Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gendering"" "subject:"lendering""
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[pt] A representação de formas é um problema fundamental em
Computação Gráfica. Dentre as representações conhecidas
objetos tridimensionais, os campos de distância amostrados
adaptativamente (ADFs) destacam-se por sua versatilidade.
ADFs combinam os conceitos de geometria com
dados volumétricos, permitem representar objetos com
precisão arbitrária, e consolidam diversas operações como
visualização, modelagem de níveis de detalhe, detecção de
colisão, testes de proximidade, metamorfose e operações
booleanas em uma única representação. Este trabalho propõe
métodos para acelerar a reconstrução de ADFs estáticas,
melhorar a qualidade dos campos reconstruídos, e
iso-superfícies das ADFs, valendo-se do enorme poder
computacional encontrado nas placas gráficas modernas
(GPUs). Para que as ADFs sejam representadas de forma
eficiente em placas gráficas, propõe-se o uso de uma
estrutura hierárquica baseada em dispersão espacial
perfeita. A renderização de ADFs é feita integralmente
pela GPU, utilizando uma técnica de lançamento de raios
baseada em traçado por esferas. Uma maneira de tratar as
descontinuidades C0 e C1 inerentes às ADFs é sugerida para
que o sombreamento das superfícies seja suave.
Finalmente, o
trabalho propõe um novo método de reconstrução para
ADFs, capaz de representar melhor superfícies curvas. Os
resultados são apresentados através de aplicações simples
visualização interativa, com ADFs geradas a partir de
de triângulos e sólidos primitivos. / [en] Shape representation is a fundamental problem in Computer
Graphics. Among known representations for three-dimensional
objects, adaptively sampled distance fields (ADFs) are noted
for their versatility. ADFs combine the concepts of geometry
with volume data, allow objects to be represented
with arbitrary precision, and consolidate several operations
- such as visualization, level-of-detail modeling,
collision detection, proximity tests, morphing and boolean
operations | into a single representation. This work
proposes methods to accelerate the reconstruction of static
ADFs, to improve the quality of reconstructed fields, and to
visualize ADF isosurfaces, making use of the massive
computational power found in modern graphics hardware
(GPUs). In order to effciently represent ADFs on graphics
cards, a hierarchical structure based on perfect spatial
hashing is proposed. Rendering of ADFs is done completely on
GPUs, using a ray
casting technique based on sphere tracing. Means to overcome
the C0 and C1 discontinuities inherent to ADFs are suggested
in order to attain smoothly shaded iso-surfaces. Finally, a
new reconstruction method for ADFs, which can better
represent curved surfaces, is proposed. Results are
presented through simple interactive visualization
applications, with ADFs generated from both triangle meshes
and primitive solids.
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Compositing alternatives to full 3D : Reduce render times of static objects in a moving sequence using compBjörketun, Aron January 2018 (has links)
Rendering takes time, especially without access to powerful hardware. Is there any way to reduce the time of rendering? With the help of compositing reducing the time of renders is very much possible, using a range of alternative methods. A total of three different approaches will be tested in order to save time, as well as trying to maintain quality as close to a render straight from a 3D application as possible. Projections using cards and geometry as well as deep data will be used in an attempt to find the most efficient and useful way of saving time. / Rendering tar tid, speciellt utan tillgång till kraftfull hårdvara. Finns det något sätt att dra ner på tiden en rendering tar? Med hjälp av compositing är det absolut möjligt att sänka tiderna för en rendering genom en rad alternativa metoder. Totalt kommer tre olika metoder att testas för att spara in tid, men även för att försöka komma så nära kvalitén av en bild renderad direkt från en 3D-appliaktion som möjligt. Projektioner på plan och geometri och användandet av deep-data kommer användas i ett försök att hitta det mest effektiva och användbara tillvägagångssättet att spara tid.
