Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reservoirs."" "subject:"eservoirs.""
731 |
Ecology of an invasive fish (Silurus glanis) in Catalan reservoirsCarol Bruguera, Joaquim 14 December 2007 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aportar les primeres dades sobre l'ecologia del silur (Silurus glanis) introduït a la Península Ibèrica i estimar els seu impacte ecològic sobre la biota nativa. Es van mostrejar les comunitats de peixos de 14 embassaments catalans. El silur es troba actualment introduït a quatre conques Ibèriques: a la de l'Ebre fa uns 30 anys, a les del Ter i Tajo fa uns pocs anys i recentment al Llobregat. Hem demostrat la utilitat de comparar estadis d'invasió recents i avançats per mirar d'entendre els canvis ecològics causats per espècies invasores: les introduccions recents presenten silurs més joves, de menor mida i amb taxes de creixement superiors a les de les poblacions introduïdes anteriorment i també respecte les poblacions natives; a més, depreden majoritàriament sobre peixos, en contra de les poblacions més antigues que s'alimenten sobretot de cranc. Finalment, aportem les primeres dades publicades de telemetria del silur. / The aim of this thesis is to provide the first data on the ecology of European Catfish (Silurus glanis) introduced to the Iberian Peninsula and to appraise its ecological impact on native biota. We sampled the fish assemblage of 14 Catalan reservoirs (Spain). The European catfish is nowadays introduced in four Iberian river basins: in the Ebro river basin for 30 years, in the Ter and Tajo river basin for a few years and we report the first record for the Llobregat river basin. We demonstrate the utility of comparing early and late invasion stages to understand the ecological changes caused by invasive species: recent introductions of catfish had smaller and younger catfish with growth rates higher than old and native populations and preying on fish instead of crayfish for old introductions. We also report the first published telemetry data for catfish.
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Simulering av vågförhållanden i vattenkraftmagasin / Simulation of wave conditions in hydropower reservoirsJonsson, Elon January 2009 (has links)
Kraftindustrin arbetar oavbrutet med att försöka höja och upprätthålla dammsäkerheten i Sverige. Erosionsskydd för fyllningsdammar skall dimensioneras och utformas så att de medverkar till en god dammsäkerhet. Vid dimensionering och projektering av erosionskydd måste vågberäkningar utföras för att bedöma angripande våglast. I Sverige genomförs dessa beräkningar utifrån kraftföretagens riktlinjer för dammsäkerhet, RIDAS. Uträkningarna och bedömningar av våglasterna är ur dammsäkerhetssynpunkt viktiga eftersom de ofta avgör erforderligt fribord. Vågberäkningarna är behäftade med stora osäkerheter, speciellt i fall då störningar i form av öar, uddar och uppgrundande partier finns framför dammkonstruktionen. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att utvärdera vågförhållanden och därmed våglasterna på Vojmsjöns regleringsdamm. Vågförhållandena har simulerats och analyserats med den numeriska modellen MIKE 21 Spectral Wave. Tillvägagångssättet är nytt och modellen har tidigare inte använts inom området. Således genomfördes en verifiering och orienterande kalibrering i magasin Sädvajaure. Utifrån de kunskaper och erfarenheter som erhölls vid utförandet i Sädvajaure användes modellen i fallstudie Vojmsjön. Ett mer övergripande syfte har varit att utreda om förfarandet är en ny möjlig metod för att utvärdera vågor i vattenkraftmagsin. Undersökningen i Sädvajaure visade på en relativt god korrelation mellan uppmätta och simulerade våghöjder. Modellens noggrannhet är starkt beroende av tillförlitligheten hos indata. Mer exakt indata hade förmodligen resulterat i ännu bättre samband. Fallstudie Vojmsjön visade på signifikanta skillnader i resultat mellan vågberäkningarna enligt RIDAS och de av modellen simulerade. RIDAS beräkningsmetoder överskattar våghöjderna i området framför Vojmsjöns regleringsdamm, främst till följd av att beräkningarna genomförs med grova förenklingar av magasinets form och att vågorna antas propagera fritt utan inverkan av refraktion och uppgrundande partier. Förfarandet med att använda en numerisk modell för att analysera vågor i vattenkraftmagasin anses vara tillämpbar. Metoden bedöms, utifrån denna studie, vara ett bra komplement för tillfällen när RIDAS beräkningsmetoder anses vara otillräckliga och särskilda utredningar är påkallade. Liknande mer grundliga utredningar, skulle kunna ge bra underlag för att fatta goda ekonomiska och dammsäkerhetsmässiga beslut. / The power industry is constantly trying to raise and maintain the safety of dams in Sweden. Erosion protection for embankment should be designed to contribute to a high level of dam safety. When designing an erosion protection, wave calculation must be carried out to assess the wave load. In Sweden, these calculations and assessments are based on the Power Companies Guidelines for Dam Safety, named RIDAS. The calculation of wave loads is important from a dam safety point of