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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-competition achievement goals within young sports performers

Harwood, Chris Grant January 1997 (has links)
This thesis attempted to develop a clearer understanding of the pre-competition achievement goal perspectives that are held by young performers. The programme of research moves through three transitional stages incorporating three different methodologies. Specifically, the first two investigations which comprised Study 1 adopted a quantitative research methodology; Study 2 incorporated qualitative techniques; and the final investigation addressed the research question on an idiographic basis via a single subject design study. Firstly, an attempt is made to identify the major antecedents or precursors to states of goal involvement prior to a specific competitive situation. The first study examined the antecedents of pre-competition state goals within adolescent swimmers from an interactionist perspective. Results showed how levels of task and ego involvement prior to a specific race were related to both dispositional tendencies and situational factors within the race context. However, task orientation appeared to play a more powerful role than ego orientation in predicting their respective goal states. Furthermore, ego involvement was more strongly predicted by situational factors. The second investigation extended this question by investigating a sample of elite junior tennis players prior to a competitive match at the National Championships. In this way, the nature of the competitive context, with respect to goal or reward structure, changed from being more task-involving (individualistic-focused) to being more ego-involving (competitive-focused). Results showed how the players' goal states were related much more to perceptions of the context than to their reported goal orientation. Furthermore, task orientation did not emerge as a significant predictor of goal involvement. With these results in mind, the second stage of the thesis involved investigating, to a much greater depth, the motivational criteria which appeared to contribute to the development of goal orientation and the activation of goal involvement in the context of competition. For this purpose, qualitative interview techniques and an inductive content analysis were applied to a sample of seventeen elite junior tennis players. The findings suggested that the development of goal orientation and activation of pre-competition goal involvement rested on a complex interaction of internal and environmental factors. Specific general dimensions of influence included cognitive-developmental skills and experience, the motivational climate conveyed by significant others, the social and structural nature of tennis, and the match context. The information gathered from this study provided the impetus, rationale and theoretical foundation for the final study in this thesis. Employing a single subject multiple baseline across subjects design, the study investigated the effects of a structured environmental and task-based intervention programme which sought to influence precompetition goal involvement and related competitive cognitions within a small sample of adolescent national standard tennis players. Following a three month intervention period, the three targeted players reported pre-competition goal states which showed increased activation of the self-referent conception of achievement. Furthermore, each player fostered an attitude which valued the challenge of winning matches for internal reasons, as opposed to reasons associated with favourable social approval. These findings reinforced the practicability of educationlaction-based interventions designed to develop more adaptive motivational responses to competitive situations. The programme of research conducted in this thesis, therefore, highlights how precompetition achievement goal perspectives within young performers may be influenced, provided that one has a detailed understanding of the antecedents of this process. In so doing, this thesis alerts future research to the importance of working within an interactionist paradigm and with a measurement technology which can accurately assess goal states in a diverse number of sporting situations. In this way, our understanding of goal involvement, as an important achievement-related attentional state, may be greatly facilitated.

Sport and globalisation : local identities, consumption and global basketball

Falcous, Mark Alan January 2002 (has links)
This thesis explores the manner in which globalisation processes are exerting transformative influences on local cultural contexts. Specifically, it utilises a case study of basketball to address the issues surrounding the juncture between local cultural identities, sport and global processes: the local-global sports nexus. Characteristic of globalisation processes are the activities of sports-related transnational corporations (TNCs) in global markets. The presence of such TNCs raises questions regarding the juncture with ostensibly indigenous cultures and identities associated with sport. The thesis constitutes several interlocking components which seek to address the multi-faceted nature of the local-global basketball interplay. First, a review of literature details both the political-economic context of the development of 'indigenous' English basketball, and the interdependencies surrounding National Basketball Association (NBA) expansion to Britain. Second, media representation within the local-global interplay is addressed in a comparative textual analysis of NBA and indigenous game coverage on British television. It is argued that local and global basketball are represented in a varying manner, which reinforces a local-global basketball hierarchy. Third, a two season multi-method ethnographic case study, incorporating: participant observations, interviews, a questionnaire and focus groups explored the consumption of 'local' basketball. The findings reveal complex responses and engagement with global processes, contextualised by the heterogenous nature of basketball fandom. Specifically, local identities and affiliations, while associated with consumption, also mediate broader global processes. The findings are discussed with reference to the relationship between local and global basketball in. Britain and within the wider theoretical debates surrounding the globalisation of sport.

