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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Entre o sonho e a realidade: maternidade na adolescência sob a ótica de um grupo de mulheres da periferia da cidade de Maceió-Alagoas" / Between dream and reality: maternity in adolescence under the vision of a group of women from Maceio city suburbs – Alagoas, Brazil.

Ruth Franca Cizino da Trindade 18 July 2005 (has links)
Este foi um estudo de natureza qualitativa, que teve como objetivo compreender, a partir da experiência de mulheres que se tornaram mães na adolescência, o significado da maternidade no contexto de vida destas mães. Participaram 14 mulheres na faixa etária de 20 a 24 anos, residentes na periferia de Maceió, capital do estado de Alagoas. A coleta de informação foi realizada por meio de entrevistas, utilizando a história oral temática como procedimento metodológico. Foram construídas narrativas, a partir das histórias de vida das mulheres, posteriormente, analisadas à luz do referencial de gênero. Observamos que as entrevistadas tiveram sua iniciação sexual durante o período de namoro quando não haviam recebido orientações prévias sobre sexualidade ou saúde reprodutiva. Algumas mulheres conviviam com seus parceiros quando aconteceu a gravidez, porém, mesmo assim, consideraram esse fato inesperado. Houve aceitação da gravidez pela maioria delas, e também ocorreu a união, ainda que não de maneira legalizada, de muitos casais que não viviam juntos. Tentativas de abortamento, quando da não-aceitação imediata do parceiro, foram relatadas. As questões de gênero mostram-se presentes nas relações conjugais, com os parceiros figurando como provedores da família e as mulheres mantidas sob sua dependência, centradas no ambiente doméstico, assumindo responsabilidade pelo cuidado da casa, dos filhos e do companheiro. Os homens agiam mais livremente, mantendo relações extraconjugais e chegavam a agredir suas mulheres, em casa. Apesar de ressentidas com essa atitude dos companheiros, elas mantinham o relacionamento com eles. As entrevistadas deixaram explícito que lamentavam a perda da liberdade, do lazer, da oportunidade de trabalho e de estudo ao assumirem a maternidade. Por outro lado, enfatizaram seu não-arrependimento por terem levado a gravidez até o fim. Assim o cotidiano dessas mulheres parece centralizado no cuidar dos filhos, conscientes de que são elas as principais responsáveis por eles, voltando todos os seus projetos de vida para este cuidado. A vida dessas mães é marcada pelas condições de desigualdade em que vivem, social-econômica-cultural e de gênero. Dessa forma, apesar de seus desejos manifestos elas encontram poucas oportunidades objetivas de romperem com o contexto de vida em que estão inseridas. / A qualitative study, which aimed at comprehending, by the experiences of women who became mother in adolescence, the meaning of maternity in their context of life. Fourteen women from 20 to 24 years old, who lived in Maceio suburbs, capital of Alagoas State, took part in the study. The information collection was carried out through interviews, using thematic oral history as methodological procedure. We built narratives from these women’s life history and, later, we analyzed these narratives based on gender referential. We observed that interviewees had their sexual initiation during dating period when they had received no previous orientation concerning sexuality or reproductive health. Some women lived with their partners when pregnancy occurred, even though they considered it to be unexpected. The great majority of them accepted pregnancy, and there were also unions, even if they were not legalized, of many couple who did not lived together. There were reports of abortion attempts when the partner did not accept the pregnancy immediately. Gender questions are present in conjugal relations, with the partners figuring as family providers and women dependent on them, focused on domestic environment, taking the responsible by home, kids and partner’s care. Men acted freely, maintaining extra-conjugal relations and hitting their wives at home. Although resentful with their partner’s attitude, they maintained the relation. The interviews made explicit the lamentation with the lost of freedom, working and studying opportunities when assuming maternity. On the other hand, they emphasized their non-regret for taking their pregnancy till the end. This way, their daily living seems to be centered on their kids caring and they are conscious that they are the main responsible by them, turning their projects of life for this care. These mothers’ lives are marked by inequality, social, economical, cultural and gender conditions in which they live. This way, despite their manifested desire, they find few objective opportunities of breaking with life context in which they are inserted.

ReproduÃÃo e sexualidade de pessoas que (con)vivem com HIV/AIDS: uma abordagem humanÃstica / Reproduction and sexuality of people who live with HIV/AIDS: a humanistical approach

