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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An actionable approach to designing a risk management methodology

Hamman, Claudius 30 October 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. (Strategic Management) / Due to dramatic changes in the organisational landscape, organisations have had to review and amend risk management frameworks, processes and principles more regularly. Consequently, organisations now require an approach to risk management that enables the achievement of strategy, objectives and business activities. Risk management has to be implemented with the consideration of both the internal and external business environment on an enterprise-wide basis. The latter should result in a competitive advantage that drives organisational performance and reduces the total cost of risk. A pro-active approach to managing the effects of uncertainty on objectives has become a necessity for remaining competitive in constantly changing business environment. This study investigates the context and ideology through which risk management can be implemented. The purpose of the research was to identify, customize and recommend a sound methodology which can be incorporated in order to implement risk management as a business enabler. By adopting an exploratory approach, the researcher conducted qualitative research, in the form of an in-depth case study, on a multinational financial services organisation. Structured interviews were held with senior individuals in order to gather data regarding the risk management practices of the organisation.

Blockkedjan - En riskreducerare? : En undersökning av blockkedjans effekt på risk inom revisions-, finans- och fastighetsbranschen.

Byström, Ulrika, Lundkvist, Diana January 2017 (has links)
Den ökade digitaliseringen och framfarten av innovativa lösningar har tagit allt större plats i dagens samhälle. Dagens infrastruktur bygger på ett centraliserat system som är format för en värld innan globaliseringen. Detta innebär att makten är centraliserat till ett fåtal aktörer som politiker, myndigheter och institutioner. Denna konstruktion är ineffektiv och kostsam samtidigt som det centraliserade systemet är sårbart mot cyberattacker och bedrägerier. Genom att anamma digitaliseringen öppnas nya möjligheter upp för att hantera de globala samhällsutmaningarna. Digitaliseringen har lett till framväxten av innovativa tjänster där såväl etablerade företag som nya teknikföretag utforskar sätt att effektivisera, standardisera och säkra upp processer. Blockkedjan är en teknik som har potential att rubba ett flertal industrier genom att göra processer mer effektiva, transparent, demokratiska och säkra. Blockkedjeteknologin har en mängd olika appliceringsområden, men i korthet kan den beskrivas som en teknik som registrerar och lagrar information på ett distribuerat nätverk. Teknologins huvudsakliga syfte är att undanröja tillförlitliga tredje parter genom att säkert distribuera information till nätverkets användare. På så sätt bidrar teknologin till en ökad transparens, minskad asymmetrisk information och därmed ökad säkerhet. Detta öppnar upp frågan: Vilken effekt kommer blockkedjan att ha på företags risk? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken effekt en implementering av blockkedjan har på ett företags risk inom revisions-, finans- och fastighetsbranschen. I denna studie har tre centrala risker valts ut baserat på teknologins användningsområden: operativ-, kredit- och marknadsrisk. Studiens frågeställning besvaras genom en kvalitativ undersökning där ett brett spektra av respondenter i intervjuer har bidragit med kunskap och erfarenhet. Resultatet från studien påvisar många intressanta aspekter om hur risken kan komma att påverkas från användandet av teknologin. Samtidigt som vi ser stor potential för blockkedjan att reducera ett flertal oönskade risker, finns det en hel del hinder som tekniken ställs inför. Med få befintliga tillämpningar av teknologin är det svårt att förutse exakta konsekvenser, det mesta blir således hypotetiskt. Sammantaget ser vi blockkedjan som en revolutionerande innovation med potential att förändra marknaden. Huruvida teknologins framfart kommer att arta sig är dock beroende av en anpassning i lagstiftningar och regelverk. Utmaningen för beslutsfattarna är således att väga den ökade samhällsnyttan mot de risker som tekniken kan medföra. I detta resonemang ser vi att denna studie kan bidra till en ökad kunskap om blockkedjans riskrelaterade styrkor och hot.

Contributions for parametric identification and observation of powered two-wheeler vehicles / Contributions à l’identification paramétrique et à l’observation des véhicules à deux-roues motorisés

