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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of potential source rocks of the Prince Albert, Whitehill and Collingham formations in the Laingsburg sub-basin, South Africa

Ferreira, Janine Connie January 2014 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The present research deals with the characterization of the Lower Ecca Group in terms of sedimentology, mineralogy and organic geochemistry. A field study was conducted in order to characterize the sedimentology and thereby determine the environments of deposition of the Prince Albert, Whitehill and Collingham Formations. In addition, shale samples were subjected to geochemical and mineralogical analyses so as to ascertain its source rock properties. The study utilized X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis to determine the mineralogy and organic geochemistry of shale from the formations under investigation. The sedimentological investigation revealed that the upper Prince Albert Formation is dominated by shale with thin beds of carbonate. These shales are interpreted to have been deposited by suspension settling in a marine environment which was occasionally interrupted by deposition of carbonates that form in a shallow marine environment. The overlying Whitehill Formation consists predominantly of carbonaceous shale with relatively more resistant shale beds also present. The fine sediments are interpreted to have been deposited from suspension settling under anoxic bottom conditions which would favor the preservation of organic rich material. Deposition of the Whitehill Formation was followed by the Collingham Formation which is dominated by rhythmic deposits of shale and sandstone that are occasionally interrupted by tuff layers. The clay size sediments are interpreted to have been deposited from suspension settling which are interbedded with low density turbidite current deposits in a marine environment. Based on the findings of the field study, it is apparent that the Prince Albert and Collingham Formations were deposited in marine environments, with the Whitehill Formation being deposited in an anoxic environment. These environments are known to be dominated by phytoplanktonic organisms and algal debris, and as such shales deposited in these environments contain predominantly Type I (derived from algae) and II kerogen (derived from plankton). It can therefore be postulated that Type I and II kerogens are the dominant constituents of organic matter in the Lower Ecca Group shales. Mineralogically, the shales consist chiefly of kaolinite, smectite and illite clay minerals, which are derived from a combination of weathering of feldspars, and the alteration of other clay minerals. The latter being inferred from the existence of albite in all the studied shale samples, pyroclastic material observed in the field, as well as the occurrence of alteration along clay mineral edges.

Palynological, Palynofacies, Paleoenvironmental and Organic Geochemical Studies on the Upper Cretaceous Succession of the GPTSW-7 Well, North Western Desert, Egypt

El Beialy, Salah Y., El Atfy, Haytham S., Zavada, Michael S., El Khoriby, Essam M., Abu-Zied, Ramadan H. 01 February 2010 (has links)
The present study of the Abu Roash and Bahariya formations in well GPTSW-7 refines our understanding of the subsurface Cretaceous of the north Western Desert of Egypt. Our investigations are based on the palynological analyses of 71 cuttings samples, of which 24 have also been analyzed for geochemistry, in addition to 3 sidewall cores analyzed for vitrinite reflectance (Ro). Four palynological zones and three subzones in addition to a poorly fossiliferous interval ranging in age from Coniacian-Santonian to early Cenomanian are proposed. These include a poorly fossiliferous interval (Coniacian-Santonian), Dinogymnium vozzhennikovae Interval Zone (late to middle Turonian), Ephedripites ambiguus-Ephedripites multicostatus-Foveotricolpites giganteus-Foveotricolpites gigantoreticultus Assemblage Zone (early Turonian), Classopollis brasiliensis Interval Zone (late to middle Cenomanian), and Afropollis jardinus Interval Zone (early Cenomanian). The succeeding subzones are; Afropollis kahramanensis Interval Subzone, Elaterosporites klaszii Interval Subzone and Cretacaeiporites densimurus Interval Subzone, all of early Cenomanian age. Total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis and palynofacies analyses indicate that the Bahariya Formation and the Abu Roash G Member are primarily of kerogen III type and hence gas prone, suggesting a strong influence of hydrogen-enriched organic matter. The Abu Roash A, C-E Members may also be gas prone (type III kerogen) and appear to contain highly oxidized terrestrial organic matter. In contrast, the Abu Roash F Member has very high TOC and HI values and contains a very high proportion of amorphous organic matter (AOM) indicating a highly oil-prone facies. While this finding is not unexpected for anoxic black shale, it contrasts with earlier studies that suggest a gas prone nature. Ro measurements show that the Bahariya Formation represents an immature-early genesis dry gas phase. This is also true for all investigated samples from the Abu Roash and Bahariya formations, based on their low thermal alteration index (TAI). Quantitative and qualitative analyses of both the palynoflora and palynofacies show that the Abu Roash A and C Members (B is missing), both of Coniacian-Santonian age, represent oxic proximal and distal shelf environment. The Abu Roash D and E Members, dated as Turonian, represent oxic (proximal) shelf, whereas the Cenomanian Abu Roash F Member was deposited in a distal suboxic-anoxic basin. The Cenomanian Abu Roash G Member and the Bahariya Formation were deposited in a shallow marine and shallow marine to fluvio-deltaic setting, respectively. The Senonian Palmae Province is recognized in the palynoflora by the presence of Proteacidites, Auriculiidites reticulatus, Ariadnaesporites, Gabonisporis vigourouxii. On the other hand the Albian-Cenomanian Elaterates Province is characterized by the presence of Steevesipollenites, Gnetaceaepollenites, Elaterocolpites, Elaterosporites, Elateroplicites, Senegalosporites, Sofrepites, Afropollis and Cretacaeiporites.

