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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Authoritarian to Participative Management & Back Again: A Field Study of the Effects of Employee Participation in a Manufacturing Setting

Pierce, William 01 May 1992 (has links)
This study consists of two surveys administered sixteen months apart in a large (1000 employee) Fortune 100 organization which was sold to a Japanese company during the period under study and underwent several other chaotic changes. The purpose of the study was to assess the perceived differences brought about by training and participation. Six factors that were assessed for differences were: productivity, communication, employee participation, work teams, management leadership, and mergers/acquisitions. Results were compared from the two time periods across all six factors. Productivity and communication proved statistically significant at p(.05, while employee participation and work teams prove statistically significant at p<.10. Management leadership showed a slight difference but no statistical significance. Mergers/acquisitions showed no difference or statistical significance. Pertinent responses from each factor are categorized to identify the important perceptions that contributed to significance. The items categorized specify areas that employees believe most important relative to the factor assessed. The results of the study support training and participation as a means to improve organizational performance. Although this organization which had previously gone from authoritarian to participative management and moved again, the trends appear to support the value of training and participation. This study exposes some concrete factors that organizations can develop and measure to improve organizational performance.


Gomez, Ashley 01 March 2019 (has links)
Social media (SM) permits the sharing of personal information online, which can lead to employers accessing personal, non-job-related information about applicants throughout the selection process. Limited prior research (Jeske & Shultz, in press; Stoughton et al., 2015) has found that, to varying degrees, applicants find this access of their personal information to be an invasion of their personal privacy. The aim of the present study was to replicate prior findings regarding invasion of privacy moderating the relationship between SM screening presence and procedural justice perceptions and to expand on prior research by exploring whether the stage at which this information was collected (pre- and post- conditional job offer) would mediate the relationship between SM screening and perceived invasion of privacy. A survey was administered electronically and participants (N = 210) were randomly assigned to one of four SM screening conditions: (a) SM screening absent, job offer absent, (b) SM screening absent, job offer present, (c) SM screening present, job offer absent, and (d) SM screening present, job offer present. One component of the hypothesized model was supported, that those in the SM screening groups reported higher levels of perceived invasion of privacy as compared to the no SM screening groups. No interaction effects were found between SM screening and stage in the selection process on either perceived invasion of privacy or procedural justice perceptions, indicating limited to no support for the proposed model. Thus, alternative, more robust contextual models for the examination of SM screening in the selection process were proposed for future research.

Stochastic Assessment of Climate-Induced Risk for Water Resources Systems in a Bottom-Up Framework

Alodah, Abdullah 23 October 2019 (has links)
Significant challenges in water resources management arise because of the ever-increasing pressure on the world’s heavily exploited and limited water resources. These stressors include demographic growth, intensification of agriculture, climate variability, and climate change. These challenges to water resources are usually tackled using a top-down approach, which suffers from many limitations including the use of a limited set of climate change scenarios, the lack of methodology to rank these scenarios, and the lack of credibility, particularly on extremes. The bottom-up approach, the recently introduced approach, reverses the process by assessing vulnerabilities of water resources systems to variations in future climates and determining the prospects of such wide range of changes. While it solves some issues of the top-down approach, several issues remain unaddressed. The current project seeks to provide end-users and the research community with an improved version of the bottom-up framework for streamlining climate variability into water resources management decisions. The improvement issues that are tackled are a) the generation of a sufficient number of climate projections that provide better coverage of the risk space; b) a methodology to quantitatively estimate the plausibility of a future desired or undesired outcome and c) the optimization of the size of the projections pool to achieve the desired precision with the minimum time and computing resources. The results will hopefully help to cope with the present-day and future challenges induced mainly by climate. In the first part of the study, the adequacy of stochastically generated climate time series for water resources systems risk and performance assessment is investigated. A number of stochastic weather generators (SWGs) are first used to generate a large number of realizations (i.e. an ensemble of climate outputs) of precipitation and temperature time series. Each realization of the generated climate time series is then used individually as an input to a hydrological model to obtain streamflow time series. The usefulness of weather generators is evaluated by assessing how the statistical properties of simulated precipitation, temperatures, and streamflow deviate from those of observations. This is achieved by plotting a large ensemble of (1) synthetic precipitation and temperature time series in a Climate Statistics Space (CSS), and (2) hydrological indices using simulated streamflow data in a Risk and Performance Indicators Space (RPIS). The performance of the weather generator is assessed using visual inspection and the Mahalanobis distance between statistics derived from observations and simulations. A case study was carried out using five different weather generators: two versions of WeaGETS, two versions of MulGETS and the k-nearest neighbor weather generator (knn). In the second part of the thesis, the impacts of climate change, on the other hand, was evaluated by generating a large number of representative climate projections. Large ensembles of future series are created by perturbing downscaled regional climate models’ outputs with a stochastic weather generator, then used as inputs to a hydrological model that was calibrated using observed data. Risk indices calculated with the simulated streamflow data are converted into probability distributions using Kernel Density Estimations. The results are dimensional joint probability distributions of risk-relevant indices that provide estimates of the likelihood of unwanted events under a given watershed configuration and management policy. The proposed approach offers a more complete vision of the impacts of climate change and opens the door to a more objective assessment of adaptation strategies. The third part of the thesis deals with the estimation of the optimal size of SWG realizations needed to calculate risk and performance indices. The number of realizations required to reach is investigated utilizing Relative Root Mean Square Error and Relative Error. While results indicate that a single realization is not enough to adequately represent a given stochastic weather generator, results generally indicate that there is no major benefit of generating more than 100 realizations as they are not notably different from results obtained using 1000 realizations. Adopting a smaller but carefully chosen number of realizations can significantly reduce the computational time and resources and therefore benefit a larger audience particularly where high-performance machines are not easily accessible. The application was done in one pilot watershed, the South Nation Watershed in Eastern Ontario, yet the methodology will be of interest for Canada and beyond. Overall, the results contribute to making the bottom-up more objective and less computationally intensive, hence more attractive to practitioners and researchers.

