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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indoor/Outdoor Location of Cellular Handsets Based on Received Signal Strength

Zhu, Jian 19 May 2006 (has links)
Indoor/Outdoor Location of Cellular Handsets Based on Received Signal Strength Jian Zhu 123 pages Directed by Dr. Gregory D. Durgin Accurate geo-location is an important emerging technology for public safety, commercial use, and military application. Especially, in the United States, the wireless Enhanced 911 (E911) rules by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) seek to provide 911 dispatchers with additional information on wireless 911 calls. This dissertation presents a novel technique for indoor/outdoor location of cellular handsets based on received signal strength (RSS) measurements taken by a cellular handset of the surrounding base stations. RSS location accuracy for different environments is studied as a function of base station separation distance, cell sector density, measurement density, radio propagation environment, and accuracy of measurement. The analytical and experimental results in this thesis serve as a guideline for the accuracy of RSS signature location technology under different conditions. Accurate outdoor to indoor penetration models are proposed and validated for dense urban areas by introducing pseudo-transmitters to simulate the wave-guiding effects in urban canyon environments. A set of location algorithms is developed to improve location accuracy. Furthermore, an algorithm to discriminate between indoor and outdoor users is proposed and validated. The research results demonstrate the feasibility of RSS location techniques to meet the FCCs requirements for E911 accuracy in urban and semi-urban environments. The techniques remain accurate for indoor handsets. The results also suggest that a hybridization of the handset-based GPS method and the RSS signature method may prove to be the most effective solution for locating handsets across a range of environments; including rural, suburban, dense urban, and indoor.

Evolução e resultados do sistema de farmacovigilância do brasil / Evolution and results of the pharmacovigilance system in Brazil

