Spelling suggestions: "subject:"residential market"" "subject:"esidential market""
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An investment valuation study on community-style senior living resortTsai, Menq-Hsing 12 August 2005 (has links)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the population over the age of 65 in Taiwan has reached over 7% of the total population, making Taiwan an aging society and the senior consumer market a target market with significant potential. This study attempts to identify, quantify, and target the potential of senior living. First, the study identifies the senior living market demand, and product examples within the senior living market. Secondly, the report quantifies the senior living market demand. Lastly, the study proposes a senior living community resort as an investment. The study targets the senior population over 60 years old, indigenous peoples over 55 years old, are capable of independent living, and spouses no less than 50 years old. The study method is based upon secondary research and comparative analysis.
This research analyzes the current residential market for seniors, identifies trends in the senior residential market, and based on existing research on the senior living market; discuss product design, target market, and pricing strategies for a senior residential product. From this research, we provide an investment valuation model that can be used to develop an investment proposal for a community-style senior living resort.
This study aims for two main contributions from this research. First, current studies on seniors currently do not address the investment possibilities of senior living resorts or provide an investment valuation model for a workable investment proposal. Secondly, this research report provides actual management experience and industry information appropriate for Taiwanese businesses that require an investment valuation model for the development of an investment plan of a community-style senior living resort.
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Rezidenčný trh – komparácia Prahy a Bratislavy / Residential market - Prague vs. BratislavaKillingerová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The residential market is in contrast to other markets and differs even from individual segments of the real estate market. This thesis provides an overview on residential market at both theoretical as well as practical level. The first part of the thesis defines and differentiates the residential market. The middle part focuses on two specific markets - Prague and Bratislava. In final chapters adopted knowledge is applied in the valuation calculations and valuation reports of specific projects owned by the internationally active developer based in Prague.
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Vliv finanční krize na developerské projekty / Impact of the Financial Crisis on Development ProjectsProcházková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse the impact of the financial crisis on the Czech real estate market with a focus on residential development projects. Another objective is to determine how the bank responded to the event through their funding conditions. In the work is mainly used method of analysis. In the practical part is used the method of comparison. The first part is devoted to the creation and development of the crisis and its spread to the whole world. Course focuses on market analysis and the very last part describes the situation of developers and financing of residential projects. The practical part deals with the comparison of two specific conditions of development loans, first approved in 2007 and the second approved in 2011. Based on the comparison of the major differences are found terms of funding. Finally, it outlines the current status and recommendations how the credit conditions by the banks could adapt to the current market environment.
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Det är aldrig för tidigt att bostadsspara : En studie över sparandet inför inträdelsen på bostadsmarknaden / It’s Never Too Early To Start Saving Money For Residence : A study regarding savings before entering the residential marketBjörne, Christoffer, Enander, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera yngre vuxna i Stockholms sparbeteende inför inträdelsen på bostadsmarknaden utifrån livscykelhyoptesen. Teori: Den främsta teoritillämpningen för studien är livscykelhypotes om människans generella och rationella sparbeteende. Även Maslows behovshierarki behandlas då den angriper det social- psykologiska perspektivet angående behovet av att ha en bostad och Behavioral Finance angriper andra yttre faktorer som kan påverka huruvida en människa sparar eller inte. Metod: Studiens metodansats består av en metodkombination, detta innefattar en enkätundersökning med svarsalternativ som skedde inom Stockholmsområdet. Det innefattar även tre intervjuer med etablerade experter inom studiens område. Studien har en hermeneutisk vetenskapssyn och en abduktiv slutledningsform. Empiri: Presenterar den data som är mest relevant för studien från samtliga tre intervjuer och enkätundersökningen. Erhållen kvantitativ data presenteras i diagram. Slutsats: Studien påvisar att majoriteten av populationen anser att bostadsmarknaden är svår att inträda och att det är främst på grund av bostadsbrist och likvida skäl. Tendenser visar dock ett möjligt behov om att sparandet inför bostadsmarknadsinträdet bör läras ut och implementeras av individer i tidigare ålder, än vad livscykelhypotesen antyder. Föräldrar eller vårdnadshavare kan bli för ekonomiskt belastade på grund av delvis ökade bostadspriser. Därför bör barn samarbeta med deras föräldrar eller vårdnadshavare för att förebygga och bemöta bostadsmarknadsinträdet på ett optimalt sätt. Dock ska det tas i beaktning att alla hushåll eller privatpersoner inte har dessa ekonomiska förutsättningar för att efterfölja studiens generella och rationella sparbeteende.
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Realitní trh v České republice - analýza a odhad vývoje (2. část SZZK z oboru FP) / The real estate market in the Czech Republic - analysis and forecasts of trendsBultas, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Thesis tite: The Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic - Analysis and Forecasts of Trends This paper deats wiih ihe residentat reat-esiaie markei in ihe Czech Repubtic. Ii anatyses ihe devetopmeni of ihe reat-esiaie markei in ihe tasi severat years, investiaies faciors which have had subsiantat infuence on ihe existni characier of ihe markei and forecasis fuiure irends of ihe markei. The frsi pari of ihe ihesis characierizes subjecis operatni on ihe Czech reat-esiaie markei. Ii atso defnes major seimenis of ihe reat-esiaie markei. In ihe fottowini pari, ii evatuaies a proiress of ihe markei - especiatty devetopmeni (increase) of prices and size of ihe markei. A tocaton ptays ihe main and cruciat rote on ihe reat-esiaie markei. Therefore, ihis paper poinis oui diferences of partcutar tocatons - boih wiihin ihe Czech Repubtic and taier atso wiihin ihe European coniexi. From ihe comparison of Czech and European markeis we can see ihai Czech markei devetops in prediciabte directon and ii exacity betonis io ihe reiion of middte Europe. The ihesis iniroduces major faciors infuencini ihe markei in ihe pasi years - faciors infuencini demand, suppty and atso ieneratty characier of ihe markei. In reiard io ihe demand - ii focuses on peopte's expeciatons, economy devetopmeni and disposabte income of...
