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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geo-environmental considerations in transport infrastructure planning

Karlsson, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Transport infrastructure constitutes one of the key factors to a country’s economic growth. Investment in new transport infrastructure might cause potential environmental impacts, and if a project has several alternative corridors open for suggestion then each alternative corridor will have a different impact on the environment. The European Commission has stated that the natural resources are important to the quality of life. Therefore, the efficient use of resources will be a key towards meeting future climate change and reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This implies that in an evergrowing global society the resource efficiency as well as the choice of transport infrastructure corridor becomes even more important to consider. The aim of this research project was to contribute to early transport infrastructure planning by the development of methods for and implementation of easy understandable geological criteria and models for decision support. Moreover, the intention was to assess how geological information can be developed and extracted from existing spatial data and coupled with other areas of interest, such as ecology and life cycle assessment. It has previously been established that geological information plays an important role in transport infrastructure planning, as the geological characteristics of the proposed area as well as the possibilities of material use influences the project. Therefore, in order to couple geological information for early transport infrastructure planning, four studies (Paper I-IV) were undertaken where methods were developed and tested for the inclusion of geological information. The first study (Paper I) demonstate how optional road corridors could be evaluated using geological information of soil thickness, soil type and rock outcrops, bedrock quality and slope in combination with ecological information. The second study (Paper II) shows how geological information of soil thickness and stratigraphy can be combined with life cycle assessments (LCA) to assess the corresponding greenhouse gas emission and energy use for the proposed road corridors. The difficulty of using expert knowledge for susceptibility assessment of natural hazards, i.e. flooding, landslide and debris flow, for early transport infrastructure planning was presented in the third study (Paper III). In this study the expert knowledge was used in a multi-criteria analysis where the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was chosen as a decision rule. This decision rule was compared to the decision rule weighted linear combination (WLC) using two different schemes of weighting. In all the mentioned studies the importance of soil thickness information was highlighted. Therefore, the fourth and final study (Paper IV) presented a new methodology for modelling the soil thickness in areas where data is sparse. A simplified regolith model (SRM) was developed in order to estimate the regolith thickness, i.e. soil thickness, for previously glaciate terrain with a high frequency of rock outcrops. SRM was based on a digital elevation model (DEM) and an optimized search algorithm. The methods developed in order to couple geological information with other areas of interest is a tentative step towards an earlier geo-environmental planning process. However, the methods need to be tested in other areas with different geological conditions. The combination of geological information in GIS with MCA enabled the integration of knowledge for decision making; it also allowed influencing the importance between various aspects of geological information as well as the importance between geological information and other fields of interest, such as ecology, through the selected weighting schemes. The results showed that synergies exist between ecology and geology, where important geological considerations could also have positive effects on ecological consideration. Soil thickness was very important for GHG emission and energy whereas stratigraphical knowledge had a minor influence. When using expert knowledge the consistency in the expert judgements also needs to be considered. It was shown that experts tended to be inconsistent in their judgements, and that some consistency could be reached if the judgements were aggregated instead of used separately. The results also showed that the developed SRM had relatively accurate results for data sparse areas, and that this model could be used in several projects where the knowledge of soil thickness is important but lacking. It was concluded that geological information should be considered. By using GIS and MCA it is possible to evaluate different aspects of geological information in order to improve decision making. / Environmental assessment of road geology and ecology in a system perspective

A critical evaluation of community rail policy and practice during the New Labour years, 2003-2010

Seedhouse, Andrew Colin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines how the changing governance environments introduced under New Labour compromised or assisted the delivery of the 2004 Community Rail Development Strategy. It considers the origins of Community Rail and the circumstances which led to the adoption of the 2004 Strategy and its content. It explores the wider processes of governance change across multiple scales and the rise of a new neoliberal approach favoured by recent administrations, with particular emphasis of New Labour’s introduction of the Third Way and its creation of the third sector. The primary research aim and four core research objectives are tested within six Community Rail Partnership (CRP) case study areas, through the application of a multi-methodological approach combining desk-based quantitative analysis with qualitative semi-structured interviews of actors engaged in the case study areas and wider policy elites. For each of the case study areas, an empirical overview of the transport planning policies of actor members of the CRPs is undertaken, as well as visual and audio station audits. The research then examines the place of the 2004 Strategy within the wider transport planning policy landscape at all tiers of regional and sub-regional government, concluding a very mixed approach to engagement and support. The resurgent approach to localism and the role of New Labour’s Local Strategic Partnerships are considered in identifying existing levels of CRP engagement and opportunities to create functional spaces of engagement. It identifies a high level of correlation between current CRP activities and alignment with core performance indicators of this new governance framework, manifesting itself in a published national toolkit model. The research then examines the importance of a CRP’s own approach to governance; the role of core individuals; and the importance of actor engagement to support a stable platform for delivering successful Strategy outputs and outcomes. It concludes by recommending national policy options to improve on outcome delivery for individual CRPs and their members.

