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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The dissolution of Ag(111) electrodes investigated by in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy

Wilson, Tony Keith January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Caracaterização cinética da redução das 1-Cys Peroxirredoxinas por ascorbato / Kinetic characterization of the reduction of 1-Cys Peroxiredoxins by ascorbate

Anschau, Valesca 16 February 2017 (has links)
Peroxirredoxinas (Prxs) são enzimas que desempenham papéis centrais no metabolismo redox celular, são proteínas abundantes reduzindo peróxidos com uma velocidade extraordinária. As Prxs estão presentes em todos os grupos taxonômicos, possuem várias isoformas com diferentes funções, tais como antioxidantes, chaperonas moleculares e reguladores da transdução de sinal. São peroxidases tióis dependentes baseadas em um resíduo de cisteína catalítico podendo ser divididas em 1-Cys ou 2-Cys, dependendo do número de resíduos de cisteínas envolvidos na catálise. Inicialmente a redução das Prxs foi descrita por ser estritamente dependente de tióis, no entanto nosso grupo demonstrou que o ascorbato também poderia reduzir o sulfênico intermediário das 1-Cys Prx (1-Cys Prx-SOH) em diferentes organismos. Esses dados representam um quebra no paradigma antioxidante tiól específico, mostrando que o ascorbato pode reduzir os ácidos sulfênicos nas 1-Cys Prx. Para obter evidências que o ascorbato possa ser considerado um redutor biológico das 1-Cys Prx, foi necessário determinar a constante de segunda ordem, uma vez que em células, outros compostos podem competir com este antioxidante. Devido a problemas técnicos, este foi um desafio por muitos anos. Neste trabalho, descrevemos a caracterização cinética da redução de ácidos sulfênicos por ascorbato em diferentes proteínas. Primeiramente, a redução das 1-Cys Prx-SOH foi analisado usando a enzima de A. fumigatus (AfPrxA) que apresenta similaridade de 37% com a Prdx6 (1-Cys Prx humana) e foi considerada uma enzima bastante estável. Inicialmente, realizamos a análise bi-substrato utilizando eletrodos específicos para H2O2 (Free Radical Analyzer 4100 da World Precision Instruments Inc.), através de uma abordagem de estado estacionário. AfPrxA decompõem H2O2 em uma reação ascorbato dependente com boa eficiência (kcat/KM asc = 7.4 x 103 M-1s-1), através de um mecanismo Bi-Bi Ping-Pong. Para apoiar ainda mais esses resultados, desenvolvemos uma abordagem cinética independente, baseada na competição entre diclorofenolindofenol (DCPIP) e ácidos sulfênicos por ascorbato. DCPIP é um sensor redox, cuja a coloração azul é perdida quando reduzido. Primeiramente, confirmamos que o DCPIP foi reduzido por ascorbato com uma constante de segunda ordem de 718 M-1s-1, similar a valores descritos na literatura anteriormente. Este método validou nossas condições de ensaio, permitindo determinar a constante de segunda ordem de reação entre AfPrxA-SOH e ascorbato (1,5 x 103 M-1s-1) a pH 7,44, 25ºC através da abordagem de pseudo-primeira ordem. Portanto, por dois métodos diferentes, demonstramos que o ascorbato reduz a AfPrxA-SOH com constantes de velocidade na ordem de 103 M-1s-1. Este ensaio também nos permitiu determinar as constantes de segunda ordem para as 1-Cys Prx de diferentes organismos como bactéria, levedura, planta e mamíferos. Em todos os casos, as constantes de velocidade foram na ordem de 103 M-1s-1. Posteriormente, analisamos se a 2-Cys Prx de levedura (Tsa1), que possui uma mutação na cisteína de resolução por um resíduo de serina (Tsa1-C170S) poderia adquiri atividade ascorbato dependente. Novamente, a forma ácido sulfênico da Tsa1-C170S foi reduzida por ascorbato na mesma ordem de grandeza de 103 M-1s-1. Em adição, decidimos investigar a redução dos Cys-SOH por ascorbato em outras proteínas como Gliceraldeído 3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) e Papaína que também possuem um ácido sulfênico como produto da oxidação. A constante de segunda ordem obtida da reação com ascorbato foi novamente à mesma ordem de grandeza (103 M-1s-1). Em conclusão, a redução de ácidos sulfênicos presentes