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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation der intravitrealen Injektionen bei retinalen Venenverschlüssen mit geringem initialen Visus

Ahnert, Rebecca 28 April 2020 (has links)
Retinale Venenverschlüsse kann man in Astvenenverschlüsse und Zentralvenenverschlüsse unterteilen. Beide Erkrankungen werden primär mit intravitrealen Injektionen behandelt, wie den Anti-VEGF-Antikörpern oder dexametasonhaltigen Implantaten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Evaluation der Therapiewirksamkeit von Anti-VEGF- Injektionen bei Patienten mit geringem Visus von ≤ 0,2 bei Behandlungsbeginn anhand von OCT und Visus von 150 Patienten im Behandlungsverlauf von bis zu zwölf Monaten. Die Gruppe der Patienten mit Baseline-Visus >0,2 stellt dabei die Vergleichsgruppe dar. In der Patientengruppe A mit Visus ≤ 0,2 bei ZVV stellte sich ein Visusanstieg von 0,10 auf 0,20 ± 0,18 nach zwölf Monaten ein. Im Patientenkollektiv B mit Visus >0,2 und ZVV stellte sich eine Visusbesserung von 0,43 auf 0,61 ± 0,27 ein. In der Patientengruppe A mit Visus ≤ 0,2 bei VAV stellte sich ein Visusanstieg von 0,11 auf 0,27 ± 0,07 nach zwölf Monaten ein. Im Patientenkollektiv mit Visus > 0,2 und VAV stellte sich eine Visusbesserung von 0,52 auf 0,68 ± 0,18 ein. Damit ist bei allen Gruppen eine signifikante Visusverbesserung nachweisbar, wobei es ersichtlich ist, dass der bessere initiale Visus auch einen besseren Endvisus determiniert. Bei der Patientengruppe mit Anfangsvisus ≤ 0,2 konnte signifikant eine größere absolute Netzhautdickenabnahme bei stets höherer Netzhautdicke als in der Referenzgruppe nachgewiesen werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Netzhautanatomie.....................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Blutversorgung der Netzhaut...............................................................................2 1.1.2 Venenverschlüsse der Retina..............................................................................3 1.2 Makulaödem..............................................................................................................7 1.3 Der molekulare Signalweg beim Makulaödem......................................................8 1.4 Diagnostik................................................................................................................10 1.4.1 Symptome.........................................................................................................10 1.4.2 Sehschärfenprüfung..........................................................................................10 1.4.3 .Ophthalmoskopie..............................................................................................11 1.4.4 Bildgebende Diagnostik.....................................................................................12 Fluoreszeinangiographie............................................................................12 Optische Kohärenz-Tomografie.................................................................13 1.5 Therapie der Venenverschlüsse............................................................................15 1.5.1 Intravitreale Injektionen.....................................................................................15 VEGF-Antikörper........................................................................................16 Bevacizumab.....................................................................................................17 Ranibizumab......................................................................................................17 Aflibercept..........................................................................................................17 Therapieschemata von intravitrealen Anti-VEGF-Injektionen....................18 Kortikosteroide...........................................................................................19 1.5.2 Laserkoagulation...............................................................................................20 Fokale Laserkoagulation....................................................................................20 Periphere Laserkoagulation...............................................................................21 1.6 Prognose.................................................................................................................21 2 Arbeitshypothese und Fragestellung..........................................................................23 3 Materialien und Methoden.............................................................................................24 3.1 Behandlungsablauf................................................................................................24 3.2 Patientenkollektiv und Statistik............................................................................26 4 Ergebnisse......................................................................................................................27 4.1 Patientenkollektiv...................................................................................................27 Demografie des Patientenkollektivs...................................................................30 4.2 Art der Behandlung................................................................................................35 4.3 Laserkoagulation....................................................................................................40 4.4 Patientengruppe Lucentis und ZVV......................................................................41 4.5 Patientengruppe Lucentis und VAV......................................................................49 5 Diskussion......................................................................................................................54 6 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit......................................................................................59

Análisis de la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina con OCT en niños con migraña

