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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy efficiency of smelting of scrap aluminium in HPDC facilities : Available and upcoming technologies

Racsi, Bogdan Radu January 2023 (has links)
The aluminium industry is anticipated to witness a surge in demand, with projectionsof a two to three-fold increase by 2050. Meeting environmental objectives andaddressing the growing emphasis on sustainability from both the industry andconsumers seeking eco-friendly products present significant challenges. Energyefficiency will be crucial in addressing these concerns. While primary aluminiumproduction consumes the majority of energy in the industry, the die-casting sector, asan energy-intensive segment, offers opportunities for enhancing energy efficiency. Inhousealuminium smelting in high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) foundries, primarilyemploying gas-fired shaft furnaces with preheating for improved energy efficiency, isa significant energy user.This research examines energy efficiency in High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC)foundries, particularly in-house aluminium smelting. Utilizing literature reviewsand expert interviews, the study reveals efficient technologies, drivers and barriersto energy efficiency, and the importance of sustainability. The current absence ofwell-defined Best Available Techniques (BAT) and the absence of validated claims bymanufacturers in the HPDC sector emphasize the urgent need for extensive researchand empirical verification.The results from this study show that using gas-fired shaft furnaces is the optimalchoice for the next decade, with waste heat recovery as the primary energy efficiencymethod, supplemented by the implementation of energy management systems andstrategies. Induction furnaces may emerge as a viable future technology, contingenton significant electricity network expansion and low energy prices.

Efficient Information Flow in a Supply Chain of Raw Materials

Steinkeller, John January 2017 (has links)
The Study aims to evaluate what kind of systems buyers of raw materials use for handling the flow of information in their supply chain of raw materials. Due to the complexity of the topic, the Study is only examining the continuous exchange of information between suppliers and buyers of raw materials. The purpose of the Study is to provide recommendations to Boliden on which system is suitable for implementation at the company. The Study’s results were achieved by collecting both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through interviews with raw materials buyers and trade organisations. A total of fifteen interviews were conducted in the Study. The secondary data was collected through a literature study. The results of the Study indicate that there exists four different solutions for managing the flow of information in a supply chain of raw materials. The most common solution among buyers of raw materials is to use the so-called “traditional” systems, i.e. e-mail, telephone and physical meetings. The second most common solution is to use an external information handling system provided by a trade organisation. The third most common solution is to use a commercial information handling system, i.e. a system provided by a commercial provider. Lastly, the least common solution is to develop an information handling system on its own, i.e. a proprietary information handling system. The conclusion of the Study is that Boliden should use two information handling system simultaneously, i.e. an external information handling system and the traditional information handling systems. However, Boliden should also look into the option of developing a proprietary information handling system.

Minskning av kvalitetsbrister i rullagertillverkning – en studie vid SKF Göteborg / Reduction of Non-Quality in Roller Manufacturing - a Study at SKF Gothenburg

Ye Årfelt, Julia, Yousef, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
SKF interndatasystem innehåller produktionsdata som har samlats i operatörsrapporter. En av kategorierna i dessa rapporter – Kassationer & Omarbete - är direkt relaterad till kvalitetsbrister. I nuläget är denna data inte använd för något specifikt ändamål. Stora mängder av data är därför insamlad och lagrad utan någon direkt nytta för företaget. En konsekvens av detta är att kassationskoderna för olika typer av defekter och var defekter hittas är felaktigt kategoriserade. Målet med detta projekt var att ta fram förslag för att minimera kvalitetsbrister i en av kanalerna i RK fabriken i SKF Göteborg. Kanalen som valdes kallas RR04. Målet var vidare att ge förslag för nya kassationskoder så att operatörer kan rapportera kvalitetsbrister på ett bättre sätt. Detta skulle göra interndata mer trovärdig och användbar fö rförbättringsarbete. Slutligen var resultaten från kanal RR04 validerade för replikering i en annan kanal i samma fabrik. Följande metoder användes under projektets gång: datainsamling från interndatasystemet, observationer av kanal RR04 och intervjuer med involverad personal. Dessutom gjordes en rotorsaksanalys och validering. Kassationskoderna som används i RR04 orsakar förvirring, slöseri med tid och att data inte blir trovärdig. Resultaten från projektet visar att operatörernas inrapporteringssystem är designat på ett sådant sätt att sannolikheten är stor att kassationskoderna inrapporteras felaktigt. Detta gäller även koderna för var kassationer hittas. Under valideringen har det visat sig att resultaten för RR04 kan replikeras i andra kanaler i samma fabrik. / SKF internal data systems contain production data that has been collected in operator reports. One of the categories in these reports - Scrap & Rework - is directly connected to non-quality issues. Currently, this data is not used for any specific purpose. Large amounts of data are therefore collected and stored with no actual benefit to the company. A consequence of this is that scrap groups for different defect types and the location where defects are found are incorrectly categorized. The purpose for this thesis project was to make suggestions for minimizing non-quality product in one of the channels at the RK factory at SKF Gothenburg. The channel chosen is called RR04. The purpose was further to suggest new defect type names so operators more correctly can report non-quality product. This would make internal data more reliable and useful. Finally, the results from channel RR04 were validated for replication on another production channel at the same factory. To accomplish the project, the following methods were used: data collection from the internal data system, observations of individual operations at RR04, and interviews with related internal personnel involved with this channel. In addition, a root cause analysis and a validation were performed. The defect type codes used at RR04 cause confusion, waste of time, and unreliable data. The results from this project show that the operator reporting system is designed in such a way making probability large for defect codes to be reported incorrectly. This is also true for codes used for the locations where defects are found. The validation shows that results obtained at RR04 can be replicated into other channels in the same factory.