nas Prxs por ascorbato pode ser considerada relevante em compartimentos subcelulares em que este redutor esteja presente em grandes quantidades. Além disso, o ascorbato pode reduzir ácidos sulfênicos de outras proteínas, e esta interação pode representar uma nova via na biologia redox que ainda precisa ser explorada in vivo / Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are enzymes that play central roles in cellular redox metabolism, since they reduce peroxides with extraordinary rates and are abundant proteins. Prxs are found in all kingdoms with multiple isoforms, performing multiple functions such as antioxidants, molecular chaperones, and regulators of signal transduction. Prxs are Cys-based, thiol-dependent peroxidases with remarkable catalytic efficiency that can be divided into 1-Cys or 2-Cys, depending on the number of Cys residues involved in catalysis. Initially, reduction of Prxs was described to be strictly dependent on thiols, but later we showed that ascorbate can also reduce the sulfenic intermediate of 1-Cys Prx (1-Cys Prx-SOH) from various organisms. These data represented a breakthrough in the thiol-specific antioxidant paradigm, as ascorbate can also reduce sulfenic acids in 1-Cys Prx. To gain evidences that ascorbate could be a biological reductant for 1-Cys Prx it was necessary to determinate the respective second order rate constant, since in cells other compounds might compete with this antioxidant. Due to technical issues, this was a challenge for many years. In this work, we describe the kinetic characterization of sulfenic acid reduction by ascorbate in several proteins. Firstly, the reduction of 1-Cys Prx-SOH by ascorbate was analyzed using an enzyme from A. fumigatus (AfPrxA) that is 37% similar to PRDX6 (human 1-Cys Prx) and was quite stable. Initially, a steady-state, bi-substrate approach was followed by means of a specific H2O2 electrode (Free Radical Analyzer 4100, World Precision Instruments Inc.). AfPrxA decomposed H2O2 in an ascorbate dependent manner with good efficiency (kcat/KM asc = 7.4 x103 M-1s-1), through a Bi-Bi Ping-Pong mechanism. To further support these findings, we developed an independent, competitive kinetic approach based on the competition between dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) and sulfenic acid to ascorbate. DCPIP is a redox sensor, whose blue color is lost when reduced. Firstly, we confirmed that in our conditions DCPIP was reduced by ascorbate with a second-order rate constant of 718 M-1s-1, similar to values previously described. This procedure validated our assay conditions and allowed us to proceed in the competitive method for the determination of the second order rate constant of the reaction of AfPrxA-SOH with ascorbate (1,5 x 103M-1s-1) at pH 7.44, 25ºC by pseudo first order approach. Therefore, by two independent approaches, we showed that ascorbate reduced AfPrxA-SOH with rate constants in the 103 M-1s-1 range. It also allowed us to determine the second order rate constants for the reduction 1-Cys Prxs from other organisms such as bacteria, yeast, plant and mammal. In all cases, the rate constants were in the 103 M-1s-1 range. Subsequently, we analyzed whether a recombinant yeast 2-Cys Prx (Tsa1), whose resolving Cys (Cysr) was mutated to a serine residue (Tsa1-C170S) acquired the ascorbate dependent activity. Again, the sulfenic acid form of Tsa1-C170S was reduced by ascorbate in the same 103 M-1s-1 range. In addition, we decided to investigate the reduction of Cys-SOH by ascorbate in other proteins like glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and Papain that also have a sulfenic acid as product of their oxidation. The second order rate constants obtained for the reaction with ascorbate were again in the same range (103 M-1s-1). In conclusion, the reduction of sulfenic acids present in Prx by ascorbate might be relevant in the subcellular compartments in which this reductant is present at high levels, capable to compete with other reductants. Furthermore, ascorbate can reduce sulfenic acid in other proteins, and this interaction may represent a new route in redox biology that has yet be explored in vivo

