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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maintaining the chain of evidence : a South African case study of blood samples in the case of driving liquour

Prins, George Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
The research attempts to evaluate the maintaining of the chain of evidence as a process of effective collection, handling and preservation of evidence. The concept "chain of evidence" refers to the process of collecting, handling and preservation of evidence until its presentation in court, as part of the investigation process. Evidence is anything that tends logically to prove or disprove a fact at issue in a judicial case. Evidence essentially consists of oral evidence, documentary evidence and real evidence. The value of evidence cannot be underestimated as evidence can make or break a case. It is therefore important that evidence is correctly and properly collected, handled and preserved to establish a strong link between an individual and a specific act. / Police Practice / Thesis ((M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation) Police Practice))

Maintaining the chain of evidence : a South African case study of blood samples in the case of driving liquour

Prins, George Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
The research attempts to evaluate the maintaining of the chain of evidence as a process of effective collection, handling and preservation of evidence. The concept "chain of evidence" refers to the process of collecting, handling and preservation of evidence until its presentation in court, as part of the investigation process. Evidence is anything that tends logically to prove or disprove a fact at issue in a judicial case. Evidence essentially consists of oral evidence, documentary evidence and real evidence. The value of evidence cannot be underestimated as evidence can make or break a case. It is therefore important that evidence is correctly and properly collected, handled and preserved to establish a strong link between an individual and a specific act. / Police Practice / Thesis ((M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation) Police Practice))

Ontwikkeling van Randfontein : 'n ruimtelike perspektief

Van der Walt, Josef Cornelius. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The growth and development of Randfontein is analysed within a spatial perspective. The theoretical point of departure is found in settlement geography and in the spatial economic approach. As continuous perspective, the PWV serves as major metroplitan region, of which Randfontein is a functional subsystem. Information has been obtained from businessmen, industrialists, the local authorities and the inhabitants of Randfontein. The economic sectors (mining, manufacturing and services) are analysed 1n terms of their contribution (or lack of) to the course of the economic realities in town. The behaviouristic approach provides a perspective 1n the sense that behavioral patterns are prominently analysed. A special technique of analyses is used to highlight the economic activities of Randfontein (with the graphic illustrations), by determining strong and weak factors. Problems that have been experienced in terms of the economic activities of Randfontein are identified and possibilities for the future are stipulated. / Educational Studies / M.A. (Geography)

Ontwikkeling van Randfontein : 'n ruimtelike perspektief

Van der Walt, Josef Cornelius. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The growth and development of Randfontein is analysed within a spatial perspective. The theoretical point of departure is found in settlement geography and in the spatial economic approach. As continuous perspective, the PWV serves as major metroplitan region, of which Randfontein is a functional subsystem. Information has been obtained from businessmen, industrialists, the local authorities and the inhabitants of Randfontein. The economic sectors (mining, manufacturing and services) are analysed 1n terms of their contribution (or lack of) to the course of the economic realities in town. The behaviouristic approach provides a perspective 1n the sense that behavioral patterns are prominently analysed. A special technique of analyses is used to highlight the economic activities of Randfontein (with the graphic illustrations), by determining strong and weak factors. Problems that have been experienced in terms of the economic activities of Randfontein are identified and possibilities for the future are stipulated. / Educational Studies / M.A. (Geography)

Minibus taxi drivers are they all 'children born from the same mother?'

Sauti, Gloria 22 October 2008 (has links)
The minibus taxi industry in South Africa is the most popular form of public transportation and is used by the majority of commuters. At least 65 percent of the country’s commuters make use of this mode of public transport while the rest travel by busses or trains. Although minibus taxis are the most convenient form of transportation the industry is however associated with various complaints from commuters, the media and society at large. Most of the complaints are about “violence or taxi wars”, “unsafe taxis” resulting in high accident rates and the manner in which minibus taxi drivers appear to drive, behave, over speed and overload taxis etc. All these complaints are directly related to minibus taxi drivers. The purpose of my research is to investigate whether or not all minibus taxi drivers are indeed behaving in these similar ways and whether it can hence be argued that they are all “children born from the same mother?” In the field, it was important to go beyond the stereotypes of South African minibus taxi drivers. My study focussed specifically on minibus taxi drivers in the Johannesburg – Randfontein route, which is about a forty five minute drive each way.