Nature et mode d'assemblage des constituants minéraux et organiques dans des Ferralsols de la région des Cerrados (Brésil). Evolution après mise en culture

Volland-Tuduri, Nathalie 23 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les Ferralsols se caractérisent par une microstructure très développée dont dépend étroitement leur fertilité. Cette microstructure repose sur des microagrégats très stables, de 50 à 800 µm de diamètre. Sous végétation naturelle comme sous pâturage, la densité apparente des sols, la taille et le mode d'assemblage des microagrégats, ainsi que la caractérisation de la matière organique, ont permis de mettre en évidence d'importantes variations avec la profondeur. Nous avons établi une typologie du mode d'assemblage des microagrégats ainsi qu'un modèle mettant en relation structure et porosité. La matière organique se singularise, en pyrolyse, par une composante de haute température, d'origine conjecturale, mais très probablement due à un effet de matrice minérale. L'ensemble des variations observées ne peuvent a priori s'expliquer par des différences d'usage du sol, mais plutôt grâce à l'activité des insectes sociaux qui sont vraisemblablement à l'origine des microagrégats.

Impact des taillis à très courte rotation de saules sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des sols et définition d'indicateurs de qualité / Willow Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) effect on soil functional properties and quality indicators definition

Stauffer, Marie 02 April 2014 (has links)
Les Taillis à Très Courte Rotation sont une culture destinée à produire des plaquettes de bois énergie. L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier l'impact des TTCR sur le fonctionnement des sols et de proposer des indicateurs de qualité. Cinq prélèvements ont été effectués chaque printemps et automne entre 2010 et 2012 sur les sols de quatre couples de TTCR et bandes enherbées, d'une forêt alluviale et d'un agrosystème, localisés dans la vallée de l'Aisne. Les paramètres suivants ont été mesurés: matières organiques, carbone total, capacité d'échange cationique et éléments échangeables, phosphore disponible, minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote, biomasse, abondance et diversité des communautés lombriciennes, abondance relative et diversité des communautés fongiques et bactériennes, activités enzymatiques, caractérisations physiques et chimiques des matières organiques. 6 années après la mise en place des TTCR, les densités fongiques et lombriciennes, la respiration basale, l'activité laccase étaient plus élevées dans les TTCR par rapport à l'agrosystème. Ces modifications peuvent être reliées aux changements quantitatifs et qualitatifs des matières organiques (augmentation du C/N, diminution de l'indice hydrogène). L'azote et le phosphore semblent être limitant mais les retours importants et le turn over rapide de la MO viennent tamponner les fortes exportations. Ces mesures ont conduit à la définition d'indicateurs et aboutissent à la proposition de trois indices : fertilité, activité biologique, abondance et diversité des communautés biologiques. L'utilisation des courbes de réponses principales confirme l'effet positif des TTCR sur la qualité du sol, observée avec le calcul d'indices synthétiques / Short Rotation Coppices (SRC) are a crop system intended to produce energy wood chips. This thesis aimed at assessing the impact of SRC on soil functioning and proposing quality indicators. Five samplings were performed in spring and autumn between 2010 and 2012 on plots including four couples of SRC and grassland, an alluvial forest and an agrosystem, in the Aisne valley. The following parameters were monitored: organic matter, total carbon, cation capacity exchange, available phosphorus, carbon and nitrogen basal respiration, earthworm biomass, density and diversity, fungal and bacterial density and diversity, enzymatic activity, physical and chemical organic matter characterisations. 6 years after conversion to SRC, earthworm and fungal density, basal respiration and laccase activity were higher in SRC soil compared to conventional agrosystem. These changes can be linked to qualitative and quantitative organic matter evolutions (increase of the C/N ratio and decrease of hydrogen index). Nitrogen and phosphorus seemed to be limiting factors for SRC crop yields. However, soil nutrient return and the good turnover of organic matter can buffer strong exportations. The measured parameters led to indicator definition and proposition of three indices: fertility, biological activity, density and diversity of biological communities. Principal response curves confirmed the positive effect of SRC on soil quality as observed with synthetic indices calculation