Simulation moléculaire de monocouches auto-assemblées sur l'or / Study of self-assembled monolayers on gold surfaces by molecular simulation

Filippini, Gaëlle 12 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude de monocouches auto-assemblées (SAMs) sur l'or par simulation moléculaire. Des SAMs électroactives formées de chaines ferrocenylalcanethiols et alcanethiols et des SAMs constituées de β-cyclodextrines immobilisées sur des surfaces pouvant donner lieu à la formation de complexes d'inclusion à l'interface ont été étudiées. L'objectif était d'obtenir des grandeurs macroscopiques qui soient directement comparables aux grandeurs expérimentales. Pour cela, des simulations de dynamique moléculaire ont été couplées à des calculs de perturbation thermodynamique afin d'obtenir des grandeurs rédox et des propriétés thermodynamiques d'association. La reproduction de grandeurs expérimentales a dans un premier temps permis de valider les méthodologies de simulation et les champs de forces utilisés. Ceci a ensuite conduit à envisager la simulation moléculaire comme une technique prédictive pour l'étude de nouveaux systèmes. Les grandeurs macroscopiques obtenues ont pu être interprétées grâce à une caractérisation structurale et énergétique des processus mis en jeu. / This work concerns the study of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold surfaces by molecular simulation. Electroactive SAMs formed by both ferrocenylalkanethiol and alkanethiol chains and SAMs of immobilized β-cyclodextrins that can form inclusion complexes at the interface were investigated. The objective of this study was to use molecular simulation to reproduce macroscopic properties that can be directly compared with experimental results. Molecular dynamics simulations are coupled to perturbation methods in order to calculate redox properties and thermodynamic properties of association. The comparison with experimental data allows us to validate simulation methodologies and forcefields and to consider simulation as a predictive tool for the study of new systems. Molecular dynamic also provides a rationalization of the macroscopic properties at the atomic level by a structural and energetic analysis of the processes involved in the reactions.

Matériaux d’électrode positive à base de phosphates pour accumulateurs Li-ion et phénomènes aux interfaces : apport de la spectroscopie photoélectronique à rayonnement X (XPS) / Phosphate as positive electrode active materials for Li-ion cells and interfaces phenomena : contribution of X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

Castro, Laurent 23 February 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est centré sur l’étude de matériaux LiMPO4 (M=Fe, Mn, Co) et de leur évolution en cyclage (processus rédox et interfaces électrode / électrolyte) dans des accumulateurs Li-ion. Il a été mené essentiellement sur la base d’analyses en spectroscopie photoélectronique à rayonnement X (XPS) couplées à des tests électrochimiques. Une oxydation de surface du phosphate LiFePO4 a été mise en évidence lors d’une exposition à l’air de ce matériau avec la formation d’impuretés de surface type Fe2O3. Au plan structure électronique, l’analyse des bandes de valence des matériaux LiMPO4 (M=Fe, Mn, Co) a notamment permis, pour LiFePO4, la visualisation de l’électron spin down du niveau Fe 3d amenant la première preuve expérimentale de la configuration électronique particulière (3d↑)5(3d↓)1 de Fe2+dans ce matériau. Ce travail a également contribué à mieux comprendre l’influence de la température de fonctionnement ainsi que de la nature de l’électrode négative sur les mécanismes de vieillissement des accumulateurs Li-ion. Pour les accumulateurs LiFePO4 // Graphite, la comparaison d’interfaces solide/électrolyte distribuées spatialement a montré que le vieillissement se caractérisant par la perte de lithium actif pouvait être mis en parallèle avec une hétérogénéité de fonctionnement de l’électrode positive. Enfin, l’extension des travaux aux matériaux prometteurs d’électrode positive Li(FeMn)PO4 a révélé que le potentiel de travail de fin de charge plus élevé pour le phosphate mixte, comparativement à LiFePO4, résultait dans une réactivité accrue vis-à-vis de l’électrolyte dont les conséquences ont été analysées. / This thesis is focused on the study of LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn, Co) materials and on their evolution upon cycling (redox process end electrodes / electrolyte interfaces) in lithium ion cells. It is based on X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) analyses coupled with electrochemical tests. During air exposure, a surface oxidation of phosphate LiFePO4 was observed that lead to the formation of surface impurities such as Fe2O3. Concerning electronic structure, the analysis of LiMPO4 (M=Fe, Mn, Co) materials valence spectra allowed for LiFePO4 the visualization of spin down Fe 3d electron which is the first experimental proof of the particular electronic configuration (3d↑)5(3d↓)1 of Fe2+ in this material. This work also allowed a better understanding of the effect of the working temperature as well as the nature of the negative electrode on Li-ion cells ageing mechanisms. For LiFePO4 // Graphite cell, the comparison of spatially distributed solid/electrolyte interfaces showed that ageing mechanisms, characterized by a loss of active lithium, could be associated with a heterogeneity of working of the positive electrode. In addition, the extension of these studies on new promising Li(FeMn)PO4 materials for positive electrode showed that higher working potential of mixed phosphate material compared to LiFePO4 material leads to a higher electrolyte reactivity which consequences were analysed.

