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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remocao de amonia gerada em granjas avicolas e sua utilizacao em celulas a combustivel e uso como fertilizante / Removal of ammonia generated from farm poultry and their use in the fuel cells and as fertilizer

FERREIRA, JOAO C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A amônia presente em galpões fechados de criação de frangos afeta a saúde tanto dos animais como dos tratadores, além de ser um grave problema ambiental. O processo aqui recomendado faz uso de um material com grande capacidade de retenção tanto da amônia gasosa como na forma de seu hidróxido, NH4OH. Este absorvedor, um trocador catiônico sólido, preparado para a retenção seletiva da amônia, é inodoro, insípido e atóxico. Uma vez saturado com amônia, passa por um tratamento químico para a remoção deste composto, podendo ser reutilizado muitas vezes sem perda de sua capacidade retentora, tornando o processo mais econômico. A remoção deste material pode-se dar na forma de um sal de amônio que poderá ser utilizado como fertilizante. Ressalta-se ainda que a amônia recuperada nestes galpões avícolas, quando submetida a uma decomposição térmica catalítica, gera hidrogênio para uso em células a combustível, podendo fornecer energia elétrica no próprio local do trabalho. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Quitosama Magnética para remoção de urânio (VI)

STOPA, LUIZ C.B. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:54:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 12779.pdf: 5257634 bytes, checksum: da3e185bedc859b98ec9578a9d77a608 (MD5) / A quitosana, um poliaminossacarídeo formado por unidades repetidas de D-glucosamina, é derivada da quitina pela retirada do grupo acetila. Apresenta propriedades iônicas favoráveis agindo como quelante, sendo considerado um removedor de contaminantes de águas residuárias. Possui ampla bioatividade, ou seja, é biocompatível, biodegradável, bioadesivo e biossorvente. A quitosana interage por ligações intramoleculares por meio de seus grupos ativos com outras substâncias, pode revestir materiais magnéticos como as nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de magnetita, produzindo um conjugado polímero-magnetita. Materiais superparamagnéticos são susceptíveis ao campo magnético, assim estas partículas podem ser atraídas e agrupadas por aplicação de um campo magnético e como não retêm a magnetização, podem ser desagrupadas e reutilizadas em processos para remoção de contaminantes de rejeitos aquosos. No presente trabalho, preparam-se as partículas magnéticas de magnetita revestidas e funcionalizadas com quitosana (PMQ). O pó de PMQ exibiu uma resposta magnética de atração intensa na presença de um campo magnético sem, contudo tornar-se magnético, um comportamento típico de material superparamagnético. Foi caracterizado por espectrometria de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier e medidas de magnetização. Avaliou-se o seu desempenho de adsorção de urânio (VI), na forma de íon uranilo UO2 2+, com relação às influências da dose, velocidade de agitação, do pH, do tempo de equilíbrio e estudaram-se as isotermas de adsorção bem como o comportamento de dessorção com os íons de carbonato e oxalato. Constatou-se que a melhor remoção ocorreu em pH 5 e que o aumento da dose aumenta a remoção, tornando-se constante acima de 20 g.L-1. Na cinética de adsorção, o tempo para atingir o equilíbrio foi de 20 minutos. O modelo de isoterma que melhor se aplicou aos dados experimentais de adsorção de UO2 2+ foi de Langmuir, sendo a capacidade máxima de adsorção encontrada igual a 41,7 mg.g-1. Do estudo de dessorção com os íons carbonato verificou-se uma recuperação de 94% de UO2 2+ do PMQ contra 49,9% com ío / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

RemoÃÃo do AgrotÃxico Organofosforado ClorpirifÃs usando Processo Oxidativo AvanÃado / Removal of Organophosphorus Pesticides Chlorpyrifos using advanced oxidation processes