Estudo do uso do geocomposto em via permanente ferroviária. / Study of the use of geocomposites in permanent ways.

Pereira, Paulo André Moraes 26 February 2018 (has links)
O uso de geossintéticos em vias permanentes tem tido grande aplicação em diversos países nas últimas décadas, principalmente em regiões onde o subleito não possui capacidade de suporte suficiente e/ou contamina a camada de lastro, acelerando a degradação da via. A Baixada Santista, região de grande importância nacional no que se refere ao escoamento de produtos de importação e exportação, é caracterizada por subleitos com grandes espessuras de solos orgânicos, saturados e com pouca resistência que elevam o número de intervenções na via e resultam em paralisações, reduções de velocidade e perda de produtividade. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar o comportamento estrutural e geométrico em vias permanentes contendo geocomposto, estando este posicionado em diferentes interfaces da estrutura (lastro-sublastro, lastro-plataforma e sublastro-plataforma). Para tanto, foram acompanhados dois trechos experimentais executados com e sem tal tecnologia, desde a construção, na linha 1 do Terminal Integrador Portuário Luiz Antonio Mesquita (TIPLAM), localizado em Santos (SP), e na linha 2 da via Piaçaguera - Raiz da Serra, também na Baixada Santista. Em ambos os trechos, foram realizadas avaliações geométricas, pelo monitoramento de recalques e variações quanto ao alinhamento. No segundo trecho, foi efetuada avaliação do comportamento estrutural por meio de ensaios in situ para levantamento de dados como deflexões (para cálculo do módulo de via). De maneira geral, as condições de plataforma e executivas dos trechos experimentais com geocomposto, além do curto período de monitoramento após a construção, foram desfavoráveis para verificar seu potencial de aplicação para reforço da via permanente. Em Piaçaguera, a utilização do geocomposto não indicou melhorias estruturais nem geométricas no período avaliado. Desta forma, para vias com baixo acúmulo de MTBTs, o geocomposto pode se constituir uma solução para longo prazo (ainda a se avaliar mais precisamente). Em relação ao TIPLAM, concluiu-se que a aplicação da geogrelha poderá não ocasionar redução no recalque total, independentemente da posição de instalação. Em contrapartida, utilizar o geocomposto na interface lastro/sublastro pode gerar melhorias geométricas no parâmetro de superelevação. Posicionando-se este em camadas mais profundas (sublastro/plataforma), podem ser gerados menores recalques diferenciais, entretanto essa conclusão ficou dificultada pelo comportamento da plataforma. De forma geral, essa pesquisa contribuiu para o conhecimento do uso de geocomposto em via permanente em diferentes condições de velocidade de operação, cargas transportadas e características geotécnicas. O estudo também abordou avaliações geométricas além das estruturais, que são alvo de poucos estudos de campo em nível nacional (sabendo-se da importância da geometria no intervalo entre manutenções e nível de segurança da via). / The use of geosynthetics in permanent ways has been widely applied in several countries in the last decades, mainly in regions where it can be witnessed the loss of subgrade bearing capacity during and after construction and/or the pumping of fines effect, which accelerates the degradation of the track. The soft soil foundation of Santos, a region of great national importance in terms of economics, is characterized by large deposits of saturated and low resistance soil layers that, once settled, increase the number of interventions on the railway and result in stoppages, speed control and loss of productivity. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the structural and geometric behavior in permanent ways containing geocomposite, at different interfaces of the structure (ballast-sublast, ballast-platform and sub-platform). In order to do so, two experimental sections were carried out with and without such technology: line 1 of the Terminal Integrador Portuário Luiz Antonio Mesquita (TIPLAM), located in Santos (SP), and line 2 of the Piaçaguera - Raiz da Serra railway, also in the region of Santos. In both sections, geometric evaluations were carried out by monitoring settlements and variations in alignment. In the latter section, the structural behavior was evaluated through in situ tests to collect data such as deflections (for the calculation of the track modulus). In general, due to executive issues and platform characteristics of the experimental sections with geocomposite, alongside the short period of monitoring, it became adverse to verify the potential of such technology in means of reinforcing the track. In Piaçaguera, the use of the geocomposite did not indicate structural or geometric improvements during the evaluated period. Thus, for permanent ways with low MTBTs accumulation, the geocomposite can be a long-term solution (still to be evaluated more precisely). In relation to TIPLAM, it was concluded that the application of the geogrid may not cause reduction in total settlement, regardless of the installed position. In contrast, using the geocomposite at the ballast/sub-ballast interface can generate geometric improvements in the superelevation parameter. By positioning this in deeper layers (sub-ballast/platform), smaller differential settlements can be generated, however this conclusion was made difficult by the behavior of the platform. In general, this research contributed to the knowledge of the use of geocomposite in different railway conditions such as operation speed, transported loads and geotechnical characteristics. The study also addressed structural and geometric evaluations, which has not been addressed commonly oftenly in national studies, even though it is known the importance of geometry to dictate maintenance intervals and safety levels of railways.

