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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization Of Processing Conditions During Halogen Lamp-microwave Baking Of Cakes

Sevimli, Melike Kadriye 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study was to optimize processing conditions during halogen lamp-microwave combination baking of cake by using Response Surface Methodology. It was also aimed to compare quality of products baked in microwave-halogen lamp combination oven, halogen lamp oven, microwave oven and conventional oven. In the first part of the study, as independent variables, baking time for conventional oven / microwave power and baking time for microwave oven / halogen lamp power and baking time for halogen lamp oven and microwave power, halogen lamp power and baking time for halogen lamp-microwave combination oven were used. Weight loss, specific volume, firmness and color of the cakes were measured during the study. Cakes baked in conventional oven at 175&deg / C for 24 minutes were determined as the control cakes. Weight loss of cakes increased with increasing independent variables for all oven types. Specific volume and firmness of cakes increased with increasing microwave power, but decreased with upper halogen lamp power. Color formation was achieved in the combination baking but not as much as in the conventional baking. Response Surface Methodology was used to optimize the baking conditions in the second part of the study. Upper and lower halogen lamp powers, microwave power and baking time were used as independent variables. Optimum processing conditions were found as 60% for upper halogen lamp power, 70% for lower halogen lamp power, 30% for microwave power and 5 minutes for baking time. Cakes baked at optimum baking conditions had comparable quality with conventionally baked ones, except color. In short, by the usage of halogen lamp-microwave combination oven it was possible to obtain high quality cakes by reducing of conventional baking time about 79%.

Ultrasound Assisted Extraction Of Phenolics From Grape Pomace

Ozcan, Evren 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Grape pomace is a by-product of wineries. It is one of the most potent antioxidant sources due to its high phenolic content. In this thesis study, ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Merlot grape pomace has been studied. The effects of sonication time, subsequent extraction time in shaking water bath at 45&deg / C and composition of the solvent on extraction efficiency and recovery of phenolics were studied by response surface methodology. Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method was used to analyze effects of process parameters on the total phenolic content of the extracts. The best recovery (47.2 mg gallic acid equivalents of total phenolics per g of dried grape pomace) was obtained using 30 % aqueous ethanol and applying 6 minutes of sonication followed by 12 minutes of shaking in water bath at 45&deg / C.

A complex networks approach to designing resilient system-of-systems

Tran, Huy T. 07 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis develops a methodology for designing resilient system-of-systems (SoS) networks. This methodology includes a capability-based resilience assessment framework, used to quantify SoS resilience. A complex networks approach is used to generate potential SoS network designs, focusing on scale-free and random network topologies, degree-based and random rewiring adaptation, and targeted and random node removal threats. Statistical design methods, specifically response surface methodology, are used to evaluate SoS networks and provide an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of potential designs. Linear regression is used to model a continuous representation of the network design space, and determine optimally resilient networks for particular threat types. The methodology is applied to an information exchange (IE) network model (i.e., a message passing network model) and military command and control (C2) model. Results show that optimally resilient IE network topologies are random for networks with adaptation, regardless of the threat type. However, the optimally resilient adaptation method sharply transitions from being fully random to fully degree-based as threat randomness increases. These findings suggest that intermediately defined networks should not be considered when designing for resilience. Cost-benefit analysis of C2 networks suggests that resilient C2 networks are more cost-effective than robust ones, as long as the cost of rewiring network links is less than three-fourths the cost of creating new links. This result identifies a threshold for which a resilient network design approach is more cost-effective than a robust one.This thesis develops a methodology for designing resilient system-of-systems (SoS) networks. This methodology includes a capability-based resilience assessment framework, used to quantify SoS resilience. A complex networks approach is used to generate potential SoS network designs, focusing on scale-free and random network topologies, degree-based and random rewiring adaptation, and targeted and random node removal threats. Statistical design methods, specifically response surface methodology, are used to evaluate SoS networks and provide an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of potential designs. Linear regression is used to model a continuous representation of the network design space, and determine optimally resilient networks for particular threat types. The methodology is applied to an information exchange (IE) network model (i.e., a message passing network model) and military command and control (C2) model. Results show that optimally resilient IE network topologies are random for networks with adaptation, regardless of the threat type. However, the optimally resilient adaptation method sharply transitions from being fully random to fully degree-based as threat randomness increases. These findings suggest that intermediately defined networks should not be considered when designing for resilience. Cost-benefit analysis of C2 networks suggests that resilient C2 networks are more cost-effective than robust ones, as long as the cost of rewiring network links is less than three-fourths the cost of creating new links. This result identifies a threshold for which a resilient network design approach is more cost-effective than a robust one.