Mota, Daniel Marques January 2017 (has links)
Os sistemas de farmacovigilância fundamentam as decisões sobre segurança no uso de medicamentos regulamentados por autoridades de saúde. Estudá-los e propor estratégias de melhorias contribuem para fortalecer os sistemas de saúde, aperfeiçoando a qualidade da assistência à saúde e assegurando a segurança do paciente e coletividade. A Tese objetivou analisar a evolução e desempenho do sistema brasileiro de farmacovigilância, denominado de SINAF, e as notificações dos pacientes com suspeitas de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs) registradas no Notivisa-medicamento no período de 2008 a 2013 e propor uma lista-referência de códigos da CID-10 para vigilância de RAMs e intoxicações medicamentosas (IMs). A Tese compreende seis artigos científicos organizados para publicação. No primeiro, uma revisão de escopo apresentou uma perspectiva histórica para caracterizar a evolução do SINAF e lacunas identificadas no processo, como a ausência de comissão de farmacovigilância que atenda aos requisitos mínimos de um sistema de farmacovigilância propostos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Os artigos 2, 3 e 4 analisaram características relacionadas com o desempenho do SINAF. O artigo 2 revelou que não há preferência digital da idade na base de dados das notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos (EAMs) do Notivisa-medicamento. Mediante uma análise comparativa, o artigo 3 mostrou diferenças entre o formulário para notificação de EAMs utilizado no SINAF e de outros doze países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Bolívia, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, México, Panamá, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela), sobretudo na quantidade de variáveis para preenchimento, podendo contribuir com a subnotificação de casos. No artigo 4 – um estudo de avaliação de sistemas de vigilância de saúde pública –, revelou que o desempenho do Notivisa-medicamento foi considerado satisfatório para três atributos (flexibilidade, validade e erro preditivo positivo) e deficitário para a maioria deles (simplicidade, aceitabilidade, representatividade, completude, consistência, oportunidade e clareza metodológica). O artigo 5, mediante estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, encontrou uma taxa de notificação de RAMs de 22,8/ 1 milhão de habitantes/ano. Trata-se de taxa bastante inferior a países de alta renda como Nova Zelândia, Suécia, Austrália e Suíça que possuem mais de 300 notificações por milhão, como em relação a países de média renda, como a África do Sul, com taxa de 77 por milhão de habitantes. A população feminina (60,5%) prevaleceu no total de pacientes (26.554), assim como, a raça/cor branca (58,1%). A idade variou de 0 a 112 anos (mediana = 46 anos). Quase 1/3 (32,5%) das suspeitas de RAMs ocorreram em populações vulneráveis (idosos e crianças). Foram avaliados 54.288 pares de medicamento-reação adversa, onde prevaleceram as reações adversas graves (59,2%), com destaque para as que resultaram em efeito clinicamente importante (83,1%). O estudo 6 propôs uma lista-referência com 691 códigos da CID-10, sendo 360 (52,1%) relacionados com RAMs e 331 (47,9%) com IMs. Um total de 511 (73,9%) códigos estão relacionados com casos de admissão hospitalar e/ou óbito. Os achados da Tese evidenciam a necessidade de mudanças em diferentes aspectos estudados do SINAF, como forma de contribuir na produção de informações completas, fidedignas e mais representativas sobre danos ocasionados por medicamentos comercializados no país. / The pharmacovigilance systems support the decisions on safety when using medications regulated by health authorities. Analyzing them and proposing improvement strategies are ways to make healthcare systems stronger, improving the quality of healthcare assistance, making sure the patient is safe and that the population is ensured. The dissertation was aimed at analyzing the evolution and performance of the Brazilian pharmacovigilance system, SINAF, and the notification of patients with suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) registered with the notification system NOTIVISA/medication from 2008 through 2013, as well as proposing a reference list of ICD-10 codes for surveillance of ADRs and intoxication due to medication (IDM). The dissertation is comprised of six scientific articles ready to be published. The first one, a scoping review, presents a historical perspective to demonstrate the development process of SINAF and the gaps identified during the process, such as the absence of a pharmacovigilance commission that complies with the minimum requirements of a pharmacovigilance system as proposed by World Health Organization. Articles 2, 3 and 4 presents an analysis of the performance-related characteristics of SINAF. Article 2 reveals that there is no digital age preference in the adverse drug events (ADEs) database belonging to NOTIVISA/medication. Using a comparative analysis, article 3 shows differences between the form for ADEs notification using SINAF and in other twelve Latin-American countries (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), highlighting the number of variables to complete, and it may collaborate with the sub-notification of cases. Article 4 – a study on the evaluation of public health surveillance systems over time – reveal that the performance of NOTIVISA/medication was considered satisfactory regarding three attributes (flexibility, validity and positive predictive error) and deficient regarding most of the others (simplicity, acceptability, representability, integrality, consistency, opportunity and methodological clarity). Article 5, by means of a descriptive and retrospective study, found an ADR notification rate of 22.8/million inhabitants/year. This is a much lower rate than in high income countries, such as New Zealand, Sweden, Australia and Switzerland, which have over 300 notifications per million, when compared against average income, such as South Africa, with a rate of 77/million inhabitants. Female population (60.5%) prevailed in the total number of patients (26,554), as well as white race/color (58.1%). Age was between 0 - 112 years old (median = 46 years). Almost 1/3 (32.5%) of the suspected ADRs occurred in vulnerable populations (elderly and children). 54,288 pairs of medication/adverse reactions were assessed. Severe adverse reactions prevailed (59.2%), and attention is drawn to those resulting in clinically important effect (83.1%). Study 6 proposes a reference list with 691 ICD-10 codes; 360 (52.1%) out of them are ADRs-related and 331 (47.9%) out of them are IDM. A total of 511 (73.9%) codes are related to cases of hospital admission and/or death. The dissertation findings prove the need of changes across different aspects in SINAF as a way to contribute to production of complete, reliable and representative information on damages caused by commercially available drugs in Brazil.

Evolução e resultados do sistema de farmacovigilância do brasil / Evolution and results of the pharmacovigilance system in Brazil

