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An Investigation of the Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Nocturnal Convective Activity in the Southern Great PlainsErlingis, Jessica Marie January 2012 (has links)
<p>This study examines whether and how land-atmosphere interactions can have an impact on the nocturnal convection over the Southern Great Plains (SGP) through numerical simulations of an intense nocturnal mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 19-20 June 2007 with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF V3.3) model. High-resolution nested simulations were conducted using realistic and idealized land-surfaces and two different planetary boundary layer parameterizations: Yonsei University (YSU) and Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (MYJ). All simulations show a persistent dry layer around 2 km during daytime and, despite ample instability in the boundary layer, the lack of a mesoscale lifting mechanism prevents precipitating convection in the daytime and in the evening ahead of the MCS passage after local midnight. Integral differences in timing and amount of MCS precipitation among observations and model results were examined in the light of daytime land-atmosphere interactions, nocturnal pre-storm environment, cold pool strength, squall line morphology and propagation speed, and storm rainfall. At the meso-gamma scale, differences in land-cover and soil type have as much of an effect on the simulated pre-storm environment as the choice of PBL parameterization: MYJ simulations exhibit strong sensitivity to changes in the land-surface in contrast to negligible impact in the case of YSU. A comparison of one-way and two-way nested MYJ results demonstrates that daytime land-atmosphere interactions modify the pre-storm environment remotely through advection of low-level thermodynamic features, which strongly impact the development phases of the MCS. At the end of the afternoon, as the boundary layer collapses, a more homogenous and deeper PBL (and stronger low level shear) is evident in the case of YSU as compared to MYJ when initial land-surface conditions are the same. For different land-surface conditions, propagation speed is generally faster, and organization (bow echo morphology) and cold pool strength enhanced when nocturnal PBL heights are higher and there is stronger low level shear in the pre-storm environment independently of the boundary layer parameterization. To elucidate the distinct roles of mesoscale transport and redistribution of low level instability (daytime remote feedbacks) and low level shear in the downwind pre-storm environment (nighttime local feedbacks), which is to separate the nonlinear land-atmosphere physical processes from PBL parameterization-specific effects on simulated storm dynamics, requires addressing the phase delay in storm development and propagation between the observed and the simulated MCS.</p><p>Another research objective was to examine the contribution of the land surface at short time scales. A second set of experiments was performed in which the land surface properties were homogenized every 5 minutes. The results show that surface effects are most pronounced during periods of insolation and, for the Yonsei University PBL parameterization, effects on the PBL height are most pronounced at the time of PBL collapse. Image processing techniques were found to be a useful measure of the spatial variation within fields. The results of this study show that, for this case, the integrated effect of the land surface can have a noticeable effect on convection, but such effects are not readily discernible at the 5-minute scale. While this study focused on the thermodynamic effects, further work should examine sensitivity to grid spacing and surface roughness.</p> / Thesis
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Sistema de gerência de pavimentos aplicado a via permanente metroferroviária auxiliado por um sistema de informações geográficas / Pavement management system supported by geographic information system to mass transit railtrackBaria, Igor 16 July 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem em sua linha principal a avaliação da infraestrutura da via permanente dos sistemas de transporte público urbano sobre trilhos. A avaliação é alcançada a partir da proposta de utilização de um sistema de gerência de pavimentos (SGP), aliado a um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) e a um banco de dados relacional que suporte operações geográficas. O trabalho também sugere um conjunto de indicadores, para o gerenciamento da manutenção da via permanente. