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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de diferentes tempos de detenção hidráulica na remoção de nutrientes em sistema alagado construído

Stopa, Juliana Martins January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Lúcia Helena Gomes Coelho / Coorientadora. Profª. Drª. Roseli Frederigi Benassi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental, Santo André, 2018. / De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a água potável segura e o saneamento adequado são fundamentais para a redução da pobreza e para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Entretanto, o aumento da poluição ambiental, o uso excessivo da água sem gerenciamento e a aceleração da eutrofização de corpos hídricos ao longo dos anos tem contribuído para maiores danos à saúde humana e para o desequilíbrio ecossistêmico. Pensando nesse cenário, faz-se necessário desenvolver soluções eficazes e econômicas para o tratamento de efluentes. No presente estudo, foi avaliado um sistema piloto de alagado construído (SAC) com plantas emergentes (Eleocharis sp.) para o pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário proveniente de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto no município de Arujá - SP. O sistema foi monitorado em duas etapas, sendo a primeira para avaliar o sistema plantado frente ao sistema controle (não plantado) e a segunda, para avaliar o desempenho dos SACs plantados em tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDHs) diferentes, de 2, 4 e 6 dias. Objetivou-se, principalmente, avaliar a eficiência de remoção de nutrientes (N e P), sob elevada condição de oxigenação, em diferentes TDHs e também frente ao SAC controle. O SAC plantado, em geral, obteve remoções superiores em relação ao SAC controle, evidenciando a influência positiva das plantas no sistema. Em relação à etapa II, o SAC operado com TDH = 6 dias foi o que obteve os melhores resultados, com remoções médias de 36,1 % de nitrogênio total, 59,6 % de cor aparente, 62,9 % de turbidez e 78,4 % de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT). Não foi observada influência significativa do TDH na remoção de fósforo total, embora o SAC com maior TDH tenha atingido mais de 74,0 % de remoção em determinado momento. Destaca-se ainda que os níveis de oxigênio dissolvido não foram limitantes para o processo de nitrificação nos SACs, no entanto, podem ter interferido na desnitrificação dos mesmos. Conclui-se, portanto, que o tratamento terciário de efluentes por sistema de alagado construído é viável para remoção de nutrientes, embora parâmetros como oxigênio dissolvido, TDH, manejo das macrófitas e manutenção do substrato devam ser otimizados para melhor desempenho do sistema. / According to the World Health Organization (WHO), safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are the key to poverty reduction and sustainable development. However, the increase of the pollution, extensive use of water without previous planning, and the accelerated eutrophication of water bodies over the years have contributed to further damage to human health and ecosystem imbalance. In this context, it is essential the development and implementation of wastewater treatment systems. In the present study, constructed wetland system (CWS) with emergent plants (Eleocharis sp.) was evaluated for post-treatment of effluent from a wastewater treatment plant in the city of Arujá - SP. The system was monitored in two stages, the first was to evaluate between the system planted and not planted (control system ) and the second phase was made to evaluate the performance of the CWS at different hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 2, 4 and 6 days. The main objective was to evaluate the efficiency of nutrient removal (N and P) under high oxygenation condition in different HRT and also in relation to the control CWS. The planted CWS, in general, obtained superior removals in relation to the control CWS, evidencing the positive influence of the plants in the system. In relation to stage II, the CWS operated with HRT = 6 days was the one that obtained the best results, with mean removals of 36.1 % of total nitrogen, 59.6 % of apparent color, 62.9 % of turbidity and 78.4 % Total Organic Carbon (TOC). No significant influence of HRT was observed in the removal of total phosphorus, although the CWS with greater HRT reached more than 74.0 % of removal at any given moment. It is also worth noting that dissolved oxygen levels were not limiting for the nitrification process in the CWS, however, they may have interfered in the denitrification of the system. It is concluded, therefore, that tertiary effluent treatment by constructed wetland system is feasible for nutrient removal, although parameters such as dissolved oxygen, HRT, macrophyte management and substrate maintenance should be optimized for better system performance.

