Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dock mass"" "subject:"rock mass""
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Aplicações de técnicas de desmonte escultural em maciços rochosos fraturados para melhorias na segurança operacional. / Application of contour blasting techniques on fractured rock mass to improve operational safety.Barrere, Leticia Mara de Souza Almeida 14 November 2017 (has links)
Pedreiras que sofreram uma extração precária ou sem planejamento no passado, apresentam, atualmente, áreas de riscos operacionais ligadas, sobretudo, à geotecnia dos taludes. Desmontes esculturais são aplicados na indústria mineral visando a melhorias nas questões ambientais e geotécnicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar técnicas de desmontes esculturais para solucionar problemas na segurança operacional, os quais são relacionados diretamente com a instabilidade das bancadas. Além disso, identificar a relação da qualidade do maciço rochoso no resultado do desmonte e a viabilidade desse projeto nas questões técnicas e econômicas. Os desmontes experimentais foram aplicados em uma mina de calcário da Região Metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo, modificando a geometria do plano de fogo e o carregamento dos furos. O desempenho dos experimentos foi medido a partir de indicadores de performance, os quais serão relacionados com um mapa de distribuição do RQD da parede da bancada, construído a partir de um mapeamento geomecânico. A viabilidade do projeto foi dimensionada a partir de parâmetros operacionais, de segurança e econômico. As análises mostraram que as regiões que apresentaram o maior valor de RDQ tiveram o melhor resultado no desmonte, comprovando, assim, a influência da qualidade do maciço na qualidade do desmonte. Apesar de o desmonte escultural aumentar o custo anual do empreendimento, os impactos positivos gerados na segurança e na operação são significativos: redução no volume de matacos e na geração de blocos soltos na parede da bancada, menor tempo de carregamento dos caminhões e queda do efeito backbreak. Os resultados dos experimentos também mostram que a aplicação do desmonte escultural pode ser uma solução aos problemas nas áreas de riscos do empreendimento. Com isso, há um aumento na vida útil da cava e o incremento no custo torna-se um investimento no negócio, tornando o projeto viável. / Precarious material extraction or unplanned exploitation of quarries in the past resulted today in many operational problems of entire zones of those sites, mainly because of slopes instability. Contour blasting is applied in mining industry to respond to environmental and geotechnical-related issues. The objective of this work is thus to apply contour blasting techniques to solve problems related to operational safety, which are directly related to slopes instability. The strong impact of rock mass quality on the results of blasting as well as on technical and economic sustainability of the project is also stressed out in this study. Blasting experiments were performed in a calcareous mine in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (Brazil). Parameters such as blasting pattern and hole loading have been modified. The efficiency of those tests was then measured with key performance indicators and compared to the distribution of RQD values at the surface of the slope, which was mapped thanks to a preliminary geomechanical study. The assessment of project sustainability was based on operational, safety and economic parameters. The analysis of the results showed that regions with a higher RQD presented a better blasting efficiency, which proved the importance of the rock mass quality on the blasting quality. In spite of representing a higher annual cost than regular blasting techniques, contour blasting has a significant positive impact on safety and operations: reduction in volume of over rock blocks, decreasing number of loose blocks at the surface of the slope, decreasing duration of truck loading and less backbreak effect. The experimental results thus showed that the application of contour blasting can be a solution in risk-exposed areas of a quarry as it enables to increase the operating life of the site, which turns the higher cost of contour blasting into a durable investment and improves the sustainability of the project. Read more
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Estudo de um túnel em maciço rochoso fraturado por investigação geológico-geotécnica e análises pelo método dos elementos distintos. / Study of a tunnel in a fractured rock mass by geological and geotechnical investigation and analysis with the distinct element method.Pedro Pazzoto Cacciari 23 July 2014 (has links)