EglÃdia Carla Figueiredo Vidal 30 June 2008 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / RESUMO O surgimento do HIV/aids e o delineamento da epidemia demandaram mudanÃas para a saÃde sexual e reprodutiva de homens e mulheres que (con) vivem com o vÃrus. A sobrevida e a qualidade de vida melhoradas com o aparecimento da terapia antiretroviral combinada colocou em destaque o aspecto de cronicidade da infecÃÃo pelo HIV, delineando possibilidades de relaÃÃes afetivo-sexuais e reprodutivas, mediante esta nova realidade, num panorama complexo que envolve casais soroconcordantes e sorodiscordantes em contextos de vida similares aos nÃo-infectados, num processo de re-significaÃÃo do HIV/aids e de busca pelo controle dessa pandemia. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender vivÃncias sexuais e reprodutivas de pessoas que (con) vivem com HIV. A Teoria HumanÃstica de Enfermagem de Paterson e Zderad foi utilizada como referencial teÃrico-metodolÃgico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com delineamento qualitativo, realizada no ambulatÃrio de infectologia do Hospital-Escola Santo InÃcio, em Juazeiro do Norte-CE. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 16 pessoas que (con) vivem com HIV/aids, 7 homens e 9 mulheres. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de julho a novembro de 2007, por meio de observaÃÃo livre, consulta aos prontuÃrios e entrevista semi-estruturada. Para anÃlise dos depoimentos foi adotada a tÃcnica de anÃlise de conteÃdo, de onde emergiram trÃs temÃticas: 1. VivÃncia Sexual; 2. VivÃncia Reprodutiva; e 3. VivÃncia da Conjugalidade. Nestas temÃticas, foram identificadas onze sub-temÃticas: 1. O preservativo nas relaÃÃes sexuais; 2. AlteraÃÃes no desejo apÃs a descoberta da soropositividade ao HIV; 3. AlteraÃÃes na prÃtica sexual apÃs a descoberta da soropositividade ao HIV; 4. MÃtodos contraceptivos usados antes da vivÃncia e convivÃncia com o HIV/aids; 5. O preservativo como referÃncia contraceptiva e de proteÃÃo nas relaÃÃes sexuais; 6. Desconhecimento do uso de outros mÃtodos contraceptivos na infecÃÃo pelo HIV; 7. Desejo de ter filhos; 8. Medo da transmissÃo vertical do HIV; 9. (Des)conhecimento das medidas profilÃticas na reduÃÃo da transmissÃo vertical do HIV; 10. ModificaÃÃo na relaÃÃo conjugal frente ao cuidado consigo e com o outro; 11. A quebra da confianÃa depositada no outro frente ao HIV. Das pessoas que vivem e convivem com HIV/aids foram apreendidas diferentes experiÃncias e significados para as vivÃncias sexuais e reprodutivas, em cenÃrios de vida complexos, ainda permeados pelos estigmas decorrentes da aids. Os sujeitos deste estudo viviam em uniÃo conjugal variando de oito meses hà mais de quinze anos, dos quais onze viviam em relaÃÃo conjugal soroconcordante ao HIV e cinco em relaÃÃo sorodiscordante. NÃo percebemos divergÃncia de dados pela variÃvel tempo de uniÃo. Verificamos situaÃÃo sÃcio-econÃmica precÃria e presenÃa de filhos, dos quais cinco concebidos apÃs o conhecimento do status sorolÃgico, e mais duas mulheres no perÃodo gestacional. O tempo de convivÃncia com a infecÃÃo foi variÃvel, de menos de um ano a mais de onze anos. Em metade dos casos o contexto de descoberta da infecÃÃo pelo HIV envolveu o perÃodo gestacional, sendo os outros apÃs doenÃa oportunista ou por convocaÃÃo de parceiro, revelando-se como um momento difÃcil pela infidelidade conjugal comprovada. Os resultados indicaram que o preservativo nÃo fazia parte da rotina sexual atà o conhecimento do status sorolÃgico, sendo essa condiÃÃo determinante para a adesÃo ao preservativo masculino. A estabilidade da relaÃÃo conjugal atuava, na fase prÃ-infecÃÃo, como um dos fatores que contribuÃa para a determinaÃÃo do nÃo uso de preservativo, oferecendo contextos de maior vulnerabilidade, onde o gÃnero aparece como principal fator. O uso do preservativo masculino, apÃs a soroconversÃo, evidenciou as dificuldades nessa adesÃo, principalmente entre os que nunca haviam experienciado esse mÃtodo de proteÃÃo, revelando possÃvel consciÃncia para a necessidade de adaptaÃÃo ao dispositivo na relaÃÃo sexual, que se mostra re-significada para essas pessoas. Contudo, hà um enfrentamento maior para a manutenÃÃo da prÃtica de prevenÃÃo pelo uso do preservativo masculino em casais sorodiscordantes. A descoberta da soropositividade ao HIV demandou modificaÃÃes na rotina sexual, evidenciando a diminuiÃÃo do desejo sexual e alteraÃÃo nas prÃticas sexuais, com distintos aspectos entre homens e mulheres pesquisados. Foram expressas mudanÃas no uso rotineiro dos mÃtodos contraceptivos anterior à soroconversÃo, com a utilizaÃÃo de novos mÃtodos, notadamente o preservativo masculino, frente à presenÃa do HIV. Evidenciamos o desconhecimento de alternativas anticonceptivas diante da infecÃÃo pelo HIV e da aids. O desejo de ter filhos foi observado em homens e mulheres, onde o medo da transmissÃo vertical aparece como forte determinante em abolir essa escolha, com o desconhecimento de medidas profilÃticas na reduÃÃo da transmissÃo vertical. As dificuldades no enfrentamento do HIV/aids impÃem mudanÃas no cotidiano da conjugalidade, destacando um comportamento conjugal bilateral de cuidado com o outro em uma relaÃÃo ambÃgua frente à confianÃa quebrada exposta com o conhecimento do status sorolÃgico. Este estudo nos permitiu perceber que à preciso abrir canais de diÃlogo sobre experiÃncias sexuais e reprodutivas, salientando a importante dimensÃo que à conferida Ãs relaÃÃes entre profissionais e pacientes, como partÃcipes na busca da promoÃÃo da saÃde numa realidade em construÃÃo, de re-significaÃÃo de vida, relaÃÃes e saÃde. Evidencia-se o perÃodo gestacional como um importante momento para o diagnÃstico da infecÃÃo pelo HIV, para aconselhamento das recomendaÃÃes para reduÃÃo da transmissÃo vertical, com inicio precoce da profilaxia da transmissÃo vertical, num atendimento humanizado, livre de julgamentos e preconceitos. A assistÃncia em saÃde sexual e reprodutiva Ãs pessoas vivendo com HIV demanda inÃmeras questÃes e