Fernández Montalvo, Lorena 18 September 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Encontrar posibles efectos estructurales de la migraña en la capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina (CFNR) en áreas peripapilares mediante tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCT) en niños y adolescentes.Material y métodos: Se evaluaron a 50 niños consecutivos con migraña, 25 con aura visual y 25 sin aura, y un grupo control de 25 niños sanos. La edad media de los pacientes y del grupo control fue de 9.5 ± 2.4 and 9.9 ± 2.6 años respectivamente, y la duración media de la migraña en pacientes con aura (MA) y sin aura (MsA) fue de MA = 1.9 ± 1.2 años y MsA = 2.4 ± 1.1 años respectivamente. Se utilizó la tomografía de coherencia óptica de dominio espectral para medir y comprar el grosor de la CFNR entre niños con migraña y niños sanos. Resultados: El grosor medio de la CFNR (OD, ojo derecho: P=0.013; OI, ojo izquierdo: P= 0.019), y de los cuadrantes nasal (OD: P< 0.001; OI: P< 0.001), y el temporal (OD: P< 0.001; OI: P< 0.001) estaba significativamente más adelgazado en los ojos de los pacientes migrañosos en comparación con los del grupo control. Otros parámetros no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente signficativas entre el grupo de migraña y el control. Conclusiones: La CFNR media y los cuadrantes nasal y temporal en pacientes pediátricos con migraña se encuentra reducida de forma estadísticamente significativa respecto a sujetos normales.

Expression in the mammalian retina of genes and proteins associated with Parkinson and other neurodegenerative diseases

Campello Blasco, Laura 24 April 2015 (has links)
La enfermedad de Parkinson es el segundo trastorno neurodegenerativo más común de nuestra sociedad tras el de Alzheimer. Se caracteriza por una disminución de los niveles del neurotransmisor dopamina asociada a la muerte de las neuronas dopaminérgicas en la substantia nigra del mesencéfalo, proceso que sucede de forma análoga en las células dopaminérgicas de la retina, el subtipo de células amacrinas A18. En consecuencia, además de las múltiples deficiencias motoras y cognitivas que conlleva esta enfermedad, también se han observado alteraciones, a nivel morfológico y fisiológico, en la retina de enfermos de Parkinson y animales modelo de esta enfermedad. Dichas alteraciones incluyen deficiencias en la agudeza visual, sensibilidad al contraste, percepción del color y adaptación a la oscuridad, así como en la detección del movimiento. Sin embargo, se hace necesario esclarecer los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes a esta patología en la retina con el fin de facilitar el diagnóstico molecular y la búsqueda de nuevas dianas terapéuticas. En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha analizado la expresión génica y el patrón de distribución en la retina de distintos mamíferos, desde roedores hasta la especie humana, de dos proteínas de elevada relevancia en la enfermedad de Parkinson, denominadas parkina y UCH-L1, dos importantes componentes del sistema ubicuitina-proteasoma, implicado en la homeostasis proteica celular. En este contexto, se han revisado en profundidad los componentes que integran este sistema en la retina, junto a su papel en el desarrollo y función de este tejido en condiciones fisiológicas y sus alteraciones en condiciones patológicas. Por otra parte, se ha estudiado el patrón de procesamiento ('splicing') alternativo del ARNm del gen PARK2, el cual codifica la proteína parkina, en la retina de mamíferos en condiciones fisiológicas, proceso cuya desregulación está implicada en el desarrollo y progresión de diversas patologías que afectan a la retina, incluida la enfermedad de Parkinson. Adicionalmente, se han investigado las alteraciones a nivel proteico en la retina de monos parkinsonianos tratados con el compuesto neurotóxico MPTP, mediante técnicas de proteómica. Finalmente, se han catalogado y cuantificado todos los genes expresados en la retina adulta humana mediante secuenciación masiva del transcriptoma (RNA-Seq), con especial énfasis en aquellos relacionados con enfermedades neurodegenerativas que afectan a la retina. En conclusión, en esta Tesis Doctoral se ha abordado mediante diferentes aproximaciones experimentales en la retina de mamíferos el estudio de la expresión de los genes y proteínas relacionados con enfermedades neurodegenerativas del sistema nervioso central que cursan con alteraciones en la estructura y función de la retina.

