Spelling suggestions: "subject:"backtracing"" "subject:"bytracing""
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Improving Ray Tracing Performance with Variable Rate ShadingDahlin, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Background. Hardware-accelerated ray tracing has enabled ray traced reflections for real-time applications such as games. However, the number of rays traced each frame must be kept low to achieve expected frame rates. Therefore, techniques such as rendering the reflections at quarter resolution are used to limit the number of rays traced each frame. The new hardware features inline ray tracing, and hardware variable rate shading (VRS) could be combined to limit the rays even further. Objectives. The first goal is to use hardware VRS to limit the number of rays even further than rendering the reflections at quarter resolution, while maintaining the visual quality in the final rendered image. The second goal is to determine if inline ray tracing provides better performance than using ray generation shaders. Methods. Experiments are performed on a ray traced reflections pipeline using different techniques to generate rays. The techniques use inline ray tracing, inline ray tracing combined with VRS, and ray generation shaders. These are compared and evaluated using performance tests and the image evaluator \FLIP. Results. The results show that limiting the number of rays with hardware VRS result in a performance increase. The difference in visual quality between using inline ray tracing with VRS and previous techniques remain comparable. The performance tests show that inline ray tracing performs worse than ray generation shaders with increased scene complexity. Conclusions. The conclusion is that hardware VRS can be used to limit the number of rays and achieve better performance while visual quality remain comparable to previous techniques. Inline ray tracing does not perform better than ray generation shaders for workloads similar to ray traced reflections. / Bakgrund. Hårdvaruaccelererad strålspårning har möjliggjort strålspårade reflektioner för realtidsapplikationer såsom spel. Däremot måste antalet strålar som spåras hållas lågt för att förväntade bildfrekvenser ska uppnås. Därför används renderings-tekniker som att rendera reflektioner i en fjärdedels upplösning för att begränsa mängden strålar. De nya teknikerna inline strålspårning och hårdvarubaserad variable rate shading (VRS) kan användas för att minska antalet strålar ytterliggare. Syfte. Det första målet är att använda hårdvarubaserad VRS för att minska antalet strålar ytterligare jämfört med att rendera reflektioner i en fjärdedels upplösning, men samtidigt upprätthålla den visuella kvalitén. Det andra målet är att avgöra om inline strålspårning ger bättre prestanda än att använda strålgenererings shaders för reflektioner. Metod. För att svara på forskningsfrågorna ufördes experiment på en strålspårad reflektionspipeline med olika tekniker för att generera strålar. Teknikerna som testas är inline strålspårning, inline strålspårning kombinerat med VRS, samt strålgenererings shaders. Dessa jämförs och evalueras med prestandatester och bild-evaulatorn \FLIP. Resultat. Resultaten visar att minska mängden strålar med hårdvarubaserad VRS resulterar i en prestandaökning. Skillnaden i visuell kvalité mellan inline strålspårning kombinerat med VRS och tidigare tekniker är jämförbara. Prestandatesterna visar att inline strålspårning presterar värre än strålgenererings shaders vid ökad scenkomplexitet. Slutsatser. Slutsatsen är att hårdvarubaserad VRS kan användas för att minska antalet strålar och resultera i bättre prestanda, medan den visuella kvalitén är jämförbar med tidigare tekniker. Inline strålspårning ger inte bättre prestanda än strålgenererings shaders vid strålspårade reflektioner och liknande arbetsbelastning.
