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Mineralogisk-mineralkemisk karakterisering av Nb-Ta-förande associationer från Stripåsenpegmatiten,NorbergHenriksson, Jens January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Mineralogical-mineral chemical characterisation of Nb-Ta-bearingassemblages from the Stripåsen granitic pegmatite, NorbergJens Henriksson The occurrence of Nb-Ta-bearing minerals has earlier been briefly documented inthe Stripåsen granitic pegmatite, Norberg, central Bergslagen. This report describesthe background, preparation and basic characterisation of sampled Nb-Ta-bearingmineral assemblages from this pegmatite. These comprise (Y,REE,U,Th)-(Nb,Ta,Ti)-oxides of mainly a tantalum-dominated A 2-m B 2 X 6-w Y 1-n -type, belonging to the pyrochloresupergroup. The major primary mineral is suggested to have been afluorcalciomicrolite, ideally (Ca,Na,☐) 2 Ta 2 O 6 F. In association with abundant fractureformation related to metamictisation of the microlite minerals, they are interpreted tohave been variably altered by late-stage fluids. Thus, the system has beenextensively modified after the primary crystallisation of the pegmatite melt. Besidesthese (Y,REE,U,Th)-(Nb,Ta,Ti)-oxides, monazite-(Ce) ((Ce, LREE)PO 4 ), nativebismuth (Bi) and presumably radiogenic galena (PbS) were identified. The sampleshave mainly been studied by means of scanning-electron-microscopy with energydispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), utilising reflected polarised light microscopy asa complementary tool. The study was done within the framework of the EU-supported FRAME-project which is focused on a selection of metals and minerals,among others niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta). / Sammanfattning Mineralogisk-mineralkemisk karakterisering av Nb-Ta-förande associationerfrån Stripåsenpegmatiten, NorbergJens Henriksson Förekomsten av Nb-Ta-förande mineral har tidigare dokumenteras iStripåsenpegmatiten, Norberg, centrala Bergslagen. Här redogörs för bakgrund,provförberedelse och grundläggande karakterisering av provtagna Nb-Ta-förandemineralassociationer från denna pegmatit. Proven som undersökts innehåller(Y,REE,U,Th)-(Nb,Ta,Ti)-oxider av främst tantaldominerad A 2-m B 2 X 6-w Y 1-n -typtillhörande pyroklorsupergruppen. Den huvudsakliga primära fasen tolkas ha varit enfluorkalciomikrolit, idealiskt (Ca,Na,☐) 2 Ta 2 O 6 F. I anslutning till rikligt förekommandesprickor som är relaterade till omfattande metamiktisering har mikroliternaomvandlats i varierande grad av sena fluider. Systemet har alltså förändrats kraftigtefter den primära kristallisationen av pegmatitsmältan. Förutom (Y,REE,U,Th)-(Nb,Ta,Ti)-oxider identifierades monazit-(Ce) ((Ce,LREE)PO 4 ), gedigen vismut (Bi)och vad som sannolikt är radiogen blyglans (PbS). Provmaterialet har huvudsakligenundersökts med genom svepelektronmikroskopi med energidispersiv spektroskopi(SEM-EDS), varvid malmmikroskopi har använts som ett kompletterande verktyg.Studien gjordes inom ramverket för det EU-stödda FRAME-projektet som blandannat fokuserar på förekomster av de kritiska och konfliktrelaterade metallerna niob(Nb) och tantal (Ta).
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Long term aging and creep exposure for advanced heat resistant alloys : A phase analysisLundberg, Daniel, Wilson, Filip, Gunnarsson, Hjalmar, Sjörén, Leo, Xu, Robin, Djurberg, Erik January 2021 (has links)
This project was ordered by Sandvik Materials Technology and was performed by a group of students at Uppsala university. The purpose of the project was to study precipitation behavior and structure stability in six advanced heat resistant alloys. Each sample were subjected to a creep rupture test in 600 or 700°C depending on the alloy type. Two parts of each alloy where examined; one part which had been affected by creep and another part which was unaffected by creep. A literature study was performed first to gain knowledge of the scientific theory utilized in this project, namely creep, precipitation hardening, and about the different materials which were analyzed. Preliminary results for the phase composition of the materials were obtained from a Thermo-Calc (TC) simulation. The SEM-images showed nothing noteworthy for any sample due to the roughness of the sample surfaces. The EDS-analysis showed chromium depletion in the centers of the aged samples of HT9 and Sanicro® 75X. Other minority phases such as Cr23C6 in Sanicro®70, P-phase and a titanium nitride phase in sanicro® 60X, VB in Esshete 1250 and Sigma-phase in 4C54 were identified using EDSmapping. It was found that when using XRD to analyze the phase compositions of small samples it is impractical to have the samples cast in bakelite beforehand. The XRD-results obtained in this project showed that more than 90% of the XRD diffractogram for every sample was graphite, which made the identification of minority phases impossible. The quality of the LOM-images varied greatly between samples, for 4C54 grain sizes were measured in all images, for Esshete 1250 grain sizes were measured for the crept sample, and for Sanicro® 60X measurements could only be taken from one image. Most of the sample preparation was insufficient to achieve the test results necessary for complete microstructural analysis and phase analysis of the samples. The mistakes in the practical steps of the project were noted and improvements for these mistakes are presented in the conclusion.