Ca2+ Dynamics in Retinal Horizontal Cells of Teleost Fish: Ca2+-Based Action Potentials and Tolerance to Hypoxia

Country, Michael 29 September 2020 (has links)
Horizontal cells (HCs) are retinal interneurons which provide feedback to photoreceptors to produce visual contrast. They are depolarized by glutamate released from photoreceptors, leading to a constant influx of Ca2+ which would be fatal to most neurons. In addition, HCs present spontaneous Ca2+-based action potentials, which are poorly understood and whose function is unknown. Given these unique Ca2+ dynamics, the present thesis sought to define action potentials (APs) and mechanisms of Ca2+ homeostasis in HCs. APs were observed in isolated goldfish HCs with electrophysiology, Ca2+ imaging, and voltage-sensitive dye imaging. Pharmacological inhibition of ion channels suggests APs required extracellular Ca2+ entry via L-type Ca2+ channels, followed by Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release from ryanodine receptors. Next, we developed a novel system to classify all four HC subtypes in vitro, and validated it with immunocytochemistry for a subtype-specific biomarker. All subtypes presented APs, although frequency and duration varied by subtype. APs were also found in HCs of tissue slices prepared from whole retina, where similar trends were found between subtype, frequency, and duration. This highlights subtype-specific differences in Ca2+ dynamics. Lastly, [Ca2+]i was monitored throughout hypoxia in HCs of the hypoxia-tolerant goldfish and the hypoxia-sensitive rainbow trout. In Ca2+ imaging experiments, hypoxia destabilized [Ca2+]i in HCs of trout; but in goldfish, HCs were resistant to the effects of hypoxia. However, when mitochondrial ATP-dependent K+ (mKATP) channels were inhibited, goldfish HCs lost the ability to maintain [Ca2+]i homeostasis during hypoxia. By contrast, in trout HCs, opening of mKATP stabilized [Ca2+]i during hypoxia. Furthermore, in goldfish, hypoxia protected against increases in [Ca2+]i caused by inhibiting glycolysis, showing that hypoxia is not just tolerated, but is actively protective in goldfish HCs. The present thesis includes the first comprehensive description of spontaneous Ca2+-based APs in HCs, and introduces the first cellular model of intrinsic hypoxic neuroprotection in the vertebrate retina.

Role of the Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 for the Retinal Development and Homeostasis / Rôle de la Glycogène Synthase Kinase 3 dans le Développement et l'Homéostasie de la Rétine

