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Aboriginal Dreaming Tracks or Trading Paths: The Common WaysKerwin, Dale Wayne, n/a January 2006 (has links)
This thesis recognises the great significance of 'walkabout' as a major trading tradition whereby the Dreaming paths and songlines formed major ceremonial routes along which goods and knowledge flowed. These became the trade routes that criss-crossed Australia and transported religion and cultural values. The thesis also highlights the valuable contribution Aboriginal people made in assisting the European explorers, surveyors, and stockmen to open the country for colonisation, and it explores the interface between Aboriginal possession of the Australian continent and European colonisation and appropriation. Instead of positing a radical disjunction between cultural competencies 'before' and 'after', the thesis considers how European colonisation of Australia (as with other colonial settings) appropriated Aboriginal competence in terms of the landscape: by tapping into culinary and medicinal knowledge, water and resource knowledge, hunting, food collecting and path-finding. As a consequence of this assistance, Aboriginal Dreaming tracks and trading paths also became the routes and roads of colonisers. This dissertation seeks to reinstate Aboriginal people into the historical landscape of Australia. From its beginnings as a footnote in Australian history, Aboriginal society, culture, and history has moved into the preamble, but it is now time to inscribe Aboriginal people firmly in the body of Australian history.
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Omvärldskunskap- varför det? : En analys av gymnasieelevers kunskap och attityd till omvärldskunskaperOlsson, Carina, Palm, Petra January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle ställs det höga krav på den enskilde individen att följa arbetsmarknadens villkor och svängningar. Varje individ förväntas skapa sin framtid genom att konstruera personliga mål. Skolan är den plats som ansvarar för elevens utveckling och enligt läroplanerna ska skolan förmedla arbetslivets villkor. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka gymnasieelevers förvärvande av omvärldskunskaper, med särskild hänsyn tagen till yrken, utbildning, utbildningsvägar och arbetsliv. Studien syftar vidare till i vilken utsträckning elever anser att omvärldskunskaper är viktigt vid studie- och yrkesval. Undersökningen utgår från karriärvägledningsteorin <em>Vägledningens</em> <em>spänningsfält</em> (Lindh, 1997). En attitydmässig surveymetod<em> </em>används och enkätfrågorna besvarades av 45 gymnasieelever från årskurs 2 på teknikprogrammet. Slutsatsen är att eleverna anser att det är viktigt med omvärldskunskaper. De anser att skolan endast förmedlar en mindre del av omvärldskunskaperna. Vidare anges att familj och media är viktiga källor för förmedlandet av kunskaper inom, yrken och arbetsliv.</p> / <p>Today's society places high demands on each and every individual to follow the labour markets terms, conditions and fluctuations. Each individual is expected to create his or her own future by forming personal goals. School is responsible for students development and according to the curriculum, should also inform students about the labour market. The aim of this research is to study students acquisition of career, education, educations different routes and the labour market. The research also aims to examine the degree to which students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market important to their education and career choice. This research has career guidance theory (Lindh, 1997) as an underlying theme. An attitude survey method and questionnaire has been completed by 45 high school from year 2 from the technical program. The conclusion is that students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market to be of importance. They consider school to only convey a lesser part of this knowledge. Furthermore, it is mentioned that family and media are important sources for conveyance of both career and labour market knowledge</p>
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An overview of vehicular scheduling problemsJanuary 1974 (has links)
by Henry Gabbay. / Work performed under Contract N00014-67-A-0204-0076, Office of Naval Research, Multilevel Logistics Organization Models, NR 347-027, MIT/OSP 81138. / Bibliography: leaves 19-21.
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Visegrad Group Facing The Nord Stream And South Stream Gas Pipeline ProjectsSenterzi, Zahide Tugba 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes the Visegrad Group&rsquo / s stance toward the Russian-German Nord Stream and Russian-Italian South Stream gas pipeline projects, which aimed to circumvent the traditional energy routes situated in Central Europe and Eastern Europe. The level of the Visegrad Group&rsquo / s dependency on inherited Soviet gas pipeline routes is examined alongside the Visegrad Group&rsquo / s policy setting ability within the group itself and in the European Union. The thesis also traces the evolution of energy relations between Europe and Russia and Visegrad Group&rsquo / s adaptation to the new state of affairs after the collapse of the Soviet Union, particularly with respect to energy issues. It is argued that despite all differences, Visegrad Group members are able to set a cooperation platform at times of crisis and develop common energy strategies. However, the thesis shows that the Visegrad Group&rsquo / s endeavor has encountered some setbacks at the national level and serious challenges at the European level, largely owing to the lack of a common European energy policy. The thesis concludes that the Visegrad Group&rsquo / s energy policy is both dependent on the stances of Russia and larger EU actors.