Remoção de \'CD POT.2+\' e \'CU POT.2+\' de águas residuárias utilizando biorreator anaeróbio contínuo de leito fixo ordenado / Wastewater \'CD POT.2+\' and \'CU POT.2+\' removal using a continuous Anaerobic Bioreactor with Fixed-Structured Bed

Gustavo Mockaitis 21 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o biorreator anaeróbio contínuo de leito fixo ordenado como alternativa ao tratamento de efluentes contendo os íons \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CD POT.2+\', sendo que cada metal foi estudado isoladamente. O biorreator operou sempre com um tempo de detenção hidráulica de 12 à 15 horas, com uma água residuária sintética simulando o esgoto sanitário, na concentração de 500 mg \'0 IND.2\'/L (em termos de DQO), a uma temperatura de 30°C. Durante a fase na qual o biorreator operou com água residuária em condições metanogênicas o biorreator foi alimentado, em condições distintas, com concentrações crescentes de \'CU POT.2+\' e \'CD POT.2+\'. O acúmulo dos metais na matriz de imobilização levou ao bioreator apresentar instabilidade na operação, sendo determinadas as concentrações críticas para o \'CU POT.2+\' (50,8 mg \'CU POT.2+\'/L) e para o \'CD POT.2+\' (29,8 mg \'CD POT.2+\'/L). Durante a operação nas condições metanogênicas foi observado o efeito tóxico pela diminuição na eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica, mas sem perder a estabilidade operacional até que as concentrações críticas foram atingidas. A partir dos valores das concentrações críticas, o biorreator foi operado em condições sulfetogênicas em duas relações DQO/[\'SO IND.4\'POT.2-\'] distintas (0,68 e 1,99 para o uma concentração média de 36 mg \'CU POT.2+\'/L; e 0,69 e 8,02 para uma concentração média de 27 mg \'CD POT.2+\'/L). Nas operações em condições sulfetogênicas, o biorreator operou de maneira estável, no entanto, não foi capaz de remover todo o metal alimentado. / This work presents the anaerobic continuous bioreactor with fixed-structured bed as a viable configuration of treatment of wastewater containing \'CU POT.2+\' and \'CD POT.2+\' ions. Each metallic ion were studied separately. The bioreactor was operated with 12 to 15 hours of hydraulic retention time, with a synthetic wastewater simulating domestic sewage (500 mg \'0 IND.2\'/L, in COD terms), at 30°C. In methanogenic conditions, the bioreactor was fed with crescent amount of \'CU POT.2+\' and \'CD POT.2+\'. The metal accumulation in the irnrnobilization matrix caused instability on bioreactor when achieving the critical concentrations for \'CU POT.2+\' (50,8 mg \'CU POT.2+\'/L) and for \'CD POT.2+\' (29,8 mg \'CD POT.2+\'/L). Also it was observed that this crescent metal concentration affected the efficiency of bioreactor in removing organic matter, although without operational instability until the system reach these critical metal concentrations. The bioreactor was operated in sulfidogenic conditions fed with a wastewater containing \'CU POT.2+\' and \'CD POT.2+\' at critical concentrations considering two different COD/[\'SO IND.4\'POT.2-\'] (0,68 and 1,99 for a mean influent \'CU POT.2+\' concentration of 36 mg \'CU POT.2+\'/L; and 0,69 and 8,02 para for a mean influent \'CD POT.2+\' concentration of 27 mg \'CD POT.2+\'/L). During the sulfidogenic conditions operations the bioreactor operated showing stability, however the system was not able to achieve the maximum efficiency in metal removal.

