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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réserve héréditaire, aspects fonctionnels / The reserved share

Nachbaum-Schneider, Anne-Laure 27 November 2015 (has links)
La réserve remplit deux fonctions : une fonction politique d’organisation de la société et une fonction sociale de promotion d’un modèle familial et de subsistance. La fonction politique a pour but d’instaurer un ordre politique en affermissant des objectifs politiques et économiques et en assurant la continuité de la cité. Conservation des biens dans la famille, primitivement puis dispersion des biens, aujourd’hui, cette fonction tend à s’effacer au profit de la volonté individuelle du de cujus. La seconde fonction est une fonction sociale, laquelle prend deux visages : la promotion d’un modèle familial et la fourniture d’une subsistance. La réserve s’adapte à notre modèle familial en se limitant à la famille nucléaire. Elle impose également de laisser une subsistance après sa mort, à son héritier réservataire. En droit positif, la fonction de subsistance prend l’ascendant sur la fonction de promotion d’un modèle familial. La nature de la réserve tend à se rapprocher d’une créance. En outre, le développement de cette fonction a conduit le législateur à compléter ou donner de nouveaux droits concurrents à la réserve héréditaire. / The reserved share has two functions : a political function of organization of society and a social function of promoting a family model and a subsitance pattern. The political function’s purpose is to establish a political order by strengthening the political and economic objectives and ensuring the continuity of the city. Safeguarding property in the family, originally then dissipation of assets, today this function tends to disappear in favor of individual freedom of the deceased.The second function is a social function of promoting a family model and providing a subsitance pattern. The reserved share suits to our family model confining itself to the nuclear family. It also requires leaving a subistance after our death, to our forced heir. In positive law, the subsistence function takes the ascendancy on the promoting a family model fonction. The nature of the reserved share tends to resemble to a claim. In addition, the development of this fonction has led the legislator to amplify or to provide new competing rights to the reserved share.

Právní režim pozemků v hornictví / Legal regime of mining related land

Sochovský, Vít January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with legal regulation of lands affected by mining activities. These activities, predominantly the extraction of minerals are by their nature very closely related to soil and land. The thesis offers a comprehensive view of the legal relations in the process of mining - from prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits to mine closure - while it discusses the key issues from the perspective of the land owner as well as the mining companies. Legal relations arising from mining activities are significantly influenced by the character of mining. Mining interferes with rights and interests related to land and ownership of land which gives rise to certain conflicts. Mining companies' interests come very often into conflict with interests of the owner of the land where the mineral deposit is located. The legal relations are further complicated by the position of the state who acts as an owner of mineral wealth and an authority defending public interests. The introductory chapter of the thesis defines the terms that are essential for the selected topic. The content of the next chapters corresponds with phases of mining activities as they are carried out in reality. Prospecting and exploration of exclusive deposits represents the first phase of mining activity. In the chapter...

The seat management strategies and benefit analysis of High-speed railway - A case study of reserved seat and non-reserved seat.

Lu, Wei-tong 15 July 2009 (has links)
Abstract In the past, seats on the management of the research focuses on exploring the best logical way for seats assignment to ensure the revenue maximizing, it¡¦s rarely to consider in the faces of management pressure and services requirement. Hence, this thesis will take a survey through market research studies to identify the reason of the shift of passenger from Non-reserved Seating to Reserved seating or the increase of rider-ship caused by the lower fare of Non-reserved Seating. After fully collection of the requirement of passengers and the consideration of High Speed Rail¡¦s operator, the ¡§Situational Analysis¡¨ mechanism is applied. The different Non-reserved car allotment will be arranged under different circumstance and their revenue will be evaluated as well. Finally, the recommendation of the High Speed Rail¡¦s seat management strategy from the point of view of revenue maximizing, operation consideration and passenger requirement will be provided. Key words¡GTaiwan High Speed Railway, Non-reserved Seating, Reserved Seating, Seat management strategy

Politics of gender quotas : what accounts for the relative success of gender quotas in the first South Sudanese elections?