Barriers to sustainability among tourism-related businesses : identification and reduction

Vernon, Jonathan Andrew January 2002 (has links)
The attainment of sustainable development has emerged as one of the main challenges facing society and the economy in the twenty-first century. In tourism, the English Tourism Council (2001 a, p. 11) recognise that sustainable tourism can no longer be regarded as an optional extra, but is fundamental to safeguarding the long-term competitiveness of the industry. To establish sustainable development as a primary strategic objective within the tourism industry represents a substantial challenge. Such a goal is problematic not least because the sector is so diverse and is based around a large number of small businesses which are not always accessible or responsive to change and innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the response of tourism-related businesses to environmental sustainability issues in South East Cornwall. The research represents a three-year joint project funded by the University of Plymouth and Caradon District Council, with support from South West Tourism and the European Regional Development Fund through Caradon Area LEADER II (1999-2001). The aims of the project were to obtain a more detailed understanding of the issues and barriers that tourism businesses face in the implementation of sustainable business practices. The results had practical outcomes in the formulation of a district-wide strategy for sustainable tourism. Through a mixed-method research programme, almost half of tourism businesses in the district contributed to the study. The results revealed a diversity of behaviour, attitudes and motives that are currently not recognised within policy interventions or conceptual models of business behavior. Additionally, the research demonstrated that business responses are modified by a range of complex barriers, which operate at different geographical scales and require a broad policy focus. Within policy initiatives for sustainable tourism, small tourism businesses cannot be treated as scaled-down versions of large businesses. More sophisticated policy interventions will have to be developed if sustainable development is to become a reality within the sector.

The recession as an agent in the restructuring of tourist accommodation

Clegg, Andrew John January 1997 (has links)
Academic research into economic restructuring in the tourist industry has solely focused on the strategies adopted by large chain hotel companies and little attention has been paid to the strategies adopted by small scale, family-run accommodation establishments. This sector is particularly significant for traditional resort areas in the UK. For example, in Torbay, Devon (as in most seaside resorts), there is an absence of large chain hotels and small-scale accommodation establishment pl ay an integral role in the local tourism economy.Consequently, an understanding of the competitive pressures and restructuring strategies in this sector is essential in maintaining the long-term health and prosperity of the resort. The aim of this study is therefore to examine the restructuring process occurring in the hotel industry and, in particular, to focus on the restructuring strategies in the small-scale accommodation s ector. To do so, this study will draw on empirical data obtained from a number of sources including a commercial register, holiday accommodation brochures, planning applications and a major questionnaire survey of all serviced and self-catering accommodation establishments o perating in Torbay. This study will show that the restructuring process within the accommodation sector has been influenced by a combination of factors within the internal and external resort environment, including free market forces and public sector intervention. Restructuring strategies have concentrated on the development of ensuite and leisure facilities, although provision has been influenced by the structural and locational characteristics of accommodatione stablishments. A review of the entrepreneurial characteristics of the accommodation providers highlights the complexity of the decision-making process and that business strategy is influenced by highly personalised and individualistic operating characteristics that are difficult to isolate and analyse. Therefore, any policy directives to guide the future development of the resort will depend on dealing with individual managemen strategies and business objectives.

Social motivation in sport

Allen, Justine B. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Фрушка гора и Вршачке планине – садашње и будуће дестинације спортско-рекреативног туризма / Fruška gora i Vršačke planine – sadašnje i buduće destinacije sportsko-rekreativnog turizma / Fruška Gora and Vršac mountains - the current and future sports and recreation tourism destination