Étude pétrographique et géochimique intégrée du charbon et de shale à gaz du bassin Sabinas et de Chihuahua au Nord du Mexique : estimation des ressources en gaz méthane / Petrographic and geochemical study integrated coal and shale gas from Sabinas basin and Chihuahua in northern Mexico : estimation of gas methane resources

O Burrola, Francisco de la 14 December 2013 (has links)
Une étude de caractérisation intégrée de pétrographie et géochimie organique a été réalisée dans les bassins de Sabinas et Chihuahua au Nord-Est du Mexique. Ces informations ont permis une modélisation numérique de la formation du gaz en considérant la subsidence thermique des charbons et des shales à gaz. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont les suivants: mise en place d'une méthodologie de caractérisation des roches étudiées ; estimation du potentiel générateur de gaz et sa distribution régionale ; estimation des ressources en gaz méthane. Les analyses effectuées sur l'ensemble des échantillons ont permis de caractériser la roche, les kérogènes, les huiles et les gaz. La méthodologie utilisée permet de croiser les informations pétrographiques et géochimiques pour pouvoir analyser le système pétrolier par modélisation numérique. Les analyses réalisées sont: réflectance% Ro, analyse élémentaire et immédiate, Rock Eval6 ® (Bulk Rock), [delta]13C, [delta]D, (gaz de charbon), microscopie électronique à balayage, analyse d'images, analyse des macéraux et inclusions fluides. Un programme informatique a été construit afin de croiser l'information des analyses des échantillons avec celle des expériences de maturation artificielle en laboratoire. Cette démarche nous à permis d'estimer les ressources en gaz méthane à la fois généré par les charbons et les shales gaz. La méthodologie utilisée pour l'étude des kérogènes et des gaz dans les deux bassins est à notre avis la plus appropriée pour répondre aux objectifs proposés dans ce travail de thèse. Celle-ci permet de caractériser l'évolution thermique des charbons, shales gas (gaz de schiste), et roches mères pétrolières / This comprehensive characterization study was performed using organic petrology and geochemistry conducted in the Sabinas basin and Chihuahua in northern Mexico. This information allowed a numerical modeling of gas formation, considering the thermal subsidence of coal and carbonaceous shales.The objectives of this thesis are: establish a characterization methodology for the studied rocks ; estimate potential gas generator and its regional distribution ; estimate the methane gas resources. For the development of this project, we conducted an intensive campaign representative sampling of coal, carbonaceous shales and coal gas "in situ". For the Sabinas basin were studied 97 samples and 114 samples in the basin of Chihuahua. The analyses carried out that were used on the samples analyzed allowed to characterize the kerogen and gas. The methodology used to cross petrographic and geochemical information to analyze the petroleum system by numerical modeling. Analyses were: Petrographic, reflectance %Ro, elemental analysis and immediate, Rock Eval6 ® (Bulk rock), isotopic analysis, [delta]13C, [delta]D, (coal gas), scanning electron microscopy, image analysis and analysis of macerals fluid inclusions. The analyzes that were used on the samples allowed to characterize the sample, the kerogen and gas. The methodology used to cross petrographic and geochemical information for analyze the oil system by numerical modeling. Analyses were: Petrographic, reflectance% Ro, elemental analysis and immediate, Rock Eval6 ® (Bulk rock), isotopic analysis, d13C, dD, (coal gas), scanning electron microscopy, image analysis and analysis of macerals fluid inclusions. A computer program was constructed to cross the information with the analysis of samples of artificial maturation experiments in the laboratory. This approach allowed estimation of methane gas resources generated by coal and carbonaceous shales. [...] In conclusion, between the two basins studied, the Sabinas basin, generates more gas for industrial exploitation. However, the rocks of the basin of Chihuahua unconventional types (shale gas) show good potential for hydrocarbon generation. The methodology used for the study of kerogen and gas in the two basins is in our opinion the most appropriate to meet the objectives proposed in this thesis. This allows to characterize the thermal evolution of coal, carbonaceous shale (shale gas), coal gas and hydrocarbon source rocks

