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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μεταλλικές ενδοπροθέσεις που απελευθερώνουν φαρμακευτικές ουσίες στο ενδαγγειακό μοντέλο φλεβών κονίκλου

Κίτρου, Παναγιώτης 18 June 2014 (has links)
Το παρόν πρωτόκολλο σχεδιάστηκε προκειμένου να εκτιμήσει την ασφάλεια και την feasibility των μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων που απελευθερώνουν φαρμακευτικές ουσίες (Drug-Eluting Stents, DES) έναντι των απλών μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων (Bare-Metal Stents, BMS) στο φλεβικό μοντέλο κονίκλου, χρησιμοποιώντας Οπτική Συνεκτική Τομογραφία (Frequency Domain – Optical Coherence Tomography, FD-OCT). Μέθοδοι Δεκατρείς λευκοί κόνικλοι Νέας Ζηλανδίας υποβλήθηκαν σε τοποθέτηση μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων που απελευθερώνουν Zotarolimus (Group DES) στη μία κοινή λαγόνιο φλέβα και απλών μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων (Group BMS) στην απέναντι κοινή λαγόνιο. Τα πρωτογενή καταληκτικά σημεία περιελάμβαναν την τεχνική επιτυχία της τοποθέτησης των μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων καθώς και την σύγκριση της νεοενδοθηλιακής υπερπλασίας ανάμεσα στα δύο υπό μελέτη σύνολα με την βοήθεια την οπτικής συνεκτικής τομογραφίας. Αποτελέσματα Η τεχνική επιτυχία της τοποθέτησης 13 μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων που απελευθερώνουν φαρμακευτικές ουσίες και 13 απλών μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων ήταν 100% (26/26 μεταλλικές ενδοπροθέσεις). Τρεις κόνικλοι πέθαναν (3/13, 23%) μέσα στις πρώτες 45 μέρες. Τα υπόλοιπα 10/13 ζώα (77%) θανατώθηκαν την 90η μέρα από την ημέρα τοποθέτησης των μεταλλικών ενδοπροθέσεων. Οι 20 μεταλλικές ενδοπροθέσεις (stents) αφαιρέθηκαν με επιτυχία. Επιτυχής FD-OCT πραγματοποιήθηκε σε όλα τα τμήματα των κοινών λαγόνιων φλεβών που αφαιρέθηκαν, 10 στο Group DES και 10 στο Group BMS. Δεν υπήρξε στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά στην μέση νεοενδοθηλιακή υπερπλασία ανάμεσα στα δύο σύνολα (3.02±1.19mm2 στο Group DES, έναντι 2.76±1.17mm2 στο Group BMS). Συμπέρασμα Σε αυτό το πειραματικό πρωτόκολλο, η τοποθέτηση DES στο φλεβικό αγγειακό σύστημα ήταν δυνατή. Η νεοενδοθηλιακή υπερπλασία ήταν παρόμοια και στα δύο σύνολα μετά από περίοδο ελέγχου τριών μηνών. / This protocol was designed to evaluate the safety and feasibility of drug-eluting stents (DES) implantation, as well as to compare their long-term results vs. bare-metal stents (BMS) in a rabbit venous model, using Frequency-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (FD-OCT). Methods Thirteen New Zealand white rabbits underwent implantation of a Zotarolimus-eluting stent in the iliac vein (Group DES) and a BMS in the contralateral iliac vein (Group BMS). Study’s primary endpoints included technical success and the comparison of in-stent neointimal hyperplasia in the two study groups using ex vivo FD-OCT, at 3 months. Results Thirteen DES and 13 BMS were successfully implanted. Technical success rate was 100% (26/26 stents). Three animals (3/13, 23.0%) died within the first 45 days. The remaining 10/13 animals (77%) were euthanized at the 90th day following stent implantation. The 20 stents were successfully removed. Successful ex vivo FD-OCT was performed in all stent-implanted iliac vein segments; 10 in group DES and 10 in group BMS. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean neointimal thickness (NIT) between the two groups (3.02±1.19mm² in group DES vs. 2.76±1.17mm² in group BMS; p=0.0501). Conclusions In this experimental protocol, DES application in the venous system was safe and feasible. Hyperplasia thickness was similar in both groups after 3 months follow-up.