Estudo da tratabilidade de efluente de reator anaeróbio e lixiviado de aterro sanitário utilizando o processo de lodos ativados / Treatability of the anaerobic effluent and landfill leachate using activated sludge process

Ludimila Turetta 14 September 2011 (has links)
Embora em alguns países como os europeus, o aterro sanitário como forma de disposição final de Resíduos Sólidos venha perdendo espaço, entre nós essa técnica é ainda largamente empregada. O lixiviado gerado nos aterros sanitários apresenta grande potencial poluidor, devido à presença de matéria orgânica, rica em substâncias húmicas e matéria inorgânica, representada especialmente pelos cloretos, nitrogênio amoniacal, entre outras substâncias. O presente trabalho visou, em linhas gerais, avaliar três proporções de mistura de lixiviado/efluente anaeróbio e as influências sobre o processo aeróbio (lodos ativados) em escala de bancada. Nessa pesquisa foram realizados ensaios de tratabilidade utilizando as proporções de 0% (controle), 2,5%, 10% e 20 % de lixiviado em relação ao efluente anaeróbio em diferentes condições experimentais. Os resultados mostraram que as proporções de 10% e 20% de lixiviado nas condições experimentais foram prejudiciais ao sistema aeróbio de tratamento. Foram obtidos os melhores resultados em termos de eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio amoniacal no reator alimentado com a proporção de 2,5% de lixiviado bruto, alcançando eficiência de remoção de DQO e nitrogênio amoniacal total (NAT) de 57% e 100%, respectivamente. / The use of landfill as a disposal of solid waste has been avoided in some countries, especially in Europe. Nevertheless this technique is still widely used in Brazil. Leachate generated in landfills has great potential as pollutant due to presence of organic matter, humic substances in high concentrations and inorganic matter such as chlorides and ammonia nitrogen. This study aims to broadly assess effects of three levels of mixing of leachate/anaerobic effluent on aerobic process (activated sludge) in bench scale. Treatability tests were performed using proportions of 0% (control), 2.5%, 10% and 20% leachate added to anaerobic effluent under different experimental conditions. Results showed that proportions of 10% and 20% of leached were unfavorable to aerobic system treatment. The higher removal efficiency of organic matter and ammonia nitrogen was obtained in reactor fed with 2.5% of leachate (removal efficiency of COD and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) were 57% and 100%, respectively).

Reator com leito de biomassa aderida aerado parcialmente aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Partially aerated attached biomass bed reactor applied to treatment sanitary sewage treatment

