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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Licenças compulsórias e direitos autorais / Compulsory licenses and copyright

Leonardi, Fernanda Stinchi Pascale 04 April 2014 (has links)
Defende a compatibilidade de licenças compulsórias com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e indica hipóteses em que esse instituto poderia ser implementado no Brasil. Para tanto, analisa as licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais previstas no Direito Internacional e no Direito Estrangeiro, bem como os institutos assemelhados que também permitem o uso de obras intelectuais sem a prévia e expressa autorização dos titulares de direitos autorais, mediante garantia da justa remuneração a esses titulares, apresentando justificativas fundadas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a adoção de alguns desses regimes no Brasil. Identifica dois grupos de licenças compulsórias: um justificado diretamente pelas necessidades culturais e educacionais de países em desenvolvimento, e outro fruto de razões econômicas e práticas, especialmente da impossibilidade de obtenção de autorização individualizada de todos os titulares de direitos autorais das inúmeras obras a serem usadas, por exemplo, no rádio, no televisão, e, atualmente, pela Internet. A primeira parte da obra esclarece que a licença compulsória é um instituto mais conhecido no âmbito do Direito de Patentes do que no Direito Autoral, enquanto a segunda parte apresenta um breve panorama histórico da origem das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais. A terceira parte da obra apresenta as licenças compulsórias para tradução, para reprodução, para gravação de obras sonoras e para radiodifusão previstas na Convenção de Berna e na legislação de diversos países estrangeiros. Apresenta, ainda, as soluções estrangeiras para questões de obras órfãs e de uso privado, as quais incluem a adoção de licenças compulsórias ou de institutos assemelhados (direitos de remuneração e licenças coletivas estendidas). Na quarta parte, verifica-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro reconhece a necessidade de balanceamento de direitos constitucionais e a necessidade de impedir o abuso de direito, apresentando o instituto das licenças compulsórias para obras intelectuais como um instrumento para atingir esses objetivos. Em seguida, são avaliados os artigos das duas versões do Anteprojeto de Reforma da Lei de Direitos Autorais que mencionam as licenças compulsórias, indicando-se as possibilidades de melhoria em tais dispositivos. A quinta parte da obra distingue as licenças compulsórias de outros institutos conhecidos no Direito Brasileiro e indica, ao final, sua natureza jurídica. A sexta parte analisa a veiculação de obras por meio da Internet e traz propostas de implementação de regimes de licenças compulsórias no Brasil como aprimoramento à atual estruturação do Direito Autoral brasileiro. Conclui que as licenças compulsórias são sistemas de gestão dos direitos autorais, inexistindo impedimento para a sua instituição no Brasil, especialmente como uma forma de solução aos desafios enfrentados pelo Direito Autoral no tocante à veiculação de obras pela Internet, defendendo a instituição de um ônus geral transitório até que se possa estabelecer uma licença legal definitiva para usos não comerciais e de um sistema duplo para usos comerciais: instituição de licenças obrigatórias para as hipóteses autorizadas pela Convenção de Berna e de licenças coletivas estendidas para as demais hipóteses de usos comerciais. / The work defends the compatibility of compulsory licenses with the Brazilian legal system and indicates cases in which the institute could be implemented in Brazil. It analyzes the compulsory licenses of intellectual works under international law and foreign law, as well as the similar institutes that also allow the use of intellectual works without the prior written consent of the copyright holders, by ensuring fair compensation to such holders, presenting justifications founded in Brazilian law for the adoption of some of these schemes in Brazil. It identifies two groups of compulsory licenses: one directly justified by the cultural and educational needs in developing countries, and another by economic and practical reasons, especially the impossibility of obtaining individual consent from all copyright holders of the numerous works to be used, for example, on radio, on television, and nowadays, on the Internet. The first part explains that compulsory licensing is a widely known institute for the Patent Law and less known for the Copyright Law, while the second part provides a brief historical overview of the origin of compulsory licenses of intellectual works. The third part introduces compulsory licenses provided in the Berne Convention and in some foreign countries for translation, for reproduction, for recording and for broadcasting. It also presents foreign solutions to orphan works and private use issues, which include the adoption of compulsory licenses or similar schemes (right to compensation and extended collective licensing). In the fourth part, it is shown that Brazilian law recognizes the need for balancing constitutional rights and the need to prevent abuse of law, presenting the institute of compulsory licenses to intellectual works as a tool to achieve these goals. Then, the two versions of the Draft Bill to reform the Brazilian Copyright Act that mention compulsory licenses are reviewed to point out possible improvements in such provisions. The fifth part of the work distinguishes compulsory licensing of other known institutes in Brazilian law and indicates its legal nature. The sixth section analyzes the transmission of works through the Internet and it brings proposals for implementation of compulsory licensing regimes in Brazil as an improvement to the current structure of the Brazilian Copyright Law. The work concludes that compulsory licenses are copyright management systems, whose implementation is compatible with the Brazilian legal system, especially as a form of solution to the challenges faced by Copyright Law regarding the transmission of works over the Internet, advocating the creation of a general, transient, levy until a definitive legal license can be established a for non-commercial uses and a dual system for commercial uses: imposition of compulsory licenses for the cases permitted by the Berne Convention and of extended collective licenses for other commercial uses.