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Real-Time Ray Tracing With Polarization ParametersEnfeldt, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Background. The real-time renderers used in video games and similar graphics applications do not model the polarization aspect of light. Polarization parameters have previously been incorporated in some offline ray-traced renderers to simulate polarizing filters and various optical effects. As ray tracing is becoming more and more prevalent in real-time renderers, these polarization techniques could potentially be used to simulate polarization and its optical effects in real-time applications as well. Objectives. This thesis aims to determine if an existing polarization technique from offline renderers is, from a performance standpoint, viable to use in real-time ray-traced applications to simulate polarizing filters, or if further optimizations and simplifications would be needed. Methods. Three ray-traced renderers were implemented using the DirectX RayTracing API: one polarization-less Baseline version; one Polarization version using an existing polarization technique; and one optimized Hybrid version, which is a combination of the other two. Their performance was measured and compared in terms of frametimes and VRAM usage in three different scenes and with five different ray counts. Results. The Polarization renderer is ca. 30% slower than the Baseline in the two more complex scenes, and the Hybrid version is around 5–15% slower than the Baseline in all tested scenes. The VRAM usage of the Polarization version was higher than the Baseline one in the tests with higher ray counts, but only by negligible amounts. Conclusions. The Hybrid version has the potential to be used in real-time applications where high frame rates are important, but not paramount (such as the commonly featured photo modes in video games). The performance impact of the Polarization renderer's implementation is greater, but it could potentially be used as well. Due to limitations in the measurement process and the scale of the test application, no conclusions could be made about the implementations' impact on VRAM usage. / Bakgrund. Realtidsrenderarna som används i videospel och liknande grafikapplikationer simulerar inte ljusets polarisering. Polariseringsinformation har tidigare implementerats i vissa stålföljningsbaserade (ray-traced) offline-renderare för att simulera polariseringsfilter och diverse optiska effekter. Eftersom strålföljning har blivit allt vanligare i realtidsrenderare så kan dessa polariseringstekniker potentiellt också användas för att simulera polarisering och dess optiska effekter i sådana program. Syfte. Syftet med denna rapport är att avgöra om en befintlig polariseringsteknik från offline-renderare, från en prestandasynpunkt, är lämplig att använda för att simulera polariseringsfilter i stålföljningsbaserade realtidsapplikationer, eller om ytterligare optimeringar och förenklingar behövs. Metod. DirectX RayTracing API:et har använts för att implementera tre stålföljningsbaserade realtidsrenderare: en polarisationsfri Baseline-version; en Polarization-version med en befintlig polariseringsteknik; och en optimerad Hybrid-version, som är en kombination av de andra två. Deras prestanda mättes och jämfördes med avseende på frametime och VRAM-användning i tre olika scener och med fem olika antal strålar per pixel. Resultat. Polarization-versionen är ca 30% långsammare än Baseline-versionen i de två mest komplexa scenerna, och Hybrid-versionen är ca 5–15% långsammare än Baseline-versionen i alla testade scener. Polarization-versionens VRAM-användningen var högre än Baseline-versions i testerna med högre strålantal, men endast med försumbara mängder. Slutsatser. Hybrid-versionen har potential att användas i realtidsapplikationer där höga bildhastigheter är viktiga, men inte absolut nödvändiga (exempelvis de vanligt förekommande fotolägena i videospel). Polarization-versionens implementation hade sämre prestanda, men även den skulle potentiellt kunna användas i sådana applikationer. På grund av mätprocessens begränsningar och testapplikationens omfattning så kunde inga slutsatser dras gällande implementeringarnas påverkan på VRAM-användning.
