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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valuing culture : a mixed-methods approach to the comparative investigation of the roles and importance of cultural resources in Edinburgh and Dundee

Pergola, Lorenzo January 2016 (has links)
In Scotland, as the UK and internationally, publicly funded cultural organisations face a precarious future, characterised by funding cuts and a growing need to justify investments. This practical need to understand and articulate the importance of cultural resources has underpinned an intense debate in the field of cultural studies, about the nature of cultural value and the best methodological tools to explore it. The appropriateness of relying upon cultural strategies to pursue urban development and regeneration has also been subject to extensive discussions in the field of urban studies. This study approaches these problems through mixed-methods, comparative case studies set in Edinburgh and Dundee. This research employs Contingent Valuation (CV) in combination with focus groups. It provides a contextualised understanding of the diverging notions of culture emerging in the two cities. A higher valuation for culture was registered in Edinburgh, with stronger preference for museums and performing arts. In Dundee, higher importance was placed on community-based activities. These patterns are linked to the mix of demographic and socio-economic backgrounds characterising each city. Therefore, this study highlights a need for a tailored approach to cultural valuation and cultural policy, in contrast with the tendency for these to be implemented on a one-size-fit-all basis. The study also concludes that greater consideration is needed for the intangible and non-use related elements of cultural value, reinforcing a dominant critique in the literature. In addition, it highlights potential for negative sides to the impacts of cultural activities. Examples include issues of gentrification and displacement. Their inclusion is shown to be neglected in the typologies of value predominantly associated with culture, pointing at the need for their amendment. Finally, this study shows the use of CV alongside qualitative methods to be particularly advantageous in overcoming the dichotomous approach characterising this debate. The study avoided the single monetary valuation strongly rejected within the cultural sector, while still managing to yield grounded insight that is potentially valuable for policy-makers.

Geografické přístupy k hodnocení kvality bydlení v Česku / Geographical approaches to assessing the quality of housing in Czechia

Baxa, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Choice of housing is one of the most important decisions of inhabitants. It is a relatively new process in Czechia which did not work absolutely freely till 1989.Inhabitants accustom to choice of housing and learn this process which is based on the relatively short experience. On the one hand, the importance of the choice of housing is conditional by low willingness of the Czech inhabitants to move and on the other hand, it is amplified by the high purchase price, which usually means the greatest investment in life of households. Thus, people consider many aspects in the wish to satisfy one of the basic life needs during the choice of housing. The place of future residence is one of the most important of them. Housing research is a relatively new topic in geography. Even though systematic research on housing and quality of housing in Czechia takes place more intensively (in the social sciences, for more than two decades), there were not performed territorial differentiation of the quality of housing assessment and comparison of municipalities according to suitability for. The concept of quality of housing has appeared almost exclusively in connection with the dwelling yet, the basic unit of housing. Housing permeates all basic areas of human and social life. Therefore the evaluation of the quality...

Dynamiques résidentielles dans une ville ouest-africaine : déterminants du statut d'occupation du logement à Lomé (Togo)