Etude de l'oxyde de cuivre CuO, matériau de conversion en film mince pour microbatteries au lithium : caractérisation des processus électrochimiques et chimiques en cyclage / Study of the copper oxide CuO, conversion material prepared in thin film for lithium microbatteries : electrochemical and chemical processes characterizations during cycling

Martin, Lucile 15 November 2013 (has links)
La miniaturisation des appareils électroniques et la multiplication de leurs fonctionnalités conduisent à développer des microsources d’énergie adaptées, parmi lesquelles figurent les microbatteries au lithium. Malgré leurs excellentes performances, ces systèmes de stockage électrochimique tout solide restent toutefois limités en termes de capacité surfacique. Cette caractéristique étant intrinsèquement liée aux matériaux d’électrodes, nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à des couches minces de CuO, dont la capacité volumique théorique (426 µAh .cm-2.µm-1) est sensiblement plus élevée que celle des matériaux d’intercalation utilisés jusqu’à présent. Ce matériau réagit avec le lithium selon un mécanisme particulier, dit de conversion, qui induit la formation d’un système multiphasé et nanostructuré d’une grande complexité. Dans le cadre de ce travail, la compréhension des mécanismes électrochimiques et chimiques mis en jeu au cours du cyclage de couches minces d’oxyde de cuivre (CuO) a été l’objectif majeur. Celui-ci a nécessité une caractérisation fine du matériau actif d’électrode et des interfaces générées (interfaces solide/solide et interface solide/électrolyte). Ces études ont été principalement menées à partir de la Spectroscopie Photoélectronique à Rayonnement X (XPS), de la Microscopie à Force Atomique (AFM) et d’une modélisation théorique exploitant les méthodes de la chimie quantique. Les propriétés chimiques et morphologiques des couches minces de CuO cyclées ont été corrélées à leur comportement électrochimique. Une forte influence de leur structure et de leur morphologie initiales a pu être ainsi mise en évidence / The miniaturization of electronic components and the increasing number of their functionalities lead to the development of suitable energy microsources, among which lithium microbatteries appear. Despite the excellent performances of these all-solid-state electrochemical power sources, one main limitation that remains is their surface capacity. Its value being intrinsically connected to the nature of electrode materials, we chose to focus on CuO thin films which are characterized by a theoretical volumetric capacity (426 µAh .cm-2.µm-1) in far larger than the one of conventional intercalation materials used today. Indeed, this material reacts with lithium according to a particular mechanism, referred as conversion reaction, inducing the formation of a multiphase nanostructured system with a high complexity. In the framework of this study, understanding of electrochemical and chemical mechanisms which take place during the cycling of copper oxide thin films (CuO) was the main objective. This one has required a fine characterization of the electrode active material and the generated interfaces (solid/solid interfaces and solid/electrolyte interface). These studies have been mainly carried out with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and theoretical approaches based on quantum chemistry methods. The chemical and morphological properties of the cycled CuO thin films have been linked to their electrochemical behavior. An important influence of their initial structure and morphology was then evidenced.

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