Evaluating the credibility of the integrated development plan as a service delivery instrument in Randfontein local municipality

Dlulisa, Lungelwa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research study was undertaken to explore one of the most significant plans in local government and is aimed at guiding future development within municipal areas. It seeks to evaluate the credibility of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as a service delivery tool in Randfontein Municipality. Randfontein Local Municipality was selected, amongst other reasons, due to the finding by the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) that it lacked crucial information relating to performance. The IDP spans five years and is an appealing super-plan for any municipality. An evaluation of this plan’s effectiveness as a service delivery instrument is therefore important. Various legislation oblige local government to prepare and undertake IDP, which should be a collaborative planning process aimed at guiding municipalities to eradicate service delivery backlogs while encouraging socio-economic development. The process also seeks to preserve and conserve the environment and address spatial disparities for the development of, and delivering on, agreed priorities which are translated into projects with clearly defined outputs and targets over a five year planning cycle. In this study, the municipal IDP can be viewed as a five year service delivery commitment to the community by those elected and entrusted with ensuring that the IDP becomes a reality. It is integrated in such a way that it should be a reflection of government’s wider plans such as the district municipality’s plans and the relevant provincial and national government’s plans. This plan should be informed by the communities which municipalities serve and must be backed by the necessary funding. The IDP has become a focus of South Africa’s post-apartheid municipal planning and is also seen as a key instrument in an evolving framework of intergovernmental planning and coordination within the South African government, as mentioned by the Department of Housing during their DBSA Conference on Integrated Development Planning, (2008). The IDP is a phenomenal practice which was, and still is, aimed at addressing the consequences of planning done during apartheid, such as deliberate divided development as well as the marginalisation of so-called historically underprivileged communities. However, given the recent frequent and sometimes aggressive service delivery protests across South Africa, attention should now be focussed on tools used by government to ensure service delivery takes place. Existing information was explored during a literature review to contextualise service delivery while also discussing the elements of a credible IDP. The legislative framework for local government and its reforms budget was discussed and linked to the IDP. The credibility of the IDP was evaluated using the available IDP evaluation framework of the National Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (COGTA). Using this framework, challenges to the credibility and implementation of the Randfontein IDP were revealed. The municipality is struggling to use IDP as a tool to facilitate integrated and coordinated delivery, as the IDP identifies a large number of projects to be implemented by other spheres of government without indicating the sources of funding for these or their linkages with other programmes. The credibility of the IDP was measured by the following three performance indicators: - financial viability; - good governance; and - institutional arrangements. Certain recommendations were made to assist in improving the IDP as a credible service delivery tool, upon which decisions can be made to address service delivery requirements within the Randfontein area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is onderneem om een van die mees betekenisvolle, nuew beplanningsbeleidstukke vir plaaslike regering te ondersoek. Hierdie beleidstuk het ten doel om rigtinggewend op te tree in toekomstige ontwikkeling binne munisipale gebiede. Die geloofwaardigheid