Klíčové faktory akumulace půdní organické hmoty / Key factors in soil organic matter accumulation

Vindušková, Olga January 2017 (has links)
Soil organic matter (SOM) is highly important for soil quality and the global carbon cycle. SOM content is influenced by a complex interplay of many different factors such as time, climate, parent material, vegetation, and others. The effect of time is often studied using the chronosequence approach using a set of study sites differing in age but comparable in other soil-forming factors. The effect of other factors can be studied by comparing two or more chronosequences. An important assumption of these approaches is that the SOM quantification methods produce comparable results both among sites of each sequence and among different sequences. In this thesis, I explored the key factors in SOM accumulation and dealt with SOM quantification methods. I studied SOM accumulation in two model situations - in post-mining sites after open-cast coal and oil shale mining and in landslides in the Western Carpathians. The results of this thesis are summarized in one book chapter accepted for publication and four papers, out of which three have been published and one is prepared for publication in an international journal with impact factor. The key factor affecting the rate of SOM accumulation after a major disturbance is time. The accumulation rates found in the first 40 to 100 years in both post-mining sites...

Etude de la terminaison méridionale de l'Oural (Mougodjar, Kazakhstan) : évolution tectonique et stratigraphique du bassin d'avant-pays au Paléozoïque (Dévonien à Permien) / Study of southern Urals in Mougodjar (Kazakhstan) : Late Palaeozoic tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the foreland basin