Analysis on copper, lead and tin removal in steel scrap sorting : Technologies involved, environmental considerations and economic aspects

Cavaliere, Giada January 2023 (has links)
With the urgency of cutting down CO2 emissions to reach climate neutrality by 2050, decarbonization of the steel industry is on the European Commission's agenda. Steelmaking accounts for 10 % of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and it is one of the most challenging sectors to decarbonize. A solution that could support this progressive shift is to put more trust into the electric arc furnace (EAF) process, which relies on steel scrap as the main feedstock, but currently it is only responsible for 40% of the EU steelmaking. The almost remaining percentage is taken by the blast furnace route. Multiple European blast furnaces are currently closing due to low demands, high competition on imports and extremely high energy prices for production due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine situation. This particular moment could the proper time for increasing the employment of the EAF process. Moreover, the latter could help to improve resource efficiency and circularity of steel scrap thanks to the usage of higher shares of it, creating a “closed loop” for the steel industry. The reality of using more steel scrap is not actually very far from where we are, however, this will not be easy to reach. In fact, to ensure that the steel scrap is recycled "infinite" times it must contain very low quantities of impurities, such as copper (Cu}, tin (Sn) and lead (Pb}. Most of the times, this does not happen. Thus scrap is diluted with virgin iron to disperse those unwanted elements. This practice leads to a gradual decline of steel scrap quality, which is not in accordance with what it has just stated above. To worsen this situation even more, forecast is predicting increasing quantities of Cu that will accumulate into the steel scrap streams, due to the expected rising electric vehicles production. The aim of the following thesis work is to set a model to design a potential sorting solution to provide a higher copper (the most annoying cause of concern) removal rate in steel scrap, considering the economic and environmental implications of its implementation in the industry. Nonetheless, the presence of even lead and tin will also be taken into account. Results showcases that it is possible to get better impurities removal compared to what it has been done in many EU steel scrapyards, with ballistic separation as an additional refining separation step. Moreover, it is also an economically convenient and easy implementable solution that would assure higher quality steel scrap downstream of the process and that would also bring substantial economic and environmental benefits. / Med det brådskande att minska CO2-utsläppen för att nå klimatneutralitet till 2050, står avkarbonisering av stålindustrin på EU-kommissionens agenda. Ståltillverkning står för 10 % av antropogena koldioxidutsläpp och det är en av de mest utmanande sektorerna att ta bort koldioxid. En lösning som skulle kunna stödja denna progressiva förändring är att sätta mer förtroende till den elektriska ljusbågsugnsprocessen (EAF), som är beroende av stålskrot som huvudråvara, men för närvarande är den bara ansvarig för 40 % av ståltillverkningen i EU. Den nästan återstående andelen tas av masugnsvägen. Flera europeiska masugnar stängs för närvarande på grund av låga krav, hög konkurrens på import och extremt höga energipriser för produktion på grund av den ryska invasionen av Ukraina. Just detta ögonblickkan vara fördelaktigt för att öka sysselsättningen av EAF-processen. Dessutom skulle det senare kunna bidra till att förbättra resurseffektiviteten och cirkulariteten för stålskrot tack vare användningen av högre andelar av det, vilket skapar en "sluten slinga" för stålindustrin. Verkligheten med att använda mer stålskrot är faktiskt inte särskilt långt ifrån där vi är, men detta kommer inte att vara lätt att nå. Faktum är att för att säkerställa att stålskrotet återvinns "oändliga" gånger måste det innehålla mycket små mängder föroreningar, såsom koppar (Cu), tenn (Sn) och bly (Pb). Oftast händer detta inte. Således späds skrot med jungfruligt järn för att skingra dessa oönskade element. Denna praxis leder till en gradvis försämring av stålskrotskvaliteten, vilket inte är i enlighet med vad den nyss har angett ovan. För att förvärra denna situation ännu mer, förutspår prognosen ökande mängder Cu som kommer att ackumuleras i stålskrotströmmarna, på grund av den förväntade ökande produktionen av elfordon. Syftet med följande examensarbete är att sätta en modell för att designa en potentiell sorteringslösning för att ge en högre kopparavskiljningshastighet (den mest irriterande orsaken till oro) i stålskrot, med tanke på de ekonomiska och miljömässiga konsekvenserna av dess implementering i industrin. Icke desto mindre kommer förekomsten av jämnt bly och tenn också att beaktas. Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att få bättre bortförsel av föroreningar jämfört med vad man har gjort på många stålskrotvarv i EU, med ballistisk separering som ett extra raffineringssteg. Dessutom är det också en ekonomiskt bekväm och lätt implementerbar lösning som skulle säkerställa högre kvalitet stålskrot nedströms om processen och som också skulle ge betydande ekonomiska och miljömässiga fördelar.

