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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nedströmsvandrande laxsmolt (Salmo salar) i Testeboån : En akustisk-telemetristudie för undersökning av nedströmspassage och effektiviteten av galleravledaren vid Strömsbro vattenkraftverk / Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts in Testeboån River : An acoustic telemetry study investigating downstream passage and angled rack efficiency at the Strömsbro hydropower plant

Harlén, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Vattenkraftverk och dammar utgör vandringshinder både vid upp- och nedströmsvandring för flertalet fiskarter. En åtgärd för att minska vandringshindrens negativa påverkan på migrerande arter är att anlägga fiskpassager som underlättar upp- och nedströmspassage. Galleravledare med flyktöppning är en åtgärd som syftar till att hindra nedströmsvandrande smolt från att simma in i vattenkraftverksturbiner och riskera förhöjd dödlighet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka funktionen av en galleravledare med tillhörande flyktväg till en naturfåra vid Strömsbro kraftverk i Testeboån. Med hjälp akustisk telemetri undersöktes laxsmoltens vägval vid galleravledaren, dess överlevnad vid passage via naturfåran respektive genom kraftverkets turbiner samt skillnaden i tidsåtgång mellan dessa passagealternativ. Totalt märktes 60 smolt med sändare i mitten av maj 2022. Tio mottagare placerades ut på drygt 5 km av Testeboåns nedersta del. Hög dödlighet (45%) från utsläppsplatsen till kraftverket resulterade i att endast 30 individer inkluderades i studien. Resultatet visade, likt tidigare undersökningar vid Strömsbro kraftverk, att majoriteten (2/3) av smolten simmar genom kraftverket.Ingen dödlighet observerades för smolt som passerade via naturfåran medan dödligheten var 25% för smolten som passerade genom kraftverket. Av de smolt som nådde fram till Strömsbro kraftverk tog sig 64% till Testeboåns mynning, vilket motsvarade totalt 35% av den märkta smolten. Tidsåtgången var betydligt högre i naturfåran jämfört med kraftverket, vilket visar på fördröjning för smolt som passerar Strömsbro kraftverk via naturfåran. Resultaten antyder en dålig funktion av galleravledaren vid Strömsbro kraftverk med förhöjd dödlighet som följd. En orsak kan vara utformningen av galleravledaren. Vidare undersökning av möjligheterna för en förbättrad funktion av galleravledaren vid Strömsbro kraftverk bör vidtas. / Hydropower plants and weirs serve as barriers for both up- and downstream migration for multiple species. To minimize the negative impacts of barriers on migrating fish species, fish passages are constructed to allow for upstream and downstream passage. Angled bar racks together with a bypass are a solution that are meant to lead fish away from the power plants intake. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of an angled bar rack with bypass leading to the old riverbed at Strömsbro hydropower plant in Testeboån River, Sweden. Acoustic telemetry was used to investigate Atlantic salmon smolts passage efficiency at the angle bar rack and subsequent path choice. It was also used to evaluate mortality for both the old riverbed and the passage through the power plant, as well as the difference in time between the two passages. 60 smolts were marked with acoustic transmitters in May 2022 and ten acoustic receivers were placed over the lower 5 km in Testeboån River to evaluate their migration. High mortality (45%) from the release site to the power plant resulted in only 30 individuals being used for the evaluation. The result showed, like former studies at Strömsbro, that the majority (2/3) of the smolt passed through the angled rack and through the power plants intake. There was no mortality for the old riverbed and 25% for the passage through the power plant. Overall, the success of downstream migration past Strömsbro power plant was 35% of marked smolts and 64% of the individuals reaching Strömsbro power plant. Smolt passage took longer through the old riverbed in comparison to the passage through the power plant, which shows some delay for smolts passing Strömsbro power plant through the old riverbed. The result implies low efficiency of the angled bar rack at Strömsbro power plant, leading to increased mortality. The design of the angled rack might be one reason for this. Further investigation about the possibilities to increase the efficiency of the angled rack at Strömsbro power plant should be considered.

Design Guide and Application / Designguide och Applikation

Patrik, Eklund January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is a two-part project, where the first part is to find out what a design guide is,what it should contain and make a suggestion for one that fits Röshults design language.A design guide contains information that can help a designer follow a company’s designlanguage when developing a new product.The second part is to look at Röshults assortment for an opening for a new product anduse the guide suggestion to design it. / Detta examensarbete är ett tvådelat projekt. Där den första delen går ut på att ta reda påvad en designguide är, vad den ska innehålla och ge ett förslag på en som passarRöshults formspråk. En designguide innehåller information som kan hjälpa en designeratt följa ett företags formspråk när de utvecklar en ny produkt.Den andra delen är att titta på Röshults sortiment för en öppning för en ny produkt ochanvända guideförslaget för att designa den.

