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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dan?a de sal?o como possibilidade de qualifica??o das rela??es (intra) interpessoal na empresa

Silva, Caroline Rodrigues da 21 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437779.pdf: 461761 bytes, checksum: 5ec35749095376140106d7dbf61572a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-21 / Thisstudy aimed tounderstand the importanceof ballroom dancingas a possibility to the qualificationof interpersonal relationshipsin the company.As specific objectives, we sought to analyze the (intra) interpersonalrelationshipsof ballroom dancing practicesin the companyand analyzesocial dancing as an experience able to qualifytheinterpersonal relationships, promoting new opportunities forinterventionsin the company. In a qualitative perspective, a methodologyof action research was used tocarry out acooperative research, inconducting focus groups-Gatti (2005) andGaskell (1999) andfor data analysis Moraes Discourse Textual Analysis and Galiazzi (2007) was used. The main authorswereDantas (2005, 1999), Rego (2008), Rey (2005),Chanlat (2007), Jesus (2000).The results showed that: perception of subjectivity exists behind the worker, and overcoming the dismissal of a sedentary lifestyle, the importance of peer relationships, the feeling of bliss and increased morale caused by the dance, the relationship between dance and life and the ballroom dancing as a promoter of respect from the link constituted by trust and self-esteem, encouraged by the self-knowledge. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender a import?ncia da dan?a de sal?o como possibilidade da qualifica??o das rela??es interpessoais na empresa. Como objetivos espec?ficos, pretendeu-se analisar as rela??es (intra) interpessoais dos praticantes da dan?a de sal?o na empresa e analisar a dan?a de sal?o como viv?ncia capaz de qualificar as rela??es interpessoais, promovendo novas possibilidades de interven??es na empresa. Numa perspectiva qualitativa, empregou-se como metodologia a pesquisa-a??o efetivada por meio da pesquisa cooperativa, na realiza??o de grupos focais Gatti (2005) e Gaskell (1999) e para an?lise dos dados, utilizou-se a An?lise Textual Discursiva de Moraes e Galiazzi (2007). Os principais autores utilizados foram Dantas (2005;1999), Rego (2008), Rey (2005), Chanlat (2007), Jesus (2000). Os resultados apontaram para: percep??o da subjetividade existente por tr?s do trabalhador, a destitui??o e supera??o do sedentarismo, a import?ncia das rela??es entre pares, a sensa??o de ?xtase e aumento da motiva??o provocadas pela dan?a, a rela??o da dan?a com a vida e a dan?a de sal?o como promotora de respeito, a partir do v?nculo constitu?do, pela confian?a e autoestima, propiciados pelo autoconhecimento.

Humanos e n?o-humanos : o aprendizado de novas sensibilidades e responsabilidades em nossas rela??es de estima??o

Dall'Agnol, Luciana de Sant'Anna 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2016-06-06T17:44:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCIANA_DE_SANTANNA_DALLAGNOL_COMPLETO.pdf: 1763002 bytes, checksum: b7ad3bbcc8b997d09b21f05165ae4ed4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T17:44:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCIANA_DE_SANTANNA_DALLAGNOL_COMPLETO.pdf: 1763002 bytes, checksum: b7ad3bbcc8b997d09b21f05165ae4ed4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Education and culture are processes that are inherent to and influence one another, and changes in our society require a continuous renewal of knowledge and (re) adaptation to a world in constant transformation. In urban western society, profound changes in our relations with non-human animals have occurred, especially with our pets. Pets have occupied an increasing space in the homes and lives of their fellow humans. As of the twentieth century, the intense relationship and the growing affection with certain species, such as dogs and cats, have blurred the boundaries of humanity and animality, as they were given status of family members, giving rise to issues related to the formation of a new culture and morality towards these nonhuman animals. These relationships entail new sensibilities and responsibilities, directed before only (or mainly) at beings of our own species. Thus, the project aims to explore the relationships between humans and their pets; in this case, dogs and cats in multi-species families, taking in account the implied educational dimension where these human and non humans relations are objects of various pedagogical devices that operate in the formation of a sensitivity, an ethics and a morality directed specifically to regulate these relationships. We believe that studies that aim to understand the implications of human-animal relationship are critical for educators to understand these attitudes shifts in our contemporary society, posing special relevance in the educational field also by its influence in the formation (and maintenance) of the pedagogical relationship between teacher and student (who may be part of a multispecies family). The research will rely on a qualitative approach using participant observation techniques and semi-structured interviews, in addition to the literature. In order to observe the relationship of multi-species families, we chose a veterinary hospital where between pet owners and their animals that are hospitalized interact. The observations were the first contact with families who were subsequently selected for interviews. In addition, the context of the veterinary hospital, with animals for the most part ill and undergoing medical treatment, also shows the sensitivity of humans towards their companions, since these are generally in a state of poor health or stressed, and in some cases, ultimately die (with intervention of euthanasia or not). / A educa??o e a cultura s?o processos inerentes e transformadores um ao outro, fazendo com que as mudan?as em nossa sociedade exijam uma cont?nua renova??o de conhecimentos e (re) adapta??o a um mundo em constante renova??o. Na sociedade ocidental urbana, houve uma mudan?a profunda em nossas rela??es com animais n?o humanos, em espec?fico com nossos animais de estima??o. Os animais de estima??o t?m ocupado um espa?o cada vez maior nas resid?ncias e vidas de seus companheiros humanos. A partir do s?culo XX, a intensa conviv?ncia e a crescente afetividade com certas esp?cies, tais como c?es e gatos, t?m borrado as fronteiras de humanidade e animalidade ao conferir-lhes status de fam?lia, fazendo surgir quest?es relacionadas ? forma??o de uma nova cultura e moralidade para com estes animais n?o humanos. Essas rela??es de estima??o implicam em novas sensibilidades e responsabilidades, antes destinadas somente (ou, principalmente) a seres de nossa pr?pria esp?cie. Dessa forma, esta disserta??o teve por objetivo explorar as rela??es entre humanos e seus animais de estima??o; neste caso, c?es e gatos nas fam?lias multiesp?cie, observando a dimens?o educativa implicada nessas rela??es onde humanos e n?o-humanos s?o objetos de v?rios dispositivos pedag?gicos que operam na constitui??o de uma sensibilidade, uma ?tica e uma moral especificamente voltada para regular estas rela??es. Acreditamos que estudos que tentam compreender as implica??es da rela??o de humanos e animais s?o fundamentais para que os educadores compreendam estas mudan?as de atitudes em nossa sociedade contempor?nea, possuindo especial relev?ncia no campo educacional tamb?m por sua influ?ncia na forma??o (e manuten??o) do v?nculo pedag?gico entre professor e aluno (o qual poder? pertencer a uma fam?lia multiesp?cie). A pesquisa contou com uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando a t?cnica de observa??o participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas, al?m do levantamento bibliogr?fico. Com o intuito de observar a rela??o das fam?lias multiesp?cie, optou-se como campo de pesquisa o hospital veterin?rio, onde h? intera??o entre donos de animais de estima??o e seus animais que l? est?o internados. As observa??es foram o primeiro contato com fam?lias que foram subsequentemente selecionadas para as entrevistas. Ademais, o contexto do hospital veterin?rio, com animais (em sua maioria) doentes e em tratamento m?dico, tamb?m evidencia a sensibilidade dos humanos para com seus companheiros, pois geralmente encontram-se em um estado de sa?de debilitada ou de estresse e, em alguns casos, ocorrendo o ?bito (com interven??o da eutan?sia ou n?o).

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