Pay-for-performance? : A study examining the relationship between CEO's remuneration and shareholder wealth in Swedish companies

Friberg, Staffan, Claeson, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Pay-for-performance? : A study examining the relationship between CEO's remuneration and shareholder wealth in Swedish companies

Friberg, Staffan, Claeson, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Remuneration Programs : A Principal Agent Theory perspective of CEO Remuneration Programs

Erixson, David, Folkesson, Emil, Hendeby, Elvira January 2007 (has links)
In the media today, remuneration programs to CEO’s are frequently discussed. Media are usually focusing on the large amounts paid out rather than why the companies use the programs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the conflict of interest presented by the Principal Agent Theory is affected by a CEO remuneration program. To reach the purpose, an inductive method has been used. Questionnaires have been send out by e-mail and phone interviews have been carried out with two sample groups, one with remuneration programs, and one that do not use remuneration programs. The main theoretical framework used is Principal Agent Theory. With the help of other supporting and complementing theories the authors have been able to analyze the empirical findings gathered, and come to a conclusion. The authors were able to come to the conclusion that an effective remuneration program can to some extent steer a CEO’s behavior in the short term, and thereby affect the conflict of interest going on between principals and agents according to Principal Agent Theory. At the same time the authors have come to the conclusion that it is more difficult to make any clear connections between remuneration programs and being able to steer CEO’s behavior in the long run. However the long run reason for a remuneration program is to create a loyalty between the owners and managers. It has also been seen that companies without a remuneration plan tend to apply a Stewardship relationship rather than a principal agent relationship, and are thereby managing to decrease the conflict of interest between the two parties. / Bonusprogram är ofta diskuterade i media idag. Fokus ligger oftare på storleken på beloppen som betalas ut snarare än varför företagen väljer att använda sig av programmen. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida intressekonflikten presenterad i Principal Agent Teori påverkas av ett bonusprogram till VD. För att uppnå syftet har en induktiv metod används. Frågeformulär har skickats ut via e-post och telefonintervjuer har genomförts med två olika urvalsgrupper, en där företagen använder sig av bonusprogram till sin VD och en där företagen inte använder sig av bonusprogram till sin VD. Den huvudsakliga teorin som använts är Principal Agent Teori. Med hjälp av andra stödjande samt kompletterande teorier har författarna kunnat analysera det empiriska materialet som samlats in och på så sätt lyckats komma fram till en slutsats. Författarna kom fram till slutsatsen att ett effektivt bonusprogram kan till viss del styra en VD:s beteende på kortsikt, och på så sätt påverka den intressekonflikt som pågår mellan principal och agent enligt Principal Agent Teorin. Samtidigt har författarna kommit fram till slutsatsen att det är svårare att se något klart samband mellan bonusprogram och möjligheten att styra en VD:s beteende på långsikt. En annan anledning för att använda ett bonusprogram är att skapa en lojalitet mellan ägare och chefer på långsikt. Det har även framkommit att företag som inte använder sig av ett bonussystem tenderar att ha en Stewardship relation snarare än en principal agent relation mellan ägaren och VD. På så sätt lyckas dessa företag minska intressekonflikten mellan de två parterna.

