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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivisering av kvävereningen vid bioblock A, Kungsängsverket / The efficiency of nitrogen removal at biological treatment A, Kungsängsverket

Svanberg, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
The most common type of nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plant is to use abiological treatment. When biological treatment is used, the two most common processes fornitrogen removal is pre and post denitrification. In the biological treatment A (BA) atKungsängsverket the nitrogen removal process used is intermittent aeration. Whenintermittent aeration is used, the wastewater is aerated at specific time intervals. This allowsboth nitrification and denitrification to occur in the same water volumes. It is of great interestto find a control strategy for controlling the air supply which is both cost effective and leadsto low emissions of nitrogen. The aim of this project was to improve the intermittent aeration at Kungsängsverket, Uppsala.The project was divided into two parts. The first part consisted of experiments carried out infull scale on the plant and the second part was a simulation study. In the experimental partdifferent time intervals for aeration were evaluated. The aim of the simulation part was toevaluate different control parameters and to find which parameters that should be used for anoptimal control strategy. The results showed that the best combination of aerated time and un-aerated time is 50minutes aerated and 50 minutes unaerated. It is recommended that the wastewater should beadded in the beginning and after half of the plant. The simulation results showed that thecontrol strategy can be improved by using a PI-regulator. The experiments and thesimulations both showed clear signs of variations in the inflow during the day. Because of thisit is recommended to establish a control strategy which easily can change the aeration timedepending on low and high flows. / Biologisk rening av avloppsvatten är den vanligaste typen av kväverening vidavloppsreningsverk. Bioblock A, Kungsängsverket Uppsala, har efter en renovering fått dettidigare driftsättet, kaskadkväverening, utbytt mot intermittent luftning. Intermittent luftninginnebär att nitrifikation och denitrifikation sker i samma zoner. Luftningen startas och stängsav med jämna tidsintervall vilket skapar en miljö för både nitrifikation och denitrifikation. Detär av stort intresse att finna en fungerande styrstrategi för luftningen som både ärkostnadseffektiv och som ger låga halter av kväve i utgående vatten. Syftet med examensarbetet var att effektivisera den intermittenta luftningen vid bioblock Avid Kungsängsverket, Uppsala. Tillvägagångsättet var att genom en utvärdering av detnuvarande driftsättet se vad som kunde förbättras. Det ställdes därefter upp ett antal försöksom var inriktade på att finna bättre driftparametrar. Dessa experiment genomfördes ifullskala. Därefter genomfördes en simuleringsstudie där dagens relästyrning jämfördes medtre regleralternativ. Det första alternativet var att reglera luftningen med hjälp av en PIregulator.De andra två alternativen var att styra luftningsperioderna efter utgåendeammonium-respektive nitrathalt. Fullskaleförsöken indikerade att luftning påslagen i 50 minuter följt av avslagen i 50 minutergav den högsta kvävereduktionen av de undersökta alternativen. Bioblock A är uppdelad ifem olika linjer vilka i sin tur är uppdelade i zoner. Utifrån försöken kan det rekommenderasatt avloppsvattnet tillsätts till första zonen och efter hälften av linjen, istället för som vid dennuvarande driften då vattnet tillsätts efter en fjärdedel och efter hälften av linjen. Simuleringsstudien visade att om dagens relästyrning byttes ut mot en PI-regulator skullesyretopparna minskas och syrehalten stabiliseras vid det förinställda börvärdet. Resultatenfrån både simuleringsstudien och fullskaleförsöken visar att en tidsstyrning avluftningsperioderna är av intresse för att spara energi och få en bättre kväverening.

Study on Process Performance and Evaluation of Dala Vatten’s Two Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants.