Mota, Daniel Marques January 2017 (has links)
Os sistemas de farmacovigilância fundamentam as decisões sobre segurança no uso de medicamentos regulamentados por autoridades de saúde. Estudá-los e propor estratégias de melhorias contribuem para fortalecer os sistemas de saúde, aperfeiçoando a qualidade da assistência à saúde e assegurando a segurança do paciente e coletividade. A Tese objetivou analisar a evolução e desempenho do sistema brasileiro de farmacovigilância, denominado de SINAF, e as notificações dos pacientes com suspeitas de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAMs) registradas no Notivisa-medicamento no período de 2008 a 2013 e propor uma lista-referência de códigos da CID-10 para vigilância de RAMs e intoxicações medicamentosas (IMs). A Tese compreende seis artigos científicos organizados para publicação. No primeiro, uma revisão de escopo apresentou uma perspectiva histórica para caracterizar a evolução do SINAF e lacunas identificadas no processo, como a ausência de comissão de farmacovigilância que atenda aos requisitos mínimos de um sistema de farmacovigilância propostos pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. Os artigos 2, 3 e 4 analisaram características relacionadas com o desempenho do SINAF. O artigo 2 revelou que não há preferência digital da idade na base de dados das notificações de eventos adversos a medicamentos (EAMs) do Notivisa-medicamento. Mediante uma análise comparativa, o artigo 3 mostrou diferenças entre o formulário para notificação de EAMs utilizado no SINAF e de outros doze países latinoamericanos (Argentina, Bolívia, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, México, Panamá, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela), sobretudo na quantidade de variáveis para preenchimento, podendo contribuir com a subnotificação de casos. No artigo 4 – um estudo de avaliação de sistemas de vigilância de saúde pública –, revelou que o desempenho do Notivisa-medicamento foi considerado satisfatório para três atributos (flexibilidade, validade e erro preditivo positivo) e deficitário para a maioria deles (simplicidade, aceitabilidade, representatividade, completude, consistência, oportunidade e clareza metodológica). O artigo 5, mediante estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, encontrou uma taxa de notificação de RAMs de 22,8/ 1 milhão de habitantes/ano. Trata-se de taxa bastante inferior a países de alta renda como Nova Zelândia, Suécia, Austrália e Suíça que possuem mais de 300 notificações por milhão, como em relação a países de média renda, como a África do Sul, com taxa de 77 por milhão de habitantes. A população feminina (60,5%) prevaleceu no total de pacientes (26.554), assim como, a raça/cor branca (58,1%). A idade variou de 0 a 112 anos (mediana = 46 anos). Quase 1/3 (32,5%) das suspeitas de RAMs ocorreram em populações vulneráveis (idosos e crianças). Foram avaliados 54.288 pares de medicamento-reação adversa, onde prevaleceram as reações adversas graves (59,2%), com destaque para as que resultaram em efeito clinicamente importante (83,1%). O estudo 6 propôs uma lista-referência com 691 códigos da CID-10, sendo 360 (52,1%) relacionados com RAMs e 331 (47,9%) com IMs. Um total de 511 (73,9%) códigos estão relacionados com casos de admissão hospitalar e/ou óbito. Os achados da Tese evidenciam a necessidade de mudanças em diferentes aspectos estudados do SINAF, como forma de contribuir na produção de informações completas, fidedignas e mais representativas sobre danos ocasionados por medicamentos comercializados no país. / The pharmacovigilance systems support the decisions on safety when using medications regulated by health authorities. Analyzing them and proposing improvement strategies are ways to make healthcare systems stronger, improving the quality of healthcare assistance, making sure the patient is safe and that the population is ensured. The dissertation was aimed at analyzing the evolution and performance of the Brazilian pharmacovigilance system, SINAF, and the notification of patients with suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) registered with the notification system NOTIVISA/medication from 2008 through 2013, as well as proposing a reference list of ICD-10 codes for surveillance of ADRs and intoxication due to medication (IDM). The dissertation is comprised of six scientific articles ready to be published. The first one, a scoping review, presents a historical perspective to demonstrate the development process of SINAF and the gaps identified during the process, such as the absence of a pharmacovigilance commission that complies with the minimum requirements of a pharmacovigilance system as proposed by World Health Organization. Articles 2, 3 and 4 presents an analysis of the performance-related characteristics of SINAF. Article 2 reveals that there is no digital age preference in the adverse drug events (ADEs) database belonging to NOTIVISA/medication. Using a comparative analysis, article 3 shows differences between the form for ADEs notification using SINAF and in other twelve Latin-American countries (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela), highlighting the number of variables to complete, and it may collaborate with the sub-notification of cases. Article 4 – a study on the evaluation of public health surveillance systems over time – reveal that the performance of NOTIVISA/medication was considered satisfactory regarding three attributes (flexibility, validity and positive predictive error) and deficient regarding most of the others (simplicity, acceptability, representability, integrality, consistency, opportunity and methodological clarity). Article 5, by means of a descriptive and retrospective study, found an ADR notification rate of 22.8/million inhabitants/year. This is a much lower rate than in high income countries, such as New Zealand, Sweden, Australia and Switzerland, which have over 300 notifications per million, when compared against average income, such as South Africa, with a rate of 77/million inhabitants. Female population (60.5%) prevailed in the total number of patients (26,554), as well as white race/color (58.1%). Age was between 0 - 112 years old (median = 46 years). Almost 1/3 (32.5%) of the suspected ADRs occurred in vulnerable populations (elderly and children). 54,288 pairs of medication/adverse reactions were assessed. Severe adverse reactions prevailed (59.2%), and attention is drawn to those resulting in clinically important effect (83.1%). Study 6 proposes a reference list with 691 ICD-10 codes; 360 (52.1%) out of them are ADRs-related and 331 (47.9%) out of them are IDM. A total of 511 (73.9%) codes are related to cases of hospital admission and/or death. The dissertation findings prove the need of changes across different aspects in SINAF as a way to contribute to production of complete, reliable and representative information on damages caused by commercially available drugs in Brazil.