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica extensa sobre os assuntos relacionados para identificar soluções semelhantes que tenham sido implantadas. A pesquisa bibliográfica não identificou nenhum trabalho que tenha abordado este tema voltado ao transporte público urbano sobre trilhos, contudo foram identificadas linhas de pesquisa voltadas ao transporte de carga que compartilham do mesmo objetivo, utilizar um SIG para a gerência do ativo. Também foram identificados sistemas de suporte a decisão para ferrovias, sem o módulo de informações geográficas. A utilização de modelos de degradação, análise do ciclo de vida e análise de confiabilidade, disponibilidade, manutenabilidade e segurança são usadas, e estudadas, com relativa frequência na literatura especializada, usando a ferrovia como exemplo de aplicação. Os resultados alcançados por esses estudos foram incorporados nesta pesquisa. A partir de um método qualitativo o SIG e o banco de dados relacional foram escolhidos. Os indicadores de manutenção foram estudados e escolhidos a partir da literatura e experiência do autor. Utilizando (i) dados de operação e manutenção de um sistema de transporte metroferroviário, (ii) os resultados dos trabalhos identificados na pesquisa bibliográfica e (iii) o referencial teórico consultado, foram calculados os tempos médios entre falhas, a evolução de degradação de componentes da via permanente e o intervalo adequado de manutenção, utilizando recursos do banco de dados. Estes cálculos serviram de entrada para elaboração de mapas temáticos. Os mapas temáticos contêm informações sobre o nível de degradação da via e quais as manutenções a serem realizadas. O sistema também fornece os custos envolvidos em cada uma das operações de manutenção. Estas informações são primordiais para que o gestor do ativo possa escolher a opção que apresente o melhor custo-benefício, com base em informações apuradas, melhorando a qualidade de sua decisão. / This research has the goal assess the permanent way infrastructure of urban public transport systems on rails. This assessment is result of a proposal to use a pavement management system (PMS), coupled with a geographic information system (GIS) and a relational database that supports geographical operations. The research also suggests a set of indicators for the management of the maintenance of the permanent way. The survey ran from an extensive literature to identify similar solutions deployed. The literature review did not identify any work that has addressed this issue back to urban public transport on rails. Were identified lines of research aimed at cargo transport that shares the same goal, using a GIS for asset management. In addition, decision support systems have been identified for railways, without geographical information module. It is easy to find use of degradation patterns, life cycle analysis and reliability analysis, availability, maintainability and safety in the literature, using the railway as example. The results achieved by these studies were included in this study. From a qualitative method, GIS and relational database were chosen. Maintenance indicators were chosen using the literature and the author\'s experience as basis. Data operation and maintenance of a metro system, the results of the work identified in the literature and a technical and theoretical framework from literature served as line to calculate the mean time between failures, the rate of degradation of permanent way components and the appropriate maintenance period. These calculations served as input in database for the preparation of thematic maps in the GIS. Thematic maps contain information about the track degradation level and the maintenance needed to be performed. The system also provides the costs of each maintenance step. The information generated by the system can help the manager to choose the option with best tradeoff, improving the decision quality.
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Sistema de gerência de pavimentos aplicado a via permanente metroferroviária auxiliado por um sistema de informações geográficas / Pavement management system supported by geographic information system to mass transit railtrackIgor Baria 16 July 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem em sua linha principal a avaliação da infraestrutura da via permanente dos sistemas de transporte público urbano sobre trilhos. A avaliação é alcançada a partir da proposta de utilização de um sistema de gerência de pavimentos (SGP), aliado a um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) e a um banco de dados relacional que suporte operações geográficas. O trabalho também sugere um conjunto de indicadores, para o gerenciamento da manutenção da via permanente. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica extensa sobre os assuntos relacionados para identificar soluções semelhantes que tenham sido implantadas. A pesquisa bibliográfica não identificou nenhum trabalho que tenha abordado este tema voltado ao transporte público urbano sobre trilhos, contudo foram identificadas linhas de pesquisa voltadas ao transporte de carga que compartilham do mesmo objetivo, utilizar um SIG para a gerência do ativo. Também foram identificados sistemas de suporte a decisão para ferrovias, sem o módulo de informações geográficas. A utilização de modelos de degradação, análise do ciclo de vida e análise de confiabilidade, disponibilidade, manutenabilidade e segurança são usadas, e estudadas, com relativa frequência na literatura especializada, usando a ferrovia como exemplo de aplicação. Os resultados alcançados por esses estudos foram incorporados nesta pesquisa. A partir de um método qualitativo o SIG e o banco de dados relacional foram escolhidos. Os indicadores de manutenção foram estudados e escolhidos a partir da literatura e experiência do autor. Utilizando (i) dados de operação e manutenção de um sistema de transporte metroferroviário, (ii) os resultados dos trabalhos identificados na pesquisa bibliográfica e (iii) o referencial teórico consultado, foram calculados os tempos médios entre falhas, a evolução de degradação de componentes da via permanente e o intervalo adequado de manutenção, utilizando recursos do banco de dados. Estes cálculos serviram de entrada para elaboração de mapas temáticos. Os mapas temáticos contêm informações sobre o nível de degradação da via e quais as manutenções a serem realizadas. O sistema também fornece os custos envolvidos em cada uma das operações de manutenção. Estas informações são primordiais para que o gestor do ativo possa escolher a opção que apresente o melhor custo-benefício, com base em informações apuradas, melhorando a qualidade de sua decisão. / This research has the goal assess the permanent way infrastructure of urban public transport systems on rails. This assessment is result of a proposal to use a pavement management system (PMS), coupled with a geographic information system (GIS) and a relational database that supports geographical operations. The research also suggests a set of indicators for the management of the maintenance of the permanent way. The survey ran from an extensive literature to identify similar solutions deployed. The literature review did not identify any work that has addressed this issue back to urban public transport on rails. Were identified lines of research aimed at cargo transport that shares the same goal, using a GIS for asset management. In addition, decision support systems have been identified for railways, without geographical information module. It is easy to find use of degradation patterns, life cycle analysis and reliability analysis, availability, maintainability and safety in the literature, using the railway as example. The results achieved by these studies were included in this study. From a qualitative method, GIS and relational database were chosen. Maintenance indicators were chosen using the literature and the author\'s experience as basis. Data operation and maintenance of a metro system, the results of the work identified in the literature and a technical and theoretical framework from literature served as line to calculate the mean time between failures, the rate of degradation of permanent way components and the appropriate maintenance period. These calculations served as input in database for the preparation of thematic maps in the GIS. Thematic maps contain information about the track degradation level and the maintenance needed to be performed. The system also provides the costs of each maintenance step. The information generated by the system can help the manager to choose the option with best tradeoff, improving the decision quality.
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Avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos com dados coletados por smartphones / Evaluation of longitudinal pavement roughness with data collected by smartphonesBisconsini, Danilo Rinaldi 24 June 2016 (has links)
A irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos prejudica a qualidade de rolamento, aumenta os Custos Operacionais dos Veículos (COV) e reduz a vida útil do pavimento. Vários instrumentos têm sido desenvolvidos com o propósito de medir a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, no entanto, existem conflitos que envolvem as diferentes classes de equipamentos, com relação à acurácia, custos e produtividade, o que dificulta a coleta contínua de dados, importante para a alimentação de um Sistema de Gerência de Pavimentos (SGP). Recentemente, algumas pesquisas começaram a relacionar a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos aos sinais fornecidos pelos sensores de movimento (acelerômetros) e GPS (Global Positioning System) pré-instalados em smartphones, devido ao seu baixo custo, fácil operação e alta produtividade. Entretanto, ainda existem dúvidas sobre a qualidade e a forma de aplicação desses dados. Neste estudo, foram realizados testes de vibração e levantamentos de campo com smartphones, em três trechos de pavimentos com diferentes níveis de irregularidade (baixo, médio e alto), nos quais foram medidos sinais de aceleração vertical por meio de um smartphone fixado ao painel de um veículo, trafegando em diferentes velocidades. Com esses dados, calcularam-se valores de RMSVA (Root Mean Square Vertical Acceleration), que foram confrontados com a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, medida em IRI (International Roughness Index), por meio do método de Nível e Mira. Os testes mostraram ser a taxa de aquisição de dados dos smartphones o principal fator a afetar sua aplicação para a avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos. Ao considerar todas as faixas de irregularidade medidas, os valores de RMSVA apresentaram correlação positiva com o IRI, com coeficientes de correlação (R) entre 0,97 e 0,99 e repetitividade aceitável para levantamentos em nível de rede, com coeficientes de variação médios de 3 a 6%. Assim como indicado em pesquisas correlatas, conclui-se que os smartphones são uma alternativa viável para a avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, especialmente em países com restrições de investimentos no setor rodoviário, desde que sejam tomados os devidos cuidados na coleta e aplicação dos dados medidos por esses dispositivos. / The longitudinal pavement roughness affects the rolling quality, increases Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) and reduces the pavement life. Several instruments have been developed for measuring longitudinal pavement roughness. However, there are conflicts involving different classes of equipment with respect to accuracy, costs and productivity, which complicate the continuous data collection, important for the Pavement Management Systems (PMS). Recently, some studies started to link longitudinal pavements roughness to the signals provided by motion sensors (accelerometers) and GPS (Global Positioning System) pre-installed on smartphones, due to its low cost, simple operation and high productivity. However, there are still doubts about the quality and the form of application of such data. In this study, vibration and field tests were performed with smartphones, in three pavement sections with different levels of roughness (low, medium and high), in which vertical acceleration signals were measured by a smartphone attached to a vehicle dashboard, traveling at different speeds. With these data, RMSVA values (Root Mean Square Vertical Acceleration) were calculated, which were compared with longitudinal pavement roughness, measured in IRI (International Roughness Index) through the Level and Rod method. The tests showed to be the data acquisition rate of smartphones the main factor affecting its application for the evaluation of longitudinal roughness of pavements. When considering all roughness ranges measured, RMSVA statistics showed a positive correlation with IRI, with correlation coefficients (R) between 0.97 and 0.99 and acceptable repeatability for network-level surveys, with average coefficient of variation of 3 to 6%. As indicated in related research, it was concluded that smartphones are a viable alternative for the evaluation of longitudinal pavements roughness, especially in countries with investment restrictions in the highway segment, if the data are collected and explained properly.
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Dluhová teorie a politika centrální vládyBělková, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se soustředí na problematiku dluhové teorie a politiky centrální vlády. Práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol. První kapitola se zabývá různými přístupy ekonomických škol ke kreaci dluhu a jeho složení. Součástí je i osvětlení pojmů vztahujících se k dluhové problematice. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na definici metodických přístupů, jež jsou v České republice používány. Pozornost je dbána především na vztah přístupu k dluhu z hlediska ESA 95 a EDP. Třetí kapitola se již soustředí na samotné časové řady vládního dluhu i vládního deficitu v letech 1995 - 2006. Zmíněn je i vliv podmíněných závazků státu a transformačních institucí na vládní dluh i na vývoj v ČR vůbec. Kapitola je uzavřena krátkým srovnáním vládních dluhů i deficitů v rámci EU.