view, because they often determine the required freeboard. The wave calculations are subject to large uncertainties especially in cases when islands, capes and shoaling areas are located in front of the dam construction. The aim of the thesis has been to assess the wave conditions and thereby the wave loads in reservoir Vojmsjön. The approach has been to simulate and analyse the wave conditions with a numerical model MIKE 21 Spectral Wave. The procedure is new and a verification and orientated calibration was conducted since the model has not previously been used in the field. The verification of the model was carried out in reservoir Sädvajaure. Based on the knowledge and experience obtained during the investigation at Sädvajaure the model was used in the case study Vojmsjön. A more general aim has been to investigate whether the approach is a new possible method to evaluate waves in hydropower reservoirs. The investigation in Sädvajaure showed a relatively good correlation between measured and simulated wave heights. The model precision is highly dependent on the accuracy of input data. More accurate input data had probably given even better results. Case study Vojmsjön showed significant differences in result between wave calculation based on RIDAS and the model simulated. RIDAS calculation methods overestimate the wave heights in the area in front of regulation dam Vojmsjön. Mainly because the calculations are based on simplifications of the reservoir structure, but also depending on the fact that the waves are assumed propagating freely without the influence of refraction and shoaling. The approach of using a numerical model to evaluate the waves in hydropower reservoirs is believed to be applicable. The method is considered to be useful as a complement in investigations when RIDAS calculation methods are considered being insufficient and special investigations is necessary. Similar more extended investigations could provide good material to make good decisions, both from an economic and a dam safety point of view.
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The Blake Ridge: a study of multichannel seismic reflection dataKahn, Daniel Scott 07 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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An Advisory System For Selecting Drilling Technologies and Methods in Tight Gas ReservoirsPilisi, Nicolas 16 January 2010 (has links)
The supply and demand situation is crucial for the oil and gas industry during the first half of the 21st century. For the future, we will see two trends going in opposite directions: a decline in discoveries of conventional oil and gas reservoirs and an increase in world energy demand. Therefore, the need to develop and produce unconventional oil and gas resources, which encompass coal-bed methane, gas-shale, tight sands and heavy oil, will be of utmost importance in the coming decades. In the past, large-scale production from tight gas reservoirs occurred only in the U.S. and was boosted by both price incentives and well stimulation technology. A conservative study from Rogner (1997) has shown that tight gas sandstone reservoirs would represent at least over 7,000 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas in place worldwide. However, most of the studies such as the ones by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) and Kuuskraa have focused on assessing the technically recoverable gas resources in the U.S. with numbers ranging between 177 Tcf and 379 Tcf.
During the past few decades, gas production from tight sands field developments have taken place all around the world from South America (Argentina), Australia, Asia (China, Indonesia), the Russian Federation, Northern Europe (Germany, Norway) and the Middle East (Oman). However, the U.S. remains the region where the most extensive exploration and production for unconventional gas resources occur. In fact, unconventional gas formations accounted for 43% of natural gas production and tight gas sandstones represented 66% of the total of unconventional resources produced in the U.S. in 2006. As compared to a conventional gas well, a tight gas well will have a very low productivity index and a small drainage area. Therefore, to extract the same amount of natural gas out of the reservoir, many more wells will have to be drilled and stimulated to efficiently develop and produce these reservoirs. Thus, the risk involved is much higher than the development of conventional gas resources and the economics of developing most tight gas reservoirs borders on the margin of profitability. To develop tight gas reservoirs, engineers face complex problems because there is no typical tight gas field. In reality, a wide range of geological and reservoir differences exist for these formations. For instance, a tight gas sandstone reservoir can be shallow or deep, low or high pressure, low or high temperature, bearing continuous (blanket) or lenticular shaped bodies, being naturally fractured, single or multi-layered, and holding contaminants such as CO2 and H2S which all combined increase considerably the complexity of how to drill a well.
