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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pozdní rodičovství a jeho vliv na výchovný styl / Late parenthood and its influence on bringing up style of the child

Szendiová, Viera January 2012 (has links)
The topic of the diploma work is the influence of the late parenthood on the style of upbringing. Late parenthood offers experience of the mature parent oriented in time who is aware of the responsibility towards oneself and towards thle child. Mental maturity and life experience determine attitude of the parent to upbringing. In my work I concentrate on healthy families which make the most suitable environment for the upbringing of the children. The natural environment of the healthy, functional family greatly influences the complexity of the impact in educational interaction between parents and the child.

Problematika typologizace stylů rodičovské výchovy v souvislosti s delikvencí mládeže / The style of parenting typologies and the juvenile delinquency

Cieslarová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this work is to focus on the style of parenting from the child/juvenile and adult perspectives. The work focuses on the analysis between the style of parenting in typologies and its influence on the child development and the juvenile delinquency. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part summarizes the results and findings of other researchers about the problematic of style of parenting in typologies and its influence on the child development. The theoretical part is based on the studies of an American author Diana Baumrind and on the division of the parenting style proposed by authors Maccoby and Martins. They suggested four different styles: authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent and neglectful. The empirical part analyses following sets of data: One comes from the survey hold in the city of Pilsen in the year 1999 and was arranged by the department of Criminal Justice on the juveniles between the age 14 up to 17. The other set of data comes from a survey collected for the Department of Sociology in 2011 on the general population. Key words: Family, Style of parenting, Delinquency, Typology

Charakteristika výchovného stylu současné české rodiny / Characteristic educational style at contemporary Czech families

Benešová, Aneta January 2012 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the style of education in contemporary Czech family. The aims of this thesis are to ascertain how educational style diverge in generations, which stimuli affect it and determine the changes in relationship between parent and child. In the theoretical part of the paper the terms family, generation and educational style are defined. The practical part reveals the fact that education style of contemporary parents is more liberal than the one of previous generation. Thus, the shift from parent-child to partner relationship can be observed. This relationship supports the parent's positive attitude towards their child and frankness in mutual discussions. A result of previous statement is also the change of teacher-pupil realtionship where the similar stimuli can be observed. The conclusion passage confirms the veracity of aim of this thesis and hypotheses from the practical parts. KEYWORDS: family, education, intergenerational change, educational style

Partnerské vztahy a rodičovství mladé generace / Partnerships and parenthood of young generation

Seifertová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses in the theoretical part on the changes in partnership and parenthood in the last twenty years. Specifically, the work concentrates on the transformation of marriage into alternative types of conjugal life and on the decrease of fertility and its postponement into higher ages. The main holder of these changes is young generation to which is this thesis related the most. Attention is also focused on the attitudes towards this issue. Using data drawn from ISSP Family and Gender Roles survey conducted in 1994, 2002 and 2012 the author analyze how attitudes towards marriage, unmarried cohabitation and parenthood have developed in the last twenty years. In the empirical part the author also focuses on attitude's differentiation at young generation. Keywords family, marriage, unmarried cohabitation, parenthood, attitude

Postavení profesionální pěstounky v SOS dětských vesničkách / The Position of Profesional Foster-mather in The SOS Children's Villages

Grosmanová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the position of foster-mother in SOS children's villages. The first part focuses on the legislative background of the operation of these facilities for foster care in the context of the development organization SOS Children's Villages in the Czech Republic and the international organization SOS Kinderdorf International. It discusses the problem of Czech SOS Children's Villages, when foster-mother is responsible for the child entrusted to foster care, which is the difference from the Czech villages than villages in the other countries. The second part analyzes the role of the SOS foster-mother. It offers a reflection on the meaning of the concept of the archetypal mother and changes of maternal role. The dissertation maps a question of motivation and readiness for fostering.Step by step are described SOS foster-mothers's career stages and are development cycles of SOS families. The work deals with the controversial topic, such as support for an SOS foster-mother. It introduces the concept of an integrated following educational community youth, boarding facilities for teenagers and young adults from the SOS villages. Work thinks how sustainability cyclic replenishment of children and families in the SOS families and possibilities and individualized needs of clients in the SOS...