desafios, mas, sobretudo, aponta para a necessidade da assistÃncia integral, nÃo-dicotÃmica, onde prevenÃÃo e tratamento se conjugam, reconhecendo limites, possibilidades, finalidades e prioridades, na individualizaÃÃo do cuidado humano. / ABSTRACT The arise of HIV/AIDS and the design of the epidemy demanded changes in the sexual and reproductive health of men and women who live with the virus. The fact that survival and life quality improved with the advent of antiretroviral therapy highlighted the aspect of chronicity of HIV infection, outlining possibilities for affective-sexual and reproductive relationships in this new reality, in a complex scenery that involves concordant and discordant couples in contexts of life similar to non-infected people, in a process of re-signification of HIV/AIDS and of search for control of this pandemy. This study aimed to understand sexual and reproductive experience of people who live with HIV. The Humanistic Nursing Theory by Paterson and Zderad was used as a theoretical and methodological reference. This is a descriptive research with qualitative design, held at the infectology clinic of the School Hospital Santo InÃcio, in Juazeiro do Norte-CE. The subjects of the study were 16 people who live with HIV/AIDS, 7 men and 9 women. Data were collected from July through November, 2007, through free observation, analysis of medical records and semi-structured interview. For the testimoniesâ analysis the technique of content analysis was adopted, from which emerged three themes: 1. Sexual experience; 2. Reproductive experience, and 3. Marriage Experience. In these themes one identified eleven sub-themes: 1. The condom in sexual intercourses; 2. Changes in desire after the discovery of HIV seropositivity, 3. Changes in sexual practice after the discovery of HIV seropositivity, 4. Contraceptive methods used before the experience and living with HIV/AIDS; 5. The condom as a contraceptive reference and protection in sexual intercourses; 6. Ignorance about the use of other contraceptive methods in HIV infection; 7. Desire to have children; 8. Fear of vertical transmission of HIV; 9. (Lack of) knowledge about prophylactic measures to reduce the vertical transmission of HIV; 10. Modification in marital relationship due to self-care and care with the other; 11. The distrust in the partner because of HIV. Out of the people who experience and live with HIV/AIDS one got different experiences and meanings for sexual and reproductive experiences in complex life sceneries, still permeated by the stigma resulting from AIDS. The subjects of this study lived in marital union ranging from eight months through over fifteen years, eleven of whom lived in conjugal concordant relationship to HIV and five in discordant relationship. We did not notice divergence of data by the variable time of union. We noticed difficult socioeconomic situation and presence of children, including five conceived after the knowledge of HIV, and two women during pregnancy. The time spent living with the infection varied from less than a year to more than eleven years. In half the cases the context of discovery of HIV infection involved the gestational period, the others after opportunistic disease or by convincing of the partner, being a difficult moment due to proved marital infidelity. The results indicated that the condom was not part of their sexual routine until the knowledge of HIV, being the virus a determinant condition for joining the condom. The stability of the conjugal relationship served in the pre-infection phase as one of the factors that contributed to the non-use of condoms, causing larger contexts of vulnerability, where the genre appears as the main factor. The use of male condoms, after seroconversion, highlighted the difficulties in adhesion, especially among those who had never experienced this method of protection, revealing possible awareness of the need to adapt to the device in sexual intercourse, which is re-signified for these people. However, there is a bigger confrontation for the maintenance of the prevention practice by the use of condoms in discordant couples. The discovery of HIV seropositivity demanded changes in sexual routine, showing a decrease in sexual desire and change in sexual practices, with different aspects for men and women surveyed. There were changes in routine of contraceptive methods used before the seroconversion, using new methods, especially the male condom, in the presence of HIV. We highlighted the lack of knowledge of alternatives contraceptive methods face to HIV infection and AIDS. The desire to have children was observed in men and women, and the fear of vertical transmission appears as a strong determinant to deny that choice, with the lack of prophylactic measures to reduce vertical transmission. The difficulties in fighting against HIV/AIDS require changes in the daily life of the couple, highlighting a bilateral marital behavior of care for the other in an ambiguous relationship because of distrust with the knowledge of HIV infection. This study allowed us to realize that we must open channels of dialogue about sexual and reproductive experiences, stressing the important dimension that is given to the relationships between professionals and patients, as participants in the search of health promotion in a reality still in construction, of re-signification of life, of relationships and health. The gestational period is highlighted as an important moment for the diagnosis of HIV infection, to advise the recommendations and to reduce vertical transmission, beginning with early prevention of vertical transmission, through humanized care, free of judgments and prejudice. The assistance in sexual and reproductive health for people living with HIV demands several questions and challenges, but it points mainly to the need of integral and non-dichotomous assistance, where prevention and treatment work together, recognizing limits, possibilities, aims and priorities, in the individualization of human care.