Aurélia de Oliveira Almeida 23 April 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a avaliar o desempenho de um reator com leito de biomassa aderida de fluxo ascensional em escala plena (159 \'M POT.3\') e com aeração contínua a 7 m acima da base do reator para o tratamento do esgoto sanitário. O leito do reator era formado por carvão ativado granular, carvão antracitoso e areia. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foram feitos ensaios hidrodinâmicos que consistiram da curva de expansão/fluidificação para as biopartículas do leito do reator em escala plena e do ensaio de estímulo-resposta com o traçador \'NA\'CL\'. Na segunda etapa monitorou-se o comportamento do reator com leito de biomassa aderida operado com setor 1 (sem aeração) e setor 2 (com aeração) sobrepostos e foi utilizada a recirculação para expandir o leito. As curvas de expansão/fluidificação das biopartículas constituintes do leito do reator mostraram que o leito do reator no setor 1 encontrava-se sem expansão e no setor 2 estava expandido, sob as condições de operação determinadas para esse trabalho. Do ensaio com o traçador \'NA\'CL\', obtiverem-se tempo de detenção hidráulica médio (TDHM) de 18,45 h para o ensaio sem recirculação e com compressor desligado; e de 16,90 h para o ensaio com recirculação e compressor ligado. Os TDHM obtidos foram maiores que o TDH teórico (igual a 12 h), provavelmente devido à difusão do traçador no biofilme. A Etapa II foi dividida em duas fases, na fase 1 o TDH teórico médio foi de 12 h e na fase 2 foi de 16 h. Verificou-se baixa retenção de sólidos no sistema, visto que o efluente apresentou, durante a maior parte do período de monitoramento, concentrações de sólidos totais e sólidos suspensos totais superiores as do afluente. A maior eficiência de remoção de DQO de amostra bruta aconteceu na fase 2 e foi de 32% sob taxa de carregamento de 0,86kgDQObruta/\'M POT.3\'.d. Os valores médios de DQO de ) amostras filtradas do efluente foram iguais 119 e 116 mg \'O IND.2\'/L, o que equivale a remoções médias de 54% e 63%, respectivamente para a fase 1 e 2. A maior remoção DBO de amostra filtrada no sistema aconteceu na fase 1 e foi de 91%, com o efluente apresentando concentração de 19 mg \'O IND.2\'/L. Com relação à concentração de NTK, o sistema foi pouco eficiente em sua remoção e apresentou concentrações muito baixa de nitrogênio oxidado (menores que 1 mg \'NO IND.3\'POT.-1\'/L). O grau de amonificação foi de 89%, em média, quando considerou a concentração de NTK em amostra filtrada. Concluiu-se que o sistema não é eficiente na remoção de material orgânico e de nutrientes devido ao arraste de sólidos e material biológico no efluente. / This work aimed to evaluate the performance of a full scale up-flow attached biomass bed reactor (159 \'M POT.3\') and with continuous aeration at 7 m above bottom of the reactor to sanitary sewage treatment. The bed of the reactor was constituted for activated granular carbon, anthracite carbon and sand. The work was divided into two stages. In the first stage, hydrodynamics tests were made which consisted of the expansion/fluidization curve for the bioparticles of the bed of the full scale reactor and of the test of stimulus-response with tracer \'NA\'CL\'. In the second stage, it monitored the performance of the attached biomass bed reactor operated with overlapping sector 1 (without aeration) and sector 2 (with aeration) and it utilized the recirculation to expand the bed. The expansion/fluidization curves of the bioparticles of the bed of the reactor showed that the bed of the reactor in the sector 1 was without expansion and in the sector 2 was expanded, under the operating conditions determined for this work. Of the test with \'NA\'CL\' tracer obtained mean hydraulic detention time (HDTM) of 18,45 h for the test without recirculation and compressor off; and of 16,90 h for the test with recirculation and compressor on. The obtained HDTM were bigger than the theoretical HDT (equal at 12 h), probably due to at the diffusion of trace into biofilm. The stage II was divided into two phases, in the phase 1 mean theoretical HDT was of 12 h, and in the phase 2 was of 16 h. It verified low retention of solids in the system, since the effluent presented, during most of the monitoring period, concentrations of total solids and total suspended solids higher than the influent. The greater efficiency of COD removal of raw sample occurred in phase 2 and was of 32% under loading rate of 0,86kgCODraw/\'M POT.3\'.d. The mean amounts COD of filtered samples in the effluent were equal to 119 and 116mg\'O IND.2\'/L, which is equivalent ) to mean removals of 54% and 63%, respectively for phase 1 and 2. The higher efficiency of removal BOD filtered sample in the system was in phase 1 and was of 91%, with effluent presenting concentration of 19mg \'O IND.2\'/L. With respect to the TKN concentration, the system was little efficient in its removal and presented very low concentration of oxidized nitrogen (lower than 1mg \'NO IND.3\'POT.-1\'). The degree of ammonification was 89%, on average, when considered the TKN concentration in the filtered sample. It concluded that the system is not effective removing organic material and nutrients due to drag of solids and biological material in the effluent.