Vujko Aleksandra 30 November 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Карактеристике ресурса класификованих као простори за спортско-рекреативни туризам се пре свега односе на погодности које одређени ресурси поседују за развој одређененог облика активности. С тим у вези било би представљање спортско-рекреативних потенцијала војвођанских планина, Фрушке горе и Вршачких планина, посебно знајући да тренутно представљају једне од најатрактивнијих рекреативних предела за највеће емитивне центре у Србији, Нови Сад и Београд али и да у будућности могу понети епитете бренда за спортско рекреативни туризам у Србији. Положај Фрушке горе и Вршачких планина и природни услови за развој спортско-рекреативног туризма су такви да је на ове две планине могуће развити готове све најатрактивније облике спортско-рекреативног туризма (бициклизам, планинарење, јахање, гађање лоптицама које бојају, једрење падобраном, змајарење, лет балоном, падобранство, и друго). Фрушку гору је у контексту развоја спортско-рекреативног туризма могуће поделити у четири карактеристичне зоне унутар којих би се могло трасирати осам стаза, док је Вршачке планине могуће поделити у две зоне са три стазе. Унутар фрушкогорских и вршачких стаза постоје делови терена намењени готово свима као и они који су поприлично захтевни када су бициклизам, планинарење и теренско јахање у питању, а дуж појединих стаза постоје и пунктови за упражњавање појединих облика спортско-рекреативних активности. С тим у вези требало би рећи да је упражњавање готово свих наведених облика спортско-рекреативног туризма, сем купалишног, по већини стаза могућа током целе године али да би период од априла до октобра, када је време топло и пријатно, био нешто заступљенији јер то допушта обиласке, застоје и уживање у сваком смислу. Антропогене карактеристике војвођанских планина представљају потенцијале који су туристички недовољно искориштени, а у будућности би могли да изнедре многе тематске стазе, као што су примера ради археолошке бициклистичке, пешачке или коњичке руте, манастирске и друге. Поред добрих страна за развој спортско-рекреативног туризма, на војвођанским планинама постоје и многе лоше стране. Пример за то је непостојање информативних и промотивних материјала и активности у вези са спортско-рекреативним туризмом на планинама. У оквиру простора намењених спортско-рекреативним туристима на Фрушкој гори и Вршачким планинама не постоји адекватна обележеност стаза као и неопходне информације о стазама и активностима дуж њих.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; ">Karakteristike resursa klasifikovanih kao prostori za sportsko-rekreativni turizam se pre svega odnose na pogodnosti koje određeni resursi poseduju za razvoj određenenog oblika aktivnosti. S tim u vezi bilo bi predstavljanje sportsko-rekreativnih potencijala vojvođanskih planina, Fruške gore i Vršačkih planina, posebno znajući da trenutno predstavljaju jedne od najatraktivnijih rekreativnih predela za najveće emitivne centre u Srbiji, Novi Sad i Beograd ali i da u budućnosti mogu poneti epitete brenda za sportsko rekreativni turizam u Srbiji. Položaj Fruške gore i Vršačkih planina i prirodni uslovi za razvoj sportsko-rekreativnog turizma su takvi da je na ove dve planine moguće razviti gotove sve najatraktivnije oblike sportsko-rekreativnog turizma (biciklizam, planinarenje, jahanje, gađanje lopticama koje bojaju, jedrenje padobranom, zmajarenje, let balonom, padobranstvo, i drugo). Frušku goru je u kontekstu razvoja sportsko-rekreativnog turizma moguće podeliti u četiri karakteristične zone unutar kojih bi se moglo trasirati osam staza, dok je Vršačke planine moguće podeliti u dve zone sa tri staze. Unutar fruškogorskih i vršačkih staza postoje delovi terena namenjeni gotovo svima kao i oni koji su poprilično zahtevni kada su biciklizam, planinarenje i terensko jahanje u pitanju, a duž pojedinih staza postoje i punktovi za upražnjavanje pojedinih oblika sportsko-rekreativnih aktivnosti. S tim u vezi trebalo bi reći da je upražnjavanje gotovo svih navedenih oblika sportsko-rekreativnog turizma, sem kupališnog, po većini staza moguća tokom cele godine ali da bi period od aprila do oktobra, kada je vreme toplo i prijatno, bio nešto zastupljeniji jer to dopušta obilaske, zastoje i uživanje u svakom smislu. Antropogene karakteristike vojvođanskih planina predstavljaju potencijale koji su turistički nedovoljno iskorišteni, a u budućnosti bi mogli da iznedre mnoge tematske staze, kao što su primera radi arheološke biciklističke, pešačke ili konjičke rute, manastirske i druge. Pored dobrih strana za razvoj sportsko-rekreativnog turizma, na vojvođanskim planinama postoje i mnoge loše strane. Primer za to je nepostojanje informativnih i promotivnih materijala i aktivnosti u vezi sa sportsko-rekreativnim turizmom na planinama. U okviru prostora namenjenih sportsko-rekreativnim turistima na Fruškoj gori i Vršačkim planinama ne postoji adekvatna obeleženost staza kao i neophodne informacije o stazama i aktivnostima duž njih.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify; "> Characteristics of resources classified as areas for sports and recreation Tourism are primarily related to the benefits that have the resources to development all types activities. In this regard it would be the presentation of sports and recreational potential of Vojvodina mountains, Fruska gora and Vrsac mountains especially knowing that currently&nbsp;represent one of the most attractive recreational areas for the largest outbound in Serbia, Novi Sad and Belgrade but also in the future may bring epithets of brand for sports and recreational tourism in Serbia. Position of Fru&scaron;ka gora and Vrsac mountains and natural conditions for development of sports and recreation tourism are such that these two mountains can develop almost all the most attractive forms of sports and recreational tourism (biking, hiking, horseback riding, paintball, paragliding, paragliding, hot air balloon rides, parachuting, etc.). Fru&scaron;ka gora mountain, in the context of sports and recreational tourism can be divided into four specific zones within which it could be traced eight track, while the Vrsac mountains can be divided into two zones with three lanes. Within Fruska Gora and Vrsac trails in some parts of the field intended for almost everyone and those who are quite demanding when you are biking, hiking and riding terrain in question, along certain trails, there are points for the exercise of certain forms of sports and recreational activities. In this connection it should say that the exercise of virtually all forms of sports and recreational tourism, except for bathing, the most possible path throughout the year but that the period from April to October, when the weather is warm and friendly, was slightly more common because it allows excursions, downtime and enjoyment in every sense. Anthropogenic features Vojvodina mountains are potentials that travel under-exploited, and in the future be able to produce many footpaths, such as for example the archaeological bicycle, pedestrian or equestrian trails, monastery, and others. Besides the positive aspects for the development of sports and recreational tourism in Vojvodina&#39;s mountains there are many disadvantages. An example is the lack of information and promotional materials and activities related to sports and recreational tourism in the mountains. Within the space intended for sports and recreational facilities for tourists in our investigations and Vrsac mountains there is no adequate trails as well as necessary information on routes and activities along them.</p>

