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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling of failure mechanisms for corrugated board.

Haidar, Mohamed January 2015 (has links)
The present work describes the construction of a semi-analytical model for prediction of buckling loads in simply supported corrugated paperboard panels. The model accounts for transverse shear, due to the weakness of the core in such plates compared to the facings. This was done utilizing energy relations and rst order transverse shear. The panel was homogenised using laminate theory. A detailed model using FEM was derived in order to validate the predictive capabilities of the analytical model. Experimental testing was performed to estimate the accuracy of both theoretical models, and assess the limitation of the analytical model. All modes of analysis showed good agreement for cubic boxes. Further investigation into expanding the scope of the analytical model was carried out and commented on.

Modélisation des structures multicouches en analyse limite. Application au renforcement de matériau

Dallot, Julien 19 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le domaine du génie civil et de la construction, ainsi que de l'industrie, les structures hétérogènes multicouches sont très utilisées. L'une des demandes formulées par les ingénieurs pour concevoir de telles structures est aussi la connaissance des charges limites qu'elles peuvent supporter. Des méthodes d'homogénéisation des plaques et poutres multicouches en analyse limite ont ainsi été développées. Elles conduisent respectivement à des cinématiques de Love-Kirchhoff ou d'Euler-Bernoulli pour la structure homogène équivalente. Afin de prendre en compte les effets de cisaillement, de nouveaux modèles de plaques et de poutres multiparticulaires ont été proposés et justifiés. Après une validation par éléments finis de ces modèles, on les applique au cas des poutres en béton armé renforcées. Ils permettent d'avoir une estimation rapide des chargements maximaux supportables et de construire ainsi un outil de dimensionnement à l'Etat Limite Ultime pour de telles structures.

Formulation et mise en oeuvre d'un élément continu de coque axisymétrique raidie / Formulation and implementation of a continuous stiffened axisymmetric shell element

Tounsi Chakroun, Douha 13 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se focalise sur le développement d’un élément continu de coque axisymétrique raidie de type Reissner/Mindlin. La démarche consiste à utiliser les éléments de coques axisymétriques développés aux LISMMA pour lesquels une méthode de prise en compte de chargements repartis a été définie. L'introduction des raidisseurs longitudinaux est menée à partir d'éléments de poutres droites couplés à la coque. L'introduction des raidisseurs circonférentiels nécessite quant à elle le développement d'éléments de poutres circulaires selon une formulation analogue à celle des coques axisymétriques. Cette formulation appelée méthode des éléments continus est basée,entre autre, sur le développement en série de Fourier des champs inconnus selon la dimension circonférentielle et sur la détermination de la matrice de rigidité dynamique de la structure étudiée.Deux configurations de couplage ont été envisagées: Le couplage de coques axisymétriques avec des éléments d'anneaux circulaires de Timoshenko agissant comme raidisseurs circonférentiels puis avec des poutres droites de Timoshenko agissant comme raidisseurs longitudinaux. Des analyses harmoniques sont ensuite menées de manière à valider les formulations présentées par comparaison avec les résultats issus de modélisations éléments finis. / This thesis focuses on the development of a continuous stiffened axisymmetric shell element of type Reissner/Mindlin. The approach consist in using the axisymmetric shell element developed in LISMMA for which distributed loads were applied on it.The introduction of longitudinal stiffeners is achieved by using a straight beam element coupled to the shell. The introduction of circumferential stiffeners requires the development of circular beam element according to a formulation similar to that used for the axisymmetric shell.In fact, this continuous element method is based on the development of the unknown fields on the Fourier series according to the circumferential dimensions and on the determination of the dynamic stiffness matrix of the studied structure.Two coupling configuration were considered: First of all the coupling of axisymmetric shell with circular Timoshenko beam element acting as circumferential stiffeners, then with straight Timoshenko beam element acting as longitudinal stiffener. Harmonic analyzes are conducted in order to validate the formulations presented in comparison with the results obtained from finite element model.

Desenvolvimento de modelos numéricos para a análise de estruturas de pavimentos de edifícios / Development of numerical algorithms to the buildings floors structures analysis

Sanches Júnior, Faustino 10 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho fornece uma contribuição à análise estrutural não-linear de pavimentos de edifícios de concreto armado com o emprego do Método dos Elementos Finitos. A deformação por esforço cortante é considerada, portanto as teorias de Timoshenko e de Reissner-Mindlin são empregadas nas formulações dos elementos de barra e de placa, respectivamente. As posições dos elementos de barra e de placa são independentes e, portanto, podem ser definidas em diferentes planos. Em conseqüência do exposto, o efeito de membrana deve ser necessariamente considerado na modelagem do pavimento. Para completar o modelo mecânico, as não-linearidades físicas descrevem o comportamento do concreto e do aço. A deterioração do concreto no cisalhamento é também considerada através de um modelo simplificado que é proposto para a modelagem do cisalhamento em condições de serviço. / This work gives a contribution to the non-linear structural analysis of reinforced concrete buildings floors using the Finite Element Method. The shear strain components are taken into account by adopting the Timoshenko\'s beam theory together with and the Reissner-Mindlin\'s theory for plate bending. Bar and plate element position are independent and therefore can be defined at different planes. As several level are considered when defining the structure membrane effects are necessary considered. In order to complete the mechanical model, physical non-linearities are also assumed to describe concrete and steel behaviours. The deterioration of the concrete material in shear is also taken account. For this purpose, a simplified model is adopted to compute approximately the damaged shear component in the steel direction.