Development of a xanthone-enriched honeybush tea extract

Bosman, Stephanie Cesa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cyclopia genistoides (honeybush) has been identified as an excellent resource for the production of a xanthone-enriched extract due to its high mangiferin content and successful cultivation. The predominant xanthone present in C. genistoides is mangiferin, a potent antioxidant proven to exhibit a wide range of bioactivities that contribute greatly to the health-promoting abilities of honeybush extracts. Isomangiferin, the regio-isomer of mangiferin and of comparable antioxidant capacity to mangiferin, is another valuable compound present in substantial quantities in C. genistoides. A xanthone-enriched extract would find possible application in functional food/beverage products that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. In the current study, the effect of ethanol (EtOH) concentration (0-100%, v/v), plant material size (milled vs. teabag fraction), extraction time (0-60 min) and elevated extraction temperatures on the extraction of xanthones from unfermented C. genistoides was investigated. Single factor experiments showed the best extraction efficiency, evaluated in terms of extract yield, xanthone yield and xanthone content of the extract, was achieved by extracting milled plant material with 20-60% EtOH (v/v) for 30 min at elevated temperatures (70°C). Response surface methodology (RSM) to evaluate the individual and interaction effects of process variables, namely EtOH concentration (0-100%, v/v) and temperature (0-70°C) was used to further optimise the extraction process. EtOH concentration was found to have the largest effect on extraction efficiency (p < 0.05), whilst temperature had a negligible effect. Optimal levels of EtOH concentration (40%, v/v) and temperature (70°C) for maximum extract and mangiferin yields were successfully achieved within the experimental domain, using 10 mL/g solvent:solid ratio and 30 min extraction time. Ultrafiltration (UF) was subsequently employed to facilitate further xanthone enrichment of the unfermented C. genistoides extract (40% EtOH, v/v). A series of laboratory scale membrane devices (centrifugal membrane units, stirred cell and tangential flow ultrafiltration (TFU) system) were used in an up-scale approach to determine the effect of membrane material (regenerated cellulose (RC) vs. polyethersulphone (PES)), molecular weight cut off (MWCO; 3 kDa, 10 kDa, 30 kDa), feed concentration (1% vs. 3% soluble solids (SS)) and operating parameters (transmembrane pressure (TMP) and feed flow rate) on membrane performance and permeate quality. The best performing membrane in terms of productivity and xanthone enrichment was the 10 kDa RC membrane when using an extract concentration close to that of industrially prepared extracts (3% SS). RSM was used to further optimise UF of unfermented C. genistoides through a 10 kDa RC membrane in the TFU system. The individual and interaction effects of TMP (0.82-2.04 bar) and feed flow rate (200-444 mL/min) on permeate flux, xanthone enrichment and the fouling index were investigated. The individual effects of TMP and feed flow rate had a significant effect on all measured responses, while their interaction only affected average permeate flux and fouling index significantly. Optimal TMP and feed flow rate values of 2.04 bar and 444 mL/min, respectively, were selected within the experimental domain, restricted by equipment constraints. Validation of the combined protocol including ethanol-water extraction and UF using plant material from ten different unfermented C. genistoides batches resulted in enriched extracts containing 10.6-17.8% xanthone content. During UF, average mangiferin and isomangiferin enrichments of 20% and 22%, respectively, were obtained. Whilst no correlation was found between the feed concentration of the extracts, xanthone enrichment and fouling index, a strong linear correlation (R2 = 0.98) was found between feed concentration and permeate yield. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Cyclopia genistoides (heuningbos) is geidentifiseer as ‘n uitstekende bron vir die produksie van ‘n xantoon-verrykte ekstrak weens sy hoë mangiferien-inhoud sowel as suksesvolle verbouing daarvan. Die oorheersende xantoon teenwoordig in C. genistoides is mangiferien, ‘n kragtige antioksidant met ‘n bewese wye reeks bioaktiwiteite wat grootliks bydra tot die gesondheidsvoordele van heuningbosekstrakte. Isomangiferien, die regio-isomeer van mangiferien met vergelykbare antioksidant-aktiwiteit as mangiferien, is nog ‘n waardevolle verbinding teenwoordig in aansienlike hoeveelhede in C. genistoides. ‘n Xantoon-verrykte ekstrak kan moontlik toegepas word in funksionele voedsel- of drankie-produkte, wat gesondheidsvoordele bo en behalwe die basiese voedsaamheid inhou. Die effek van etanol (EtOH)-konsentrasie (0-100%, v/v), plantmateriaal grootte (gemaal teenoor teesakkie-fraksie), ekstraksietyd (0-60 min) en ekstraksietemperatuur op die ekstraksie van xantone uit ongefermenteerde C. genistoides is ondersoek. Enkelfaktor eksperimente het getoon dat die beste ekstraksie-effektiwiteit, in terme van ekstrakopbrengs, xantoonopbrengs en xantooninhoud van die ekstrak, bereik is deur gemaalde plantmateriaal met 20-60% EtOH (v/v) vir 30 min by verhoogde temperature (70°C) te ekstraheer. Respons-oppervlak Metodologie (ROM) is aangewend om die individuele en interaktiewe effekte van die veranderlikes, naamlik EtOH-konsentrasie (0-100%, v/v) en temperatuur (0-70°C) te ondersoek asook om die ekstraksieproses verder te optimiseer. EtOH-konsentrasie het die grootste effek op die ekstraksie-effektiwiteit gehad (p < 0.05), terwyl die effek van temperatuur onbeduidend was. Optimale vlakke van EtOH-konsentrasie (40% v/v) en temperatuur (70°C) vir maksimum ekstrak- en mangiferienopbrengs is binne die eksperimentele domein is gevind, met die gebruik van 10 mL/g oplosmiddel:vastestof verhouding en ‘n ekstraksietyd van 30 min. Ultrafiltrasie (UF) is daarna gebruik om verdere xantoon-verryking van die ongefermenteerde C. genistoides ekstrak (40% EtOH, v/v) te fasiliteer. ‘n Reeks labratoriumskaal membraantoestelle (sentrifugale membraaneenhede, ‘n geroerde selsisteem en ‘n kruisvloei-ultrafiltrasie (KVU) sisteem) is gebruik in ‘n opskaleringsbenadering om die effek van die membraanmateriaal (geregenereerde sellulose (RS) vs. polyetersulfoon (PES)), molekulêre gewig afsnit (MWCO; 3 kDa, 10 kDa, 30 kDa), voerkonsentrasie (1% vs. 3% oplosbare vastestowwe (OV)) en operasionele parameters (transmembraandruk (TMD) en voervloeispoed) op membraanprestasie en permeaatkwaliteit te bepaal. Die membraan met die beste prestasie in terme van produktiwiteit en xantoon-verryking was die 10 kDa RS membraan wanneer gebruik met ‘n ekstrakkonsentrasie na aan dié van die industrieel vervaardigde ekstrakte (3% OV). ROM is gebruik om die KVU van ongefermenteerde C. genistoides deur ‘n 10 kDa RS membraan verder te optimiseer. Die indiwiduele en interaktiewe effekte van TMD (0.82-2.04 bar) en voervloeispoed (200-444 mL/min) op permeaatvloei, xantoon-verryking en die blokkeringindeks is ondersoek. Die individuele effekte van TMD en voervloeispoed het ‘n betekenisvolle effek op alle gemete response gehad, terwyl hul interaksie net gemiddelde permeaatvloei en besoedelingsindeks beduidend beïnvloed het. Optimale TMD en voervloeispoed waardes van 2.04 bar en 444 mL/min, onderskeidelik, is geselekteer binne die eksperimentele domein, wat bepaal is deur die beperkings van die toerusting. Die geldigheid van die gesamentlike protocol, insluitende etanol-water ekstraksie en UF, is getoets deur plantmateriaal van tien verskillende ongefermenteerde C. genistoides monsters te gebruik. Dit het gelei tot verrykte ekstrakte wat 10.6-17.8% xantone bevat het. UF het onderskeidelik gemiddelde mangiferien- en isomangiferien-verryking van 20% en 22% gelewer. Geen korrelasie is gevind tussen die voerkonsentrasie van die ekstrakte en die besoedelingsindeks nie, maar ‘n goeie liniêre korrelasie (R2 = 0.98) is tussen voerkonsentrasie en permeaatopbrengs gevind.

