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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation et Réorganisation des Processus dans le Cadre de l'Externalisation

Wattky Crestan, Andréa 29 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Pour faire face à un environnement de plus en plus changeant et compétitif, les entreprises sont conduites à une redéfinition de leurs structures. Sur le plan organisationnel, la redéfinition des processus permet de mieux prendre en compte l'intégration d'activités autrefois fortement cloisonnées ; le recentrage des entreprises sur leur cœur de métier conduit à un transfert d'activités ou de fonctions jugées non stratégiques vers des partenaires externes. Cette restructuration qui se traduit par une intégration fonctionnelle importante, permet, à travers des processus transversaux d'atteindre un objectif commun à tous : satisfaire le client au moindre coût.<br /><br />C'est dans ce contexte qu'intervient notre travail de recherche. Nous traitons dans cette thèse, dans le cadre de la réorganisation logistique d'un grand groupe industriel, la problématique de la modélisation et de la réorganisation des processus pour une gestion transversale optimisée d'une entreprise (aspect interne), la redéfinition des processus dans le cadre de l'externalisation d'une partie d'un processus (recentrage des activité), et finalement l'organisation de processus interdépendants multi acteurs (relations partenariales). Ce travail vise à apporter des outils méthodologiques et des pratiques d'aide à la configuration des chaînes, en particulier dans le cadre de l'externalisation.<br /><br />Ainsi, le premier chapitre pose le cadre de nos recherches : l'organisation des chaînes logistiques et l'importance des processus au sein de celles-ci. Ce chapitre permet de poser et présenter les bases de notre réflexion pour définir et mettre en œuvre un processus d'externalisation.<br />Pour atteindre cet objectif, le deuxième chapitre est centré sur les concepts et approches relatifs à la modélisation et à la réorganisation des processus. Nous déterminons dans un premier temps l'articulation générale de l'approche d'intervention que nous proposons et nous présentons un certain nombre de modèles, méthodes, outils, etc. pour permettre une réorganisation des processus internes et accompagner l'externalisation d'activités vers des prestataires extérieurs. Nous constatons que si la réorganisation des processus est une notion relativement récente, elle fait l'objet d'une attention toute particulière, ces dernières années, dans les milieux industriels. Le tour d'horizon des travaux de recherche et des méthodologies, techniques, outils, etc. utilisés par les industriels, montre qu'il existe une prépondérance sur l'axe « technologie » par rapport à l'axe « organisation ». C'est sur ce dernier point que nous positionnons nos travaux pour étendre les champs du BPR au cadre de l'externalisation et du partage partenariales d'activités dans l'exécution du processus logistique. Nous utilisons pour cela un standard international des processus de la chaîne logistique, le modèle SCOR, qui a été choisi par le Groupe Rhodia pour la gestion de ses processus principaux. Ce chapitre nous permet alors de développer une méthodologie structurante en trois temps (« as is » - « to be » - « go live ») et d'employer celle-ci dans le cadre de l'externalisation<br /><br />Le troisième chapitre nous permet d'appliquer notre proposition au niveau industriel. A travers différentes études menées au sein du Groupe Rhodia, nous illustrons l'intérêt d'une vision intégrant standardisation et dépendances entre activités, dans la réorganisation des processus appliquée à la mutualisation ou l'externalisation.<br />Nous proposons une évolution en trois temps : modélisation, analyse et restructuration des processus pour une évolution interne à l'entreprise, puis pour l'externalisation d'activités (logistiques dans le cas qui nous intéresse), et finalement pour l'amélioration du fonctionnement multi acteurs.<br />Le troisième chapitre nous permet de proposer une approche pour la modélisation des processus dans le cadre d'une opération d'externalisation :<br />¬ « Pourquoi externaliser » - la décision d'externalisation<br />¬ « Quoi externaliser » - la détermination des activités à externaliser<br />¬ « Comment externaliser » - le BPR à en utilisant le modèle SCOR ou d'autres méthodes pour les processus n'étant pas adressés par SCOR<br />Nous établissons dans ce chapitre, à partir des résultats issus de nos études industrielles, une démarche de réorganisation des processus et d'externalisation dans le cadre de la chaîne logistique de Rhodia et définissons un plan d'externalisation par la réorganisation des processus.<br /><br />Enfin, nous concluons cette thèse en revenant sur les apports académiques et industriels de ce manuscrit concernant la réorganisation des processus de l'organisation dans le contexte de l'externalisation. Nous ouvrirons enfin un certain nombre de perspectives de recherches dans ce domaine.