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Une méthode hybride couplant la méthode des équations intégrales et la méthode des rayons en vue d'applications au contrôle non destructif ultrasonore. / A hybrid strategy combining the integral equation method and the ray tracing method for high frequency diffraction involved in ultrasonic non destructive testing.Pesudo, Laure 06 October 2017 (has links)
Le Contrôle Non Destructif (CND) permet de sonder l’intérieur d’un milieu dans le but desurveiller son intégrité et son vieillissement. Assisté d’outils de simulation il permet de détecter, caractériseret localiser des défauts de structure du milieu inspecté mais sa fiabilité dépend de la précision des méthodesde simulation. Dans le cadre du CND ultrasonore, les méthodes usuelles (numériques et asymptotiques) sontbien souvent inadéquates pour simuler la diffraction par les défauts. On leur préfère des techniques hybrides.On propose dans cette thèse une nouvelle approche hybride pour la simulation numérique de la diffractionhaute fréquence en milieu étendu (configuration critique pour le CND). Combinant la méthode des équationsintégrales et la méthode des rayons, cette approche exploite le caractère multi-échelle du problème hautefréquence en proposant un modèle d’obstacle à deux échelles. Elle permet le calcul précis de la diffraction etla propagation rayon des champs. D’abord mise au point dans le cadre de la diffraction d’ondes acoustiquespar un obstacle de taille inférieure à la longueur d’onde (méthode barycentrique), l’approche est ensuiteétendue à des configurations de diffraction par des obstacles de l’ordre de la longueur d’onde grâce àl’introduction d’un partitionnement de l’unité de sa surface (méthode multi-centres). Pour accélérerl’approche hybride, on propose une procédure de résolution Online-Offline, basée sur un pré-calcul de lamatrice de diffraction associée à un ensemble réduit de directions d’incidence et d’observation et sur uneinterpolation polynomiale de ses vecteurs singuliers pour son évaluation dans des directions quelconquesd’émetteurs et de récepteurs. On étudie ensuite la stratégie dans le cadre de l’acoustique 3D puis on en faitune extension de principe à l’élastodynamique. On donne enfin un ensemble de pistes pour étendre l’approchehybride dans des cas de diffraction par un ou plusieurs obstacles pouvant être proches des bords du milieu. / Non Destructive Testing (NDT) aims at probing a medium to check its integrity and aging. Withthe help of simulation tools, it allows to detect, caracterize and locate flaws inside a material with a precisiondepending on that of the simulation methods. Usual numerical and asymptotic methods nevertheless often failat precisely computing diffraction for ultrasonic NDT. Hybrid approaches are thus prefered in this framework.In this thesis, we propose a new hybrid strategy combining the boundary integral equation method and raytracing to compute high frequency diffraction of an obstacle in a large medium (critical NDT configuration).This strategy allows to compute precisely the diffraction effects and to convert and propagate the diffractedfield as rays. The proposed strategy relies on a two-scale model of the diffracting obstacle. First developpedto simulate acoustic waves diffraction on an obstacle of size less than the wave length (barycentric method),the hybrid strategy is then extended to compute the diffraction by an obstacle of size some wave lengths(polycentric method) thanks to the introduction of a partition of unity of the obstacle surface. Besides, inorder to accelerate the hybrid approach, we propose an Online-Offline resolution procedure based on theOffline computation of the scattering matrix for a reduced set of incidence and observation directions and onthe use of a polynomial interpolation of its singular vectors for the Online evaluation of the scattering matrixfor any incidence and observation directions. We then study the possibility of extension of the hybrid strategyto 3D acoutics and elastodynamics. We finally give several perspectives for the adaptation of the approach todeal with diffraction by one or several obstacles potentially close to the propagating medium boundaries.
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Optical Evaluation and Simulation of Photovoltaic Devices for Thermal ManagementSubedi, Indra 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Real-time Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion and Animation : Image quality and performance of hardware- accelerated ray traced ambient occlusion / Strålspårad ambient ocklusion i realtid med animationer : Bildkvalité och prestanda av hårdvaruaccelererad, strålspårad ambient ocklusionWaldner, Fabian January 2021 (has links)
Recently, new hardware capabilities in GPUs has opened the possibility of ray tracing in real-time at interactive framerates. These new capabilities can be used for a range of ray tracing techniques - the focus of this thesis is on ray traced ambient occlusion (RTAO). This thesis evaluates real-time ray RTAO by comparing it with ground- truth ambient occlusion (GTAO), a state-of-the-art screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) method. A contribution by this thesis is that the evaluation is made in scenarios that includes animated objects, both rigid-body animations and skinning animations. This approach has some advantages: it can emphasise visual artefacts that arise due to objects moving and animating. Furthermore, it makes the performance tests better approximate real-world applications such as video games and interactive visualisations. This is particularly true for RTAO, which gets more expensive as the number of objects in a scene increases and have additional costs from managing the ray tracing acceleration structures. The ambient occlusion methods are evaluated in terms of image quality and performance. Image quality is assessed using structural similarity index (SSIM) and through visual inspection. The performance is