Spelling suggestions: "subject:"riemann burface"" "subject:"riemann 1surface""
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As coordenadas de Fenchel-Nielsen / Fenchel-Nielsen CoordinateAngélica Turaça 09 June 2015 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, definimos a geometria hiperbólica usando o disco de Poincaré (D2) e o semiplano superior (H2) com as respectivas propriedades. Além disso, apresentamos algumas funções e relações importantes da geometria hiperbólica; conceituamos as superfícies de Riemann, analisando suas propriedades e representações; estudamos o espaço de Teichmüller com a devida decomposição em calças. Esses temas são ferramentas necessárias para atingir o objetivo da dissertação: definir as coordenadas de Fenchel Nielsen como um sistema de coordenadas locais do espaço de Teichmüller Tg. / In this dissertation, we defined the hyperbolic geometry using the Poincares disk (D2) and upper half-plane (H2) with its properties. Besides, we presented some functions and important relations of the hyperbolic geometry; we conceptualize the Riemann surfaces, analyzing its properties and representations; we studied the Teichmüller Space with proper decomposition pants. These themes are essential tools to reach the goal of the work: The definition of the Fenchel Nielsen coordenates as local coordinate system of the Teichmüller space Tg.
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Elementos da teoria de Teichmüller / Elements of the Teichmüller theoryVizarreta, Eber Daniel Chuño 23 February 2012 (has links)
Nesta disertação estudamos algumas ferramentas básicas relacionadas aos espaços de Teichmüller. Introduzimos o espaço de Teichmüller de gênero g ≥ 1, denotado por Tg. O objetivo principal é construir as coordenadas de Fenchel-Nielsen ωG : Tg → R3g-3+ × R3g-3 para cada grafo trivalente marcado G. / In this dissertation we study some basic tools related to Teichmüller space. We introduce the Teichmüller space of genus g ≥ 1, denoted by Tg. The main goal is to construct the Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates ωG : Tg → R3g-3+ × R3g-3 to each marked cubic graph G.
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Elementos da teoria de Teichmüller / Elements of the Teichmüller theoryEber Daniel Chuño Vizarreta 23 February 2012 (has links)
Nesta disertação estudamos algumas ferramentas básicas relacionadas aos espaços de Teichmüller. Introduzimos o espaço de Teichmüller de gênero g ≥ 1, denotado por Tg. O objetivo principal é construir as coordenadas de Fenchel-Nielsen ωG : Tg → R3g-3+ × R3g-3 para cada grafo trivalente marcado G. / In this dissertation we study some basic tools related to Teichmüller space. We introduce the Teichmüller space of genus g ≥ 1, denoted by Tg. The main goal is to construct the Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates ωG : Tg → R3g-3+ × R3g-3 to each marked cubic graph G.
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Compactness Theorems for The Spaces of Distance Measure Spaces and Riemann Surface LaminationsDivakaran, D January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Gromov’s compactness theorem for metric spaces, a compactness theorem for the space of compact metric spaces equipped with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, is a theorem with many applications. In this thesis, we give a generalisation of this landmark result, more precisely, we give a compactness theorem for the space of distance measure spaces equipped with the generalised Gromov-Hausdorff-Levi-Prokhorov distance. A distance measure space is a triple (X, d,µ), where (X, d) forms a distance space (a generalisation of a metric space where, we allow the distance between two points to be infinity) and µ is a finite Borel measure.
Using this result we prove that the Deligne-Mumford compactification is the completion of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces under the generalised Gromov-Hausdorff-Levi-Prokhorov distance. The Deligne-Mumford compactification, a compactification of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with explicit description of the limit points, and the closely related Gromov compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds (in particular curves in an algebraic variety) are important results for many areas of mathematics.
