Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ded queen"" "subject:"ded gueen""
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Evoluce hostitelské specializace u kukaččích včel rodu Sphecodes (Hymenoptera) / Evolution of host specifity in cuckoo bees of the genus Sphecodes (Hymenoptera)Habermannová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Cuckoo bees behave similarly to the well-known birds, cuckoos - they lay eggs in the nests of other bees. Proposed thesis charts the evolution of host specialization within the strictly cuckoo genus Sphecodes. According to the classical view based on the Red Queen hypothesis, parasites should gradually specialize during evolution to keep pace in the "arms race" with their hosts. Specialization is also perceived as an evolutionary dead end - narrow adaptation prevents change of host. To test these hypotheses phylogeny of tribus Sphecodini based on the partial sequences of five genes was constructed. For each ancestor has been by two methods of mapping ancestral characters (Bayesian method, Maximum Parsimony) specified, whether it was specialist or generalist and which kind of host or hosts it had. The results show that the original strategy of genus Sphecodes is specialization and generalists originated from specialized ancestors only recently. The results also show that the jumps between the hosts are common. These findings are inconsistent with the Red Queen hypothesis as well as with the view that specialization is an evolutionary dead end. Falsity of these hypotheses within the genus Sphecodes established also likelihood ratio test, in which the likelihood of model allowing two-way transition...
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The effects of contact patterns and genetic specificity on host and parasite evolutionAshby, Ben January 2014 (has links)
Many bacteria, viruses and other parasites cause severe morbidity or mortality in their host populations, creating strong selection for physiological or behavioural mechanisms to avoid disease. Likewise, changes in host susceptibility and contact patterns can dramatically influence the spread of infectious diseases, and hence selection for traits such as virulence and infectivity range in parasites. Understanding how ecological and evolutionary changes in one population affect selection in another represents a key challenge for theoreticians and empiricists alike, and is essential for gaining further insights into host-parasite relationships. This thesis contains theoretical models that explore how genetic and environmental factors shape the evolutionary and coevolutionary dynamics of hosts and parasites. In particular, the roles of genetic specificity (i.e. genotype-by-genotype interactions) and population mixing patterns are investigated, using both mathematical models and computer simulations. A broad range of scenarios are covered, including the coevolution of broad resistance and infectivity ranges (generalism), the persistence of coevolutionary cycling and the maintenance of sex, the effects of mating behaviour on disease prevalence and evolution, and the evolution of sexual and social behaviour. The models presented herein develop our understanding of host-parasite relationships and highlight the importance of genetic interactions and ecological feedbacks.
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A duração das linhagens e a dinâmica macroevolutiva de Ruminantia (Mammalia) / Lineage duration and the macroevolutionary dynamics of Ruminantia (Mammalia)Sousa, Matheus Januario Lopes de 11 June 2019 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação é testar hipóteses relacionadas à duração das linhagens (i.e. o intervalo de tempo definido pela origem e extinção das diferentes linhagens) e à dinâmica da diversificação dos ruminantes. Para isso, nós usamos compilações públicas de dados fósseis e modelos probabilísticos. Como a literatura macroevolutiva se aproveita das múltiplas escalas taxonômicas onde é possível estudar a mudança da biodiversidade no tempo, os dois capítulos desta dissertação testam suas hipóteses no níveis de espécie e gênero na tentativa de iluminar o papel da escala na manifestação dos padrões macroevolutivos. No primeiro capítulo, nós investigamos se tratamentos taxonômicos distintos aplicados aos dados brutos alteram os resultados obtidos por um método macroevolutivo. Nossos resultados sugerem que os dados, mesmo após passar por diferentes tratamentos, indicam similares dinâmicas de diversificação tanto no nível taxonômico dos gêneros quanto no nível das espécies. Por outro lado, as comparações entre dois conjuntos de dados inicialmente distintos podem gerar diferenças consideráveis na dinâmica da diversificação e inclusive indicar diferenças entre escalas taxonômicas. Esses resultados são robustos mesmo que as imperfeições do registro fóssil sejam consideradas de diferentes maneiras pelo método usado. No segundo capítulo, nós usamos modelos probabilísticos para testar uma importante hipótese macroevolutiva que é também considerada uma premissa para vários estudos da área: a de que a