assessed by measuring computation time, in milliseconds. This thesis shows that the image quality of RTAOis a substantial improvement over GTAO, being close to offline rendering quality. The primary visual issue with RTAO is visible noise - especially noticeable around the contours of moving objects. Nevertheless, GTAO is very competitive due to its performance, the computation time for all GTAO tests were below one ms per frame. At 1080p full-resolution GTAO was computed in 0.3883 ms on a RTX 3070 GPU. In contrast, the computation time of RTAO at 1080p and two samples per pixels were 2.253 ms. The cost of updating and rebuilding ray tracing acceleration structures were also noteworthy. Overall, the results indicate that hardware accelerated ray tracing can be used for significant improvements in image quality but adoption of this technique is not trivial due to performance concerns. / Med hårdvaruaccelererad strålspårning på grafikkort som introducerades nyligen möjliggjordes flera strålspårningsbaserade tekniker för rendering i realtid. Detta examensarbete undersöker en sådan teknik - strålspårad ambient ocklusion (engelska: ray traced ambient occlusion (RTAO)). RTAO undersöks och utvärderas för användning i realtidsapplikationer genom en jämförelse med en ambient-ocklusionsmetod som beräknas i bildrummet (screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO)) kallad ground-truth ambient occlusion (GTAO). Detta examensarbete bidrar genom att utvärdera metoderna i testscenarion som inkluderar animerade objekt. Detta medför ett antal fördelar: utvärderingen kan betona visuella artefakter som kan uppstå när objekt rör sig och animeras. Vidare gör det att prestandatesterna kan inkludera kostnader som tillkommer när scener innehåller animerade objekt - detta är särskilt betydande för RTAO som blir dyrare att beräkna när antalet objekt stiger samt har ytterligare kostnader för att uppdatera datastrukturer som används för att accelerera strålspårningen. På så vis närmar sig testscenarion en bred kategori av applikationer som använder rendering i realtid, exempelvis spel och interaktiva visualiseringar. Utvärderingen sker på uppnådd bildkvalité samt metodernas prestanda. Bildkvalitén utvärderas genom structural similarity index (SSIM) samt visuellinspektion. Prestandan utvärderas genom att mäta beräkningstiden i millisekunder. Resultaten visar att RTAOs bildkvalité är tydligt överlägsen GTAO och närmar sig de resultat som uppnås genom förrendering. Det primära problemet med RTAOs bildkvalité är förekomsten av visuellt brus. Detta är extra tydligt runt konturerna på de objekt som är animerade och förflyttar sig. Hursomhelst är GTAO attraktivt då denna metod kan beräknas betydligt snabbare än RTAO. Samtliga GTAOs prestandatester visade på beräkningstider under en millisekund. Vid en upplösning på 1080p med två prov per pixel (samples per pixel) var beräkningstiden för RTAO 2,253 ms. Kostnaden för att uppdatera datastrukturerna för strålspårningen visade sig också vara betydlig i många tester. Sammantaget indikerar resultaten att hårdvaruaccelererad strålspårning kan resultera i en signifikant förbättring av bildkvalité men att det kan innebära en kostnad som kräver betänklighet.
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A Ray-Based Investigation of the Statistical Characteristics and Efficient Representation of Multi-Antenna Communication ChannelsGerman, Gus Ryan 12 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Multi-antenna communication systems are attracting research interest as a means to increase the information capacity, reliability, and spectral efficiency of wireless information transfer. Ray-tracing methods predict the behavior of wireless channels using a model of the propagation environment and are a low-cost alternative to direct measurements. We use ray tracing simulations to validate the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor multipath channel and compare model parameter estimates with estimates derived from channel sounding measurements. Ray tracing predicts the time and angle clustering of multipaths observed in the measurements and provides model parameter estimates which are closely correlated with measured estimates. The ray tracing parameters relating to power characteristics show more deviation from measurements than the time and angle related parameters. Our results also indicate that the description of reflective scatterers in the propagation environment is more important to the quality of the predicted statistical behavior than the description of bulk materials. We use a ray synthesis model to investigate means of efficiently representing the channel for feedback information to the transmitter as a means to increase the information capacity. Several methods of selecting the ray-model feedback information are demonstrated with results from simulated and measured channels. These results indicate that an ESPRIT algorithm coupled with ad hoc transmit/receive pairing can yield better than 90% of the ideal waterfilling capacity when adequate training-based channel estimates are available. Additionally, we investigate a covariance feedback method for providing channel feedback for increased capacity. Both the ray-based and covariance-based feedback methods yield their highest capacity improvements when the signal to noise ratio is low. This results because of the larger benefit of focusing transmit power into the most advantageous eigenmodes of the channel when fewer eigenmodes have power allocated to them by the waterfilling capacity solution. In higher signal to noise ratio cases, more eigenmodes of the channel receive power when waterfilling, and the capacity improvement from feedback information decreases relative to a uniform power allocation. In general, ray model feedback methods are preferable because the covariance feedback quickly requires higher computational effort as the array sizes increase and typically results in lower capacity for a given amount of feedback information.