Andrà Gadelha de Oliveira 10 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O presente trabalho estudou o uso de processo oxidativo avanÃado para a remoÃÃo do agrotÃxico organofosforado clorpirifÃs. Para tanto, sistema de reator em escala laboratorial e escala piloto foram estudados. Na primeira etapa, em escala laboratorial, foram realizados estudos dos parÃmetros temperatura, pH e dosagem do perÃxido de hidrogÃnio, concentraÃÃo do agrotÃxico e efeito inibitÃrio de Ãnions. Os resultados indicaram que uma temperatura de 45 oC propicia melhor remoÃÃo do agrotÃxico usando apenas a radiaÃÃo UV, contudo, para o sistema combinado UV/H2O2, a temperatura nÃo afetou o rendimento do processo. A influÃncia do pH foi estudada para os sistemas H2O2 e UV/H2O2 e foi verificado que o pH nÃo influenciou na eficiÃncia do sistema UV/H2O2, entretanto, em pH 10 ocorreu um melhor rendimento para o sistema H2O2 na remoÃÃo do agrotÃxico. Entre as dosagens de perÃxido de hidrogÃnio estudadas, a de 1,5g/L foi a mais eficiente na remoÃÃo do agrotÃxico. O efeito inibitÃrio dos Ãnions, cloreto, nitrato, sulfato e carbonato nÃo se mostrou efetivo na remoÃÃo do agrotÃxico durante 480 minutos, contudo, o Ãnion bicarbonato provocou em 60 minutos a total conversÃo do clorpirifÃs em um composto desconhecido. A segunda etapa foi realizada no reator de escala piloto e foram estudados trÃs vazÃes, 1,5; 2,0 e 3,0 L/min. As concentraÃÃes residuais do agrotÃxico ao final de 480 minutos de experimento para os trÃs vazÃes foram 0,30; 0,43 e 0,5 mg/L, respectivamente. A remoÃÃo de turbidez e cor foram eficientes para as vazÃes estudadas, em contraste com a remoÃÃo de DQO. / This study investigated to advanced oxidation process (POA) for removal of organophosphorus pesticide chlorpyrifos. Reactor system, in laboratory and pilot scale, have been studied. In the first stage, in laboratory scale, were performed studies of the parameters temperature, pH, dosage of hydrogen peroxide, pesticide concentration and inhibitory effects of anions. The results indicated that a temperature of 45 oC showed a better pesticide removal using only UV radiation, however, for the system UV/H2O2, the temperature did not affect the process. The pH effect was studied for H2O2 and UV/H2O2 systems and was observed that pH did not affect the efficiency of the system UV/H2O2. In addition, at pH 10 a better performance for the system H2O2 on the removal of pesticide was observed. Hydrogen peroxide dosage also was studied, and 1,5g/L dosage was most efficient in the pesticide removal. The inhibitory effect of the anions, such as chloride, nitrate, sulfate and bicarbonate was not significantive in the pesticide removal at a time of 480 minutes. In contrast, presence of carbonate anion at 60 minutes, there was a total transformation of chlorpyrifos in an unknown compound. The second stage was conducted on a pilot scale, and flow rate were studied (1.5; 2.0 and 3.0 L/min). The final concentration of pesticide at 480 minutes, for the three flow, were 0.30; 0.43 and 0.5 mg/L, respectively. The turbidity and color removal was efficient for all flows studied, in contrast with the DQO removal.

Remoção de Pb e Bi em liga de níquel por refino a vácuo. / Removal of lead and bismuth in nickel alloy by vacuum refining.

Clayton Paspardelli 25 February 2011 (has links)
As origens dos elementos residuais (trace element) nas ligas à base de Ni provém basicamente de duas fontes: (1) minérios e (2) sucatas. O controle da concentração destes elementos residuais é muito importante, pois afetam as propriedades mecânicas dessas ligas. Alguns estudos mostram que os elementos Pb e Bi têm um sério impacto negativo nos resultados dos ensaios de fluência das ligas a base de Ni. A presença dessas impurezas causa o aumento da quantidade de cavidades nos contornos de grão que resultam em fracasso prematuro na vida útil desse material. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a cinética da remoção de elementos residuais, tais como Pb e Bi da liga VAT32 através da aplicação de vácuo durante a elaboração da liga. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a taxa de remoção dos residuais Pb e Bi no refino a vácuo atingiram percentuais de 99,6% e 96,1% respectivamente. Fatores como volume do cadinho, elevação de temperatura, níveis de vácuo abaixo de 10-4 mbar, limpeza do sistema que compreende câmara e cadinho (residuais de corridas anteriores), contribuem significativamente para as taxas acima descritas. Por outro lado, quanto maior o volume de liga fundida, diminuição de temperatura, vácuo deficiente ou contaminação do sistema, a taxa de remoção de Pb e Bi são prejudicadas. / The origins of trace elements in Ni-based alloys come basically from two sources: (1) minerals and (2) scrap. Control of the concentration of trace elements is very important because they affect the mechanical properties of these alloys. Some studies show that the elements Pb and Bi have a serious negative impact on the results of creep tests of Ni based alloys. The presences of these impurities cause the increase of the number of cavities at grain boundaries that result in premature failure of this material. Thus, this work aims to study the kinetics of removal of trace elements such as Pb and Bi in alloy VAT32 by applying vacuum during the preparation of the alloy. The results showed that the rate of removal of residual Pb and Bi in the vacuum refining reached 99.6% and 96.1% respectively. Parameters such as the crucible volume, high temperature, vacuum levels below 10-4 mbar, cleaning of the system which comprises chamber and crucible (residual from previous races), contribute significantly to the rates described above. Moreover, the higher the volume of molten alloy, low temperature, vacuum system contamination and low vacuum pressure decrease, refining degree of Pb and Bi.