Modern Leadership Compared to Historical Leadership Shown Biblically

Jones, Forrest 01 March 2011 (has links)
Modern Leadership Compared to Historical Leadership Shown Biblically Forrest Jones This thesis is a comparison between modern leadership and historical leadership. Modern leadership has been differentiated from management since the early 1980’s. Historical leadership is shown by Jesus Christ through the Bible, used as a historical text. Historical leadership was found to have two separate tools used by Jesus Christ which would be useful additions to what leadership today is. The first tool is submission to authority. Most people in positions that would be considered leadership positions do not feel that they need to follow anyone else. Often times they act contrary to a way they have been directed to, because they feel their opinion is the only valid one. The second tool is servant leadership. In addition to believing their opinion is the only valid one, most leaders today consider their own needs before others and are not willing to serve those who they see as their followers. With the incorporation of submission businesses could function smoother, react quicker to challenges and less conflict would develop between leaders and their authority. With the incorporation of servant leadership, employee retention would increase, quality of work would increase and ultimately more goals would be reached. Current leadership is much more effective in many areas of business than management. The differentiation between the two areas since the early 1980’s has allowed many businesses to react quicker to a changing market place and ultimately become better businesses. Leadership in its current form is effective, but can we historically infer possible improvements through looking at the example of Jesus Christ historically shown in the Bible? The conclusion is significant in the business world, because it shows that through servant leadership and submission a high degree of ethics and commitment is shown. The net result of the ethics shown in this manner will increase trust both inside the business and to others who interact with them.

Evaluation of Information Resource Management: Measuring Change in a Federal Bureaucracy

Perrin, Randolph D. 02 December 1993 (has links)
This is a case study of a federal bureaucracy and its Information Resource Management (IRM) organization. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a federal power marketing agency and part of the Department of Energy, significantly impacts the western United States. BPA is responsible for developing electric power resources, transmission of electric resources. power conservation programs, and fish and wildlife programs. The focus of the study is the perception of the quality of information supplied to management, assuming that better information makes better decisions. The study uses a pre-experimental research design to evaluate the satisfaction executive and middle management with information they use to make decisions. The study uses both questionnaire and interview methodologies to examine management opinions before the establishment of IRM and two years after the establishment of IRM. Literature on bureaucracy indicates that decision making has limits and processes. Channels of communication, both formal and subformal are used by decision makers to gather information to fill information gaps. The gaps exist because formal channels of information do not supply sufficient information. Consequently, decision makers constantly search for information. There is a great deal of literature addressing IRM and other similar organizations. The technical and operational sides of information management are occasionally conflicting but, adequately addressed. Information assessment and evaluation are approached inadequately.

