Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reanimation"" "subject:"deanimation""
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Milde therapeutische Hypothermie als Konzept in der Versorgung nach kardiopulmonaler Reanimation ( Postresuscitation Care ) - Prädiktoren für das Überleben oder eine gute neurologische Prognose / Predictors of survival or a good neurological prognosis / Mild therapeutic hypothermia as a concept in postresucitation careMendrok, Harm-Christian 21 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Akute Phase Reaktion nach kardiopulmonaler ReanimationReinicke, Albrecht 14 October 2004 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Akute Phase Reaktion nach erfolgreicher kardiopulmonaler Reanimation. Untersuchungsgegenstand war der Verlauf unterschiedlicher Akute Phase Proteine und Procalcitonin in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen klinischen Parametern. Ebenso wurde das Verhalten der Akute Phase Proteine bei gesunden Probanden unter kontrollierter systemischer Hypoxie untersucht, da die Hypoxie als Auslöser der Akute Phase Reaktion diskutiert wird. Außerdem wurde betrachtet, welche Parameter sich für die Diagnose einer nach der Reanimation auftretenden Ventilator-assoziierten Pneumonie eignen. In die Untersuchung wurden 33 reanimierte Patienten eingeschlossen sowie 7 Probanden, die sich freiwillig einer hypobaren Hypoxie ausgesetzt hatten. Die wesentlichen Resultate sind: 1) Die untersuchten Akute Phase Proteine verhalten sich nach kardiopulmonaler Reanimation wie dies in der Literatur für andere Genesen beschrieben ist. Das Procalcitonin zeigt gewisse Charakteristika eines Akute Phase Proteins, wobei die Daten eine abschließende Beurteilung nicht ermöglichen. 2) Die Konzentrationsänderungen der Akute Phase Proteine treten bei allen Patienten unabhängig von ihrem Krankheitsverlauf auf. Schlussfolgerung ist, dass nach kardiopulmonaler Reanimation unabhängig von der Ursache regelmäßig eine Akute Phase Reaktion auftritt. 3) Die Probanden zeigten unter hypobarer Hypoxie keine Akute Phase Reaktion, obwohl ein Anstieg der Erythropoetin-Konzentration eine Aktivierung der sauerstoffabhängigen Genexpression anzeigte. Der Sauerstoffmangel reicht deshalb zur Erklärung der Akute Phase Reaktion als alleinige Ursache nicht aus. 4) Der Verlauf der untersuchten Akute Phase Parameter bleibt von einer Ventilator-assoziierten Pneumonie als Komplikation unbeeinflusst. Das Procalcitonin zeigte hingegen bereits frühzeitig im Verlauf deutliche Unterschiede zwischen Patienten mit und ohne Ventilator-assoziierte Pneumonie. / The thesis paper studies the acute phase reaction after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Focus were different acute phase proteins as well as procalcitonin in relation to different clinical parameters. Also the course of these acute phase proteins during hypobaric hypoxia in volunteers was studied, because hyoxia is being discussed as a potential cause of the acute phase reaction. Additionally it was determined, which parameters are suitable to diagnose a ventilator-associated pneumonia after resuscitation. The study included 33 resuscitated patients as well as 7 volunteers undergoing a hypobaric hypoxia. The main results are: 1) The acute phase proteins studied behave after cardiopulmonary resuscitation as described in the literature for other causes. Procalcitonin show certain aspects of an acute phase protein, however, the data do not permit a final judgment. 2) The changes in concentration of the acute phase proteins take place in all patients regardless of the case history. It can be concluded that after cardiopulmonary resuscitation always an acute phase reaction occurs. 3) The volunteers undergoing hypobaric hypoxia showed no acute phase reaction, even though a rise in erythropoetin concentration indicated an oxygen-dependent gene expression. The hypoxia alone therefore is not a sufficient explanation for the development of the acute phase reaction. 4) The course of the acute phase proteins studied is not influenced by a ventilator-associated pneumonia as complication. The course of procalcitonin, however, shows early significant differences between patients with and without ventilator-associated pneumonia.