Abdulanova, Saya 07 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude du bassin d’avant-pays de l’Oural méridional au Kazakhstan (Mougodjar) à partir de données sédimentologiques (affleurements) et de sub-surface (profils sismiques, puits). Une étude sédimentologique des séries turbiditiques d’âge Carbonifère terminal-Permien inférieur a été menée dans le Mougodjar. L’étude des dépôts a permis de caractériser les environnements des dépôts turbiditiques et de mettre en évidence des séquences de long terme se succédant du Carbonifère terminal au Permien inférieur. L’analyse des faciès turbiditiques montre que les séquences de long terme sont contrôlées par les fluctuations du niveau marin global sous contrôle glacio-eustatique. L’orogenèse du Permien inférieur associée à la surrection de l’Oural a contrôlé le volume et la nature des apports sédimentaires alimentant le bassin d’avant-pays. Ceci se traduit par l’importance variable des conglomérats et brèches de démantèlement du matériel volcanique et des plate-formes carbonatées situées sur les marges du bassin et par des réorganisations locales des pentes sous-marines (changements de sens des paléo-courants). Les minéraux smectitiques dominent les assemblages argileux analysés dans les séries du Carbonifère terminal au Permien inférieur. L’illite, la kaolinite et la chlorite sont présentes en plus faibles proportions. Les assemblages argileux indiquent une relative pérennité des apports détritiques qui varient au cours du temps selon la distribution des faciès turbiditiques. Les fluctuations climatiques n’apparaissent pas contrôler la distribution des minéraux argileux qui semble plutôt associée (1) à l’érosion de stocks argileux variés en fonction des fluctuations eustatiques et/ou (2) à la redistribution du matériel détritique le long d’un transect proximal-distal sous l’effet de processus de tri granulométrique. La distribution de la matière organique principalement marine du Dévonien moyen au Carbonifère, montre que les paléoenvironnements étaient favorables à de fortes paléo-productivité de surface probablement associées à une dysoxie/anoxie de toute ou partie de la colonne d’eau, dans un contexte de bassin marin restreint. Les plus fortes valeurs de COT (20 %) mesurées dans la coupe de Kiya (Famennien) sont pourraient être associées à un des OAEs majeurs du Dévonien, l’évènement Hangenberg, mais la précision des données biostratigraphiques disponibles ne permet pas de l’assurer. Quoi qu’il en soit, les OAE qui se succèdent au Dévonien auraient pu favoriser l’accumulation et la préservation de la matière organique dans le Dévonien du Mougodjar, en plus des facteurs physiographiques (restriction du bassin vers le sud). Les fortes concentrations en carbone organique (COT 20%) des sédiments dévoniens montrent de bonnes roches mères potentielles. Les teneurs en carbone organique, surtout d’origine terrestre, des sédiments turbiditiques permiens sont plus faibles (COT pouvant cependant atteindre 4%) mais assez élevées dans certains niveaux stratigraphiques. Les faciès silto-sableux proximaux ont livré les plus fortes concentrations en COT. Ces turbidites permiennes ont des caractéristiques de réservoirs. Elles peuvent aussi se révéler de roches-mères gas-prone potentielles. L’interprétation des données de sub-surface nous a permis de préciser la structure du bassin d’avant-pays à l’échelle de l’Oural méridional. Il est constitué de plis et de chevauchements à vergence est qui résultent d’une évolution polyphasée. Les plis s’amortissent vers l’ouest et passent à la partie peu déformée du bassin puis à la plate-forme. A partir de ces données nous avons reconstruit des schémas d’évolution tectono-sédimentaire et des cartes paléogéographiques de la partie occidentale du Mougodjar. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of the foreland basin of southern Ural in Kazakhstan (Mougodjar). Sedimentological data have been collected from field investigations, and sub-surface data (seismic profiles, wells) have been studied. A sedimentological investigation of the turbidites, Carboniferous to Early Permian in age, has been performed. It allowed to characterize the environments of deposition of the turbidites and to evidence the long-term succession from uppermost Carboniferous to early Permian. The analysis of turbides indicates that the long-term sequences are controlled by global sea-level changes controlled by glacio-eustatism. The Early Permian orogeny, associated to the uplift of the Ural chain, controlled the quantity and quality of the sedimentary input sourcing the foreland basin. Important variations in the conglomeratic levels reflect (1) the erosion of material from the volcanic arc and carbonate platforms constituting the margins of the basin, and (2) local reorganizations of sub-marine slopes (changes in paleo-current directions). The smectitic minerals are the most frequent in the clay minerals assemblages reported in the uppermost Carboniferous to Early Permian sequences. Illite, Kaolinite, and chlorite are less frequently observed. This assemblage of clay minerals shows a permanence of detrital sources filling the basin. This pattern is thought to reflect a sorting effect of the clay particles along a proximal-distal transect, either than a direct paleoclimatic control. The distribution of the organic matter, mainly marine from the Middle Devonian to the Carboniferous indicates that the paleoenvironments were looked favourable to high surface paleoproductivities associated to a dysoxy/anoxy of all, or part, of the water column in the context of a restricted marine basin. The highest values of COT (20 %) found in the Kiya section (Fammenian) may be associated to a major Devonian OAE, the Hangenberg event. However, the accuracy of available biostratigraphic data does not allow to ensure such correlation. Indeed, OAE events may have favoured the accumulation and preservation of the organic matter in the Mougodjar, in addition to physiographical effects (e.g., the relative closure of the basin toward the south). The high concentration in organic carbon (COT 20%) of the Devonian sediments shows good potential source rocks. The content in organic matter, mainly from terrestrial origin, of the Permian turbidites are lower (COT reaching up to 4%), but quite high in some stratigraphic levels. The proximal silty-sandy deposits display the higher COT values. These Permian turbidites may be good reservoirs. They could also be potential gas-prone source rocks. The study of the sub-surface data allowed us to determine the structure of the foreland basin at the scale of southern Ural. It is constituted of folds and west-vergent thrusts resulting from a polyphased tectonic evolution. The folds gradually disappear toward the west passing westward either to the stable Russian platform in the north or to the eastern Pre-Caspian basin to the south. We have reconstructed the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Mougodjar through paleogeographic maps. Five key periods have been selected between the Devonian to early Permian period. Our reconstructions evidence two main orogenic events: (1) a first collision between the European continent and the Magnitogorsk volcanic arc in Middle Devonian, and (2) the major uralian orogeny during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian times resulting from the collision of the European continent with the Kazakh and Siberian plates. This event originated the foreland basin, which is almost completely fulfilled by a thick detrital sequence. In Kungurian, the foreland basin is almost completely isolated and a thick evaporitic sequence deposited.