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Critical elements scavenged by secondary gypsum and HFO : Determined by sequential extraction combined with mineralogical studiesFlodin, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The demand for metals is great for the purpose of developing green technologies, and EU has listed 30 metals and minerals that are of critical importance for the maintenance and evolving of today’s society, so called critical materials. However, mining of raw materials generates mine waste which can have adverse effect on human health, ecosystems, and surrounding areas. To be able to prevent the release of toxic levels of elements from mine waste, an understanding of how different elements behave in the secondary environments is necessary in order to use the most successful methods for mining remediation. It is common that secondary minerals, such as gypsum and/or HFOs (hydrous ferric oxides), forms in mine waste or in downstream environments, depending on the geochemical conditions. From prior studies, it is well established that trace elements are sorbed by HFO. But studies are scares regarding co-precipitation of elements with secondary gypsum formation, and few studies investigates the possibility of critical elements to be captured by secondary minerals. In this study, a prior unknown white precipitation along with tailings material from the Smaltjärnen tailings beach in Yxsjöberg, Sweden, has been investigated by combining mineralogical studies (SEM-EDS and DXRD analysis) with sequential extraction. The aim with the study was to identify the precipitation and to examine if critical elements had co-precipitated with the precipitation and HFOs within the sample. From the results it was possible to prove that the white precipitation was gypsum (CaSO4*2H2O), and it was indicated that some of the critical elements (beryllium for instance) showed affinity for gypsum, and that bismuth, tungsten, and chromium were sorped by HFOs. The combining of chemical analysis with mineralogical studies was of great importance for determining in which mineral phases the leached elements were situated, and the study has shown that secondary gypsum formation can be an important sink for some critical elements. More studies should be performed within this field of research to further investigate the importance of secondary minerals for scavenging of elements, not only to prevent toxic levels to be leached, but also to capture these elements in the purpose of re-mining. / Idag är behovet av metaller stort inom användningsområden för att utveckla gröna teknologier. EU har därför listat 30 metaller och mineral (kritiska material) som anses vara kritiska för att underhålla och utveckla dagens samhälle. Men brytning av råmaterial resulterar i generering av gruvavfall där avfallet potentiellt kan utgöra en risk för att skada bland annat människors hälsa och ekosystem. För att kunna förhindra att giftiga halter av grundämnen släpps ut från gruvavfall så krävs en förståelse om hur olika ämnen beter sig i sekundära miljöer, för att på så sätt kunna tillämpa de mest framgångsrika metoderna för sanering och återställning av gruvområden. Det är vanligt förekommande att sekundära mineraler (såsom gips och järnhydroxider) fälls ut i gruvavfallet och/eller nedströms om gruvområdet beroende på de geokemiska förhållandena. Tidigare studier har visat att spårämnen kan binda till järnhydroxider, men endast ett fåtal studier undersöker samutfällning av olika spårämnen tillsammans med sekundärt gips. Hur specifikt kritiska metaller kan fångas upp av sekundära mineral är ännu inte välstuderat. I denna studie har en vit, tidigare okänd, utfällning provtagits från en av deponierna med anrikningssand i den historiska volframgruvan i Yxsjöberg. Utfällningen identifierades genom att kombinera mineralogiska studier (SEM-EDS och DXRD analys) med kemiska lakvattenanalyser från en sekventiell lakning. Målet med studien var att mineralogiskt karaktärisera den okända utfällningen och att undersöka om kritiska ämnen möjligen samutfällts tillsammans med de sekundära mineralen. Studien visade att utfällningen var sekundärt gips (CaSO4*2H2O) och det kunde påvisas att vissa kritiska metaller visade affinitet för gipset (exempelvis beryllium) och att andra kritiska metaller samutfällts/adsorberats av järnhydroxider. Att kombinera dom olika metoderna visade sig att vara till stor nytta för att kunna påvisa vilka mineral dom olika grundämnena var bundna till, och studien har även visat att sekundärt gips kan vara en sänka för vissa kritiska metaller. Mer studier bör utföras inom detta forskningsområde i framtiden för att vidare undersöka hur sekundära mineral kan binda kritiska metaller, inte endast för att förhindra att giftiga halter av metaller släpps ut, utan också för att undersöka möjligheten att återvinna gruvavfallet för utvinning av kritiska metaller.