Fouka, Majda Amina Aida 05 December 2019 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, la mobilité routière a été marquée par la croissance considérable du trafic des Véhicules à Deux-Roues Motorisés (V2RM), qui demeurant désormais le mode de déplacement le plus dominant et convoité, notamment pour les possibilités qu'il offre d'esquiver les embouteillages de trafic. Cependant, les conducteurs de deux-roues motorisés sont considérés comme les usagers de la route les plus vulnérables. En effet, le risque d'être tué dans un accident est 29 fois plus élevé pour un cyclomoteur que pour un conducteur de voiture de tourisme. Ce problème est d'autant plus important lors du freinage d'urgence ou lors de la prise de virage. Alors que les systèmes de sécurité passifs et actifs (ABS, ESP, ceintures de sécurité, airbags, etc.) développés en faveur des véhicules de tourisme ont amplement contribué à la diminution des risques sur la route, cependant, le retard dans le développement de ces systèmes pour les motos est considérable. Malgré quelques systèmes existants, les conducteurs de motos les utilisent mal ou pas du tout. Ceci est dû à une mauvaise formation et cela ne contribue donc pas à l'amélioration de leur sécurité. Par conséquent, il n'est pas anodin que ce retard, dans le développement des systèmes d'aide à la conduite, résonne avec un retard dans le développement des outils de recherches théoriques. L'objectif principal de la thèse est de concevoir des systèmes d'assistance à la conduite, ARAS (Advanced Rider Assistance Systems), pour les V2RM pouvant alerter ces conducteurs en amont des situations de conduite dangereuses. De nombreux défis sont encore ouverts en ce qui concerne la conception des systèmes ARAS comme l'accessibilité des états dynamiques et paramètres physiques des V2RM ainsi que la synthèse des indicateurs de risques en visitant tous les points d'intérêts. Nous nous intéressons alors à proposer des techniques d'estimation, tout en réduisant le nombre de capteurs et en contournant la problématique de non-mesurabilité de certains variables. Par ailleurs, la synthèse de ces approches répondant à certaines exigences (modélisation, structure simple, précision, instrumentation) constitue un défi supplémentaire. La première partie de thèse est consacrée aux algorithmes d'identification classiques. Ces techniques sont conçues pour estimer les paramètres physiques inconnus des modèles paramétriques des V2RM. La deuxième partie concerne des observateurs basés modèles. Pour cela, un observateur à entrées inconnues (UIO) pour reconstruire la dynamique de la direction en tenant compte de la géométrie de la route, et, un observateur interconnecté (IFO) pour l'estimation de la dynamique longitudinale et latéral, ont été proposées. Ensuite, nous nous sommes penchés sur des méthodes alternatives aux approches d'identification, notamment des techniques d'estimations basées identification capable à la fois d'estimer les états et les paramètres au même temps. À cette occasion, un observateur retardé à entrées inconnues pour les systèmes avec un degré relatif arbitraire (DUIO), et, un observateur de Luenberger adaptative (LAO) pour l'estimation des raideurs pneumatiques ont été développées. Les méthodes proposées nécessitent une combinaison simple de capteurs et prennent en compte des hypothèses réalistes telles que la variation de vitesse longitudinale. Tous ces travaux ont été validés à l'aide de BikeSim et/sur des données expérimentales. En outre, ce manuscrit introduit un algorithme d’auto-calibration pour l’alignement des unités de mesure inertielle (IMU). Une telle méthode d’auto-étalonnage s’applique aux boîtiers télématiques (e-Box) installés sur des véhicules à deux roues, dont les axes des IMU sont souvent mal alignés avec le repère référentielle du véhicule. La dernière partie de cette thèse traite des indicateurs objectifs (comportement sur/sous vireur de la moto et la distance de sortie de la voie de circulation) pour la quantification du risque. / Nowadays, Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicles (PTWV) are an increasingly popular means of transport in daily urban and rural displacements, especially for the possibilities it offers to avoid traffic congestion. However, riders are considered as the most vulnerable road users. In fact, the risk of being killed in an accident is $29$ times higher for a motorcycle than for a driver of a four wheeled vehicle. Therewith, the unstable nature of the PTWV makes them more susceptible to control loss. This problem is even more complex during emergency braking or on cornering maneuvers. As matter of fact, passive and active safety systems (Anti-Lock Braking (ABS), Electronic Stability Control (ESP), seat belts, airbags) developed in favour of passenger vehicles have largely contributed to the reduction of risks on the road. However, the delay in the development of security systems for motorcycles is notable. Moreover, despite some existing systems, motorcycle riders use them badly or they don't use them at all. Therefore, it is not trivial that this delay, in the development of Advanced Rider Assistance Systems (ARAS), coming from a delay in the development of theoretical and research tools. This thesis fits into the context of designing ARAS for PTWV that can alert riders upstream of dangerous driving situations. Our work deals with observation and identification techniques to estimate the PTWV dynamic states and physical parameters. These latter are fundamental for risk quantification in ARAS design and to assess the safety of the PTWV, which are the main focus of our research work. The first part of the thesis concerns classical identification techniques to estimate physical parameters of PTWV. The second part deals with model-based observers implemented to estimate the dynamic states of the PTWV. We proposed an unknown input observer (UIO) for steering and road geometry estimation and an interconnected fuzzy observer (IFO) for both longitudinal and lateral dynamics. An alternative methods for identification algorithms are observer based identifier which provide both parameters identification and states estimation. Therefore, a Luenberger adaptive observer (LAO) to estimate lateral dynamic states and pneumatic stiffness as well as a delayed unknown inputs observer (DUIO) with an arbitrary relative degree, have been developed in this thesis. As matter of fact, all these techniques allow to estimate the vehicle dynamics while reducing the number of sensors and overcoming the problem of non-measurable states and parameters. These proposed methods require a simple combination of sensors and take into account realistic assumption like the longitudinal speed variation. Among others, this manuscript introduces a self calibration algorithm for Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) alignment. Such a self-calibration method is used for telematic boxes (e-Boxes) installed on two-wheeled vehicles, whose IMUs’ axes are often result not to be aligned with the vehicle reference system. Finally, objective indicators are setting up to quantify riding risks. These functions were studied for ARAS purpose. To highlight the performance of these approaches, we have acquired data from high-fidelity motorcycle simulator and also with data from real motorcycles. To sum up, a comparison tables are drawn up for all the presented approaches. The results of both the numerical simulations and the performed experimentations seem to be quite promising.