"Reações adversas a medicamentos em uma população idosa hospitalizada" / Adverse drug reactions among an elderly hospitalized population

Maria Cristina Guerra Passarelli 09 August 2005 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa foram avaliados 186 idosos hospitalizados quanto ao aparecimento de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM). Encontrou-se 199 RAM (1,07 por paciente). Para 11,3% dos idosos a RAM constituiu a causa da internação, para 17,2% estava presente à internação mas não como causa e 46,2% apresentaram RAM durante a hospitalização. As RAM sérias mais comuns foram a insuficiência renal aguda, a hipercalemia e a hipotensão postural. Concluiu-se que houve uma prevalência importante de RAM nesses pacientes, encontrando-se como fatores de risco significativos o número de diagnósticos, o número de medicamentos e o uso de medicamento inapropriado para idosos / The present study evaluated the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADR) among 186 hospitalized elderly. A total of 199 ADR were founded (1.07 per patient). For 11.3% of the patients the ADR was the cause of hospitalization, for 17.2% the ADR was present at hospitalization but not as the cause and for 46.2% it was presented during hospitalization. The most common serious ADR were acute renal insufficiency, hyperkalemia and postural hypotension. We concluded that a significant prevalence of ADR was found among that patients, with the number of diagnosis, the number of drugs and the use of a drug considered to be inappropriate as risk factors

Measuring Vital Signs Using Smart Phones

Chandrasekaran, Vikram 12 1900 (has links)
Smart phones today have become increasingly popular with the general public for its diverse abilities like navigation, social networking, and multimedia facilities to name a few. These phones are equipped with high end processors, high resolution cameras, built-in sensors like accelerometer, orientation-sensor, light-sensor, and much more. According to comScore survey, 25.3% of US adults use smart phones in their daily lives. Motivated by the capability of smart phones and their extensive usage, I focused on utilizing them for bio-medical applications. In this thesis, I present a new application for a smart phone to quantify the vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure with the help of its built-in sensors. Using the camera and a microphone, I have shown how the blood pressure and heart rate can be determined for a subject. People sometimes encounter minor situations like fainting or fatal accidents like car crash at unexpected times and places. It would be useful to have a device which can measure all vital signs in such an event. The second part of this thesis demonstrates a new mode of communication for next generation 9-1-1 calls. In this new architecture, the call-taker will be able to control the multimedia elements in the phone from a remote location. This would help the call-taker or first responder to have a better control over the situation. Transmission of the vital signs measured using the smart phone can be a life saver in critical situations. In today's voice oriented 9-1-1 calls, the dispatcher first collects critical information (e.g., location, call-back number) from caller, and assesses the situation. Meanwhile, the dispatchers constantly face a "60-second dilemma"; i.e., within 60 seconds, they need to make a complicated but important decision, whether to dispatch and, if so, what to dispatch. The dispatchers often feel that they lack sufficient information to make a confident dispatch decision. This remote-media-control described in this system will be able to facilitate information acquisition and decision-making in emergency situations within the 60-second response window in 9-1-1 calls using new multimedia technologies.

The recording of drug sensitivities for older people living in care homes

Alldred, David P., Standage, C., Zermansky, A.G., Barber, N.D., Raynor, D.K., Petty, Duncan R. January 2010 (has links)
No / AIMS: The aims of this study were to determine the recording of drug sensitivities of elderly care home residents, to describe the nature of sensitivities and to identify and describe discrepancies in the documentation of drug sensitivity status in general practices, pharmacies and care homes. METHODS: A random sample of residents within a purposive sample of care homes (nursing and residential) was selected. A clinical pharmacist inspected the GP medical record, the medicines administration record, and the care home record for each resident to identify drug sensitivities and discrepancies between records and to describe the nature of the recorded sensitivities. RESULTS: The records of 121 residents in 31 care homes were studied. Thirty-one (26%) residents had at least one documented drug sensitivity in one of the sources inspected, with 48 sensitivities in total recorded. There was no description of the nature of the sensitivities recorded in 39/48 (81%) cases. The number of sensitivities recorded on the medicines administration record, care home record and the GP record were 3 (6%), 29 (60%) and 35 (73%), respectively. Only two sensitivities were simultaneously recorded on all three records. CONCLUSIONS: It was of concern that over 90% of drug sensitivities were not recorded on the medicines administration record which is the final checking document when administering medication. The reason for this was that the dispensing pharmacy was responsible for generating the medicines administration record; however, drug sensitivity status is seldom shared between the GP and the dispensing pharmacy. Printing sensitivities on prescriptions would help to resolve this.