Desenvolvimento de modelos numéricos para a análise de estruturas de pavimentos de edifícios / Development of numerical algorithms to the buildings floors structures analysis

Faustino Sanches Júnior 10 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho fornece uma contribuição à análise estrutural não-linear de pavimentos de edifícios de concreto armado com o emprego do Método dos Elementos Finitos. A deformação por esforço cortante é considerada, portanto as teorias de Timoshenko e de Reissner-Mindlin são empregadas nas formulações dos elementos de barra e de placa, respectivamente. As posições dos elementos de barra e de placa são independentes e, portanto, podem ser definidas em diferentes planos. Em conseqüência do exposto, o efeito de membrana deve ser necessariamente considerado na modelagem do pavimento. Para completar o modelo mecânico, as não-linearidades físicas descrevem o comportamento do concreto e do aço. A deterioração do concreto no cisalhamento é também considerada através de um modelo simplificado que é proposto para a modelagem do cisalhamento em condições de serviço. / This work gives a contribution to the non-linear structural analysis of reinforced concrete buildings floors using the Finite Element Method. The shear strain components are taken into account by adopting the Timoshenko\'s beam theory together with and the Reissner-Mindlin\'s theory for plate bending. Bar and plate element position are independent and therefore can be defined at different planes. As several level are considered when defining the structure membrane effects are necessary considered. In order to complete the mechanical model, physical non-linearities are also assumed to describe concrete and steel behaviours. The deterioration of the concrete material in shear is also taken account. For this purpose, a simplified model is adopted to compute approximately the damaged shear component in the steel direction.

Numerical modeling of isotropic and composites structures using a shell-based peridynamic method / Modélisation numérique de structures isotropes et composites en utilisant la méthode Péridynamique

Bai, Ruqing 02 May 2019 (has links)
Le travail de thèse porte sur de nouveaux compléments et améliorations pour la théorie de la péridynamique concernant la modélisation numérique de structures minces telles que les poutres et les plaques, les composites isotropes et multicouches soumis à un chargement dynamique. Nos développements ont principalement porté sur l'exploration des possibilités offertes par la méthode péridynamique, largement appliquée dans divers domaines de l'ingénierie où des discontinuités fortes ou faibles peuvent se produire, telles que des fissures. La procédure de généralisation de la méthode Peridynamics pour la modélisation des structures de poutres de Timoshenko et des structures de plaques de Reissner-Mindlin avec une large plage de rapport épaisseur sur longueur allant de structures épaisses à très minces est indiquée. Et un impact avec une faible vitesse simplifié basé sur le modèle péridynamique développé pour la poutre de Timoshenko et la plaque de Reissner-Mindlin a été proposé en utilisant une procédure de contact spécifique pour l'estimation « naturelle » de la charge d'impact. L’originalité de la méthode actuelle réside dans l’introduction avec deux techniques permettant de réduire le problème de blocage par cisaillement qui se pose dans les structures à poutres et à plaques minces, à savoir la méthode d’intégration réduite (ou sélective) et la formulation mixte. Le modèle péridynamique résultant pour les structures de poutre de Timoshenko et les structures de plaque de Reissner-Mindlin est efficace et ne souffre d'aucun phénomène de verrouillage par cisaillement. En outre, la procédure de généralisation de la méthode péridynamique pour la modélisation de structures composites minces renforcées par des fibres est introduite. L’approche péridynamique pour la modélisation d’une couche est d’abord validée en quasi-statique, ce qui inclut des problèmes de prévision de la propagation de fissures soumis à des conditions de chargement mécaniques. La méthode péridynamique a ensuite été étendue à l’analyse de structures composites minces renforcées par des fibres utilisant la théorie fondamentale d’une couche. Enfin, plusieurs applications impliquant des structures composites minces renforcées par des fibres et des résultats numériques ont été validées par comparaison à la solution FEM obtenue à l'aide d'un logiciel commercial ou à des solutions de référence de la littérature. Dans toutes les applications, Péridynamics montre que les résultats correspondent parfaitement aux solutions de référence, ce qui prouve son potentiel d’efficacité, en particulier pour la simulation de chemins de fissures dans les structures isotropes et composites. / This thesis introduces some new complements and improvments for the Bond-Based Peridynamics theory concerning the numerical modeling of thin structures such as beams and plates, isotropic and multilayer composites subjected to dynamic loading. Our developments have been focused mainly on exploring the possibilities offered by the Peridynamic method, which has been widely applied in various engineering domains where strong or weak discontinuities may occur such as cracks or heterogeneous media. The generalization procedure of the Peridynamics method for the modeling of Timoshenko beam structures and Reissner-Mindlin plate structures respectively with a wide range of thickness to length ratio starting from thick structures to very thin structures is given. And A simplified low velocity impact based on the developed Peridynamic model for Timoshenko beam and ReissnerMindlin plate has been proposed by using a specific contact procedure for the estimation of the impact load. The originality of the present method was the introduction for the first time of two techniques for the alleviation of the shear locking problem which arises in thin beam and plate structures, namely the reduced (or selective) integration method and mixed formulation. The resulting Peridynamic model for Timoshenko beam structures and Reissner-Mindlin plate structures is efficient and does not suffer from any shear locking phenomenon. Besides, the generalization procedure of Peridynamic method for the modeling of fiber-reinforced thin composite structures is introduced. The Peridynamic approach for the modeling of a lamina is firstly validated in the quasi-statics including a crack propagation prediction problems subjected to mechanical loading conditions and then the Peridynamic method was further extended to analyze fiber-reinforced thin composite structures using the fundamental lamina theory. Finally, several applications involving fiber-reinforced thin composite structures and numerical results were validated by comparison to the FEM solution obtained using commercial software or to reference solutions from the literature. In all applications, the Peridynamics shows that results are matching perfectly the reference solutions, which proves its efficiency potentiality especially for crack paths simulation in isotropic and composite structures.

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