La régulation du risque inondation / Flood risk regulation

Ibn Mejd, Najète 04 May 2018 (has links)
Une inondation est un aléa hydro climatique naturel qui ne devient un risque que lorsqu’elle représente une menace pour les enjeux humains et matériels. Ce phénomène naturel mobilise autant qu’il divise. Datant de l’Antiquité, il s’agit pourtant d’un sujet brûlant d’actualité. Si les pertes humaines sont moins nombreuses, le coût des catastrophes s’alourdit en raison de l’anthropisation des zones littorales. Faute de pouvoir dompter la nature, il s’agit de la réguler,en conciliant des intérêts antagonistes. L’objectif fixé par la directive inondation du 23 octobre 2007, est d’en réduire les conséquences dommageables, sur le plan humain,économique et environnemental. Le risque est un paradigme qui a évolué d’une vision aléa centrée, top down, à une analyse bottom up des vulnérabilités. Quelle est la place du droit dans l’appréhension du risque inondation ? Ce sujet se situe au carrefour de plusieurs branches du droit et de sciences non juridiques. Il s’exprime sous trois dimensions : la connaissance issue des sciences dures ; les représentations cognitives sociétales et les décisions juridico-politiques et économiques. Cette imbrication révèle que le droit positif doit faire preuve d’humilité et de lucidité en admettant qu’il n’est pas omnipotent et qu’il ne peut réguler seul, les problématiques du risque inondation. Les changements climatiques augurent une aggravation de l’intensité et de l’occurrence des phénomènes catastrophiques. Comment les politiques publiques et la recherche académique se préparent-elles à répondre à des phénomènes inédits ? Comment parvenir au courage politique d’une refonte de la solidarité assurantielle, afin de faire face à l’accroissement du quantum des indemnisations ? Quid de la transition énergétique qui constitue une réponse holistique et intégrée, à la gestion du risque inondation ? Comment assurer le recul stratégique des habitations et des activités menacées ou rognées par les submersions permanentes et l’érosion côtière ? Le droit interne est pléthorique et souffre d’un manque de lisibilité des politiques publiques, malgré des réformes de la gouvernance. Inversement, le droit international déplore un no man’s land juridique sur l’absence de statut de migrant environnemental ? Quelles seront les conséquences juridiques et géostratégiques de l’inhumation marine d’Etats insulaires ou de l’atrophie des frontières territoriales ? Le droit souple apporte des éléments de réponse, qui permettraient de sortir de l’impasse souverainiste ou des accords incantatoires. Enfin, quel est le rôle de la jurisprudence dans cette régulation ? L’office des juges est pluraliste. Chacun, dans sa plénitude de juridiction, assure une fonction préventive, réparatrice ou punitive, du risque inondation. / Flood risk is the most important natural risk in France. This phenomenon is not new, but its occurrence and its consequences are likely to worsen due to climate change and the anthropization of littoral and river areas. Given the economic, environmental and political stakes, positive law must understand this natural risk and even anticipate new phenomena that will have a major impact on our societies. This involves critically analyzing the regulation of flood risk by dissociating institutional regulation from judicial regulation. The state of positive law is endowed with an almost indigestible normative framework. The objective is to clarify integrated public policies, to improve the access of citizens to federate towards a genuine risk culture.