Koronare Mikroembolisation am Kaninchenmodell: Simvastatin vermindert die Inflammation und myokardiale Dysfunktion nach koronarer Mikroembolisation / Coronary microembolisation in the rabbit model: Simvastatin supresses inflammation and myocardial dysfunction after coronary microembolisation

Schultz, Georg 24 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Triušių auginimas, laikymas, klinikinių tyrimų įvertinimas ir hematologinių tyrimų analizė / Growing and keeping of rabbits, analyses of clinical and hematological investigations

Kusaitė, Birutė 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to estimate the influence of different breeds on rabbit growing and physiological indicator. The temperature of our investigated rabbits varied from 37.6 ºC to 38.8 ºC when the environmental temperature was 18 ºC. Good dental health and a perfect 'bite' help to assimilate feeds nutrients. The fur of all rabbits was clean, sleek and not matted. The average weight varied from 3.7 kg to 4.05 kg. Referring to various Lithuanian and foreign sources it turns out that there is no fixed hematological standards subjected to different breeds. Usually it is said that the quantity of cholesterol is 0.14-1.86 mmol/l, glucose – 2.78-5.18 mmol/, triglycerides – 1.38 mmol/. The state of health can be evaluated according to rabbits’ behavior. The author (Solar, 2001) makes out the main behaviour observation stages. With reference to these guidelines we have estimated that New Zealand rabbits’ eating and drinking in 1-hour period during the day made 20%, moving – 10%, rest – 70 %, no cecotrophy was observed. If to compare French Giant rabbits the periods were 33%, 37 % and 30 %. Conclusions:1. The rabbit growing has increased 22.8% during the last three years and the number of a herd of breeding rabbit has increased 13.7%. Italy provides about 40.7% and Spain 20.3% of rabbit meat for world market. 2. The White New Zealand and French Giant rabbits that were fed on industrial crops were healthy and blood index was within the mark. 3. The quantity of glucose, cholesterol... [to full text]

Triušių akių struktūros ypatumai ir jų matmenų ultragarsinis įvertinimas / Structural features of rabbits’ eyes and ultrasonic evaluation its dimensions

Sinkevičiūtė, Marija 20 April 2007 (has links)
We have realized this work in cooperation with the Laboratory of Ophtalmology, Institute for Biomedical Research, Kaunas Medical University and Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Lithuanian Veterinary Academy. Using A-mode ultrasonography, we investigated structural parameters of the rabbit eye. The intraocular dimensions measured were as follows: distance between the anterior cornea to the anterior lens (CA), Thickness of the lens, distance between the surface of the retina (V), distance from the anterior cornea to the retina, which represents the total axial thickness. We have designed the original investigation methods and ultrasonic equipment with ultrasonic tranducer (f=12 Mhz). Using the acoustodiagnostic system, we were carrying out precise biometry of eye tissues. Ultrasonic investigations were done on 10 eyes of rabbit’s age 12 month. Comparative investigation between rabbits and pigs eye structural elements was done. The percentage relation between total axial length and other ocular dimensions rabbits and pigs eyes was estimated.

L'effet de la réadaptation physique post-opératoire sur la guérison tendineuse : étude chez le lapin en tant que modèle animal

Lecavalier, Julie January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Genomic characterization of a novel leporid Herpes simplex virus

