Spelling suggestions: "subject:"risk managemement tools"" "subject:"risk managemement pools""
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Critical Analysis of Risk Management and Significant Impacts of its Application on Sichuan Post-earthquake Reconstruction ProjectNguyen Phuong, Nga, Yuansheng, Li January 2012 (has links)
In today’s world, project risk management has always been a complex topic, especially inconstruction industry; thus managing project risks is required as compulsory for anyconstruction project to be successful. This master thesis presents a critical analysis ofproject risk management and significant impacts of its application on the success of aspecific project’s delivery. It identifies different types of project risk managementprocesses and frameworks used by construction projects. In order to examine how risk andrisk management process is perceived in construction projects, a case study of a LeheHome reconstruction project is chosen and data collection methods of semi-structuredinterviews and questionnaires are applied. The main purpose of this thesis is to explore,describe and analyze the perceived risk management practice in Lehe Home reconstructionproject. Managing risks in Lehe Home project has been recognised as a very importantproject management process in order to achieve the project objectives in terms of time,cost, quality. The study will examine and evaluate the risk management process in specificphases of Lehe Home project and essentially analyze the empirical findings. Finally, thestudy generalizes and develops the project risk analysis and management from Lehe Homeproject and suggests for public sectors to help project managers to make better decisionsunder risky conditions.
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La gestion du risque de contrepartie en matière des dérivés de gré à gré : approche juridique / The management of counterparty risk in OTC derivatives : legal approachBrouillou, Guerric 28 November 2018 (has links)
Au lendemain de la crise financière de 2008, les autorités se sont emparées de la question du risque de contrepartie associé aux produits dérivés de gré à gré. Les dix années qui se sont écoulées depuis permettent de dresser le bilan de l’efficacité du cadre règlementaire alors mis en place. Cette étude s’attache à cartographier les différents éléments qui composent ou alimentent le risque de contrepartie en matière de dérivés de gré à gré et analyse l’efficacité des diverses techniques déployées pour le gérer. Les outils de gestion utilisés en matière de dérivés de gré à gré afin d’atténuer le risque de contrepartie reposent sur une pluralité de mécanismes juridiques (légaux ou contractuels). Si certains sont à la libre disposition des parties, d’autres leur sont imposés par la règlementation. Tous ces instruments participent – seuls ou conjointement – à atténuer réellement le risque de contrepartie. Mais chacun d’eux ne traite néanmoins qu’un aspect particulier de ce risque et aucun ne permet de l’annihiler totalement. Certaines situations viennent même parfois perturber l’efficacité des outils de gestion du risque de contrepartie et anéantissent leurs effets bénéfiques. On comprend in fine que la gestion efficace du risque de contrepartie suppose le respect de trois étapes : l’identification des risques attachés à chaque opération en présence doit précéder l’élaboration des outils de gestion en vue de leur atténuation, laquelle suppose enfin la prévention du risque d’inefficacité des outils utilisés. Dans tous les cas, la gestion du risque de contrepartie en matière de dérivés de gré à gré s’avère non seulement imparfaite mais aussi éminemment fragile. / Ln the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the authorities tackled the issue of counterparty risk associated with OTC derivatives. The ten years that have passed since then allow us an opportunity to take stock of the effectiveness of the regulatory framework then put in place. This study aims to map the different elements that make up or feed the counterparty risk in OTC derivatives and analyzes the effectiveness of the various techniques deployed to manage it. The management tools used in OTC derivatives to mitigate counterparty risk rely on a variety of legal mechanisms. If some are at the free disposal of the parties, others are imposed by the regulations. All these instruments participate -alone or jointly-in actually mitigating the counterparty risk. But each of them only deals with a particular aspect of this risk and none of them can completely neutralise it. Some situations even sometimes disrupt the effectiveness of counterparty risk management tools and negate their beneficial effects. Ultimately, it is understood that the effective management of counterparty risk requires three stages: the identification of the risks attached to each operation, followed by the development of relevant management tools with a view to the mitigation of such risks, and finally steps to avoid the risk of inefficiency of the tools used. ln any case, counterparty risk management in OTC derivatives is not only imperfect but also eminently fragile.