Las prácticas de las cadenas de suministro de las empresas productoras de uva en Ica y su relación con las exportaciones al mercado de Estados Unidos durante el periodo 2012 al 2018

Beraún Caballero, Alvaro Manuel 21 July 2020 (has links)
Key words: [Supply chain, Correlation, Exports, SCOR Model] / El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal encontrar la relación entre las etapas integradas de las empresas productoras de uva situadas en Ica y las exportaciones hacia Estados Unidos. El primer capítulo muestra el producto a analizar relacionado al ámbito internacional. Posteriormente, muestra investigaciones previas basadas en estudios referentes al impacto de las prácticas integradas de la cadena de suministro en diferentes organizaciones. Asimismo, presenta bases teóricas acerca de la cadena de suministro, teorías de exportación y de comercio internacional. En el segundo capítulo, se ha desarrollado el plan de investigación, donde presentaremos el problema a tratar, junto con los objetivos e hipótesis de la investigación, además de incluir la situación de la problemática donde tocaremos más a fondo la importancia del presente estudio. El tercer capítulo presenta el enfoque de la investigación a desarrollar, en este caso cuantitativo, asimismo el diseño no experimental de tipo transversal o transaccional correlacional. En el desarrollo de la investigación, el capítulo cuatro, se procesa la información proveniente de las encuestas, para validar las variables utilizadas. Finalmente, en el quinto y último capítulo, se ha de presentar el análisis de los resultados del estudio los cuales señalan las variables más influyentes en las exportaciones según los expertos del sector. El principal hallazgo de esta investigación refiere que de todas las prácticas que forman parte integral de la cadena de suministros de las 30 empresas analizadas, solo aquellas relacionadas con la planificación de ventas y operaciones si tienen relación con sus exportaciones de uva fresca a los Estados Unidos durante el periodo 2012 a 2018. / The present study has as main object to find the relationship between the integrated phases of the grape producing companies located in Ica and the exportations to the United States. The first chapter shows the product to be analyzed related to the international arena. Subsequently, it shows previous research based on studies regarding the impact of integrated supply chain practices in different organizations. It also presents theoretical bases about the supply chain, export theories and international trade. In the second chapter, the research plan has been developed, where we will present the problem to be addressed, together with the research objectives and hypotheses, in addition to including the situation of the problem where we will touch more fully on the importance of the present study. The third chapter presents the research approach to be developed, in this quantitative case, as well as the descriptive and correlational non-experimental cross-sectional or transactional design, by collecting forms to carry out a factor analysis. In the development of the investigation, chapter four, the information from the surveys is processed, to validate the variables used. Finally, in the fifth and last chapter, the analysis of the results of the study must be presented, which indicate the most influential variables in exports according to industry experts. The most important finding of this research concludes that of all the practices that are an integral part of the supply chain of the 30 companies analyzed, only those related to sales and operations planning are related to their fresh grape exports to the United States during the period 2012 to 2018. / Tesis

SCOR Model for a Dual-Channel Supply Chain using Drop Shipping to Reduce Overstock in Small- and Medium-Sized Retail Enterprises

Francia-Arias, G., Marín-Vílchez, J., Macassi-Jauregui, I., Raymundo-Ibañez, C., Dominguez, F. 06 April 2020 (has links)
Sales are central to retail companies. One of the main problems for these companies is when products are sold later than expected, causing overstock due to lower inventory turnover, which increases inventory levels. Therefore, for many retailers, it is important to solve this problem. This is mostly applicable to companies engaged in sales; however, if we take into account the main supplier and the way they act within the supply chain, we must also consider an additional approach. Since online sales are a major innovation brought about by the new digital era, it is standard for sales strategies to focus on this new requirement of customers. In this way, the main supplier takes a leap forward on Internet sales, creating another sales channel. This is when companies under the supply chain start losing sales. According to the above, a dual supply chain model was suggested using the SCOR model and drop shipping. After the improvement proposal was implemented, the company reported a reduction of approximately S/13,000 when comparing the first quarter of 2018 to that of 2019.