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Slaugytojo vaidmuo prižiūrint centrinius venos kateterius reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje / The role of the nurse in the maintenance of the central venous catheter in the reanimation and intensive care unitČerniauskaitė, Ina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti slaugytojo vaidmenį prižiūrint centrinių venos kateterius reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje. Darbo uždaviniai. Nustatyti centrinės venos kateterizacijos įtaką pagrindiniams pacientų gyvybinių funkcijų rodikliams. Ištirti, kokios dažniausiai pasitaiko centrinių venų komplikacijos ir jų priežastis. Išsiaiškinti slaugytojo veiksmus, padedančius sumažinti komplikacijų atsiradimo riziką. Ištirti reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos slaugytojų centrinių venų kateterių priežiūros žinias . Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Teorinė mokslinės literatūros, leidinių, publikacijų apžvalga. Dokumentų analizės metodas (panaudotas pacientų su centrinių venų kateteriais tyrimui). Asmeninio stebėjimo metodas. Atliktas 97 pacientų po centrinių venų kateterizacijų, pagrindinių gyvybinių funkcijų stebėjimas reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje. Reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos slaugytojų anketinė apklausa žinioms ištirti, dirbant su centrinių venų kateteriais. Gautų rezultatų aptarimas ir jų analizė. Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant „Microsoft Office Excel 2003“ ir SPSS 16,0 for Windows versijos statistinę programą Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Tam, kad būtų išsiaiškintas slaugytojos vaidmuo prižiūrint centrinius venos kateterius buvo atliktas stebėjimo tyrimas pacientų po centrinių venos kateterizacijų. Tyrimo metu Vilniaus Universiteto ligoninėje Santariškių klinikos I reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje nustatyta, kad centrinių venos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the study: to determine the role of a nurse in the maintenance of the central venous catheter (CVC) in the resuscitation and intensive care department. The objectives: to determine the influence of the central venous catheterization to the indexes of the main vital functions of the patients. To specify the most frequent venous complications and the reasons why they occur. To find out what nurses’ actions can reduce the risk of complications. To examine the professional knowledge of the nurses who work with central venous catheters in the resuscitation and intensive care departments. Research material and methods. Theoretical review of scientific literature, publications and articles. Document analysis method (utilized for the reasearch of patient’s with central venous catheters). Personal observation method. Observation of the main vital functions of 97 patients after central venous catheterization in the resuscitation and intensive care department. The questionnaire-based survey in order to examine the professional knowledge of the nurses who work with central venous catheters in the resuscitation and intensive care department. Discussion and analysis of the obtained results. Analysis of the statistical data using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 16,0 for Windows software packages. The results and conclusions of the study. In order to determine the role of a nurse for the maintenance of central venous catheter, the observation research was conducted with... [to full text]
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[pt] Esta pesquisa é um estudo e análise do relato de Lc 7,11-17, mais conhecido como a ressurreição do filho da viúva de Naim, procurando entender o sentimento de compaixão de Jesus ao ver a mãe viúva que estava levando seu único filho para ser sepultado. Este sentimento foi definido por Lucas com o emprego do verbo splangxizomai (ser movido de compaixão). Foram estudados os critérios para o emprego deste verbo na perícope e nas demais ocorrências no Evangelho de Lucas. Para a análise e interpretação de Lc 7,11-17 foram utilizados elementos essenciais do método histórico-crítico. Portanto, foi feita a análise diacrônica do texto e, ao analisar a forma com que Lucas emprega o verbo splangxizomai em seu Evangelho, a análise foi sincrônica, considerando o texto em sua forma final e revelando o caminho de provocação do leitor que é desenhado pela estrutura de Lc 7,11-17 ligada ao Evangelho como um todo. Nossa pesquisa valorizou os estudos diacrônicos fazendo a interface com os estudos sincrônicos e análises intertextuais. Os resultados alcançados foram uma melhor compreensão do relato, evidenciando que o fato de Jesus ter sido movido de compaixão diante da mãe viúva resultou na solução do problema. Com a sua palavra Jesus reanimou o jovem morto e o entregou à sua mãe e as multidões reconheceram o episódio co-mo uma visita de Deus ao seu povo. Demonstramos que ao empregar o verbo splangxizomai Lucas o fez conscientemente e coerentemente utilizando critérios literários e com seu próprio estilo narrativo, onde o mesmo funciona como turning point, isto é, como ponto de mutação e serve de modelo para o uso do verbo nas demais passagens do Evangelho (Lc 10,33 e 15,20). / [en] This research is a study and analysis of Lk 7:11-17, well-known as the resurrection of the widow s son at Nain, aiming to understand the feeling of compassion felt by Jesus after seeing the widowed mother on her way to bury her only son. That feeling was well portrayed by Luke by the use of the verb splangxizomai (being moved by compassion). The criteria for the use of this verb in the pericope as well as in the other occurrences in the Gospel of Luke are studied. For the analysis and interpretation of Lk 7:11-17, essential elements of the historical-critic method are used. Thus, a diachronic analysis of the text is made and by analyzing the way Luke uses the verb splangxizomai in his Gospel, the analysis is synchronic, considering the text in its final form and revealing the elements used to provoke the reader, within the structure of Lk 7:11-17 and linked to the Gospel as a whole. Our research values the diachronic studies through their interfacing with synchronic studies and intertextual analyses. The results achieved lead to a better understanding of the narrative, highlighting that the fact of Jesus being moved with compassion by the situation of the widowed mother resulted in the solution of the problem. With his word, Jesus reanimated the dead young man and returned him to his mother. With this, the crowds recognized the episode as a visit of God to his people. We demonstrate that the use of the verb splangxizomai by Luke was conscious and consistent, using literary criteria and his own narrative style, functioning as a turning point, a point of change, and serving as a model for the further use of the verb in other passages of the Gospel (Lk 10:33 and 15:20).
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Rozklad černé, technika nedůsledného překládání Světla / The Breaking Down of Black, the Technique of Inconsistent Transfer of LightTrnková, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
Im interested in the topic of praying machine, because I want to analyze aspects of photography and its functions. It's known, that the reality is manipulated by photography. Bud we can also say, that the relationship between reality and photography is neutral in fact, that the manipulation is made by our interpretation of photography. The change of the reality can be realized just in the dialog between photography and reality. Can it be, that the mechanization change into the will? Does it prays praying mill or the buddhistic monk, who rotates the mill? When he believes into it, is it enough? Or is it enough if believes who watch the monk with his mill? ... The computers from he place A are "praying" the prayers from the place B. With Tomáš Javůrek we collaborated with Vladimír Veselý and Radek Lát to create the Game for re-articulation our reality on the base of the revision of our faith.
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