Estimating Landscape Quality And Genetic Structure Of Recovering American Marten Populations In The Northeastern United States

Aylward, Cody Michael 01 January 2017 (has links)
The American marten (Martes americana) is an endangered species in Vermont and a Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the northeastern United States. Though historically widespread in northeastern forests, their range presumably contracted to northern Maine and the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks by the early 1900s. Regionally, populations appear to be in recovery. Natural recolonization is believed to have occurred in New Hampshire, northeastern Vermont and the western Adirondacks. A reintroduction effort in southern Vermont that was originally declared unsuccessful is now believed to be the source of a recently detected population in the area. However, our current knowledge of distribution, population history and population connectivity relies primarily on occurrence data from harvest records, which are limited in scope and resolution. In Vermont, where population size is estimated to be extremely low, more robust estimates of population status may be critical to continued recovery. I genotyped individuals from Maine, New York, New Hampshire, northeastern Vermont and southern Vermont at ten microsatellite loci and amplified a 320 base pair segment of the control region of mtDNA to estimate the source(s) of the two Vermont populations using statistical tests of genetic differentiation. I also used Bayesian and stochastic genetic clustering methods to estimate population genetic structure in the northeastern United States. Genetic structure exists at multiple scales in the region as a result of natural barriers to gene flow, human-mediated gene flow, and lineage sorting in relic populations. My results suggest that New Hampshire is a major source of colonization of northeastern Vermont and the population in southern Vermont is either a remnant of the reintroduction or a pre-reintroduction relic that has experienced introgression from the reintroduction stock. I identified three regions where relic populations perceived to be extirpated in the 1900s may have persisted. I also developed an occupancy model for American marten in the northeastern United States using mixed-effects logistic regression based on expert opinion data. Eighteen experts from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York with backgrounds in trapping, wildlife management, and wildlife science participated in the survey. Experts were asked to estimate the probability of marten occupancy at 30 sites in the northeastern United States. Three top models described the data. Habitat covariates in those models were 1) percent canopy cover, 2) percent spruce-fir forest cover, 3) winter temperature, 4) elevation, and 5) road density. An AIC-weighted average of these three models had significant predictive ability (area under an ROC curve = 0.88) with respect to occurrence records in the northeastern United States. In addition, the model predicted that high quality habitat existed patchily along the central and northern Green Mountain spine in Vermont – where no occurrence records exist for at least a century. Top-scoring movement corridors between southern Vermont and nearby populations in northeastern Vermont/New Hampshire and New York occurred in the northern and central Green Mountains and across high resistance movement barriers in the Champlain valley. Corridors to New York were considered strong movement barriers and are unlikely to facilitate gene flow.

Land Use, Power, and Knowledge at the Northern Resource Frontier: Mining, Public Engagement, and Contentious Land Imaginaries in Bristol Bay and the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta

Tollefson, Jonathan 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Donlin and Pebbles mines are two of the eight industrial-scale hard rock mines currently under the review of Alaska’s Large Mine Permitting program. Both projects promise to deliver profit and employment to their respective regions: Pebble to Bristol Bay in the southwest, and Donlin to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, just north of Pebble. Both projects would also produce exceptional quantities of waste and will require almost-unprecedented infrastructure development, potentially threatening the lives and subsistence livelihoods of the Alaska Native peoples in their respective regions. The Pebble project inspired international protest and led to the emergence of a powerful resistance coalition of commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishers; activists and expert-consultants were thus able to build a powerful movement outside of and prior to the state permitting and impact assessment process. The coalitions that arose to oppose the Donlin project, in contrast, channeled their work through the state’s official public engagement processes – in part, due to strategic limitations stemming from the complexities of land use, sovereignty, and development politics specific to the Yukon-Kuskokwim region. The coalitional resistance to Pebble and the creative use of Donlin’s public participation process are key sites in which Western science and knowledge systems, as well as land use ideologies centered on extraction and profit, meet with Native Alaskan traditional knowledge and subsistence approaches to land use. I draw upon a history of Alaskan land use policy alongside extensive interviews with community organizers, state and federal officials, mining industry officials, and consultants in order to describe and understand the result: a set of creative resistance strategies that forefront hybrid approaches to knowledge and multiple, overlapping understandings of the land. Unfortunately, Alaska’s large mine permitting and environmental assessment processes are often structurally and epistemologically unable to consider these divergent discourses and the public imaginations of alternative futures they support and constitute.

Evaluation of Mysis partial diel vertical migration

O'Malley, Brian Patrick 01 January 2019 (has links)
Mass animal migrations represent large movements of biomass, energy, and nutrients with predictable patterns and important ecosystem-level consequences. Diel vertical migration (DVM) in aquatic systems, the daily movement of organisms from deeper depths during the day to shallower depths in the water column at night, is widespread in freshwater and marine systems. Recent studies, however, suggest partial migration behavior, whereby only some portion of a population migrates, is the rule rather than the exception in a range of migratory fauna, including those that undergo DVM. Hypotheses to explain why partial migrations occur complicate traditional views on DVM and challenge conventional theories. I address intraspecific variation in DVM behavior of an aquatic omnivore, Mysis diluviana, to test several long-standing assumptions about benthic-pelagic DVM in Mysis. I evaluated the extent of partial DVM and several potential drivers within a Lake Champlain Mysis population. I used traditional net-based field observations, a novel deep-water video camera system, and a laboratory experiment, to compare distributions, demographics, abundance estimates, hunger-satiation state, and feeding behavior, of migrant and non-migrant Mysis across multiple seasons, habitats, and different times of the day. Findings from my dissertation suggest Mysis partial DVM is common, and is associated with body size and demographic differences among individuals. Partial DVM behavior, however, did not correspond to strong differences in feeding preference or hunger-satiation state of individuals. My results contribute toward a more comprehensive understanding of migration theory and mysid biology, by including the often overlooked, but important, benthic habitat component of DVM studies, and fills in several ecological knowledge gaps regarding a key omnivore in many deep lake food webs across North America where Mysis serve as both predators and prey to many organisms.