Právní úprava rodiny a vztahů mezi rodiči a dětmi (s pohledy do minulosti i budoucnosti) / Legislation of Family and Relationships between Parents and Children (with Insights into Past and Future)

Valentová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The presented thesis provides a comprehensive view of the current legislation on family and parents-children relationships, including insights into past and future. Being a still hot topic is the reason why I chose it for my thesis. Two introductory chapters discuss historical context of family and development of legal relationships between parents and children to date. The family has evolved over time, developed and changed and so has the status of its individual members, which was all reflected in legislation (paternal power, parental power, parental rights and duties, parental responsibilities). The current concept of family is described in Chapter 3, followed by Chapter 4 which gives general characteristics of family law and legal relations within the family, including the definitions of basic concepts used in the rest of the work. Key Chapter 5 discusses the concept of parental responsibilities brought into our law by the so-called "big amendment" to the Family Code (Act No. 91/1998 Coll.). In exercising these rights and duties, parents are obliged to protect the best interests of the minor child, to control his or her actions and to exercise supervision over him or her. The parent-child relationship is equal and both its parties are holders of complementary rights and duties. In all actions, child's...

Výkonnost sportovního šermíře v závislosti na sociálním zázemí / Efficiency of a young fencer in determination of social circumstances

Barešová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my thesis is fencing which is kind of sport close to me, however not widely known in public. In level of theory I write about history of fencing, introduce fencing as a sport discipline and describe specifications of trainings. In research part by questionnaires and created graphs and charts of performance based on representative set of respondents I try to find an impact of the social background to fencer's performance. The focus of my work is to disclose whether good social background can have any influence to good fencer's performance or not.

Vliv výchovy v primární rodině na podobu intimního života mladých dospělých / Influence of Primary Family Upbringing on the Form of Intimate Life of Young Adults

Vachudová, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to explore the impact of sex education in the family on own intimate life of the individual. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes issues that affect the content of thesis - human sexuality, sex education at school and in family, and individual family surrounding. The practical part describes the implemented research. The research aim was formulated in four hypotheses. The first aim was to verify whether young people perceive sex education in the family as something that affects their intimate lives. The second aim was to verify the connection between points of view that parents present to their children about contraception, abortion and the beginning of sexual life and the view that in adulthood these children hold. Next aim was to determine whether there is the coherence between the way how parents talk to their children about sexuality and by how much is at the beginning of children own sexual life affected by these councils. And lastly, the work seeks to map the way how parents talk with children about sexuality and whether that affects children own experience of sexuality. In research took part 137 respondents - 80 women and 57 men, all respondents had secondary or university education and were aged from 21 to 30 years....

Jak bývalí uživatelé drog vnímají období své závislosti / How a drogue ex-user see a period of his addiction

Hronková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Subject: How a drogue ex-user see a period of his addiction. Abstract: The work focus on the actual situation of ex-users. These people were fighting with an addiction and now they are a part of the majority society. The qualitative research, inspired by a grounded theory, try to approach their point of view. What they think about their past and how do they see their relations with a family, friends and a vicinage. Not just in that period but nowadays as well. Relationships with home-folks are stigmatized by a degree of drug addiction. The smaller addiction the smaller losses. Once a drug user is falling down into the drug trap, the losses depend on how deep he will fall. On the bottom there are no friends, no family, just nothing. Some of the drug users do not fall to the bottom, they do their decision earlier. We call that decision a break point ( a moment when they decide to abstain). A break point comes individually and it is connected to an "interior border" of each person. Anyway, it is a moment, when an individual concerned decide to live a different way. It is a very intense moment and very fundamental for a abstinence success. We have used an interview to study not just this phenomenon. During the interview we tried to find out how a life looks with and without an addiction. Key words: addiction,...

Procesy vzniku a zániku rodiny ve vybraných evropských zemích na přelomu 20. a 21. století / Family formation and dissolution in some European countries at the turn of 20th and 21st centuries

Vondrušková, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Family formation and dissolution in some European countries at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries Abstract The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the regional differences of the level of marriage and divorce rate in Europe at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Six states were chosen, each of them represents one of the specific models of family policy in Europe. The study focuses not only on the development of individual indicators of nuptiality and divorce rate and actual level of them, but also possible causes of changes in marriage behavior and increasing of divorces. The first part of the study describes the characteristics of family and marriage, including changes of looking at attitude to these two institutions over time. Next, family policy is mentioned as well, because its financial or other measures could have impact on the processes of formation and dissolution of families. Theories explaining the attitudes of contemporary society to different family institutions are also presented as well as factors that affect the marriage and divorce rate. The recent changes of family patterns can be explained mainly by postponing marriage to higher ages, reducing the intensity of nuptiality, family forms pluralization and constant increasing of divorce rate. Economic factors related with family...

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