Är det mänskligt att fela? Synen på misstag och disciplinpåföljder i militär flygverksamhet och i hälso- och sjukvårdens verksamhet. / Is it human to fail? The view of mistakesand disciplinary sanktions in military aviation and in health and medical service.

Lagerstedt, Marianne January 2002 (has links)
<p>In the essay, the view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions within the military aviation and health and medical service, are compared. The comparison shows that military aviation and health and medical service could have several points in common on how mistakes may occur, but that the present view of mistakes is different betwen the sectors. The view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions is explicit within military aviation, and is based on a clear ideology on how mistakes occur, which is characterised of a systematic approach. Within health and medical service, an explicit and unequivocal ideology on how mistakes occur is missing, but, however, there are implicit ideas about infallibility and perfection. The comparison indicates that the view of mistakes is also, possibly directed by a bureaucratic model (instead of an ideology on mistakes), which aims to legitimacy, but that this may happen on the expense of not taking surrounding circumstances into consideration. In that way there may be a certain contrast in the health and medical service’s present system between rule of law and medical service safety.</p>

Är det mänskligt att fela? Synen på misstag och disciplinpåföljder i militär flygverksamhet och i hälso- och sjukvårdens verksamhet. / Is it human to fail? The view of mistakesand disciplinary sanktions in military aviation and in health and medical service.

Lagerstedt, Marianne January 2002 (has links)
In the essay, the view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions within the military aviation and health and medical service, are compared. The comparison shows that military aviation and health and medical service could have several points in common on how mistakes may occur, but that the present view of mistakes is different betwen the sectors. The view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions is explicit within military aviation, and is based on a clear ideology on how mistakes occur, which is characterised of a systematic approach. Within health and medical service, an explicit and unequivocal ideology on how mistakes occur is missing, but, however, there are implicit ideas about infallibility and perfection. The comparison indicates that the view of mistakes is also, possibly directed by a bureaucratic model (instead of an ideology on mistakes), which aims to legitimacy, but that this may happen on the expense of not taking surrounding circumstances into consideration. In that way there may be a certain contrast in the health and medical service’s present system between rule of law and medical service safety.

Návrh národní politiky systému hlášení leteckých nehod a incidentů / National Policy Proposition of Air Accidents and Incidents Reporting System

Motyková, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The thesis objective is to analyze existing situation concerning reporting of the aviation accidents or incidents in national level and according the outputs from the analyses to develop recommendations, how database system ECCAIRS can by used for reporting on the national base. The focus of the thesis is investigation and evaluation of the existing national situation / from theoretical point of view and practical point of view/ and develop recommendation. As source of the investigation ware used existing legislation documents and foreign experience. For collection of the foreign experience was designed special type of questioner. The questioners ware distributed to the pre-selected number of authorities represented pre-selected states. During all process of analysis and investigation situation was discussed with local Czech authorities too. International law / ICAO Annex 13 of the Chicago Convention and EU Directive 94/56 / ware considers as one of the basic sources for the information.

Zavedení systému řízení bezpečnosti u malého leteckého dopravce / Implementation of the Safety Control of Small Aircraft Operator

Šalanda, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Nowadays preservation of safety is one of the most important conditions for consequential air traffic development. That was the reason why the Safety Management System was formed by the ICAO. Thesis´ objective was especially to scrutinize all the aspects relating to implementation of this system. In the first place every component of the system was described, eventually its function. Next point was to draft an implementation plan for small aviation operators. Besides that ways and means of evaluating effectiveness of the system and expected benefits were described. The process of implementation was consulted with several aviation operators and organizations related to civil aviation whether from the Czech Republic or abroad. Their knowledge helped in many ways to make an issue of practical implementation of the Safety Management System clear. Finally it is true to say that the Safety Management System going to be an essential part of every aviation operator in few years.

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