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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tro och tolerans i kyrkligt församlingsliv : En enkätundersökning om mångkultur och pastoral praxis / Faith and tolerance in church parish life : A questionnaire survey on multiculturalism and pastoral practice

Albinsson, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine some of the employees in the Church of Sweden and their knowledge and view on the concepts of tolerance, integration, assimilation and diversity. Besides that the study also examines if those employees motivate these concepts based on what I defined as Swedish values or confessional values. The study was done through submitted questionnaires from 26 employees within 15 parishes. To answer the survey's main questions, qualitative variables method was used that looked for variables and connections in the survey responses. Furthermore the study was based on the political philosopher Rainer Forst theory regarding tolerance. The analysis of the study shows that the 26 employees in the Church of Sweden have a high influence of Swedish values and/or Swedish legislation and low influences of confessional values in their answers. In addition to that the analysis also shows that 26 employees have lack of knowledge applicable concepts assimilation and integration. The analysis shows that the 26 employees have a partially similar view and knowledge regarding the concepts of diversity, tolerance and where they draw the line for tolerance. Lastly the 26 employees' view on tolerance according to the analysis gravitate towards the political philosopher Rainer Forst theory of tolerance as a respectful concept. The aim of the study has been to contribute to studies on the Church of Sweden's employees and their knowledge and view regarding contemporary concepts in order to provide an opportunity for increased knowledge within the subject. The study can also be used as a pilot study or a starting point for a more comprehensive survey of Church of Sweden's employees attitudes towards tolerance and diversity issues. / Sammanfattningsvis syftade uppsatsen till att undersöka vilken syn och kunskap anställda i ett antal församlingar i Svenska kyrkan har på begreppen tolerans, mångfald, assimilering och integration. Dessutom undersöktes det i uppsatsen om de anställda motiverade dessa begrepp utifrån vad jag definierade som svenska eller konfessionella värderingar. Undersökningen gjordes genom inskickade enkäter från 26 anställda inom 15 församlingar. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningarna så användes kvalitativa variabler som letade efter variabler och samband i enkätsvaren. Förutom detta så utgick uppsatsen från Rainer Forst teori gällande tolerans. Resultatet visar att de 26 anställda i Svenska kyrkan har höga genomslag av svenska värderingaroch/eller svensk lagstiftning, låga genomslag av konfessionell profil, att de möjligtvis är tveksamma, obeslutsamma, undrande eller osäkra gällande begreppen assimilering och integration och att de anställda har en delvis liknande syn och kunskap gällande begreppen mångfald, tolerans och vart de drar gränsen för tolerans. Synen på tolerans utifrån hur den analyserats i uppsatsen visar att de 26 anställda drar mot Rainer Forst teori “tolerans som respekterande koncept”. Trots detta så har vissa av de anställda ändå genomslag av “tolerans som tillstånd koncept”. Forskning framåt skulle därför kunna undersöka om de anställda i Svenska kyrkan är stadiga eller föränderliga gällande sin syn och kunskap i frågor kopplade till migration.

Reflexive Toleration : A Critical Inquiry into Rainer Forst’s Theory of Toleration

Langby, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis provides a critical inquiry into Rainer Forst’s theory of toleration, including a descriptive section and a normative critical stance of said theory. Being placed in the tradition of critical theory, also applied as the theoretical framework, and using a hermeneutics methodology when approaching the material, the aim is to provide a close reading of Forst’s texts. The research question of the thesis is What are the possibilities and limits of Forst’s theory of toleration when applied to a democratic political community? The descriptive section of Forst's theory of toleration includes sections comprising of what constitutes the domain of toleration, the components and foundation of toleration, and toleration in relation to virtue and politics. In essence, Forst proposes a principle of justification as the foundation of toleration, mainly derived from his political theory of justification, practiced in a reciprocal and universal manner of the participants in a system combined with a reflexive component. The critique includes components of toleration in relation to the need of tradition, ambivalence in relation to the claims of the intolerants, and how spontaneity is needed in contrast to the mechanistic view mainly proposed by Forst. Other sections of the critique include the relation of toleration and whom can participate in the domain of it, inter- and intra-group deviances regarding power and perspective, but also a discussion of toleration and religious minorities – mainly focused on bodily integrity. The critique includes the suggestion that one should approach the question of toleration from a discursive virtue ethics position, a stance that should be developed further during future research. The discussion at the end of the thesis includes a section of the future of toleration and a self-reflexive discussion of theory in relation to the thesis.

Agonism or Deliberation? : A Critical Study on the Democratic Theories of Chantal Mouffe and Rainer Forst

Lindqvist, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Taking as motivation Chantal Mouffe’s critique of Habermasian deliberative democracy, this thesis sets out to evaluate her conception of democracy — agonistic pluralism — in relation the deliberative approach of Rainer Forst. The evaluation was performed with the aid of a specific conceptualization of legitimacy as to its function, source, and connection to democracy. The evaluation found that the Forstian model of democracy was more aligned to the thesis’ concept of legitimacy. However, the evaluation also found that aspects of Mouffe’s democratic theory was not at such odds with the deliberative approach as it would have you believe.

Matter of justification : A study on how Human Rights NGOs interpret, prioritize and justify human rights

Lindestreng, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
The emergence of Human Rights NGOs continue to influence the practice of human rights domestically and internationally. In connection with this development, as scrutinizers of human rights and human rights violations, the Human Rights NGOs must in turn be scrutinized. Guided by a theoretical framework consisted of theories of justification by Rainer Forst, Martha Nussbaum and Michael Ignatieff, a critical analysis of how Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch reveal the state of human rights in the respective annual report of 2017 is carried out. The aim is to scrutinize how the Human Rights NGOs interpretation, prioritization and justification of human rights affect the validity of human rights. The validity of human rights in turn, argues the thesis, presupposes that we must assess whether these strategies are reasonable. The thesis finds that human rights are understood as universal claims for the respect and protection of the underpinning values of human rights: dignity, freedom and equality. Human rights, interpreted in this sense, must have an abiding effect and protect human rights, but also to hold human rights violations accountable through means of justice. Accordingly, justice has a double meaning for the purpose of human rights in the sense that it firstly set out conditions for when human rights are protected and secondly, make this task possible. / I ljuset av framväxten av icke-statliga människorättsorganisationer och deras betydande inflytande på de mänskliga rättigheterna, syftar denna uppsats till att studera deras förståelse och tolkning av dessa rättigheter. Med hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av teorier om rättfärdigande av mänskliga rättigheter av Rainer Forst, Martha Nussbaum och Michael Ignatieff, genomförs en kritisk analys av hur Amnesty International och Human Rights Watch årliga rapporter om de mänskliga rättigheternas status ser ut. Syftet med denna analys är att kritisk granska hur organisationernas tolkning, prioritering och rättfärdigande av mänskliga rättigheter påverkar rättigheternas validitet. Validiteten i sin tur, förutsätter att en kritisk analys av dessa strategier förhåller sig till huruvida dessa är förnuftiga och godtagbara. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att mänskliga rättigheter förstås som universella anspråk vars syfte är att respektera och skydda de underliggande normerna av mänsklig värdighet, frihet och jämlikhet. Mänskliga rättigheter måste således ha en varaktig effekt för att skydda människor, men även för att kunna ställa brott mot mänskliga rättigheter inför rättvisa. Följaktligen har rättvisa mer än ett syfte, nämligen att först staka ut de förutsättningar som krävs för att respektera och skydda mänskliga rättigheter, och för det andra att göra detta möjligt.

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