probabilidade de extinção de qualquer linhagem é independente da sua longevidade, ou seja, do intervalo de tempo que a linhagem já viveu. Nossos resultados sugerem um padrão consistente de diminuição na probabilidade de extinção conforme as espécies vivem por mais tempo, enquanto que o padrão observado do no nível dos gêneros é menos claro. Este resultado não só enriquece o nosso conhecimento a respeito da dinâmica da extinção de linhagens, como sugere que a premissa de independência de idade na probabilidade de extinção (importante para vários estudos macroevolutivos) pode não ser válida, pelo menos para Ruminantia. Nós esperamos que os dados e ideias aqui expostos interajam com novas ideias e dados do leitor, estimulando o desenvolvimento da macroevolução / The main goal of this dissertation is to test hypotheses related to the duration of the lineages (i.e. the time interval between the origin and extinction of each lineage) and to the diversification dynamics of the ruminants. To achieve this goal, we used public compilations of fossil data and probabilistic models. As the macroevolutionary literature take advantage of multiple taxonomic scales in which is possible to study biodiversity changes through time, the two chapters of this dissertation tested different hypotheses in both the species and genus levels, as na attempt to shed some light on the role of scale influencing the macroevolutionary phenomena. In the first chapter, we investigated if different taxonomic treatments applied over the raw data significantly change the results obtained from a macroevolutionary method. Our results suggest that the same data, even passing through different data curations, indicate similar diversification dynamics in species and genus taxonomic levels. On the other hand, data that comes from different sources may present considerable differences in the diversification dynamics, and even indicate differences between taxonomic scales. These results are robust to different considerations of the preservation biases of the fossil record by the method. In the second chapter, we used probabilistic models to test an importante macroevolutionary hypothesis that is also considered a premise of several macroevolutionary studies: that the probability of extinction of any lineage is independent of its longevity (the time span determined by the origination and extinction of each lineage). Our results suggest a consistent pattern of decreasing extinction probability as species live for longs periods of time, but the pattern presented by the genera is less clear. These results not only enhance our knowledge about extinction dynamics, but it also suggests that the premise of age independence in the extinction probability (important for several macroevolutionary studies) might not be valid, at least for Ruminatia. We hope our data and ideas interact with new ideas and data from the reader to stimulate the development of the macroevolutionary field
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Evolution of Plants : a mathematical perspectiveLindh, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The Earth harbors around 300 000 plant species. The rich and complex environment provided by plants is considered a key factor for the extraordinary diversity of the terrestrial fauna by, for example, providing food and shelter. This thesis contributes to the understanding of these questions by investigating how the interplay of physiology, demography, and evolution gives rise to variation and diversity in fundamental plant traits. This will help us answer questions such as: How has this amazing diversity of plant species emerged? Which mechanisms maintain diversity? How are plant strategies and plant diversity influenced by variations in the environment? A plant faces multiple problems to survive and reproduce successfully. These problems can be modeled by considering traits, trade-offs and a fitness measure. For example: How to maximize growth rate, while maximizing structural stability? I will investigate four plant models in order to understand the function of plants, and mechanisms promoting diversity. Paper I: We study how annual plants with and without growth constraints should optimize their flowering time when productivity or season length changes. With a dynamic ontogenetic growth model and optimal control theory we prove that a bang-bang reproductive control is optimal under constrained growth and constant mortality rate. We find that growth constraints can flip the direction of optimal phenological response for increasing productivity. The reason is that the growth rate of vegetative mass saturates at high productivity and therefore it is better to flower earlier and take advantage of a longer reproductive period. If season length extends equally both in the beginning and the end of the season, growth constraints control the direction of the optimal response as well. Our theory can help explaining phenological patterns along productivity gradients, and can be linked to empirical observations made on a calendar scale. Paper II: We introduce a new measure of tree crown-rise