O comportamento geomecânico de túneis em rocha é fortemente influenciado pelas estruturas geológicas (descontinuidades) presentes no maciço. Do ponto de vista geométrico, estas estruturas são caracterizadas por parâmetros que descrevem suas orientações, frequências e comprimentos. Estes parâmetros, na maioria dos casos, são determinados em campanhas de campo, com bússola geológica e trena. Entretanto, limitações de tempo e acesso dificultam a execução destes trabalhos, impossibilitando a obtenção de números elevados de dados, que possibilitam análises estatísticas mais complexas. Para superar estas dificuldades, no presente estudo, o mapeamento das descontinuidades foi realizado em imagens do túnel Monte Seco, pertencente a Estrada de Ferro Vitória Minas (EFVM), obtidas por scanner a laser 3D. Neste mapeamento, tanto a orientação, quanto a posição e o comprimento dos traços das descontinuidades foram determinados com boa precisão, possibilitando a verificação da distribuição da intensidade de fraturamento de diferentes trechos, ao longo do túnel. Utilizando estes trechos diferenciados pela intensidade de fraturamento, foram elaboradas análises estatísticas mais complexas e adequadas (por janelas de amostragem e linhas de varredura) para determinação da orientação, comprimento médio dos traços e espaçamentos médios das famílias de descontinuidades. Com os parâmetros geométricos das descontinuidades, o modelo probabilístico de blocos rígidos foi construído, utilizando o software 3DEC. Assim, os parâmetros mecânicos das descontinuidades foram estimados utilizando correlações empíricas (a partir de descrições do maciço rochoso realizadas em mapeamentos geológicos por dentro do túnel), além de alguns ensaios de campo e laboratório. As análises com este modelo foram executadas para verificação da queda de blocos, e comparadas com as seções atuais do túnel. Os resultados indicaram que diferentes critérios de ruptura devem ser utilizados para diferentes tipos de descontinuidades (fraturas e foliação), e evidenciaram a importância de estimativas mais coerentes de parâmetros geométricos das descontinuidades nos resultados finais das análises. / The geomechanical behaviour of rock tunnels is strongly influenced by geological structures in the rock mass. Rock discontinuities are geometrically characterized by parameters that describes their orientations, frequency and lengths. In most cases, these parameters are determined in field inspections, using geological compass and measuring tapes. However, timeframes and access limitation hinder this procedure, making it impossible to obtain large amount of data that allow complex statistical analysis. To overcome these difficulties, here the discontinuity mapping was performed using images of the Monte Seco tunnel, obtained by 3D terrestrial laser scanning. In this case, the orientation, position and trace length of each discontinuity was determined with precision, allowing the verification of the fracture intensity distribution in different parts of the tunnel. Using these parts (differentiated by its fracture intensities), statistical analyses were performed, using sampling windows and scanlines, in order to determine the orientation mean trace length and spacing of discontinuity sets. Once the geometrical parameters of discontinuity sets were determined, a probabilistic model of rigid blocks was generated, using the 3DEC software. Thus, the mechanical parameters of discontinuity sets were estimated by empirical correlations (performed using descriptions of the rock mass obtained during geological inspections in the tunnel), and some laboratory and field tests. The analyses with this model were performed to verify the instability of blocks (block falls), and compared with actual cross sections of the tunnel. The results indicate that different failure criteria must be used for different discontinuity types (fractures and foliation), and revealed the importance of consistent estimated of geometrical parameters of discontinuity sets. Read more
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Geotechnical Characterization And Rock Mass Classification Of The Antalya Karstic Rock MassesSopaci, Evrim 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis identifies the geotechnical parameters of the Antalya karstic foundation rocks
(travertine/tufa), which are highly variable in nature, by means of geological observations,
geotechnical site investigations, and field and laboratory geomechanics tests to examine
karstic (mainly tufa) rock mass behavior. Several geotechnical parameters such as
porosity, seismic wave velocity, uniaxial compressive strength, Young&rsquo / s modulus, tensile
strength, etc. that are thought to have significant influence on rock mass behavior have
been tested and statistically analyzed. Principal component analysis and multiple linear
and non-linear regression analyses have been carried out in order to reveal correlations
between the geotechnical parameters tested. Porosity has been statistically determined to
be one of the major parameters governing the strength of the Antalya tufa rock mass.
