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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic damage in oligozoospermic patients detected by fluorescence in-situ hybridization, inverse restriction site mutation assay, sperm chromatin structure assay and the Comet assay.

Schmid, Thomas E., Kamischke, A., Bollwein, H., Nieschlag, E., Brinkworth, Martin H. January 2003 (has links)
No / BACKGROUND: The possibility that oligozoospermic men may have elevated levels of genetic damage in their sperm is of particular concern as they could transmit defects to their offspring. METHODS: Sperm samples were obtained from 12 infertile, oligozoospermic patients and 12 healthy normozoospermic volunteers. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) was used to determine aneuploidy rates in sperm and inverse restriction site mutation (iRSM) assay to determine gene mutations; defective chromatin packaging was quantified by sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and DNA strand breaks by the Comet assay. RESULTS: FISH analysis showed a significant increase in gonosomal X,Y,18 (P < 0.01) disomy and diploid sperm with X,Y,18,18 (P < 0.05) in the infertility patients compared with the controls. A significant increase (P < 0.01) in disturbed sperm chromatin was found in the infertility patients compared with the control group using the SCSA assay. In the Comet assay, a significant increase (P < 0.01) in the tail moment was found in the infertility patients compared with the control group, indicating significantly high levels of DNA strand breaks. There was no significant increase in point mutations detected by iRSM assay. CONCLUSIONS: The data indicate that infertile oligozoospermic men have an elevated level of XY aneuploidy and XY diploidy in the germ-line, as well as elevated levels of sperm chromatin disturbances and sperm DNA strand breaks. These data demonstrate that oligozoospermic infertility patients show several different types of genetic damage in their sperm. Thus, such men appear to have defects at a variety of levels of spermatogenesis and their infertility may not just be a result of the oligozoospermia.

Jämförelse av spermakvalitet med avseende på DNA fragmentations index (DFI) : Hos svenska och danska män med fertilitetsproblematik / Comparison of sperm quality with regards to DNA fragmentation index (DFI) : In Swedish and Danish men with fertility problems

Björk, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
För att bedöma mäns spermiekvalitet och därmed pars chanser till en graviditet har standardparametrar tidigare använts som fertilitetsindikator, men har visat sig vara en mindre tillförlitlig metod. Därför har en ny metod som bygger på flödescytometri och kallas Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) utvecklats som fokuserar på spermiernas arvsmassa, och som då har visat sig vara en mycket mer tillförlitlig metod. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra DNA Fragmentations Index (DFI) -värde mellan svenska och danska män och se om en signifikant skillnad finns. För att uppfylla detta späddes och färgades spermaproven in och analyserades med SCSA, som därefter gav hur stor andel av spermiernas DNA som är defekt, vilket presenterades som ett procentuellt DFI-värde. Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad av medianvärdet mellan svenska och danska män med avseende på DFI, där svenska män hade högre medianvärde än de danska männen. Detta i kombination med tidigare forskning som gjordes mellan svenska och danska män och som visade att svenska män hade bättre kvalitet än danska män med avseende på standardparametrarna, stödjer tidigare forskning som visar på att det ej finns ett samband mellan standardparametrar och DFI. Dock hade ytterligare forskning av skillnaderna mellan svenska och danska män behövts, för att validera fynden i denna studie. / To assess men's sperm quality and thus couples' chances of pregnancy, standard parameters have previously been used as a fertility indicator, but have proven to be a less reliable method. Therefore, a new method based on flow cytometry called Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) has been developed which focuses on the sperm's genetic mass, and which has been shown to be a much more reliable method. The purpose of this study was to compare the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) value between Swedish and Danish men and see if a significant difference exists. To fulfill this, the sperm samples were diluted and stained and analyzed with SCSA, which then gave the ratio of the sperm's DNA that is defective, which was presented as a percentage DFI value. The result showed a significant difference in the median value between Swedish and Danish men with regard to DFI, where Swedish men had a higher median value than the Danish men. This, in combination with previous research that has been done between Swedish and Danish men which showed that Swedish men had better quality than Danish men in regards to the standard parameters, supports previous research that shows that there is no connection between standard parameters and DFI. However, further research into the differences between Swedish and Danish men is needed to validate the findings in this study.