Intenções e comportamentos reprodutivos de mulheres que vivenciam alta fecundidade em um grande centro urbano / Reproductive intentions and behavior of women who experience high fecundity in a large urban center

Vânia Muniz Néquer Soares 28 April 2009 (has links)
Introdução: As escolhas relacionadas à fecundidade são complexas e envolvem idéias e valores das sociedades e de seus integrantes. Existem muitos estudos que procuram explicar a fecundidade a partir de variáveis socioeconômicas e culturais, mas não indagam os motivos que teriam levado as mulheres a proceder de uma forma ou de outra para a formação de suas famílias. A fecundidade abaixo do nível de reposição é observada nos grandes centros urbanos brasileiros há algumas décadas, mas permanecem diferenciais intra-urbanos que precisam ser identificados, assim como seus determinantes. Objetivo: Identificar os diferenciais de fecundidade no município de Curitiba e contribuir para o conhecimento e entendimento do comportamento reprodutivo, motivações e vivência das mulheres com alta fecundidade. Metodologia: Pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. Analisou-se inicialmente a tendência da fecundidade e os diferenciais por bairro. O estudo na etapa quantitativa incluiu 441 mulheres residentes em Curitiba que tiveram o quinto ou mais filhos nascidos vivos em 2005, identificadas pelo SINASC. Para coleta dos dados nesta etapa utilizou-se questionário semi-estruturado. Os dados foram organizados em banco de dados Access e analisados com o uso do programa computacional Statistica v.8.0. Os sujeitos da etapa qualitativa constituíram-se de nove mulheres entrevistadas em profundidade a partir de roteiro temático. Os dados qualitativos foram interpretados seguindo os ensinamentos da \"análise de conteúdo\". Resultados: A taxa de fecundidade em Curitiba chegou a 1,5 filhos por mulher em 2005, mas com diferenciais intra-urbanos. Nove dos 75 bairros de Curitiba concentravam 59,6% das mulheres com alta fecundidade. Cerca de 90% das entrevistadas tiveram mais filhos do que desejavam. O número ideal de filhos referidos variou entre 2,4 e 2,9. No momento da entrevista 85% das mulheres usavam algum método contraceptivo com prevalência da laqueadura e da pílula. A esterilização voluntária foi efetivada para apenas 36,4% das mulheres e 42% dos homens solicitantes. A auto-avaliação de saúde não boa foi referida por 40% das mulheres. As entrevistadas relataram dificuldade de acesso aos programas de proteção social e à casa própria. Contribuíram para o maior número de filhos, as falhas dos programas de planejamento familiar, a falta de informação e domínio da negociação no uso dos métodos contraceptivos, as desigualdades de gênero e a vulnerabilidade psico-afetiva das mulheres. As entrevistadas da etapa qualitativa vivenciaram trajetórias reprodutivas e produtivas conflituosas marcadas pelas desigualdades sociais e de gênero. A maioria das mulheres do estudo apresentava elevada vulnerabilidade social. Conclusões: Uma diversidade de fatores, além dos socioeconômicos, exerce influência na definição da maternidade e do número de filhos. Identificou-se que são necessárias medidas que implementem o acesso à contracepção, a inclusão dos homens neste processo, a capacitação de profissionais para a assistência sexual e reprodutiva. São indispensáveis a promoção de políticas compatíveis para realização da maternidade, que facilitem a participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho e promovam a eqüidade entre os sexos tanto neste mercado quanto no âmbito doméstico e medidas efetivas de proteção social. A liberação da laqueadura no pós-parto normal imediato foi recomendada, com vistas a agilizar e facilitar o acesso das mulheres a este procedimento. / Introduction: The choices concerning about fertility are complex because they involve ideas and values of societies and their members. Many studies seek to explain the fertility socioeconomic and cultural changeable but don\'t consider the women reasons to select one way or another to form their families. The fertility rate below the replacement is observed in Brazilians urban centers a few decades ago, but is necessary to identify the intra-urban differentials remain and its determinants. Objective: To identify the fertility differentials in Curitiba and to contribute to the women with high fertility reproductive behavior knowledge and comprehension, their motivations and experiences. Methodology: quantitative and qualitative researches, descriptive and exploratory in nature. The trend in fertility and the differentials were examined by neighborhood initially. The study included 441 women living in Curitiba which had the fifth or more children born alive in 2005 and identified by SINASC. In this step the data collect used a semi-structured questionnaire. They were organized in Access database and analyzed using the Statistica computer program, v.8.0. Nine women were the qualitative phase subjects interviewed in depth from thematic roadmap. Qualitative data were interpreted by following the teachings of the \" contents analysis.\" Results: The rate of fertility in Curitiba reached 1.5 children per woman in 2005, but with intra-urban differentials. Nine of the 75 districts of Curitiba concentrated 59.6% of women with high fertility. About 90% of respondents had more children than desired. The ideal number of children referred ranged between 2.4 and 2.9. At the time of the interview 85% of women were using contraceptive methods, with prevalence of sterilization and the pill. The voluntary sterilization was carried out for only 36.4% of women and 42% of male applicants. The self-assessment of health \"not good\" was cited by 40% of women. Interviewees reported difficulty of access to programs of social protection and housing. Contributed to the largest number of children, the failures of programs for family planning, lack of information and area of negotiation in the use of contraceptive methods, inequalities of gender and psycho-emotional vulnerability of women. Subjects of qualitative stage experienced conflict trajectories reproductive and productive marked by social inequality and gender. Most women in the study had high social vulnerability. Conclusions: A variety of factors, in addition to the socioeconomic, exerts influence on the definition of motherhood and the number of children. It was identified that are necessary to implement the access to contraception, the inclusion of men in this process, the training of professionals for sexual and reproductive assistance. Its essential to promote politics for consistent implementation of motherhood, to facilitate the participation of women in the labor market and promote equity between the sexes in this market as both under domestic and effective measures of social protection. The release of sterilization in the immediate post-normal delivery was recommended, in order to expedite and facilitate women\'s access to this procedure.

