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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensionamento estrutural do edifício de descarga e comando da Central Hidroeléctrica de Foz Tua

Teixeira, Nelson Manuel de Jesus January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil (Estruturas). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2010

Požeminių polimerinių talpų sąveika su gruntu / Soil-structure interaction of buried polymer vessels

Mikolainis, Mindaugas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe susisteminti ir palyginti pagrindiniai grunto standumo koeficientų nustatymo metodai. Aprašoma metodika, kaip iš grunto santykinio tankio galima apskaičiuoti dinaminį bei statinį tamprumo modulius. Pateikiamos šių grunto parametrų koreliacinės priklausomybės. Eksperimentiniais tyrimais įrodyta, kad silpnuose gruntuose egzistuoja netiesinė grunto tamprumo modulio priklausomybė nuo šalia grunto esančios priekrovos. Priekrovą traktuojant kaip tiesiškai priklausančią nuo gylio, išvesta tamprumo modulio silpnuose gruntuose priklausomybė nuo gylio. Rezervuarų skaičiavimui buvo pasinaudota 2 panašių konstrukcijų skaičiavimo metodikomis (tunelių metodika bei vamzdžių m.). Taip pat pasinaudota СНиП 2.06.09-84 tunelių projektavimo nurodymais. Konstrukcija sumodeliuota projektavimo programomis Robot Structural Analysis Pro, SCAD, Plaxis 2D. Taip pat pateiktas patobulintas modelis, atramas išskirstant į ploto vienetą, autoriaus nuomone, tinkamesnėmis plonasienėms mažo standumo konstrukcijoms. Skaičiuotiniuose modeliuose įvertinami visi pagrindiniai rezervuarų konstrukciniai elementai: galiniai kupolai, lengvosios sąstandos, špangautai. Laboratoriniais bandymais nustatytos ir įvertintos polimerinio kompozito konstrukcinės savybės: virtualus tamprumo modulis, Puasono koeficientas, valkšnumo koeficientas bei senėjimo faktorius. Išvadose apibendrinami rezultatai, taip pat suformuojami pasiūlymai, naudingi tolesniems tiriamiesiems darbams, bei panašių konstrukcijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Main methods to determine subgrade reaction is systemized in this master thesis work. Determination of static and dynamic deformation modulus, when relative soil density is known, are also familiarized. Correlation between the parameters is given in section 2. Experiments were made to prove that there is a link between deformation modulus and surcharge. If surcharge depends linearly from depth, then a function was created to predict deformation modulus values in weak soil when depth varies. 2 similar construction (pipes and tunnels) methods were used to design a buried tank. Design model was created by these design programs: Robot Structural Analysis Pro, SCAD, and PLAXIS 2D. An additional tank modelling method has been suggested by the author. Supports were assigned in plane instead of in a straight line. The updated model seems to better fit for low stiffness construction materials like GRP composites. In these design models all common tank structural elements were included: longitude domes, light and heavy stiffeners, orthotropic material. Main design parameters like virtual elastic modulus, Poisson ratio, creep factor, factor of durability. Results are summarized in conclusions. Suggestions were provided to help future researchers and designers with this kind of problems: structural design of composite polymer structures, design of buried thin-shelled tanks and evaluation of deformation modulus.


Lindman, Joel, Westerlund, Lina January 2019 (has links)
The basis of this thesis was that Kåver & Mellin Uppsala wanted todetermine if they should train their employees in the software RobotStructural Analysis. The company had licenses for the program that theydid not use due to lack of experience. The purpose of the project wastherefore to examine how Robot is used for designing structures and tocompare its usefulness to its competitor FEM-Design. The comparison ofusefulness was made by designing an identical structure in bothprograms. The focus of the study was to compare three main areas,workflow, areas of use and calculation results. This was made for themost common construction elements that were limited to concrete slabs,concrete walls, steel columns and steel beams.The study proved the programs to be similar. Designing steel profilesis more efficient in Robot. Another advantage of Robot is that there isan official online help page and a useful online forum, that FEM-Designlacks. One significant disadvantage of Robot is that the calculationsfor concrete are made with outdated national standards for Eurocode.The disadvantage was crucial and led to the conclusion that Kåver &Mellin Uppsala should wait for updated standards before using theprogram fully but they could start using Robot for load calculationsand steel design.


PEDRO KAJ KJELLERUP NACHT 16 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional gráfico-interativa para a verificação de vigas de concreto protendido com pós-tração aderente ao estado limite de serviço, de acordo com a norma brasileira NBR 6118:2014. A ferramenta é uma extensão (addin) para o Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional , que serve como plataforma de modelagem estrutural. A partir de dados fornecidos pelo usuário através de uma interface gráfica, o programa desenvolvido calcula todas as perdas de protensão que ocorrem ao longo da vida-útil da estrutura, assim como os carregamentos equivalentes à protensão durante este período. O trabalho apresenta os métodos de cálculo tradicionais das perdas imediatas e diferidas, obtidos da NBR 6118, e as modificações que tiveram que ser feitas para permitir um cálculo incremental. Exemplos de utilização do programa e dos cálculos necessários também são apresentados e comprovam, pelos bons resultados obtidos, o acerto na escolha da metodologia escolhida. Como resultado, a ferramenta apresenta duas saídas: uma planilha contendo os esforços e as tensões atuantes na viga ao longo de sua vida-útil e verificações destes valores em relação aos limites estabelecidos para o estado limite de serviço; e o modelo estrutural no Robot apresenta os carregamentos equivalentes da protensão. O usuário pode então adotar estes carregamentos em demais cálculos da estrutura, enquanto a planilha pode ser utilizada para verificar com facilidade se a protensão atende às condições de serviço. / [en] This work presents the development of an interactive graphics computational tool for the verification of prestressed concrete beams with posttensioned bonded tendons to the serviceability limit state stress check according to the Brazilian code NBR 6118:2014. The tool is an add-in for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professionalr, which serves as a structural modeling platform. With data supplied by the user through a graphics user interface, the program here developed calculates all relevant prestress losses that occur throughout the structure s life-cycle, along with the prestressing s equivalent loads during this period. The traditional calculation methods, obtained in the NBR 6118, are presented along with the modifications which had to be implemented in order to allow for incremental loss calculations. Usage examples and the necessary calculations are presented and, through the results obtained, validate the adopted methodology. As results, the program presents two outputs: a spreadsheet containing the resultant forces and stresses and a check of these values with respect to the permissible stresses in the serviceability limit state; and the Robot model presents the prestress equivalent loads. The user may then use these loads in additional calculations. The spreadsheet may be used to easily check if the prestress is sufficient with respect to serviceability conditions.

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