Técnica, modernização e produção do espaço: um estudo sobre o papel da estrada de ferro nas transformações sócio-espaciais da zona alta sorocabana / Technique, modernization and production of space: a study on the role of the railroad in the socio-spatial transformations of the Sorocabana High Zone

Marques, Paulo Passini 17 December 2009 (has links)
Com a chegada da estrada de ferro no Estado de São Paulo na segunda metade do século XIX, começam a se romper as barreiras espaciais que encarceravam a produção cafeeira e impediam a economia de avançar por outras áreas do estado. No começo do século XX a ferrovia se transforma em ponta de lança do avanço das frentes pioneiras rumo às áreas desconhecidas do sertão paulista. Através da sincronia do avanço ferroviário, do crescimento demográfico e da inserção de uma economia de mercado, novas regiões vão surgindo na forma de faixas territoriais, que desarticuladas entre si, aglutinam sua economia em torno de seu eixo ferroviário. Com a crise da economia agro-exportadora, e o avanço da industrialização, o caminhão assumiu o papel de elemento de integração regional, função que a ferrovia se mostrou incapaz de cumprir. Começa aí um longo processo de desestruturação do setor, que vai resultar, no final da década de 1980, no intenso estado de abandono e sucateamento da malha ferroviária paulista. Com os governos neoliberais e de estado mínimo de Fernando Collor e Fernando Henrique, as ferrovias passam a integrar o Programa Nacional de Desestatização, sob o argumento de que só a iniciativa privada poderia trazer investimentos e recuperar a malha ferroviária nacional. Passados quase quinze anos das concessões ferroviárias, o que se observa é que, apesar de alguns avanços (impulsionados pelo dinheiro público), a tão sonhada mudança na matriz de transportes está longe de acontecer. Ao mesmo tempo, devido às desativações de trechos considerados antieconômicos pelas concessionárias, economias regionais são inviabilizadas, refletindose em grandes prejuízos sociais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo trazer a questão da importância da ferrovia para as economias regionais, utilizando como estudo de caso a Região da Alta Sorocabana, no oeste paulista. A presente dissertação procura também analisar o papel da ferrovia nas transformações sócio-econômicas da região, e sua atual importância na economia regional, fato que tem levado grande parte da sociedade e de diversos setores da região, ao discurso unânime de que uma possível retomada do crescimento regional passa necessariamente pela revitalização da malha ferroviária e sua integração a outros modais de transportes. / With the arrival of the railroad in the state of São Paulo in the second half of the nineteenth century, begins to break down the spatial barriers that incarcerated the coffee production and prevented the economy to move forward in other areas of the state. In the early twentieth century the railroad becomes the spearhead of the advance of pioneer towards the unknown areas of the interior of São Paulo. By timing advance rail, population growth and the inclusion of a market economy, new regions are emerging in the form of regional bands that were broken up between themselves, they come closer together their economy around their axis rail. With the crisis of the agro-export economy and the advance of industrialization, the truck starts to play the role of element of regional integration , function that the railroad was unable to meet. It starts there a long process of disintegration of the sector, which will result, in the end of 1980s, in the intense state of abandonment and scrapping of the paulista railway . With the neoliberal governments and Fernando Collor and Fernando Cardoso s minimum state, the railroads have moved into the National Program of Privatization, arguing that only the private sector could bring investments and recover the national rail. After nearly fifteen years of railway concessions, which is observed is that , despite of some progress (driven by public money), the long awaited change in the matrix of transport is far from happening. At the same time, due to the deactivation of passages considered \"uneconomical\" by utilities, regional economies are made impossible, reflecting in large social losses. This work will analyze the importance of the railroad in socio-spatial transformations of the various regions of São Paulo under its influence, using as a case study of Upper Sorocabana region. It also seeks to show the current situation of the rail passage in question, leading to a reflection about the unanimous discourse of society and different sectors of the region, that a possible resumption of regional growth , requires necessarily the revitalization of the railroads and their integration to other modes of transport.