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Omvärldskunskap- varför det? : En analys av gymnasieelevers kunskap och attityd till omvärldskunskaperOlsson, Carina, Palm, Petra January 2009 (has links)
I dagens samhälle ställs det höga krav på den enskilde individen att följa arbetsmarknadens villkor och svängningar. Varje individ förväntas skapa sin framtid genom att konstruera personliga mål. Skolan är den plats som ansvarar för elevens utveckling och enligt läroplanerna ska skolan förmedla arbetslivets villkor. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka gymnasieelevers förvärvande av omvärldskunskaper, med särskild hänsyn tagen till yrken, utbildning, utbildningsvägar och arbetsliv. Studien syftar vidare till i vilken utsträckning elever anser att omvärldskunskaper är viktigt vid studie- och yrkesval. Undersökningen utgår från karriärvägledningsteorin Vägledningens spänningsfält (Lindh, 1997). En attitydmässig surveymetod används och enkätfrågorna besvarades av 45 gymnasieelever från årskurs 2 på teknikprogrammet. Slutsatsen är att eleverna anser att det är viktigt med omvärldskunskaper. De anser att skolan endast förmedlar en mindre del av omvärldskunskaperna. Vidare anges att familj och media är viktiga källor för förmedlandet av kunskaper inom, yrken och arbetsliv. / Today's society places high demands on each and every individual to follow the labour markets terms, conditions and fluctuations. Each individual is expected to create his or her own future by forming personal goals. School is responsible for students development and according to the curriculum, should also inform students about the labour market. The aim of this research is to study students acquisition of career, education, educations different routes and the labour market. The research also aims to examine the degree to which students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market important to their education and career choice. This research has career guidance theory (Lindh, 1997) as an underlying theme. An attitude survey method and questionnaire has been completed by 45 high school from year 2 from the technical program. The conclusion is that students consider their career, education, educations different routes and the labour market to be of importance. They consider school to only convey a lesser part of this knowledge. Furthermore, it is mentioned that family and media are important sources for conveyance of both career and labour market knowledge
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Les impacts des aménagements cyclables à même la chaussée sur la sécurité routière à MontréalMarré, Needbool Félix 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis 2005, le réseau routier montréalais accueille de nouveaux aménagements cyclables afin de promouvoir le vélo comme mode de transport à part entière. Cette stratégie vise à faciliter l'usage utilitaire du vélo afin de réduire l'empreinte carbone du transport motorisé. Cet objectif de doubler le nombre actuel de kilomètres de voies cyclables d'ici la prochaine décennie est prévu à l'intérieur d'une structure urbaine montréalaise compacte et déjà consolidée. Cette structure est plus propice aux infrastructures cyclables partageant la chaussée sans une barrière physique : bandes cyclables et chaussées désignées. De telles solutions sont novatrices pour ne pas dire osées en Amérique du Nord du fait qu'elles requièrent une plus grande interaction entre véhicules à moteur et cyclistes. Ce projet de recherche se donne pour objectifs de dresser un portrait de l'accueil des cyclistes sur le réseau routier à Montréal afin de constater si les nouveaux aménagements sont plus à risque que les premières solutions. Cette démarche est rendue possible par la disponibilité de données secondaires des accidents impliquant cyclistes et véhicules motorisés de 2003 à 2007. Les conclusions des analyses descriptives, de distributions spatiales et de statistiques n'ont pas permis de démontrer de manière significative que ces aménagements à même la chaussée sans barrière physique constituent un environnement de transport dangereux ou semblent contribuer à augmenter le niveau d'insécurité routière. Les chiffres ont plutôt montré une stabilité relative du nombre d'accidents et une chute des cas les plus sévères. Il y a eu une poussée en 2004 mais elle est antérieure à l'implantation des nouvelles infrastructures. De plus, le taux d'accidents entre cyclistes et circulation lourde n'est pas plus alarmant vu la structure économique actuelle, le pourcentage de camions à
Montréal et la localisation des nouveaux aménagements cyclables sur rue plus probables sur le réseau artériel pour leur capacité d'hébergement. Les analyses descriptives sur la distribution spatiale des accidents montrent qu'ils ne sont pas uniformément distribués à Montréal. Certains arrondissements semblent être plus périlleux pour les cyclistes que d'autres. En agrégeant les données d'accidents en deux grandes catégories à l'intérieur du périmètre où les accidents cyclistes sont les plus fréquents (ceux ayant eu lieu sur les nouveaux liens cyclables et ceux survenus sur la piste cyclable plus familière à Montréal), les résultats de l'analyse comparée ont montré une grande similitude dans les patrons des accidents.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : cyclistes, bandes cyclables, pistes cyclables, chaussées désignées, blessures graves, dommages matériels, mobilité soutenable, sécurité routière, site propre intégral, aménagement hors rue
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The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split LoadsNowak, Maciek A. 19 July 2005 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on improvements in vehicle routing that can be gained by allowing multiple vehicles to service a common load. We explore how costs can be reduced through the elimination of the constraint that a load must be serviced by only one vehicle. Specifically, we look at the problem of routing vehicles to service loads that have distinct origins and destinations, with no constraint on the amount of a load that a vehicle may service. We call this the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split Loads (PDPSL). We model this problem as a dynamic program and introduce structural results that can help practitioners implement the use of split loads, including the definition of an upper bound on the benefit of split loads. This bound indicates that the routing cost can be reduced by at most one half when split loads are allowed. Furthermore, the most benefit occurs when load sizes are just above one half of vehicle capacity.