An Automated Methodology For A Comprehensive Definition Of The Supply Chain Using Generic Ontological Components

Fayez, Mohamed 01 January 2005 (has links)
Today, worldwide business communities are in the era of the Supply Chains. A Supply Chain is a collection of several independent enterprises that partner together to achieve specific goals. These enterprises may plan, source, produce, deliver, or transport materials to satisfy an immediate or projected market demand, and may provide the after sales support, warranty services, and returns. Each enterprise in the Supply Chain has roles and elements. The roles include supplier, customer, or carrier and the elements include functional units, processes, information, information resources, materials, objects, decisions, practices, and performance measures. Each enterprise, individually, manages these elements in addition to their flows, their interdependencies, and their complex interactions. Since a Supply Chain brings several enterprises together to complement each other to achieve a unified goal, the elements in each enterprise have to complement each other and have to be managed together as one unit to achieve the unified goal efficiently. Moreover, since there are a large number of elements to be defined and managed in a single enterprise, then the number of elements to be defined and managed when considering the whole Supply Chain is massive. The supply chain community is using the Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR model) to define their supply chains. However, the SCOR model methodology is limited in defining the supply chain. The SCOR model defines the supply chain in terms of processes, performance metrics, and best practices. In fact, the supply chain community, SCOR users in particular, exerts massive effort to render an adequate supply chain definition that includes the other elements besides the elements covered in the SCOR model. Also, the SCOR model is delivered to the user in a document, which puts a tremendous burden on the user to use the model and makes it difficult to share the definition within the enterprise or across the supply chain. This research is directed towards overcoming the limitations and shortcomings of the current supply chain definition methodology. This research proposes a methodology and a tool that will enable an automated and comprehensive definition of the Supply Chain at any level of details. The proposed comprehensive definition methodology captures all the constituent parts of the Supply Chain at four different levels which are, the supply chain level, the enterprise level, the elements level, and the interaction level. At the Supply Chain level, the various enterprises that constitute the supply chain are defined. At the enterprise level, the enterprise elements are identified. At the enterprises' elements level, each element in the enterprise is explicitly defined. At the interaction level, the flows, interdependence, and interactions that exist between and within the other three levels are identified and defined. The methodology utilized several modeling techniques to generate generic explicit views and models that represents the four levels. The developed views and models were transformed to a series of questions and answers, where the questions correspond to what a view provides and the answers are the knowledge captured and generated from the view. The questions and answers were integrated to render a generic multi-view of the supply chain. The methodology and the multi-view were implemented in an ontology-based tool. The ontology includes sets of generic supply chain ontological components that represent the supply chain elements and a set of automated procedures that can be utilized to define a specific supply chain. A specific supply chain can be defined by re-using the generic components and customizing them to the supply chain specifics. The ontology-based tool was developed to function in the supply chain dynamic, information intensive, geographically dispersed, and heterogeneous environment. To that end, the tool was developed to be generic, sharable, automated, customizable, extensible, and scalable.

透過銷售與營運規劃達成供應鏈轉型─電線電纜產業之個案研究 / Achieving supply Chain transformation through sales and operations planning - A case study for wire & cable industry