Avaliação do potencial de uso do metano como doador de elétrons para a desnitrificação em reator anóxico horizontal de leito fixo / Potential of methane utilization as electron donor for denitrification in horizontal flow fixed bed anoxic reactor

Renata Medici Frayne Cuba 24 March 2005 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta e discute os resultados do trabalho experimental cujo objetivo foi avaliar a remoção de nitrogênio na forma de mitrato (N-NO3-) pelo processo de desnitrificação biológica em reator anóxico horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) contendo matrizes de espuma de poliuretano, em escala de laboratório, utilizando gás metano como fonte de carbono e único doador de elétrons adicionado ao sistema. Para concentrações iniciais de N-NO3- de 20 mg/L e 40 mg/L no substrato sintético, foi possível obter diminuição das concentrações iniciais em 85% e 50%. No entanto, os altos níveis de redução de N-NO3-, obtidos sob condições limitantes de metano, deram suporte à hipótese de que parte da remoção do N-NO3- foi realizada mediante a utilização de compostos reduzidos de enxofre ou nitrogênio, tais como: S0, HS- ou NH4+, provavelmente formados sob condições anóxicas, simultaneamente com o processo de desnitrificação. Foi possível verificar, também, a influência da relação carbono (mg/L CH4 / nitrogênio (mg/L N-NO3-) no estabelecimento das rotas metabólicas de desnitrificação predominantes, quais sejam, a redução dissimilativa do nitrogênio à amônia (RDNA) ou a desnitrificação. Adicionalmente, foram realizados ensaios em reatores tipo batelada, com o objetivo de se medir o consumo de metano. Porém, os resultados não foram satisfatórios, provavelmente em razão da diversidade microbiana presente no inóculo. Foram realizadas análises de microscopia óptica e de fluorescência, assim como de DGGE, para avaliar a diversidade e as alterações nas populações microbianas ao longo do RAHLF e do tempo de experimento. Os diferentes sistemas utilizados apresentaram limitações relacionadas à baixa solubilidade do gás metano no meio líquido, à resistência à transferência de massa da fase gasosa para a líquida e desta última para a biomassa aderida à espuma. / This study presents and discusses experimental work results conducted with the purpose of evaluating nitrate - nitrogen (N-NO3-) removal by biological denitrification process in a lab scale horizontal flow fixed bed anoxic reactor (RAHLF), using methane gas as sole carbon source and electron donor. Support media for microorganisms were polyurethane foam matrixes. For initial N-NO3- concentrations of 20 mg/L and 40 mg/L present in synthetic substrate, it was possible to obtain 85% and 50% removal respectively. These high reduction rates, obtained under limiting conditions of methane, sustained the idea of part of the N-NO3- removal being accomplished by reductive sulfur or nitrogen species utilization, such as: S0, HS- or NH4+, probably formed under anoxic conditions simultaneously to denitrification process. It was possible to verify also carbon (mg/L CH4) / nitrogen (mg/L N-NO3-) ratio effect in denitrification metabolic paths establishment, i.e. dissimilative reduction of nitrogen to ammonia or denitrification itself. In addition, batch tests where conducted with methane consumption measuring purpose. Yet, results where not satisfactory probably due to great microbial diversity present in inoculum. Optical microscopy and fluorescence exams where developed, as well as, DGGE, in order to evaluate diversity and alterations in bacterial populations as a function of reactor\'s length and time. Different systems used in experimental work presented limitations due to low methane gas solubility in bulk liquid and mass transfer resistance from gas to liquid phase and from this to fixed biomass.