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Porovnání elektronické aukce a přímého prodeje bytů / Comparison of e-auction and direct sale of apartmentsGavlasová, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is the comparison of the e-auction and the direct sale of apartments and to find answers to the research questions: Does the way of sale affect the price of the apartment? Are the prices higher in e-auction than in direct sales? In the theoretical part, the issue of auctions and direct sales is described and the development on the Czech real estate market is outlined. Analytical part analyzes data from e-auction and direct sale of apartements, and research questions are answered.
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Kritická analýza rezidenčních nemovitostí a predikce jeho vývoje / Critical Analysis of Residental Properties and a Prediction of its DevelopmentVálková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The master´s thesis was chosen based on two main reasons. The first one was the importance of this issue as it concerns all of us. The second one was the fact that according to the gathered information, I would be able to give a qualified advice to the others concerning the housing. The residential market cannot be assessed individually; many factors that influence it must be taken into consideration. Its development depends on the economic situation of the state and the favorable development in the world that impacts the whole society. The prosperity of the state has an impact on other markets as well, especially the building market, employment and wages of the citizens. Furthermore, this influences the demand, prices and the overall development of the residential market. The aim of this paper is to predict the future market development, considering all the factors that affect it. The model scenarios are based on retained knowledge, information, data and facts. I tried to process this work clearly and understandably so that it would be beneficial not only to the professionals but to everyone interested in buying a new home.
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Prix et rendements de l'immobilier résidentiel en France : effets démographiques et investissement dans la Métropole Parisienne / Housing prices and returns en France : demographic impact and investment case in Paris metropolisEssafi, Yasmine 25 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le marché résidentiel français sous différents angles. Tout d'abord, nous analysons les dynamiques qui régissent les prix des logements en intégrant la dimension démographique. En effet, dans un paysage démographique marqué par l'arrivée des premières générations des baby-boomers à l'âge de la retraite et par le vieillissement plus généralement, il s'avère que la population, que ce soit en terme de taille ou de structure, impacte significativement les prix des logements. L'impact négatif avéré du vieillissement sur les prix est atténué par l'effet positif de la taille de la population. Cependant, la restructuration de la population française en faveurs des personnes âgées n,est pas homogène sur tout le territoire. Dès lors, une approche territorialisée perd tout son sens. En suivant une étude typologique des marchés résidentiels départementaux, le lien démographie-marché du logement apparaît comme facteur structurant dans la différenciation des marchés locaux. Certains départements bénéficieront alors de la création de richesse immobilière, tandis que d'autres subiront une perte amplifiée. En fin, nous avons centré notre analyse sur la métropole du Grand Paris, en considérant l'immobilier résidentiel physique comme une classe d'actif dans un portefeuille de valeurs mobilières. Dans ce contexte, l'actif résidentiel démontre une capacité à protéger contre l'inflation ainsi qu'un pouvoir de diversification notable. Le poids alloué à l'actif résidentiel au sein du portefeuille est significatif quelle que soit la commune ciblée. / This thesis studies the French residential market from different perspectives. First, we analyze the dynamics that govern housing prices by integrating the demographic dimension. Indeed, in a demographic landscape marked by the arrival of the first generations of baby boomers at retirement age and by aging more generally, it turns out that the population, whether in terms of size or structure, has a significant impact on housing prices. The negative impact of aging on prices is moderated by the positive effect iof population size. However, the restructurinf of the French population in favor of the eldery is not homogeneous throughout the territory. Thus, a territorialized study is particularly appropriate. By following a typology approach of departmental residential markets, the demography-housing market link appears as a structuring factor in the differentiation of local markets. Some departments will then benefit from the creation of real estate wealth, while others will suffer an amplified loss. Finally, we focused our analysis on the metropolis of Parisian Region, considering physical residential real estate as an asset class in a portfolio of securities. In this context, residential assets demonstrate an ability to protect against inflation as well as significant diversification power. The weight allocated to residential assets in the portfolio is significant regardless of the targeted commune.
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Trh rezidenčních nemovitostí v Jihomoravském kraji / The residential market in south Moravian regionJaššová, Marta January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze trends in the area of residential properties within selected locality over a selected period of time. Introduction chapter explains basic terminology of real estate market and later unveils the way how is residential market integrated into real estate market as such. It also describes factors that have significant impact on supply and demand. Next chapter describes residential market and distribution of its particular sectors. Main chapter analyzes selected parameters which affect residential market in the South Moravian Region. Key parameters are demographic movement, income and living standards of residents and its relationship to household, residential construction trends, etc. The final chapter is concerned with housing condition of council flats and houses in the area of Brno metropolis. The analyses contains the trend monitoring of selected factors over a selected period of time.
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Výběr vhodné formy financování developerských projektů / Selection of Suitable Alternative of Financing of a Developer ProjectPodhorná, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to propose a suitable alternative of financing of a developer project. The thesis is divided into a theoretical - methodological part and a practical part. The theoretical/methodological part deals with the issue of developer project structuring and individual forms of financing, including the main products and procedures. The practical part is based on a comparison of individual alternatives of financing of the project in question. The author attempted to analyse the financial structure of the project and he applied financial instruments of project financing and, consequently, selected the most suitable alternative. The thesis concludes by stating the benefits that result from the outcomes of the presented proposal.
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