Математическое моделирование развития рынка по ключевым параметрам : магистерская диссертация / Mathematical modeling of the market development by key parameters

Пакшинцева, Т. А., Pakshintseva, T. A. January 2018 (has links)
The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that copper is used in all sectors of industry: engineering, electrical industry, household industry, construction, etc. It produces wires and cables, pipes, cooling systems and much more. Thus, the scope of copper is constantly expanding, so the need for it is growing from year to year. Copper mining from natural sources is expensive and not environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is much more efficient to produce copper by secondary processing. In modern conditions, it is important to be able to predict the resource base of the enterprise in the short and long term, because this helps to direct investments in the right direction and to avoid economic losses. The aim of the work is to build a predictive model of the copper scrap market using key parameters. Tasks of work: • to consider the theoretical aspects of the development of the Russian copper scrap market; • to evaluate key indicators of the copper scrap market and adjust the model characterizing the dynamics of the volume of copper scrap; • to develop a forecast model and produce a forecast; • to analyze the enterprises of the metallurgy market; • to identify the behavior strategies of agents in the copper scrap market and build a diagram of competitive behavior strategies; • to evaluate the effectiveness of the competitive behavior strategy chart; • to evaluate the economic efficiency of creating a new information system. / Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что медь используется во всех секторах промышленности: для машиностроения, электротехнической промышленности, бытовой промышленности, в строительстве и т.д. Из нее изготавливаются провода и кабели, трубы, системы охлаждения и многое другое. Таким образом, сферы применения меди постоянно расширяются, поэтому потребности в ней растут из года в год. Добыча меди из природных источников процесс дорогостоящий и не экологичный. Поэтому гораздо эффективнее получать медь путем вторичной обработки. В современных условиях, важно уметь прогнозировать ресурсную базу предприятия в краткосрочной и долгосрочной перспективе, т.к. это помогает направить инвестиции в нужное русло и избежать экономических потерь. Целью работы является построение прогнозной модели рынка медного лома с использованием ключевых параметров. Задачи работы: • рассмотреть теоретические аспекты развития рынка медного лома РФ; • оценить ключевые показатели рынка медного лома и скорректировать модель, характеризующую динамику объема медного лома; • разработать прогнозную модель и произвести прогноз; • провести анализ предприятий рынка металлургии; • выявить стратегии поведения агентов на рынке медного лома и построить диаграмму конкурентной стратегии поведения; • оценить эффективность диаграммы конкурентной стратегии поведения; • оценить экономическую эффективность создания новой информационной системы.