Otimização para a obtençao de extrato aquoso de tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.) adicionado de suco de pitanga

Botaro, Juliana Aparecida [UNESP] 13 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-05-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:50:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 botaro_ja_me_arafcf.pdf: 1079828 bytes, checksum: e3d6aa320e7262e913df25c024a8740c (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Recentemente, a indústria de alimentos está preocupada em desenvolver novos produtos, usando ingredientes inovadores, que promovam benefícios à saúde. O uso de proteínas de leguminosas como uma alternativa para a proteína animal tem sido estudada. O tremoço branco (Lupinus albus L.) apresenta elevada concentração de proteína e óleo, principalmente ácidos graxos insaturados e poliinsaturados, fibra alimentar, açúcares e vitaminas B1 e B2. Por outro lado, o tremoço não pode ser consumido diretamente porque possui alcaloides, que além de serem tóxicos, atribuem gosto amargo ao grão. Como a maioria dos alcaloides é solúvel em água, a quantidade de alcaloide do grão pode ser diminuída através de água corrente, fervente ou salmoura. Sucos de frutas são bastante consumidos no Brasil, especialmente no verão, não somente pelo sabor, mas como fonte de hidratação e por serem ricos em nutrientes. Os sucos de frutas tropicais conquistam cada vez mais o mercado consumidor, sendo o Brasil, um dos principais produtores. A pitanga, fruto da pitangueira (Eugenia uniflora L.) é uma planta frutífera nativa do Brasil (das regiões Sul e Sudeste e que tem se adaptado favoravelmente às condições climáticas e edáficas da região Nordeste), da Argentina e do Uruguai. A pitanga é uma fruta cuja polpa apresenta excelentes condições para industrialização, devido ao seu alto rendimento, aroma agradável e sabor exótico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de verificar, através da metodologia de superfície de resposta, as melhores condições para a utilização simultânea de extrato aquoso de tremoço branco e de suco tropical de pitanga, no desenvolvimento de uma bebida. Para tanto, as variáveis independentes foram representadas pelo volume de extrato aquoso de tremoço (mL) e pelo volume de suco de pitanga... / Recently, the food industry is concerned about developing new products, using innovative ingredients that promote health benefits. The use of vegetable protein as an alternative to animal protein is being studied. The white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) has high concentrations of protein and oil, especially non saturated fatty acids and polynonsaturated fats, dietary fiber, sugars and vitamins B1 and B2. On the other hand, the lupine bean can’t be consumed straight because it has alkaloids which besides being toxic, add a bitter taste to the bean. As most alkaloids are water soluble, the amount of alkaloid in the beans can be reduced by running water, boiling or brine. Fruit juices are widely consumed in Brazil, especially in the summer, not only for their flavor, but as a source of hydration and because they are rich in nutrients. The tropical fruit juices are conquering the market more and more, with Brazil being one of the main producers in the world. The Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) is the fruit of the Pitangueira, a native plant of southern Brazil (which has adapted positively to weather and soil conditions in the country’s Northeast), Argentina and Uruguay. Pitanga is a fruit which pulp presents excellent conditions for industrialization, due to its high yield, pleasant aroma and exotic flavor. The aim of the present study was to verify, through the response surface methodology, the optimum conditions for the combined use of aqueous extract of white lupine and tropical pitanga juice in the development of a drink. Therefore, the independent variables were represented by the volume of aqueous extract of lupine (mL) and by the volume of pitanga juice (mL). The dependent variables (responses) were obtained through sensory test of acceptance (appearance, aroma, taste and overall acceptability). The combined... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Effects of isolation condition and spray drying on camelina gum yield and properties

Cao, Xiwen January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Donghai Wang / Camelina sativa (L). Crantz that belongs to Brassicaceae family has been grown as a dicotyledonous oilseed crop in the cold places like America and Canada. Camelina seeds are widely used for the extraction of oil and protein. Recently, research found that camelina gum is an excellent candidate for food and industrial uses as thickener or stabilizer. The objectives of this research were 1) to increase camelina gum isolation efficiency using spray drying technology, and 2) to develop an innovative method to remove gum from seed bran to increase protein and oil extraction efficiency and quality. The camelina gums isolated using ethanol precipitation and spray drying method from the whole camelina seeds were compared. Effects of spray drying temperature on yield, gum morphology, and gum rheological and thermal properties were studied. The representative sample dried at 165°C was chosen to study the effects of concentration, temperature, pH and additives (NaCl, CaCl₂, sucrose, and ethanol) on viscosity and viscoelastic properties of the isolated gum. The gum showed a shear thinning behavior when shear rate increased gradually, higher concentrations of additives only slightly affect the rheological properties. Results showed that spray drying is an effective method in terms of saving time and energy, and provided positive rheology benefits on camelina gum isolation. Pre-removal of gum from camelina seeds can increase protein and oil yield and their quality. Decortication can separate 10-17% of the total camelina seed as bran. A wind tunnel was used to separate lighter bran particles from heavier endosperm and unbroken seeds. Camelina gum isolation from the separated seed bran using the traditional ethanol precipitation method was optimized using response surface methodology where the simultaneous effect of the three independent variables (seed bran to water ratio, isolation temperature, and isolation time) were investigated for gum yield, purity, and optimum rheological properties. Three independent quadratic modules were developed and the original data fitted the models fitted (R² = 0.995, 0.877, and 0.804). The optimal isolation conditions were seed bran to water ratio of 1:39, isolation temperature of 35 ºC, and isolation time of 1.5 h and 0.839 desirability was obtained by the rigorous statistics analysis. The protein yield and quality extracted from decorticated endosperm were improved significantly compared with that extracted from whole seeds meal without decortication. In addition, the degumming step can be eliminated before protein and oil extraction that increase protein and oil extraction efficiency.