van di Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) as ‘n diensverskaffingsinstrument in die Randfontein Plaaslike Munisipaliteit is geselekteer, onder andere, weens die Suid-Afrikaanse Ouditeur-Generaal (SAOG) se bevinding dat hierdie raad se GOP mank gegaan het aan noodsaaklike inligting vir behoorlike prestasiemeting. Elke GOP-termyn strek oor vyf jaar en skyn ‘n aanneemlike superplan vir enige munisipaliteit te bied. Dit is dus belangrik om die effektiwiteit van hierdie beplanningsbeleid as ‘n diensleweringsinstrument te bepaal. ‘n Verskeidenheid wetgewing verplig plaasllike regerings om vir so ‘n vyfjaarplan voorbereidings te tref en geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplanne in werking te stel. Die beplanningsproses moet ‘n samewerkende benadering bevorder en daarop ingestel wees om munisipaliteite só te lei dat diensleweringsagterstande uitgewis word, terwyl dit sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling bevorder. Die beleidsproses het ook ten doel om die natuurlike omgewing te beskerm en te bewaar en, in die toepassing daarvan, ruimtelike teenstrydighede en ongelykhede aan te spreek. Vooraf ooreengekome prioriteite moet eerbiedig word en beslag kry in projekte met duidelik omskrewe uitkomste en doelwitte vir die betrokkwe siklus. In hierdie studie word ‘n munisipale GOP beskou as ‘n ooreengekome verbintenis tot vyf jaar van dienslewering aan die gemeenskap deur diegene wat daartoe verkies is en aan wie dit derhalwe toevertrou word. Die verkose raad moet toesien dat die GOP verwesenlik word. Dit moet op so ‘n wyse geïntegreer word dat dit die regering se algemene ontwikkelingsplanne beliggaam en inpas by die beplanning van die betrokke distriksraad, provinsie en die nasionale regering. Hierdie plan moet geskied met die goedkeuring en medewerking van die gemeenskappe wat die munisipaliteite bedien en moet ook kan reken op die nodige befondsing vir die taak. Die GOP is ‘n fokuspunt van munisipale beplanning in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika en word beskou as die sleutelwerktuig in ‘n veranderende raamwerk van interregeringsbeplanning en koördinering binne die Suid-Afrikaanse regeringsfeer. Dit is tydens die DBSA-Konferensie oor Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsbeplanning in 2008, deur die Departement van Behuising aangedui. GOP is ‘n fenomenale beleidsplan wat gebruik word, en steeds daarop ingestel is, om die gevolge van beplanning gedurende die apartheidsera aan te spreek – soos doelbewuste verdeelde ontwikkeling, asook die marginalisasie van sogenaamde histories voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe. Indien die gereelde, some gewelddadige, diensleweringsbetogings van onlangs tye in ag geneem word, is dit duidelik dat die regering nou sy aandag moet toespits op praktyke wat volgehoue dienslewering sal waarborg. Bestaande inligting is d.m.v. ‘n literatuurstudie ondersoek om dienslewering te kontekstualiseer en terselfdertyd die kenmerke van ‘n geloofwaardige GOP te bepaal. Die wetsraamwerk waarbinne plaaslike regering plaasvind en die beskikbare begroting vir hervorming het ook onder die loep gekom en is met die GOP in verband gebring. Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is aan die hand van die bestaande GOP-evaluasieraamwerk van die Nasionale Departement van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake (COGTA) geëvalueer en bepaal. Die gebruik van hierdie raamwerk het die geloofwaardigheid en implementering van die Randfontein-GOP bevraagteken. Die munisipaliteit sukkel met die gebruik van die GOP identifiseer ‘n groot aantal projekte wat deur ander regeringsfere geïmplementeer moet word, sonder om die oorsprong van die finansiering te meld of die skakeling met ander programme. Die geloofwaardigheid van die GOP is gemeet aan die volgende drie prestasie-aanwysers: - finansiële lewensvatbaarheid; - goeie regeerkunde; en - institusionele ooreenkomste. Sekere aanbevelings is gemaak om bystand te verleen en die GOP sodanig te verbeter dat dit as ‘n geloofwaardige instrument aangewend kan word om ingeligte besluite betreffend diensleweringsvereistes in die Randfonteingebied te neem.