"Entre o sonho e a realidade: maternidade na adolescência sob a ótica de um grupo de mulheres da periferia da cidade de Maceió-Alagoas" / Between dream and reality: maternity in adolescence under the vision of a group of women from Maceio city suburbs – Alagoas, Brazil.

Trindade, Ruth Franca Cizino da 18 July 2005 (has links)
Este foi um estudo de natureza qualitativa, que teve como objetivo compreender, a partir da experiência de mulheres que se tornaram mães na adolescência, o significado da maternidade no contexto de vida destas mães. Participaram 14 mulheres na faixa etária de 20 a 24 anos, residentes na periferia de Maceió, capital do estado de Alagoas. A coleta de informação foi realizada por meio de entrevistas, utilizando a história oral temática como procedimento metodológico. Foram construídas narrativas, a partir das histórias de vida das mulheres, posteriormente, analisadas à luz do referencial de gênero. Observamos que as entrevistadas tiveram sua iniciação sexual durante o período de namoro quando não haviam recebido orientações prévias sobre sexualidade ou saúde reprodutiva. Algumas mulheres conviviam com seus parceiros quando aconteceu a gravidez, porém, mesmo assim, consideraram esse fato inesperado. Houve aceitação da gravidez pela maioria delas, e também ocorreu a união, ainda que não de maneira legalizada, de muitos casais que não viviam juntos. Tentativas de abortamento, quando da não-aceitação imediata do parceiro, foram relatadas. As questões de gênero mostram-se presentes nas relações conjugais, com os parceiros figurando como provedores da família e as mulheres mantidas sob sua dependência, centradas no ambiente doméstico, assumindo responsabilidade pelo cuidado da casa, dos filhos e do companheiro. Os homens agiam mais livremente, mantendo relações extraconjugais e chegavam a agredir suas mulheres, em casa. Apesar de ressentidas com essa atitude dos companheiros, elas mantinham o relacionamento com eles. As entrevistadas deixaram explícito que lamentavam a perda da liberdade, do lazer, da oportunidade de trabalho e de estudo ao assumirem a maternidade. Por outro lado, enfatizaram seu não-arrependimento por terem levado a gravidez até o fim. Assim o cotidiano dessas mulheres parece centralizado no cuidar dos filhos, conscientes de que são elas as principais responsáveis por eles, voltando todos os seus projetos de vida para este cuidado. A vida dessas mães é marcada pelas condições de desigualdade em que vivem, social-econômica-cultural e de gênero. Dessa forma, apesar de seus desejos manifestos elas encontram poucas oportunidades objetivas de romperem com o contexto de vida em que estão inseridas. / A qualitative study, which aimed at comprehending, by the experiences of women who became mother in adolescence, the meaning of maternity in their context of life. Fourteen women from 20 to 24 years old, who lived in Maceio suburbs, capital of Alagoas State, took part in the study. The information collection was carried out through interviews, using thematic oral history as methodological procedure. We built narratives from these women’s life history and, later, we analyzed these narratives based on gender referential. We observed that interviewees had their sexual initiation during dating period when they had received no previous orientation concerning sexuality or reproductive health. Some women lived with their partners when pregnancy occurred, even though they considered it to be unexpected. The great majority of them accepted pregnancy, and there were also unions, even if they were not legalized, of many couple who did not lived together. There were reports of abortion attempts when the partner did not accept the pregnancy immediately. Gender questions are present in conjugal relations, with the partners figuring as family providers and women dependent on them, focused on domestic environment, taking the responsible by home, kids and partner’s care. Men acted freely, maintaining extra-conjugal relations and hitting their wives at home. Although resentful with their partner’s attitude, they maintained the relation. The interviews made explicit the lamentation with the lost of freedom, working and studying opportunities when assuming maternity. On the other hand, they emphasized their non-regret for taking their pregnancy till the end. This way, their daily living seems to be centered on their kids caring and they are conscious that they are the main responsible by them, turning their projects of life for this care. These mothers’ lives are marked by inequality, social, economical, cultural and gender conditions in which they live. This way, despite their manifested desire, they find few objective opportunities of breaking with life context in which they are inserted.