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Testing scalability of cloud gaming for multiplayer gamePrintzell, Dan January 2018 (has links)
Background. The rendering of games takes a lot of processing power and requires expensivehardware to be able to perform this task in a real-time with an acceptableframe-rate. Games often also require an anti-cheat system that require extrapower to be able to always verify that the game has not been modified. With the help ofgame streaming these disadvantages could be removed from the clients. Objectives. The objective of this thesis is to create a game streaming server and client tosee if a game streaming server could scale with the amount of coresit has access to. Methods. The research question will be answered using the implementation methodology, and an experiment will be conducted using that implementation. Two programs are implemented, the server program and the client program.The servers implement the management of clients, the game logic, the rendering and the compression. Each client can only be connected to one server and the server and its clients live inside of a game instance. Everyone that is connected to one server play on the same instance.The implementation is implemented in the D programming language, and it uses the ZLib and the SDL2 libraries as the building blocks.With all of these connected an experiment is designed where as many clients as possible connect to the server. With this data a plot is create in the result section. Results. The output data shows that the implementation scale and a formula was made-up to match the scalability. The formula is <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?f(x)%20=%208%20+%205x%20-%200.11x%5E2" />. Conclusions. The experiment was successful and showed that the game server successfully scaledbased on the number of cores that where allocated. It does not scale as good as expected,but it is still an success. The test results are limited as it was only tested on one setup. More research is needed to test it on more hardware and to be able find more optimized implementations.
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Alternating Physically Based Renderingin Low-lit AreasKupersmidt, Itamar January 2018 (has links)
Background The increase in screen resolution has increased from HD to Ultra-HDduring the last decade. A modern game today with Ultra-HD resolution has overeight million pixels that need to be shaded, combined with the expensive shadingmethod Physically Based Rendering the equations needed to calculate each pixel arenumerous. Objectives This the study aims to remove complexity from the Physically BasedRendering shading method in the form of roughness in low-lit areas. The low-lit areaswill instead be rendered without the roughness attribute. By removing roughnessless calculations will be performed. Methods To remove roughness from low-lit areas the light had to be approximatedusing a diffuse model. The pixel was later converted via Hue Saturation PerceivedBrightness to calculate the brightness. If the pixel was under the given threshold,the pixel was shaded using a low-complexity Physically Based Rendering implemen-tation without roughness. A user study was conducted using Unity game enginewith eight participants being asked to compare different stimuli all rendered withdifferent thresholds for darkness with a reference picture. The aim of the study wasto ascertain if the stimuli without roughness had any perceivable difference from thereference. Results The results of the study show the majority of the participants noticinga difference when comparing the stimuli with the reference. The areas affected wasnot only the low-lit areas but the whole scene. The energy conversion without theroughness value made the whole scene appear darker. Conclusions The roughness value is an integral part of energy conversion andwithout it, the scene will appear much darker. While the majority of participantsnoticed a difference, the lowest threshold resembled the original the most
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O papel do Ministério Público no velamento das fundações: uma análise acerca da amplitude dos mecanismos de prestação de contas em uma perspectiva pluridimensionalPatzlaff, Airton Carlos 10 October 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca elucidar qual a amplitude do atual mecanismo de prestação de
contas utilizado pelo Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná no velamento das Fundações de Direito Privado. Para tanto, realiza-se uma ampla pesquisa documental baseada nas diretrizes teóricas e normativas atinentes ao objeto em apreço, bem como, nos documentos fundacionais presentes na Promotoria de Justiça da Comarca de Pato Branco. A partir das reflexões científicas ulteriores, constatou-se que as nuances do velamento fundacional contemplam múltiplas dimensões de análise, as quais podem ser otimizadas a partir de instrumentos
avaliativos capazes de mesclar os pressupostos ontológicos do Terceiro Setor aos preceitos normativos e instrumentais inerentes ao Ministério Público. Entre as ferramentas que se mostraram capazes de auxiliar no mister avaliativo do Terceiro Setor, destacam-se: Balanced
Scorecard, Balanço Social, Indicadores Ethos, SERVQUAL (Service Quality Framework),
