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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Improving the control structure of a high pressure leaching process

Knoblauch, Pieter Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main purpose of the base metal refinery (BMR) as operated by Lonmin at their Western Platinum Ltd BMR, is to remove base metals – such as copper and nickel – from a platinum group metal (PGM) containing matte. The leaching processes in which this is done pose several challenges to the control of the process. The most significant of these is the slow dynamics of the process, due to large process units, as well as the continuously changing composition of the first stage leach residue, which is not measured on-line. This is aggravated by the fact that the exact leaching kinetics (and therefore the effect of the disturbances) are not understood well fundamentally. The slow process dynamics mean that controllers cannot be tuned aggressively, resulting in slow control action. The large residence times and off-line composition analyses of major controlled variables also mean that the effects of operator set point changes are visible only the following day, often by a different shift of operators. Dorfling (2012) recently developed a fundamental dynamic model of the pressure leach process at Lonmin‟s BMR. This dynamic model incorporates 21 chemical reactions, as well as mass and energy balances, into a system of 217 differential equations. The model provides a simulation framework within which improved control strategies can be investigated. The primary aims of this study are twofold. The first is to validate the model for the purpose of the investigation and development of control structure improvements. This is done by comparing the model to plant data, and adapting it if necessary. The second aim to reconsider the current control philosophy to the extent that is allowed by the model‟s determined validity. The current plant control philosophy aims to maintain a PGM grade of 65%, while the copper in the solids products of the second and third leaching stages should be below 25% and 3.5% by mass, respectively. Two areas of particular concern in this process that have been raised by Lonmin are the control of the temperature of the first compartment and the addition of pure sulphuric acid to control the acid concentration in the second stage leach. Dynamic plant data were used to calibrate the model, which was migrated from its received MATLAB platform to Simulink, to assist with control development. Flow rates were imported from the data, with some data values adapted for this purpose, due to mass balance inconsistencies. The outputs from the calibrated model were compared with corresponding data values. The model was found to be suitable for the investigation and development of the control structures of pressure, temperatures and inventories (termed basic regulatory control) and the acid concentration and solids fraction in the preparation tanks (termed compositional regulatory control). It was, however, found to be inadequate for the investigation and development of supervisory control, since it does not provide accurate compositional results. The leaching of copper is especially under-predicted, with the predicted copper concentration in the second stage product being approximately 46% lower than data values. The basic and compositional regulatory control structures were investigated. For each of these a base case was developed which aimed to represent the relevant current control structure, assuming optimal tuning. The variable pairings for the basic regulatory control were reconsidered using a method proposed by Luyben and Luyben (1997), since this part of the process does not permit the generation of a relative gain array (RGA) for variable pairing. The resulting pairing corresponds with Lonmin‟s current practice. Considering the temperature control of compartment 1, it was found that the addition of feed-forward control to the feedback control of the level of the flash tank improves the temperature control. More specifically, during an evaluation where the temperature‟s set point is varied up to 1%, the IAE of the temperature of compartment 1 was decreased with 7.5% from the base case, without disturbing the flash tank. The addition of feed-forward control allows for more rapid control and more aggressive tuning of this temperature, removing the current limit on ratio between the flash recycle stream and the autoclave feed. The compositional control was investigated for the second stage leach only, due to insufficient flow rate and compositional information around the third stage preparation tank. Variable pairing showed that three additive streams are available for the preparation tanks of the second and third stage leach to control the acid concentration and solids fraction in those tanks. Focussing on the second stage, the aim was to determine whether the acid concentration in the flash tank can be successfully controlled without the addition of pure acid to the tank. With four streams available around the second stage preparation tank to control its mass/level, the acid concentration and solids fraction, three manipulated variables were derived from these streams. The resulting pairings were affirmed by an RGA. Control loops for the control of acid concentration and solids fraction in the flash tank were added as cascade controllers, using the preparation tank‟s control as secondary loops. The added compositional control was evaluated in two tests. The first of these entailed the adding of typical disturbances, being the flash recycle rate, the solids and water in the feed to the second stage preparation tank and the acid concentration in copper spent electrolyte. In the second test the control system was tested for tracking an acid concentration set point. It was found that the cascade structure controls the acid concentration in the flash tank less tightly than the base case (with an IAE that is 124% and 80.6% higher for the two tests), but that it decreases the variation of solids fraction (lowering the IAE with 40.8% with the first test) in the same tank and of the temperature in the first compartment (lowering the IAE with 73.6% in the second test). It is recommended that the relative effects of these three variables on leaching behaviour should be investigated with an improved model that is proven to accurately predict leaching reactions in the autoclave. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van die basismetaal-raffinadery (BMR), soos dit bestuur word deur Lonmin by hulle Western Platinum Ltd BMR, is om basismetale – soos koper en nikkel – te verwyder uit 'n mat wat platinum groep metale (PGM) bevat. Die logingsprosesse waarin dit gedoen word hou talle uitdagings in vir die beheer van die proses. Die mees beduidende hiervan is die proses se stadige dinamika, wat veroorsaak word deur groot proseseenhede, sowel as die deurlopend veranderende samestelling van die eerste stadium residue (wat nie aanlyn gemeet word nie). Dit word vererger deur die feit dat die presiese logingskinetika (en daarom ook die effek van versteurings) nie fundamenteel goed verstaan word nie. Die stadige dinamika beteken dat die beheerders die aggressief verstel kan word nie, en dit lei tot stadige beheeraksies. Die groot verblyftye en aflyn samestellingsanalises van die belangrikste beheerde veranderlikes beteken dat die gevolge van 'n operateur se stelpunt veranderinge slegs die volgende dag sigbaar is – dikwels in die skof van 'n ander operateur. Dorfling (2012) het onlangs 'n fundamentele, dinamiese model van die drukloog proses by Lonmin se BMR ontwikkel. Hierdie dinamiese model inkorporeer 21 chemiese reaksies, sowel as massa- en energiebalanse, in ‟n stelsel van 217 differensiaalvergelykings. Die model bied 'n simulasie-raamwerk waarbinne verbeterde beheerstrategieë ondersoek kan word. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is tweeledig. Die eerste hiervan is om die model te valideer vir die ondersoek en ontwikkelling van beheerstruktuur verbeteringe. Dit is gedoen deur die model met aanlegdata te vergelyk en dit aan te pas, indien nodig. Die tweede doel is om die huidige beheerfilosofie te heroorweeg tot op 'n punt wat toegelaat word deur die bepaalde geldigheid van die model. Die huidige beheerfilosofie van die aanleg mik om 'n gehalte van 65% te handhaaf, terwyl die koper in die vastestof produk van die tweede en derde logingsstadia onderskeidelik onder 25% en 3.5% op 'n massa basis moet wees. Twee probleem-areas, soos ge-opper deur Lonmin, is die beheer van die temperatuur in die eerste kompartement en die byvoeging van suiwer swaelsuur om die suurkonsentrasie van die tweede stadium te beheer. Dinamiese aanlegdata is gebruik om die model te kalibreer. Hierdie model is van die oorspronklike MATLAB platform na Simulink gemigreer, ten einde beheerontwikkelling te vergemaklik. Vloeitempo's is van die data af ingevoer na die model toe, met sekere data waardes wat aangepas is vanweë massabalans inkonsekwenthede. Die uitsette van die gekalibreerde model is met die ooreenstemmende data waardes vergelyk. Daar is bevind dat die model geskik is vir die ondersoek en ontwikkelling van die beheer van druk, temperature en tenks (basiese reguleringsbeheer), sowel as die beheer van suurkonsentrasies en vastestoffraksies in die bereidingstenks (reguleringsbeheer van die samestelling). Daar is egter bevind dat die model nie geskik is vir die ondersoek en ontwikkelling van toesigbeheer nie, aangesien dit nie akkurate samestellingsresultate genereer nie. Die voorspelde loging van koper is veral te laag, met die model wat koperkonsentrasies vir die tweede stadium voorspel wat ongeveer 46% laer is as ooreenstemmende data waardes. Die basiese en samestelling reguleringsbeheer strukture is ondersoek. Vir elkeen is ‟n basisgeval ontwikkel wat poog om die huidige beheerstruktuur te verteenwoordig, met optimale verstellings aanvaar. Die paring van veranderlikes vir die basiese reguleringsbeheer is heroorweeg met deur middel van ‟n metode wat deur Luyben en Luyben (1997) voorgestel is, aangesien hierdie deel van die proses nie die opstel van ‟n relatiewe winsmatriks (RWM) vir die paring toelaat nie. Die uiteindelike paring stem ooreen met Lonmin se huidige praktyk. Met die heroorweging van die temperatuurbeheer van kompartement 1 is daar bevind that die byvoeging van vooruitvoer beheer by die terugvoerbeheer van die flitstenk die temperatuurbeheer verbeter. Meer spesifiek het die IAE van hierdie temperatuur met 7.5% verlaag van die basisgeval af nadat die temperatuur se stelpunt tot met 1% gevariëer is – sonder om die flitstenk te versteur. Die byvoeging van vooruitvoer beheer laat vinniger beheer en meer aggressiewe verstellings van die temperatuur toe, aangesien die huidige beperking op die verhouding tussen die flitsstroom en die outoklaaf voer verwyder word. Die samestellingsbeheer is slegs ondersoek in die geval van die tweede loogstadium as gevolg van onvoldoende vloeitempo- en samestellingsinligting om die bereidingstenk van die derde stadium. Die paring van veranderlikes het gewys dat drie voerstrome onderskeidelik beskikbaar is vir beide die bereidingstenks van die tweede en derde stadia, om die suurkonsenstrasies en vastestoffraksies in hierdie tenks te beheer. Met die fokus op die tweede stadium was die doel om te bepaal of die suurkonsentrasie in die flitstenk suksesvol beheer kan word sonder dat suiwer suur by hierdie tenk gevoeg word. Met vier strome beskikbaar rondom die bereidingstenk van die tweede stadium om die massa/vlak, die suurkonsentrasie en die vastestoffraksie te beheer, is drie manipuleerde veranderlikes vanuit hierdie strome afgelei. Die uiteindelike paring is bevestig deur 'n RWM. Beheerlusse is ingevoeg vir die beheer van die suurkonsentrasie en vastestoffraksie in die flitstenk, met die bereidingstenk se beheer wat dien as sekondêre lusse in kaskadebeheer. Die kaskadebeheer is geëvalueer in twee toetse. Die eerste hiervan behels die invoer van tipiese versteurings, soos die vloeitempo van die flitsstroom, die vastestof en water in die voer na die tweede stadium se bereidingstenk en die suurkonsentrasie in die gebruikte elektroliet. In die tweede toets is die vermoë van die beheerstelsel om 'n suurkonsentrasie stelpunt te volg getoets. Daar is bevind dat die kaskadestruktuur die suurkonsentrasie minder nougeset beheer as die basisgeval (met 'n IAE wat 124% en 80.6% hoër is vir die twee toetse), maar dat dit die variasie in die vastestoffraksie in dieselfde tenk (40.8% vermindering van die IAE in die eerste toets) en in die temperatuur van die eerste kompartement (73.6% vermindering van die IAE in die tweede toets) beduidend verminder. Daar word aanbeveel dat die relatiewe effekte van hierdie drie veranderlikes op logingsoptrede ondersoek moet word, met die gebruik van 'n model wat logingsreaksies in die outoklaaf akkuraat voorspel.