Turistička organizacija rekreativnih aktivnosti Savezne Republike Nemačke i mogućnosti njihove primene na Srbiju i Crnu Goru

Živanović Radovan 27 December 2006 (has links)
<p>Savezna Republika Nemačka predstavlja optimalan primer za proučavanje turističke rekreacije u kojima se sve razvojne faze mogu posmatrati sa aspekta pozitivnih i negativnih faktora koji to uslovljavaju. Visoko razvijena država, visok životni standard i izgrađena svest o značaju rekreacije uz maksimalnu za&scaron;titu prirodne sredine su i glavni motiv za izradu ove doktorske teze. Nemačka predstavlja i zemlju emitivnog i imitivnih turističkih kretanja. Doktorska disertacija predstavljena je kroz &scaron;est tematskih poglavlja da bi se metodom komparacije i sinteze do&scaron;lo do navedenih zaključaka. Tematska poglavlja imala su za cilj da prikažu i analiziraju sve validne prirodne i antropogene elemente koji sačinjavaju osnov proučavanja turističke rekreacije. Turističko-geografski prikaz Srbije i Crne Gore dat je u najkraćim crtama i služio je samo kao osnov identifikovanja mogućnosti nemačkih iskustava mogu realno biti primenjeni. Na osnovu &scaron;est komplementarnih delova metodom sinteze i komparacije izvedeni su navedeni zaključci.</p> / <p>Federal Republic of Germany is an optimal example for study of tourist recreation because its all developing phases can be observed from the aspect of positive and negative factors, influencing the above stated phases. This highly developed country with high level of living standard and awateness concerning significance of recreation with maximum protection of the environment are main motive for preparation of this doctor&#39;s thesis. German is a country of emitive and imitive tourist mevements. The doctor&#39;s thesis has been presented through six thematic chapters, reaching the conclusion by methods of comparations and syntesis. Thematic chapters were aiming at showing and analyzing of all valid natural and anthropoid lements which are a base for study of tourist recreation. Tourist-geographical survey of Serbia and Montenegro has been give briefly and saved only as a base for kind of identification with German expiriences that can be really implemented. According to the all six complementary parts, the conclusions have been reached by method of syntesis and comparations.</p>

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