Railway Culture and the Civilizing Mission in Mexico, 1876-1910

Matthews, Michael Alexander January 2008 (has links)
The rapid growth of Mexico's railway networks represented the crowning achievement of the Porfiriato--that is, the regime headed by Porfirio Diaz, who ruled between 1876 and 1911. Having succeeded in bringing the internal stability needed for the growth and development of the economy, government officials repeatedly used the railroad as a symbol to highlight the accomplishments of Porfirian modernization and to legitimate the regime that had shed its liberal ideals and grown increasingly authoritarian. Boosters emphasized the ability of the government's railway project to bring civilization, to promote national unity, to increase commerce, and, even to whiten the population. At the same time, opposition groups, although not opposed to railway development per se, objected to the national costs and social hardships that resulted from the railway boom. Opponents, many of whom played influential roles in the Revolution (1910), exploited the symbolic and rhetorical power of the railroad to underscore the more negative aspects of Porfirian modernization and to question the so-called universal truths that defined the regime's civilizing mission. This study offers a radically different interpretation of how Porfirio Diaz maintained control of the country, stressing the importance of his supporter's success at exploiting the iconic power of the railway--the ultimate symbol of material progress--in literature, art, and pageantry. It offers a unique perspective on the outbreak of the 1910 Revolution, arguing that opponents of the regime used the railway as a metaphor to highlight the failures of the government's modernizing and civilizing mission, ideas also disseminated among the population in a myriad of cultural expressions.

Tracks, tunnels and trestles: an environmental history of the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway

Longworth, Heather A. 20 April 2009 (has links)
The construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was not a conquest of man over nature as some historians have suggested and the driving of the last spike did not cement that victory. By studying the CPR from an environmental perspective, it becomes obvious that the relationship between the people and the environment in the mountains was two-fold: workers had an effect on the environment through fires, deforestation, excavation, and blasting, and the environment likewise had an effect on workers through the hardships of weather, challenging terrain, avalanches, and floods. Shortcuts, such as steep grades and wooden bridges, taken by the CPR throughout construction to save money and time, as well as the poor route choice, had unintended consequences for the operation of the railway. Massive deforestation and fires had repercussions for the watershed of the eastern Rocky Mountains and the choice of Rogers Pass meant that the CPR had to deal with numerous avalanches and deep snow. Steep grades and lines that were easily flooded or open to avalanches resulted in the deaths of numerous workers and expensive repairs to engines and the track. The construction of the CPR also had a notable impact on western Canada as it opened up the land to tourism, settlement, agriculture, and the lumber and mining industries. In building and operating the line, the CPR had to learn to adapt to the environment in order to carry out repairs quickly and get trains through.

The development of China's coal industry, 1949-1978 : towards an analytical model

Thomson, Elspeth Bliss January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

The Australian Railways Union: railway management and railway work in Victoria 1920-1939