While Gromov compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, is an important tool in symplectic topology, its applicability is limited by the lack of general methods to construct pseudo-holomorphic curves. One hopes that considering a more general class of objects in place of pseudo-holomorphic curves will be useful. Generalising the domain of pseudo-holomorphic curves from Riemann surfaces to Riemann surface laminations is a natural choice. Theorems such as the uniformisation theorem for surface laminations by Alberto Candel (which is a partial generalisation of the uniformisation theorem for surfaces), generalisations of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem proved for some special cases, and topological classification of “almost all" leaves using harmonic measures reinforces the usefulness of this line on enquiry. Also, the success of essential laminations, as generalised incompressible surfaces, in the study of 3-manifolds suggests that a similar approach may be useful in symplectic topology. With this motivation, we prove a compactness theorem analogous to the Deligne-Mumford compactification for the space of Riemann surface laminations.
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Origamis et groupes de permutation / Origamis and permutation groupsZmiaikou, David 08 September 2011 (has links)
Un origami est un revêtement du tore T2, éventuellement ramifié au-dessus de l'origine.Cet objet a été introduit par William P. Thurston et William A. Veech dans les années 1970.Un origami peut être vu comme un ensemble fini de copies du carreau unitaire qui sont collées par translations. Ainsi, un origami est un cas particulier d'une surface de translation,un élément de l'espace des modules de surfaces de Riemann munies d'une 1-forme holomorphe.Un origami O avec n carreaux correspond à une paire de permutations (σ, τ ) Є 2 Sn X Sn définie à conjugaison près. Le groupe Mon(O) engendré par une telle paire s'appelle le groupe de monodromie de O. On dit qu'un origami est primitif si son groupe de monodromie est un groupe de permutation primitif. Il y a une action naturelle du groupeGL2(Z) sur les origamis, le stabilisateur de O pour cette action est le groupe de Veechdésigné par GL(O). Le groupe de monodromie est un invariant des GL2(Z)-orbites.Dans le chapitre 3 de la thèse, nous montrons que le groupe de monodromie de tout origami primitif à n carreaux dans la strate H(2k) est An ou Sn si n ≥ 3k + 2, et noustrouvons la borne exacte quand 2k + 1 est premier. La même proposition est vraie pourla strate H(1; 1) si n =/= 6. Dans le chapitre 4, nous considérons les origamis réguliers,i.e. ceux pour lesquels le nombre de carreaux est égal à l'ordre du groupe de monodromie.Nous construisons de nouvelles familles d'origamis intéressantes et cherchons leurs strates et groupes de Veech. Nous estimons également le nombre de GL2(Z)-orbites et strates distinctes des origamis réguliers ayant un groupe de monodromie donné. Afin de trouver une borne inférieure pour les origamis alternés, nous prouvons que chaque permutation dans An quifixe peu de points est le commutateur d'une paire engendrant An. Dans le chapitre 6, nous étudions une propriété de sous-groupes de PSL2(Z) qui est liée à la propriété d'être le groupe de Veech d'un origami. / An origami is a covering of the torus T2, possibly ramified above the origin. This objectwas introduced by William P. Thurston and William A. Veech in 1970s. Un origami can beviewed as a finite collection of copies of the unitary square that are glued by translations.Thus, un origami is a particular case of a translation surface, that is, an element of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces equipped with a holomorphic 1-form.An n-square origami O corresponds to a pair of permutations (σ, τ ) Є 2 Sn X Sn defined up to conjugation. The group Mon(O) generated by such a pair is called the monodromy group of O. We say that an origami is primitive if its monodromy group is a primitive permutation group. There is a natural action of group GL2(Z) on the origamis, the stabilizer of O for this action is the Veech group denoted by GL(O). The monodromy group is aninvariant of the GL2(Z)-orbits.In the chapter 3 of the thesis, we show that the monodromy group of any primitive n-square origami in the stratum H(2k) is either An or Sn if n ≥ 3k + 2, and we find the exact bound when 2k + 1 is prime. The same proposition is true for the stratum H(1; 1) if n =/= 6.In the chapter 4, we consider the regular origamis, i.e. the origamis for which the number of squares equals the order of the monodromy group. We construct new families of origamis and investigate their strata and Veech groups. Also, we estimate the number of distinct GL2(Z)-orbits and strata of regular origamis with a given monodromy group. In order to find a lower bound for alternating origamis, we prove that each permutation in An which fixes few points is the commutator of a pair generating An. In the chapter 6, we study a subgroup property of PSL2(Z) that is related to the property to be the Veech group of an origami.