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Avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos com dados coletados por smartphones / Evaluation of longitudinal pavement roughness with data collected by smartphonesDanilo Rinaldi Bisconsini 24 June 2016 (has links)
A irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos prejudica a qualidade de rolamento, aumenta os Custos Operacionais dos Veículos (COV) e reduz a vida útil do pavimento. Vários instrumentos têm sido desenvolvidos com o propósito de medir a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, no entanto, existem conflitos que envolvem as diferentes classes de equipamentos, com relação à acurácia, custos e produtividade, o que dificulta a coleta contínua de dados, importante para a alimentação de um Sistema de Gerência de Pavimentos (SGP). Recentemente, algumas pesquisas começaram a relacionar a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos aos sinais fornecidos pelos sensores de movimento (acelerômetros) e GPS (Global Positioning System) pré-instalados em smartphones, devido ao seu baixo custo, fácil operação e alta produtividade. Entretanto, ainda existem dúvidas sobre a qualidade e a forma de aplicação desses dados. Neste estudo, foram realizados testes de vibração e levantamentos de campo com smartphones, em três trechos de pavimentos com diferentes níveis de irregularidade (baixo, médio e alto), nos quais foram medidos sinais de aceleração vertical por meio de um smartphone fixado ao painel de um veículo, trafegando em diferentes velocidades. Com esses dados, calcularam-se valores de RMSVA (Root Mean Square Vertical Acceleration), que foram confrontados com a irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, medida em IRI (International Roughness Index), por meio do método de Nível e Mira. Os testes mostraram ser a taxa de aquisição de dados dos smartphones o principal fator a afetar sua aplicação para a avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos. Ao considerar todas as faixas de irregularidade medidas, os valores de RMSVA apresentaram correlação positiva com o IRI, com coeficientes de correlação (R) entre 0,97 e 0,99 e repetitividade aceitável para levantamentos em nível de rede, com coeficientes de variação médios de 3 a 6%. Assim como indicado em pesquisas correlatas, conclui-se que os smartphones são uma alternativa viável para a avaliação da irregularidade longitudinal dos pavimentos, especialmente em países com restrições de investimentos no setor rodoviário, desde que sejam tomados os devidos cuidados na coleta e aplicação dos dados medidos por esses dispositivos. / The longitudinal pavement roughness affects the rolling quality, increases Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) and reduces the pavement life. Several instruments have been developed for measuring longitudinal pavement roughness. However, there are conflicts involving different classes of equipment with respect to accuracy, costs and productivity, which complicate the continuous data collection, important for the Pavement Management Systems (PMS). Recently, some studies started to link longitudinal pavements roughness to the signals provided by motion sensors (accelerometers) and GPS (Global Positioning System) pre-installed on smartphones, due to its low cost, simple operation and high productivity. However, there are still doubts about the quality and the form of application of such data. In this study, vibration and field tests were performed with smartphones, in three pavement sections with different levels of roughness (low, medium and high), in which vertical acceleration signals were measured by a smartphone attached to a vehicle dashboard, traveling at different speeds. With these data, RMSVA values (Root Mean Square Vertical Acceleration) were calculated, which were compared with longitudinal pavement roughness, measured in IRI (International Roughness Index) through the Level and Rod method. The tests showed to be the data acquisition rate of smartphones the main factor affecting its application for the evaluation of longitudinal roughness of pavements. When considering all roughness ranges measured, RMSVA statistics showed a positive correlation with IRI, with correlation coefficients (R) between 0.97 and 0.99 and acceptable repeatability for network-level surveys, with average coefficient of variation of 3 to 6%. As indicated in related research, it was concluded that smartphones are a viable alternative for the evaluation of longitudinal pavements roughness, especially in countries with investment restrictions in the highway segment, if the data are collected and explained properly.