Schwerz, Bervey 14 March 2012 (has links)
With the expansion of industrial society, began a intense growth of production of waste, creating a latent issue, referring to allocate up correctly all waste generated during the manufacturing process. Specifically, the meat processing generates during its many stages a huge flow of wastewater. An alternative for the treatment of this type of waste are rotating biological contactors. This paper, has for objective, at the construction and application of a RBC to improve performance in the treatment of an industrial effluent from the slaughterhouse of pigs and poultry. It was built a reactor 4L and aerobic sludge was used as inoculum system. The analysis period amounted to 73 days. As results were obtained an efficiency of 84.46% with a removal 1.64 g DBO.m-2 and 88.3% for an HRT of 4 h and surface loading of 124 g DQO.d-1.m-2 for BOD and COD respectively, corresponding to organic matter. On removal of nutrients, the system obtained in an efficiency of 92.02% and a surface charge removed from 8.35 g Nd-1m-2 for nitrogen and 75.66% efficiency and removal of superficial 1.5 g Pd-1.m-2, for analysis of phosphorus. In summary, the RBC could efficiently treat an effluent to obtain satisfactory results in removing the organic load and nutrients. / Com a expansão da sociedade industrial, se iniciou uma geração de resíduos de forma intensa, surgindo uma questão latente, referente a destinar-se corretamente todos os resíduos gerados durante o processo industrial. Mais especificamente, o processamento de carne gera durante suas inúmeras etapas uma enorme vazão de efluentes líquidos. Uma alternativa para o tratamento deste tipo de resíduo são os reatores de biodiscos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a construção e aplicação de um RBC para avaliar seu desempenho no tratamento de um efluente industrial proveniente do abate de suínos e aves. Foi construído um reator de 4L e utilizado lodo aeróbio como inóculo do sistema. O período de análise correspondeu a 73 dias. Como resultados foram obtidos uma eficiência de 84,46% com uma remoção de 1,64 g DBOm-2 e 88,3%, para um TRH de 4 h e carregamento superficial de 124 g DQOd-1m-2, para DBO e DQO respectivamente, correspondendo a matéria orgânica. Na remoção de nutrientes, o sistema obteve um rendimento de 92,02% e uma carga superficial removida de 8,35 g Nd-1m-2 para o nitrogênio e a eficiência de 75,66% e a remoção superficial é de 1,5 g Pd-1m-2, para as análises de fósforo total. Em resumo, o RBC conseguiu tratar de forma eficiente um efluente de forma a obter resultados satisfatórios na remoção da carga orgânica e nutrientes.

Deliberative Democracy, Divided Societies, and the Case of Appalachia

Tidrick, Charlee 08 1900 (has links)
Theories of deliberative democracy, which emphasize open-mindedness and cooperative dialogue, confront serious challenges in deeply divided political populations constituted by polarized citizens unwilling to work together on issues they collectively face. The case of mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia makes this clear. In my thesis, I argue that such empirical challenges are serious, yet do not compromise the normative desirability of deliberative democracy because communicative mechanisms can help transform adversarial perspectives into workable, deliberative ones. To realize this potential in divided societies, mechanisms must focus on healing and reconciliation, a point under-theorized by deliberativists who do not take seriously enough the feminist critique of public-private dualisms that illuminates political dimensions of such embodied processes. Ultimately, only a distinctly two-stage process of public deliberation in divided populations, beginning with mechanisms for healing and trust building, will give rise to the self-transformation necessary for second-stage deliberation aimed at collectively binding decisions.

Assessing the pollutant removal efficiency of a wetland as a polishing treatment for municipal wastewater