Effektivisering av kvävereningen vid bioblock A, Kungsängsverket / The efficiency of nitrogen removal at biological treatment A, Kungsängsverket

Svanberg, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
The most common type of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plant is to use abiological treatment. When biological treatment is used, the two most common processes fornitrogen removal is pre and post denitrification. In the biological treatment A (BA) atKungsängsverket the nitrogen removal process used is intermittent aeration. Whenintermittent aeration is used, the wastewater is aerated at specific time intervals. This allowsboth nitrification and denitrification to occur in the same water volumes. It is of great interestto find a control strategy for controlling the air supply which is both cost effective and leadsto low emissions of nitrogen. The aim of this project was to improve the intermittent aeration at Kungsängsverket, Uppsala.The project was divided into two parts. The first part consisted of experiments carried out infull scale on the plant and the second part was a simulation study. In the experimental partdifferent time intervals for aeration were evaluated. The aim of the simulation part was toevaluate different control parameters and to find which parameters that should be used for anoptimal control strategy. The results showed that the best combination of aerated time and un-aerated time is 50minutes aerated and 50 minutes unaerated. It is recommended that the wastewater should beadded in the beginning and after half of the plant. The simulation results showed that thecontrol strategy can be improved by using a PI-regulator. The experiments and thesimulations both showed clear signs of variations in the inflow during the day. Because of thisit is recommended to establish a control strategy which easily can change the aeration timedepending on low and high flows. / Biologisk rening av avloppsvatten är den vanligaste typen av kväverening vidavloppsreningsverk. Bioblock A, Kungsängsverket Uppsala, har efter en renovering fått dettidigare driftsättet, kaskadkväverening, utbytt mot intermittent luftning. Intermittent luftninginnebär att nitrifikation och denitrifikation sker i samma zoner. Luftningen startas och stängsav med jämna tidsintervall vilket skapar en miljö för både nitrifikation och denitrifikation. Detär av stort intresse att finna en fungerande styrstrategi för luftningen som både ärkostnadseffektiv och som ger låga halter av kväve i utgående vatten. Syftet med examensarbetet var att effektivisera den intermittenta luftningen vid bioblock Avid Kungsängsverket, Uppsala. Tillvägagångsättet var att genom en utvärdering av detnuvarande driftsättet se vad som kunde förbättras. Det ställdes därefter upp ett antal försöksom var inriktade på att finna bättre driftparametrar. Dessa experiment genomfördes ifullskala. Därefter genomfördes en simuleringsstudie där dagens relästyrning jämfördes medtre regleralternativ. Det första alternativet var att reglera luftningen med hjälp av en PIregulator.De andra två alternativen var att styra luftningsperioderna efter utgåendeammonium-respektive nitrathalt. Fullskaleförsöken indikerade att luftning påslagen i 50 minuter följt av avslagen i 50 minutergav den högsta kvävereduktionen av de undersökta alternativen. Bioblock A är uppdelad ifem olika linjer vilka i sin tur är uppdelade i zoner. Utifrån försöken kan det rekommenderasatt avloppsvattnet tillsätts till första zonen och efter hälften av linjen, istället för som vid dennuvarande driften då vattnet tillsätts efter en fjärdedel och efter hälften av linjen. Simuleringsstudien visade att om dagens relästyrning byttes ut mot en PI-regulator skullesyretopparna minskas och syrehalten stabiliseras vid det förinställda börvärdet. Resultatenfrån både simuleringsstudien och fullskaleförsöken visar att en tidsstyrning avluftningsperioderna är av intresse för att spara energi och få en bättre kväverening.

Closing loops to rebalance the global carbon cycle : biomass flows modelling of global agricultural carbon fluxes

Powell, Thomas William Robert January 2015 (has links)
Since the beginning of farming, and even before, humans have been actively modifying our environment in order to harvest biomass. With the ‘Great Acceleration’ of the industrial age, the global system of biomass harvest for food production has become a major driver of Earth system processes, and caused multi-dimensional sustainability issues which must be addressed in order to meet continued increases in demand for food and other biomass. In addition, bioenergy generation, with the subsequent storage of some or all of the carbon content of the feedstock (known as bioenergy with carbon storage or BECS), is now seen as an important tool for rebalancing the carbon cycle. This thesis has used a biomass flows modelling approach to examine possible trajectories for the socio-ecological metabolism of humanity, with a focus on fluxes of carbon contained in biomass. This approach connects social and economic drivers of biomass harvest with physical Earth systems processes such as the global carbon cycle. Meeting growing food demand in the years 2000-2050 is likely to be a significant challenge in its own right, necessitating the harvest of over 30% of terrestrial biomass. This can only be done without significant damage to natural ecosystems if large increases in efficiency and intensity of food production are achieved, or diets are altered. The production of livestock products is shown to be a major cause of inefficiency in biomass harvest, and changes to livestock demand or production are particularly powerful in ensuring a less damaging relationship with Earth system processes. If increases in efficiency are achieved, it may be possible to grow dedicated bioenergy crops, which, combined with the biomass available in waste and residue streams can be used to generate significant carbon dioxide removal (CDR) fluxes via BECS. Following this strategy it is possible to have a non-trivial effect on atmospheric CO2 concentration by 2050. Increasing the intensity of biomass harvest, particularly when low intensity pasture is replaced with intense bioenergy cropping, also has significant implications for ecological energy flows, and the potential trade-off between protecting biodiversity and growing bioenergy crops to mitigate climate change is also discussed. This body of work presents several interesting areas of potential conflict in different drivers of biomass harvest, and suggestions are made for ways in which to develop the approach in order to explore them.