Birth-characteristics, hospitalisations, and childbearing : epidemiological studies based on Swedish register data /

Ekholm Selling, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Efeito da planta hospedeira e da técnica da confusão sexual no comportamento reprodutivo de Leucoptera coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) / Effect of both host plant and mating disruption technique on the reproductive behavior of Leucopteta coffeella (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae)

Fonseca, Marcy das Graças 23 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:30:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 315546 bytes, checksum: 7c3954ee8525d69ec5427b4b0a3dbabb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present thesis had the aim to study the importance of the host plant to the reproductive behavior of L. coffeella. At first, the following aspects were evaluated: (i) the effect of the reproductive condition of females in response to host plant volatiles; (ii) if mating proportion, initiation time and copulation duration are affected by the presence of volatiles in the host plant; (iii) and if females of L. coffeella, under no choice conditions, may be able to lay eggs in an alternative host. The efficiency of the mating disruption technique of males as a control method for this insect was also studied. In addition, the efficiency of PB-Rope dispensers was tested under low population conditions of adults in the field. These PB-Rope dispensers were used in order to saturate the environment with synthetic sexual pheromone and consist of a polyethylene tube containing 200 mg of 5,9-dimethylpentadecane, produced by Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd (Tokyo, Japan). In order to do so, the following hypotheses were tested: (i) that the PB-Rope dispenser provokes disorientation in males of L. coffeella in the areas treated with pheromone and (ii) that mating disruption leads to a decrease of lesions caused to the genus L. coffeella. In the first work, it was evidenced that only the volatiles emitted by the plant do not comprise relevant clue for females to spot their host. Nevertheless, they play an important role during the mating process. When another non-host plant was offered to the females as an oviposition site, it was observed that there was a considerable reduction in the number of laid eggs, indicating that females use cues of the host plant for oviposition. In the second work, the number of males captured in the pheromone traps in the treated area was reduced in relation to the control areas; however, the damage that this insect causes to the plantation was not different between the treated areas and the control areas. In this case, it was not possible to quantify the efficiency of the technique because the same levels of mined leaves and eggs were found in both areas. / Nesta tese foi estudada a importância da planta hospedeira no comportamento reprodutivo de L. coffeella. Inicialmente avaliou-se: (i) o efeito da condição reprodutiva das fêmeas em resposta aos voláteis da planta hospedeira; (ii) se a proporção de acasalamento, tempo de início e duração da cópula são afetadas pela presença de voláteis da planta hospedeira; (iii) e se fêmeas de L. coffeella, em condições de não escolha, podem ovipositar em hospedeiro alternativo. Foi estudada também a eficiência da técnica de confusão sexual de machos como método de controle deste inseto. Foi testada a eficiência dos liberadores de feromônio PB-Rope em condições de baixa população de adultos em campo. Estes liberadores PB-Rope foram usados para saturar o ambiente com feromônio sexual sintético e consistem de um tubo afilado de polietileno contendo 200 mg de 5,9-dimetilpentadecano, fabricados pela Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltda (Tókio, Japão). Para isto testaram-se as hipóteses: (i) de que nas áreas tratadas com feromônio, o liberador PBRope provoca desorientação nos machos de L. coffeella e (ii) que a confusão sexual leva a redução das injúrias causadas ao cafeeiro por L. coffeella. No primeiro trabalho, ficou evidenciado que os voláteis sozinhos emitidos pela planta não constituem pista relevante para as fêmeas localizarem seu hospedeiro, porém têm papel importante durante o acasalamento. Quando ofereceu-se às fêmeas outra planta não hospedeira como sítio de oviposição, pode-se observar uma redução considerável no número de ovos depositados, indicando que as fêmeas usam pistas da planta hospedeira para a oviposição. No segundo trabalho, o número de machos capturados nas armadilhas de feromônio nas áreas tratadas foi reduzido em relação às áreas controles, mas, o dano deste inseto à lavoura não foi diferente entre as áreas tratadas e áreas controles. Neste caso, não foi possível quantificar a eficiência da técnica porque os mesmos níveis de folhas minadas e ovos foram encontrados em ambas as áreas.

Ecologia reprodutiva do peixe donzela, Stegastes sanctipauli Lubbock & Edwards, 1981 (Osteichthyes: Pomacentridae) no arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo, Brasil

Alves, Aline Cristina 27 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:55:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1643253 bytes, checksum: 663b93e288d71dbedb37bcae9e72b850 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Damselfishes play key roles in reef environments and are widely used as models in ecological and behavioral studies.During the reproductive period, the damselfishes present strategies involving benthonic spawning. The parental care is performed by the male who, during the days of egg development, expelled all potential predators that try to attack their territory. It was studied here the behavioral ecology during spawning period and the reproductive success of Stegastes sanctipauli, a damselfish endemic to the remote St. Peter and St. Paul s Archipelago (Mid Atlantic Ridge, Brazil). Nest abundance was negatively influenced by depth and abundance of Caranx lugubris, an important damselfish predator. The number of clutches within male s nests was positively influenced by depth, nest area, and substrate inclination, with deeper, bigger and more inclined nests sheltering more clutches. Number of clutches within nests varied along the lunar cycle, peaking at two days before the new moon. Egg loss per clutch per day ranged from 3.5% to 50% and was positively influenced by the initial number of eggs laid by females and moon phase, with highest losses recorded also in the days before the new moon. Frequency of agonistic interactions increased with nest size. Bigger nests, that shelter more clutches, are possibly more attractive to potential egg predators. Species most frequently recorded attempting to predate S. sanctipauli eggs were the conspecifics, heterospecifics damselfishes (Chromis multillineata and Abudefduf saxatilis), Malacoctenus sp. and Halichoeres radiatus. Although, no successful predation events was witnessed, experimental offer of clutches and analysis of bite scars revealed Melichthys niger as the main potential predator of S. sanctipauli eggs. Filial cannibalism of eggs was frequently observed, and may be pointed as a major cause of S. sanctipauli embryo mortality. / Os peixes donzeladesempenham um importante papel nos ambientes recifais e são amplamente utilizados como modelo para estudos comportamentais. Durante o período reprodutivo, as donzelas apresentam estratégias que envolvem desova bentônica. O cuidado parental é realizado pelo macho que, durante o período de desenvolvimento dos ovos, expulsa todos os potenciais predadores que tentam invadir seu território.Neste estudo foi avaliada a ecologia comportamental durante a desova e o sucesso reprodutivo de Stegastes sanctipauli, donzela endêmica do remoto Arquipélago de São Pedro e de São Paulo. A abundância de ninhos foi influenciada negativamente pela profundidade e abundância de Caranx lugubris, um importante predador de donzelas. O número de desovas dentro dos ninhos de cada macho foi positivamente influenciado pela profundidade, área do ninho, e inclinação do substrato. Ninhos mais fundos, maiores e mais inclinados apresentaram um maior número de desovas. O número de desovas variou ao longo do ciclo lunar, atingindo um pico dois dias antes da lua nova. A perda de ovos por desova por dia variou de 3,5% a 50% e foi influenciado positivamente pelo número inicial de ovos desovados pelas fêmeas e pelas fases da lua, com as maiores perdas registradas também nos dias que antecedema lua nova. A frequência de interações agonísticas foi influenciada positivamente pelo tamanho do ninho. Ninhos maiores, que abrigam mais desovas, são possivelmente mais atraentes para potenciais predadores de ovos. As espécies registradas com maior frequência tentando invadir o território de S. sanctipauli foram os próprios coespecíficos, donzelas heteroespecíficas (Chromis multillineata e Abudefduf saxatilis), Malacoctenus sp e Halichoeres radiatus. Apesar de não ter sido registrado sucesso em tentativas de predação de ovos durante as observações comportamentais, a oferta experimental de desovas e análise de cicatrizes de mordidas revelou Melichthys niger como o principal potencial predador de ovos de S. sanctipauli. O canibalismo filial de ovos foi um comportamento frequentemente observado, e pode ser apontadotambém comouma das principais causas de mortalidade embrionária de S. sanctipauli.