O emprego da metodologia de superfície de resposta no desenvolvimento de um novo produto simbiótico, fermentado com Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 e Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 416, à base de extratos aquosos de soja e de Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Silveira, Nadiége Dourado Pauly [UNESP] 06 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:50:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silveira_ndp_me_arafcf.pdf: 632968 bytes, checksum: 566fea3e37e0a1dbca16d6a35e7a7aa1 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O desenvolvimento de alimentos funcionais tem aumentado mundialmente devido a seus compostos bioativos que diminuem o risco de doenças e promovem a saúde. Baseado nisso, a indústria e a comunidade científica estão, cada vez mais, buscando ingredientes que possam conferir tais características aos alimentos. A soja, além de ser importante fonte protéica, possui fibras, isoflavonas, oligossacarídeos com potencial prebiótico (rafinose e estaquinose), vitaminas e minerais. As raízes tuberosas de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) possuem grande quantidade de frutooligossacarídeos do tipo inulina, um componente não digerível pelo nosso organismo, com função de auxiliar na seleção de determinadas bactérias da microbiota intestinal, principalmente as bifidobactérias, possuindo, portanto, efeito prebiótico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de verificar, através da metodologia da superfície de resposta, as melhores condições para a utilização simultânea de extratos aquosos de soja e de yacon no desenvolvimento de um novo produto fermentado por um cultivo probiótico constituído por Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 e Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 416. Para tanto, as variáveis independentes foram representadas pelo teor protéico fornecido pelo extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (g/L) e pelo extrato aquoso de yacon (%). As variáveis dependentes (respostas) foram obtidas através do teste de aceitação sensorial (“sabor” e “impressão global”). A otimização conjunta das variáveis apontou a formulação 7 (1,74 g/L de teor protéico fornecido pelo extrato de soja e 25,86% de extrato de yacon) do planejamento experimental como sendo a mais adequada. No entanto, as formulações 9 e 10 (ambas contendo 1,74 g/L de teor protéico fornecido pelo extrato de soja e 40% de extrato de yacon) apresentaram valores de aceitação que não diferiram significativamente... / World-wide the development of functional food has been increased, due to its bioactive components which decrease the risk of getting some illnesses and promote health. Based on that, the industry and the scientific population are more and more searching for ingredients that may confer such characteristics to food. The soy, besides being an important proteic source, has fibers and isoflavones, oligosaccharides with potential prebiotic (raffinose and stachyose), vitamins and minerals. The yacon tuber (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a source of fructooligosaccharides, type inulin, undigestible components by our organism that helps in the selection and development of some bacteria of intestinal microbiota, mainly the bifidobacteria, which means that yacon has prebiotic effect. The aim of this study was to check, through Response Surface Methodology, the optimum conditions to use, simultaneously, the soy and yacon watery extracts in the development of a new fermented product with the probiotic cultive constituted by Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 416. Therefore, the independent variables were represented by the protein of soymilk (g/L) and the yacon extract (%). The dependent variables (responses) were obtained through the acceptance test (“taste” and “overall acceptability”). The joint optimization of the variables pointed out the 7th formulation (1.74 g/L of soymilk protein and 25.86% of yacon extract) of the factorial design as the most adequate. However, the 9th and 10th formulations (both containing 1.74 g/L of soymilk protein and 40% of yacon extract) presented acceptance scores significantly equal to the 7th treatment. The optimized product was submitted to the shelf-life determination, and it was presented in conditions of consuming in the course of 21 days at 5 ºC and with viability of the probiotic cultive among... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

OtimizaÃÃo da extraÃÃo de taninos da casca do cajueiro. / Optimization of tannin extraction from cashew bark.