Järns påverkan på biologisk fosforrening : en studie av reningen vid block B vid Kungsängsverket, Uppsala / The effect of iron on biological phosphorus removal : a study of the wastewater treatment in line B at the municipal wastewater treatment plant Kungsängsverket, Uppsala

Hansson, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
Grundämnet fosfor är essentiellt för alla levande organismer men kan i överskott leda till problem med övergödning. Det finns därför höga krav på halten avloppsreningsverk släpper ut till recipienter. Idag sker stora delar av fosforreningen kemiskt genom dosering av fällningskemikalier. Det finns dock fördelar med att istället använda en biologisk metod som bygger på att reningsförhållandena premierar tillväxt av bakterier med möjlighet att ta upp mer fosfor än de behöver för sin cellväxt.  Bakterierna gynnas genom omväxlande anaeroba och aeroba zoner samt en god tillgång på lättillgänglig kolkälla och fosfor. Många reningsverk kombinerar den kemiska och biologiska fosforreningen men de är inte alltid kompatibla och den kemiska kan störa ut den biologiska. På Kungsängsverket finns sedan 2010 förutsättningar för en biologisk fosforreduktion men processen har inte fungerat tillfredsställande. Anledningen tros vara höga halter järn i slammet. Järnet fäller delar av den fosfor som är nödvändig för processen. Arbetet har därför syftat till att undersöka om det går att tvätta bioslammet på järn och på så sätt nå en fungerande fosforrening; vid vilka järnhalter detta sker och vilka besparingar det skulle kunna leda till för Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB. För vidare utredning genomfördes ett pilotförsök där två reaktorer byggdes, en referensreaktor och en försöksreaktor. Reaktorerna matades sedan med vatten med olika sammansättning, främst gällande järnhalt. Även befintlig data för verket och uppgifter kring förutsättningarna på andra reningsverk med en fungerande biologisk fosforreduktion undersöktes. Pilotförsöket visade att det går att tvätta bioslammet på järn då en sjunkande halt sågs under försökets gång. Halten sjönk från 40 mg Fe/g TS till 18 mg Fe/g TS i försöksreaktorn. En fungerande fosforrening uppnåddes aldrig så inga slutsatser gällande besparingar, eller vid vilka järnhalter en fungerande rening sker, kan dras. Andra reningsverk med biologisk fosforrening har kring 10 mg Fe/g TS vilket ger en indikation på vad halten bör vara. Pilotförsöket visade också att dosering av polymer ledde till att stora delar av den inkommande kolkällan fälldes, kolkälla som behövs för fungerande fosfor- och kväverening. Recirkulation av nitratkväve sågs hämma det fosforsläpp som vid fungerande rening ska ske i den anaeroba zonen och tros ha stört reningen under försökets gång. Förutsättningarna för biologisk fosforrening på Kungsängsvrket anses inte vara optimala gällande avloppsvattnets sammansättning, recirkulering av nitratkväve till den anaeroba zonen och mängden lättillgänglig kolkälla från hydrolysbassängen. / Phosphorus is an essential element but can cause eutrophication when present in high concentrations. Emission requirements from municipal wastewater treatment plants are therefore strict. Today chemical precipitation is common but there are advantages to using a biological method. It is based on creating conditions that favor growth of a special type of bacteria. These bacteria absorb more phosphorus than they need for growth. To do this they need alternating anaerobic and aerobic zones and access to carbon and phosphorus. A combination between the two methods are common but the precipitation chemicals can under some conditions disturb the biological removal.   At Kungsängsverket the process of biological phosphorus removal has been in place since 2010. It has not worked adequately and the reason could be high concentrations of iron in the biological sludge. The purpose of this thesis has therefore been to investigate whether it is possible to wash out the iron from the bio-sludge and as a result reach a satisfying reduction of phosphorus, to see at which iron content this might happen and what kind of savings a functioning biological phosphorus removal might lead to for Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB.  To test the hypothesis two reactors were built, a reference reactor and an experimental reactor. The two were fed with water with different compositions, primarily regarding iron content. Also, existing data was examined from the plant and records regarding sludge composition at plants with working biological phosphorus removal. The pilot test showed that it was possible to wash out the iron from the biological sludge. Iron content in the experimental reactor went down from 40 mg Fe/g DM to 18 mg Fe/g DM. A satisfying reduction of phosphorus was never achieved and no conclusions can be drawn regarding savings or at which iron content a reduction might happen. Other wastewater treatment plants with biological phosphorus reduction have shown to have a content of about 10 mg Fe/g DM which can be used as an indication. According to the pilot test dosing of polymer can lead to a large precipitation of carbon source. Lack of carbon will inhibit phosphorus and nitrogen removal. Circulation of nitrate repressed the release of phosphate in the anaerobic zone and is believed to have disturbed the removal during the pilot. The conditions for biological phosphorus removal at Kungsängsverket are not ideal as to the composition of the wastewater, the circulation of nitrate to the anaerobic zone and the amount of carbon source from the hydrolysis.