Uncovering the Drivers of Non-Native Plant Invasions Using Ecological Data Synthesis

Golivets, Marina 01 January 2019 (has links)
Understanding what promotes invasiveness of species outside their native range and predicting which ecosystems and under which conditions will be invaded is an ultimate goal of the field of invasion ecology. Obtaining general answers to these questions requires synthesis of extensive yet heterogeneous empirical evidence, coupled with a solid theoretical background. In this dissertation, I sought to provide insight into the drivers of non-native plant invasions through combining and synthesizing ecological data from various sources using advanced statistical techniques. The results of this work are presented as three independent research studies. In the first study, I aimed to understand what determines competitive advantage of non-native over native plants: the ability to suppress other plants, tolerate them, or both. For this, I collected data from 192 studies on plant competition and analyzed them within a Bayesian multilevel meta-analytic framework. I showed that non-native plants outperform their native counterparts due to the high tolerance of competition, as opposed to strong suppressive ability. Competitive tolerance ability of non-native plants was driven by neighbor’s origin and was expressed in response to native species and not to other non-native species. This synthesis demonstrates that non-native plants are competitively distinct from native plants and challenges the common notion that neighbor suppression is the primary strategy for plant invasion success. In the second study, I quantified the extent to which regional, landscape and local environmental factors individually and jointly affect understory non-native invasive plants across northern US forests. I used boosted regression trees and Bayesian nonlinear regressions to analyze forest inventory data spanning 14 northern US states in combination with data on climate, land use, and disturbance. Regionally, the highest level of plant invasion was observed in hotter regions with lower annual precipitation and climate seasonality and higher summer precipitation. Locally, young forests with moist to wet soils and relatively flat topography in open, human-altered landscapes at low elevation were most susceptible to invasion. Climate and land use strongly interacted in their effect on plant invasions. This study refines the understanding of the non-native plant invasion process in northern US forests and the obtained models can be used to generate predictions under current and future environmental regimes to inform management. In the third study, I tested the relationship between the long-term history of recurrent canopy disturbance by a non-native invasive defoliator, the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), and the level of non-native plant invasion in northeastern US forests. I reconstructed 46 years (1970–2015) of gypsy-moth defoliation history and quantified the cumulative effect of defoliation on understory non-native invasive plant species using multivariate techniques and Bayesian nonlinear regressions. Contrary to what is commonly expected, the cumulative severity of gypsy moth defoliation tended to be negatively associated with the presence and richness of invasive plant species, although this association was weak. This study suggests that the effect of biotic disturbance on forest plant invasions may vary in both the magnitude and direction depending on characteristics of disturbance regime and its effect on resident biota, and this needs to be explicitly taken into account when predicting future plant invasions.

Comparison of Hiring Strategies of Orthodontic Private Practitioners

Petritz, Steven C. 01 January 2018 (has links)
COMPARISON OF HIRING STRATEGIES OF ORTHODONTIC PRIVATE PRACTITIONERS By Steven C. Petritz, D.D.S. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University, 2018 Thesis Director: Bhavna Shroff, D.D.S., M.Dent.Sc., M.P.A. Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Orthodontics Program Director Purpose: Evaluate factors that influence hiring outcomes of clinical and non-clinical staff in orthodontic private practices. Methods: Orthodontists (n=1968) were surveyed regarding their hiring methods and outcomes. Responses were summarized using descriptive statistics. Chi-square tests were used to compare between hiring strategies and outcomes. Results: Survey response rate was 23% (n = 452 responses). 65% received 1-10 applicants and 54% utilized online job sites. Online job sites was associated with increased number of applicants (p<0.0001) and number of days to fill the position (p<0.0001). Forty-seven percent of respondents used the internet to screen candidates. Sixty-two percent of respondents hired based on personality. Fifty-seven percent of respondents plan to use employee referrals for future hiring needs. Conclusion: Online job sites accounted for the majority of the most recent hires. Orthodontists indicated that their future preference to be employee referrals. Social and professional relationships may lead to a more efficient hiring process.

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