Churchward, Alison Ruth January 1989 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis takes the Australian Railways Union as a focus for an examination of the Victorian Railways between the two World Wars. The development of the union is traced through the optimistic expectations of the early 1920s, the disillusionment which followed the union’s affiliation with the ALP and registration under the Commonwealth Arbitration Court, to the increasing polarisation of the union on political lines as the 1930s progressed. At the same time the union’s relations with, railway management are explored. / The innovative management style of Harold Winthrop Clapp, whose term as Chief Railways Commissioner covered the two decades under discussion in this thesis, is examined and set in the context of developments elsewhere in Australia and overseas. The repercussions of Clapp’s administrative and technological changes in railway work are discussed throughout the thesis, and particular attention is paid to the relationship between such changes and job loss. The problems arising from lack of clarity over control of the Railways Department, which are also examined in a separate chapter, were common to other statutory authorities as well. The financial situation of the railways is discussed in relation to that of other Australian railways. The problem of transport regulation to prevent uneconomic competition between motor transport and railways, which received growing recognition during the period of this thesis, also receives special attention. / During the Great Depression, the Victorian Railways Department and the ARU played a central role in the national arena. The railway basic wage case of 1930, which resulted in a ten per cent cut in wages, set a precedent for all major industries. The analysis of transcripts of this lengthy case has produced much which is of general significance for economic and labour history. / In the final chapters of the thesis, the ARU is shown approaching the radicalism of the 1940s, when large scale industrial action was carried out under Communist leadership. The union in 1939, following two decades of activity as part of a federal railways union, and experience of arbitration and affiliation to the ALP, was very different from the union which had existed up until 1920 in Victoria, with its narrow sphere of activity bounded by ‘the railway fence’, and this thesis explores that transition.

A Sorocabana Railway Company: a relação de uma empresa ferroviária privada com as diretrizes governamentais (1907-1919)

Corrêa, Lucas Mariani [UNESP] 31 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-26T13:21:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-07-31Bitstream added on 2015-01-26T13:30:55Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000803508.pdf: 930342 bytes, checksum: 99bfeb3e651162d12b1082b6faa9466c (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / No impulso do progresso no Brasil Império do século XIX, surgem as primeiras ferrovias. Surgiria, em 1875, a Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana. Durante os anos iniciais de República, o governo paulista, por meio da Secretaria de Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas, passou a desenvolver propostas para coordenar as ferrovias e sua expansão no estado, em prol de suas diretrizes de ocupação do território e da dinamização econômica. Durante esses mesmos anos, em 1907, a Sorocabana será arrendada para um grupo de empresários representados por Percival Farquhar, passando a fazer parte de um holding. Sob os anos de administração particular, de 1907 a 1919, ocorreram diversas mudanças, tanto com propostas do governo, até com pressões contra esse grupo. Tais fatos levaram ao rompimento de contrato e a volta dessa empresa à administração pública. Visto isso, nossa pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar primeiramente quais eram as propostas e diretrizes do governo para organização e desenvolvimento das ferrovias. Por fim, compreender qual o envolvimento e relação da Sorocabana Railway Company com tais diretrizes. Teremos como fonte, os Relatórios Anuais da Secretaria de Agricultura, Comércio e Obras Públicas, os Relatórios de Presidente do Estado, Relatórios da própria empresa, além dos documentos administrativos e outros que envolvam nosso objeto / On the propulsion of progress in Brazil Empire, at the 19th century, appear the first railroads. In 1875, crop out the Sorocabana Railway. During the early years of the Republic, São Paulo’s state government, through the Agriculture, Trade and Public Works Department, initiate to develop proposals to coordinate of the railroads and their expansion in the state in favor of the state’s guidelines of territory occupation and economical boost. Even during these years, in 1907, the Sorocabana will be lease by a businessmen group, represented by Percival Farquhar, becoming part of a holding. During the years under private management, from 1907 to 1919, many changes occurred on governmental proposals, even campaigns against this group domain on the railway activity. These facts lead to a contract rupture and the enterprise goes back to the public administration. Considering all this, our research goal is, first of all, to analyze which was the governmental proposals and guidelines, through the Agriculture Department, about the railways. Second, to comprise the involvement and relationship of the Sorocabana Railway Company with such guidelines. We use as research sources the Annual Reports of the Agriculture, Trade and Public Works Department; the Reports of the State’s president; reports of the company; also the administrative documents and others documents which involves our object / FAPESP: 11/16954-8

Estudo do uso do geocomposto em via permanente ferroviária. / Study of the use of geocomposites in permanent ways.

