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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture virtuelle et représentation de l'incertitude : analyse de solutions de visualisation de la représentation 3D : Application à l'église de la chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon (Gard) et à l'abbaye de Saint-Michel de Cuxa (Pyrénées-Orientales) / Virtual architecture and uncertainty : analysis of solutions of the 3D visualization : Application to the church of the Charterhouse of Villeneuve lez Avignon (Gard, France) and the abbey of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa (Pyrénées-Orientales, France).

Favre-Brun, Aurélie 13 December 2013 (has links)
La question de l’incertitude dans la représentation de l’architecture n’est pas nouvelle. Des figurations anciennes montrent des différences de traitement des structures existantes et des éléments disparus. L'émergence des outils numériques et l’utilisation de la 3D en archéologie du bâti depuis 1990 ont offert aux archéologues de nouvelles possibilités de représentation de l’incertitude. Mais les restitutions 3D n’expriment pas toujours l’authenticité historique. Des règles ont été écrites, fondées sur la transparence et la traçabilité du processus d’étude et de construction de la représentation 3D. Les recherches dans ce domaine ont porté sur l'expression et la perception de l’incertitude avec, notamment, le développement de dispositifs visuels qui traduisent l’état des connaissances. Qu’il s’agisse de systèmes d’informations liant représentations 3D et sources documentaires ou de l’application de variables visuelles aux représentations, les propositions apportent des réponses étudiées dans ce travail de thèse. Certaines approches ont été appliquées à la chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon (Gard) et l’abbaye Saint-Michel de Cuxa (Pyrénées-Orientales). A partir des sources documentaires, études archéologiques et relevés numériques, des modèles 3D ont été construits. Nos recherches nous ont poussées à nous interroger sur les incertitudes de ces informations et sur les moyens de les visualiser. Les approches et méthodologies mises en place dans cette thèse soulignent le caractère pluridisciplinaire du travail, mêlant connaissances archéologiques et exploitation des instruments numériques pour l’acquisition, le traitement et la visualisation des données en 3D. / The item of uncertainty into the architecture representation is not new. The ancient figurations showed differences in visual processing between existing structures and missing elements. Since the 1990’s, the emergence of digital tools and the use of 3D in virtual archaeology have offered to the archaeologists new possibilities to represent the uncertainty. But the 3D restitution is not always express the historical authenticity. This is in this context that rules were written, based on the transparency and the traceability of the process of study and the construction the three-dimensional representation. Researches in the domain of the uncertainty representation have concerned the modalities of expression and perception of the uncertainty with, especially, the development of devices able to translate the state of the knowledge. Whether information systems linking 3D representations and documentary sources or application of visual variables, the different propositions on the definition of uncertainty and its representation modes allowed to experiment some of these approaches to the charterhouse of Villeneuve lez Avignon (Gard, France) and the benedictin abbey of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa (Pyrénées-Orientales, France). From the documentary sources, archaeological studies and digital data, 3D models have been built. But our researches led us to think about the uncertainties of those information and on ways to visualize them.The approaches and methodologies produced in this thesis underline the multidisciplinary of the work, mixing archaeological knowledge and the exploitation of the digital instruments for the acquisition, the treatment and the visualization of data in 3D.

Attefall-house - Greater than the sum of its parts?

Granat, Jacob January 2015 (has links)
Attefall-house: Greater than the sum of its parts? I am exploring how to create a small scale space which is more than just a functional space, a space that also provides an architectural experience. I am using the Swedish Attefall-house as a case study. This small, permit-free construction comes with a frame and it has clearly defined rules and limitations. The smallness of it allows for experimentation and in the normally hard-regulated Swedish building climate, it provides an opportunity to try out ideas without having to be too serious. I am trying to create this sensory experience by fusing function and context together with selected architects’ and artists’ ideas. What happens when these seemingly disparate ingredients combine? Will the whole be greater than the sum of its parts? / Attefallshus: Större än summan av delarna? Jag utforskar hur man kan skapa ett rum i liten skala som är mer än bara ett funktionellt rum, ett rum som också är en arkitektonisk upplevelse. Jag använder mig av Attefallshuset som fallstudie. Denna lilla, bygglovsbefriade, konstruktion kommer med en ram, den har tydligt definierade regler och begränsningar. Dess storlek tillåter experimenterande och, i det normalt hårt reglerade svenska bygglovsklimatet, erbjuder en möjlighet att testa idéer utan att behöva vara för allvarlig. Jag försöker skapa denna sensoriska upplevelse genom en fusion av funktion och kontext tillsammans med ett urval av arkitekters och konstnärers idéer. Vad händer när dessa till synes disparata ingredienser kombineras? Blir helheten större än summan av delarna?