Ιζηματολογική και γεωχημική μελέτη του σχηματισμού Μετόχια / Sedimentological and geochemical analysis of Metochia formation

Πυλιώτης, Ιωάννης 08 May 2012 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η μελέτη των ιζηματολογικών και γεωχημικών χαρακτηριστικών του νεογενούς σχηματισμού Μετόχια στην νήσο Γαύδο με κατεύθυνση την αναζήτηση πιθανών μητρικών πετρωμάτων υδρογονανθράκων. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση της γεωλογίας της περιοχής μελέτης καθώς και γενικότερα της λεκάνης Μεσσαρά-Γαύδου, περιγραφή της τομής δειγματοληψίας και τέλος της γεωδυναμικής και παλαιογεωγραφικής εξέλιξης της ευρύτερης περιοχής. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο καταρχήν πραγματοποιείται μια επιγραμματική αναφορά των συνθηκών που απαιτούνται για την γένεση πεδίων υδρογονανθράκων και κατόπιν δίνεται έμφαση στα χαρακτηριστικά του οργανικού υλικού που εγκλωβίζεται στα ιζήματα και στον τρόπο δημιουργίας των μητρικών πετρωμάτων. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο περιγράφονται οι γεωχημικές αναλύσεις που πραγματοποιήθηκαν. Το κεφάλαιο αυτό χωρίζεται σε δυο μέρη. Στο πρώτο περιγράφεται η ανάλυση ανθρακικού ασβεστίου και τα αποτελέσματα της. Στο δεύτερο μέρος παρουσιάζονται βιβλιογραφικά δεδομένα του ολικού οργανικού άνθρακα από την περιοχής της Μεσσαρά και τα αποτελέσματα της ανάλυσης του ολικού οργανικού άνθρακα καθώς και τα χαρακτηριστικά του οργανικού υλικού που προέκυψαν από την παρούσα διατριβή. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια περιγραφή των μεθόδων κοκκομετρικής ανάλυσης που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν, η σύγκριση των μεθόδων, τα αποτελέσματα και η σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων που προέκυψαν. Τέλος στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας διατριβής. / The aim of this thesis is to study the sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the Neogene Metochia formation on the island of Gavdos towards the exploration for potential hydrocarbon source rocks. The first chapter is a review of the geology of the study area and generally the geology of the Messara-Gavdos basin, a description of the sampling section and the geodynamic and paleogeographic evolution of the area. In the second chapter a brief review of the conditions required for the genesis of hydrocarbons fields is provided, and then the characteristics of the organic material trapped in sediments and how source rock being creating, is emphasised. In the third chapter the geochemical analysis don are described. This chapter is divided into two parts. First part describes the analysis of the total calcium carbonate and the results obtained. Second part presents bibliographical data for total organic carbon from Messara area samples and the results of the total organic carbon analysis derived from this thesis, as well as the characteristics of organic material of the studied samples. The fourth chapter describes the grain-size analysis methods used in this thesis, a comparison of these methods, the results obtained and a comparison of them. Finally in the fifth chapter the outcomes of this thesis are presented.

Pétrofaciès, sédimentologie et architecture stratigraphique des roches riches en matière organique : étude multi-approches des formations Montney et Doig (Trias inferieur et moyen, Alberta - Colombie Britannique, Canada) / Petrofacies, sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of organic rich rocks : insights from a multi-disciplinary study of the Montney and Doig formations (lower and middle Triassic, Alberta - British Columbia, Canada)

Crombez, Vincent 01 March 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d’affiner notre compréhension de la distribution des hétérogénéités de concentration de la matière organique dans les roches mères en se basant sur des affleurements et des données de puits provenant des Formations Triasiques de Montney et Doig (Canada). La méthodologie développée dans cette étude est la suivante : (1) la corrélation de forages sur les principes de la stratigraphie séquentielles, (2) l’analyse d’échantillons prélevés sur des affleurements, des carottes et des débris de forages avec un Rock-Eval, un ICP-MS/AES (3) l’intégration des résultats des analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques dans le cadre stratigraphique, (4) l’utilisation du code numérique DIONISOS pour restaurer l’architecture stratigraphique des Formations de Montney et Doig et tester plusieurs scénarios de productivité primaire et de restriction du bassin.Les formations de Montney et Doig ont été découpées en quatre séquences elles-mêmes regroupées en deux cycles de second ordre (A et B) séparés par un hiatus majeurs. Cette étude montre que les formations triasiques de l’Ouest du Canada se sont déposées dans un bassin actif et non pas sur une marge passive. L’intégration des résultats des analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques dans le cadre stratigraphique fait ressortir deux niveaux d’accumulation de la matière organique : une dans le FSST de la séquence A et une dans le TST de la séquence B. La modélisation avec DIONISOS montre un effondrement majeur des apports sédimentaires entre le Trias inférieur et moyen. Dernièrement, cette étude met en avant le contrôle de premier ordre de l’évolution géodynamique sur l’accumulation de la matière organique. / The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of sedimentary organic matter heterogeneities in unconventional plays, based on outcrop and well data from the Triassic Montney and Doig Formations. The workflow comprises four steps: (1) well correlations, based on sequence stratigraphy, (2) Rock-Eval VI and ICP-MS/AES analyses of outcrop, core and cutting samples, (3) integration of the analyses results in the stratigraphic framework, (4) a process-based forward modeling of the stratigraphic evolution of the basin with DIONISOS in order to test multiple scenarios of primary productivity and basin restriction.The stratigraphic architecture of the Montney and Doig Fms has been subdivided into four sequences gathered in two second order cycles (A and B) separated by a major time gap (approx. 2 My). This study shows that the deposition of the Triassic series on the Western margin of North America took place in an active structural context and not on a passive margin. The integration of the geochemical and petrographic analyses results in the stratigraphic framework shows that significant organic accumulations are located in the FSST of sequence A and in the TST of sequence B. DIONISOS shows a major drop of the sedimentary inputs between Lower and Middle Triassic that is interpreted to be linked to the regional geodynamic evolution and the early stages of the Canadian Cordillera orogeny. Lastly, this study emphasizes the first order control of the geodynamic evolution on organic rich accumulation.