Design and Evaluation of a Novel Conveyor Utilizing a Screw Mechanism to Move Objects With Integrated Racks / Design och utvärdering av en ny transportör som använder en skruvmekanism för att flytta föremål med integrerade kuggstänger

Nilsson, Måns, Nordqvist, Mathias Nils Edvin January 2021 (has links)
Intralogistics, or material handling, traditionally use roller or chain conveyors to moveo bjects and goods in factories and warehouses. One negative aspect of the traditional types of conveyors is that they are expensive, as they are comprised of many moving parts. This thesis proposes a novel type of conveyor solution in which a transportation fixture with an integrated open thread slides on L­-shaped profiles and is propelled forward by a screw. A potential obstacle to the usefulness of such a conveyor is that a screw has innately low efficiency due to the mechanics of screws compared to the principle of rolling that is employed in a roller or chain conveyor. This thesis investigates the functionality and efficiency of the proposed conveyor, or more particularly the core functionality, which is the screw and thread mechanism. A test rig was designed and built, in which experiments were carried out. In the experiments, the material, manufacturing technology, and helix angle of the screw and thread, and the speed were varied. The influence on torque, power demand, and efficiency among other parameters were measured and evaluated. Additionally, a method for automatic thread meshing is presented and testing of it was carried out, which showed reliability with and without positional feedback, which gives the conveyor more use cases. It was found that the efficiency of the screw and thread mechanism was higher for screws with a higher lead, steel screws with a diameter of 50 mm exhibited an efficiency of 31% ± 4.5 % with a lead of 32 mm but only 8.7% ± 1.6 % with a lead of 8 mm. 3D printed plastic screws had slightly lower but similar early life efficiency as steel screws, but seized or wore down when tested in an accelerated lifetime experiment. Because a high screw lead is favorable, and because of the size and geometry constraints of such a conveyor (discussed in the conclusion of the report), a direct drive motoris not suitable, and instead a motor and gearbox combination is recommended. The conveyor shows promise as an alternative solution to traditional conveyors in low load applications. / Intralogistik, eller materialhantering, använder traditionellt rull-­ eller kedjetransportörer för att flytta gods i fabriker och lager. En negativ aspekt med dessa traditionella transportörer är att de är dyra, då de består av ett stort antal rörliga delar. Detta examensarbete föreslår en ny typ av transportör i vilken en transportfixtur med en inbyggd kuggstång glider på L­-formade profiler and drivs framåt av en skruv. Ett potentiellt hinder för denna typ av transportörs användbarhet är att en skruv naturligt har låg verkningsgrad på grund av skruvens mekanik i jämförelse med principen av rullning som används av rull- och kedjetransportörer. Detta examensarbete undersöker funktionaliteten och verkningsgraden av den föreslagna transportören, mer specifikt kärnfunktionaliten som är en skruv-­ och gängmekanism. En testrigg designades och byggdes, i vilken experiment utfördes. I experimenten varierades materialet och spiralvinkeln av skruven och gängan, samt hastigheten. Vridmomentet, effekten, verkningsgraden och andra parametrar mättes och utvärderades. Dessutom presenteras en metod för automatiskt gängingrepp som även testades, som visade sig vara tillförlitligt både med och utan positionsåterkoppling, vilket ger skruvtransportören fler användningsområden. Resultaten visade att verkningsgraden av skruv­ och gängmekanismen var högre för skruvar med högre spiralvinkel. Stålskruvar med en diameter på 50 mm visade på en verkningsgrad om 31% ± 4.5 % med en stigning på 32 mm men endast 8.7% ± 1.6 % med en stigning på 8 mm. 3D­-Printade plastskruvar hade något lägre men liknande verkningsgrad som stålskruvar i början av sin livslängd, men skar fast eller nöttes ned när de testades i ett långtidsexperiment. Eftersom hög stigning på skruven är fördelaktigt och på grund av de geometriska begränsningar av en sådan transportör (diskuteras i slutsatsen av rapporten), är det inte lämpligt att driva skruven direkt från en elmotor, utan istället rekommenderas en motorväxellådekombination. Transportören verkar lovande som ett alternativ till traditionella transportörer i applikationer med låg last.

Schwingungs- und geräuschdämpfende Leichtbauelemente im Maschinenbau auf Basis von Konstruktionswerkstoffen aus Holz