Adriana Dutra Sousa 20 February 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Taninos sÃo substÃncias polifenÃlicas que fazem parte dos metabÃlitos secundÃrios de vegetais. Tais compostos tÃm sido muito utilizados no curtimento de couro, como substitutos de fenol na produÃÃo de adesivos para madeira e em aplicaÃÃes mÃdicas. As principais fontes de taninos sÃo cascas de Ãrvores, e de acordo com alguns estudos, o caule de cajueiro possui grande potencial para ser utilizado como fonte de taninos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar a extraÃÃo de taninos da casca de cajueiro. Inicialmente, conduziram-se experimentos para avaliar o efeito de diferentes solventes sobre a extraÃÃo de taninos condensados (TC) e polifenÃis totais (PT). A tÃcnica de extraÃÃo utilizada foi a maceraÃÃo dinÃmica. TambÃm foi realizado um planejamento experimental para estudar a influÃncia de algumas variÃveis crÃticas (tempo, temperatura e razÃo lÃquido/sÃlido) sobre a extraÃÃo aquosa de PT e TC, alÃm do efeito sobre o teor de sÃlidos totais (TST). Testou-se o efeito da reutilizaÃÃo da casca e do solvente na extraÃÃo de TC e por fim foi avaliado o efeito da secagem por atomizaÃÃo e por liofilizaÃÃo sobre os extratos. De acordo com os resultados, os extratos obtidos com etanol 50% em Ãgua apresentaram maiores quantidades de PT e TC em relaÃÃo aos outros solventes. A variÃvel razÃo lÃquido/sÃlido foi o fator mais importante para todas as respostas, apresentando efeito positivo para PT e TC e efeito negativo para sÃlidos totais. TambÃm foi observado que hà uma relaÃÃo diretamente proporcional entre a temperatura e os teores de PT e TC. E o fator tempo sà foi significativo para TC, onde foi observado que o tempo de 100 minutos favoreceu a extraÃÃo. Avaliando a relaÃÃo das variÃveis, a melhor condiÃÃo encontrada para obter maiores teores de taninos foi: temperatura de 100ÂC, por 100 minutos e razÃo L/S 30:1. Nessa condiÃÃo, o teor de TC extraÃdos foi de 7,63 mg equivalente de catequina/ 100 mg casca. A utilizaÃÃo do mesmo solvente em atà duas extraÃÃes se mostrou viÃvel para a extraÃÃo de TC, ao contrÃrio da casca que, ao ser extraÃda uma segunda vez, proporcionou ganhos mÃnimos. A secagem por atomizaÃÃo se mostrou mais adequada para aplicaÃÃo industrial em comparaÃÃo com a liofilizaÃÃo. / Tannins are secondary plant metabolites with polyphenolic structure. These compounds have been used in leather tanning, also as replacement for phenol in adhesives manufacture for wood and medical applications. The main sources of these compounds are tree barks, and according to some studies, the stem cashew has great potential to be a source of tannins. In this context, the aim of this study was to optimize the tannins extraction from the cashew bark. Initially, experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of different solvents on the condensed tannins (CT) and total polyphenols (TP) extraction. Dynamic maceration was the technique used for extraction. An experimental design was conducted to understand the influence of some critical variables (time, temperature and liquid/solid ratio) on aqueous extraction of TP and CT, as well as the effect on total solids content (TSC). We tested the effect of bark and solvent reuse in the CT extraction and finally it was evaluated the effect of extracts freeze drying and spray drying. According to results, the extracts obtained with 50% ethanol in water showed higher amounts of TP and CT when compared to other solvents. The variable liquid/solid ratio, the most important factor for all responses, showed positive effect for TP and CT and negative effect on total solids. There is a directly proportional relationship between temperature and levels of TP and CT. Time factor was significant only for CT, where it was observed that 100 minutes favored the extraction. Evaluating the variables relationship, the best condition found for higher levels of tannins was: temperature of 100ÂC for 100 minutes and liquid/solid ratio 30:1. In this condition, the amount of CT extracted was 7.63 mg catechin equivalent / 100 mg bark. In extraction process, solvent used twice is feasible to extract CT. Unlike the bark, that obtained minimal gains in a second extraction. Spray drying was more suitable for industrial application compared to freeze drying.

Desenvolvimento de cereal matinal extrusado organico a base de farinha de milho e farelo de maracuja / Development of an organic extruded breakfast cereal using corn flour and passion fruit fiber