Die bydrae van die Randfonteinse Openbare Biblioteek tot die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram

Van der Westhuizen, Ethel Helmine 20 August 2012 (has links)
M.Inf. / The Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) is an integrated, coherent socioeconomic policy framework that seeks to mobilise all people and resources towards the final eradication of apartheid and the building of a democratic, non-racial and non-sexist future. It is clearly indicated in this policy document that the government is serious about the delivery of services to all people in South Africa. However, mention of library services is made only casually in the document, with libraries and information never being referred to in the same context. Information workers generally are nevertheless convinced that there are many areas in which library and information services can make a significant contribution to the success of the RDP. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the public library, with specific reference to the Randfontein Public Library, can make a contribution to the success of the RDP of South Africa. Data collection methods used included a study of literature and personal interviews with role players. During the analysis phase a brief overview was given of the South African history. The influence of this on the development of public libraries was researched, with special emphasis on the impact of the historical policy of separate development on libraries. It was found that, in the pre democratic era (before the 1994 elections), the Randfontein Public Library had indeed been influenced by apartheid laws, which resulted in inferior library services being provided to the previously disadvantaged groups in Randfontein. A chronological description of the transformation process within the library and information profession, including the guidelines of the national policy document, was given. It was found that information workers generally were aware of their responsibility towards the development of the previously disadvantaged groups, but that they lacked implementation guidelines. A demographic analysis of the Randfontein Magisterial District and a situation analysis of current Randfontein Public Library services were made to determine whether it was possible to make a contribution to the RDP. To determine the services that should be rendered by the Randfontein Public Library typical public library objectives in relation to RDP objectives were investigated. Both sets of objectives place high priority on development and therefore it was concluded that specific functions were to be performed to reach the identified development objectives. A distinction was made between primary and secondary functions. For the purpose of this study primary functions were defined as those performed to contribute towards RDP objectives, while secondary functions were deemed as those complementing the afore mentioned. In conclusion it was found that the Randfontein Public Library can make a contribution towards the actualisation of the RDP through prioritising primary functions and establishing links with organisations and individuals in the Randfontein community.

Identiteit en homoseksualiteit : die soeke na aanvaarding binne 'n Christelike geloofsgemeenskap (Afrikaans)

Binneman, Antonie Johannes 19 May 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die navorsing is gedoen vanuit 'n postfundamentalistiese narratiewe prakties- teologiese benadering. Die fokus van die studie was tweeledig. Die eerste was om na die stories van 'n groep meisies, wat hulself as homoseksueel gesien het en daarom gemarginaliseer is, te luister. Die tweede deel was dat deur die proses daar intervensie sou wees wat aan die meisies die kennis en die mag sou gee om hulle verhale op so 'n manier oor te vertel dat hulle die hoofrolle van hulle eie lewensdramas sal word en nie net karakters of ekstras op die verhoog van die lewe sou wees nie. Verhale van nood moet dus verruil word vir verhale van hoop. Om die verhale van die meisies beter te verstaan is daar van 'n groep interdissiplinêre helpers gebruik gemaak. Die meisies se verhale is verder ook sosiaal-konstruksionisties benader. Die meisies se verstaan van hulle konteks, die kerk, hulle vriende, homoseksualiteit, God, kerkleiers en hulle inskakeling by die kerk en hulle identiteit is ondersoek en saam met die groep gedekonstrueer. Die navorsingsverhaal is dus 'n verhaal waar daar weer opnuut gekyk is na die hantering van tieners, hulle wêreldbeeld en soeke na identiteit en aanvaarding binne 'n wêreld wat hulle nie altyd verstaan nie, en die rol van die geloofsgemeenskap in die proses. ENGLISH: The research was done from a post-foundational, narrative, and practical theological position. The focus of the study had two intentions. The first was to listen to the stories of a group of girls, who saw themselves as homosexual and because of that was marginalised. The second intention was that in the process there would be intervention in their stories. This intervention was supposed to give the girls the necessary knowledge and power to help them to tell their stories. This telling would then place the girls not as extras on the stage of their own lives but as playing the leading roles. Negative stories had thus to be exchanged for stories of hope. To get a better understanding of the stories of the girls, there was made use of an interdisciplinary team of helpers. The stories were also interpreted from a social constructionist point of view. The understanding the girls had of their context, the church, their friends, homosexuality, God, church leaders, their membership of the church and their identity was researched and deconstructed with them in a process. The research story is a story where the handling of teenagers, their world view and their search for identity and acceptance in a world that doesn’t always understand them and their involvement in the church in this process was looked at with fresh eyes. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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