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Compartimentos da matéria orgânica do solo, agregação, mecanismos de proteção e sequestro de carbono influenciados pela calagem superficial em sistema plantio diretoBriedis, Clever 14 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-14 / Liming is the most often practice used to neutralize soil acidity, and also promotes chemical changes that can alter the soil organic matter (SOM) pools and the mechanisms of flocculation, formation and stabilization of macro-and microaggregates. The objective of this study was to evaluate carbon sequestration, in the whole and in the aggregates samples, and the changes in the SOM pools affected by liming in a long-term no-tillage. The experiment was conducted in an Oxisol, located in Ponta Grossa, PR. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, arranged as split plot with three replications. The main plot consisted of dolomite lime applied on the soil surface at a 0 or 6 Mg ha-1 in 1993, and 0 or 3 Mg ha-1 in 2000 in plots previously with and without lime, and the treatments was assigned as: 0+0, 6+0, 0+3 and 6+3 Mg ha-1. The subplots were represented by sampling depth and consist of 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm layer. The soil samples were taken in September 2008 and the total organic carbon (TOC) was analyzed in the whole sample, in the aggregates and in the particulate organic carbon (POC) and in the fraction associated with minerals carbon (OCAM). Aggregates of 8-19 mm, in the 0-2.5 cm layer were analyzed by using scan microscope spectrometer X-ray (EDS) for elemental analysis of carbon (C) and calcium (Ca). Liming promoted accumulation of TOC mainly in the layer 0-2.5 cm. The TOC stocks at 0-20 cm were 49.9, 52.9, 52.7 and 57.5 Mg ha-1 for 0+0, 6+0, 0+3, 6 +3 treatments, respectively. Stocks in the SOM fractions were also increased with liming. The increase in POC stock was close relationship (R2 = 0.98, P = 0.011) with the C accumulated input through crop residue, which was higher in plots that were limed. A positive correlation was found between TOC and C extracted in hot water (CHW), total polysaccharides (TP) and labile (LP). Correlations also showed that TOC had a closer relationship with POC than with OCAM, suggesting a greater influence on the labile fraction of TOC increase with liming. In aggregate, the effect of liming in TOC accumulation was mainly in 0-2.5 cm depth. The treatments with liming showed high mean weight diameter (MWD), which provided a large stock of TOC in the 8-19 mm aggregate size. A higest proportion of large aggregates with liming was closely correlated with the TOC content of whole sample. The highest liming dosis resulted in both COP and in OCAM, in the largest class of aggregates. The proportion of POC average of the treatments in relation to OCAM, this class of aggregates, has decreased in depth, and were 18, 13, 10 and 8% at depths of 0-2.5, 2.5-5, 50-10 and 10-20, respectively. Elemental analysis of C and Ca showed a positive correlation of those elements contained in a section of clay from the center of 8-19 mm aggregates. The results suggest that application of lime in soil with clay fraction dominated by kaolinite, brings benefits to structuring and promotes an increase of C in the whole sample and in aggregates. / A calagem é a prática mais utilizada para neutralizar a acidez do solo, porém promove também modificações químicas capazes de alterar os compartimentos da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) e mecanismos de floculação, formação e estabilização de macro e microagregados. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o seqüestro de carbono, na amostra integral e nos agregados, e as alterações nos compartimentos da MOS afetados por calagem superficial em sistema plantio direto de longa duração. O experimento foi conduzido em um Latossolo Vermelho textura média, no município de Ponta Grossa, PR. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. As parcelas consistiram da aplicação de calcário dolomítico na superfície do solo na dose de 0 ou 6 Mg ha-1 em 1993, e dose de 0 ou 3 Mg ha-1 em 2000 nas parcelas previamente com e sem calcário, compondo os tratamentos: 0+0; 6+0; 0+3 e 6+3 Mg ha-1. As subparcelas foram constituídas pelas profundidades de coleta, sendo realizadas em 0-2,5, 2,5-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade. As coletas de solo foram realizadas em setembro de 2008 e analisados os conteúdos de carbono orgânico total (COT) na amostra total, nos agregados e nas frações particulada (COP) e associada aos minerais (COAM) da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). Agregados de 8-19 mm, da camada 0-2,5 cm, foram analisados através do uso de espectrômetro de dispersão de raios X (EDS) para a análise elementar