GET (Gap Evaluation Tool) e DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). Com efeito, a análise das informações oriundas da presente pesquisa indicou quais as limitações da metodologia de prestação de contas atual (SICAP - Sistema de Cadastro e Prestações de Contas) na evidenciação de dados em uma perspectiva pluridimensional, revelando em que sentido as demais ferramentas empregadas no âmbito público e privado podem auxiliar no incremento do SICAP. Ademais, a confrontação dos postulados científicos com a realidade empírica permitiu constatar formas de aprimorar o processo de velamento fundacional exercido pelo Ministério Público, dando as diretrizes necessárias para implantação de um sistema de prestação de contas mais amplo e eficiente, responsável por traduzir dados de múltiplas fontes em termos estratégicos e objetivos. Destarte, a sistemática avaliativa proposta ao final deste trabalho teve sua aplicabilidade confirmada a partir do exame de duas Fundações situadas na Comarca de Pato Branco, demonstrando as vantagens dos pressupostos teóricos e instrumentais desta metodologia no aprimoramento dos controles ministeriais e no desenvolvimento do Terceiro Setor. / This dissertation investigates the extent of benefits of the accountability used by Parquet of Paraná State in the control of the Foundations of Private Law. Initially, it discusses the theoretical concepts of the Third Sector, as well as, it analyzes the documents present in the Public Prosecutor of the District of Pato Branco. Based on scientific considerations, it is clear
that the control of foundations has multiple dimensions, which can be enhanced with tools
that integrate the ontology of the Third Sector, together with the standards of the Parquet. The tools that can assist in the evaluation of the Third Sector, are: Balanced Scorecard, Social Balance, Ethos Indicators, SERVQUAL (Service Quality Framework), GET (Gap Evaluation Tool) and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data of this research indicated the limitations of the current methodology of accountability (SICAP), revealing how the controls
used in the public and private sectors can transform the SICAP in a multidimensional method. Furthermore, the comparison of theory with empirical reality indicated ways to improve the foundational control exercised by the Public Prosecutor, giving guidelines for the implementation of a system of accountability broader, able to translate data into strategies. Therefore, the control method presented at the end of this research has its applicability
confirmed, once that was used in the examination of two Foundations located in the District of Pato Branco, demonstrating the advantages of this methodology in the improvement of controls Parquet, and, in the development of the Third Sector.
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O papel do Ministério Público no velamento das fundações: uma análise acerca da amplitude dos mecanismos de prestação de contas em uma perspectiva pluridimensionalPatzlaff, Airton Carlos 10 October 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca elucidar qual a amplitude do atual mecanismo de prestação de
contas utilizado pelo Ministério Público do Estado do Paraná no velamento das Fundações de Direito Privado. Para tanto, realiza-se uma ampla pesquisa documental baseada nas diretrizes teóricas e normativas atinentes ao objeto em apreço, bem como, nos documentos fundacionais presentes na Promotoria de Justiça da Comarca de Pato Branco. A partir das reflexões científicas ulteriores, constatou-se que as nuances do velamento fundacional contemplam múltiplas dimensões de análise, as quais podem ser otimizadas a partir de instrumentos
avaliativos capazes de mesclar os pressupostos ontológicos do Terceiro Setor aos preceitos normativos e instrumentais inerentes ao Ministério Público. Entre as ferramentas que se mostraram capazes de auxiliar no mister avaliativo do Terceiro Setor, destacam-se: Balanced
Scorecard, Balanço Social, Indicadores Ethos, SERVQUAL (Service Quality Framework),
GET (Gap Evaluation Tool) e DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). Com efeito, a análise das informações oriundas da presente pesquisa indicou quais as limitações da metodologia de prestação de contas atual (SICAP - Sistema de Cadastro e Prestações de Contas) na evidenciação de dados em uma perspectiva pluridimensional, revelando em que sentido as demais ferramentas empregadas no âmbito público e privado podem auxiliar no incremento do SICAP. Ademais, a confrontação dos postulados científicos com a realidade empírica permitiu constatar formas de aprimorar o processo de velamento fundacional exercido pelo Ministério Público, dando as diretrizes necessárias para implantação de um sistema de prestação de contas mais amplo e eficiente, responsável por traduzir dados de múltiplas fontes em termos estratégicos e objetivos. Destarte, a sistemática avaliativa proposta ao final deste trabalho teve sua aplicabilidade confirmada a partir do exame de duas Fundações situadas na Comarca de Pato Branco, demonstrando as vantagens dos pressupostos teóricos e instrumentais desta metodologia no aprimoramento dos controles ministeriais e no desenvolvimento do Terceiro Setor. / This dissertation investigates the extent of benefits of the accountability used by Parquet of Paraná State in the control of the Foundations of Private Law. Initially, it discusses the theoretical concepts of the Third Sector, as well as, it analyzes the documents present in the Public Prosecutor of the District of Pato Branco. Based on scientific considerations, it is clear
that the control of foundations has multiple dimensions, which can be enhanced with tools
that integrate the ontology of the Third Sector, together with the standards of the Parquet. The tools that can assist in the evaluation of the Third Sector, are: Balanced Scorecard, Social Balance, Ethos Indicators, SERVQUAL (Service Quality Framework), GET (Gap Evaluation Tool) and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). The data of this research indicated the limitations of the current methodology of accountability (SICAP), revealing how the controls
used in the public and private sectors can transform the SICAP in a multidimensional method. Furthermore, the comparison of theory with empirical reality indicated ways to improve the foundational control exercised by the Public Prosecutor, giving guidelines for the implementation of a system of accountability broader, able to translate data into strategies. Therefore, the control method presented at the end of this research has its applicability
confirmed, once that was used in the examination of two Foundations located in the District of Pato Branco, demonstrating the advantages of this methodology in the improvement of controls Parquet, and, in the development of the Third Sector.