Babra, Bobby A. 05 January 2012 (has links)
The viral family Herpesviridae consists of large double stranded DNA viruses including eight species that infect humans with varying pathology from benign rashes to cancerous cell transformation. From three subfamilies, alpha-, beta- and gammaherpes, the alphaherpes contains the genera iltovirus, mardivirus, varicellovirus and simplex, two of which, the human simplex viruses I and 2 (HSV) induce life-long infections that have appeared to have coevolved with their hosts from the origins of our species. Unique features of the simplex genus are latency, tropism in dorsal root ganglia neurons, extraordinary high GC content ranging from 65 to 77%, and nucleosome formation of their genomes within the host's nucleus without integration. Reviewing the basic molecular and genetic characteristics of herpes simplex will introduced in Chapter 1, followed by the introduction of a newly sequenced, de novo assembled and predicatively annotated herpes simplex virus, Leporid Herpes Virus-4 (LHV4). Isolated from a virulent outbreak in domesticated rabbits, LHV4 has the smallest reported simplex virus to date at roughly 125,600 base pairs and presents similar pathology seen in rabbit models infected with HSV. Comparative genomics revealed a high degree of sequence similarity and genome synteny between LHV4 and other simplex viruses. Four genes were not computationally predicted in our annotation and may be absent in the LHV4 genome. The absent proteins correspond to: UL56, ICP34.5, US5 and US12 and have postulated roles in membrane trafficking, neurovirulence, apoptotic control and MHC I presentation respectively. The solved genome structure leads to how this compacted genome functions with the noted absences to produce a similar pathology in rabbits to that of HSV and whether other biological correlates will continue to be found in in vitro and in vivo infection. The inverted repeat regions (IR), duplicated and inverted to simplex virus' two larger blocks of protein-coding regions are described in Chapter 3. The similarities and differences in critical genes from the IR that balance latency and replicative viral cycles are compared. A two-fold reduction in IR content indicates the ability for a simplex virus to maintain infectivity despite this large truncation. The appendix describes the eukaryotic phylogeny of two initiating proteins of the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway. MMR proteins are present in the replicative foci of productive herpes virus infection and this analysis may indicate adaptive pressures involved in both genomic fidelity and host tropism. The emerging era of state-of-the-art genome sequencing and computational power advances this newly characterized herpes virus, along with its model host organism, as excellent candidates for systems interaction, and experimental biology. / Graduation date: 2012

A study of digesta passage in rabbits and ringtail possums using markers and models

Herron, Fiona Michelle January 2002 (has links)
The common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), a member of the family Pseudocheiridae, is an arboreal folivorous marsupial that feeds predominantly on Eucalyptus foliage. Contrary to the expectation that small body size would inhibit utilisation of a diet containing such high levels of lignified fibre because of relatively low gut volume to body mass ratios and relatively high mass-specific metabolic rates and nutrient requirements (Hume 1999), the ringtail possum is able to survive solely on a diet of Eucalyptus foliage. The rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a terrestrial herbivore and is a member of the family Leporidae that feeds predominantly on grasses. The rabbit was proposed as a digesta flow model for the ringtail possum since both are caecotrophic (periodically re-ingest caecal contents) and both are proposed to exhibit a colonic separation mechanism (CSM) where fluids and small, easily digested particles are preferentially returned to the caecum. The rabbit is of value for the modelling process since it is more accessible for experimental manipulation than the ringtail possum. This study investigated a proposal to use digesta passage through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of the rabbit as a model of digesta passage for the ringtail possum on the basis that both are caecotrophic caecum fermenters. A number of potential problems were identified with this proposal and investigation of these problems formed the basis for the research described in this thesis. Two main areas were identified as being potentially problematic: 1) fundamental flaws with the particulate markers used in digesta rate of passage studies; and 2) differences in animal behaviour and natural diet between the two subject species which suggested different digestive strategies and hence different patterns of digesta flow through the GIT. The proposed digesta passage markers were lanthanide metals (Dy, Tm, Eu and Yb) attached to either fibrous particles (1200 - 600�m) or formalin-fixed rumen bacteria (20 � 0.2�m). These markers were shown to not be of the assumed size classes and the extent of lanthanide metal binding differed between the four metals used. An effect due to method of dosing was also observed. The findings of marker inconsistencies caused major limitation to model development and further research is necessary to clarify these markers. The proposal to use digesta flow in the rabbit GIT as a model for digesta flow in the ringtail possum was shown to be idealistic due to the differences in anatomy and behaviour observed between the two herbivores. Laboratory observations, time series analysis and compartmental modelling confirmed the differences between the animals. This study showed: 1) the GIT of the rabbit was more complex both anatomically and functionally than that of the ringtail possum; 2) behaviour affecting digesta passage of the rabbit and ringtail were different and; 3) compartmental models confirmed the anatomical and behavioural findings. Digesta passage in the rabbit could not be modelled mathematically using data on digesta passage due to complexities of the system. In contrast, a basic model was constructed for digesta passage in the ringtail possum. On the basis of these findings, the research hypothesis "that digesta passage in rabbits is similar to that in ringtail possums" was rejected.

Semiochemicals and social signalling in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.)) /

Hayes, Richard Andrew. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, 2000. / A thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, December, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.

On cellular sources for intimal hyperplasia after vascular interventions /

Mellander, Stefan, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

The role of strychnine-sensitive nACHRS in rabbit retinal OFF ganglion cells

Renna, Jordan Michael. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed Feb. 13, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.

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