Amatya, Anjali January 2016 (has links)
Dala Vatten AB has been operating two municipal wastewater treatment plant namely Gagnef wastewater treatment plant and Tällberg wastewater treatment plant since 1970’s and 1950’s respectively in Dalarna, middle of Sweden. These both traditional treatment plants have been updated with continuous and intermittent aerated biological treatment facilities: Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) in 2012 and 2007 respectively. Recently, more detailed process performance and evaluation of both plants is required focusing on energy consumption. The objective of this master thesis is thus to investigate the opportunities in reducing energy consumption from both plants to save operation cost, identify the opportunities for chemical saving, if possible reduce the excess sludge so produced from the plant and potential optimization of the process for its plant’s sustainability. The laboratory study was made in May and August, 2015 with grab sampling and flow proportional sampling method. The analysation was carried out with several wastewater parameters: BOD7, COD, TOC, TP, NH4-N and TN with Hach Lange analysing method. Results showed that both continue and intermittent aerated plants have higher process performance with lower effluent organic (BOD7, COD) and TP loading to the recipient. Gagnef WWTP with continuous aeration has demonstrated an excessive use of chemical, sludge production and high-energy consumption by the blower serving MBBR during the studied period. By contrast, Tällberg WWTP with intermittent aeration has proved to be successful in terms of lower energy consumption by the blower serving the MBBR but failed to show improved specific energy efficiency for each pollutant load during the studied period. The recommendation in improvising energy saving and saving operation cost at both treatment plants was put forward.

Improvement of Biological Processes of Inland Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Li, Wen January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis gives an account for various aeration schemes that are utilized in conventional activated sludge treatment process in a wastewater treatment plant. By altering between different aeration schemes, the project aimed at reducing energy consumption along with maintaining the treatment performance at the plant. A series of experiments on the treatment performance over several different aeration schemes thus has been conducted on site at Solviken in Mora, Sweden. The project is basically a case study where no parameters were manually controlled except for the aeration schemes at the plant. Energy consumption reduction is logically relative to the ratio between aeration and non-aeration intervals. Several criteria were tested in regards to the treatment performance, including pH value, organic matters, phosphorus substances and microorganisms. The study has come up with a superior aeration scheme for the plant, as well as indicated processes that can be improved at the plant.

Nutrient Management in On-Site Wastewater Treatment

Dey, Ayanangshu 11 December 2009 (has links)
Groundwater and surface water contamination has been linked in the past to inadequate or failing on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. The on-site wastewater systems installed in coastal areas have more potential for inflicting this kind of environmental damage. This work studied the regulatory compliance and environmental protection of the four types of on-site wastewater disposal systems found on the Mississippi Gulf Coast; i.e., vegetative rock filter, subsurface drip irrigation, sand mound, and sprinkler systems, by statistical techniques. Compliance was also evaluated for groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells installed at four corners of a disposal field. This work eventually culminated in formulation of strategy for modifying the aerobic treatment prior to disposal to help reduce nitrogen loading on the discharging environment. Process modeling and simulations were performed to optimize conditions for biological nitrogen reduction in the treatment unit by efficient management of aeration. Two separate proposals were developed, such as either running the aerator unit in a low operating dissolved oxygen concentration or intermittent aeration mode.

Flytslam i Lövsta avloppsreningsverk : påverkande faktorer och potentiella åtgärder / Rising Sludge in Lövsta Wastewater Treatment Plant : Influencing Factors and Potential Solutions