Vernaza Leoro, Maria Gabriela 29 March 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Caroline Joy Steel / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T12:05:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VernazaLeoro_MariaGabriela_M.pdf: 2963475 bytes, checksum: 26fde35fc78447f593f66f139fddbf2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: É cada vez maior o número de pessoas que procura uma alimentação mais saudável, com alimentos frescos, de boa qualidade biológica e livre de defensivos agrícolas, como são os produtos orgânicos. Percebe-se também que nas dietas contemporâneas em geral existe um "déficit nutricional" de fibras. Este fato tem motivado as autoridades de saúde de diversos países a estimular um maior consumo de fibras por parte da população adulta, seja estimulando o consumo de alimentos como frutas, verduras, leguminosas, raízes, tubérculos e cereais integrais, ou através de produtos comerciais de consumo habitual que tenham sido enriquecidos com fibras. Já existem no mercado ou têm sido estudadas algumas fontes alternativas de fibras, como as fibras de beterraba, de caule de trigo, de laranja, de maracujá e a quitosana. Neste trabalho, optou-se por aproveitar os resíduos da extração de polpa de maracujá como fonte alternativa de fibras. Na extração de polpas e sucos, os resíduos resultantes do processo são normalmente utilizados em ração animal ou como adubo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de parâmetros da extrusão termoplástica (umidade da matéria-prima e temperatura de processo) e da adição de fibra sobre propriedades físicas, propriedades físico-químicas e propriedades nutricionais de produtos extrusados, no desenvolvimento de cereal matinal orgânico à base de farinha de milho e farelo de maracujá. A matéria-prima foi caracterizada quanto a sua composição centesimal; teores de fibra alimentar total, solúvel e insolúvel; índices de solubilidade em água (ISA), de absorção de água (IAA), de solubilidade em leite (ISL), de absorção de leite (IAL), de absorção de óleo (IAO), índice glicêmico (IG) e teor de compostos cianogênicos. Após a caracterização da matéria-prima, foi utilizado o processo de extrusão termoplástica para produzir uma base para cereal matinal, otimizando-se a formulação e os parâmetros de extrusão através da Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta, visando a obtenção de um produto com "alto teor de fibras" e propriedades tecnológicas adequadas. Os produtos extrusados foram caracterizados quanto a propriedades físicas, como índice de expansão (IE), cor, dureza e manutenção da textura em leite; propriedades físico-químicas, como ISA, IAA, ISL, IAL e IAO; e propriedades nutricionais, como IG e teor de compostos cianogênicos. Foi observado que o farelo de maracujá utilizado continha alto teor de fibra alimentar total (64,11%), apresentando teores significativos de fibra insolúvel (50,16%) e fibra solúvel (13,95%), ao contrário da farinha de milho que apresentou baixo teor de fibra alimentar total (3,68%), sendo 3,37% fibra insolúvel e 0,31% fibra solúvel. Os valores encontrados na determinação do ISA da farinha de milho e do farelo de maracujá foram 7,14 e 31,66%, respectivamente. O valor do IAA encontrado para a farinha de milho foi de 3,33 g de água/g material seco e para o farelo de maracujá foi de 14,38 g de água/g material seco. Os valores encontrados para o ISL da farinha de milho e do farelo de maracujá foram 5,23 e 14,53%, respectivamente. Os valores do ISL foram menores quando comparados com os valores do ISA. Os valores do IAL encontrados para a farinha de milho e para o farelo de maracujá foram de 3,26 e 12,50 g de leite/g material seco, maiores que os valores de IAA, possivelmente devido à formação de géis de pectina. Os índices de absorção de óleo da farinha de milho e do farelo de maracujá foram de 3,63 e 4,74 g de óleo/g de material seco, respectivamente. Os índices glicêmicos da farinha de milho e do farelo de maracujá foram de 48,03 e 45,00%, respectivamente. O farelo de maracujá apresentou um teor de compostos cianogênicos totais de 748,3 mg/kg. As superfícies de resposta demonstraram que a valores baixos das variáveis estudadas, foi obtida a maior expansão. Já, sobre a dureza dos produtos extrusados, as superfícies demonstraram que o efeito mais importante foi a umidade e a interação dela com a temperatura. Ao aumentar a umidade, a dureza dos produtos extrusados aumentou significativamente. No entanto, foi observado que a temperatura de processo foi o parâmetro que mais influenciou negativamente a textura do produto após 5 minutos de imersão em leite. Em relação à cor dos extrusados, altos níveis de farelo de maracujá diminuíram os valores de L* e hab, produzindo extrusados mais escuros e menos amarelos, ao contrário do efeito da temperatura, onde altas temperaturas aumentaram o valor de L* e o hab, produzindo extrusados mais claros e mais amarelos. Nos produtos extrusados, os maiores valores de ISA foram encontrados para os maiores teores de farelo de maracujá, enquanto que os maiores valores para o IAO foram obtidos com baixos teores de farelo. Aparentemente, não houve efeito das variáveis estudadas sobre o IG dos produtos extrusados. O teor dos compostos cianogênicos foi maior nos produtos com maiores teores de farelo de maracujá, como esperado. Além disso, parace haver um efeito da umidade da matéria-prima na redução dos compostos cianogênicos durante o processo de extrusão. O extrusado considerado como produto ótimo neste trabalho apresentou propriedades adequadas com respeito a IE e dureza. Também apresentou uma porcentagem de fibra alimentar alta (11%), bem superior à exigida pela Legislação Brasileira (6 g/100 g de produto) para ser denominado cereal matinal "com alto teor de fibras" / Abstract: The number of people searching healthier eating habits, including fresh foods of good biological quality and free of pesticides, such as organic products, is increasing. It is also observed that in contemporary diets in general, there is a â?