Tratamento de lixiviado de aterro sanitário : remoção de amônia por formação de estruvita / Sanitary landfill leachate treatment : ammonia removal by struvite formation

Camargo, Cristal Coser de 04 December 2012 (has links)
Orientador: José Roberto Guimarães, Adriano Luiz Tonetti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:06:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camargo_CristalCoserde_M.pdf: 3232845 bytes, checksum: 4af0902c3dd508db1427e0493892de25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O nitrogênio na forma amoniacal e encontrado em altas concentrações nos lixiviados de aterros sanitários e sua redução e imperativa quando se cogita o descarte do lixiviado em corpos de água. No presente trabalho objetivou-se a remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal no lixiviado do aterro Delta A, localizado na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo, por precipitação química e formação de fosfato de amônio e magnésio...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: When it comes to landfill leachates, ammonia is found in high concentrations and its reduction is imperative for adequate disposal. The present work studied the ammonia removal from the leachate of the landfill Delta A, located at the city of Campinas, Sao Paulo, through chemical precipitation and formation of magnesium ammonium phosphate...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Synthesis of monofunctionalized cyclodextrin polymers for the removal of organic pollutants from water.

Nxumalo, Edward Ndumiso 15 May 2008 (has links)
Water is an important resource. It is used for domestic, industrial, agricultural and recreational purposes. The quality of water is, however, significantly deteriorating due to the accumulation of organic species in aqueous system. Domestic, industrial and commercial activities comprise the biggest source of organic pollutants in municipal water. The increase of water pollution by these organics has led to the development of several water purification measures. Among others, water treatment technologies that are in place consist of ion exchange, activated carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, molecular sieves and zeolites. However, none of these techniques have been reported to remove organic pollutants to parts-per-billion (ppb) or microgram-per-litre (ìg/L) levels. Recently, it has been reported that cyclodextrin nanoporous polymers are capable of absorbing these pollutants from water to such desirable levels. Cyclodextrins (CDs), basically starch derivatives, are cyclic oligomers consisting of glucopyranosyl units linked together through á-1,4-glycosidic linkages. They behave as molecular hosts capable of interacting with a range of guest molecules in a noncovalent manner within their cylindrical hydrophobic cavities. These interactions are a basis for the inclusion of various organic species. However, the high solubility of cyclodextrins in aqueous medium limits their application in the removal of organic pollutants from water. To make them insoluble, they are converted into highly cross-linked polymers. This is achieved by polymerizing the cyclodextrins with suitable difunctional linkers. In this project, a wide variety of monofunctionalized CDs have been effectively prepared using efficient modification strategies and successfully characterized by Infra-red (IR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. From these monofunctionalized CDs and corresponding linkers, insoluble nanoporous polymers with different physical properties were synthesized (Scheme 1). / Dr. B.B. Mamba

Evaluation and optimization of selected methods of arsenic removal from industrial effluent

Rubidge, Gletwyn Robert January 2004 (has links)
This research was directed at reducing arsenic levels in the effluents generated at the Canelands facility that manufactures monosodium methyl arsenate. Two effluent streams containing arsenic have to be considered, a raw water stream that is treated on site and a brine stream that is disposed of by sea outfall. Removal of arsenate from aqueous media by coagulation was investigated and models were developed describing selected variables that influence the removal of the arsenate. Three coagulant systems were investigated, namely aluminium(III) coagulation, iron(III) coagulation and binary mixtures of aluminium(III) and iron(III). Researchers have studied individual aluminium (III) sulphate and iron(III) chloride coagulation. No detailed research and modelling had, however, been carried out on the use of binary mixtures of aluminium (III) sulphate and iron (III) chloride coagulation of aqueous arsenate, nor had individual aluminium(III) sulphate and iron(III) chloride coagulation of arsenate been modelled at relatively high arsenate concentrations. The models that were generated were validated statistically and experimentally. The variables investigated in the aluminium(III) model included initial arsenate concentration, pH, polymeric flocculent concentration, aluminium(III) concentration and settling time. The variables modelled in the iron(III) coagulation were initial arsenate concentration, pH, polymeric flocculent concentration, and iron(III) to arsenic mole ratio. The modelling of the binary coagulant system included initial arsenate concentration, pH, iron (III) concentration, aluminium(III) concentration, and flocculent concentration as variables. The most efficient arsenic removal by coagulation was iron(III), followed by the binary mixture of aluminium(III) and iron(III) and the weakest coagulant was aluminium(III) sulphate. Scale-up coagulations performed on real raw water samples at a 50 litre volume showed that iron(III) was the most efficient coagulant (on a molar basis) followed closely by the binary mixture, while aluminium(III) coagulation was considerably weaker. The residual arsenic levels of the iron(III) and the binary coagulation systems met the effluent discharge criteria, but the aluminium coagulation system did not. Leaching tests showed that the iron(III) sludge was the most stable followed by the sludge of the binary mixture and the aluminium(III)-based sludge leached arsenic most readily. Settling rate studies showed that the flocs of the iron(III) coagulations settled the fastest, followed by binary mixture flocs and the aluminium flocs settled the slowest. The flocs of the binary mixture had the lowest volume, followed by the iron(III) flocs, while the aluminium(III) flocs were the most voluminous. Based on current operations of the raw water treatment plant the aluminium(III)-based coagulation is the most cost efficient. Given a relative costing of 1.00 for the aluminium(III) coagulation, the iron(III) chloride-based coagulation would be 2.67 times more expensive and the equimolar binary mixed aluminium(III)/iron(III) system would be 1.84 times the cost of aluminium(III) coagulation.