Studies On Endocrine And Behavioral Assessment Of Reproductive Status In Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus)

Ghosal, Ratna 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), a charismatic ‘flagship species’, is threatened by extinction in the wild, and the development of self-sustainable captive populations is a key conservation challenge. A third of the Asian elephant population is presently in captivity and information on the reproductive status, especially in females, is still lacking to a large extent. The onset of estrus in female Asian elephants is not associated with any visible physical signs, thus making the assessment of the reproductive status rather difficult. One approach to understanding reproductive cyclicity of animals is through generating profiles of reproductive hormones in blood (Wiseman et al. 1983; Brown et al. 1999, 2004). Profiles of reproductive hormones such as progesterone (P4), estrogen, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone have already being demonstrated in Asian elephants (Brown et al. 1999, 2004; Brown 2000). In these studies, the reproductive status of females, maintained in zoos/captivity, was characterized based on circulating levels of hormones in blood samples. This is difficult to implement in the case of semi-captive or wild populations of elephants due to practical, legal and ethical considerations. In order to overcome this problem and to better understand the estrous status of female elephants, it is important to develop and validate non-invasive methods to monitor the reproductive status of female Asian elephants. An alternative approach to evaluating the reproductive status of females is to consider behavioral responses shown by males towards chemical signals produced by females to advertise their reproductive status. In order to understand the reproductive status of the individual belonging to the opposite sex, studies have shown that elephants rely on a variety of chemical signals produced in biological fluids such as urine, temporal gland secretion, inter-digital gland secretion, etc. (Krishnan 1972; Rasmussen & Schulte 1998). Chemical signaling is one of the prominent modes of communication in elephants, especially with respect to locating potential mates (Sukumar 2003). Thus, in most cases, elephants usually employ specific behavioral responses, for example sniff, check and place behaviors of trunk, for investigating the reproductive status of the conspecific individual, belonging either to the same or the opposite sex (Rasmussen et al. 1996; Schulte & Rasmussen 1999; Bagley et al. 2006). The objectives of the thesis are two-fold. First, to develop a non-invasive method of reproductive monitoring from fecal hormonal metabolites and also to understand the possible role of feces as an inter-sexual signal. The main body of thesis is divided into four chapters. 1) Development and validation of a non-invasive method to estimate progesterone metabolite in feces, to monitor the reproductive cyclicity of female elephants (Chapter 2). 2)Generation and characterization of progesterone and its metabolite, 5α-P-3-OH, profiles of semi-captive females using the developed non-invasive method to measure fecal metabolites (Chapter 3). 3) Validation of developed methodology and assay systems to a wild-population of female elephants (Chapter 4). 4) Feces as a potential source for inter-sexual chemical signaling in Asian elephants (Chapter 5). The above studies were carried out on semi-captive male and female elephants maintained in the forest camps of Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary (MWLS), Tamil Nadu and Bandipur National Park (BNP), Karnataka, India (Chapters 2, 3 and 5). For Chapter-4, free-ranging females of the MWLS were examined. 1. Development and validation of a non-invasive method to estimate progesterone metabolite in feces, to monitor the reproductive cyclicity of female elephants Niemuller et al. (1993) generated a profile of the progesterone metabolite, 5βpregnanetriol, to assess the estrous phase of Asian elephants based on non-invasive urine sampling. However, the collection of urine is difficult and to some extent impossible in the case of semi-captive and as well as that of wild elephants. Thus, the method of choice in this study was the development and validation of a non-invasive approach to measure fecal progesterone metabolites to assess reproductive status of females. Sampling was carried out at monthly intervals on three female elephants at the MWLS forest camp, while three other females maintained at the BNP forest camp were sampled fortnightly. An enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay was developed to measure the concentration of the progesterone metabolite, 5α-P-3OH in the fecal samples of the semi-captive females. Using varying concentrations of the hapten (5α-P3OH), from low (0.1 mM) to high (1 mM), a standard curve was first generated, which had a linear range between 0.25 mM to 62.5 mM, with an EC50 of 1.37 mM. The linear range was then used to detect the concentrations of 5α-P-3OH in the fecal samples of females examined. The non-invasive method was further validated as there existed a positive correlation (p<0.1) between the levels of fecal 5α-P-3OH and that of concentration of circulating P4, measured in blood samples. This is the first valid documentation of a non-invasive method based on fecal progesterone metabolite pattern in order to assess the reproductive status of the female Asian elephants. 2. Generation and characterization of reproductive hormone profiles of semi-captive females using the developed non-invasive method to measure fecal metabolites With the establishment of a non-invasive method to understand occurrence of estrus in female elephants (described in Chapter 2), attempts were made to generate hormonal profiles over a longer time interval through more frequent sampling. Based on sampling at weekly intervals, the concentrations of both fecal 5α-P-3OH and that of native P4 hormone in the blood were determined, and the females were then identified as belonging to different reproductive states of hormonal cycling (follicular and luteal phases), non-cycling and pregnant categories. Of the 7 females sampled at both MWLS and BNP, three distinct categories of hormone-metabolite profiles emerged. The first category included four females that showed regular cyclicity throughout the sampling period, as monitored through the measurement of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 levels. The estrous cycle of all the four females was divided into two phases (follicular and luteal), based on the patterns of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 concentrations. The follicular phase of the estrous cycle was assigned when the values of both fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 remained below 0.3 µg/gm and 0.3 ng/ml, respectively, for a considerable time period (viz. >2 wk). However, the luteal phase was characterized, when the levels of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 remained at or above 0.3 µg/gm and 0.3 ng/ml respectively, over a period of more than 2 - 3 wk. The second category had two females showing a ‘flat-lining pattern’ for the levels of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 concentrations, without any peak or dip in their concentrations. Since the reproductive pattern for both these females was flat-lined throughout their sampling period (51 wk), maintaining the levels of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 below 0.3 µg/gm and 0.3 ng/ml respectively, the females were considered to be non-cycling or anestrus. The third category had one female in which the levels of both fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 measured were consistently high throughout the entire sampling period (26 wk). The levels of both fecal -P-3OH and serum P4 were above 0.3 µg/gm and 0.3 ng/ml, respectively. At the end of the sampling period, this female delivered a male calf; thus, the measured concentrations of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 signified the levels maintained during the gestational phase of this female. Sampling and hormonal analyses were also carried out for a male in the MWLS forest camps to investigate the baseline concentrations of fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4. The male showed consistently low concentrations of both fecal 5α-P-3OH and serum P4 throughout the sampling period (16 wk), below the margin of 0.3 µg/gm and 0.3 ng/ml, respectively. In this part of the study, it was confirmed that the reproductive status of a female elephant can be correctly assessed on the basis of measurements of fecal 5α-P-3OH alone, with repeated sampling of the female over a longer time scale. It was also shown that the strength of the positive correlation between the concentrations of the fecal 5α-P3OH and the serum P4 increased (p<0.01) for a larger sample size than that obtained for a comparatively smaller sample (described in Chapter 2). 3. Validation of developed methodology and assay systems to wild-population of female elephants So far, the non-invasive method to estimate fecal progesterone metabolite in order to predict occurrence of estrus of elephants was largely applied to semi-captive females (described in Chapters 2, 3). However, the necessity of such a method is being recognized for assessing the reproductive status of free-ranging females. Several findings have described differences in the rate and type of steroid metabolite excretion among individuals maintained under different diet regimes (Wasser et al. 1993; Smith et al. 2006). For instance, female elephants in the forest camps are provided with supplementary diet consisting of sugarcane, rice and millets. This diet is strikingly different from the feeding materials consumed by wild/free-ranging elephants (Sukumar 2003). Therefore, differences in dietary components can potentially influence the fecal steroid metabolites’ excretory patterns shown by semi-captive vis-a-vis wild females, which can affect the validity of measuring fecal 5α-P-3OH to predict females’ reproductive status. In order to examine this problem, the non-invasive method was applied to the population of wild elephants in the forests of MWLS, through random one time sampling of 30 individual female elephants. The steroid extraction efficiency (73 ± 11.0%, mean ± S.D., n =30) determined for the fecal samples collected from the wild females was not significantly different from the coefficient calculated in the case of the semi-captive females (80 ± 4.3%, mean ± S.D., n = 38). This indicated that dietary differences between wild and captive elephants did not influence levels of fecal hormonal metabolites in feces, unlike earlier observations on baboons (Wasser et al. 1993), old world primates (Wasser et al. 1988) and sheep (Smith et al. 2006). The values of the fecal allopregnanolone determined in the case of the wild females, ranged from as low as 0.06 µg/gm to as high as 23µg/gm of the sample, thus showing the heterogeneity of the samples, indicating that the females may be belonging to different reproductive phases. However, since sampling was carried out randomly, with an adult female being sampled just once, at this stage, it is not possible to identify or elaborate on the reproductive phase of the females. This is the first study reporting the values of the fecal progesterone metabolite in female Asian elephants in the wild. Further studies may be required to carry out long term monitoring of the wild females, through repeated collection of fecal samples over time from particular female. 4. Feces as a potential source for inter-sexual chemical signaling in Asian elephants In this Chapter-5, behavioral trials were conducted on male elephants to understand the role of fecal matter in conveying inter-sexual chemical signals. This was demonstrated by analyses of specific chemosensory behavioral responses shown by males towards the fecal samples of females that were strangers and belonging to different reproductive stages. Males showed four prominent behavioral responses namely ‘distant sniff’, ‘close sniff’, ‘check’ and ‘place’ towards the fecal samples of females. The sum of frequencies of these four responses (distant sniff, close sniff, check and place) was much higher for samples of the follicular (pre-ovulatory) phase females as compared to those of the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase females (p<0.005). Thus, for the first time, it was shown that male elephants are able to discriminate the different reproductive phases of females based on their specific behavioral response towards the fecal samples of the opposite sex. In conclusion, the thesis has focused on understanding and providing new insights regarding the reproductive biology of the female Asian elephants. This has been achieved through the development of the non-invasive method based on measuring the concentrations of the fecal progesterone metabolite and through the analyses of the chemosensory responses performed by the males towards the fecal samples of strange females. These methods can potentially be applied to the populations of both wild and captive/semi-captive female elephants in order to evaluate their reproductive status, through non-invasive measures. The information derived from the application of such methods will help in understanding the reproductive potential of the wild elephants under various environmental and ecological conditions. Further, the non-invasive measurement of reproductive hormones will help in monitoring the reproductive state of the individuals and thus aid in planning strategies for the welfare and management of the elephants maintained in captive or semi-captive conditions.