de carbono (C) e cálcio (Ca). A calagem promoveu acúmulo de COT, principalmente na camada 0-2,5 cm. Os estoques de COT na camada de 0-20 cm foram 49,9, 52,9, 52,7 e 57,5 Mg ha-1 para os tratamentos 0+0, 6+0, 0+3 e 6+3, respectivamente. Os estoques nas frações da MOS também foram aumentados com a calagem. O aumento no estoque de COP foi estreitamente relacionado (R2=0,98; P=0,011) com a adição acumulada de C via resíduo cultural, a qual foi mais elevada nas parcelas que receberam calagem. Houve correlação positiva entre COT e carbono em água quente (CAQ), polissacarídeos totais (PT) e lábeis (PL). Correlações também demonstraram que o COT teve relação mais estreita com o COP do que com COAM, sugerindo maior influência da fração lábil no aumento de COT com a calagem. Nos agregados, a calagem proporcionou acúmulo de COT principalmente na profundidade de 0-2,5 cm. A calagem aumentou o diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP), proporcionando grande estoque de COT na classe de agregado 8-19 mm. A elevada proporção de agregados grandes nos tratamentos com calagem foi estreitamente correlacionado com o conteúdo de COT da amostra integral. A maior dose de calcário proporcionou aumento no estoque de COT tanto em COP quanto em COAM, visto principalmente na maior classe de agregados. A proporção de COP em relação ao COAM, na média dos tratamentos, nessa classe de agregados, diminuiu em profundidade, ficando em torno de 18, 13, 10 e 8 % nas profundidades de 0-2,5, 2,5-5, 5-10 e 10-20, respectivamente. Análise elementar de C e Ca demonstraram correlação positiva dos dois elementos contidos em uma secção da fração argila do centro de agregados de 8-19 mm. A aplicação de calcário, em solo dominado na fração argila por caulinita, traz benefícios à estruturação e promove aumento de C na amostra integral e nos agregados.
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A Multi-scale Study of Ancient Ceramics Using a Series of Analytical Techniques / Une étude multi-échelle de céramiques anciennes à l'aide d'une série de techniques analytiquesWang, Tian 14 December 2016 (has links)
Les artefacts en céramique ont une longue histoire et ont été récupérés dans presque toutes les régions du monde. La conservation n’est que rarement impactée par le milieu d’enfouissement. Donc, ils sont des matériaux idéaux pour comprendre l'histoire et la culture de homme. Les principales études archéologiques sur les céramiques anciennes concernent la provenance (datation, atelier, commerce), les matières premières (identification, origine), le processus de fabrication et l'utilisation (analyse des résidus de contenu). Mon travail porte plus précisément sur le processus de fabrication. Les principales étapes du processus de fabrication sont: la sélection des matières premières, la préparation, le façonnage, salle de bains, sur deux possibilités. Soit le vase est cuit avant l'étape de décoration, soit la décoration est appliquée sur le vase cru. Pour finir, l'ensemble est cuit. Mon objectif est d'obtenir des informations sur le procédé de fabrication en analysant la structure des céramiques anciennes, et en particulier, la structure des couches décoratives. La structure des céramiques anciennes est une structure complexe en couches avec des hétérogénéités à différentes échelles (mm à nm). Une céramique décorée est généralement composée d'une pâte et d'un revêtement, y compris de la décoration. Le revêtement peut contenir des natures différentes. L'épaisseur peut être variable de mm à nm. La couche décorative peut être une partie ou du tout la revêtement. La couche décorative peut être constitutive d'une phase vitrifiée amorphe et divers cristaux, tels que cristaux colorants, feldspath, quartz, etc., dont la taille varie de plusieurs microns à nanomètre. La description de cette structure nécessite l'analyse à haute résolution (nm) avec grande zone représentative (souvent plusieurs mm3). C’est difficile à réaliser. Dans mon travail, j'ai proposé une autre approche. L'approche est basée sur trois étapes. Premièrement, les analyses rapides (principalement microscopie optique) à faibles résolutions sont effectuées pour analyser et sélectionner la zone nécessitant une analyse à haute résolution. Ensuite, la zone sélectionnée est analysée à haute résolution par des techniques appropriées en tenant compte des informations recherchées. Troisièmement, on essaie de construire la structure de l'objet sur la base des données partielles, et d’en déduire le processus de fabrication. Je vais illustrer cette approche par trois exemples. La première concerne le pigment jaune de la terre sigillée marbrée romaine (chapitre III). Le second concerne le processus de cuisson des poteries attiques (chapitre III). Le troisième concerne les variations de couleur de la décoration bleue des