Ecology and Conservation of Endangered Territorial Species Under Invasion

Derbridge, Jonathan, Derbridge, Jonathan January 2018 (has links)
Biological invasions threaten biodiversity globally, and degraded ecosystems increase the potential for invaders to compete with threatened native populations. In natural systems, niche partitioning minimizes interspecific competition, but introduced species may alter expected outcomes by competing with ecologically similar species for scarce resources. Where food production is highly variable, coexistence of native and invasive competitors may depend on dietary niche flexibility. Territorial species under invasion face additional challenges to maintain economically defendable territories. From 2011-2016, we conducted removal and behavior experiments to determine effects of non-territorial introduced Abert’s squirrels (Sciurus aberti) on diet, space use, and territoriality of endangered Mount Graham red squirrels (MGRS; Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis) in their declining habitat in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona. We collected comparative data from Arizona sites of natural syntopy between Abert’s and Fremont’s squirrels (T. fremonti). Stable isotope analysis revealed similar dietary partitioning among populations. Experimental removals did not appear to affect MGRS diet. Space use by MGRS responded inconsistently to removals; territory sizes increased after the first removal, but did not change following the second removal. Territory sizes and body mass of MGRS were sensitive to conspecific population density and food production. Behavioral experiments showed MGRS were more aggressive than other Fremont’s squirrels (hereafter, red squirrels). Dietary flexibility of Abert’s squirrels may have facilitated coexistence with MGRS, possibly due to coevolved resource partitioning with red squirrels. However, aggressive territoriality toward Abert’s squirrels may incur fitness costs for MGRS especially during poor food production years. Climate change may reduce the advantage of ecological specialist species globally, and where introduced species are better-adapted to novel environmental conditions, native species may ultimately be replaced.