Zelltyp-spezifische Mikroanalyse von Arabidopsis thaliana-Blättern

Brandt, Stephan Peter January 2001 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Strategien zur Analyse von Transkripten erarbeitet. Die ersten Versuche zielten darauf ab, in mit Glaskapillaren genommenen Einzelzellproben verschiedener Gewebeschichten RT-PCR durchzuführen, um spezifische Transkripte nachweisen zu können. Dies gelang für eine Reihe von Genen aus verschiedenen Pflanzenspezies. Dabei konnten sowohl Transkripte stark wie auch schwach exprimierter Gene nachgewiesen werden. <br /> Für die Erstellung von Gewebe-spezifischen Expressionsprofilen war es notwendig, die in vereinigten Zellproben enthaltene mRNA zunächst zu amplifizieren, um eine ausreichende Menge für Arrayhybridisierungen zu erhalten. Vor der Vermehrung wurde die mRNA revers transkribiert. Es wurden daran anschließend verschiedene Amplifikationsstrategien getestet: Die neben Tailing, Adapterligation und anderen PCR-basierenden Protokollen getestete Arbitrary-PCR hat sich in dieser Arbeit als einfache und einzige Methode herausgestellt, die mit so geringen cDNA-Mengen reproduzierbar arbeitet. Durch Gewebe-spezifische Array-hybridisierungen mit der so amplifizierten RNA konnten schon bekannte Expressionsmuster verschiedener Gene, vornehmlich solcher, die an der Photosynthese beteiligt sind, beobachtet werden. Es wurden aber auch eine ganze Reihe neuer offensichtlich Gewebe-spezifisch exprimierter Gene gefunden. Exemplarisch für die differentiell exprimierten Gene konnte das durch Arrayhybridisierungen gefundene Expressionsmuster der kleinen Untereinheit von Rubisco verifiziert werden. Hierzu wurden Methoden zum Gewebe-spezifischen Northernblot sowie semiquantitativer und Echtzeit-Einzelzell-RT-PCR entwickelt.<br /> Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Methoden zur Analyse von Metaboliten einschließlich anorganischer Ionen verwendet. Es stellte sich heraus, daß die multiparallele Methode der Gaschromatographie-Massenspektrometrie keine geeignete Methode für die Analyse selbst vieler vereinigter Zellinhalte ist. Daher wurde auf Kapillarelektrophorese zurückgegriffen. Eine Methode, die mit sehr kleinen Probenvolumina auskommt, eine hohe Trennung erzielt und zudem extrem geringe Detektionslimits besitzt. Die Analyse von Kohlenhydraten und Anionen erfordert eine weitere Optimierung. Über UV-Detektion konnte die K+-Konzentration in verschiedenen Geweben von A. thaliana bestimmt werden. Sie lag in Epidermis und Mesophyll mit ca. 25 mM unterhalb der für andere Pflanzenspezies (Solanum tuberosum und Hordeum vulgare) publizierten Konzentration. Weiter konnte gezeigt werden, daß zwölf freie Aminosäuren mittels einer auf Kapillarelektrophorese basierenden Methode in vereinigten Zellproben von Cucurbita maxima identifiziert werden konnten. Die Übertragung der Methode auf A. thaliana-Proben muß jedoch weiter optimiert werden, da die Sensitivität selbst bei Laser induzierter Fluoreszenz-Detektion nicht ausreichte.<br /> Im dritten und letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die die Analyse bekannter wie unbekannter Proteine in Gewebe-spezifischen Proben ermöglicht. Hierzu wurde zur Probennahme mittels mechanischer Mikrodissektion eine alternative Methode zur Laser Capture Microdissection verwendet, um aus eingebetteten Gewebeschnitten distinkte Bereiche herauszuschneiden und somit homogenes Gewebe anzureichern. Aus diesem konnten die Proteine extrahiert und über Polyacrylamidgelelektrophorese separariert werden. Banden konnten ausgeschnitten, tryptisch verdaut und massenspektrometrisch die Primärsequenz der Peptidfragmente bestimmt werden. So konnten als Hauptproteine im Mesophyll die große Untereinheit von Rubisco sowie ein Chlorophyll bindendes Protein gefunden werden.