<b>Synthesis and characterization of soybean oil derivatives for metalworking lubricants and gear oils</b>

Elena A Robles Molina (9751112) 02 August 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Vegetable oils are a fundamental part of human civilization. Beyond their nutritional value and functional implementation in food applications, their triglyceride structure facilitates their implementation as industrial inputs. Furthermore, applications such as metal gear fluids and gear oil represent a valuable market due to their environmental impact and widespread application. Soybean oil is one of the most produced oilseeds in the U.S., and recently, novel oil varieties such as high oleic soybean oil (HOSBO) tackle drawbacks in the use of vegetable oil such as the heterogeneous fatty acid composition by increasing the concentration of oleic acid. This dissertation evaluates the successful implementation of HOSBO and SBO as lubricant and gear oils through epoxy ring opening reactions for synthesizing polyols and estolides. Epoxidation of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids creates reaction sites for the branching of fatty acids in estolides or hydroxylated moieties in the case of polyols. The difference in fatty acid composition is shown in terms of thermomechanical characteristics. HOSBO polyols and estolides are solid to semi-solid greases with high viscosities and SAE grades as gear oils from 85W up. In contrast, SBO-derived oils have lower viscosities and a larger viscosity index.</p><p dir="ltr">The second part of this research focuses on the kinetics of the hydroxylation defined by distinctive fatty acid compositions. The sites of reaction in the double bonds can be, in part, sterically hindered by the glycerol backbone. Thus, this chapter focuses on the influence of the reaction rates given the fatty acid composition of the oil. Consumption of epoxide groups in HOSBO and SBO was modeled under pseudo-first-order kinetics. The results highlight the benefit of using HOSBO with reaction rates at least 30% faster than SBO. Furthermore, the progress of the reaction was monitored by FTIR, which highlighted the formation of ether groups corresponding to the addition of 1-propanol branches. However, further optimization steps must focus on the controlled removal of water in order to prevent the esterification of the oil and the resulting increase of free fatty <a href="" target="_blank">acids</a><a href="#_msocom_1" target="_blank">[EAS1]</a> .</p><p dir="ltr"><a href="#_msoanchor_1" target="_blank">[EAS1]</a>Seems to end abruptly</p><p><br></p>

Recycling of Passenger Vehicles: A framework for upcycling and required enabling technologies

Kelly, Sean Michael 25 April 2018 (has links)
The automotive industry is expected to transition from a net-consumer to a net-producer of aluminum scrap as aluminum-intensive vehicles (AIVs, i.e., Ford’s aluminum-bodied F-150) begin to reach end-of-life (EOL). In the past, the industry has downcycled aluminum scrap to meet the consumption demands of the automotive sector. With the shift to having a large supply of this scrap in the near future, the industry needs to recover and reuse EOL Al by utilizing a circular economic model, create value via an upcycling paradigm (vs downcycling). This work establishes a platform as to how the recycling industry can be restructured to create value in our waste streams and is organized in three segments: First, an analysis of the flow of automobiles at EOL was carried out from the perspective of recovery and reuse; a recycling rate for Al has been determined, and the factors that go into the dynamics of the recycling rate have been identified. Secondly, the current state of the market was surveyed to evaluate where improvements could be made to affect material collection and recovery. The latter led to compositional characterization of aluminum auto-shred to identify the alloys in the mixture, and thereby the needed intelligent sorting systems for upcycling. Thirdly, these results were used in a dynamic material flow model to predict how the composition of auto-shred will change due to increased aluminum usage and as a function of various end-of-life processing scenarios. The outcome and impact of this work is that we have established a platform that enables the ELV recycling industry to upcycle the large amount of Al that will be available in the near future. These results will be discussed and reviewed during this presentation.

Understanding sorption mechanisms of uranium onto elemental iron, minerals and Shewanella putrefaciens surfaces in the presence of arsenic

N’zau Umba-di-Mbudi, Clement 19 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The concomitant occurrence and reported discrepant behavior of uranium and arsenic in water bodies is a major health and environmental concern. This study combined batch and column experiments, hydrogeochemical simulations and XAFS spectroscopy to uncover the exchange mechanisms governing uranium fate between water and scrap metallic iron, minerals and Shewanella putrefaciens surfaces in the presence of arsenic. The main results suggest that both water chemistry and the solid phase composition influence uranium fate in the presence of arsenic. The importance of uranyl-arsenate species as a major control of uranium behavior in the presence of arsenic is shown. The toxicity of arsenic and the presence of nitrate are interpreted as limiting factors of the enzymatic reduction of both toxins. Besides, XANES fingerprinting and EXAFS modeling have confirmed precipitation/co-precipitation of uranyl-arsenates as a major mechanism controlling uranium behavior in the presence of arsenic.