efficiency based on the loss of biomass of the tree during growth. The more mass the tree looses during growth, the less crown-rise efficient it is. Top-heavy shapes loose more biomass than bottom-heavy shapes. Light-use efficiency is defined as the mean light assimilation of the leaves in the crown times the ratio of leaf mass and total mass. We then study the trade-off between light-use efficiency to crown-rise efficiency for tree crown shapes. We assume that the total tree mass is constant, and a constant vertical light gradient represent the shading from a surrounding forest. We find large differences in crown shapes at intermediate vertical light gradient, when both self-shading and mean-field shading are important, suggesting light-use vs crown-rise efficiency as a new trade-off that can explain tree diversity. Our crown-rise efficiency measure could easily be integrated into existing forest models. Paper III: We extend an evolutionary tree crown model, where trees with different heights compete for light, with drought-induced mortality rates depending on ground-water availability and the depth of an optional taproot. The model does not include competition for ground water. Our model explains how ground-water availability can shape plant communities, when taproot and non-taproot strategies can coexist, and when only one of these strategies can persist. We investigate how emerging plant diversity varies with water table depth, soil water gradient and drought-induced mortality rate. The taproot enables plants to reach deep water, thus reducing mortality, but also carries a construction cost, thus inducing a trade-off. We find that taproots maintain plant diversity under increasing drought mortality, and that taproots evolve when groundwater is accessible at low depths. There are no viable strategies at high drought mortality and deep water table. Red Queen evolutionary dynamics appear at intermediate drought mortality in mixed communities with and without taproots, as the community never reaches a final evolutionarily stable composition. Paper IV: We extend a size-structured plant model, with self-shading and two evolving traits, crown top-heaviness and crown width-to-height ratio. The model allows us to identify salient trade-offs for the crown shape. The most important trade-off for top-heaviness is light-use efficiency vs crownrise efficiency, and the most important trade-off for width-to-height ratio is self-shading vs branch costs. We find that when the two traits coevolve; the outcome is a single common evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), far away from the highest net primary production (NPP). When only sun angle is decreasing with increasing latitude both the crown width-to-height ratio and crown top-heaviness decrease. However, when light response in addition to the sun angle decreases with increasing latitude, the crown width-to-height ratio is nearly invariant of latitude except at low site productivity when the ratio decreases with latitude. Top-heaviness is always decreasing with increasing latitude. Finally, we find that crown top-heaviness increases with the NPP or leaf-area index (LAI) at ESS, but crown width-to-height ratio is maximal at an intermediate NPP or LAI. / Artikel I: Arters reproduktionsframgång (fitness), till exempel antal avkommor eller frön som produceras under livet, är ofta avgörande för huruvida de är evolutionärt framgångsrika eller inte. Här undersöker vi hur ettåriga växter med eller utan tillväxtbegränsningar ska optimera sin blomningstid när produktivitet eller säsongslängd ändras. Det är optimalt att gå direkt från tillväxt till blomning när tillväxten är begränsad och dödligheten är konstant. Vid ökad produktivitet sker blomningen tidigare med tillväxtbegränsningar men senare utan tillväxtbegränsningar, vilket beror på att med tillväxtbegränsningar ökar den vegetativa massan långsamt. Därför är det bättre att blomma tidigare och ta tillvara på en längre reproduktionsperiod. Vi får samma resultat om säsongslängden ökar lika mycket i början och slutet av säsongen. Vår teori kan bidra till att förutsäga blomningstider vid produktivitetsförändringar och säsongsförändringar. Artikel II: Tillväxten hos träd kan begränsas av brist på ljus, vatten, och näring, men också genom förlust av grenar. Vi introducerar ett nytt mått på tillväxteffektiviteten hos trädkronor baserat på förlust av biomassa under trädets tillväxt. Ju mer massa trädet förlorar under tillväxt, desto mindre tillväxteffektiva är de. Topptunga former förlorar mer biomassa än bottentunga former. Vi studerar avvägningar mellan ljuseffektivitet och tillväxteffektivitet för trädformer, där ljuseffektiviteten definieras som medelljusupptaget för löven i kronan. Vi antar en konstant totalmassa, och en statisk vertikal skuggning som representerar skuggningen från en omgivande skog. Vi hittar stora skillnader i kronformer vid en medelhög skuggning, då både självskuggningen och medelskuggningen har betydelse. Vårt mått för tillväxteffektivitet kan enkelt integreras i existerande skogsmodeller. Studien visar att avvägningar mellan tillväxteffektivitet