Retention : An explanatory study of Swedish employees in the financial sector regarding leadership style, remuneration and elements towards job satisfaction

Paulsson, Sanna, Lindgren, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Companies today are forced to function in a world full of change and complexity, and it is more important than ever to have the right employees in order to survive the surrounding competition. It is a fact that a too high turnover rate affects companies in a negative way and retention strategies should therefore be high on the agenda. When looking at this problem area we found that there may be actions and tools that companies could use to come to terms with this problem. Research told us that leadership, remuneration and elements like participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere is important for job satisfaction and retention. Object: The main objective is to increase the understanding regarding employee’s retention in relation to leadership style, remuneration and elements such as participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere in the Swedish financial sector. Method: We wanted to investigate how employee of the Swedish financial sector prefers to be retained, and how they consider and react to the chosen areas. The survey has a quantitative approach with a web based questionnaire and includes 129 respondents from banks, insurance and finance companies. The theoretical framework includes leadership and leadership style, financial as well as non-financial remuneration and research done in later years regarding participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere connected to retention. Conclusion: The result shows that regarding leadership the respondents prefer leadership based on relations were they feel appreciation. Both appreciations from the closest manager as well as the company management influences employee job satisfaction in a positive way. More money was the most common reason for wanting to change jobs, and when asking how the remuneration system should be designed, base pay with additional bonus and benefits were preferred. But also non financial factors such as participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere must be taken in consideration to satisfy since they seem to increase employees’ willingness to stay in the company.

How is remuneration used in Bank, Financial, and Insurance companies to retain employees in France and Kosovo?

Bourgeois, Edouard, Stublla, Fatmir January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Remuneration Programs : A Principal Agent Theory perspective of CEO Remuneration Programs

Erixson, David, Folkesson, Emil, Hendeby, Elvira January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the media today, remuneration programs to CEO’s are frequently discussed. Media are usually focusing on the large amounts paid out rather than why the companies use the programs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the conflict of interest presented by the Principal Agent Theory is affected by a CEO remuneration program.</p><p>To reach the purpose, an inductive method has been used. Questionnaires have been send out by e-mail and phone interviews have been carried out with two sample groups, one with remuneration programs, and one that do not use remuneration programs.</p><p>The main theoretical framework used is Principal Agent Theory. With the help of other supporting and complementing theories the authors have been able to analyze the empirical findings gathered, and come to a conclusion. The authors were able to come to the conclusion that an effective remuneration program can to some extent steer a CEO’s behavior in the short term, and thereby affect the conflict of interest going on between principals and agents according to Principal Agent Theory. At the same time the authors have come to the conclusion that it is more difficult to make any clear connections between remuneration programs and being able to steer CEO’s behavior in the long run. However the long run reason for a remuneration program is to create a loyalty between the owners and managers. It has also been seen that companies without a remuneration plan tend to apply a Stewardship relationship rather than a principal agent relationship, and are thereby managing to decrease the conflict of interest between the two parties.</p> / <p>Bonusprogram är ofta diskuterade i media idag. Fokus ligger oftare på storleken på beloppen som betalas ut snarare än varför företagen väljer att använda sig av programmen. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida intressekonflikten presenterad i Principal Agent Teori påverkas av ett bonusprogram till VD.</p><p>För att uppnå syftet har en induktiv metod används. Frågeformulär har skickats ut via e-post och telefonintervjuer har genomförts med två olika urvalsgrupper, en där företagen använder sig av bonusprogram till sin VD och en där företagen inte använder sig av bonusprogram till sin VD.</p><p>Den huvudsakliga teorin som använts är Principal Agent Teori. Med hjälp av andra stödjande samt kompletterande teorier har författarna kunnat analysera det empiriska materialet som samlats in och på så sätt lyckats komma fram till en slutsats.</p><p>Författarna kom fram till slutsatsen att ett effektivt bonusprogram kan till viss del styra en VD:s beteende på kortsikt, och på så sätt påverka den intressekonflikt som pågår mellan principal och agent enligt Principal Agent Teorin. Samtidigt har författarna kommit fram till slutsatsen att det är svårare att se något klart samband mellan bonusprogram och möjligheten att styra en VD:s beteende på långsikt. En annan anledning för att använda ett bonusprogram är att skapa en lojalitet mellan ägare och chefer på långsikt. Det har även framkommit att företag som inte använder sig av ett bonussystem tenderar att ha en Stewardship relation snarare än en principal agent relation mellan ägaren och VD. På så sätt lyckas dessa företag minska intressekonflikten mellan de två parterna.</p>