Kamp, Matilde January 2016 (has links)
Ett avgörande steg i avloppsvattenrening med aktivslammetoden är att slammet kan avskiljas från det renade vattnet. Detta sker oftast i sedimenteringsbassänger. Sedimenteringsproblem är dock vanliga på många avloppsreningsverk, vilket kan leda till att föroreningar följer med utgående vatten. Studier om slamegenskaper är därför viktiga för att öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer som påverkar sedimenteringen och vad som kan göras för att minska problemen. I detta examensarbete har ett mindre avloppsreningsverk i Lövsta utanför Uppsala studerats. Ungefär en tredjedel av flödet till verket kommer från ett närliggande slakteri. Verket har återkommande problem med flytslam i slutsedimenteringsbassängen. Syftet med arbetet var att – genom litteraturstudier, provtagning, fullskaleförsök och analys – identifiera orsaker till flytslamproblemen. Även förslag till åtgärder skulle läggas fram. En utvärdering av reningsprocessen genomfördes dels utifrån befintliga mätdata, dels genom utförligare provtagningar och mätningar som gjordes under en treveckorsperiod i oktober. Höga nitrathalter observerades i vattnet, särskilt i den utjämningstank där flödesutjämning och förbehandling av slakterivattnet sker. De höga nitrathalterna, i kombination med en lång slamuppehållstid i slutsedimenteringsbassängen, bedömdes vara orsaken till flytslambildningen eftersom båda dessa faktorer gynnar uppkomsten av kvävgas genom denitrifikation. Det är denna gas som lyfter slammet från botten av bassängen till ytan. Två möjliga åtgärder för att lösa flytslamproblemen bedömdes vara genomförbara. Den ena var att öka bortpumpningen av slam från botten av slutsedimenteringsbassängen, för att förkorta slamuppehållstiden. Den andra var att denitrifiera vattnet innan det når slutsedimenteringen. Av dessa förslag ansågs det senare vara mer tilltalande ur både ekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel. En strategi för att denitrifiera vattnet bedömdes vara intermittent luftning av utjämningstanken. Denna luftningsstrategi tillämpades under en försöksperiod på tio veckor. Nitrathalterna mättes en eller två gånger i veckan under försöksperioden. En sänkning av nitrathalterna observerades: från 182 mg/l till som lägst 60 mg/l i utjämningstanken och från 65 mg/l till som lägst 18 mg/l i luftningsbassängen. Sänkningen var dock inte tillräcklig för att förhindra flytslambildning i sedimenteringsbassängerna. Den ofullständiga denitrifikationen berodde troligtvis på för låga BOD-halter i utjämningstanken. Vidare undersökningar behövs för att utvärdera och optimera kvävereningen genom intermittent luftning. / One of the most crucial steps in wastewater treatment with activated sludge is the separation of sludge from the treated effluent. This is most often done by sedimentation in clarifiers. Sedimentation problems are, however, common in many wastewater treatment plants, causing higher concentrations of pollutants in the effluent. Research on sludge characteristics is therefore important to increase the knowledge about which factors affect the sludge settling properties and what can be done to minimize problems. In this master thesis a small wastewater treatment plant in Lövsta outside Uppsala, Sweden, was investigated. About a third of the influent water to the plant comes from a slaughterhouse situated nearby. The plant suffers from recurrent problems with rising sludge in the secondary clarifier. The purpose of this thesis was to – through literature studies, sampling, full scale experiments and analysis – identify causes for the rising sludge problem. Also, suggestions to remedy the problem were to be presented. An evaluation of the treatment process was conducted from existing measurement data and from sampling and measuring done for three weeks in October. High concentrations of nitrate were found in the water, especially in the equalization tank, where flow equalization and primary treatment of the slaughterhouse wastewater takes place. The high concentrations of nitrate, in combination with a long sludge retention time in the secondary clarifier, were judged to be the reason for the formation of rising sludge. Both of these factors stimulate the development of nitrogen gas through denitrification. This gas lifts the sludge from the bottom of the clarifier to the water surface. Two possible solutions to the rising sludge problem were considered feasible. One was to increase the pumping of sludge from the bottom of the secondary clarifier, to decrease the sludge retention time. The second was to denitrify the water before it reaches the clarifiers. Of these two suggestions, the second was regarded as more appealing from both an economical and an environmental point of view. One method to denitrify the water was deemed to be intermittent aeration in the equalization tank. This aeration strategy was implemented for ten weeks. Nitrate concentrations were measured one or two times a week for this period of time. A decrease in nitrate concentrations was observed: from 182 mg/L to at its lowest 62 mg/L in the equalization tank, and from 65 mg/L to at its lowest 18 mg/L in the aeration tank. The decrease was, however, not enough to prevent formation of rising sludge in the clarifiers. The incomplete denitrification process was thought to be due to low concentrations of BOD in the equalization tank. Further studies need to be carried out to evaluate and optimize the nitrogen removal through intermittent aeration.

Desempenho de reator vertical de fluxo contínuo e leito estruturado com recirculação do efluente, submetido à aeração intermitente, para a remoção de nitrogênio de efluente de UASB tratando águas residuárias domesticas / Performance of vertical reactor with continuous flow, structured bed and recirculation submitted to intermittent aeration for removal of carbon and nitrogen in effluent of UASB treating domestic wastewater.