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mmWave Coverage Extension Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Indoor Dense Spaces / Utökad täckning för mmWave med hjälp av omkonfigurerbara intelligenta ytor i täta inomhusutrymmenLi, Zhenyu January 2023 (has links)
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) is widely investigated for indoor communication scenarios thanks to the available rich spectrum. However, the shortened antenna size and the high frequency make mmWave extra sensitive to blockages. Indoor dense space (IDS) is a specific type of indoor environment, where the compact geometry together with a high number of blocking objects and users make it hard to fulfill the data rate required by all of the users in the mmWave network. With the capability of redirecting signals, the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has the potential to overcome the attenuation brought by the blockage. Aside from the promising improvement in data rate brought by the RIS, the power supply for RIS is also a major concern in IDS due to the cabling and the batteries. Dynamic RIS has the capability of reconfiguring its phase-shifts to offer a higher gain in data rate with the price of consuming power. In comparison, by sacrificing the reconfigurability, static RIS does not require any power, cabling, or batteries but is expected to provide lower data rates. To find the balance between the performance and cost trade-off, the concept of self-sustainable RIS in IDS is proposed. This approach involves the utilization of specific RIS elements to harvest energy, thereby providing support for the power requirements of the RIS operation, consequently reducing the reliance on traditional cabling infrastructure. In this work, we compare the coverage extension effect brought by deploying static, dynamic, and self-sustainable RISs in the aircraft cabin which is a typical example of an IDS. To capture the propagation characteristics of a RIS in IDS, we first provide guidelines for modeling the RIS in the ray tracing (RT) simulator, and then we select the best locations to deploy RISs among three candidates. For each type of RIS deployment, we propose an optimization algorithm, which jointly configures the RIS phase-shifts and the time resources to provide the maximum equal achievable data rate for all of the users. Additionally, for the self-sustainable RIS, the working mode of each RIS element is also jointly configured such that each element is used either to reflect the incoming signal or to use the signal for energy harvesting. Based on the results, the signal propagation of a single base station (BS) can be extended from 3 rows to 11 rows by deploying static or dynamic RISs. The minimal achievable data rate is 35.4 Mbps with the static RISs and 45.3 Mbps with the dynamic RISs. The results indicate that due to the limitation of self-sustainable constraints, RISs with 16 elements are hard to cover the whole 11 rows in the considered cabin. Nevertheless, with self-sustainable RIS, 10 more UEs are covered compared to the case where no RIS is deployed. The minimal data rate with the help of the self-sustainable RISs within the coverage is 0.75 Mbps. The feasibility study shows that this energy requirement has a greater likelihood of being fulfilled as the number of elements in RIS increases. / Millimetervåg (mmWave) är allmänt undersökt för inomhuskommunikationsscenarier tack vare det tillgängliga rika spektrumet. Den förkortade antennstorleken och den höga frekvensen gör dock mmWave extra känslig för blockeringar. Indoor dense space (IDS) är en specifik typ av inomhusmiljö, där den kompakta geometrin tillsammans med ett stort antal blockerande objekt och användare gör det svårt att uppfylla den datahastighet som krävs av alla användare i mmWave-nätverket. Med förmågan att omdirigera signaler har reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) potentialen att övervinna dämpningen av blockeringen. Bortsett från den lovande förbättringen av datahastigheten som RIS ger, är strömförsörjningen för RIS också ett stort problem inom IDS på grund av kablarna och batterierna. Dynamic RIS har förmågan att omkonfigurera sina fasförskjutningar för att erbjuda en högre förstärkning i datahastighet med priset för att förbruka energi. I jämförelse, genom att offra omkonfigurerbarheten, kräver statisk RIS ingen ström, kablar eller batterier utan förväntas ge lägre datahastigheter. För att hitta balansen mellan prestanda och kostnadsavvägning föreslås konceptet med självförsörjande RIS i IDS. Detta tillvägagångssätt involverar användningen av specifika RIS-element för att skörda energi, vilket ger stöd för strömkraven för RIS-driften, vilket minskar beroendet av traditionell kabelinfrastruktur. I