Intact rock failure criteria, among which Bieniawski&rsquo / s criterion has been proven to be
more appropriate for each tufa type (phytoherm framestone, phytoherm boundstone,
microcrystalline tufa, phytoclast tufa and intraclast tufa) along with the Antalya tufa rock
mass have been determined from the experiments. GSI rock mass classification of the
Antalya tufa rock mass, whose GSI value was recommended between 20± / 5 and 75± / 5, has
been attempted to be used in engineering design. Furthermore, the depth and dimension of
the karstic cavities and fractures have been investigated by the geophysical tests, surface
geological survey and subsurface investigations (borings and observation pits). Read more
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Bergerosion i utskovskanaler / Rock Scour in Spillway ChannelsMörén, Lena January 2005 (has links)
Today’s climate changes will probably give rise to precipitation in Sweden, which will cause more floods in Swedish rivers. Many of the Swedish rivers are regulated and have lots of hydro-electro power plants. Higher floods in the rivers will give greater water loads on the dams, which mean that a higher discharge through the sluice gates and in the spillway channels is needed. High discharge of water in a spillway channel can create scour of the material in the channel. Usually, for spillways in Swedish hydropower plants, this material is rock and the scour is in form of rock blocks. Scour downstream of dams can in the worst case endanger the dam construction. The purpose of this study was to identify the extent and the type of rock scour that may appear in spillway channels of Swedish hydro power plants. The scour in rock material in a spillway channel is usually caused by pressure fluctuations in the water, which can cause large differences in pressure on the top and bottom surfaces of blocks. This pressure difference can be high enough to lift whole blocks. The main factors that affect this kind of scour are the crack pattern of the rock mass, the geometry of the spillway, the discharge of water and the surface fluctuation in the water. In this study a numeric model analyse, a field study and a literature study has been made in order to examine the influence on scour of the orientation of cracks in a rock mass. A rock mass containing a group of cracks with small or no dip is more likely to scour when it is exposed to discharging water. The orientation of the cracks in a rock mass relative to the direction of the water flow has also an impact on the capacity of the rock mass to resist scour. In the field study the scour pattern in the spillway channels of the hydro power plants in Ligga, Harsprånget, Porjus, Satisjaure and Seitevare was examined. The scour of rock mass in the spillway channels in Ligga, Harsprånget and Porjus has been extensive. The rock mass in these channels has bedding cracks of small distances. This is probably the reason why these rock masses are sensitive for loads from discharging water. The rock mass in the spillway channel in Satisjaure has lots of cracks and is also very sensitive for loads from discharging water. This channel has been rebuilt during 2004. There are different methods to predict the ability of a rock mass to resist scour. The Erodibility Index Method is a semi-empirical method that is verified by field observations in the USA. In this work the ability to apply this method on Swedish channels has been examined with field observations from Porjus, Harsprånget and Seitevare. As the Erodibility Index Method seemed to work in the case of these three spillways, it was also applied on the spillways in Satisjaure and Ligga. Measures to reduce the energy in the discharging water in the spillways are very effective to reduce the risk of scouring in the rock mass. Blasted stairs in the rock mass in a channel or a stilling basin downstream the sluice gate is something that can reduce the energy in discharging water. Further documentary of spillway channels, like mapping and laser scanning, would contribute to a further verification of the Erodibility Index Method and to get a general survey of the risk of scour in Swedish spillways. / Dagens klimatsituation ser ut att ge ökad mängd nederbörd i Sverige, vilket innebär att de svenska älvarna kommer att utsättas för allt högre vattenflöden. De flesta av Sveriges älvar är reglerade, d v s längs älvarna finns en mängd större och mindre dammar. Ett högre flöde i älvarna innebär även rikligare tillrinning till dammarna vilket medför att avbördningen från dem måste bli större. Avbördningen från dammarna sker genom utskov och höga vattenflöden i utskovskanalerna kan orsaka erosion på det berg som kanalen vanligen består av. Erosionen är av typen ”blockerosion” där hela bergblock av större eller mindre storlek lösgörs från bergmassan. I värsta fall kan blockerosionen krypa uppströms och erodera dammkroppen