Gadêlha, Daví de Andrade Cordeiro 18 June 2013 (has links)
Um Reator com Aeração Intermitente e Leito Estruturado (RAILE) foi testado como pós- tratamento de UASB tratando efluente doméstico. O RAILE foi submetido a ciclos de uma hora de aeração e duas de anoxia, visando obtenção de Nitrificação e Desnitrificação Simultâneas (NDS) para remoção de nitrogênio. A recirculação aplicada foi de 3 vezes a vazão de entrada, para equalização da qualidade do efluente. O reator tem formato cilíndrico e seu meio suporte é espuma de poliuretano na forma de cilindros dispostos verticalmente, suportados por hastes de cloreto de polivinila (PVC) presas nas extremidades. O estudo foi dividido em duas fases em que o RAILE recebeu efluentes de UASB com diferentes relações de DQO/N-Total. Na primeira fase a relação foi 2,44 e na segunda fase a relação foi 4,01. As remoções de N-Total foram 23,7% e 65,3%, respectivamente para primeira e segunda fase. As remoçôes de DQO para todo o sistema foram 94,8%, para a primeira fase, e 93,4%, para a segunda fase. A alcalinidade se mostrou um parâmetro efetivo pra monitorar a ocorrência de NDS. Embora tenha se mostrado viável como pós-tratamento de UASB em sistemas tratando efluente doméstico, a relação DQO/N-Total precisa ser controlada para garantir o processo de NDS / A Structured Bed Intermittently Aerated reactor (SBIA) was tested as post-treatment for UASB treating domestic wastewater. The SBIA underwent cycles of one hour of aeration and two hour of anoxia to obtain Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (SND) for the removal of nitrogen. The recirculation flow applied was 3 times the input flow to equalize the effluent quality. The reactor had a cylindrical shape and its support medium is polyurethane foam in the form of cylinders arranged vertically, supported by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rods attached at the ends. The study was divided into two stages in which the SBIA received the UASB reactor effluent with different COD/Total-N ratios. The first COD/Total-N ratio was 2,44 and the second was 4,01. The removal of N-total were 23.7% and 65.3% respectively for the first and second stages. The removal of COD, in all the system, was 94.8% for the first stage and 93.4% for the second stage. The alkalinity proved to be an effective parameter to monitor the occurrence of SND. Although the SBIA proved to be feasible as post-treatment of UASB systems treating domestic wastewater the ratio COD/N-total must be controlled to ensure the process of SND

Remoção de nitrogênio de águas residuárias com elevada concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal em reator contendo biomassa em suspensão operado em bateladas seqüenciais e sob aeração intermitente / Nitrogen removal of wastewaters with high ammonium nitrogen concentrations in reactor containing suspended biomass operated in sequential batch and under intermittent aeration