Paquet-Durand, François 22 March 2018 (has links)
Les modifications post-traductionnelles (MPTs) permettent un haut degré de régulation de l'expression des gènes en générant une diversité fonctionnelle au niveau du protéome. Dans le système nerveux, les MPTs régulent entre autres des facteurs de transcription permettant une adaptation rapide à un microenvironnement dynamique. Dans ce contexte, je me suis concentrée sur l’étude des Glycogène Synthase Kinases 3 (GSK3s). Elles sont au centre de la régulation de nombreuses voies de signalisation et contrôlent la stabilité de multiples cibles par phosphorylation. Au cours du développement du cerveau, les kinases GSK3 contrôlent la balance entre la prolifération et la différenciation. La dérégulation de l'activité des kinases GSK3 a un rôle clé dans les maladies neurodégénératives du cerveau. En revanche, le rôle important de ces kinases au cours du développement rétinien ainsi que dans les maladies neurodégénératives rétiniennes reste une question ouverte.L'objectif de ma thèse était d'étudier le rôle de ces kinases au cours du développement et de l'homéostasie rétinienne. J’ai montré que l'absence totale de Gsk3α et de Gsk3β très tôt au cours du développement rétinien entraîne une microphtalmie chez l'adulte. Les deux kinases jouent des rôles redondants puisque l'expression d'un seul allèle Gsk3 est suffisante pour prévenir le phénotype de microphtalmie. Cependant, une analyse phénotypique approfondie dans ce contexte génétique (un seul allèle Gsk3) a révélé une forte augmentation du nombre de cellules ganglionnaires déplacées (dRGCs) dans la couche nucléaire interne, associée à une modification des projections axonales des cellules ganglionnaires dans le cerveau par rapport aux contrôles. Dans l’ensemble, ces données suggèrent que les kinases GSK3s sont essentielles au maintien des progéniteurs rétiniens et sont impliquées dans la genèse des dRGCs. Compte tenu du très faible nombre de dRGCs en conditions normales, la fonction de ces cellules a été très peu étudiée à ce jour. Le modèle génétique que j’ai développé offre par conséquent un modèle de choix pour étudier l’ontogenèse et la fonction de ces cellules.Mes travaux de thèse se sont ensuite concentrés sur le rôle de GSK3 dans les photorécepteurs. En effet, des défauts de développement ou leur mort est l’une des principales causes de dégénérescence rétiniennes. Afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de ces kinases dans la maintenance des photorécepteurs, j'ai donc utilisé des souris invalidées de manière conditionnelle pour Gsk3α et Gsk3β spécifiquement dans les précurseurs des photorécepteurs. L’absence de GSK3 conduit à une altération de la maturation et de la fonction des photorécepteurs, suivie de leur dégénérescence. J’ai alors combiné des analyses transcriptomiques et des approches in vitro pour élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents. Mes données m’ont conduit à proposer un modèle selon lequel l’absence de GSK3 dans les photorécepteurs conduit à des défauts de phosphorylation de NRL (facteur de transcription nécessaire au développement des photorécepteurs de type bâtonnet), augmentant sa stabilité. Cette dérégulation post-traductionnelle conduit à la diminution d’expression d'un sous-ensemble de gènes cibles de NRL, co-régulés par CRX, et impliqués dans le développement et l'homéostasie des photorécepteurs. Cette dérégulation conduirait alors à la dégénérescence des photorécepteurs observée dans les mutants GSK3. Ce travail suggère donc que GSK3 joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de NRL pour contrôler la maturation et l'homéostasie des photorécepteurs. De telles données suggèrent également que ce mécanisme de régulation pourrait être déficient chez les patients atteints de rétinites pigmentaires dues à des mutations de NRL empêchant sa phosphorylation par GSK3. / Post-translational modifications (PTMs) allow a higher degree of regulation for the control of gene expression by generating functional diversity at the proteome level. In the central nervous system, PTMs regulate stability or activity of transcription factors allowing a rapid response to external signals and a quick adaptation to a dynamic cellular microenvironment. In this context, I focused on the ubiquitously expressed and highly conserved Glycogen Synthase Kinases 3 (GSK3s). They are at the crossroad of multifunctional signalling pathways. During mammalian brain development, GSK3 kinases control the balance between proliferation and differentiation. Deregulation of GSK3 kinases activity has also a key role in neurodegenerative diseases by causing the accumulation/aggregations of proteins causing neuronal cell death. Drugs targeting GSK3s hold a lot of promises to treat such diseases. Whether these kinases are also important during retinal development and involved in retinal diseases remains an open question. Several studies suggest the importance of regulating GSK3 function in photoreceptor under pathological conditions. Therefore, the main objective of my PhD was to investigate the role of these kinases during photoreceptor development and homeostasis. To better understand the role of these two kinases during retinal development and to highlight potential differences with the developing brain, we also investigated their function in the control of the balance between proliferation and differentiation of retinal progenitors. To achieve my work, I used conditional knockout mice for Gsk3α and Gsk3β specifically deleted either in photoreceptor precursors or in retinal progenitors during early development. The lack of GSK3 kinases in photoreceptor precursors led to impaired photoreceptor maturation and function followed by their degeneration. Transcriptomic analysis (RNAseq) 6, 10 and 14 days postnatally prior degeneration revealed several genes downregulated belonging to biological processes involved in eye development and visual functions. Among them, the expression of the transcription factor Nrl that is required for rod photoreceptor development was decreased. Astonishingly, NRL expression was highly increased at protein level. By in vitro approaches, I demonstrated that GSK3-dependent phosphorylation regulates NRL protein stability. Despite such increase, a large number of NRL target genes were downregulated leading to impaired photoreceptor maturation and function. Surprisingly, a vast majority of these downregulated genes were also target genes for CRX, another transcription factor working in synergy with NRL. This work demonstrates that PTMs of NRL play a critical role in fine tuning the expression of a subset of genes involved photoreceptor development and homeostasis. Such findings could allow the development of innovative therapeutic strategies for retinal dystrophies. The functional characterisation of GSK3 in the course of retinal development by invalidating both Gsk3α and Gsk3β in retinal progenitors early during development revealed their requirement for controlling cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation. Indeed, the complete lack of Gsk3α and Gsk3β led to microphtalmia in adults. Interestingly, the expression of only one Gsk3 allele was enough to rescue the phenotype. However, further analysis revealed a large number of displaced ganglion cells in the inner nuclear layer. The function of these cells remains to be determined, but their timing of production corresponds to other ganglion cells. Strikingly, these displaced ganglion cells project in distinct brain regions than normal ganglion cells. Therefore, our work could provide the first step toward determining the function of the displaced ganglion cells, which appear at low number in wildtype but whose function remains to be clarified.

