstrate that people in the East have low illness beliefs and these are associated with worse HRQOL compared with those in the West. The findings suggest that there is an urgent need for smoking cessation campaigns in the East, while the West could benefit more from tailored-cardiac rehabilitation programme.

A model of performance management for the parole boards in South Africa : a penological perspective

Mashabela, Manaso Pelmos January 2011 (has links)
One of the fundamental objectives of the criminal justice system in any country is to punish, rehabilitate, deter, incapacitate and reintegrate offenders into communities. The main motive of punishment therefore is to transform criminals into responsible and law-abiding citizens. Parole is acknowledged as an internationally accepted mechanism that allows for the conditional release of offenders from correctional centres into the community and forms one of the most important components of the criminal justice system value chain. The release of the offenders on parole therefore, does not negate the objectives of punishment but entrenches them through setting conditions by which all parolees must abide by. In other words, all offenders released on parole are supervised at all times by parole officials within their communities to ensure that they comply with their conditions. It is for this function- to grant parole to offenders, that the parole boards have been established in different countries. The Department of Correctional Services in South Africa has adopted the independent model of parole which provides for the parole boards that are headed by independent members from the public appointed by the Minister of Correctional Services. Parole is administered by the parole boards and has, as one of its main functions the release of offenders based on their eligibility. The absence of the performance management system for the parole board makes parole board decision making less transparent and government accountability difficult to establish. Performance management systems have been used to strengthen good governance. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the design of a model of performance management of the parole boards in the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa. / Penology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

A model of performance management for the parole boards in South Africa : a penological perspective

Mashabela, Manaso Pelmos January 2011 (has links)
One of the fundamental objectives of the criminal justice system in any country is to punish, rehabilitate, deter, incapacitate and reintegrate offenders into communities. The main motive of punishment therefore is to transform criminals into responsible and law-abiding citizens. Parole is acknowledged as an internationally accepted mechanism that allows for the conditional release of offenders from correctional centres into the community and forms one of the most important components of the criminal justice system value chain. The release of the offenders on parole therefore, does not negate the objectives of punishment but entrenches them through setting conditions by which all parolees must abide by. In other words, all offenders released on parole are supervised at all times by parole officials within their communities to ensure that they comply with their conditions. It is for this function- to grant parole to offenders, that the parole boards have been established in different countries. The Department of Correctional Services in South Africa has adopted the independent model of parole which provides for the parole boards that are headed by independent members from the public appointed by the Minister of Correctional Services. Parole is administered by the parole boards and has, as one of its main functions the release of offenders based on their eligibility. The absence of the performance management system for the parole board makes parole board decision making less transparent and government accountability difficult to establish. Performance management systems have been used to strengthen good governance. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the design of a model of performance management of the parole boards in the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa. / Penology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Penology)

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