Retention : An explanatory study of Swedish employees in the financial sector regarding leadership style, remuneration and elements towards job satisfaction

Paulsson, Sanna, Lindgren, Linda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Introduction: Companies today are forced to function in a world full of change and complexity, and it is more important than ever to have the right employees in order to survive the surrounding competition. It is a fact that a too high turnover rate affects companies in a negative way and retention strategies should therefore be high on the agenda. When looking at this problem area we found that there may be actions and tools that companies could use to come to terms with this problem. Research told us that leadership, remuneration and elements like participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere is important for job satisfaction and retention.</p><p>Object: The main objective is to increase the understanding regarding employee’s retention in relation to leadership style, remuneration and elements such as participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere in the Swedish financial sector.</p><p>Method: We wanted to investigate how employee of the Swedish financial sector prefers to be retained, and how they consider and react to the chosen areas. The survey has a quantitative approach with a web based questionnaire and includes 129 respondents from banks, insurance and finance companies. The theoretical framework includes leadership and leadership style, financial as well as non-financial remuneration and research done in later years regarding participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere connected to retention.</p><p>Conclusion: The result shows that regarding leadership the respondents prefer leadership based on relations were they feel appreciation. Both appreciations from the closest manager as well as the company management influences employee job satisfaction in a positive way. More money was the most common reason for wanting to change jobs, and when asking how the remuneration system should be designed, base pay with additional bonus and benefits were preferred. But also non financial factors such as participation, feedback, autonomy, fairness, responsibility, development and work-atmosphere must be taken in consideration to satisfy since they seem to increase employees’ willingness to stay in the company.</p>

How is remuneration used in Bank, Financial, and Insurance companies to retain employees in France and Kosovo?

Bourgeois, Edouard, Stublla, Fatmir January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Die vergoeding vir arbeid in Suid-Afrika : 'n teologies-etiese studie / E.J. de Beer

De Beer, Edmund Johannes January 2004 (has links)
On the basis of descriptive and prescriptive ethics and by means of literature study and exegesis of the Scriptures, this study poses an answer to the question: "How should factors that define labour compensation in South Africa since 1994 be judged according to theological ethics?" Since the subsistence farming of the seventeenth century in South Africa labour compensation has changed to a mainly capitalistic system with money as the most important compensation to labourers for services rendered. Since the seventeenth century a period of unfolding and development of careers has taken place mainly as a result of the influence of colonists from Europe. Gradual development taking place in the economic field has made subsequent factors in lieu of labour compensation more relevant for labourers. Various factors with regard to compensation of labour after 1994 - when the first fully-fledged democratic voting took place in South Africa - defines that it must be seen against the developmental background before 1994. In this study thirteen factors that have an influence on compensation since 1994, will be identified. Some factors tend to lean towards underpayment and others to overpayment. Interior factors relating to insufficient payment are unemployment, child labour, HIV/Aids and gambling. Foreign factors relative to insufficient payment are illegal immigration and cheap imports. Relevant to this, there are also factors resulting in higher remuneration of labourers. Labour laws with regard to affirmative action and minimum wages have a positive influence on payment for labourers. Illegal conduct of labourers gives rise to theft, robbery and corruption. Positive reactions are also in place with regard to remuneration of labourers. In view of this, over-pay, strikes and emigration play an important role. The factors that influence payment since 1994 are being judged according to the Scriptures, pertaining labour and remuneration. God created mankind serving as inhabitants and workers of the earth. He also decreed that mankind will live from the fruit of his labour. This decree forms the basis by which labourers receive remuneration for their efforts. Through fellowship man shows that he is sewing God and fellow-country men and does not labour only for his own advantage. The fall of man has far-reaching influences on mankind, his labours, place of labour and the consequent remuneration be receives for services rendered. One cannot fatalistically accept the influence of the fall of mankind. The recreation of mankind, started by Jesus Christ also affects the area of labour. This study demonstrates how remuneration for labour does not comply to Bible principles. Guidance will be given to how, especially believers, be they employers or employees, portray God's image through their conduct. Believers should execute their labours in such a way, that they are worthy of decent remuneration. Christian employers ought to be reasonable when paying employees, create and protect job opportunities and where possible, employ more labourers. Maximum opportunity should be granted by the ruling authority in order that as many people possible have the opportunity to labour without being exploited. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Ethics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

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