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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Tasić Ivan 08 July 2008 (has links)
<p>Na osnovu postojećih iskustava u razvijenim obrazovno-prosvetnim centrima disertacija ima za cilj izgradnju optimalnog modela sadržaja nastave tehničkog obrazovanja koji će omogućiti aktuelizaciju programa i nastave predmeta. Analizom prikupljenih podataka potvrđena je hipoteza da izbor sadržaja u nastavi tehničkog obrazovanja ne prati tendencije naučnotehnolo&scaron;kog razvitka, te samim tim nastavu čini manje efikasnom i efektivnom.</p> / <p>On the first hand, this project is based on the existing<br />expiriences in developed educational centres, and<br />because of that it is use for developing this optimal<br />model witch has contents teaching technical<br />education and that will enable actuelisation of<br />program and teaching metods in this subject.<br />Secondly, to analyze existing information it is certify<br />this hypothesis in that way that selection contains in<br />teaching technical education does not follow tendency<br />education - technical development, and as a result<br />this education is less effective and actual.</p>

Modernioji medicina: manipuliavimas žmogaus gyvybe / Modern medicine: manipulation with the human life

Aliukonytė, Vita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuo darbu buvo siekiama įvertinti manipuliavimo žmogaus gyvybe moderniojoje medicinoje situaciją, išaiškinti to priežastis, išanalizuoti įvairius aspektus, ieškoti jų sąryšių sąryšių. Šio tikslo buvo siekiama analizuojant literatūrą. Modernioji medicina – sudėtingas valstybės, naujausių technologijų, mokslo, komercijos, teisės interesų susidūrimo ir veiklos sfera, todėl čia nuolat randasi naujos etinės problemos, kurių sėkmingas sprendimas reikalauja susikalbėjimo ir visų suinteresuotųjų grupių veiksmų suderinimo. Manipuliavimas žmogaus gyvybe moderniojoje medicinoje – institucionalizavimo, racionalizavimo, komercializavimo, technologizavimo rezultatas, dėl to moderniosios medicinos situaciją galima būtų įvertinti, kaip krizę Manipuliavimas žmogaus gyvybe tampa įmanomas, kai gydymo procese technologijos, instituciniai ir komerciniai interesai tampa tikslu, o ne priemone. Medicinos technologizavimas išplėtė medicinos veiklos sferą, medicina tapo atsakinga ne tik už žmogaus gydymą, bet ir už visuomenės problemų sprendimą. Jungiantis technologijoms ir komercijai, manipuliavimas įgavo dar platesnį mąstą. Technologijų ir komercijos sąjunga mediciną pavertė žmogaus įgeidžių tenkinimo priemone. Tai po truputį keičia ir gali iš esmės pakeisti tradicinę visuomenės struktūrą, žmonių tarpusavio santykius, moralę, žmogaus prigimtį. Sustabdyti manipuliavimą žmogaus gyvybe, grąžinti visuminį žmogaus suvokimą medicinoje galima per dialogą ieškant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this work is to evaluate the situation of manipulation with the human life in modern medicine, to find out the reasons, to analyze various aspects, to look for their connections. In pursuance of this objective the literature was analyzed. Modern medicine - complex sphere of the collision of state, ultimate technologies, science, commerce, law interests and activities, so new ethic problems arise therein permanently. The successful solution of these problems requires reciprocal understanding and coordination of the actions of all interested groups. Manipulation with the human life in modern medicine is the result of institutionalization, rationalization, commercialization and technological approach, therefore the situation of modern medicine could be evaluated as a crisis. Manipulation with the human life becomes possible when technologies, institutional and commercial interests become the objective of the treatment process rather than the instrument. Technological approach in medicine had expanded the sphere of medical activity; the medicine became liable not only for the treatment of the man, but for the solution of the society problems as well. In the process of cooperation of the technologies and commerce, the manipulation had taken even wider dimension. Due to the conjunction of technologies and commerce the medicine became the instrument for meeting of the human’s fancies. It little by little changes and can change... [to full text]

