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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sambandet mellan rörelseekonomin vid cykling och löpning för elitaktiva triathleter / The relationship between gross efficiency during cycling and running among elite triathlets

Carlsson, Marie January 2019 (has links)
SyfteSyftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan rörelseekonomin (GE) i cykling och löpning, hos elitaktiva triathleter. Vidare syftar denna studie till att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan GE vid cykling och löpning samt om det finns någon könsmässig skillnad i GE för dessa två olika aktivitetsformer.MetodStudiedeltagarna (5 kvinnor, 5 män) (23 ± 7,5 år) genomförde ett cykeltest och ett löptest för att bestämma deltagarnas GE. Rullbandets lutning var 2,5º och intensitetsnivåerna varade fem minuter med en minuts stående vila. För varje ny nivå ökade hastigheten med 2,4 km∙tim-1 vid cykeltestet och 0,6 km∙tim-1 vid löptestet. Under testen analyserades deltagarnas syreupptagning samt direkt efter avslutad nivå togs ett laktatprov. Deltagarnas GE beräknades utifrån den relativa arbetsnivån där laktathalten stigit 1 mmol∙l-1 från det lägsta uppmätta värdet. Pearsons korrelation, oberoende t-test och parat t-test genomfördes för att kunna identifiera eventuella samband, könsskillnader respektive skillnader för de två aktivitetsformerna avseende GE. Alfanivån för statistisk signifikans sattes till 0,05.ResultatDet var ett signifikant samband mellan GE för cykling och löpning (p = 0,041). Det förekom ingen könsmässig skillnad i GE för varken cykling (p = 0,59) eller löpning (p = 0,31). Däremot är GE för cykling högre än för löpning (p < 0,001).SlutsatserEn triathlet med högt GE vid cykling har generellt sett ett högt GE vid löpning, trots att dessa aktivitetsformer skiljer sig åt såväl koordinativt som utifrån ett GE-perspektiv. / PurposeThe aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between gross efficiency (GE) in cycling and running among elite triathletes. Furthermore, this study aims to investigate if there is a difference between GE in cycling and running and whether there is any gender difference in GE for these two different forms of activity.MethodsThe participants (5 women, 5 men) (23 ± 7.5 years) performed a cycle test and a running test to determine the participants’ GE. The treadmill inclination was set to 2.5º and the intensity levels lasted five minutes with one minute standing rest. For each new level, the speed increased by 2.4 km∙h-1 in the cycling test and 0.6 km∙h-1 in the running test. During the tests, the participants’ oxygen uptake was analysed and a lactate sample was taken immediately after the completed level. The participants’ GE was calculated based on the relative work intensity where the lactate concentration increased 1 mmol∙l-1 from the lowest measured value. Pearson's correlation, independent samples t-test and paired sample t-test were conducted to identify relationship, gender differences, and difference in GE between the activity forms, respectively. The alpha level for statistical significance was set to 0.05.ResultsThere was a significant correlation between GE in cycling and running (p = 0.041). There was no significant gender difference in GE for either cycling (p = 0.59) or running (p = 0.31). However, GE in cycling was higher than in running (p < 0,001).ConclusionsA triathlete with high GE in cycling generally has a high GE in running, despite that these forms of activity differ both coordinatively and from a GE perspective.

Relationship of Metabolic Costs of Aquatic Treadmill Versus Land Treadmill Running

Blackwell, Sarah Squires 01 May 2012 (has links)
Running injuries are common, usually causing athletes to cease or significantly reduce participation in a particular sport. The recent development of aquatic treadmills (ATM), an alternative to land treadmill (LTM) running, provides another option. This study sought to examine the metabolic (VO2) relationship between varying jet resistances and running speed on an ATM versus LTM. This was accomplished by developing two linear regression equations and a prediction equation. One linear regression represented the predicted VO2 from a given speed and jet resistance setting in the water, the other linear regression predicted VO2 on land from a given speed and the prediction equation was designed to match land speed to a VO2 score derived from ATM running conditions. This study examined experienced runners (N = 18). Each subject completed an initial VO2 peak test, three LTM trials, and 18 ATM trials. Each ATM trial consisted of running for three minutes at either a relatively slow, moderate, or somewhat fast speed while one of six ATM jet settings ranging from 0 to 100% jet capacity in 20% increments were assigned to the trial. Oxygen consumption (VO2) and heart rate (HR) were measured during each trial while ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were solicited immediately following each trial. Resulting analysis produced an ATM linear regression for each jet resistance setting and a LTM linear regression equation of VO2 = 4.16 * speed + 7.39. A prediction equation for each jet resistance setting was then determined from the linear regression equations for both the ATM and LTM conditions. Results showed that at and between 0-40% jet resistances that there is not a marked difference in metabolic cost but from 40-100% jet resistances the VO2 is influenced more strongly. These results demonstrate that ATM metabolic costs are not only influenced by jet resistance settings but at jet resistances of 40% or greater provide an intensity of exercise that mimics running faster on LTM. This provides an added benefit for those individuals who may be limited due to acute overuse-type injuries or returning to full LTM activity following lower extremity surgery.