Synthetic domestic wastewater sludge as electron donor in the reduction of sulphate and treatment of acid mine drainage

Van den Berg, Francis 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acid mine drainage (AMD) is wastewater generated by mine and industrial activity with typically high heavy metal and sulphur content potentially resulting in toxic wastewater upon exposure to dissolved oxygen, water and micro-organisms. Due to the hazardous consequences of untreated AMD, treatment methods such as semi-passive biotic treatments, including constructive wetlands and microbial bioreactors were developed. Microbial bioreactors rely on suitable carbon sources such as ethanol, grasses and manure and the creation of anaerobic conditions for the reduction of sulphate, chemical oxidizable organic matter (COD) and to neutralise pH. Domestic wastewater sludge has also been identified as an economical and readily available carbon source that allows the treatment of both AMD and domestic wastewater. A synthetic medium simulating the COD and the biological degradable organic matter (BOD) of domestic wastewater sludge was formulated to exclude variations in the evaluation of domestic wastewater sludge as carbon source in the treatment of AMD. Firstly the BOD and COD of anaerobic domestic wastewater sludge was determined and used as parameters in the formulation of the synthetic medium. A ratio of 1:1 AMD: synthetic domestic wastewater sludge (SDWWS) was the optimum ratio in terms of sulphate and COD removal. Secondly, medical drip bags were used as anaerobic bioreactors to determine the microbial diversity in AMD treated with SDWWS using different variables. Data analyses from next generation sequencing showed that Chlorobium spp. dominated the 90 d pioneer trials at relative percentages of 68 % and 76 %. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images and the bright green colour of the liquid contents confirmed the data analyses. Sulphates and COD were removed at > 98 % and > 85 %, respectively. A shorter incubation time was investigated in the 30 d pioneer trial. Chlorobium spp. was dominant, followed by Magnetospirillum spp. and Ornithobacterium spp. The liquid content changed to a dark brown colour. COD and sulphate concentrations were reduced by 60.8 % and 96 %, respectively, within 26 d, after which a plateau was reached. The effect of an established biofilm in the bioreactors showed that Chlorobium spp. also dominated approximately 62 %, in comparison to the 36 % in the 30 d pioneer trial. A sulphate and COD reduction of 96 % and 58 %, respectively, was obtained within 26 d and the liquid content was the same colour as in the 30 d pioneer trial. It is possible that brown Green sulphur bacteria were present. Therefore, although Chlorobium spp. was present at a higher percentage as in the 30 d pioneer trial, the removal of COD and sulphate was similar. During the 30 d trials a white precipitant formed at the top of the bioreactors, consisting primarily of sulphate and carbon that was also indicative of the presence of Chlorobium spp. Incubation at reduced temperature reduced sulphates by only 10 % and COD by 12 % after 17 d, followed by a plateau. Ornithobacterium spp. dominated in the first trial and Magnetospirillum spp. in the second trial. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suur mynwater (SMW) is afvalwater wat deur die myn- en industriële bedryf gegenereer word en bevat kenmerklik hoë konsentrasies swaar metale en swawel wat potensieel in toksiese afvalwater omskep kan word indien blootgestel aan opgelosde suurstof, water en mikro-organismes. Die skadelike gevolge wat blootstelling aan onbehandelde SMW mag hê, het gelei tot semi-passiewe behandelinge wat vleilande en mikrobiese bioreaktors insluit. Mikrobiese bioreaktore maak staat op n geskikte koolstofbron soos etanol, grasse en bemesting en die skep van ‘n anaerobiese omgewing vir die verwydering van sulfate en chemies oksideerbare organiese material (CSB), asook die neutralisering van pH. Huishoudelike afvalwaterslyk is ook uitgewys as ‘n ekonomies geskikte en algemeen beskikbare koolstofbron wat die behandeling van beide SMW en huishoudelike afvalwater toelaat. ‘n Sintetiese medium wat die CSB en biologies afbreekbare organiese materiaal (BSB) van huishoudelike afvalwater slyk naboots is geformuleer om die variasies in die evaluasie van huishoudelike afvalwater slyk as koolstofbron vir die behandeling van SMW, uit te sluit. Eerstens is die BSB en die CSB van huishoudelike afvalwater slyk bepaal en gebruik as n maatstaf vir die formulering van die sintetiese medium. ‘n Verhouding van 1:1 sintetiese huishoudelike afvalwater slyk (SDWWS) en SMW is optimaal ratio i.t.v. die verwydering van sulfate en CSB. Tweedens is mediese dripsakkies as anaerobiese bioreaktore gebruik om die mikrobiese diversiteit in SMW, wat met SDWWS behandel is, te bepaal deur verskeie veranderlikes te gebruik. Tweede generasie DNA-volgorde bepalingstegnieke is gebruik en data analises het gewys dat Chlorobium spp. die 90 d pionier toetslopie domineer met relatiewe persentasies van 68 % en 76 %. Transmissie elektron mikroskopie fotos en die helder groen kleur van die dripsakkies se vloeistof inhoud het die data analises bevestig. Die sulfate en CSB inhoud is onderskeidelik met > 98 % en > 85 % verminder. ‘n Korter behandelingstydperk is ondersoek met n 30 d pionier toetslopie. Chlorobium spp. was dominant, gevolg deur Magnetospirillum spp. en Ornithobacterium spp. Die vloeistof inhoud het na ‘n donker bruin kleur verander. Die CSB en sulfaat konsentrasies is met 60.8 % en 96 % onderskeidelik verminder na 26 dae waarna ‘n plato bereik is. Die effek van ‘n reeds bestaande biofilm in die bioreaktore het gewys dat Chlorobium spp. ook gedomineer het teen ‘n relatiewe persentasie van 62 % in vergelyking met die 36 % in die 30 d pionier toetslopie. ‘n Vermindering in sulfate en CSB van 96 % en 58 % is onderskeidelik is bereik binne 26 d en die vloeistofinhoud was dieselfde kleur as die bioreaktore in die 30 d pionier toetslopie. Dit is moontlik dat die bruin Groen swawel bakterieë teenwoordig was. Daarom, ondanks ‘n groter teenwoordigheid van die Chlorobium spp. teen ‘n relatiewe persentasie in vergelying met die 30 d pionier toetslopie, was die verwydering van CSB en sulfate soortgelyk. Tydens die 30 d toetslopies het ‘n wit neerslag aan die bokant van die bioreaktore gevorm wat hoofsaaklik uit sulfaat en koolstof bestaan het wat ook ‘n aanduiding van die teenwoordigheid van Chlorobium spp. is. ‘n Toetslopie wat by laer temperature uitgevoer is kon die sulfate en CSB met slegs 10 % en 12 % onderskeidelik verminder nadat ‘n plato na 17 d bereik is. Ornithobacterium spp. het die eerste toetslopie gedomineer waar Magnetospirillum spp. die tweede toetslopie gedomineer het.