bakifrån, vilket skulle kunna innebära att dammen brister. Syftet med detta arbete var att identifiera omfattning och typ av bergerosionsproblem som uppkommer i utskovskanaler. Blockerosion uppkommer i regel då forsande vatten skapar tryckskillnader mellan övre och undre ytan på block. Tryckskillnaden kan då skapa tillräckliga lyftkrafter för att block ska lossna. De huvudsakliga faktorerna som styr blockerosionen är bergmassans sprickighet och material, utskovskanalens geometri och vattnets flöde och ytfluktuation. Genom litteraturstudie, numerisk modellanalys samt fältstudie har inverkan på blockerosionen av sprickriktningar utretts. En bergmassa som innehåller sprickgrupper som har liten, nära horisontell, stupning är känslig för vattenbelastning. Stupningsriktningen i förhållande till flödesriktningen har också betydelse för blockerosionen. Stupningsriktning i flödesriktningen gör bergmassan mer känslig för belastning av forsande vatten och gynnar därmed erosionen. Utskovskanalerna i Ligga, Harsprånget, Porjus, Satisjaure samt Seitevare har undersökts med avseende på erosionsrisk. Erosionen i Ligga, Harsprånget och Porjus har varit omfattande och detta beror troligtvis på att dessa kanaler har subhorisontella bankningssprickor med litet sprickavstånd. I Satisjaure är bergmassan mycket sprickig, varför denna kanal är mycket känslig för vattnets belastning. Där har dock åtgärder vidtagits så att kanalen ska tåla sitt dimensionerande flöde. I Seitevare är erosionsrisken i kanalens övre del liten. Det finns olika metoder för att bedöma erosionsrisken i en bergmassa. Erosionsindexmetoden är en semiempirisk metod som är verifierad med platsobservationer i USA. Med hjälp av observationer från Porjus, Harsprånget och Seitevare har erosionsindexmetodens tillämplighet på svenska kanaler undersökts. För dessa tre observationer verkar metoden fungera bra och har därför även använts i kanalerna i Satisjaure och Ligga. Energidämpande åtgärder i kanalerna, såsom energiomvandlargropar och utsprängda trappor i kanalerna, har visats sig vara mycket effektivt för att minska erosionsrisken. En noga dokumentering av utskovskanaler, som t ex kartering och inmätningar, skulle bidra till att erosionsindexmetoden kunde verifieras ytterligare och att en översiktlig bedömning av erosionsrisken i utskovskanaler enkelt kan erhållas. Read more
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Determination Of The Rock Mass Characteristics And Support Systems Of The New Ulus Tunnel, AnkaraAksular, Irem 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The New Ulus Tunnel will be constructed within the andesitic terrain at
Hidirliktepe (Ankara). Excavation of the tunnel will be accomplished through blast
and drill method. Emprical methods will be consulted during the design of the
support systems as well as the slope of the portal rock face. Therefore it is essential
to perform detailed rock mass characterization studies.
In this thesis it is aimed to determine the rock mass characteristics in order
to design the rock slope of the portals and to assess the reliable support systems for
the tunnel. For this purpose laboratory tests and field investigations were conducted.
Field investigations involved detailed discontinuity measurements and borehole
drillings. In respect of laboratory tests / point load index, unit weight and uniaxial
compression strength tests were used.
The field and laboratory test results were utilized in the Rock Mass
Classification Systems (RMR, Q-system) in order to ascertain the rock mass
characteristics. By all accounts, necessary tunnel support systems were determined.
As for the portal areas, the rock face design was accomplished through kinematical
analyses. Consequently, no failure is expected at the portal rock slopes.
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Numerical Validation and Refinement of Empirical Rock Mass Modulus EstimationHUME, COLIN DAVID 21 September 2011 (has links)
A sound understanding of rock mass characteristics is critical for the engineering prediction of tunnel stability and deformation both during construction and post-excavation. The rock mass modulus of deformation is a necessary input parameter for many numerical analysis methods to describe the constitutive behavior of a rock mass. Tests for determining this parameter directly by in situ test methods are inherently difficult, time consuming and expensive, and these challenges are more problematic when dealing with tunnels in weaker, softer rock masses where errors in modulus (stiffness) estimation have a profound impact on closure predictions. In addition, rock masses with modest structure can be candidate sites for highly sensitive structures such as nuclear waste repository tunnels. For these generally stiffer rock masses, the correct modulus assessment is essential for prediction of thermal response during the service life of the tunnel.