Mattijo-Bazugba, Angelina Julius January 2014 (has links)
The first South Sudanese elections in 2010 returned high proportions of women parliamentarians (32 per cent), largely as a result of gender quota provisions. In the case of post-conflict countries such as South Sudan, processes of political restructuring and constitutional ‘engineering’ can present opportunities for issues of women’s political representation to be institutionalised through gender quota laws. However, the gap between formal laws and their implementation in practice can result in uneven outcomes, particularly in the context of deeply entrenched patriarchal attitudes and customs. Furthermore, whilst the comparative literature underscores the importance of factors such as institutional environment, ‘goodness of fit’, and sanctions for non-compliance in explaining successful outcomes, such elements are routinely absent in sub-Saharan Africa. It is important, therefore, to explain the apparent success story of gender quotas in South Sudan. There are few in-depth stories of the implementation of gender quotas. As such, the mix of formal rules and informal norms that plays out in a particular context – i.e. the rules-in-use – has been asserted rather than captured in practice. The thesis argues that tracing these micro processes is particularly important in post-conflict cases where formal political institutions are fragile and embryonic. The thesis aims to: a) tell the story of the adoption and implementation of gender quotas in South Sudan; b) identify key actors (including political parties), institutional processes, practices, and exogenous and endogenous factors contributing to success; c) explore the role of rules-in-use in implementation; and d) problematise the ‘success’ of quotas and future prospects for women by examining formal and informal institutions and their design. The study employs documentary analysis, interviews and observation methods, using a broadly institutionalist approach. Intensive fieldwork in South Sudan was conducted for one year from July 2010 to 2011, including informal discussions and briefings with political, religious and local government elites, female parliamentarians, and experts in the media, international development and academia. The thesis argues that political institutions are gendered, and therefore the understanding of adoption and implementation processes and norms is crucial to understanding both the success and shortfalls of gender quotas. It argues that political elites matter because they frame popular mandates, strategic discourses and the authoritative drive for quotas. Analysing the interaction between old and new institutions, the thesis shows the impact of legacies on outcomes. It argues that institutional design matters because the use of reserved-seat quotas had unintended consequences which diluted the impact of gender quota on the wider system by concentrating women. Although women are not formally confined to quota seats, in practice female aspirants seeking mainstream candidacies encountered considerable resistance, demonstrating the existence of informal norms which constrained their access to political power. The success of gender quotas is fragile and future prospects for women’s representation are uncertain. Gender quotas are constitutionally enshrined and there is continued evidence of rhetorical support. However, the new political institutions are deeply permeated with traditional norms and power dynamics that blunt the reformist potential of quotas and reinforce the gender status quo. The thesis provides a benchmark study of women and political recruitment in South Sudan and contributes a new empirical case to the comparative gender quotas literature, as well as to the regional literature on gender in post-conflict contexts.

Tekstilės kompozicijos „Vieniši minioje“ / Compositions of textile “Lonely crowd“

Vaičiulytė, Jovita 27 February 2014 (has links)
Vienatvės, vienišumo šaknis turbūt reiktų sieti ne tik su homo sapiens pradžia, bet tam tikra prasme ir su gyvybės atsiradimu apskritai. Vienišumas – tai emocinė individo būsena, o kartu ir sociumo reiškinys, kurį būtų galima įvardinti kaip gana dažną šių dienų elementą. O vienatvė – daugiau fiziologinį atspalvį turintis reiškinys, tai padėtis (situacija), kuomet vienas objektas (šiuo atveju žmogus) yra atskirtas nuo kitų tokių pat objektų (t.y. kitų žmonių). Vienatvė gali būti „padiktuota“ aplinkybių, t.y. priverstinė, taip pat ji gali būti ir pasirinktinė, kuomet tai yra sąmoningas individo sprendimas (pvz. „savęs ieškojimas“, minčių „kristalizacija“, įkvėpimo bei kūrybinio potencialo generacija). Sąvoka vienišumas gali turėti kelis interpretavimo variantus: vienišas individas (žmogus) gali jaustis aplinkinių žmonių atžvilgiu (draugų bei bendraminčių neturėjimas, individualios jo pasaulėžiūros ignoravimas ir pan.); vienišas žmogus gali būti ir vertinant jo egzistavimą pasaulio masteliu (susvetimėjimas, prasmės neturėjimas ir pan.); vienišumas gali būti padiktuotas tam tikrų situacijų (netekus artimųjų, išsiskyrimas su brangiais žmonėmis). Darbe nagrinėjama mokslinę teorinę informaciją apie fizinį ir psichologinį būvį – savarankišką dvasinį stovį, vienišiaus psichinė ir socialinė egzistencija Kurią plačiai nagrinėja mokslininkai, psichologai. Pirmame teorinės dalies skyriuje nagrinėjamos vienišumo sąvokos, susijusios su vienišumo reiškiniu. Plačiau gilinamasi į vienatvės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Solitude, loneliness root probably should be associated not only with homosapiens start, but in a sense, and the origin of life in general. Loneliness - is the emotional state of the individual, and thus the socium phenomenon, which could be described as fairly often these days element. And loneliness - with a shade more physiological phenomenon, this is the position (situation), where one object (in this case the human) is separated from the others of the same object (it is, other people). Loneliness can be "dictated" circumstances, it is enforced as well as it can be custom when it is conscious decision the individual (eg "self-seeking", thoughts "crystallization", inspiration and generation of creative potential). The concept of loneliness can have several versions of interpretation: individual (person) can feel lonely in relation to the surrounding people (friends and like-minded absence, self ignoring his worldview and the like.); lonely man can be also assessing his existence in the world scale (dissociation, meaning absence, etc.); loneliness may be dictated by certain situations (bereavement, separation from loved ones). This work examines the scientific, theoretical information about the physical and psychological state - an independent spiritual condition, single mental and social existence which is widely examined by scientists and psychologists. The first chapter deals with the theoretical part of loneliness concepts related to the phenomenon of loneliness. More... [to full text]