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Evaluation of a Method to Perform Growth Standards in GuatemalaRosales Flores de Véliz, Leslie Vanessa 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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O Sistema Geral de Preferência dos EUA:uma estimativa dos impostos sobre as exportações brasileiras / The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences: an estimate of the impacts on the Brazilian exportsNatalia Paiva do Nascimento Visconti 12 May 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O Sistema Geral de Preferências (SGP), principal exemplo da concessão de preferências tarifárias unilaterais pelos países desenvolvidos, vem sendo usufruído pelos países em desenvolvimento há mais de 30 anos. O SGP dos EUA, um dos programas mais importantes para o país, vem recentemente sendo objeto de apreensão devido às ameaças que os EUA fez ao Brasil de retirá-lo do programa. Além disso, a possibilidade de uma reestruturação do programa no momento de sua renovação traz muita preocupação ao setor exportador que teme sofrer prejuízos. Este trabalho foi estruturado com o objetivo de estimar a perda das exportações brasileiras para os EUA se o Brasil for eliminado da lista dos países beneficiários do SGP. Usando uma metodologia de equilíbrio parcial, o efeito total sobre as exportações foi calculado através dos efeitos de criação e desvio de comércio. Os resultados indicam uma diminuição de aproximadamente US$ 393 milhões nas exportações destinadas aos EUA e essa perda estaria fortemente concentrada em alguns setores específicos. / The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), main example of the preferential tariff concessions offered unilaterally by developed countries, has been used by developing countries for more than 30 years. The U.S. GSP, one of the most important programs to Brazil, has been causing some apprehension due to threats made by the U.S. to exclude this country from the program. Furthermore, the constant possibility of a program restructure at the moment of its renewal brings hesitation to the exporting sector that fears to suffer a great loss. This study was structured with the intention to estimate the loss to the Brazilian exports to the U.S. if Brazil is excluded from the list of beneficiaries of GSP. Using a partial equilibrium model, the total effect on the exports was calculated through the effects of trade creation and trade diversion. The results imply a decrease of US$ 393 millions of exports destined to U.S. and this loss would be very much concentrated on a few specific sectors.
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O Sistema Geral de Preferência dos EUA:uma estimativa dos impostos sobre as exportações brasileiras / The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences: an estimate of the impacts on the Brazilian exportsNatalia Paiva do Nascimento Visconti 12 May 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O Sistema Geral de Preferências (SGP), principal exemplo da concessão de preferências tarifárias unilaterais pelos países desenvolvidos, vem sendo usufruído pelos países em desenvolvimento há mais de 30 anos. O SGP dos EUA, um dos programas mais importantes para o país, vem recentemente sendo objeto de apreensão devido às ameaças que os EUA fez ao Brasil de retirá-lo do programa. Além disso, a possibilidade de uma reestruturação do programa no momento de sua renovação traz muita preocupação ao setor exportador que teme sofrer prejuízos. Este trabalho foi estruturado com o objetivo de estimar a perda das exportações brasileiras para os EUA se o Brasil for eliminado da lista dos países beneficiários do SGP. Usando uma metodologia de equilíbrio parcial, o efeito total sobre as exportações foi calculado através dos efeitos de criação e desvio de comércio. Os resultados indicam uma diminuição de aproximadamente US$ 393 milhões nas exportações destinadas aos EUA e essa perda estaria fortemente concentrada em alguns setores específicos. / The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), main example of the preferential tariff concessions offered unilaterally by developed countries, has been used by developing countries for more than 30 years. The U.S. GSP, one of the most important programs to Brazil, has been causing some apprehension due to threats made by the U.S. to exclude this country from the program. Furthermore, the constant possibility of a program restructure at the moment of its renewal brings hesitation to the exporting sector that fears to suffer a great loss. This study was structured with the intention to estimate the loss to the Brazilian exports to the U.S. if Brazil is excluded from the list of beneficiaries of GSP. Using a partial equilibrium model, the total effect on the exports was calculated through the effects of trade creation and trade diversion. The results imply a decrease of US$ 393 millions of exports destined to U.S. and this loss would be very much concentrated on a few specific sectors.