The removal and recovery of toxic and valuable metals from aqueous solutions by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Wilhelmi, Brendan Shane January 1998 (has links)
This project considered the use of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a biosorbent for the removal and recovery of a range of metals from contaminated waters. S. cerevisiae, as a biosorbent, has the potential to provide a cost effective, selective and highly efficient purification system. Initial studies focused on metal accumulation by an immobilized baker's S. cerevisiae biosorbent. The parameters affecting metal uptake were investigated, these included metal concentration, time and solution pH. Metal uptake was rapid. Gold and cobalt reached saturation within 5 min of contact with the biosorbent in batch reactors. Copper, zinc, nickel, cadmium and chromium reached saturation within 30 min of contact. Metal accumulation was pH dependent and was generally unaffected at a solution pH ≥ 4, and was substantially decreased at pH ≤ 2. The exception was gold which was preferentially accumulated at a solution pH of 2. The immobilized baker's yeast accumulated metals with maximum binding capacities in the order of gold > cadmium > cobalt > zinc > copper > chromium > nickel. A rapid method to assess metal recovery was developed. Bioaccumulated metal was efficiently recovered using dilute mineral acids. Copper recovery of ≥ 80 % was achieved by decreasing the solution pH of the reaction mixture to 2 with the addition of nominal quantities of HCl, H₂SO₄ or RNO₃. Adsorption-desorption over 8 cycles had no apparent adverse effect on metal uptake or recovery in batch reactors. Transmission electron microscopy showed no evidence of damage to cells used in copper adsorption-desorption investigations. Biosorption columns were investigated as bioreactors due to their application potential. The metals investigated were effectively removed from solution. At a saturation threshold, metal uptake declined rapidly. Most metals investigated were desorbed from the columns by eluting with 0.1 M HCl. Initially recoveries of copper, cobalt and cadmium were as high as 100%. Desorbed copper, zinc, cadmium, nickel and cobalt were concentrated in 10 to 15 ml of eluent, representing up to a 40 fold decrease in solution volume. Cadmium, nickel and zinc uptake increased with the second application to the columns. Initial accumulation of gold and chromium was 42.2 μmol/g and 28.6 μmol/g, however, due to the low recoveries of these two metals, a second application was not investigated. Copper was applied to a single column for 8 consecutive adsorption-desorption cycles. Uptake increased from an initial 31.3 μmol/g to 47.8 μmol/g at cycle 7. The potential for selective metal recovery was demonstrated using two biosorption columns in series. Copper was accumulated and recovered most efficiently. Zinc, cobalt and cadmium were displaced to the second column. Copper bound preferentially to zinc at a ratio of 6:1. Copper bound preferentially to cobalt at a ratio of 4:1. Cadmium was only displaced at a ratio of 2:1. The successful transfer of the bioremediation technology from the laboratory to an industrial application has yet to be realized. Bioremediation of a Plaatjiesvlei Black Mountain mine effluent, which contained copper, zinc, lead and iron, was investigated in this project. The removal of the metals was most effective at pH 4. A combined strategy of pH adjustment and bioremediation using immobilized S. cerevisiae decreased the copper concentration by 92.5%, lead was decreased by 90% and zinc was decreased by 60%. Iron was mostly precipitated from solution at pH ≥ 4. An ageing pond at the mine with conditions such as; pH, water volume and metal concentration, which were more conducive to biological treatment was subsequently identified. The investigation indicated a possible application of the biomass as a supplement to chemical remediation. The metal removal capability of a waste brewer's yeast was subsequently investigated. A yeast conditioning step increased metal uptake up to 100% and enhanced reproducibility. Metal removal from solution was rapid and pH dependent. The metals were efficiently removed from solution at pH ≥ 4. Uptake was substantially inhibited at pH ≤ 3. The waste brewer's yeast accumulated metals with maximum binding capacities in the order of copper (25.4 μmol/g) > lead (19.4 μmol/g) > iron (15.6 μmol/g) > zinc (12.5 μmol/g). No correlation between cell physiology and metal uptake was observed. Uptake of the four metals was confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The interference of lead, zinc and iron on copper uptake by the waste brewer's yeast, and the interference of copper on the uptake of lead, zinc and iron was investigated. Maximum copper uptake was not decreased in the presence of lead. The Bmax remained constant at approximately 25 μmol/g. The dissociation constants increased with increasing lead concentrations. Lead bioaccumulation was significantly decreased in the presence of copper. The type of inhibition was dependent on the initial copper concentrations. Zinc had a slight synergistic effect on copper uptake. The copper Bmax increased from 30.8 μmol/g in a single-ion system to 34.5 μmol/g in the presence of 200 μmol/l of zinc. Zinc uptake was severely inhibited in the presence of copper. The maximum uptake and dissociation constant values were decreased in the presence of copper, which suggested an uncompetitive inhibition. The affinity of copper was substantially higher than zinc. The presence of higher levels of copper than zinc in the yeast cells was confirmed by energy dispersive microanalysis. Copper uptake was decreased in the presence of iron, with the copper Bmax being decreased from 25.4 μmol/g in a single-ion system to 20.1 μmol/g in the presence of 200 μmol/l iron. Iron Bmax values remained constant at 16.0 μmol/g. Combined biosorption and EDXA results suggested the iron bound at a higher affinity than copper to the cell wall. Total copper removal was higher as larger quantities of copper were deposited in the cell cytoplasm. Metal removal from the Plaatjiesvlei effluent by free cell suspensions of the waste brewer's yeast was satisfactory. Copper levels were decreased by 96%, iron by 42%, lead 25% and zinc 2%. Waste brewer's yeast is a cheap source of biomass in South Africa, and could potentially provide the basis for the development of an innovative purification system for metal-contaminated waters.

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