porcelaines Qinghua (chapitre IV). / Ceramic artifacts have a long history and have been discovered worldwide. Their conservations are rarely impacted by the burial sites. Thus, they are ideal materials for understanding the human history and culture. The main archaeological studies concerning ancient ceramics contains provenance (dating, workshop, trade), raw materials (identification, origin), manufacturing process and utilization (analysis of content residues). For my work, I focused on the investigation of the manufacturing process. The main steps of fabrication process of ancient ceramics is composed of selection of raw materials, preparation (leaching, purification, body, glaze or slip, pigments), shaping (the plastic paste is shaped to the lathe or using the molds). Then, there are two possibilities: either the vase is fired before the decoration stage, or the decoration is applied to the raw vase. To finish, the whole is fired. My objective is to obtain information on the manufacturing process by analyzing the structure of ancient ceramics, and in particular the structure of decorative layers. The structure of ancient ceramics is complex with heterogeneities at different scales (mm to nm). A decorated ceramic generally is composed of a body and a coating, which including of the decoration. The coating could contain different natures. The thickness can be variable from mm to nm. The decorative layer can be a part of the coating or the whole coating. The decorative layer can be constituent of an amorphous vitrified phase and diverse crystals, such as colorant crystals, feldspar, quartz, etc., of which the size varies from several microns to nanometer. The description of such structure requires the analysis at high resolution (nm) with large representative zone (often, several mm3). It is difficult to realize. In my work, I proposed an alternative approach. The approach is based on three stages. Firstly, the rapid investigations (principally, optical microscopy) at low resolutions are effected to analyze and select the zone requiring analysis at high resolution. Secondly, the selected zone is analyzed at high resolution by appropriate techniques according to the information sought. Thirdly, I try to construct the structure of the object based on the partially data, and therefore deduce the manufacturing process. I will illustrate this approach through three examples. The first one concerns the yellow pigment of the Roman marbled terra sigillata (Chapter III). The second one is about the firing process of Attic potteries (Chapter III). The third one concerns the color variations of blue decoration of Qinghua porcelains (Chapter IV).
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La composition des thèques d'amibes xénosomiques : utilisation potentielle comme bio-indicateur des dépôts de particules d’origine atmosphérique / Xenomic testate amoebae shells composition : potential use as bio-indicator of atmospheric particle depositsDelaine, Maxence 19 November 2016 (has links)
Les amibes à thèque, également appelés thécamoebiens, sont des micro-organismes unicellulaires, qui construisent une enveloppe rigide, appelée thèque (Adl et al., 2012). Ces thèques ont des tailles, formes et natures très variées (Ogden & Hedley, 1980). Les récentes études sur la composition des thèques ont conduit à émettre l’hypothèse que les amibes xénosomiques (constituées de particules exogènes), peuvent constituer des bio-indicateurs pertinents de la diversité particulaire de l’environnement minéral, organique et biologique dans lequel elles évoluent.L’objectif principal des recherches menées au cours de cette thèse vise donc à caractériser la composition des thèques d’amibes xénosomiques et à en évaluer leur utilisation potentielle en tant que bio-indicateurs des dépôts de particules d'origine atmosphérique. Pour cela, des thèques d’amibes ont été analysées in situ en conditions naturelles et après dépôts artificiels de particules minérales allochtones.Ces travaux permettent de dégager plusieurs conclusions majeures :(1) La taille des particules minérales intégrées dans la thèque xénosomique de Bullinularia indica est similaire à celle des particules minérales transportées dans l'atmosphère; (2) les particules minérales intégrées dans les thèques sont des silicates stables dans les conditions physico-chimiques régnant dans les tourbières, les bryophytes et les sols étudiés; (3) certains minéraux comme la phlogopite, même lorsqu’ils sont présents en de fortes concentrations, ne sont jamais intégrés par les amibes; (4) la combinaison des observations portant sur la taille, la forme et la nature des particules utilisées par des amibes xénosomiques permet de poser les bases de l'utilisation des amibes à thèques pour la bio-indication de la diversité particulaire