Since the first tight gas wells were drilled in the 1940's in the U.S., a considerable amount of information has been collected and documented within the industry literature. The main objective of this research project is to develop a computer program dedicated to applying the drilling technologies and methods selection for drilling tight gas sandstone formations that have been documented as best practices in the petroleum literature.
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Probabilistic Performance Forecasting for Unconventional Reservoirs With Stretched-Exponential ModelCan, Bunyamin 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Reserves estimation in an unconventional-reservoir setting is a daunting task because of geologic uncertainty and complex flow patterns evolving in a long-stimulated horizontal well, among other variables. To tackle this complex problem, we present a reserves-evaluation workflow that couples the traditional decline-curve analysis with a probabilistic forecasting frame. The stretched-exponential production decline model (SEPD) underpins the production behavior. Our recovery appraisal workflow has two different applications: forecasting probabilistic future performance of wells that have production history; and forecasting production from new wells without production data. For the new field case, numerical model runs are made in accord with the statistical design of experiments for a range of design variables pertinent to the field of interest. In contrast, for the producing wells the early-time data often need adjustments owing to restimulation, installation of artificial-lift, etc. to focus on the decline trend. Thereafter, production data of either new or existing wells are grouped in accord with initial rates to obtain common SEPD parameters for similar wells. After determining the distribution of model parameters using well grouping, the methodology establishes a probabilistic forecast for individual wells.
We present a probabilistic performance forecasting methodology in unconventional reservoirs for wells with and without production history. Unlike other probabilistic forecasting tools, grouping wells with similar production character allows estimation of self-consistent SEPD parameters and alleviates the burden of having to define uncertainties associated with reservoir and well-completion parameters.
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Numerical Modeling of Fractured Shale-Gas and Tight-Gas Reservoirs Using Unstructured GridsOlorode, Olufemi Morounfopefoluwa 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Various models featuring horizontal wells with multiple induced fractures have been proposed to characterize flow behavior over time in tight gas and shale gas systems. Currently, there is little consensus regarding the effects of non-ideal fracture geometries and coupled primary-secondary fracture interactions on reservoir performance in these unconventional gas reservoirs.
This thesis provides a grid construction tool to generate high-resolution unstructured meshes using Voronoi grids, which provides the flexibility required to accurately represent complex geologic domains and fractures in three dimensions. Using these Voronoi grids, the interaction between propped hydraulic fractures and secondary "stress-release" fractures were evaluated. Additionally, various primary fracture configurations were examined, where the fractures may be non-planar or non-orthogonal.
For this study, a numerical model was developed to assess the potential performance of tight gas and shale gas reservoirs. These simulations utilized up to a half-million grid-blocks and consider a period of up to 3,000 years in some cases. The aim is to provide very high-definition reference numerical solutions that will exhibit virtually all flow regimes we can expect in these unconventional gas reservoirs. The simulation results are analyzed to identify production signatures and flow regimes using diagnostic plots, and these interpretations are confirmed using pressure maps where useful.
The coupled primary-secondary fracture systems with the largest fracture surface areas are shown to give the highest production in the traditional "linear flow" regime (which occurs for very high conductivity vertical fracture cases). The non-ideal hydraulic fracture geometries are shown to yield progressively lower production as the angularity of these fractures increases. Hence, to design optimum fracture completions, we should endeavor to keep the fractures as orthogonal to the horizontal well as possible.
This work expands the current understanding of flow behavior in fractured tight-gas and shale-gas systems and may be used to optimize fracture and completion design, to validate analytical models and to facilitate more accurate reserves estimation.