Comportements reproductifs en République du Congo : permanences et changements : pour une approche contextuelle et dynamique de la fécondité / Reproduction behaviors : permanencies and changes : for a contextual and dynamic approach of the fertility

Libali, Benoît 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les niveaux actuels de la fécondité africaine sont, pour la plupart des observateurs, l’expression d’un maintien des valeurs traditionnelles d’essence ancestrale. Celles-ci continueraient à déterminer les comportements reproductifs, en dépit des changements économiques, politiques et sociaux. En partant du cas de la République du Congo, l’analyse dynamique et contextuelle de ces comportements, révèle que ceux-ci sont plutôt en nette rupture par rapport au niveau actuel de la fécondité ; ils suggèrent d’importants besoins non satisfaits de limitation des naissances. Il est possible qu’un certain réflexe malthusien se développe progressivement, qui n’exclut nullement le besoin ou désir d’enfants, contrairement à certaines théories. Ces comportements sont caractérisés par de profonds changements se traduisant par une déconnexion entre sexualité, nuptialité et procréation ; un rajeunissement des âges au premier rapport sexuel et à la première naissance ; l’ajournement de l’âge d’entrée en union matrimoniale et par la baisse de la polygamie. Les comportements reproductifs actuels sont de nature à entraîner la fécondité à la baisse, s’ils étaient bien encadrés institutionnellement dans le contexte actuel. L’importance croissante de la fécondité des adolescentes invite à redéfinir les fondements de la fécondité africaine. Dans un contexte marqué également par d’importantes ruptures dans les mécanismes de transmission des valeurs traditionnelles, amplifiée par la scolarisation et l’urbanisation, il est souhaitable de restructurer la communication sur les choix en matière de contrôle de la fécondité. Autrement, la transition de la fécondité, irréversible, se fera à son rythme, non pas seulement au gré des crises, mais de façon durable par adaptation aux conditions de vie et au mode de production en développement. / Current levels of African fertility are, for most observers, the expression of a continuation of traditional values of ancestral essence. For those observers, the traditional values continue to determine reproductive behavior, despite the economic, political and social changes. Based on the case of the Republic of Congo, dynamic and contextual analysis of these behaviors, reveal that these are rather clear break from the current level of fertility; they suggest significant unmet need for birth control. It is possible that a Malthusian reflex develops gradually, which does not exclude the need for children, contrary to some theories. These behaviors are characterized by profound changes resulting in a disconnection between sexuality, marriage and reproduction; rejuvenation of the ages at first intercourse and first birth; postponing the age of entry into marital union and the decline of polygamy. Current reproductive behavior are likely to make fertility declining, if they were well supported institutionally in the current context. The growing importance of adolescent fertility calls for redefining the foundations of African fertility. In a context marked also by significant disruptions in the mechanisms of transmission of traditional values, enhanced by education and urbanization, it is desirable to restructure the communication on the choice of fertility control. Otherwise, the fertility transition, which is irreversible, will be at its own pace, not just at the mercy of crises, but in a sustainable way by adaptation to the conditions of life and way of production in process.

Aspectos bioecológicos e químicos de Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) na herbivoria de Jatropha curcas (Linnaeus) (Euphorbiaceae) / Bioecological and chemical aspects of Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in the herbivory of Jatropha curcas (Linnaeus) (Euphorbiaceae)

Ferreira, Andrea Marques Vanderlei 25 August 2015 (has links)
Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) is the only representative of the Scutelleridae family of agricultural impact in Brazil. This bug is the main pest of Jatropha curcas (Linnaeus) (Euphorbiaceae), which produces raw material for the production of biodiesel. This study has as objective to evaluate bioecological and chemical aspects of P. torridus in herbivory of J. curcas. The experiments were performed using different methodologies, filed in literature, adapted to the particular insect pest, besides the development of new methodology that evaluated the attractiveness of J. curcas in different direction and distance. The research was developed in the Chemistry Laboratory of Natural Products of the Federal University of Alagoas (LPqRN/UFAL) and in Physiology Laboratory of the Agrarian Science Center (CECA/UFAL) and in the field (in the cities of Maceio and Rio Largo) during the period of May 2011 to January 2015. Younger seedlings were more susceptible to the attack even with smallest infestation, which the pest control must be done when there are signs of infestation in this stage. The sequence of behavioral categories which induced the sexual receptivity before intercourse was described in twelve steps. The intraspecific communication of P. torridus was brokered by emission of compound volatiles within a short distance, vibrational signals, sound and groping, driven by the male and recognized by the female. To make a difference between the patterns already known, the 30 new color patterns can be included in literature records, from number 28 to 57. Jatropha curcas releases kairomones long distances (200m) which isolatedly attracts P. torridus for hosting and herbivory. In the chemical evaluations, the compounds identified in the cuticle of P. torridus were: (E)-2-hexenal, (E)-4-(oxo)-2-hexenal, (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, (E)-2-octenal, undecane, dodecane, 1-tridecene, tridecane, (Z,Z)-2,7-Octadien-1-ol acetate, tetradecane and tetradecanal. Species adults P. torridus release content from metathoracic glands during courtship and copulation to attract the opposite sex, being able to empty their reservoir. That bug doesn’t secrete sexual pheromone and contents of their metathoracic glands submit double behavioral activity (alarm and attractiveness) at different concentrations. The rejection of the males to the females with new color patterns was caused by the presence of the chemical compound 1-Tridecene, as well as by increasing the concentration of the compound (E)-2-Octenal. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Pachycoris torridus (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) é o único representante da família Scutelleridae de impacto agrícola no Brasil. Esse percevejo é a principal praga da Jatropha curcas (Linnaeus) (Euphorbiaceae), a qual produz matéria-prima para obtenção de biodiesel. O presente trabalho visa avaliar aspectos bioecológicos e químicos de P. torridus na herbivoria de J. curcas. Os experimentos foram realizados por meio de variadas metodologias, protocoladas na literatura, adaptadas as particularidades do inseto-praga, além do desenvolvimento de nova metodologia que avaliou a atratividade de J. curcas em diferentes direção e distância. As pesquisas foram desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Química de Produtos Naturais da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (LPqRN/UFAL), no Laboratório de Fisiologia do Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CECA/UFAL) e no campo (em Maceió e Rio Largo), no período de maio de 2011 a janeiro de 2015. Mudas mais jovens foram mais suscetíveis ao ataque, mesmo com menor infestação, devendo ser feito o controle da praga quando ocorrerem sinais de infestação nessa fase. A sequência de categorias comportamentais que induziu a receptividade sexual antes da cópula foi descrita em doze etapas. A comunicação intraespecífica de P. torridus foi intermediada por emissão de compostos voláteis a curta distância, sinais vibratórios, sonoro e de tateamento, impulsionada pelo macho e reconhecida pela fêmea. Para diferenciar dos padrões já conhecidos, os 30 novos padrões cromáticos podem ser incluídos nos registros da literatura, a partir do no28 até 57. A espécie J. curcas emite cairomônios a longa distâncias (200m) que atraem isoladamente P. torridus para hospedagem e herbivoria. Nas avaliações químicas os compostos identificados na cutícula de P. torridus foram: (E)-2-Hexenal, (E)-4-(oxo)-2-Hexenal, Acetato de (E)-2-hexenila, (E)-2-Octenal, Undecano, Dodecano, 1-Trideceno, Tridecano, Acetato de (Z,Z)-2,7-octadien1-ol, Tetradecano e Tetradecanal. Adultos da espécie P. torridus liberam conteúdo das glândulas metatorácicas durante a corte e cópula, para atrair o sexo oposto, chegando a esvaziar seu reservatório. Esse percevejo não secreta feromônio sexual e o conteúdo de suas glândulas metatorácicas apresentam dupla atividade comportamental (alarme e atratividade) em concentrações diferentes. A rejeição dos machos as fêmeas com novos padrões cromáticos foi ocasionada pela presença do composto químico 1-Trideceno, bem como pelo aumento na concentração do composto (E)-2-Octenal.

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