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Relative Symplectic Caps, Fibered Knots And 4-GenusKulkarni, Dheeraj 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The 4-genus of a knot in S3 is an important measure of complexity, related to the unknotting number. A fundamental result used to study the 4-genus and related invariants of homology classes is the Thom conjecture, proved by Kronheimer-Mrowka, and its symplectic extension due to Ozsv´ath-Szab´o, which say that closed symplectic surfaces minimize genus.
In this thesis, we prove a relative version of the symplectic capping theorem. More precisely, suppose (X, ω) is a symplectic 4-manifold with contact type bounday ∂X and Σ is a symplectic surface in X such that ∂Σ is a transverse knot in ∂X. We show that there is a closed symplectic 4-manifold Y with a closed symplectic submanifold S such that the pair (X, Σ) embeds symplectically into (Y, S). This gives a proof of the relative version of Symplectic Thom Conjecture. We use this to study 4-genus of fibered knots in S3 .
We also prove a relative version of the sufficiency part of Giroux’s criterion for Stein fillability, namely, we show that a fibered knot whose mondoromy is a product of positive Dehn twists bounds a symplectic surface in a Stein filling. We use this to study 4-genus of fibered knots in S3 . Using this result, we give a criterion for quasipostive fibered knots to be strongly quasipositive.
Symplectic convexity disc bundles is a useful tool in constructing symplectic fillings of contact manifolds. We show the symplectic convexity of the unit disc bundle in a Hermitian holomorphic line bundle over a Riemann surface.
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Approche analytique pour le mouvement brownien réfléchi dans des cônes / Analytic approach for reflected Brownian motion in conesFranceschi, Sandro 08 December 2017 (has links)
Le mouvement Brownien réfléchi de manière oblique dans le quadrant, introduit par Harrison, Reiman, Varadhan et Williams dans les années 80, est un objet largement analysé dans la littérature probabiliste. Cette thèse, qui présente l’étude complète de la mesure invariante de ce processus dans tous les cônes du plan, a pour objectif plus global d’étendre au cadre continu une méthode analytique développée initialement pour les marches aléatoires dans le quart de plan par Fayolle, Iasnogorodski et Malyshev dans les années 70. Cette approche est basée sur des équations fonctionnelles, reliant des fonctions génératrices dans le cas discret et des transformées de Laplace dans le cas continu. Ces équations permettent de déterminer et de résoudre des problèmes frontière satisfaits par ces fonctions génératrices. Dans le cas récurrent, cela permet de calculer explicitement la mesure invariante du processus avec rebonds orthogonaux, dans le chapitre 2, et avec rebonds quelconques, dans le chapitre 3. Les transformées de Laplace des mesures invariantes sont prolongées analytiquement sur une surface de Riemann induite par le noyau de l’équation fonctionnelle. L’étude des singularités et l’application de méthodes du point col sur cette surface permettent de déterminer l’asymptotique complète de la mesure invariante selon toutes les directions dans le chapitre 4. / Obliquely reflected Brownian motion in the quadrant, introduced by Harrison, Reiman, Varadhan and Williams in the eighties, has been studied a lot in the probabilistic literature. This thesis, which presents the complete study of the invariant measure of this process in all the cones of the plan, has for overall aim to extend to the continuous framework an analytic method initially developped for random walks in the quarter plane by Fayolle, Iasnogorodski and Malyshev in the seventies. This approach is based on functional equations which link generating functions in the discrete case and Laplace transform in the continuous case. These equations allow to determine and to solve boundary value problems satisfied by these generating functions. In the recurrent case, it permits to compute explicitly the invariant measure of the process with orthogonal reflexions, in the chapter 2, and with any reflexions, in the chapter 3. The Laplace transform of the invariant measure is analytically extended to a Riemann surface induced by the kernel of the functional equation. The study of singularities and the use of saddle point methods on this surface allows to determine the full asymptotics of the invariant measure along every directions in the chapter 4.
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