Mphuthi, Betty Refilwe 16 February 2021 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Pollution of aquatic systems by wastewater containing pathogens, heavy metals and high concentrations of nutrients is of great concern due the ecological risks they impose. The toxic effects of metals may occur even at low concentrations because of potential bio magnification in the food chain. Excessive nutrients cause algal blooms which depletes oxygen and prevents sunlight from penetrating into the water, thereby killing fish and other aquatic organisms. This study investigated the pollutant removal efficiency of a riparian wetland located in Sebokeng, Emfuleni local municipality, South Africa. The study was carried out to assess the water quality of a wetland located downstream of the Sebokeng wastewater treatment plant by monitoring and analysing the physico-chemical parameters which included pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, nutrient levels (nitrates, phosphates, nitrites) and heavy metals. The water samples were collected from the effluent discharge of the treatment plant, upstream and downstream of the wetland. Plant uptake of heavy metals in a riparian wetland, nitrification as well as denitrification processes have been historically recorded as the main processes that contribute to the high removal of pollutants in a wetland. The contaminant concentrations of the influent and the effluent were used to estimate the wetland efficiency in improving the water quality that passes through it and its potential effects on improving the quality of irrigation waters. The heavy metals of interest included Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn and Zn. Most heavy metals within the wetland occurred at low concentrations (lower than detectable limits and within the discharge limits for irrigation purposes). The results indicate that the average removal efficiencies for Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total coliforms (TC), E. coli, BOD5, COD, TSS, carbonate hardness, aluminium, iron, manganese, copper, nitrite, nitrate, sulfate and ortho-phosphate were 43 %, 51%, 85%, 60%, 61%, 61%, 21%, 67%, 52%, 51%, 83%, 56%, 89%, 49% and 54% respectively. The study showed that this wetland can provide up to 89% removal efficiency of pollutants. Of particular significance was the high pathogen and nutrient removal efficiency. A t-test was performed in order to determine the statistical significance of the wetland pollutant removal efficiencies. All p-values calculated were well below 0.05 and the removal efficiencies are therefore considered statistically significant. For this particular ecosystem the findings show that there is no great concern about metal pollution since most of the metals tested for were below the minimum limit for irrigation stipulated by the South African water regulation department (DWAF 1996a). Therefore, the wetland effluent water qualifies for both agriculture and landscape irrigation. Future considerations in choosing to use wetlands as a polishing facility for wastewater treatment systems are highlighted in the study.

Simultaneous Fixed Bed Removal of Nitrogen Oxides and Mercury Using Manganese and Cerium Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysts at Low Temperature SCR

Patil, Aniket January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Adsorption and thermal decomposition characteristics of organic contaminants in coal conversion wastewater

Kim, Yong Hwan. January 1984 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1984 K55 / Master of Science

Direct comparison of biomass yields of annual and perennial biofuel crops

Propheter, Jonathan L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Scott A. Staggenborg / Volatile energy prices, energy independency, and environmental concerns have increased the demand for renewable fuel production in the United States. The current renewable fuel industry in the United States has developed around the conversion of starch into ethanol fuel, supplied mainly by corn (Zea mays L.) grain. Future energy demands cannot be met by corn grain alone; therefore greater amounts of biomass from traditional and alternative crops must be utilized. Nutrient removal by selected biofuel crops is important in order to determine biomass quality, required fertilizer inputs, and economic viability of biofuel cropping systems. The objectives of this study were to evaluate grain, stover, total biomass, and estimated ethanol yields of annual and perennial C4 crops grown under the same soil and weather conditions; and fermentable carbohydrate (FC) yields from extracted sweet sorghum juice. In addition, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations of biomass were evaluated to determine total nutrient removal for annual and perennial crops. Field trials, at two locations in northeast Kansas, included corn, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and perennial warm-season grass cultivars. Yields and nutrient removal were greater for annual crops than perennial grasses. Annual crop yields varied among cultivars, but were similar between locations and years. Perennial grass yields improved significantly from the 2007 establishment year to 2008, however nutrient removal was not affected by the yield increase. The highest grain yield and grain nutrient removal amounts were observed for corn across both years and locations. Total biomass yields were greatest for sweet and photoperiod sensitive sorghum cultivars. Average extracted sweet sorghum FC yields were 4.8 Mg ha[superscript]1. Estimated ethanol yields of sweet sorghum were greater than all other crop cultivars. Overall, nutrient removal was most affected by biomass yield variation among crop cultivars; however P concentrations, and subsequent removal, were dependent upon soil P levels at individual locations. These results suggest that annual crops can achieve the greatest biomass yields for multiple renewable fuel conversion processes, but are associated with high nutrient removal levels which must be considered when evaluating biofuel energy cropping systems.

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