Iamamoto, Cristina Yuriko 04 August 2006 (has links)
O reator em batelada seqüencial com biomassa em suspensão foi submetido a concentrações de N-amoniacal de 125, 250 e 500 mg N/L e em condições de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) no reator de 2 mg 'O IND.2'/L, em ciclos de 2h/2h de anóxico/aeróbio. Em todas as fases, o reator foi operado como batelada alimentada. Na condição de 125 mg N/L obteve-se eficiência de remoção de 87% de N, tendo o nitrato sido o principal produto da nitrificação. Na condição de 250 mg N/L, obteve-se eficiência de remoção de N de 84%, com predominância de nitrito como principal produto da nitrificação e com ocorrência de nitrificação e desnitrificação simultânea durante os dois primeiros ciclos aeróbios. Na condição de 500 mg N/L, as condições de concentração de OD de 2 mg 'O IND.2'/L e aeração intermitente a cada 2h não foram suficientes para promover a remoção total de nitrogênio amoniacal. Foram feitas alterações: ciclos de 2h anóxico e 9h aeróbios, com concentração média de 2,8 mg 'O IND.2'/L, que resultaram em eficiências de remoção de N de 94%, com predominância de nitrito. Foram isoladas cepas desnitrificantes com similaridade de 97% para Thauera mechernichensis e Thauera sp. 27 nas condições operacionais de 125 e 250 mg N/L e de 99% para Ochrobactrum anthropi e Ochrobactrum tritici, na condição operacional de 500 mg N/L. O longo tempo de operação resultou na diminuição da população de bactérias oxidantes de nitrito, podendo ter sido uma das causas que contribuiu para que se criassem condições que levariam à nitrificação via nitrito na concentração de 500 mg N/L. O sucesso na prevenção da inibição do processo por amônia livre foi atribuído à adoção das condições operacionais do reator, que foi operado sob aeração intermitente e batelada alimentada. / The sequential batch reactor with suspended bioma was subjected to ammonium concentrations of 125, 250 and 500 mg N/L, oxygen dissolved (OD) concentrations of 2 mg 'O IND.2'/L, 2h/2h of anoxic/aerobic steps. The reactor was operated under fed-batch feeding. At the operational condition of 125 mg N/L, the mean nitrogen removal efficiency of 87% was obtained and nitrate was the main nitrification product. At operational condition of 250 mg N/L, was gotten nitrogen removal efficiencies of 84% and nitrite was the predominant form of nitrogen and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification occurred during the two first aerobic steps of the cycle. At 500 mg N/L, the operating conditions imposed to the reactor (OD concentrations of 2 mg 'O IND.2'/L and intermittent aeration of 2h) did not lead to complete nitrification during the aerated steps, thus affecting nitrogen removal. The conditions were altered increasing the aerated steps to 9 hours, with OD concentration of 2,8 mg 'O IND.2'/L, and keeping the duration of the anoxic steps in 2 hours. Under such conditions, the mean nitrogen removal efficiency attained 94% and nitrite was the predominant oxidized nitrogen specie. It was isolated denitrifiers with similarity of 97% for Thauera mechernichensis and Thauera sp. 27 at the operational conditions of 125 and 250 mg N/L and of 99% for Ochrobactrum anthropi and Ochrobactrum tritici, at operational condition of 500 mg N/L. The long term operation resulted in the decrease of nitrite oxidizers populations and this was probably the main factor contributing for the creation of conditions for the partial nitrification via nitrite to prevail during the operation at ammonium concentration of 500 mg N/L. The success in preventing free ammonia inhibition was attributed to the adoption of intermittent aeration and fed batch operation.

Desempenho de um reator vertical de fluxo contínuo e leito estruturado com recirculação do efluente, submetido à aeração intermitente, na remoção de carbono e nitrogênio de um efluente sintético / Performance of vertical reactor of continuous flow and bed structured with recirculation, submitted to intermittent aeration for the removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluent

Moura, Rafael Brito de 18 March 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado e fluxo contínuo, sob diferentes condições operacionais como aeração intermitente e recirculação do efluente, na remoção biológica de carbono e nitrogênio de uma água residuária sintética. Foi utilizado um reator vertical, construído em acrílico, com um volume total de 11,6 L e um volume útil de 6,1 L. O meio suporte utilizado para fixação dos microrganismos foi espuma de poliuretano na forma de cilindros dispostos verticalmente suportados por hastes, presos nas extremidades. A razão de recirculação utilizada durante todo o experimento foi igual a 5. Os períodos adotados de aeração e não aeração foram de 2 horas e 1 hora, respectivamente. Estabelecidos a vazão de recirculação e os períodos de aeração e não aeração, estudou-se o efeito da variação do TDH na eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total e DQO. Como resultado, observou-se que a melhor condição operacional foi com TDH de 12 horas, que apresentou eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total de 82% e remoção de DQO de 89%. O sistema mostrou-se estável ao ser operado nessas condições, apresentando pouca variação nos resultados. Por outro lado, quando o sistema foi operado com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas, houve queda nas eficiências de remoção de \'N\'-total para valores de 49% e 45% respectivamente. Com relação à remoção de DQO, as eficiências com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas foram de 85% e 88% respectivamente, indicando uma boa remoção de matéria orgânica mesmo com TDH menor. Não houve presença significativa de biomassa no efluente, indicando que a biomassa permaneceu fortemente aderida ao meio suporte. Foram realizados ensaios cinéticos para determinação das velocidades de nitrificação e desnitrificação da biomassa do reator operando em sua melhor condição operacional. Por meio e perfis temporais em reatores em batelada, obteve-se uma velocidade de nitrificação via \'N\'-amoniacal de 1,43 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. As velocidades de nitrificação via \'N\'-nitrito foram 1,87 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 1,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Na desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrato à \'N\'-nitrito, foram obtidas velocidades de 3,4 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 4,0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Para a desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrito a \'N IND.2\', as velocidades obtidas foram 2,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 2,9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. / This research aimed at evaluating the performance of a structured bed reactor continuously fed, operated with intermittent aeration and effluent recirculation, in the biological removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluent. A vertical reactor was built in acrylic, with a total volume of 11.6 L and a working volume of 6.1 L. Polyurethane foam cylinders supported by sticks vertically disposed were used for biomass attachment. The recirculation flow rate was 5. Aerated and non-aerated periods ware 2 hours and 1 hour, respectively. Once established the recirculation flow and the length of aerated and non-aerated period, the study of effect of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\' and COD was started. The best operating condition was achieved with HDT of 12 hours, with removal efficiency of Total-\'N\' and COD removal of 82% of 89% respectively. Under such condition, the system exhibited high stability with little variation of the monitoring parameters. On the other hand, when the system was operated with HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours, there was a decrease in removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\', to 49% and 45% respectively. Regarding COD removal, the efficiencies at HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours were 85% and 88% respectively, indicating that organic matter removal efficiency is not limited in such range of HDT. The low concentration of suspended solids in the effluent indicates the biomass was firmly attached to the bed. Kinetic assays were performed to determine the rates of nitrification and denitrification in the reactor operating at its best operational condition. Temporal profiles obtained from batch reactors allowed for obtaining an ammonia oxidation rate of 1.43 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The nitrite oxidation rates were 1.87 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 1.3 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The reduction rates of nitrate to nitrite were 3.4 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 4.0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. The denitrification rate of nitrite to \'N IND.2\' were 2.3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h and 2.9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h.