Predicting corporate turnaround of listed companies in South Africa

Chin, Chu-Kuo January 2016 (has links)
Corporate turnaround, in comparison to financial distress, is not substantially researched either internationally or locally in South Africa. This study attempts to explore this area of research by developing models that identify financially distressed companies with a potential for turnaround. This analysis examines listed companies on both the JSE Securities Exchange ('JSE') and Alternative Exchange ('AltX') for the period 2007 to 2014 by using available data from iNet BFA. The financial distress model, Taffler's Z-score, is used to identify companies that fall within the sample. Multiple linear discriminant models with interaction variables are used as part of the process to derive the turnaround models. The first model shows that efficiency is a key driver for a successful turnaround. The second model reveals that JSE-listed companies are more likely to survive than AltX companies. This study contributes to the existing research by identifying significant factors for corporate turnaround and summarizing its findings in a practical manner.

Optimal capital structure and share repurchases: a case study of Anglo American Plc

Chadderton, Marcus January 2016 (has links)
During 2006, AAL adopted and implemented its first share repurchase program, which continued up until its suspension in 2008. While management stated that share repurchases would only be done in the interest of shareholders, the repurchase program was disastrous for shareholder value. Management also stated that share repurchases provide the firm with flexibility regarding its capital structure. We investigated the capital structure of AAL for the years 2004 to 2012 from an optimal capital structure perspective. Using a CAPM approach, we find no evidence that AAL targeted or implemented a capital structure, which could be considered optimal.


Unknown Date (has links)
This research aims to develop a large-scale locally relevant flood risk screening tool, that is, one capable of generating accurate probabilistic inundation maps quickly while still detecting localized nuisance-destructive flood potential. The CASCADE 2001 routing model is integrated with GIS to compare the predicted flood response to heavy rains at the watershed, subwatershed, and municipal levels. Therefore, the objective is to evaluate the impact of scale for determining flood risk in a community. The findings indicate that a watershed-level analysis captures most flooding. However, the flood prediction improves to match existing FEMA flood maps as drill-down occurs at the subwatershed and municipal scales. The drill-down modeling solution presented in this study provides the necessary degree of local relevance for excellent detection in developed areas because of the downscaling techniques and local infrastructure. This validated model framework supports the development and prioritization of protection plans that address flood resilience in the context of watershed master planning and the Community Rating System. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Investigating Nigeria's asset management corporation : a case study of a bad banking solution to banking crises

Ajewole, Oluseyi Joseph January 2015 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references / This paper provides an assessment of Africa's first "bad bank", the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) and its role in resolving non-performing loans (NPLs) in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. It is a case study that primarily investigates the effectiveness of AMCON in addressing the banking crisis in Nigeria based on evidence from different sources ranging from economic indicators to media reports and newspaper interviews. The establishment of AMCON in 2010 helped to resolve the non-performing loans crisis in Nigerian banks, through a transparent removal of toxic assets and by providing the affected banks with a fresh start, while eliciting a minimal moral hazard effect as far as financial institutions were concerned . Other African countries such as Ghana are now considering adopting a similar "bad bank" solution. However, the AMCON solution has been at a considerable cost to the Nigerian taxpayers as AMCON has been running at a huge loss, partly funded by the taxpayer through the government. Data analysed in the study cover the period from 2008 to 2013. The analysis showed that the AMCON solution was successful as the balance - sheet sanitization effort helped to neutralize many of the banking sector 's n on - performing loans, and spurred improvements in the sector's aggregate loan book quality with in its first two years . As at December 2012, AMCON had purchased more than 95% of the banking sector's NPLs, leaving the industry's NPLs at less than 5%. This offered banks a fresh start and the leeway to concentrate on building new and sustainable lending models. This outcome of this study supports prior empirical work which only examined bad banks in developed economies (the US A and Europe) and in the Asia Pacific. It should be noted that the "bad bank" concept is new to Africa and so there is very little empirical work on this topic. This study contributes to the discussion by its exposition on the overall positive trends in Nigeria's banking sector post - crisis and the impressive growth in bank credit , GDP and the equity market after the financial crisis.

Návrh řízení rizik vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Risk Management Proposal for a Selected Business Entity

Červinka, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Master's Thesis: The risk management proposal of a chosen business entity is focused on managing risks in a company Adient Czech Republic k.s. which is mainly a producer of car seats. The thesis is divided into three parts: theoretical, analysis of a current state and personal suggestion for solution. Theoretical knowledge of risk management is described in the theoretical part of the thesis. It is followed by a performed analysis of the company, suggestion of suitable solutions, actions for risk reduction and also economical evaluations of these proposals.

Identifikace rizik podnikatelského subjektu pomocí vybraných metod ekonomické a strategické analýzy / Identifying the Risks of a Business Entity Using Selected Methods of Economic and Strategic Analysis

Zetka, Denis January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analysis of business entity with selected strategic and economic methods. The current status of the business entity is evaluated based on analysing external and internal environment. Concepts to improve the current state of the business entity are based on identified risks and opportunities.

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