<br /> Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten und auf die Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana angewandten Einzelzellanalysetechniken erlauben es in Zukunft, physiologische Prozesse besser sowohl räumlich als auch zeitlich aufzulösen. Dies wird zu einem detaillierteren Verständnis mannigfaltiger Vorgänge wie Zell-Zell-Kommunikation, Signalweiterleitung oder Pflanzen-Pathogen-Interaktionen führen. / The subject of this thesis was the analysis of single plant cells in respect to their contents of i) transcripts, ii) inorganic cations and anions, iii) metabolites like amino acids and carbohydrates as well as iv) proteins. One task was the transfer of existing methods to single cell analysis on leaf tissues of the model plant Arabisopsis thaliana L., the second one was the refinement and the development, respectively, of new protocols for the analysis of such picoliter samples. For cell type specific sampling two different complimentary methods were applied: Using micro glass capillaries specific single cell contents could be harvested from intact plants, whereas typical sample volumes were in the picoliter range. Even the sampling of inner cell types such as companion cells could be demonstrated. Using mechanical micro dissection of embedded tissue a larger amount of homogenous tissue could be collected.<br /> Because single cell samples contain only femtogram amounts of mRNA, direct detection of transcripts is impossible. Therefore, two amplification protocols were applied to the cell samples: The first procedure makes use of specifically primed RT-PCR for amplification. Several genes derived from different plants and tissues could be detected after successful RT-PCR, including high as well as low expressed genes. The second method was developed to monitor the activity of many genes in parallel using array hybridisation with filters containing the cDNA of as many as 16.000 ESTs. For this purpose, unspecific RT-PCR as it is applied in the differential display was used to amplify different transcripts in just one reaction. However, in these tissue specific array hybridisations the expression patterns of several hundreds genes could be monitored. These included known tissue specific expression patterns (of mainly photosynthesis related genes) as well as a couple of unknown expression patterns. To verify the tissue specificity of gene activity some results were reconsidered using tissue specific northern blot hybridisations and real time RT-PCR, respectively. <br /> Secondly, metabolites (including inorganic ions) were investigated: Because gas chromatography-mass spectrometry does not reveal the sensitivity which in necessary for the analysis of even multiple pooled single cell samples capillary electrophoresis was applied for these studies. This method has a high potential as it needs only small amounts of starting material, has uncomparable low detection limits and exhibits a high number of theoretical plates.<br /> The analysis of inorganic anions and carbohydrates needs further optimisations. Using UV absorption-detection potassium could be detected in different cell types whereas the concentrations in mesophyll and epidermis were found around 25 mM each. These concentrations are lower than in other species as Solanum tuberosum or Hordeum vulgare. For investigations of amino acids the cell samples were derivatized to make the use of laser induced fluorescence-detection capable. In samples derived from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) mesophyll twelve amino acids could be detected and identified. The transfer of this method to A. thaliana derived samples exhibited no results which may be due to the low concentration of free amino acids in these plants.<br /> Finally, a method was developed with which the existence of known and unknown proteins in tissue specific samples could be monitored. For this, mechanical micro dissection was used to: After embedding and sectioning the tissue of interest was cut out by an vibrating steel chisel to get homogenous samples. The proteins contained in these tissue pieces were extracted and separated by one dimensional SDS polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis. Several protein bands could be detected after staining with either silver or coomassie blue stain. These bands were cut out and sequenced by mass spectrometry. The large subunit of rubisco as well as one chlorophyll binding protein could be identified as the major proteins within the mesophyll.<br /> The single cell analysis methods which were developed and applied to the model plant A. thaliana in this thesis allow a better spatial as well as temporal resolution of analysis. This will lead to a more detailed understanding of physiological processes like cell to cell communication, signalling or plant-pathogen interactions.

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