Numerous empirical relationships based on rock mass classification schemes have been developed to determine rock mass deformation modulus in response to these issues. The empirical relationship provided by Hoek & Diederichs (2006) based on Geological Strength Index (GSI) has been determined from a database of in situ test data describing a wide range of rock masses with GSI values greater than 25 and less than 80. Within this range of applications there is a large variation in measured values compared to the predicted relationship and predictive uncertainty at low GSI values. In this research, a practical range of rock mass quality, as defined by GSI, including "Blocky\Disturbed\Seamy" rock masses, "Very Blocky" and relatively competent rock masses are analyzed using discretely fractured numerical models. In particular the focus is on tunnel response. Tunnel closure in these simulations is compared to predictions based on modulus estimates. The proposed refinement to the Generalized Hoek-Diederichs relationship is made on the basis of these simulations for tunnelling applications. / Thesis (Master, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-09-20 22:34:06.642 Read more
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TITLE: AN IMPROVED ROCK MASS BEHAVIOR NUMERICAL MODEL AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO LONGWALL COAL MINING The rock mass constitutive models should include elastic moduli, strength and stiffness of intact rock as well as those of joints and geometric properties of joints. The post-failure behavior of intact rock and joints must also be specified. A direct application of the above comments is in longwall coal mining where the coal as well as the immediate roof and floor strata may undergo controlled brittle failure and associated weakening in tension and shear based on post- failure characteristics of the rock mass. In addition to controlled failure and weakening of the rock mass ahead and over the longwall face, large scale caving and compaction of caved materials occur behind the longwall face. Itasca’s Cave-Hoek three dimensional constitutive model has the ability to model longwall mining process that involve the above mentioned mechanism of rock mass failure and compaction. However, its testing to date is limited. The overall goals of research are two-fold: 1) Develop numerical modeling approaches that consider the caving behavior of jointed rock masses in design and analysis, and 2) Apply these techniques in designing stable chain-pillars and set-up rooms for longwall coal mining. Specific objectives are to: 1) Develop an improved constitutive model for prediction of post-peak behavior of rock masses typical of longwall mining in Illinois, 2) Implement the improved model for predicting gob material behavior using FLAC3D numerical code (most commercial codes do not have a built in model for gob material) and its effects on load transfer into gate entries, 3) Identify mechanisms of instability in setup rooms, 4) Develop alternate 3- and 4-entry set-up room geometries using 3-D numerical analyses, 5) Implement and field demonstrate developed geometries, and 6) Monitor performance of implemented geometries through field monitoring. An alternative method to estimate the residual strength of a rock mass is developed. A yielded rock mass and a rock fill have several common characteristics including dilation behavior under low confinement and extensive crushing of contact points under high stress, which decrease dilation. The residual strength takes on an initial value in the immediate post-peak (corresponding to near-zero porosity) condition, then degrades to an ultimate residual strength that is lower as a result of bulking, a corresponding increase in porosity, and a drop in interlock under continued shear. The following comments summarize the key findings of this research: • The model for predicting rock fill material shear strength was used as a residual strength criterion. A relationship for estimating Hoek-Brown residual parameters as a function of equivalent roughness of rock fill particles and basic friction angle was used. • Macro-level measurements around setup rooms and gate entry development areas indicated that most of the observed ground control problems may be related to subsidence movements over the setup rooms area. • Mechanisms that may be responsible for poor ground conditions in setup rooms and adjoining gate entries were identified. Collected field data and numerical analyses results tend to support the identified mechanisms. • The integrated field monitoring and numerical modeling study here assisted the cooperating coal company to plan for additional supports in development entries impacted by the fault zone and in taking appropriate safety measures while the longwall face advanced toward the fault and crossed it. Read more
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Aplicações de técnicas de desmonte escultural em maciços rochosos fraturados para melhorias na segurança operacional. / Application of contour blasting techniques on fractured rock mass to improve operational safety.Leticia Mara de Souza Almeida Barrere 14 November 2017 (has links)