Eichhorn, Sven, Eckardt, Ronny, Müller, Christoph 29 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Im Forschungsprojekt wurde eine Bauweise für ein modular aufgebautes und flexibel einsetzbares Gestellsystem entwickelt, welches durch integrativen Leichtbau den vorteilhaften Einsatz von Holzfurnierlagenverbund-werkstoffen (WVC) für Verarbeitungs- und Fördermaschinen ermöglicht. Die ingenieurtechnisch relevanten Eigen-schaften des Holzbasiswerkstoffs (u.a. strukturelle Dämpfungseigenschaft) wurden ermittelt und darauf aufbauend ein Profil als Strukturelement des Gestellsystems entwickelt. Hier lag besonderes Augenmerk auf der Gestaltung des Profilquerschnitts. Es wurden verschiedene Querschnittsgeometrien vergleichend untersucht, wobei sich ein ge-schlossenes Kastenprofil als günstig erwies. Ausgehend vom entwickelten Profil wurde die für ein modulares Sys-tem notwendige Verbindungstechnik konzipiert. Folgend wurde schrittweise die modulare Bauweise in Strukturein-heiten umgesetzt sowie parallel Untersuchungen zu Steifigkeit und Festigkeit der Profile fortgeführt. Während der Erprobung von Struktureinheiten unter praxisnahen Bedingungen wurden gewisse konstruktive Verbesserungspo-tentiale deutlich. Diese Änderungen sowie die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse aus der Material- und Strukturprüfung kamen im Prototyp zur Umsetzung. Schallpegelprofile verschiedener fördertechnischer Anlagen und des entwickel-ten Prototypen wurden abschließend aufgenommen und verglichen. / Aim of the present study was to develop a modular designed and widely employable rack system. Positive properties of wood based materials (WVC) in lightweight structures were identified and integrated for the application in fabri-cation and conveyer technologies. For this purpose relevant properties of wood materials had been investigated (e.g. damping properties). The results of these analyses were the basis for the development of a beam profile, the basic structural design element for the future rack system. The most effort was put into finding the optimal beam cross section. Several different cross sections had been compared, a square sectional beam profile showed the best per-formance. Based on the square sectional beam profile proper connection methods for the modular rack were devel-oped. Structural units were subsequently realized step by step, while the investigation of stiffness and strength of the profiles was continued. The testing of the structural units under simulated field conditions revealed some minor constructional improvement capabilities. The constructional improvements and the knowledge from the material and profile testing were put into practice in the prototype. Finally sound measurements were carried out to compare several conveyors made of different materials (including the prototype) in respect to the emitted sound level.

Hydraulicky poháněné česle pro malou vodní elektrárnu / Hydraulic powered screens for small hydropower plant

Snášelová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of hydraulic cleaning machine of fine screens located in the supply channel of small hydropower plant. The part of this thesis is also the design of hydraulic circuit and strength analysis using finite element method. The thesis also deals with the optimal debris removal. The thesis is attached by drawing documentation of selected parts of the mechanism.

Konstrukční návrh lineární osy pro těžký obráběcí stroj / Design of linear axis for heavy machine tool

Horák, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of linear axis for heavy machine tool. The thesis describes the definition of heavy machine tool and its basic construction nodes. The next chapter describes the components of the linear feed assemblages, the basic principles of use and their advantages and disadvantages. On the basis of this research part there are selected variants of the solution and in the last part of the thesis there is a design of the axis X of the gantry machine tool. Part of the work is a 3D model of the proposed feed assemblages and part of the drawing documentation.

Náhon posuvové souřadnice portálového obráběcího centra pomocí pastorku a hřebene / The drive of the feed coordinate portal machining center using a rack and pinion

Bartoš, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design the drive of the feed coordinate portal machining center using a gear rack and pinion. The thesis contains researches from the area of CNC machining centers for non-rotating parts and sliding linear systems. Market analysis of portal machining centers of type of lower gantry with a gear rack and pinion was done. Furthermore, several design variants are proposed in terms of positioning the drive on the machine. These variants were further compared and the best option was selected for the specified machine. Subsequently, the technical calculation of the drive is performed and individual parameters and structural elements are proposed. The thesis also includes a 3D model of the proposed variant and the required drawing documentation.

Konstrukční návrh lineární osy pro těžký obráběcí stroj / Design of linear axis for heavy machine tool

Kubálek, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the linear axis of a heavy machine tool. It describes the basic specifications of these machines, their manufacturers, the parts of which the axis consists and the design itself. The design includes several design variants, calculation of the movement mechanism, drive and linear guide. Follows the selection of the most suitable variant and the drawing documentation of the resulting linear axis.

Návrh metodiky pro volbu základních komponent lineárních os obráběcího stroje / Design methodology for the selection of basic components of linear machine tool axes

Král, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is based on specified parameters positioning units, which include stroke (1m, 2m, 4m), load (5kg, 50kg, 500kg), you place the position accuracy (0.04 mm) and dynamic (maximum attainable speed 1.5 m / s), proposals to build a ball screw, linear motor, a toothed belt and toothed comb. For selected variants of positioning units to design a 3D model of positioning units. The proposed variations to compare and define their advantages / disadvantages, techno-economic comparison, the limit values of individual designs, etc. The work includes a search drive in positioning units, design units with toothed belt, a toothed comb, ball screw linear actuator, a calculated message of individual proposals then 3D design options for the ball screw and linear motor including drawings and assembly drawings.

Konstrukční návrh ohraňovacího lisu / Construction design hydraulic press brake

Stránský, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is divided into several chapters. First two chapters after introduction are written as search type. In next part I devoted to detailed design of functional mechanisms of linearly moving parts of press brake. For the construction of stop mechanism I dealt with conversion types as ball screw, pinion with rack and timing belts. There is also quite thorough calculation part in ball screw and pinion with rack issue. I have also dealt with the necessary bending force and then designed hydraulic cylinders. Elaboration of machine frame with safety features is included.

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