Thermal History and Deep Overpressure Modelling in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia

He, Sheng January 2002 (has links)
The Northern Carnarvon Basin is the richest petroleum province in Australia. About 50 gas/condensate and oil fields, associated mainly with Jurassic source rocks, have been discovered in the sub-basins and on the Rankin Platform since 1964. The basin is located at the southern end of the North West Shelf of Australia. It can be mainly subdivided into the Exmouth, Barrow, Dampier and Beagle Sub-basins, the Rankin Platform and Exmouth Plateau. The sub-basins are rift-related grabens and half-grabens developed during the Jurassic to the earliest Cretaceous and contain over 10 kilometres of Mesozoic and Cainozoic sedimentary rocks, among which are several thousand meters of Jurassic rocks. The formations of the Jurassic and the lower part of the Barrow Group of Early Cretaceous age in the sub-basins of the Northern Carnarvon Basin were found to be overpressured with excess pressures of 5-29 MPa at depths of 2900-3600 m indicated by repeat formation tests (RFTs) and drill stem tests (DSTs). The characteristics of organic matter, thermal history and thermal maturity, pressure seal and overpressure evolution in the sub-basins are crucial to a proper understanding of the nature and dynamic processes of hydrocarbon generation and migration in the basin. Based on organic geochemical data, the important source rocks in the basin are Jurassic organic-rich fine-grained rocks including the Murat Siltstone, the rift-related Athol Formation and Dingo Claystone. The Mungaroo Formation of the Middle-Upper Triassic contains gas-generating source rocks. These formations recognised to be organic rich based on 1256 values of the total organic carbon content (TOC, %) from 17 wells. Average TOC values (calculated from samples with TOC < 15 %) are about 2.19 % in the Mungaroo Formation, about 2.09 % in the Murat Siltstone and about 1.74 % in the Athol Formation and Dingo Claystone. / Data from kerogen element analysis, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, visual kerogen composition and some biomarkers have been used to evaluate the kerogen type in the basin. It appears that type III kerogen is the dominant organic-matter type in the Triassic and Jurassic source rocks, while the Dingo Claystone may contain some oil-prone organic matter. The vitrinite reflectance (Ro) data in some wells of the Northern Carnarvon Basin are anomalously low. As a major thermal maturity indicator, the anomalously low Ro data seriously hinder the assessment of thermal maturity in the basin. This study differs from other studies in that it has paid more attention to Rock-Eval Tmax data. Therefore, problems affecting Tmax data in evaluating thermal maturity were investigated. A case study of contaminated Rock-Eval data in Bambra-2 and thermal modelling using Tmax data in 16 wells from different tectonic subdivisions were carried out. The major problems for using Tmax data were found to be contamination by drilling-mud additives, natural bitumen and suppression due to hydrogen index (HI) > 150 in some wells. Although the data reveal uncertainties and there is about ±3-10 % error for thermal modelling by using the proposed relationship of Ro and Tmax, the "reliable" Tmax data are found to be important, and useful to assess thermal maturity and reduce the influence of unexpectedly low Ro data. / This study analyzed the characteristics of deep overpressured zones and top pressure seals, in detail, in 7 wells based on the observed fluid pressure data and petrophysical data. The deep overpressured system (depth greater than 2650-3000 m) in the Jurassic formations and the lower part of the Barrow Group is shown by the measured fluid pressure data including RFTs, DSTs and mud weights. The highly overpressured Jurassic fine-grained rocks also exhibit well-log responses of high sonic transit times and low formation resistivities. The deep overpressured zone, however, may not necessarily be caused by anomalously high porosities due to undercompaction. The porosities in the deep overpressured Jurassic rocks may be significantly less than the well-log derived porosities, which may indicate that the sonic-log and resistivity-log also directly respond to the overpressuring in the deep overpressured fine-grained rocks of the sub-basins. Based on the profiles of fluid pressure and well-log data in 5 wells of the Barrow Sub-basin, a top pressure seal was