Segmentation of human retinal layers from optical coherence tomography scans

Hammes, Nathan M. 09 February 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / An algorithm was developed in to efficiently segment the inner-limiting membrane (ILM) and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) from spectral domain-optical coherence tomography image volumes. A deformable model framework is described and implemented in which free-form deformations (FFD) are used to direct two deformable sheets to the two high-contrast layers of interest. Improved accuracy in determining retinal thickness (the distance between the ILM and the RPE) is demonstrated against the commercial state-of-the-art Spectralis OCT native segmentation software. A novel adaptation of the highest confidence first (HCF) algorithm is utilized to improve upon the initial results. The proposed adaptation of HCF provides distance-based clique potentials and an efficient solution to layer-based segmentation, reducing a 3D problem to 2D inference.

Crispr/cas9-mediated genome editing of human pluripotent stem cells to advance human retina regeneration research

Lam, Phuong T. 03 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Qualitative Analyse der Nervenfaserschicht nach Durchtrennung des Nervus opticus der adulten Albinoratte: Ultrastruktureller Nachweis von intraretinalen Wachstumskegeln

Hoffmann, Anke 22 October 2001 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, nach einer irreversiblen Schädigung des Sehnervs zu zeigen, ob retinale Ganglienzellen zu Umstrukturierungsprozessen an ihren Axonen ohne neuroprotektive Unterstützung fähig sind. Das besondere Interesse galt der licht- und elektronenmikroskopischen Analyse. Verwendet wurden 37 adulte Albinoratten (WISTAR-Prob). Zuerst wurde der Nervus opticus für 30 s 5 mm hinter dem Bulbus oculi gequetscht. Ein zweiter invasiver Eingriff, der zur retrograden Markierung von aberranten Neubildungen an den Axonen der Nervenfaserschicht durchgeführt wurde, fand zu den postoperativen Überlebenszeiten (ÜLZ) von drei und zehn Tagen, zwei, drei,vier, acht und zwölf Wochen sowie nach sechs und zwölf Monaten statt. Für die retrograde Markierung wurde das biotinylisierte Dextranamin (BDA) eingesetzt, das unter Verwendung des Chromogens Diaminobenzidin visualisiert wurde.Die folgenden Befunde konnten auf lichtmikroskopischer Ebene ermittelt werden: · axonale Schwellungen, · dornenförmige Fortsätze, · intraretinale Axonsprosse mit Wachstumskegeln, · zwei Formen von intraretinalen Axonkollateralen und · aberrante axonale Trajektorien in Form von Schleifenaxonen. Basierend auf dem lichtmikroskopischen Befund wurden ausgewählte Bereiche der Netzhaut ultrastrukturell untersucht.Axonale Schwellungen konnten hinsichtlich ihrer Gestalt in spindelförmig, ballonierend und breitbasig polypös unterschieden werden. Dornenförmige Fortsätze an den Nervenfasern stellen vermutlich ein morphologisches Erscheinungsbild zur Herstellung eines funktionellen Gleichgewichts dar. Die intraretinalen Axonsprosse mit ihren birnenförmigen Wachstumskegeln konnten erstmalig elektronenmikroskopisch in einer adulten Rattennetzhaut nach einer Schädigung des Nervus opticus beschrieben werden. Die nach den ÜLZ von zehn Tagen, zwei, drei und vier Wochen dokumentierten aberranten Fortsätze orientierten sich hauptsächlich vom Discus nervi optici zur Netzhautperipherie. Zu allen ÜLZ besaßen sie eine rundliche oder ovoide Gestalt und wiesen eine Größe von 5 bis 10 µm auf. Sie gingen aus einem Hauptfaszikel in der Nervenfaserschicht hervor und existierten in enger Korrelation zu benachbarten Axonen und Blutgefäßen. Die Definition des Wachstumskegels wurde durch den ultrastrukturellen Befund der Akkumulation von Mitochondrien und wachstumskegeltypischen Vesikeln verifiziert. Die Axonsprosse mit ihren Wachstumskegeln stellen das morphologische Substrat von temporären Reorganisationen der RGC nach einer Unterbrechung ihrer axonalen Efferenz dar. Es waren zwei Formen von intraretinalen Axonkollateralen sichtbar. Bei der ersten Form handelt es sich um eine axonale Kollateralisierung nach einem dreiwöchigen Versuch, die unmittelbar hinter dem Axonhügel einer Typ-III-RGC abzweigte. Diese Form der Kollateralisierung könnte vermutlich im Zusammenhang mit regenerativen Leistungen in der Netzhaut stehen, die unter dem Begriff axon-like processes definiert wurden. Die zweite Kollateralisierungsform zwei Wochen nach der Läsion bildete