Tepavčević Bojan 27 December 2010 (has links)
<p>У оквиру дисертације истражен је утицај геометријске репрезентације<br />простора на развој савремене архитектуре. Показано је на који начин су<br />различите идеје о простору и инструментализација путем медијумa,<br />техникa и алатa утицали на нове развоје архитектуре. Резултати<br />истраживања сугеришу репозиционирање улоге репрезентације<br />простора у процесу архитектонског пројектовања. Посебна пажња<br />посвећена је утицају дигиталних медијума и алата репрезентације, где<br />је уочен прелаз од традиционалних геометријских ка новим,<br />алгоритамским, моделима.</p> / <p>U okviru disertacije istražen je uticaj geometrijske reprezentacije<br />prostora na razvoj savremene arhitekture. Pokazano je na koji način su<br />različite ideje o prostoru i instrumentalizacija putem medijuma,<br />tehnika i alata uticali na nove razvoje arhitekture. Rezultati<br />istraživanja sugerišu repozicioniranje uloge reprezentacije<br />prostora u procesu arhitektonskog projektovanja. Posebna pažnja<br />posvećena je uticaju digitalnih medijuma i alata reprezentacije, gde<br />je uočen prelaz od tradicionalnih geometrijskih ka novim,<br />algoritamskim, modelima.</p> / <p> Presented research explores the influence of geometric representation of<br /> space on modern architecture. Relation between new concepts of space as<br /> well as media, techniques and tools of representation and new movements in<br /> architecture are shown in this work. Notion of the crucial moments of<br /> developments in contemporary architecture suggests repositioning of the role<br /> of space representation in the process of architectural design. Special<br /> attention was made to the role of digital media and tools of representation<br /> that is recognized as a threshold towards new algorithmic models of<br /> representation.</p>


MAGISTRELLI, GIACOMO 06 June 2014 (has links)
La tesi considera la varietà di formule espressive e di destinazioni funzionali della fotografia in rapporto alla costruzione di spazi e architetture nella Milano del primo cinquantennio dell’unità d’Italia. Strumento di lavoro per architetti e ingegneri, la fotografia delle principali operazioni edilizie eseguite nella città lombarda a partire dagli anni sessanta dell’Ottocento rappresenta per la nuova classe dirigente un fondamentale strumento di legittimazione del proprio operato amministrativo e di illustrazione dei progressi compiuti dalla città sulla via della modernizzazione. Attraverso un itinerario storico della ‘fotografia di cantiere’, costruito anche grazie al confronto con casi italiani e internazionali, lo studio presenta una puntuale analisi del fenomeno in ambito milanese. Tra i progetti affrontati, il piano di riforma del centro cittadino (1865-1878) di Giuseppe Mengoni e i restauri del Castello Sforzesco (1893-1907) di Luca Beltrami, oltre a una serie di interventi minori, documentati da alcuni dei principali fotografi attivi in città e dai redattori della pubblicistica illustrata, tipologia editoriale che tra Otto e Novecento si serve con sempre maggiore consapevolezza del mezzo fotografico. L’evoluzione del linguaggio fotografico viene dunque indagata nel suo contributo alla costruzione di un’iconografia nazionale della modernità, fenomeno che vede la città di Milano porsi in prima fila nel contesto italiano. / The study investigates the variety of expressive formulas and functional destinations of the photography production concerning the architectural renovation occurred in the city of Milan between 1861 and 1911. Design tool for architects and engineers, construction photography reveals itself as a fundamental tool of political legitimation for the new ruling class and illustrates the progress made by the city in terms of modernization. Through a historical reconstruction of the genre of construction photography, which also considers Italian and international cases, the study presents a detailed analysis of the Milanese phenomenon. Among the projects, the reform plan of the city center (1865-1878) developed by Giuseppe Mengoni and the restoration of the Sforza Castle (1893-1907) led by Luca Beltrami , as well as a number of minor operations. The inquiry considers the production by some of the main photographers working in the city and the iconographic apparatus of the most important illustrated press of the period, which during the late nineteenth century uses with increasing awareness the narrative qualities of the photographic medium. The evolution of the photographic language is therefore inquired with regard to his contribution to the construction of a national iconography of modernity , a phenomenon that sees the city of Milan in the front line.

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