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Enterprise restructuring and its determinants : evidence from three Algerian privatised enterprisesZerrouki, Houria January 2010 (has links)
Our understanding of enterprise restructuring in a transition context is predominantly drawn from the ex-communist countries of Europe. Those countries have their own cultural values, social structures, were subject to the Soviet political and economic managemet styles and had their own political and economic reasons to move to the free market system. Without doubt, these factors had influenced their enterprise restructuring and its determinants. Given this influence, our understanding of enterprise restructuring and its determinants can be considered limited especially when one takes into consideration the fact that mnay developing countries with centrally planned economic systems had moved to the free market system almost at the same time as the ex-communist countries. Very important, the restructuring behaviour of their state and privatised enterprises and the determinants of their behaviour have been neglected by researchers. This neglect was, indeed, a stimulus to carry out a research study on enterprise restructuring and its determinants in Algeria. The aim of this research study was to develop an understanding of the kind of restructuring taking place in the state enterprises slated for privatisation in Algeria and the factors that stimulated or hindered their restructuring from 1990 to 2005. Algeria is a country that combines a mixture of historical backgrounds. It has a history of more than one hundred years of French colonial rule and has a deep rooted link with the Arab and Islamic cultures. It is also a country which had followed, after gaining independence from the colonial rule in 1962, its own style of socialism where the private sector,in light manufacturing and some service industries, was tolerated and workers of the state-owned enterprise were given the power to share the decision makings with management. More significantly, Algerial was and still is a country where almost 90 percent of its foreign revenues come from hydrocarbons export. Its move to the free market in 1989 came as a result of the sharp drop in the price of oil and therefore a sharp decrease in its foreign revenues. It was a move imposed by the IMF in return for the extension of its debts repayment and the provision of fresh loans. With these socio-cultural, political and economic characteristics of Algeria, it was expected that the restructuring behaviour of the enterprises under investigation and the determinants of this behaviour would exhibit some differences from those experienced in the transition countries of Europe. The investigation was carried out on three enterprises operating in different industries: Saidal in pharmaceuticals, the SNVI in heavy vehicles and Eriad Alger in wheat processing and manufacturing. The data was collected and analysed using qualitative and quantitative research strategies. Semi-structured and unstructured interviews were used to collect data on the restructuring actions and their determinants. They were carried out with senior managers at the head offices, divisions and functional departments of the enterprises; managers at the trade union (UGTA); managers at one state-owned consultancy organisation called CNAT; managers at the ministry of industry; two visiting managers at the trade union (UGTA); and a small number of workers of the three enterprises under investigation. A survey using a self-completion questionnaire was also used to investigate the characteristics of the top management teams of the three enterprises. Primary documents such as state, private company and media reports and secondary document such as journal articles and books were also used. The findings drawn from the study reveal that Saidal was the only enterprise that restructured effectively despite the strong competition in its market. This was possible through the determination of Saidal's president general manager and his top management team to restructure and through the enterprise partnership with many multinational firms. The findings also indicate that controllable and uncontrollable factors had significant impact on the restructuring behaviour of the three enterprises. The controllable factors were the corporatisation of the state enterprise and the underdevelopment of the institutional environment. Corporatisation was an important incentive that encouraged effective restructuring but this was possible only when the enterprise was financially healthy, as was the case with Saidal. The financial autonomy of Saidal reduced the intervention of the government administration in its internal affairs. Government intervention was strong when the enterprise was perceived by the government as strategically important, as was the case with the SNVI, or when the government intended to totally privatise the enterprise, as was the case with Eriad Alger. The underdevelopment of the institutional environment, especially corruption, the shortage of technical skills and the lack of adequate market information hampered competition and slowed down effective restructuring. The uncontrollable factors were the trend in the market and the cultural values. The growing market for pharmaceuticals in Algeria was a stimulus for attracting foreign investment in Saidal which consequently encouraged effective restructuring. As for the cultural values, the family and friendship ties, the social responsibility stemming from religious belief, the regional belonging and the legacy of French colonial rule in Algeria played a significant role in the selection and recruitment of managers and workers, in slowing down the progress of shedding workers surplus and in slowing down foreign participation in privatisation. Future research on enterprise restructuring and its determinants in Algeria should be carried out on a larger sample of enterprises with different ownership using quantitative and qualitative research strategies. Research should also explore enterprise restructuring and its determinants in other developing countries which moved to the free market system and in countries which share similar cultural and social structures with Algeria. It is time for researchers to move away from exploring effective and ineffective enterprise restructuring and concentrate more on exploring how partnership with foreign firms, the shortage of technicla skills, the lack of market information and the cultural values, be it religious beliefs, customs of the legacy of colonialism, affect the restructuring behaviour of state, privatised and private enterprises and the determinants of this behaviour.
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