王元星, Wang, Starsky Unknown Date (has links)
電線電纜產業之個案研究 / The importance of supply chain management continues to grow as managers increasingly understand how effective supply chains enhance the ability to compete effectively in the market place. This paper presents a case study of a wire & cable manufacturing firm in China that undertakes its journey of supply chain management (SCM) transformation through Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) project implementation. The aim was to provide a real-life case example of a supply chain improvement process as presented from a practitioner’s perspective. A supply chain division was just newly established in the case study company and its supply chain journey was still in its infancy, and that made the company’s transformation process become very challenging. Unlike a traditional case study report focusing on a single project implementation only, this paper describes the whole improvement cycle starting with underlying supply chain issues identification and prioritization throughout the processes of project selection and implementation. This study exemplifies how a company finalized and realized its supply chain strategic direction through a systematic approach. Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model was used in the beginning to conduct a high-level assessment on supply chain opportunities and various brainstorming tools were applied in order to identify the issue with the greatest impact to the organization. Sales and Operations Planning or S&OP is another key element, and a thorough literature review supplemented with practical application is demonstrated in this paper. Little information technology application is presented. Instead, this case focuses more on change management and business process engineering.

Business Intelligence v SCM / Business Intelligence in Supply Chain Management

Lhotan, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis Business Intelligence in Supply Chain Management deals on the edge of IT and logistics with designing conceptual solution for BI in SCM. It covers specific needs of Supply-Chains, usage of BI in logistics, analyses the connection to the SCOR model developed by Supply-Chain Council, and designs & describes basic dimensions and relationships in the dimensional model. The primary goal is to create a general BI model solution that respects the specifics of various types of Supply-Chains in order to serve as a theoretical framework. The resulting model links to existing models designed for the Supply-Chain Management such as SCOR, Balanced Scorecard etc. To fulfil the primary goal first it is necessary to identify the specifics of various types of supply-chains, define BI use case and requirements in logistics; and by incorporating these parameters and SCOR model the BI model solution will emerge. The biggest contribution is the fulfilment of the primary goal - the creation of BI solution reference model for Supply-Chain with specific needs according to suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers. With the help of this model it should be easier to coordinate, clarify goals, activities and relationships of methods used in the pre-analytical stage and implementation of the BI technologies in the Supply-Chains.

An?lise da gest?o da cadeia de suprimentos de um supermercado varejista atrav?s da utiliza??o do modelo SCOR

Jacobini, Juliana Perez Ruggiro 19 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JulianaPRJ_DISSERT.pdf: 2217857 bytes, checksum: d63cbd96970ba385034369ef4d3801d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-19 / In the last decade the complexity of the environment in which organizations are embedded increased dramatically, having on one side the increasingly demanding consumers in regard to the quality and value of the product and the other companies with the need to reduce operating costs in order to achieve greater profitability, without this there is a downturn in growth or market share powers. In this context the necessity of effectively structuring actions relating to the line with the operational work processes so that business objectives are achieved organizational strategic planning, ensuring the competitiveness of the organization. This study aims to analyze how you have made the management of the supply chain in a grocery retailer in the light of guidelines of Supply Chain Management by using the SCOR model. For realization of this study a survey was needed, classified according to their goals, exploratory and descriptive as to its procedure, document, field and case study. Thus, the processing of data will be qualitative merit, using the thematic categorical analysis of Bardin (1977). Thus, to obtain data interviews together the operational and strategic management of a company that was named Supermarket Omega were performed. After analyzing the information obtained is perceived that there is an effort of the organization enhance its management of the supply chain. However, there is a lack of alignment between the various areas that compose it. About their work processes, we stress that the focus of the company is still very directed on sailing than profitability, although it is undergoing a transformation in its organizational culture However, records the existence of many improvement projects in developing. Thus, it can be noticed that there is some consistency between the assumptions of the SCOR model and applied within the supply chain Omega Supermarket, although a greater effort to better align with the model still needs to be studied / Na ?ltima d?cada a complexidade do ambiente no qual as organiza??es est?o inseridas aumentou dramaticamente, tendo de um lado os consumidores cada vez mais exigentes no que se refere ? qualidade e valor agregado do produto e do outro as empresas com a necessidade de reduzir seus custos operacionais a fim de obter maior lucratividade, sem que para isso haja uma retra??o no seu crescimento ou na sua fatia de mercado que lhe compete. Nesse contexto surge a necessidade da estrutura??o eficaz das a??es referentes ao planejamento estrat?gico organizacional alinhado com os processos de trabalho operacionais a fim de que os objetivos empresariais sejam alcan?ados, garantindo a competitividade da organiza??o. Assim, este trabalho tem o intuito de analisar como ? realizada a gest?o da cadeia de suprimentos em um supermercado varejista ? luz das diretrizes da Supply Chain Management atrav?s da utiliza??o do modelo SCOR. Para efetiva??o desse estudo foi necess?ria uma pesquisa, classificada quanto aos seus objetivos, explorat?ria e descritiva, quanto ao seu procedimento, documental, de campo e estudo de caso. Al?m disso, o tratamento dos dados ser? de m?rito qualitativo, utilizando a an?lise categ?rica tem?tica de Bardin (1977). Por conseguinte, para a obten??o de dados foram realizadas entrevistas juntos aos gestores operacionais e estrat?gicos de uma empresa que recebeu o nome de Supermercado ?mega. Diante da an?lise das informa??es obtidas percebe-se que h? um esfor?o da organiza??o em aprimorar sua gest?o da cadeia de suprimentos. No entanto, verificou-se a aus?ncia de um alinhamento entre as diversas ?reas que a comp?e. Quanto aos seus processos de trabalho, ressalta-se que o foco da empresa ainda est? muito direcionado ? venda e n?o ? rentabilidade, embora esteja passando por uma transforma??o em sua cultura organizacional. Contudo, registra-se a exist?ncia de muitos projetos de aprimoramento em desenvolvimento. Assim, pode-se perceber que h? certa congru?ncia entre os pressupostos do Modelo SCOR e os aplicados dentro da cadeia de suprimentos do Supermercado ?mega, embora ainda seja necess?rio um esfor?o maior para um melhor alinhamento com o modelo estudado