Flattened Gaussian beam for laser paint removal

Du Preez, Neil Carl 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lasers are commonly used in the industry for various applications such as laser cutting, laser drilling, lithography, medical applications, surface cleaning and a myriad of other applications. In any application of a laser the beam properties are significant. In the paint removal application discussed in this thesis, the beam properties of the laser beam can have a large impact on the efficiency of the paint removal process. The pulse energy or the average output power of the laser is normally an important parameter in laser materials processing applications. The spatial profile or intensity distribution of the beam also has an influence on the process. The propagation of the laser beam from the laser to the working point is also significant in applying the laser beam to the material. In the ideal scenario one would like to control all the parameters of the laser in terms of the output, in energy or output power, the propagation of the laser beam and the intensity distribution of the beam. The process of laser-based paint removal is no different to this. In this process a TEA CO2 laser is used for the ablation of paint from a substrate. In this application high pulse energy is required from the laser together with good beam propagation properties for delivery of the beam over a long distance. For this application the multimode beam of the TEA CO2 laser can be applied for the paint removal. The multimode beam has sufficiently high pulse energy for the paint removal process, but is not suitable for propagating over long distances through a beam path with a finite aperture. Furthermore the multimode beam does not have a uniform energy intensity distribution. It would therefore be ideal if the TEA CO2 laser could be designed with a custom beam that has a uniform intensity distribution, high pulse energy and good beam propagation. These requirements lead to the study of flattened irradiance profile laser beams. In this thesis flattened irradiance profile beams in the form of Flattened Gaussian beams are investigated. The theory of the Flattened Gaussian profile as well as the propagation of the beam is investigated. Furthermore the generation of such a beam internally to the laser resonator is studied. In succession to this a custom laser resonator was designed and implemented on the TEA CO2 laser. The resulting Flattened Gaussian Beam was characterised and applied to the application of laser paint removal. It was finally shown that the Flattened Gaussian Beam could be successfully generated and applied with equal success in the application of laser paint removal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lasers word algemeen in die industrie gebruik vir toepassings soos laser snywerk, laser boorwerk, litografie, mediese toepassings, oppervlakreiniging en verskeie ander. In enige toepassing van 'n laser is die eienskappe van die laserbundel van groot belang vir die proses. In die verf verwydering toepassing wat bespreek word in hierdie tesis het die bundel eienskappe 'n groot invloed op die effektiwiteit van die verf stropings proses. Die pulsenergie of uitset drywing van die laser is gewoonlik 'n belangrike parameter in 'n materiaalverwerkings toepassing. Die ruimtelike profiel of energie intensiteitprofiel van die bundel het ook 'n invloed op die proses. Die voortplanting van die bundel vanaf die laser na die werkspunt het ook 'n beduidende invloed op die toepassing van die laserbundel op die materiaal. In die ideale geval sal mens graag al die parameters van die laserbundel soos pulsenergie of drywing, die bundel voortplanting en energie intensiteitprofiel wil beheer. Die toepassing van die laser vir verfverwydering vereis ook die beheer van hierdie unieke parameters wat reeds genoem is. In hierdie proses is 'n TEA CO2 laser gebruik vir die verwydering van verf van 'n substraat. Die toepassing vereis hoë pulsenergie saam met goeie bundel voortplantingseienskappe vir lewering van die bundel oor lang afstande. Die multimode bundel van die laser kan gebruik word vir hierdie toepassing. Die multimode bundel bevat genoegsame energie vir die verfstropings proses maar is nie geskik vir voortplanting oor lang afstande deur 'n bundelpad wat 'n beperking op die bundel grootte het nie. Verder het die multimode bundel ook nie 'n uniforme energie intensiteitprofiel nie. Dit sou ideal wees as die TEA CO2 laser toegerus kon word met 'n toepassingsgerigte bundel wat hoë puls energie, goeie bundel voortplanting en 'n uniforme intensiteitprofiel het. Hierdie vereiste het gelei tot die studie van laserbundels met 'n uniforme plat energie intensiteitprofiel. In hierdie tesis word plat intensiteit bundels in die vorm van plat Gaussiese bundels ondersoek. Die teorie van plat Gaussiese bundels sowel as die voortplanting van hierdie bundels word hier ondersoek. Verder word die opwekking van hierdie bundels intern tot die laserresonator ook ondersoek. Na die ondersoek is daar oorgegaan in die ontwerp en implementering van 'n doelgemaakte resonator op 'n TEA CO2 laser. Die resonator het 'n plat Gaussiese bundel as uitset gelewer. Die bundel was gevolglik gekarakteriseer en aangewend in 'n verfstropings toepassing. Ten einde is daar getoon dat 'n plat Gaussiese bundel suksesvol opgewek en toegepas kon word.