¿nutritional deficitâ?? of fibers. This fact has motivated health authorities of several countries to stimulate a greater ingestion of fibers by the adult population, either by stimulating the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers and wholegrain cereals, or through the enrichment of commonly consumed commercial products. There are already a few alternative fiber sources on the market or under study, such as beetroot, wheat stalk, orange, passion fruit fibers and chitosan. In this work, we opted to use the residues from the extraction of passion fruit pulp as an alternative fiber source. In the extraction of pulps and juices, the residues are usually used as animal feed or fertilizers. The objective of this work was to study the effect of thermoplastic extrusion parameters (raw material moisture content and process temperature) and fiber addition on physical, physical-chemical and nutritional properties of extruded products, as a step in the development of an organic breakfast cereal based on corn flour and passion fruit fiber. The raw material was characterized as to its proximate composition; total, soluble and insoluble fiber contents; water solubility index (WSI), water absorption index (WAI), milk solubility index (MSI), milk absorption index (MAI), oil absorption index (OAI); glycemic index (GI) and cyanogenic compounds. After characterization of the raw material, the thermoplastic extrusion process was used to produce a base for breakfast cereals, optimizing the formulation and process parameters through the Response Surface Methodology, with the aim of obtaining a â?¿high fiber contentâ?? product with adequate technological properties. The extruded products were characterized with respect to physical properties, such as expansion index (EI), color, hardness and maintenance of texture in milk; physicalchemical properties, such as WSI, WAI, MSI, MAI and OAI; and nutritional properties, such as GI and cyanogenic compounds. It was observed that the passion fruit fiber used had a high total fiber content (64.11%), presenting significant contents of insoluble (50.16%) and soluble (13.95%) fibers, different to the corn flour used that presented a low total fiber content (3.68%), of which 3.37% were insoluble fibers and 0.31% soluble fibers. The values found for the WSI of the corn flour and passion fruit fiber were 7.14 and 31.66%, respectively. The values found for the WAI of the corn flour and of the passionfruit fiber were 3.33 and 14.38 g water/g dry material, respectively. The values found for the MSI of the corn flour and passion fruit fiber were 5.23 and 14.53%, respectively. The MSI values were lower than the WSI values. The values found for the MAI of the corn flour and passion fruit fiber were 3.26 and 12.50 g milk/g dry material, higher than those of WAI, possibly due to the formation of pectin gels. The oil absorption indices of the corn flour and passion fruit fiber were 3.63 and 4.74 g oil/g dry material, respectively. The glycemic indices of the corn flour and passion fruit fiber were 48.03 and 45.00%, respectively. The content of cyanogenic compounds in passion fruit fiber were 748,3 mg/kg. The response surfaces demonstrated that at low values of the variables studied, greatest expansion was obtained. For the hardness of the extruded products, the surfaces demonstrated that the most important effect was moisture and its interaction with temperature. Increasing moisture, the hardness of the extruded products increased significantly. However, it was observed that process temperature was the parameter that had the greatest negative effect on the texture of the products after 5 minutes in milk. With respect to color of the extrudates, high levels of passion fruit fiber reduced L* and hab values, producing darker and less yellow extrudates, different to the effect of temperature, where high temperatures increased L* and hab values, producing lighter and more yellow extrudates. In the extruded products, the highest values for WSI were found with the highest passion fruit fiber contents, while the highest values for OAI were obtained with low fiber contents. Apparently, there was no effect of the variables studied on the GI of the extruded products. The content of cyanogenic compounds was higher in the products with greater percentages of passion fruit fiber, as expected. Apart from this, there seems to be an effect of raw material moisture content in the reduction of cyanogenic compounds during the extrusion process. The extrudate considered optimum in this work presented adequate properties with respect to EI and hardness. It also presented a high percentage of dietary fiber (11%), higher than that required by the Brazilian Legislation (6 g/100 g product) to be labeled as a â?¿high fiber contentâ?? breakfast cereal / Mestrado / Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos

Statistical Analysis and Optimization of Ammonia Removal from Aqueous Solution by Zeolite and Ion-exchange Resin

Ding, Yuanhao January 2015 (has links)
The ability of natural zeolite and synthetic ion-exchange resin for ammonia removal from aqueous solution was studied through batch experiments. The results showed that both zeolite and ion-exchange resin were effective (up to 87% of removal) in eliminating ammonia from aqueous solution. Factorial design and response surface methodology were applied to evaluate and optimize the effects of pH, dose, contact time, temperature and initial ammonia concentration. Low pH condition was preferred with the optimum pH found to be 6 for both zeolite and ion-exchange resin. High dose generated high removal rate and low exchange capacity. Results of factorial design and response surface methodology showed that temperature was not a significant parameter. The model prediction was in good agreement with observed data (R2 = 0.969 for zeolite and R2 = 0.957 for resin, respectively). For zeolite, the optimum Qe was 22.90 mg/g achieved at pH=7 and initial ammonia concentration of 3000 mg/L. For ion-exchange resin, Qe of 28.78 mg/g was achieved at pH=6 and initial TAN concentration of 3000 mg/L. The reaction kinetics for both of them followed the Pseudo-second order kinetic model (R2=0.998 and R2=0.999, respectively). Equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models with Freundlich model providing a slightly better predication for zeolite (R2=0.992) and Langmuir providing more accurate prediction for ion-exchange resin (R2=0.996). The ion-exchange resin can be completely regenerated by 2N H2SO4.

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