Implementation of Marketing Strategies Practiced by Western and Eastern European Fashion Brands : H&M and Reserved Case

Zawadzka, Sonia January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine diverse marketing strategies used by Western and Eastern European originated fashion brands based on H&M and Reserved cases as well as which of them are the most appealing to Polish students. Additional aspect of the diploma is to research if there are some evident differences or similarities in implementing these tactics. Method: The study implemented both qualitative and quantitative research. Data collection was based on two types of data, secondary and the primary one. The secondary data was derived from fashion marketing literature, scholar articles and fashion blogs. The primary data included a semi- structured interview with Reserved's assistant marketing manager and questionnaires provided to Polish students. Subsequently, systematic combining was applied, that can be described as nonlinear process of matching theory and reality. Conclusion: Fashion marketing tools implemented in both companies can be assessed as quite similar with no evident difference, yet they differ from each other in certain aspects. In both cases advertising and sales promotion are the most employed tactics. Both companies are seen as international ones, though H&M seems to follow more fashion oriented approach engaging in fashion shows or providing their customers with their own glossy magazine. The study also revealed that advertising activities and sales promotion seem to be the most appealing marketing techniques for the respondents. In addition social media proved to be an essential element to build a connection with consumers. However, this communication channel is often neglected or not utilized to its' full potential.

A proteção da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas no Brasil / The protection of privacy in electronic communications in Brazil

Mesquita, Rodrigo Octávio de Godoy Bueno Caldas 25 May 2009 (has links)
A dissertação aborda a proteção da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas reservadas no Brasil. Objetiva apresentar a situação atual dessa questão no país e fazer uma análise crítica comparativa. Conceitua privacidade, comunicações, reservadas e dados pessoais como requisitos para a compreensão do assunto. Analisa o direito dos Estados Unidos da América, da União Européia e do Conselho da Europa, os Projetos de Lei em trâmite no Senado Federal e na Câmara dos Deputados e a situação brasileira atual. A metodologia de pesquisa consiste na consulta e interpretação de fontes jurídicas nacionais, internacionais e de direito estrangeiro, como os tratados, leis e jurisprudência atinentes à questão da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas, a partir da qual se desenvolve uma construção argumentativa, dedutiva e indutiva para uma crítica construtiva. Conclui que a mencionada proteção é desequilibrada e inadequada e propõe alterações interpretativas e legislativas. / The paper approaches the protection of the reserved electronic communications privacy in Brazil. Its goal is to present the current situation of this matter in the country and to develop a critical comparative analysis. It conceptualizes privacy, communications, reserved and personal data as requirements to understand the subject. It analyses the law of the United States of America, of the European Union and of the Council of Europe, the bills in the Federal Senate and in the House of Representatives and the current Brazilian legislation. Its methodology consists of examination and interpretation of national, international and foreign sources of law, such as treaties, statutes and case-law related to the electronic communications privacy question, which forms a basis from which it develops an argumentative, deductive and inductive reasoning for a constructive criticism. It concludes that the mentioned protection is imbalanced and inadequate and proposes legislative and interpretative changes.