Prilog proučavanju mogućnosti racionalizacije tehnološkog postupka mlevenja pšenice primenom osmovaljne stolice / Study on the possibilities of the rationalization of wheat flour milling processusing the eight-roller mill

Fišteš Aleksandar 07 September 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu je proučavana mogućnost racionalizacije tehnolo&scaron;kog postupka<br />mlevenja p&scaron;enice primenom osmovaljne stolice u fazi mlevenja griza i<br />osevaka. Na svim ispitivanim prolazi&scaron;tima mlevenja griza i osevaka, pri istom<br />razmaku između valjaka i istoj veličini otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje<br />bra&scaron;na, ukupan prinos bra&scaron;na u postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom manji je<br />nego u klasičnom postupku. Pomenuta razlika varira u zavisnosti od uzorka i<br />prolazi&scaron;ta mlevenja, ali je uvek statistički značajna. Nižim vođenjem valjaka u<br />postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom, u poređenju sa razmacima između valjaka<br />u klasičnom postupku, u zavisnosti od uzorka i prolazi&scaron;ta mlevenja se<br />smanjuje razlika, dostiže ili prevazilazi prinos bra&scaron;na u odnosu na klasični<br />postupak. Povećanjem veličine otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje bra&scaron;na<br />značajno se povećava prinos bra&scaron;na u postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom, pri<br />čemu se pri odabiru sejnog tkiva u obzir mora uzeti i veličina svetlog otvora.<br />Odabirom odgovarajuće veličine otvora sejnog tkiva može se i prevazići<br />prinos bra&scaron;na u klasičnom postupku. Niže vođenje valjaka i/ili povećanje<br />veličine otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje bra&scaron;na, pri primeni osmovaljne<br />stolice, nema za posledicu pogor&scaron;anje kvaliteta bra&scaron;na (po pitanju sadržaja<br />pepela) u odnosu na klasični postupak. Specifični utro&scaron;ak energije za<br />usitnjavanje po jedinici mase bra&scaron;na, pri istom vođenju valjaka i istoj veličini<br />otvora sejnog tkiva za odsejavanje bra&scaron;na, veći je u postupku sa osmovaljnom<br />stolicom nego u klasičnom postupku. Povećanjem izvoda bra&scaron;na u postupku sa<br />osmovaljnom stolicom, značajno se smanjuje specifični utro&scaron;ak energije za<br />usitnjavanje. Mogućnost ostvarenja bliskih efekata usitnjavanja u fazi<br />mlevenja griza i osevaka, u klasičnom i postupku sa osmovaljnom stolicom,<br />ukazuje da je za dalju racionalizaciju savremenog tehnolo&scaron;kog postupka<br />mlevenja p&scaron;enice neophodno uključivanje osmovaljne stolice.</p> / <p>Rationalization of the wheat flour milling process using the eight-roller mill in<br />the reduction system has been investigated. At the same roll gaps and same<br />sieving conditions, a lower flour yield has been obtained using an eight-roller<br />mill compared to a conventional one. The difference is statistically significant<br />regardless the passage. By decreasing the roll gap in the process with the<br />eight-roller mill, compared to the roll gap in the conventional process, it is<br />possible to decrease the difference, obtain a similar or even exceed the flour<br />release in the conventional system. Increasing the size of the screen aperture<br />for sifting flour, while percent open area of the screen also needs to be<br />observed, results in significant increase of flour yield (in some cases<br />exceeding the flour yield in the conventional system). Adjustments of the roll<br />gap and sieving conditions in the process with the eight-roller mill are not<br />followed by deterioration of flour quality. At the same roll gaps and same<br />sieving conditions, energy requirements for grinding are higher in the process<br />with the eight-roller mill compared to a conventional system. With the<br />increase of the flour release in process using the eight-roller mill, these energy<br />requirements can be significantly reduced. The possibility of achieving similar<br />milling results to those obtained in the conventional system, while the<br />investment costs and overall energy requirements are significantly lower,<br />justifies the use of the eight-roller mill in the reduction system of the wheat<br />flour milling process.</p>

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