atmosphérique récente ou ancienne. / Theca-like amoebae, also called thecaamoebius, are unicellular microorganisms, which construct a rigid envelope called theca (Adl et al., 2012). These themes have very varied sizes, shapes and natures (Ogden & Hedley, 1980). Recent studies on the composition of the themes have led to the hypothesis that xenosomal amoebae (constituted by exogenous particles) can constitute relevant bio-indicators of the particulate diversity of the mineral, organic and biological environment in which they evolve . The main objective of the research carried out during this thesis is therefore to characterize the composition of the xenosomal amoebae and to evaluate their potential use as bioindicators of deposits of atmospheric particles. For this purpose, amoeba theae were analyzed in situ under natural conditions and after artificial deposits of allochtonous mineral particles. Several major conclusions can be drawn from this work: (1) The size of the mineral particles integrated in the xenosomal theca of Bullinularia indica Is similar to that of mineral particles transported into the atmosphere; (2) the mineral particles integrated into the thecs are stable silicates under the physico-chemical conditions prevailing in the peatlands, bryophytes and soils studied; (3) some minerals such as phlogopite, even when present in high concentrations, are never integrated by amoebae; (4) the combination of observations on the size, shape and nature of the particles used by xenosomic amoebae forms the basis for the use of tea amoeba for bioindication of recent or former atmospheric particulate diversity .
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Investigation of Corrosion in Canned Tomatoes Processed by RetortingDhuey, Elliot January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Corrosion initiation induced by sodium sulfate and sodium chloride particles on Cu and the golden alloy Cu5Al5Zn at simulated atmospheric conditionsZhao, Weijie January 2017 (has links)
Effects of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) particle deposition on the atmospheric corrosion of copper (Cu) metal and a Cu-based alloy (Cu5Al5Zn) used in architectural applications were investigated at laboratory conditions compared with effects induced by sodium chloride (NaCl) and to some extent ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 induced corrosion. Pre-deposited surfaces were exposed to repeated wet/dry conditions in a climatic chamber and the formation of corrosion products were assessed using light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy with elemental analysis (SEM/EDS), Fourier transform infrared techniques (FTIR microscopy) and cathodic reduction (CR). Na2SO4 induced corrosion resulted in corrosion cells locally over the surface on both Cu and Cu5Al5Zn, of increased oxygen content in the anodic area of the cells (center of pre-deposited area). The main corrosion products formed on Cu metal are basic copper sulfates and cuprite (Cu2O), while basic sulfates (copper and/or zinc) and Cu2O were the main corrosion products formed on Cu5Al5Zn. A combined deposition of Na2SO4 + NaCl was carried out on the Cu5Al5Zn alloy using two different deposition methods to investigate the possible interplay from a corrosion initiation perspective between the two salt particles. For short time exposed Cu5Al5Zn (1 cycle), two different corrosion cells formed, mainly induced by Na2SO4 and NaCl. Corrosion products formed in anodic areas of a Na2SO4 induced corrosion cell were similar to findings observed for Cu5Al5Zn pre-deposited with Na2SO4 only, whereas peripheral cathodic areas primarily were affected by NaCl dissolution and predominantly composed of Cu2O that was the main corrosion product with small amount of hydroxides and carbonates of the NaCl induced corrosion cells. After relatively longer exposure periods (2 and 6 wet/dry cycles), NaCl dominated the corrosion of the entire surface with the formation of more Cu2O, hydroxides and carbonates. Cathodic reduction findings revealed a negative interplay on corrosion for the mixed salt after short time exposures (1 and 2 cycles), whereas a slight synergistic effect was evident after a longer exposure period (6 cycles), compared with corrosion induced by single salts.
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Secondary Mineral Coating Formation and Metal Sequestration in Soils Developing from Mine Spoil Pre- and Post-Treatment with LimeCole, Kortney Ann 01 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Insights into the History of Pyrite Mineralization at the Round Mountain Gold Mine, Nevada: A Detailed Microanalytical Study of the Type 2 OreDaniel, Blakemore 03 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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