Desempenho de um reator vertical de fluxo contínuo e leito estruturado com recirculação do efluente, submetido à aeração intermitente, na remoção de carbono e nitrogênio de um efluente sintético / Performance of vertical reactor of continuous flow and bed structured with recirculation, submitted to intermittent aeration for the removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluent

Rafael Brito de Moura 18 March 2011 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado e fluxo contínuo, sob diferentes condições operacionais como aeração intermitente e recirculação do efluente, na remoção biológica de carbono e nitrogênio de uma água residuária sintética. Foi utilizado um reator vertical, construído em acrílico, com um volume total de 11,6 L e um volume útil de 6,1 L. O meio suporte utilizado para fixação dos microrganismos foi espuma de poliuretano na forma de cilindros dispostos verticalmente suportados por hastes, presos nas extremidades. A razão de recirculação utilizada durante todo o experimento foi igual a 5. Os períodos adotados de aeração e não aeração foram de 2 horas e 1 hora, respectivamente. Estabelecidos a vazão de recirculação e os períodos de aeração e não aeração, estudou-se o efeito da variação do TDH na eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total e DQO. Como resultado, observou-se que a melhor condição operacional foi com TDH de 12 horas, que apresentou eficiência de remoção de \'N\'-total de 82% e remoção de DQO de 89%. O sistema mostrou-se estável ao ser operado nessas condições, apresentando pouca variação nos resultados. Por outro lado, quando o sistema foi operado com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas, houve queda nas eficiências de remoção de \'N\'-total para valores de 49% e 45% respectivamente. Com relação à remoção de DQO, as eficiências com TDH de 8 horas e 10 horas foram de 85% e 88% respectivamente, indicando uma boa remoção de matéria orgânica mesmo com TDH menor. Não houve presença significativa de biomassa no efluente, indicando que a biomassa permaneceu fortemente aderida ao meio suporte. Foram realizados ensaios cinéticos para determinação das velocidades de nitrificação e desnitrificação da biomassa do reator operando em sua melhor condição operacional. Por meio e perfis temporais em reatores em batelada, obteve-se uma velocidade de nitrificação via \'N\'-amoniacal de 1,43 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. As velocidades de nitrificação via \'N\'-nitrito foram 1,87 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 1,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Na desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrato à \'N\'-nitrito, foram obtidas velocidades de 3,4 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 4,0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. Para a desnitrificação de \'N\'-nitrito a \'N IND.2\', as velocidades obtidas foram 2,3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h e 2,9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. / This research aimed at evaluating the performance of a structured bed reactor continuously fed, operated with intermittent aeration and effluent recirculation, in the biological removal of carbon and nitrogen from a synthetic effluent. A vertical reactor was built in acrylic, with a total volume of 11.6 L and a working volume of 6.1 L. Polyurethane foam cylinders supported by sticks vertically disposed were used for biomass attachment. The recirculation flow rate was 5. Aerated and non-aerated periods ware 2 hours and 1 hour, respectively. Once established the recirculation flow and the length of aerated and non-aerated period, the study of effect of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\' and COD was started. The best operating condition was achieved with HDT of 12 hours, with removal efficiency of Total-\'N\' and COD removal of 82% of 89% respectively. Under such condition, the system exhibited high stability with little variation of the monitoring parameters. On the other hand, when the system was operated with HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours, there was a decrease in removal efficiencies of Total-\'N\', to 49% and 45% respectively. Regarding COD removal, the efficiencies at HDT of 8 hours and 10 hours were 85% and 88% respectively, indicating that organic matter removal efficiency is not limited in such range of HDT. The low concentration of suspended solids in the effluent indicates the biomass was firmly attached to the bed. Kinetic assays were performed to determine the rates of nitrification and denitrification in the reactor operating at its best operational condition. Temporal profiles obtained from batch reactors allowed for obtaining an ammonia oxidation rate of 1.43 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The nitrite oxidation rates were 1.87 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 1.3 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h. The reduction rates of nitrate to nitrite were 3.4 mg\'N\'/gVSS.h and 4.0 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h. The denitrification rate of nitrite to \'N IND.2\' were 2.3 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h and 2.9 mg\'N\'/gSSV.h.