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Direct3D 11 vs 12 : A Performance Comparison Using Basic GeometryOlofsson, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Context. Computer rendered imagery such as computer games is a field with steady development. To render games an application programming interface (API) is used to communicate with a graphical processing unit (GPU). Both the interfaces and processing units are a part of the steady development in order to be able to push the limits of graphical rendering. Objectives. This thesis investigates if the Direct3D 12 API provides higher rendering performance when compared to its predecessor Direct3D 11. Methods. The method used is an experiment, in which a benchmark rendering basic shaded geometry using both of the APIs while measuring their performance was developed. The focus was aimed at testing API interaction and comparing Direct3D 11 against Direct3D 12. Results. Statistics gained from the benchmark suggest that in this experiment Direct3D 11 offered the best rendering performance in the majority of the cases tested, although Direct3D 12 had specific scenarios where it performed better. Conclusions. As a conclusion the benchmark gave contradicting results when compared to other studies. This could be dependent on the implementation, software or hardware used. In the tests Direct3D 12 was closer to its Direct3D 11 counterpart when more cores were used. A platform with more processing cores available to execute in parallel could reveal if Direct3D 12 could offer better performance in that experimental setting. In this study Direct3D 12 was implemented as to imitate Direct3D 11. If the implementation was further aligned with Direct3D 12 recommendations other results might be observed. Further study could be conducted to give a better evaluation of rendering performance.
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Smooth silhouette rendering of low polygon models for computer gamesLindström, Kristian January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation presents a method capable of smoothing the silhouette of a 3D model using interpolation to find smooth edges. The method has as goal to be used with normal mapping to improve the performance and give a better result with a low polygonal count. To do this the lines located on the silhouette of a model is interpolated to find a curve that is used as clipping frame in the stencil buffer. This method is able to modify the silhouette for the better. The amount of interpolation is rather limited.
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Výpočty fluorescence v Hero Wavelength rendereru / Fluorescence Computations in a Hero Wavelength RendererMojzík, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Within the last decade, the offline rendering branch of computer graphics has moved towards the concept of physically-based rendering by using the path tracing algorithm. One such physically-based effect is fluorescence, where light is absorbed at one wavelength and re-emitted at another. However, to properly capture this effect, one has to utilize spectral path tracing, as opposed to colour- based path tracing. Spectral path tracing by itself suffers from colour noise, which can be reduced by utilizing the so-called Hero Wavelength Spectral Sampling (HWSS). The inclusion of wavelength shifting induced by fluorescence requires modifications to the base path tracing algorithm that HWSS wasn't designed for. This thesis provides the overview of path tracing, the current state-of-art for in- clusion of fluorescence in a rendering system, along with relevant technical details, the overview of HWSS itself as well as mathematical formulation that enables the combination of fluorescence and HWSS. Additionally, this thesis also proposes a new approach to rendering fluorescent participating media that properly handles previously overlooked failure cases. 1
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An authoring tool of photo-realistic virtual objects for augmented realityde Sousa Moura, Guilherme 31 January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma ferramenta de autoria para
auxiliar a criação de aplicações de Realidade Aumentada que fazem uso de
renderização fotorrealística. A ferramenta, denominada RPR-SORS Editor, utiliza uma
API de fotorrealismo (RPR-SORS) e tem como foco a criação e edição de objetos
virtuais. A ferramenta desenvolvida é capaz de manipular de forma interativa os
parâmetros de materiais do RPR-SORS e do motor de renderização utilizado (OGRE),
com a opção de visualizar os objetos fotorrealistícos em Realidade Aumentada. O
resultado final da edição pode ser exportado para uma outra aplicação que utilize
a API de fotorrealismo e o motor de renderização citados. Um estudo de caso
referente a uma aplicação de Realidade Aumentada para arquitetura foi realizado
de forma a avaliar a ferramenta desenvolvida
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