Fiawumor, Senyo 03 1900 (has links)
La stratégie «Adequate shelter for all and sustainable settlements development in an urbanising world» adoptée au sommet mondial Habitat II d’Istanbul de 1996, traduite dans les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement et maintenant dans les Objectifs de Développement Durable, vise à fournir un logement décent au plus grand nombre de ménages dans les villes du monde et celles d’Afrique Subsaharienne en particulier. La crise du logement caractérisée par les conditions abjectes dans lesquelles la majorité des ménages des villes d’Afrique subsaharienne se logent, devient ainsi un problème majeur auquel la littérature spécialisée promeut généralement, parmi tous les modes d’occupation du logement, l’accession à la propriété comme la panacée. En supposant que cette dimension de la crise du logement ne peut s’expliquer que par les comportements résidentiels des ménages généralement autopromoteurs de leurs logements en Afrique de l’Ouest, et à Lomé la capitale du Togo en particulier, cette thèse de doctorat vise à répondre à la question générale de recherche suivante : Les choix résidentiels à Lomé, en particulier le choix du statut d’occupation du logement, sont-ils exclusivement influencés par le profil des ménages occupants? Par une approche mixte d’écologie urbaine basée sur des analyses croisées de régression logistique multinomiale appliquées à trois sources de données (RGPH4 de 2010, QUIBB de 2011, TERRAIN 2013) étayées par l’analyse biographique relative aux stratégies résidentielles d’un échantillon de 411 ménages participants dans quatre quartiers de Lomé, choisie comme base empirique, la recherche a plus ou moins confirmé les hypothèses émises a priori par les résultats principaux suivants: En lien avec la faible mobilité résidentielle générale qui caractérise les pratiques résidentielles à Lomé, les ménages choisissent, en élaborant des stratégies «de petits pas», leur statut d’occupation du logement suivant des trajectoires résidentielles surtout ascendantes, en fonction plus de leur profil démographique (âge, genre, statut migratoire et matrimonial, type et taille) que de leur statut socioéconomique (revenu, emploi, éducation). Ces choix résidentiels sont également déterminés par les attributs des logements (typologie, localisation et accès aux services de base) constituant les parcs résidentiels existants. Les ménages propriétaires de Lomé, souvent biparentaux, sont plus âgés, plus larges que les ménages locataires et hébergés. Les natifs de la ville et les migrants de longue date sont plus enclins à être propriétaires et durablement hébergés que les nouveaux arrivants. Globalement plus fortunés que les hébergés, les propriétaires ne sont pas forcément plus nantis et plus éduqués que les locataires. L’habitat de cour, habitation multifamiliale majoritaire dans le parc résidentiel de Lomé, bien qu’il abrite des ménages de tous les statuts résidentiels, il est surtout réservé aux locataires. La thèse suggère que des programmes accrus de financement institutionnel du logement, de rénovation générale du parc résidentiel existant et de production d’une version améliorée de l’habitat de cour, avec l’assistance technique publique, contribueront à fournir un logement décent au plus grand nombre de ménages qu’ils soient propriétaires, locataires ou hébergés, à Lomé et ailleurs dans les villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest, conformément au paradigme actuel du développement durable des établissements humains. / «Adequate shelter for all and sustainable settlements development in an urbanizing world», strategy adopted in 1996 at the World Summit Habitat II of Istanbul and expressed in the Millennium Development Goals and now in Sustainable Development Goals, aims to provide a decent housing for the greatest number of households in the world and especially in sub-saharian African towns. Since then, access to adequate housing becomes an important issue for housing research in developing and sub-Saharan African countries where most of households still live in abject conditions of lack adequate water and sanitation services which, among others, typify the acute housing crisis they are facing up to. Housing policies and literature generally promote homeownership as the panacea to solve this size of the housing shortage. Assuming that this housing crisis in West Africa, especially in Lomé the capital of Togo, should be explained by the residential behavior of the households, who are self-help promoters in majority, this doctoral thesis try to answer the following general research question: Are the residential choices in Lomé, especially tenure choice, exclusively influenced by the occupier households’ characteristics? By a mixed approach of urban ecology based on multinomial logistic regression cross-study analyses applied to three data sources (RGPH4 2010, QUIBB 2011 and 2013 field survey data) supported by the life histories concerning the residential strategies of a sample of 411 households in four areas of Lomé chosen as empirical basis, the research confirms more or less the assumptions made, by the following main results: In connection with the general low residential mobility that characterizes the residential patterns in Lomé, households make their tenure choices through especially upward trajectories by developing strategies of «small steps», more according to their demographic profile (stage of life cycle, age, gender, migratory and marital status, type, size) than their socioeconomic status (income, employment, education). These residential choices are also determined by the characteristics of the existing residential parks (typology, location, access to basic services of housing). We find that owner-occupiers are often bi-parental households headed by men, older and larger than renter and free-holder households in Lomé. Native and long-term migrant households are more likely to be homeowners and long-term sharers than those who recently migrate. Homeowner households are overall well-off than free-holders, but they are not necessary wealthier and better educated than the renters. The thesis also shows that family house which mainly makes up the residential park of Lomé, is especially kept for renters, although it shelters households of all the tenures. We suggest that steady programmes of housing finance systems extended to all the sectors of the society, concentrated on the access of the current housing stock to basic services and on the supply, with the public technical support, of an improved version of family house, will largely contribute to offer a decent housing to most of the households in Lomé as elsewhere in West African cities, whether they are owner-occupiers, renters or sharers.

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