Desempenho de reator vertical de fluxo contínuo e leito estruturado com recirculação do efluente, submetido à aeração intermitente, para a remoção de nitrogênio de efluente de UASB tratando águas residuárias domesticas / Performance of vertical reactor with continuous flow, structured bed and recirculation submitted to intermittent aeration for removal of carbon and nitrogen in effluent of UASB treating domestic wastewater.

Daví de Andrade Cordeiro Gadêlha 18 June 2013 (has links)
Um Reator com Aeração Intermitente e Leito Estruturado (RAILE) foi testado como pós- tratamento de UASB tratando efluente doméstico. O RAILE foi submetido a ciclos de uma hora de aeração e duas de anoxia, visando obtenção de Nitrificação e Desnitrificação Simultâneas (NDS) para remoção de nitrogênio. A recirculação aplicada foi de 3 vezes a vazão de entrada, para equalização da qualidade do efluente. O reator tem formato cilíndrico e seu meio suporte é espuma de poliuretano na forma de cilindros dispostos verticalmente, suportados por hastes de cloreto de polivinila (PVC) presas nas extremidades. O estudo foi dividido em duas fases em que o RAILE recebeu efluentes de UASB com diferentes relações de DQO/N-Total. Na primeira fase a relação foi 2,44 e na segunda fase a relação foi 4,01. As remoções de N-Total foram 23,7% e 65,3%, respectivamente para primeira e segunda fase. As remoçôes de DQO para todo o sistema foram 94,8%, para a primeira fase, e 93,4%, para a segunda fase. A alcalinidade se mostrou um parâmetro efetivo pra monitorar a ocorrência de NDS. Embora tenha se mostrado viável como pós-tratamento de UASB em sistemas tratando efluente doméstico, a relação DQO/N-Total precisa ser controlada para garantir o processo de NDS / A Structured Bed Intermittently Aerated reactor (SBIA) was tested as post-treatment for UASB treating domestic wastewater. The SBIA underwent cycles of one hour of aeration and two hour of anoxia to obtain Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (SND) for the removal of nitrogen. The recirculation flow applied was 3 times the input flow to equalize the effluent quality. The reactor had a cylindrical shape and its support medium is polyurethane foam in the form of cylinders arranged vertically, supported by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rods attached at the ends. The study was divided into two stages in which the SBIA received the UASB reactor effluent with different COD/Total-N ratios. The first COD/Total-N ratio was 2,44 and the second was 4,01. The removal of N-total were 23.7% and 65.3% respectively for the first and second stages. The removal of COD, in all the system, was 94.8% for the first stage and 93.4% for the second stage. The alkalinity proved to be an effective parameter to monitor the occurrence of SND. Although the SBIA proved to be feasible as post-treatment of UASB systems treating domestic wastewater the ratio COD/N-total must be controlled to ensure the process of SND

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