det här arbetet jämför vi den täckningsförlängningseffekt som uppstår genom att installera statiska, dynamiska och självförsörjande RIS i flygplanskabinen, vilket är ett typiskt exempel på en IDS. För att fånga utbredningsegenskaperna för en RIS i IDS ger vi först riktlinjer för modellering av RIS i ray tracing (RT)-simulatorn, och sedan väljer vi de bästa platserna för att distribuera RIS bland tre kandidater. För varje typ av RIS-distribution föreslår vi en optimeringsalgoritm, som gemensamt konfigurerar RIS-fasförskjutningarna och tidsresurserna för att tillhandahålla den maximalt lika möjliga datahastigheten för alla användare. Dessutom, för den självförsörjande RIS, är arbetsläget för varje RIS-element också gemensamt konfigurerat så att varje element används antingen för att reflektera den inkommande signalen eller för att använda signalen för energiskörd. Baserat på resultaten kan signalutbredningen av en enda base station (BS) utökas från 3 rader till 11 rader genom att distribuera statiska eller dynamiska RIS:er. Den minsta möjliga datahastigheten är 35,4 Mbps med statiska RIS och 45,3 Mbps med dynamiska RIS. Resultaten indikerar att på grund av begränsningen av självförsörjande begränsningar är RIS med 16 element svåra att täcka hela 11 rader i den övervägda kabinen. Ändå, med självförsörjande RIS, täcks 10 fler UE jämfört med fallet där ingen RIS är utplacerad. Den minimala datahastigheten med hjälp av de självförsörjande RIS:erna inom täckningen är 0,75 Mbps. Förstudien visar att detta energibehov har större sannolikhet att uppfyllas i takt med att antalet element i RIS ökar.
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Relationship of college student characteristics and inquiry-based geometrical optics instruction to knowledge of image formation with light-ray tracingIsik, Hakan 19 February 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O processo de renderização fotoreal para cinema e TV demanda, cada vez mais, poder de processamento, necessitando não só de algoritmos paralelos, bem como sistema de distribuição de tarefas. No entanto, mesmo em sistemas de produção, o tempo necessário para avaliar uma animação pode chegar a vários dias, dificultando a melhoria da qualidade artística e limitando alterações. Neste trabalho foca-se na otimização de três processos inerentes à renderização, a renderização local, na qual o sistema trabalha para renderizar um conjunto de pixels de forma otimizada, aproveitando os recursos de hardware disponíveis e aproveitando dados de renderizações previamente realizadas, pelo nó ou teste. O processo de gerenciamento, extremamente crítico para o resultado, é alterado para não só distribuir, mas analisar toda a infraestrutura de renderização, otimizando o processo de distribuição e permitindo o estabelecimento de metas como prazo e custo. Além disso, o modelo de gerenciamento é expandido para a nuvem, utilizando-a como transbordo de processamento. Ainda, um novo processo foi criado para avaliar a renderização de forma colaborativa, onde cada nó comunica resultados parciais e assim otimiza a renderização de outros. Por fim, diversas técnicas inovadoras foram criadas para melhorar o processo como um todo, removendo desperdícios e reaproveitando trabalho. / [en] The photorealistic rendering process for cinema and TV increasingly demands processing power, requiring fast parallel algorithms and effective task distribution systems. However, the processes currently used by the academia and by the industry still consume several days to evaluate an animation in super-resolution (typically 8K), what makes difficult the improvement of artistic quality and limits the number of experiments with scene parameters. In this work, we focus on the optimization of three processes involved in photorealistic rendering, reducing the total time of rendering substantially. Firstly, we optimize the local rendering, in which the system works to render a set of pixels optimally, taking advantage of the available hardware resources and using previous rendering data. Secondly, we optimize the management process, which is changed not only to distribute frames but also to analyze all the rendering infrastructure, optimizing the distribution process and allowing the establishment of goals as time and cost. Furthermore, the management model is expanded to the cloud, using the cloud as a processing overflow. Thirdly, we propose a new optimized process to evaluate the rendering task collaboratively, where each node communicates partial results to other nodes, allowing the optimization of the rendering process in all nodes. Altogether, this thesis is an innovative proposal to improve the whole process of high-performance rendering, removing waste of resources and reducing rework.