Avaliação da adequabilidade de redes neurais artificiais e sistemas neuro-fuzzy no apoio à predição de desempenho de cadeias de suprimento baseada no SCOR® / Evaluation of the adequability of artificial neural network and neuro-fuzzy systems to deal with supply chain performance prediction based on SCOR®

Lima Junior, Francisco Rodrigues 02 December 2016 (has links)
Sistemas de predição de desempenho de cadeias de suprimento são constituídos por indicadores que visam estimar o desempenho da empresa-foco em decorrência também do desempenho dos indicadores dos fornecedores. Na literatura são encontrados apenas dois modelos quantitativos (GANGA; CARPINETTI, 2011; AGAMI; SALEH; RASMY, 2014) que permitem predizer o desempenho de cadeias de suprimento usando os indicadores do modelo SCOR® (Supply Chain Operations Reference). Uma limitação de ambos modelos é a dificuldade de se ajustar ao ambiente de uso, uma vez que sua implementação e atualização requerem a parametrização manual de muitas regras de decisão. Tanto o uso de redes neurais quanto de sistemas neuro-fuzzy têm o potencial de contornar essa dificuldade por utilizarem um mecanismo de aprendizagem que possibilita a adaptação ao ambiente de uso usando dados numéricos. Todavia, na literatura não são encontradas aplicações dessas técnicas no apoio à predição de desempenho de cadeias de suprimento, tampouco estudos que discutam qual dessas técnicas se mostra mais adequada para lidar com este problema. Diante disso, o objetivo desta pesquisa é construir e a avaliar a adequabilidade de dois sistemas de predição de desempenho, ambos baseados nos indicadores do modelo SCOR®, mas usando alternativamente as técnicas redes neurais e sistemas neuro-fuzzy, para apoiar a gestão de desempenho da empresa-foco e de sua cadeia imediata. A execução desta pesquisa envolveu o uso de simulação computacional e de testes estatísticos. Os resultados mostram que, embora ambas as técnicas apresentem capacidade de predição satisfatória, as redes neurais são mais adequadas em relação à complexidade da definição da configuração topológica, enquanto os sistemas neuro-fuzzy se sobressaíram em relação à capacidade de predição, complexidade do treinamento, quantidade de variáveis de entrada, suporte à tomada de decisão sob incerteza e interpretabilidade dos dados. Outros resultados desta pesquisa estão relacionados à identificação de particularidades do processo de modelagem das técnicas avaliadas, à elaboração de um panorama sobre o uso de técnicas quantitativas na avaliação de desempenho de cadeias de suprimento e à identificação de algumas oportunidades de pesquisa. / Supply chain performance prediction systems are composed by indicators that aim to estimate the performance of a focal company considering also indicators related to their suppliers. There are two quantitative models in the literature (GANGA; CARPINETTI, 2011; AGAMI; SALEH; RASMY, 2014) that enable to predict the supply chain performance using the indicators proposed by the SCOR® model (Supply Chain Operations Reference). Nevertheless, there is a drawback of both models that refers to the difficulty in adapting to the environment of use, since implementation and updating of these models require parameterization of many decision rules that must be done by an expert. The application of artificial neural networks as well as neuro-fuzzy systems can overcome this drawback by using a learning mechanism that enables the adaptation to the environment of use using numerical data on supply chain performance. However, there are neither studies in the literature that propose the use of these techniques in order to support supply chain performance prediction nor studies that discuss which of these techniques seem to be more appropriate to deal with this problem. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose and evaluate the adequability of the two types of performance prediction systems based on the performance indicators of the SCOR® model, and both using alternatively artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems to support performance management of a focal company and their supply chain. The implementation of this research involved the use of computer simulation and statistical tests. The results show that although both techniques present a satisfactory predictive capacity, neural networks are more appropriate in relation to the complexity of defining the topological configuration, whereas the neuro-fuzzy systems are more adequate regarding the predictive capacity, complexity of the training, amount of input variables, support to decision-making under uncertainty and interpretability of data. Other results of this research refer to the identification of characteristics of the modeling process of the evaluated techniques, as well as to the review on the use of quantitative techniques for supply chain performance evaluation and to the identification of some research opportunities.