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Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den potentiellen Eintrag von Nährstoffen in den Wasserkörper von Talsperren durch Freisetzung aus dem SedimentMaaßen, Sebastian 24 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Microbial and chemical processes in the sediment of standing waters have a big influence on the release of nutrients and the trophic state. Due to the strong interactions between sediment and water body and the storage of materials sediments can be consulted as an important additional source of information for the evaluation of the trophic state and for the estimation of future trophic developments. Because of relatively small fluctuations the parameters in the sediment and pore water are well suitable for a trophic validation. Sediments and pore water of four reservoirs with different trophic characteristics were sampled in regular intervals (Neunzehnhain I - oligotrophic; Muldenberg - oligotrophic, dystrophic; Saidenbach - mesotroph; Quitzdorf - polytrophic). Many chemical and microbial parameters were examined regarding the trophic dependancy and the possibility for including these parameters into a trophic evaluation system. The concentrations of SRP, ammonium, and alkalinity in the pore water and the metal:phosphorus-quotient (Al:P, Fe:P) in the dry sediment showed the biggest trophic dependancy, so that these parameters are applicable for a sediment referred trophic assessment of standing waters. The polytrophic reservoir Quitzdorf has exhibited an extreme abundance of the cyanobacterium Microcystis for years. Investigations of the water body showed that apart from parameters like the water temperature the mass growth of Microcystis in the reservoir is obviously very strongly affected by the nitrogen:phosphorus-quotients in the water body. In laboratory experiments with sediments of this reservoir the phosphorus release from the sediment could be significantly lowered by the addition of aluminum and a part of the phosphorus could be shifted from the reductively soluble iron bound phosphorus fraction into the stable aluminum bound phosphorus fraction. / Die chemischen und mikrobiellen Prozesse im Sediment von Standgewässern haben großen Einfluss auf die Freisetzung von Nährstoffen und die Trophie. Aufgrund der starken Wechselwirkungen zwischen Sediment und Wasserkörper und der Speicherung von Stoffen in den Sedimenten können Gewässersedimente als wichtige zusätzliche Informationsquelle für die Bewertung des Trophiezustandes und zur Abschätzung zukünftiger trophischer Entwicklungen herangezogen werden. Durch relativ geringe Schwankungen sind die Parameter im Sediment und Porenwasser gut für eine Trophieeinschätzung geeignet. Die Sedimente und das Porenwasser von vier Talsperren mit unterschiedlichen trophischen Eigenschaften wurden in regelmäßigen Abständen beprobt (Neunzehnhain I ? oligotroph; Muldenberg ? oligotroph, dystroph; Saidenbach ? mesotroph; Quitzdorf ? polytroph). Es wurden viele chemische und mikrobielle Parameter im Sediment und Porenwasser im Hinblick auf die Trophieabhängigkeit und eine mögliche Einbeziehbarkeit in ein trophisches Bewertungssystem untersucht. Die größte trophische Abhängigkeit konnte bei den Konzentrationen von SRP, Ammonium, und Alkalinität im Porenwasser und den Metall:Phosphor-Quotienten (Al:P, Fe:P) im Trockensediment gefunden werden, sodass diese Parameter gut für eine sedimentbezogene Trophiebewertung von stehenden Gewässern geeignet sind. Die polytrophe Talsperre Quitzdorf weist seit Jahren ein extremes Massenwachstum des Cyanobakteriums Microcystis auf. Untersuchungen des Wasserkörpers haben gezeigt, dass das Microcystis-Massenaufkommen in der Talsperre neben Parametern wie der Wassertemperatur offensichtlich sehr stark von den Stickstoff:Phosphor-Quotienten im Wasserkörper beeinflusst wird. Laborversuche mit Sedimenten dieser Talsperre haben ergeben, dass die P-Freisetzung aus dem Sediment durch die Zugabe von Aluminium signifikant herabgesetzt werden und ein Teil des Phosphors von der reduktiv löslichen eisengebundenen P-Fraktion in die stabile aluminiumgebundene P-Fraktion verlagert werden konnte.
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Geologically-based permeability anisotropy estimates for tidally-influenced reservoir analogs using lidar-derived, quantitative shale character dataBurton, Darrin 16 June 2011 (has links)
The principle source of heterogeneity affecting flow behavior in conventional clastic reservoirs is discontinuous, low-permeability mudstone beds and laminae (shales). Simple ‘streamline’ models have been developed which relate permeability anisotropy (kv/kh ) at the reservoir scale to shale geometry, fraction, and vertical frequency. A limitation of these models, especially for tidally-influenced reservoirs, is the lack of quantitative geologic inputs. While qualitative models exist that predict shale character in tidally-influenced environments (with the largest shales being deposited near the turbidity maximum in estuaries, and in the prodelta-delta front), little quantitative shale character data is available. The purpose of this dissertation is to collect quantitative data to test hypothetical relationships between depositional environment and shale character and to use this data to make geologically-based estimates of for different reservoir elements.