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<p dir="ltr">Specialized hardware accelerators are becoming increasingly common to provide application performance gain despite the slowing trend of transistor scaling. Accelerators can adapt to the compute and data dependency patterns of an application to fully exploit the parallelism of the application and reduce data movement. However, specialized hardware is often limited by the application it was tailored to, which can lead to idle or inactive silicon in computations that do not match the exact patterns it was designed for. In this work I study two cases of GPU specialization and techniques that can be used to improve performance in a broader domain of applications. </p><p dir="ltr">First, I examine the effects of GPU core partitioning, a trend in contemporary GPUs to sub-divide core components to reduce area and energy overheads. Core partitioning is essentially a specialization of the hardware towards balanced applications, wherein the intra-core connectivity provides minimal benefit but takes up valuable on-chip area. I identify four orthogonal performance effects of GPU core sub-division, two of which have significant impact in practice: a bottleneck in the read operand stage caused by the reduced number of collector units and register banks allocated to each sub-core, and an instruction issue imbalance across sub-core schedulers caused by a simple round robin assignment of threads to sub-cores. To alleviate these issues I propose a Register Bank Aware (RBA) warp scheduler, which uses feedback from current register bank contention to inform thread scheduling decisions, and a hashed sub-core work scheduler to prevent pathological issue imbalances caused by round robin scheduling. I rigorously evaluate these designs in simulation and show they are able to capture 81% of the performance lost due to core subdivision. Further, I evaluate my techniques using synthesis tools and find that RBA is able to achieve performance equivalent to doubling the number of operand Collector Units (CUs) per sub-core with only a 1% increase in area and power.</p><p dir="ltr">Second, I study the inclusion of specialized ray tracing accelerator cores on GPUs. Specialized ray-tracing acceleration units have become a common feature in GPU hardware, enabling real-time ray-tracing of complex scenes for the first time. The ray-tracing unit accelerates the traversal of a hierarchical tree data structure called a bounding volume hierarchy to determine whether rays have intersected triangle primitives. Hierarchical search algorithms are a fundamental software pattern common in many important domains, such as recommendation systems and point cloud registration, but are difficult for GPUs to accelerate because they are characterized by extensive branching and recursion. The ray-tracing unit overcomes these limitations with specialized hardware to traverse hierarchical data structures efficiently, but is mired by a highly specialized graphics API, which is not readily adaptable to general-purpose computation. In this work I present the Hierarchical Search Unit (HSU), a flexible datapath to accelerate a more general class of hierarchical search algorithms, of which ray-tracing is one. I synthesize a baseline ray-intersection datapath and maximize functional unit reuse while extending the ray-tracing unit to support additional computations and a more general set of instructions. I demonstrate that the unit can improve the performance of three hierarchical search data structures in approximate nearest neighbors search algorithms and a B-tree key-value store index. For a minimal extension to the existing unit, HSU improves the state-of-the-art GPU approximate nearest neighbor implementation by an average of 24.8% using the GPU's general computing interface.</p>
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