We develop a heuristic for the solution of large scale problems, and apply this heuristic to randomly generated data sets. Various load sizes are tested, with the experimental results supporting the finding that most benefit with split loads occurs for load sizes just above one half vehicle capacity. Also, the average benefit of split loads is found to range from 6 to 7% for most data sets. The heuristic was also tested on a real world example from the trucking industry. These tests reveal the benefit of both using split loads and allowing fleet sharing. The benefit for split loads is not as significant as with the random data, and the various business rules added for this case are tested to find those that have the most impact. It is found that an additional cost for every stop the vehicle makes strictly limits the potential for benefit from split loads. Finally, we present a simplified version of the PDPSL in which all origins are visited prior to any destination on a route, generalizing structural results from the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem for this problem.
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Turkey As A Major Gas Transit Hub CountryUmucu, Tayfun Yener 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The demand for natural gas has been growing much faster than the demand for other primary resources and it is expected that the European Union (EU)& / #8217 / s dependency on natural gas will continue to grow. For this reason gas supply security policy has been more important lately than before on the European political agenda in securing a smooth supply of gas. According to the EU external policy directives, EU natural gas energy security can be enhanced by diversifying geographical origin as well as transit routes.
Turkey in that concept was assumed as one of the important transit hub countries to reach the new sources in the Azerbaijan and Central Asia region as well as in the Middle East.
However, the transportation of gas from this region to Europe through the new route via Turkey has become very complex issue in terms of technical and political point of view arising from suppliers within their export policy and from the U.S& / #8217 / s bilateral sanctions.
This dissertation argues that under the present circumstances especially due to the difficulties in the supplier side being a major transit gas hub country will be very difficult for Turkey combined with the increasing internal gas demand in the next decade.
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Inter- Auction Transport Optimization In Floriculture IndustryOzer, Zubeyde Ozlem 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to improve transportation held between six auction centers, Inter-Auction Transportation, of FloraHolland. FloraHolland serves ninety eight percent of the Dutch market and is the largest auction in floriculture industry. The company wants to give the best sale opportunities with the costs as low as possible and this is the main initiative of this study. In this line of thought, FloraHolland wants to have a improvement on its current routing and scheduling mechanism. Exact models do not work due to the complexity and the size of the problem. Therefore, we developed a two-stage approach specific to this study. With this approach, we split exact approach into two, a mathematical model followed by a heuristic. In the exact approach, trucks are routed and scheduled at the same time. On the other hand, our solution approach first determines most efficient routes to be followed with Cycle Assignment Model and then, with Scheduling Heuristic, trucks are assigned to the routes, so within day transportation is planned in detail. Overall, each stage of this approach works in harmony and brings good solutions in a short CPU time.
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Sensitivity Analysis of the Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool (TBEST) ModelVuckovic, Dajana 01 June 2007 (has links)
Public transportation, although modest in the United States carrying about 2 percent trips, still serves millions of people as the main and only means of transportation. Recently released data set by Census, the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS) shows the main mode of travel for work commute is not surprisingly the automobile with over 86 percent and public transportation with nearly 5 percent users. Transit agencies strive to provide effective, convenient, and desirable transport. Because of the constant changes in our environment, being able to predict the response of riders to different network or system changes is extremely useful. Ridership can be described as a function of the amount of service supplied such as frequency, span of service, and travel time. One of the methods for estimating ridership forecasts and evaluating ridership response is to use the new state-of-art software TBEST.
TBEST stands for Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool and is the third generation of such transit models sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Designed for comprehensive transit network and short term transit planning, it offers great benefits to its users. TBEST is a user friendly, yet very advanced transit ridership forecasting graphical software which is interfaced with ArcGIS. This paper evaluates different sensitivity tests and compares the results to known industry used elasticities. Because the current TBEST experience is modest, the results will provide users with a general idea of the model's sensitivity and help in the process of model refinements. Sensitivity tests such as service frequency, span of service, service allocation, and travel time will be carried out in a systematic order for all six time periods as defined by TBEST.
Results showed that TBEST Model is overestimating and is highly sensitive to headway changes, specifically headway decrease. The opposite effect of almost no sensitivity is shown for the in-vehicle travel times.
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