For this study, high-resolution, lidar point-clouds were used to measure shale length, thickness, and frequency. This dissertation reports a novel method for using distance-corrected lidar intensity returns to distinguish sandstone and mudstone lithology. Lidar spectral and spatial data, photo panels, and outcrop measurements were used to map and quantify shale character.
Detailed shale characteristics were measured from four different tidally-influenced reservoir analogs: estuarine point bar (McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada), tidal sand ridge (Tocito Sandstone, New Mexico), and unconfined and confined tidal bars (Sego Sandstone, Utah). Estuarine point bars have long (l=67.8 m) shales that are thick and frequent relative to the other units. Tidal sand ridges have short (l=8.6 m dip orientation) shales that are thin and frequent. Confined tidal bars contain shales that are thin, infrequent, and anisotropic, averaging 16.3 m in length (dip orientation). Unconfined tidal bars contain nearly equidimensional (l=18.6 m dip orientation) shales with moderate thicknesses and vertical frequency. The observed shale geometries agree well with conceptual models for tidal environments.
The unique shale character of each unit results in a different distribution of estimated . The average estimated kv/kh values for each reservoir element are: 8.2*10^4 for estuarine point bars, 0.038 for confined tidal bars, 0.004 for unconfined tidal bars, and 0.011 for tidal sand ridges. / text
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Using airborne hyperspectral imagery to estimate chlorophyll A and phycocyanin in three central Indiana mesotrophic to eutrophic reservoirs /Sengpiel, Rebecca Elizabeth. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Indiana University, 2007. / Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Li Lin, Lenore P. Tedesco, Jeffrey S. Wilson. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-149).
740 |
Simulação numérica de recuperação de óleos utilizando poços produtores horizontais. / Numerical simulation of oil recovery using horizontal producer wells.ALVES, Helton Gomes. 14 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-03-14T22:16:17Z
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HELTON GOMES ALVES - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2017..pdf: 6048381 bytes, checksum: 85c4b2fa7101540817c1a7f535cd9477 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-01 / Capes / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dar uma contribuição na compreensão dos
fenômenos envolvidos na recuperação de óleos com diferentes viscosidades através de
poços produtores horizontais na presença e ausência de uma falha geológica via injeção
de água. Para resolver as equações de conservação de massa e momento linear
generalizadas a Lei de Darcy, foi utilizado o Ansys CFX 15.1 adotando o modelo de
mistura de fluidos contínuos (água/óleo) em fluxo transiente e regime laminar.
Mediante teste de malha, realizado segundo o princípio da superposição das curvas de
perfil de fração volumétrica e velocidade superficial média da água, foi escolhido a
malha estruturada com 603588 elementos hexaédricos por apresentar menor esforço
computacional. Entretanto, através da comparação da recuperação de óleo com
diferentes viscosidades foi possível constatar que a recuperação do óleo menos viscoso
se apresentou mais eficiente. Contudo, segundo a análise da influência da altura do poço
injetor, a configuração que apresentou uma maior área de varrido foi com a maior área
de injeção. E através das distribuições em diferentes posições longitudinais de fração
volumétrica de água, gradientes de pressão, velocidade superficial da água e do óleo, foi
possível perceber a presença da falha geológica no reservatório, bem como a influência
da variação da sua permeabilidade. / The present work aims to contribute to the understanding of the involved phenomena in
the recovery of oils with different viscosities through horizontal wells in the presence
and absence of a geological fault via water injection. In order to solve the mass
conservation and generalized linear momentum equations of Darcy's law, Ansys CFX
15.1 has been used and it was supported by the continuous fluids mixture model
(water/oil) in transient flow and laminar regime. Through mesh test, which was
performed according to the principle of superposition of the volumetric fraction profile
and the average surface velocity of the water, a structured mesh with 603588 hexahedral
elements was chosen because of the lower computational effort. However, by
comparing the recovery of oil with different viscosities, it was possible to verify that the
recovery of less viscous oil was more efficient. In addition, according to the analysis of
the influence of the height of the injector well, the configuration that presented a larger
awept área was the one with a greater area of injection. Thus, through the distributions
in different longitudinal positions of volumetric fraction of the water, pressure
gradients, surface velocity of the water and the oil, it was possible to realize the
presence of the geological fault in the reservoir, as well as the influence of the variation
of its permeability.
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