sich in einem orthogonalen Winkel von einer Nervenfaser in einem Axonfaszikel und entsendete mehrere Kollateralzweige. Acht Wochen nach einer Nervus opticus-Axotomie konnte eine Axonkollaterale dokumentiert werden, die sich in einem fortgeschrittenen Degenerationsprozess befand. Die beschriebene intraretinale Axonkollaterale konnte erstmalig bei der adulten Albinoratte beschrieben werden. Zwei und drei Wochen post lesionem konnten in zwei Versuchen Nervenfasern dokumentiert werden, die durch eine auffallende Schleifenbildung gekennzeichnet waren. Resümierend konnte auf licht- und elektronenmikroskopischer Ebene nachgewiesen werden,dass geschädigte retinale Ganglienzellen in der adulten Ratte zu axonalem Wachstum ohne neuroprotektive und neuropermissive Unterstützung fähig sind. Die beobachteten regenerativen Leistungen sind vermutlich auf das Wirken von Neurotrophinen in der Retina oder im Sehnerv selbst zurückzuführen. / The present light and electron microscopic study was undertaken to determine whether axotomized retinal ganglion cells are able to reestablish intraretinal axons without experimental neuroprotective support. 37 adult albino rats (WISTAR-Prob) were used. In a first step, the optic nerve was intraorbitally exposed and crushed for 30 s at about 5 mm from the ocular bulb. A second experiment was conducted in order to stain newly formed intraretinal axonal elements after postlesion times of either three and ten days, two, three, four, eight, and twelve weeks, or six and twelve month. Retrograde labelling was achieved using biotinylated dextran amine (BDA),followed by visualization with diaminobenzidine as chromogen. The following structures were detected light microscopically: · axonal swellings, · spine-like processes, · intraretinal axonal sprouts showing growth cones, · two types of axonal collaterals, and · aberrant axonal fibers forming so-called looping axons. On the basis of light microscopy selected areas of the retina were examined electron microscopically. Axonal swellings were typified by their shape as spindle-shaped, ballon-shaped or broad-basic polypous. Also spine-like processes, which might serve the reestablishment of a functional balance within the retinal network, were detected. Intraretinal axonal sprouts, showing pear-shaped growth cones at their endings, could be demonstrated for the first time on the ultrastructural level. Aberrant processes, most of them orientated from the optic disc to the retinal periphery, were found at survival times of ten days as well as after two, three and four weeks. At all survival stages investigated the growth cones showed a plump or ovoid morphology and ranged in size between 5 to 10 µm. Usually, they were found to originate from nerve fiber fascicles located in close neigbourhood to the axons but also to blood vessels of the inner retina. The light microscopical typification of growth cones was confirmed at the ultrastructural level, particularly as accumulated mitochondria and growth cone-specific vesicles were detected. Probably, axonal sprouts and growth cones represent a temporal attempt of retinal ganglion cells to regenerate after transection of the optic nerve. Two axon collaterals were detected in the inner retina. In the first case, three weeks postlesion, an axon was found to branch immediately behind the axon hillhock of a type III ganglion cell. This kind of collateralization is indicative of a regenerative response as it has been previously reported by other authors who found so-called axon-like processes. In a second case, two weeks postlesion, an axon appeared to bifurcate orthogonally from a fiber fascicle sending off several collaterals on its way. Furthermore, a degenerating axon collateral was seen eight weeks after optic nerve lesion. The types of axon collaterals presented in this study were described for the first time in the albino rat. So-called looping axons typically characterized by their circular course were found in the inner retina two and three weeks postlesion. In conclusion, the light and electron microscopical results demonstrate that axotomized retinal ganglion cells of the adult rat retain the capability for axonal outgrowth without any neuroprotective and neuropermissive support. Since no experimental growth-promoting measures had been taken, it might be speculated whether the observed regenerative processes were due to intrinsic neurotrophic factors in the retina or the optic nerve themselfes.