The effects of a combined weight training and running program on body composition in college males

Hesslink, Robert L., Jr. 01 January 1983 (has links)
The present study attempted to investigate whether a combined weight and endurance training program can elicit more favorable changes in body composition than either method of training alone. Body composition parameters (absolute fat and fat-free weight) were evaluated using circumference measurements, skinfolds and hydrostatic weighing. Cardiorespiratory fitness was evaluated via a modified Harvard step-test. All tests were administered before and after 10 weeks of training. Exercises were performed 3 days/week for 40 minutes/day. Male volunteers (n=21) were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (weight training only, endurance running only, combined weight training and endurance running).

Hodnocení techniky běhu u elitních českých běžců a běžkyň / Evaluation of running techniques in elite Czech runners

Franková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of running techniques in elite Czech male and female runners Aims: The main goal of the work is to evaluate the running technique of elite Czech male and female runners on middle tracks and intra-individual variability of the running style. Methods of work: Qualitative kinematic analysis of motion and quantitative cinematographic examination method of video recording of running technique were used to create this work. The records were further processed using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Kinovea and Microsoft Excel. Results: The individual probands of the research group fulfill a substantial part of the model running technique recommended by the literature such as the active forefoot strike, the duration of individual phases, or the correct position of the head, torso, and extended reflex limb in the propulsion phase. So, we can say that Czech runners are technically capable. However, at the same time we observe a different individual concept of running technique for each proband, such as lumbar hyperlordosis, retroflection of torso, head tilt or the extent of arm work. Key words: biomechanics of motion, kinematic analysis, running technique, economics of motion

Organizace dobrovolníků v rámci běžeckého seriálu RunTour. / Organization of voluteers at the RunTour running series

Šantrůčková, Veronika January 2022 (has links)
Title: Organization of voluteers at the RunTour running series Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to evaluace the satisfaction of volunteers and organizers with the volunteer program on the running series RunTour and to suggest possible recommendations for its improvement. Methods: As part of the qualitative survey, the method of in-depth interviews was used, which took place with the coordinator of the volunteer program and with the heads of selected sections. Furthermore, a quantitative method of electronic interrogation was applied. The research was complemented by observations made by the author of the thesis, who personally participated in all races. Results: The research shows that most volunteers and organizers evaluate the volunteer program very positively. However, research has identified several areas where there is room for improvement. These are the areas of organization, communication and refreshments. Keywords: running, volunteering, volunteers management, satisfaction, sport events, organization

A comparative sociopsychological assessment of attitude toward physical activity in selected male members of running clubs

Morton, Kim Allen 01 January 1975 (has links)
This study was designed to survey expressed attitudes toward physical activity in selected male senior and master running club members. These attitudes were contained in a conceptual model developed by Gerald S. Kenyon. The six attitudes included the following: physical activity as a social experience, physical activity for health and fitness, physical activity as the pursuit of vertigo, physical activity as an aesthetic experience, physical activity as a catharsis, and physical activity as an ascetic experience. Specifically, the study was conducted to compare attitudes toward physical activity between senior runners aged 25 to 39 and master runners aged 40 and over as measured by Gerald S. Kenyon’s six dimensions of physical activity. In addition, within the senior and master groups, comparisons of these six attitudes toward physical activity were to be investigated.

Studies on the regulation of fat metabolism during endurance exercise / 持久運動時の脂肪代謝調節機構に関する研究

Fujitani, Mina 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第19042号 / 農博第2120号 / 新制||農||1032(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H27||N4924(農学部図書室) / 31993 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 伏木 亨, 教授 保川 清, 教授 金本 龍平 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Transients, Variability, Stability and Energy in Human Locomotion

Seethapathi, Nidhi, Seethapathi January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

What physical therapy interventions are effective in reducing recovery time after overuse injury in male and female runners? A systematic review

Ziegelmeyer, Sarah A. 30 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Validation of eSens Pressure Sensor Array During Walking and Running

Chambers, Nicholas 23 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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