Historie a vývoj grafických technik a jejich význam.\nl Tisk z výšky a jejich významní tvůrci. / History and development of the graphical techniques and its importance. Printing from height a its important authors.

SEDLÁKOVÁ, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis has an aim to present to students of elementary school graphical methods of relief printing by method of methodological video, for better understanding and imagination of students. The theoretical part occupies with graphic, the fenomena, that accompanies us from prehistoric times. The thesis is going to present method of relief printing, its development and important authors of relief printing. It makes the students familiar with the most important graphic works in history and makes their analysis. It presents the most common subjects and social aspects of graphical production in the final part. The practical part elaborates technology of instructive video and following application for students of various age and its final marking their work. The conclusion of thesis create supplements of the practical part, examples of models and final works.

Resíduos da construção civil na cidade do Recife : percepção de trabalhadores envolvidos

Luiz Leopoldino Tavares da Silva 30 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral avaliar a percepção de alguns trabalhadores envolvidos com o descarte dos resíduos da construção atual na cidade do Recife. Desse modo, a investigação da composição dos resíduos de construção civil na cidade do Recife é importante haja vista muitos serem recicláveis, o que pode proporcionar a redução dos custos nas obras e melhor a qualidade de vida da população a medida que busca encontrar mecanismos de reutilização de tais resíduos. A metodologia adotada para alcançar os objetivos propostos, constou de uma revisão da literatura que aborda o tema proposto, um levantamento de áreas de construção licenciadas no ano de 2011 na cidade do Recife; aplicação de questionário com os trabalhadores da construção civil nos canteiros de obras; e identificação com registro fotográfico de áreas de disposição irregular de resíduos da construção civil. Dentre os locais de deposição irregular dos resíduos da construção civil pode-se destacar: encostas (que provocam sobrecarga, condenando a vegetação provocando a instabilidade dos taludes); cursos dágua (o que prejudica a drenagem urbana e contamina as águas); logradouros (o que permite a proliferação de vetores); e, ainda, próximos a hospitais (tornando o ambiente ainda mais insalubre). A reciclagem é hoje uma atividade em constante ascensão e de grande importância para o desenvolvimento do país. Constatou-se no Recife que nos bairros próximos ao centro, as construções possuem depósitos coletores de resíduos da construção civil, que são despejados sem qualquer separação e ficam aguardando a coleta. Entretanto em bairros marginais é comum visualizar deposição irregular as margens de rodovias municipais, estaduais e federais, evidenciando a necessidade de uma fiscalização mais rigorosa e abrangente a todo o município e maior investimento em informação e projetos de reutilização de resíduos da construção civil na própria construção. / This research aimed to evaluate the perception of some workers involved with the disposal of construction wastes present in the city of Recife. Thus, the investigation of waste from construction in the city of Recife is important considering many are recyclable, which can provide lower costs in the works and the better the quality of life measure that seeks to find ways to reuse of such waste. The methodology adopted to achieve the proposed objectives, consisted of a literature review that addresses the theme, a survey of construction areas licensed in 2011 in Recife, a questionnaire with the construction workers at construction sites; identification and photographing of areas of irregular disposal of waste from construction. Among the local deposition of irregular construction waste can be highlighted: the slopes (which cause overload, condemning the vegetation causing the instability of slopes), watercourses (which undermines the urban drainage and contaminates the water), parks (which allows the proliferation of vectors), and also near hospitals (making the environment more unhealthy). Recycling is now a steady rise in activity and of great importance for the development of the country. It was found that in Recife in the neighborhoods near the center, the buildings have deposits collectors construction waste that are dumped without any separation and are awaiting collection. However in marginal neighborhoods is common view deposition irregular margins county roads, state and federal, highlighting the need for stricter monitoring and comprehensive to the entire municipality and increased investment in information and reuse projects of construction waste in the construction.

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