Blackfoot Confederacy Keepers of the Rocky Mountains

Spoonhunter, Tarissa L. January 2014 (has links)
The Blackfoot Confederacy Keepers of the Rocky Mountains provides a first hand account of the Blackfoot intimate relationship with their mountain landscape now known as Glacier National Park, Bob Marshall Wilderness, Badger Two Medicine Unit of the Lewis and Clark Forest Service, and the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. The animals shared the traditional ecological knowledge of the mountains with the Blackfoot Confederacy so they could survive through the "transfer of knowledge" in their elaborate ceremonial bundles made up of plants, animals, and rocks from the landscape. The Blackfoot agreed to share the minerals of copper and gold with the United States government through a lease agreement in 1895 following the policy of the time under the Dawes Act that allowed Indians to lease their land allotments to non-Indians. Although, the Agreement was written as a land cession with explicit reserved rights for the Blackfeet to hunt, gather, and fish upon the land, the Blackfeet have continued to maintain their ties to the mountain in secret to avoid persecution and publicly when asserting their rights. These rights have been limited, denied, and recognized depending on who is making the decision--Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, the Forest Service, and/or tested in the court of law. Despite the turmoil, the Blackfoot People have managed and preserved the area through resource utilization, ceremony, and respect for their mountain territory mapped out by Napi (Creator). Blackfoot know their status when it comes to their landscape as illustrated through the annual renewal of the bundles: "When we begin the ceremony, we call upon the water and the water animals, the sky people, the animals of the land, the plants, the rocks and so forth with the humans being the last to be called upon until all have arrived and taken their place in the lodge. Without the environment and its beings, we could not have this ceremony"

American Indian Water Rights in Arizona: From Conflict to Settlement, 1950-2004

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: The rights of American Indians occupy a unique position within the legal framework of water allocations in the western United States. However, in the formulation and execution of policies that controlled access to water in the desert Southwest, federal and local governments did not preserve the federal reserved water rights that attached to Indian reservations as part of their creation. Consequentially, Indian communities were unable to access the water supplies necessary to sustain the economic development of their reservations. This dissertation analyzes the legal and historical dimensions of the conflict over rights that occurred between Indian communities and non-Indian water users in Arizona during the second half of the twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to negotiations involving local, state, federal, and tribal parties, which led to the Congressional authorization of water rights settlements for several reservations in central Arizona. The historical, economic, and political forces that shaped the settlement process are analyzed in order to gain a better understanding of how water users managed uncertainty regarding their long-term water supplies. The Indian water rights settlement process was made possible through a reconfiguration of major institutional, legal, and policy arrangements that dictate the allocation of water supplies in Arizona. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. History 2011

A proteção da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas no Brasil / The protection of privacy in electronic communications in Brazil

Rodrigo Octávio de Godoy Bueno Caldas Mesquita 25 May 2009 (has links)
A dissertação aborda a proteção da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas reservadas no Brasil. Objetiva apresentar a situação atual dessa questão no país e fazer uma análise crítica comparativa. Conceitua privacidade, comunicações, reservadas e dados pessoais como requisitos para a compreensão do assunto. Analisa o direito dos Estados Unidos da América, da União Européia e do Conselho da Europa, os Projetos de Lei em trâmite no Senado Federal e na Câmara dos Deputados e a situação brasileira atual. A metodologia de pesquisa consiste na consulta e interpretação de fontes jurídicas nacionais, internacionais e de direito estrangeiro, como os tratados, leis e jurisprudência atinentes à questão da privacidade nas comunicações eletrônicas, a partir da qual se desenvolve uma construção argumentativa, dedutiva e indutiva para uma crítica construtiva. Conclui que a mencionada proteção é desequilibrada e inadequada e propõe alterações interpretativas e legislativas. / The paper approaches the protection of the reserved electronic communications privacy in Brazil. Its goal is to present the current situation of this matter in the country and to develop a critical comparative analysis. It conceptualizes privacy, communications, reserved and personal data as requirements to understand the subject. It analyses the law of the United States of America, of the European Union and of the Council of Europe, the bills in the Federal Senate and in the House of Representatives and the current Brazilian legislation. Its methodology consists of examination and interpretation of national, international and foreign sources of law, such as treaties, statutes and case-law related to the electronic communications privacy question, which forms a basis from which it develops an argumentative, deductive and inductive reasoning for a constructive criticism. It concludes that the mentioned protection is imbalanced and inadequate and proposes legislative and interpretative changes.

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