och ljuseffektivitetet kan vara viktig för mångfalden av trädformer i en skog. En överraskande upptäckt är att konformade eller sfäriska trädkronor aldrig är effektiva, men däremot timglasformade kronor. Artikel III: Växter kan försvara sig på olika sätt mot torka, till exempel genom att rulla ihop bladen eller genom att reproducera tidigare och därigenom undvika uttdragen torka. Här undersöker vi fördelarna med en pålrot vid torka. En pålrot är en rot som växer nedåt för att nå djupliggande grundvatten. Vi utvidgar en evolutionär modell av trädkronor med grundvatten och en pålrot, där träd med olika höjd konkurrerar om ljus. Det finns ingen konkurrens om vatten. Vi undersöker hur mångfalden hos träden beror på vattendjup, vattengradient och dödlighet orsakad av torka. Med hjälp av pålroten kan träden nå djupt vatten och därigenom minska dödligheten, men den medför också en kostnad, så en avvägning måste göras. Vi ser att pålrötter upprätthåller mångfalden hos växterna vid ökad mortalitet, och att pålrötter uppstår när grundvattnet är grunt. Det finns inga strategier som kan överleva om grundvattnet är djupt och dödligheten är hög. Vår modell kan förklara hur grundvatten kan förändra sammansättningen på trädsamhällen, när träd med och utan pålrot kan samexistera, och under vilka förutsättningar endast en av strategierna förväntas dominera. Artikel IV: Träd som växer upp i en skog måste konkurrera med andra träd om ljus, framförallt större träd. Detta ger upphov till en asymmetrisk ljuskonkurrens, där de små träden hämmas av större träd. Små träd har därmed små chanser att överleva utom då skogen nyligen störts och det öppnas upp en glänta. Vid denna ljuskonkurrens kan man anta att trädkronans form har stor betydelse för trädets framgång. Frågan är hur de evolutionärt fördelaktiga kronformerna beror på latituden och produktiviteten. Vi antar att latituden påverkar solens genomsnittliga vinkel och ljusrespons. Vi utvidgar en storleksstrukturerad trädmodell med självskuggning där två evolverande egenskaper beskriver kronans topptyngd och bredd. Med modellen kan vi undersöka vilka strategiska avvägningar som bestämmer om kronans form blir konkurrenskraftig. En topptung krona har högt ljusupptag eftersom det finns mest ljus högt upp i grenverket. Å andra sidan har den en låg tillväxteffektivitet eftersom topptunga kronor måste tappa mycket grenar för att behålla sin form. En bred krona har en låg självskuggning eftersom bladen är utspridda. Å andra sidan har den höga kostnader för de långa grenar som krävs. Vi finner att när dessa egenskaper evolverar tillsammans så finns endast en evolutionärt stabil strategi (ESS), långt från den högsta nettoproduktionen. När endast solvinkeln minskar med ökande latitud minskar både kronans bredd och topptyngd, men när både solvinkel och ljusrespons minskar med ökande latitud så är bredden nästan oförändrad utom vid låg produktivitet då den minskar med latituden. Kronans topptyngd minskar alltid med latituden. Slutligen ser vi hur kronans topptyngd alltid ökar med nettoproduktionen vid ESS, medan kronans bredd har ett maxium för ett mellanvärde hos nettoproduktionen vid ESS.
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"My sense of my own identity is bound up with the past" / The Quest for a Female Identity in Historical Novels by British Women Writers: Penelope Lively, Margaret Drabble, A.S. Byatt, Esther FreudKoch, Jessica 02 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Červená královna / The Red QueenKrálík, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
Red Queen is a chess piece on the story of Alice in Wonderland, which is constantly running to hold it in place, because the world around it is constantly in motion. Therefore, it is a symbol of the theory of evolution, a constant necessity innovation and the eternal escape from competitors. Red Queen's Race is constructed into a miniature civilization, or rather one growing superorganism, which constantly oscillates between the digital and the physical world. The main consciousness of this association is black majestically looking server that supplies with his computing power and energy all attached printers. They are designed specifically for this purpose, such as abstraction of robotics industry, with an emphasis on a functionally aesthetic form, in yellow-orange color of heavy industrial machinery. The most important and largest part of this system, are entities which printers materialize. They are created according to a living creature of this world, generated by computer, based on a unique code, which is the result of calculating the evolutionary recombination, processed by the server, depending on the reactions of outside observers at the objects which are already created. Sense of each entity is attract attention. How much more, the greater is the chance to continue their code in future generations.
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Russians abroad in postcommunist cinemaKristensen, Lars Lyngsgaard Fjord January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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