Biological nitrogen removal of saline wastewater by ammoniumoxidizers

Yan, Qingmei., 嚴慶梅. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Civil Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy


Sanchez, Jaime A. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The ability to pattern in the nanoscale to drill holes, to draw lines, to make circles, or more complicated shapes that span a few atoms in width is the main driver behind current efforts in the rapidly growing area of nanomanufacturing. In applications ranging from the microprocessor industry to biomedical science, there is a constant need to develop new tools and processes that enable the shrinking of devices. For this and more applications, nanomanufacturing using electron beams offers a window of opportunity as a top-down approach since electrons, unlike light, have a wavelength that is in the order of the atomic distance. Though the technology based on electron beams has been available for more than twenty years, new concepts are constantly being explored and developed based on fundamental approaches. As such, a tool that utilizes electron field-emission from carbon nanotubes was proposed to accomplish such feats. A full numerical analysis of electron field-emission from carbon nanotubes for nanomachining applications is presented. The different aspects that govern the process of electron field-emission from carbon nanotubes using the finite element method are analyzed. Extensive modeling is carried here to determine what the effect of different carbon nanotube geometries have on their emission profiles, what energy transport processes they are subject to, and establish what the potential experimental parameters are for nanomachining. This dissertation builds on previous efforts based on Monte Carlo simulations to determine electron deposition profiles inside metals, but takes them to next level by considering realistic emission scenarios. A hybrid numerical approach is used that combines the two-temperature model with Molecular Dynamics to study phase change and material removal in depth. The use of this method, allows the determination of the relationship between the amount of energy required to remove a given number of atoms from a metallic workpiece and the number of carbon nanotubes and their required settings in order to achieve nanomachining. Finally, the grounds for future work in this area are provided, including the need for novel electron focusing systems, as well as the extension of the hybrid numerical approach to study different materials.

Optimering av biologisk fosfor och kvävereduktion i ett reningsverk för hushållsspillvatten / Optimization of biological phosphorus and nitrogen reduction in a WWTP

Sjöstrand, Alexandra January 2006 (has links)
<p>In connection with Henriksdals wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) a smaller plant is situated called Sjöstadsverket where new methods for wastewater treatment are tested and evaluated in different process lines. On one of the lines experiments with enhanced biological phosphorous removal (EBPR), have been carried out to evaluate if it is a good alternative to traditional chemical phosphorus removal. This thesis evaluates the results from the experiments conducted during fall 2005.</p><p>The incoming water from Hammarby Sjöstad consists of only household wastewater, which gives a wastewater with high concentrations of nutrients and organic carbon. This is partly positive, because one of the limiting factors for effective biological phosphorus removal is the lack of easily biodegradable organic carbon. The high concentrations of ammonium and phosphorus demand a high reduction to achieve the requirements of outgoing concentration.</p><p>To optimize the process experiments with different recirculations and different aeration techniques have been made. The experiments have shown that it is possible to obtain good results, with periods of very low outgoing phosphorus concentrations below 0,15 mg/L. It was, however, hard to obtain a stable process and to keep a good sludge quality during the period.</p><p>Primary sludge was hydrolysed to increase the amount of easily degradable organic material into the biological step of the process. The hydrolyse had a high efficiency during the test period, but with big variations. The most desirable fraction of organic material, VFA, increased to approximately 1500 mg/L during the best periods. This is only 9 % of the amount VFA in the primary sedimentation, but could be increased with a higher flux.</p><p>When the bioP sludge is fermented as a part of sludge treatment, a supernatant from digester sludge with high concentrations of phosphorus is received. To avoid to return phosphor into the activated sludge process and to recycle phosphorus, experiments with phosphorus precipitation were made. By using struvite precipitation up to 92 % of the phosphorus in the supernatant was reduced and precipitated. This was 12 % of the total amount of incoming phosphourus and was achieved at a pH just over 9 in the experiment tank and a Mg:P quote of 1:1.</p> / <p>I anslutning till Henriksdal’s reningsverk ligger Sjöstadsverket som är ett mindre reningsverk där nya reningsmetoder testas och utvärderas i på ett antal olika försökslinjer. På en av linjerna har försök med biologisk fosforrening, även kallat BioP, utförts för att undersöka om det är ett alternativ till konventionell kemisk rening av fosfor. Detta arbete sammanfattar resultaten från de experiment som utförts under hösten 2005.</p><p>I Hammarby Sjöstad, som förser Sjöstadsverket med avloppsvatten, separeras dag och spillvatten, vilket bidrar till ett näringsrikt vatten med en hög halt organiskt material. Detta är delvis positivt, då en av de begränsande faktorerna för en effektiv biologisk fosforrening är bristen på lättillgängligt organiskt material. De höga halterna inkommande fosfor och kväve kräver dock en högre reningsgrad för att de stränga utsläppsmålen ska nås. För att optimera processen har försök med olika inställningar på recirkulationsgrader genomförts och försök med olika luftningsstrategier. Försöksperioden har visat att det går att få mycket bra resultat, med periodvis utgående fosfathalter under 0,15 mg/L. Det har dock varit svårt att få en stabil process och behålla en bra slamkvalitet under hela försöksperioden.</p><p>Primärslam från försedimenteringen har hydrolyserats för att öka mängden lättillgängligt organiskt material in till det biologiska reningssteget. Hydrolysen fungerade bra under hela försöksperioden, dock med stora variationer. Den mest önskvärda fraktionen lättillgängligt organiskt material, VFA, hade under de bästa perioderna ökat till ca 1500 mg/L i hydrolysen. Detta utgör approximativt 9 % av mängden VFA i försedimenteringen, men skulle kunna ökas vid ett större flöde.</p><p>Då BioP-slammet rötas som en del av slambehandlingen fås ett fosforrikt rejektvatten. För att undvika att få in fosfor till aktivslamprocessen och för att ta till vara på fosfor som näringsämne har försök med fosforåtervinning från rejektvatten gjorts. Genom att använda sig av struvitfällning kunde upp till 92 % av fosforn i rejektvattnet reduceras och fällas ut. Detta motsvarar 12 % av den totala inkommande fosforhalten och uppnåddes vid pH strax över 9 i struvitfällningstanken och med en Mg:P kvot på 1:1.</p>