Pedreiras que sofreram uma extração precária ou sem planejamento no passado, apresentam, atualmente, áreas de riscos operacionais ligadas, sobretudo, à geotecnia dos taludes. Desmontes esculturais são aplicados na indústria mineral visando a melhorias nas questões ambientais e geotécnicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar técnicas de desmontes esculturais para solucionar problemas na segurança operacional, os quais são relacionados diretamente com a instabilidade das bancadas. Além disso, identificar a relação da qualidade do maciço rochoso no resultado do desmonte e a viabilidade desse projeto nas questões técnicas e econômicas. Os desmontes experimentais foram aplicados em uma mina de calcário da Região Metropolitana da cidade de São Paulo, modificando a geometria do plano de fogo e o carregamento dos furos. O desempenho dos experimentos foi medido a partir de indicadores de performance, os quais serão relacionados com um mapa de distribuição do RQD da parede da bancada, construído a partir de um mapeamento geomecânico. A viabilidade do projeto foi dimensionada a partir de parâmetros operacionais, de segurança e econômico. As análises mostraram que as regiões que apresentaram o maior valor de RDQ tiveram o melhor resultado no desmonte, comprovando, assim, a influência da qualidade do maciço na qualidade do desmonte. Apesar de o desmonte escultural aumentar o custo anual do empreendimento, os impactos positivos gerados na segurança e na operação são significativos: redução no volume de matacos e na geração de blocos soltos na parede da bancada, menor tempo de carregamento dos caminhões e queda do efeito backbreak. Os resultados dos experimentos também mostram que a aplicação do desmonte escultural pode ser uma solução aos problemas nas áreas de riscos do empreendimento. Com isso, há um aumento na vida útil da cava e o incremento no custo torna-se um investimento no negócio, tornando o projeto viável. / Precarious material extraction or unplanned exploitation of quarries in the past resulted today in many operational problems of entire zones of those sites, mainly because of slopes instability. Contour blasting is applied in mining industry to respond to environmental and geotechnical-related issues. The objective of this work is thus to apply contour blasting techniques to solve problems related to operational safety, which are directly related to slopes instability. The strong impact of rock mass quality on the results of blasting as well as on technical and economic sustainability of the project is also stressed out in this study. Blasting experiments were performed in a calcareous mine in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (Brazil). Parameters such as blasting pattern and hole loading have been modified. The efficiency of those tests was then measured with key performance indicators and compared to the distribution of RQD values at the surface of the slope, which was mapped thanks to a preliminary geomechanical study. The assessment of project sustainability was based on operational, safety and economic parameters. The analysis of the results showed that regions with a higher RQD presented a better blasting efficiency, which proved the importance of the rock mass quality on the blasting quality. In spite of representing a higher annual cost than regular blasting techniques, contour blasting has a significant positive impact on safety and operations: reduction in volume of over rock blocks, decreasing number of loose blocks at the surface of the slope, decreasing duration of truck loading and less backbreak effect. The experimental results thus showed that the application of contour blasting can be a solution in risk-exposed areas of a quarry as it enables to increase the operating life of the site, which turns the higher cost of contour blasting into a durable investment and improves the sustainability of the project. Read more
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Compartimentação de maciços rochosos para projetos básicos de PCH´s usando o sistema RMR: aplicação no projeto básico da PCH Morro Grande - RS / Rock mass characterization of Morro Grande PCH using the RMR systemElaine Nogoseke 07 August 2009 (has links)
Com a abertura do setor de geração de energia elétrica no país houve um aumento do número de projetos para pequenas centrais hidrelétricas - PCHs. Os estudos geológico-geotécnicos necessários para este tipo de obra tiveram que se adaptar às necessidades deste novo setor, sem haver perda da qualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o aprimoramento dos estudos de compartimentação geológico-geotécnicos, utilizando um dos sistemas de classificação de maciços rochosos mais conhecidos: o Sistema RMR - rock mass rating - (Bieniawski, 1973), analisando as vantagens, as desvantagens, e o potencial de aplicação do método. A pesquisa foi aplicada na PCH Morro Grande, localizada no Rio Grande do Sul, que apresenta uma grande homogeneidade geológica, sendo o embasamento constituído por derrames basálticos da Formação Serra Geral. Foram propostas algumas modificações na forma de aplicação