Network Orientation and Segmentation Refinement Using Machine Learning

Nilsson, Michael, Kentson, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
Network mapping is used to extract the coordinates of a network's components in an image. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms have demonstrated their efficacy in advancing the field of network mapping across various domains, including mapping of road networks and blood vessel networks. However, accurately mapping of road networks still remains a challenge due to difficulties in identification and separation of roads in the presence of occlusion caused by trees, as well as complex environments, such as parking lots and complex intersections. Additionally, the segmentation of blood vessels networks, such as the ones in the retina, is also not trivial due to their complex shape and thin appearance. Therefore, the aim for this thesis was to investigate two deep learning approaches to improve mapping of networks, namely by refining existing road network probability maps, and by estimating road network orientations. Additionally, the thesis explores the possibility of using a machine learning model trained on road network probability maps to refine retina network segmentations. In the first approach, U-Net models with a binary output channel were implemented to refine existing probability maps of networks. In the second approach, ResNet models with a regression output were implemented to estimate the orientation of roads within a network. The models for refining road network probability maps were evaluated using F1-score and MCC-score, while the models for estimating road network orientation were evaluated based on angle loss, angle difference, F1-score, and MCC-score.  The results for refining road segmentations yielded an increase of 0.102 MCC-score compared to the baseline (0.701). However, when applying the segmentation refinement model to retina images, the output from the model achieved merely 0.226 in MCC-score. Nevertheless, the model demonstrated the capability to identify and refine the segmentation of large blood vessels. Additionally, the estimation of road network orientation achieved an average error of 10.50 degrees. It successfully distinguished roads from the background, achieving an MCC-score of 0.805. In conclusion, this thesis shows that a deep learning-based approach for road segmentation refinement is beneficial, especially in cases where occlusions are present. However, the refinement of retina image segmentations using a model trained on roads and tested on retina images produced unsatisfactory results, likely due to differences in scale between road width and vessel size. Further experiments with adjustments in image scales are likely needed to achieve better results. Moreover, the orientation model demonstrated promising results in estimating the orientation of road pixels and effectively differentiating between road and non-road pixels.

Defining immunophenotypic signatures of stem cells

Sukhdeo, Kumar 23 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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