Rimbo våtmark : en förstudie på förväntad kväveavskiljning och lämplig växtlighet

Harrström, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>This study was made as a part of a feasibility study on a polishing wetland at Rimbo wastewater plant (wwp) in Norrtälje municipality. The wwp had to decrease the nitrogen discharge to reach the limit 15 mg tot-N/l. The nitrogen in the outlet was mainly in the form of nitrate, hence the wetland mainly ought to support denitrification. The proposed area for the wetland was situated right next to the wwp and was already in the municipalitys posession. One aim of this study was to examine what spieces of plants needed to achieve highest possible denitrification. Some different plant spieces for providing a good and interesting environment for birds and people were also proposed. Furthermore a massbalance model was developed for studying the important exchange processes in a wetland, to study the impact of an uneven streambed on the hyporheic water exchange and for trying to predict the wetlands nitrogen removal capacity. Proposed plants to support denitrification was different reeds such as Common reed (Phragmites australis), Bulrush (Typha), Reed Sweet-grass (Glyceria maxima) och Reed Canry-grass (Phalaris Arundinacea). Common reed is a durable species who can survive in deeper water up to 2 metres while the others need a shallower water about 0,5 m of depth. For the good of the birdlife, different spieces of Sedges (Carex) were chosen due to their ability to produce large amounts of nutrient rich seeds. Measurment in sediment cores from Ekeby wetland in Eskilstuna gave a potential denitrification capacity of 3,31 mg NO3-N m<sup>-3</sup> <sub>sed</sub> s<sup>-1</sup>. The denitrification capacity was then used in a massbalance model were the theory of advective pumping in an uneven bedsurface also was implemented. Evaluation of the model results showed that an uneven bedsurface did not contribute to an increased nitrogen removal from the wetland, possibly due to a far too low advection and flow of the water. This was also a reason to why the distribution between denitrification from the water- and plant community vs the sediment was unbalanced. The model results showed that less than 1 % of the reduced nitrogen came from the sediment part, in contrast to current knowledge that says about 50%. The model and the participating exchange processes need to be further evaluated before the models prediction of nitrogen removal can be used in design of a wetland. Calculations and comparisons with other wetlands showed that with a well estimated, grown up and maintained wetland, there should be no problems in achieving the goal of nitrogen removal in Rimbo wetland. Such a wetland should also provide a good habitat for birds and animals and also be a good recreationarea for people to visit, properties that were appreciated as important effects in other wetlands studied in this work.</p> / <p>Detta arbete gjordes som en del av en förstudie för anläggande av en efterpolerande våtmark till reningsverket i Rimbo, Norrtälje kommun. Reningsverket behövde sänka sitt utsläpp av kväve till riktvärdet 15 mg tot-N/l. Huvuddelen av kvävet i utloppsvattnet förelåg i nitratform, varför denitrifikationen borde förstärkas genom att anlägga en våtmark. Det tilltänkta området för våtmarken ligger i anslutning till reningsverket och ägs idag av kommunen. I detta arbete undersöktes vilken växtlighet i våtmarken som var lämpligast för syftet att få en så bra denitrifikation som möjligt. Även olika växtarter för att ge en intressant miljö för fåglar och människor togs fram. Dessutom utvecklades en massbalansmodell som användes för att studera de utbytesprocesser som är viktiga i en våtmark, frågan hur en ojämn bottenmorfometri påverkar det hyporheiska vattenutbytet samt om det går att förutsäga reningskapaciteten i Rimbo våtmark. Lämpliga växter för denitrifikationen ansågs vara vassbildande växter, och då främst främst bladvass (Phragmites australis), men även kaveldun (Typha), jättegröe (Glyceria maxima) och rörflen (Phalaris Arundinacea). Bladvass är en mycket tålig växt som klarar stort vattendjup, medan de andra vassorterna behöver en grundare våtmark på ca 0,5 m. För fågellivets bästa ansågs starrväxter (Carex) vara viktiga arter då de producerar stora mängder frön. Mätning av denitrifikationspotentialen i sediment från Ekeby våtmark gav en hastighet för denitrifikationen i sedimentet på 3,31 mg NO3-N m<sup>-3</sup> <sub>sed</sub> s<sup>-1</sup>. Denitrifikationen från sediment användes sedan i en massbalansmodell där även även teorin om advektivt pumputbyte vid ojämn bottenform implementerades. En utvärdering av modellresultaten kunde avgöra att en ojämn eller vågig bottenmorfometri inte skulle förbättra reningen i våtmarken. Detta beroende på bland annat för låg advektionshastighet och flöde. Detta låga flöde ned i sedimentet bidrog även till att fördelningen av kväveborttag från sediment respektive vatten- och växtdelen blev snedfördelad. Enligt modellen var det mindre än 1% av kvävet som togs bort från sedimentet medan all vetenskap tyder på närmare 50%. Modellen och de ingående utbytesprocesserna bör utvärderas och utvecklas ytterligare innan den kan användas som verktyg för att beräkna kvävereningen från en våtmark. Beräkningar och jämförelser med andra våtmarker visade dock att en väl beväxt, utförd och beskickad våtmark inte skulle ha några problem att sänka nitrathalten till riktvärdet. En våtmark skulle även utgöra en bra uppehållsmiljö för fåglar, djur och människor vilket anses som viktiga mervärden i våtmarker på andra platser i Sverige.</p>

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