do sistema RMR, como não pré-compartimentar o maciço, aplicar a classificação diretamente nos testemunhos de sondagem e de forma parcial nos afloramentos, e substituir o RQD (rock quality designation) pelo IQR (índice de qualidade da rocha). Para caracterizar a resistência da rocha foram feitos ensaios de compressão puntual, associados aos diferentes graus de alteração da rocha. O resultado foi apresentado em seções do eixo da barragem e do circuito hidráulico. A metodologia proposta resultou na compartimentação detalhada do maciço rochoso, na área das estruturas da PCH, mostrando-se uma ferramenta útil para a determinação da compartimentação de maciços rochosos, principalmente de maciços homogêneos, podendo ser aplicadas de forma rápida e a um custo baixo para o projeto. / The opening of the electric production sector in Brazil causes an increase amount of Small Hydroelectric Power Station - PCH\'s - project. The necessaries geological-geotechnical studies for this kind of construction had to be adapted to this new sector necessity, without quality losses. This research aim was the improvement of the geological-geotechnical studies, using one of the most well-known rock mass classification systems: the RMR system - rock mass rating - (Bieniawski, 1973), and analyze the advantage, the disadvantage, and potential of this method application. This research was applied to Morro Grande PCH, located on Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil, which has great geologic homogeneity, and its rock foundation is basaltic rocks of the Serra Geral Formation. Some modification in the RMR application way has been proposal, like don\'t pre-divide the rock mass, apply the system directly in the core logging and partially to the outcrops, and change RQD (rock quality designation) by IQR (rock quality index). To rock strength have been established by point-load test, for the different weathering degrees of the rock samples. The results are presented on profiles of the structures axis. The propose method resulted in detailed compartimentalization of the structures areas, turning into an useful tool to assist the rock mass analyses, mainly to homogeneous rock masses, been applied quickly and at low costs. Read more
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Analise de estabilidade do maciço rochoso da Mineração Casa de Pedra, Congonhas, Minas Gerais / Slope stability analysis of the Mineração Casa de Pedra, Congonhas, MG, Brasil rock massD'Alessandro, Julio Romulo Pessoa 24 January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Persio Leister de Almeida Barros / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T23:10:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
D'Alessandro_JulioRomuloPessoa_M.pdf: 4451701 bytes, checksum: d9c3d36b93799d07470f6bbc8779853b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de estabilidade através da análise cinemática, para o maciço rochoso da Mineração Casa de Pedra em Congonhas, Minas Gerais, utilizando mapeamento na escala 1:4000. Os parâmetros de resistência e o caimento dos planos das descontinuidades principais foram levantados a partir de um mapeamento geológico geotécnico detalhado. Foram coletados dados nas bancadas de todos os setores da mina a cada quatro metros. Os dados relativos aos pesos da classificação geomecânica de Bieniawski foram compilados em tabelas e posteriormente foram gerados mapas geotécnicos com o auxilio do software ArcView. A classificação geomecânica foi utilizada juntamente com a estimativa da compressão uniaxial de campo para a determinação da resistência do maciço rochoso com o auxilio do software RocLab da Rocscience. Na análise cinemática foram utilizados os ângulos de atrito das litologias predominantes em cada setor, definidas como campos homogêneos e foi realizada uma setorização das cavas em função das descontinuidades principais e da orientação da face do talude em relação a descontinuidade. Com os resultados obtidos pôde-se identificar os setores susceptíveis e aqueles não susceptíveis à ruptura. / Abstract: This work presents the study of the rock mass stability at the Mineração Casa de Pedra , Minas Gerais, using kinematic analisys and maps in 1:4000 scale. The geological structures, the friction angle and cohesion of the rock mass were evaluated through a geological geotecnical mapping technique. Data collected from each bench of the mine were relateded with the rock mass classification RMR and tables were compilled with them. Geotecnical maps were then plotted with the software ArcView. The rock mass classification along with the uniaxial compressive strength estimated in the field were used to determine the shear strength of the rock mass with the software RocLab by Rocscience. The friction angle in each zone, considered as homogeneous field, was used in the kinematic analisys and divisions were done in each mine pit as a function of the major feature and the wall orientation. With the results, the zones could be identified as susceptible or not susceptible to sliding. / Mestrado / Geotecnia / Mestre em Engenharia Civil Read more
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