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A Tool Prototype Supporting Risk-Based Testing in Agile Embedded Software DevelopmentJasem, Saef January 2022 (has links)
Risk-Based Testing is a testing approach in software development that involves identifying, analyzing, controlling, testing, and reporting risks. The strategy provides several benefits and helps companies control risks and manage them effectively. However, the testing strategy may become challenging with new technologies, increased deployment and development of new features, and larger projects. Westermo is a manufacturer and vendor of industrial ethernet networks and data communications products for mission-critical systems in harsh environments. Risk-based testing is a critical component of their software development process to maintain high-quality deployments. Westermo's current approach to documenting and monitoring risks is done through spreadsheets. Over time, as new features are implemented and deployed, these spreadsheets become more complex and challenging to manage. As such, Westermo is currently seeking to replace them with a new risk management tool supporting risk-based testing. In this thesis, I investigated how one can prototype a risk management tool to support the risk-based testing process at Westermo. To this end, a deeper understanding of how current risk-based testing is performed and managed during software development was required. I also had to identify the challenges with the current approach for documenting and monitoring risks and the requirements for a new tool. I investigated these issues using a combination of qualitative research strategies and divided the work into three phases. In the first phase, I observed internal process documentation and three risk analysis workshops with a total of 14 participants held by Westermo. This was followed by interviewing two software developers and one project manager to identify requirements for a new tool. The next step was to develop a prototype and in the final phase, I evaluated the utility of the design with two focus groups for a total of six participants. Ideally, according to the requirements I identified, the risk management tool should facilitate the documenting and monitoring of the risks and provide functions to add, manage and visualize the risks from a larger release perspective and a smaller feature perspective in a simple and efficient manner. / Riskbaserad testning är en testmetod inom mjukvaruutveckling som innebär att identifiera, analysera, kontrollera, testa och rapportera risker. Teststrategin ger flera fördelar och hjälper företag att kontrollera risker och hantera dem effektivt. Med ny teknik, ökad distribution och utveckling av nya funktioner och större projekt kan processen istället bli utmanande. Westermo är en tillverkare och leverantör av industriella Ethernet-nätverks- och datakommunikationsprodukter för verksamhetskritiska system i tuffa miljöer. Riskbaserad testning är en viktig teststrategi i deras mjukvaruutvecklingsprocess för att upprätthålla högkvalitativa distributioner. Westermos nuvarande tillvägagångssätt för att dokumentera och övervaka risker är genom att använda kalkylblad. Med tiden, när nya funktioner implementeras och distribueras, blir dessa kalkylblad mer komplexa och utmanande att hantera. Därför försöker Westermo för närvarande ersätta dem med ett nytt riskhanteringsverktyg för att stödja riskbaserad testning. I det här examensarbete undersökte jag hur man kan prototypa ett riskhanteringsverktyg för att stödja den riskbaserade testprocessen på Westermo. För detta ändamål krävdes en djupare förståelse för hur aktuell riskbaserad testning utförs och hanteras under mjukvaruutveckling. Jag behövde också identifiera utmaningarna med det nuvarande tillvägagångssättet för att dokumentera och övervaka risker och kraven på ett nytt verktyg. Jag undersökte dessa frågor genom en kombination av kvalitativa forskningsstrategier och delade upp arbetet i tre faser. I den första fasen observerade jag intern processdokumentation och tre riskanalysmöten med totalt 14 deltagare i Westermo. Detta följdes av intervjuer med två mjukvaruutvecklare och en projektledare för att identifiera krav på ett nytt verktyg. Nästa steg var att ta fram en prototyp och i slutfasen utvärderade jag användbarheten av designen med två fokusgrupper med totalt sex deltagare. Enligt de krav jag identifierade ska riskhanteringsverktyget kunna underlätta dokumentationen och övervakningen av riskerna och tillhandahålla funktioner för att lägga till, hantera och visualisera riskerna ur ett större releaseperspektiv och ett mindre funktionsperspektiv på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt.
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