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Um estudo m survey no pólo farmacêutico goiano

Borges, Sônia Mara Silva 29 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sonia Mara da Silva Borges.pdf: 9762184 bytes, checksum: d446d66de35e3d211c12c05ef719ce33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-29 / The Supply Chain Management has been showed up as an increasing model adopt in the business world, being ahead of the organizations necessities to rethink their strategies toward the organizations frontiers. Improvement on the proceedings involved on the network links of supllies has the sinergetic effect on the global network performance. This research describes the management performance of the supllies network of drugstore industry from Goiás pole, from the business process: to plan, to suplly, to produce, to distribute and to come back sanctioned by the SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference) The work method consisted of a literature review, covered the contributions about the reference model, allowing that we tested five hypothesis linked on the studied process. To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted, sent to the all eighteen drugstore industries of the pole, and had an answer tax of fifty six per cent. The results gained, treated by describes statistics techniques suggest that the drugstore industry, don t matter the charge, mainly have the supllies network based in system produced pushed, with little integration between the inter-industries process (links of the network), as the provision side as the demand side. / O Supply Chain Management tem se despontado como um modelo crescentemente adotado no mundo dos negócios, frente à necessidade das organizações repensarem suas estratégias além das fronteiras organizacionais. Melhorias nos processos envolvidos nos elos da cadeia de suprimento têm efeito sinérgico no desempenho global da cadeia. Esta pesquisa descreve a performance do gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimento, das indústrias farmacêuticas que compõem o pólo goiano, a partir dos processos de negócios: planejar, suprir, fabricar, distribuir e retornar referendados pelo Modelo SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference ). A metodologia de trabalho consistiu da revisão de literatura, cobrindo as contribuições relativas ao modelo de referência, permitindo que fossem testadas cinco hipóteses relacionadas aos processos estudados. Para testar as hipóteses, uma survey foi conduzida, enviadas a todas as 18 indústrias farmacêuticas do pólo, obtendo-se uma taxa de resposta de 56%. Analisando os resultados obtidos, tratados por meio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas, nota-se que as indústrias farmacêuticas, independente do porte, essencialmente possuem cadeias de suprimento baseada em sistemas empurrados de produção, com pouca integração entre os processos interfirmas (elos da cadeia), tanto do lado do fornecimento, quanto do lado da demanda.