Paulo André Moraes Pereira 26 February 2018 (has links)
O uso de geossintéticos em vias permanentes tem tido grande aplicação em diversos países nas últimas décadas, principalmente em regiões onde o subleito não possui capacidade de suporte suficiente e/ou contamina a camada de lastro, acelerando a degradação da via. A Baixada Santista, região de grande importância nacional no que se refere ao escoamento de produtos de importação e exportação, é caracterizada por subleitos com grandes espessuras de solos orgânicos, saturados e com pouca resistência que elevam o número de intervenções na via e resultam em paralisações, reduções de velocidade e perda de produtividade. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar o comportamento estrutural e geométrico em vias permanentes contendo geocomposto, estando este posicionado em diferentes interfaces da estrutura (lastro-sublastro, lastro-plataforma e sublastro-plataforma). Para tanto, foram acompanhados dois trechos experimentais executados com e sem tal tecnologia, desde a construção, na linha 1 do Terminal Integrador Portuário Luiz Antonio Mesquita (TIPLAM), localizado em Santos (SP), e na linha 2 da via Piaçaguera - Raiz da Serra, também na Baixada Santista. Em ambos os trechos, foram realizadas avaliações geométricas, pelo monitoramento de recalques e variações quanto ao alinhamento. No segundo trecho, foi efetuada avaliação do comportamento estrutural por meio de ensaios in situ para levantamento de dados como deflexões (para cálculo do módulo de via). De maneira geral, as condições de plataforma e executivas dos trechos experimentais com geocomposto, além do curto período de monitoramento após a construção, foram desfavoráveis para verificar seu potencial de aplicação para reforço da via permanente. Em Piaçaguera, a utilização do geocomposto não indicou melhorias estruturais nem geométricas no período avaliado. Desta forma, para vias com baixo acúmulo de MTBTs, o geocomposto pode se constituir uma solução para longo prazo (ainda a se avaliar mais precisamente). Em relação ao TIPLAM, concluiu-se que a aplicação da geogrelha poderá não ocasionar redução no recalque total, independentemente da posição de instalação. Em contrapartida, utilizar o geocomposto na interface lastro/sublastro pode gerar melhorias geométricas no parâmetro de superelevação. Posicionando-se este em camadas mais profundas (sublastro/plataforma), podem ser gerados menores recalques diferenciais, entretanto essa conclusão ficou dificultada pelo comportamento da plataforma. De forma geral, essa pesquisa contribuiu para o conhecimento do uso de geocomposto em via permanente em diferentes condições de velocidade de operação, cargas transportadas e características geotécnicas. O estudo também abordou avaliações geométricas além das estruturais, que são alvo de poucos estudos de campo em nível nacional (sabendo-se da importância da geometria no intervalo entre manutenções e nível de segurança da via). / The use of geosynthetics in permanent ways has been widely applied in several countries in the last decades, mainly in regions where it can be witnessed the loss of subgrade bearing capacity during and after construction and/or the pumping of fines effect, which accelerates the degradation of the track. The soft soil foundation of Santos, a region of great national importance in terms of economics, is characterized by large deposits of saturated and low resistance soil layers that, once settled, increase the number of interventions on the railway and result in stoppages, speed control and loss of productivity. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the structural and geometric behavior in permanent ways containing geocomposite, at different interfaces of the structure (ballast-sublast, ballast-platform and sub-platform). In order to do so, two experimental sections were carried out with and without such technology: line 1 of the Terminal Integrador Portuário Luiz Antonio Mesquita (TIPLAM), located in Santos (SP), and line 2 of the Piaçaguera - Raiz da Serra railway, also in the region of Santos. In both sections, geometric evaluations were carried out by monitoring settlements and variations in alignment. In the latter section, the structural behavior was evaluated through in situ tests to collect data such as deflections (for the calculation of the track modulus). In general, due to executive issues and platform characteristics of the experimental sections with geocomposite, alongside the short period of monitoring, it became adverse to verify the potential of such technology in means of reinforcing the track. In Piaçaguera, the use of the geocomposite did not indicate structural or geometric improvements during the evaluated period. Thus, for permanent ways with low MTBTs accumulation, the geocomposite can be a long-term solution (still to be evaluated more precisely). In relation to TIPLAM, it was concluded that the application of the geogrid may not cause reduction in total settlement, regardless of the installed position. In contrast, using the geocomposite at the ballast/sub-ballast interface can generate geometric improvements in the superelevation parameter. By positioning this in deeper layers (sub-ballast/platform), smaller differential settlements can be generated, however this conclusion was made difficult by the behavior of the platform. In general, this research contributed to the knowledge of the use of geocomposite in different railway conditions such as operation speed, transported loads and geotechnical characteristics. The study also addressed structural and geometric evaluations, which has not been addressed commonly oftenly in national studies, even though it is known the importance of geometry to dictate maintenance intervals and safety levels of railways.

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