interpreted to be consistent with the transitional pressure zone in the Barrow Sub-basin. This top pressure seal was observed to consist of a rock layer of 60-80 % claystone and siltstone. The depths of the rock layer range from 2650 m to 3300 m with thicknesses of 300-500 m and temperatures of 110-135 °C. Based on the well-log data, measured porosity and sandstone diagenesis, the rock layer seems to be well compacted and cemented with a porosity range of about 2-5 % and calculated permeabilities of about 10-19 to 10-22 M2. / This study performed thermal history and maturity modelling in 14 wells using the BasinMod 1D software. It was found that the thermal maturity data in 4 wells are consistent with the maturity curves predicted by the rifting heat flow history associated with the tectonic regime of this basin. The maximum heat flows during the rift event of the Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous possibly ranged from 60-70 mW/m2 along the sub-basins and 70-80 mW/m2 on the southern and central Exmouth Plateau. This study also carried out two case studies of thermal maturity and thermal modelling within the deep overpressured system in the Barrow and Bambra wells of the Barrow Sub-basin. These case studies were aimed at understanding whether overpressure has a determinable influence on thermal maturation in this region. It was found that there is no evidence for overpressure-related retardation of thermal maturity in the deep overpressured system, based on the measured maturity, biomarker maturity parameters and 1D thermal modelling. Therefore, based on the data analysed, overpressure is an insignificant factor in thermal maturity and h hydrocarbon generation in this basin. / Three seismic lines in the Exmouth, Barrow and Dampier Sub-basins were selected and converted to depth cross-sections, and then 2D geological models were created for overpressure evolution modelling. A major object of these 2D geological models was to define the critical faults. A top pressure seal was also detected based on the 2D model of the Barrow Sub-basin. Two-dimensional overpressure modelling was performed using the BasinMod 2D software. The mathematical 2D model takes into consideration compaction, fluid thermal expansion, pressure produced by hydrocarbon generation and quartz cementation. The sealed overpressured conditions can be modelled with fault sealing, bottom pressure seal (permeabilities of 10-23 to 10-25 M2 ) and top pressure seal (permeabilities of 10-19 to 10-22 m2). The modelling supports the development of a top pressure seal with quartz cementation. The 2D modelling suggests the rapid sedimentation rates can cause compaction disequilibrium in the fine-grained rocks, which may be a mechanism for overpressure generation during the Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. The data suggest that the present-day deep overpressure is not associated with the porosity anomaly due to compaction disequilibrium and that compaction may be much less important than recurrent pressure charges because most of the porosity in the Jurassic source rocks has been lost through compaction and deposition rates have been very slow since the beginning of the Cainozoic. / Three simple 1D models were developed and applied to estimate how rapidly the overpressure dissipates. The results suggest that the present day overpressure would be almost dissipated after 2 million years with a pressure seal with an average permeability of 10-22 M2 (10-7 md). On the basis of numerous accumulations of oil and gas to be expelled from the overpressured Jurassic source rocks in the basin and the pressure seal modelling, it seems that the top pressure seal with permeabilities of 10-19 to 10-22 M2 (10-4 to 10-7 md) is not enough to retain the deep overpressure for tens of millions of years without pressure recharging. Only if the permeabilities were 10-23 m2 (10-8 md) or less, would a long-lived overpressured system be preserved. This study suggests that hydrocarbon generation, especially gas generation and thermal expansion, within sealed conditions of low-permeability is a likely major cause for maintaining the deep overpressure over the past tens of millions of years. Keywords: Thermal history; Deep overpressure; Type III kerogen; Rock-Eval Tmax; Thermal maturity; Palaeoheatflow modelling; Pressure seal; 2D deep overpressure modelling; Pressure behaviour modelling; Overpressure generation; Northern Carnarvon Basin.

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