Abordagem estratégica de um modelo integrado de gestão de supply chain e contribuições do modelo Scor

Kuhn, Leandro Daniel 11 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-06-09T17:11:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Daniel Kuhn.pdf: 1817519 bytes, checksum: dbd46396f41ceed5792f43e981346756 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-09T17:11:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Daniel Kuhn.pdf: 1817519 bytes, checksum: dbd46396f41ceed5792f43e981346756 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-11 / Nenhuma / Nos últimos anos tem crescido o nível de importância atribuída aos processos sob a responsabilidade do Supply Chain. Para muitas empresas o Supply Chain tem se tornado um fator crítico para ganhar vantagem competitiva nos mercados e um relevante alvo para a estratégia. Esta dissertação de mestrado teve por objetivo identificar a proposição estratégica e o delineamento da estrutura de processos utilizados na condução de um modelo integrado de gestão de Supply Chain e analisar as contribuições do modelo SCOR ao contexto da empresa estudada. A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada foi o estudo de caso de caráter exploratório em uma empresa que oportunizasse a geração de evidências a partir de seu modelo de gestão. Inicialmente foi realizada a pesquisa documental, a fim de identificar o contexto organizacional, elencando os eventos ocorridos, a organização dos processos que suportam o modelo integrado de gestão, e a motivação organizacional e estratégica que levaram à criação da função do Supply Chain. Através da análise de conteúdo em categorias que abordavam temas como estratégia, desempenho e modelo integrado de Supply Chain, identificou-se o alinhamento entre as estratégias e iniciativas do Supply Chain, as proposições de desempenho e o conceito de criação de valor do negócio, e o realinhamento da estrutura funcional num conceito integrado de processos suportados por práticas e uma visão estendida de atuação. Tendo como base a pesquisa documental e análise de conteúdo, foram recomendadas contribuições com base no SCOR ao modelo atual de gestão de Supply Chain da empresa estudada, visando colaborar na evolução do modelo integrado atual de gestão do Supply Chain. A utilização do SCOR para análise das operações de Supply Chain e modelo integrado de gestão se justifica por entender que não seria possível realizar os posicionamentos e contribuições acerca das operações do Supply Chain sem a utilização de um modelo conceitual e de processos como referência. Com o estudo de caso realizado foi possível identificar que o Supply Chain passou a ser visto de forma estratégica quando ocorreu o alinhamento da gestão do Supply Chain com os objetivos do negócio e a partir da definição do Supply Chain como uma competência essencial à competitividade da empresa, desenvolvendo uma organização de processos e estrutura que suportasse a estratégia proposta. / The level of importance given to processes under Supply Chain responsibility has increased in the last few years. For many companies the Supply Chain has become a critical factor when it comes to achieving competitive advantage in the markets and a rather relevant target for strategy. This master’s dissertation had the objective to identify the strategy proposition and the outline of the structure of processes used to build a Supply Chain integrated model of management as well as to analyze the contributions of the SCOR model towards the context of the researched company. The research strategy used herewith was an exploratory case study within a company that would provide the means for evidence from its management model. A documentary research was firstly carried out so as to identify the organizational context, listing the events that took place, the organization of the processes that support the integrated management model and the organizational and strategic motivation that led to the setup of the Supply Chain footprint. It was possible to identify the strategies and Supply Chain initiatives alignment through the analysis of content in categories that covered issues such as strategy, performance and integrated supply chain model, performance propositions and the concept of business value, and the realignment of the functional structure within an integrated concept of processes supported by practices and an extended vision of performance. Based on the documentary research and content analysis some contributions were recommended having the SCOR model applied to the current supply chain management model of the company analyzed, with the intention of collaborating with the improvement of the current integrated supply chain management model. The SCOR model analysis of Supply Chain operations and integrated management model is justified because it would not be possible to defend a position and offer contributions to Supply Chain operations without using a conceptual model or processes as reference. This case study allowed for the observation that Supply Chain started to be viewed in a strategic way when the Supply Chain management and business objectives alignment took place and from the definition of Supply Chain as an essential competence to the company’s market competition, developing an organization of processes and structure to support the proposed strategy.

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